Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within...

mcc san jos é, california••408-279-2711 This year’s Spirit Connection/MCC San José retreat is a very special occasion. You won’t want to miss it. It features Dr. Roger C. Mills, one of the pioneers in the development of a new Principle based paradigm in psychology known as Health Realization . Dr. Mills received his undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering & physics from Princeton University. He moved to China, where he taught for three years, then completed a multi-disciplinary Ph.D. at the University of Michigan integrating clinical, organizational, social and community psychology, public health, and planning. Dr. Mills has taught at the University of Michigan, U.C. Berkeley, the University of Oregon, San José State, Florida International University, the California School of Professional Psychology and the University of Miami. The National Institute of Mental Health, the U.S. Department of Justice, the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the California Wellness Foundation, and major private foundations have funded various pilot- demonstration projects developed by Dr. Mills. The contributions these projects have made toward turning around inner city communities plagued with drugs, crime, welfare dependence, and abuse have resulted in national innovative project awards, national network and public television coverage, and foundation- and corporate-produced documentaries on empowerment, resiliency, change, and unleashing human potential. Organizational applications of Dr. Mills’ work have resulted in improved leadership and management capabilities, higher quality of work life, stress reduction, employee empowerment, and innovation. Dr. Mills has worked with national corporations such as Merrill-Lynch, Lockheed, and Senn-Delaney Leadership. He is the author of Realizing Mental Health (1995), The Health Realization Primer (with Elsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles and is an international consultant, speaker, and trainer. Dr. Mills is a co-founder and serves as the current president of the Health Realization Institute, Inc. In addition to the presentations by Dr. Mills, the retreat will offer opportunities for community sharing, Reiki, BreathWork, and/or just quiet time with nature. (The registration form and information on Retreat 2002 is enclosed in this issue of the Spirit Connection newsletter.) Finding the Wisdom Within Retreat 2002 with Roger Mills Circle the dates for this important event November 8-10 at the Presentation Center Friday evening through Sunday afternoon 1

Transcript of Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within...

Page 1: Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles

mcc san jos é, california••408-279-2711

This year’s Spirit Connection/MCC San José retreat is a very special occasion. You won’t want to miss it. It features Dr. Roger C. Mills, one of the pioneers in the development of a new Principle based paradigm in psychology known as Health Realization.

Dr. Mills received his undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering & physics from Princeton University. He moved to China, where he taught for three years, then completed a multi-disciplinary Ph.D. at the University of Michigan integrating clinical, organizational, social and community psychology, public health, and planning. Dr. Mills has taught at the University of Michigan, U.C. Berkeley, the University of Oregon, San José State, Florida International University, the California School of Professional Psychology and the University of Miami.

The National Institute of Mental Health, the U.S. Department of Justice, the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the California Wellness Foundation, and major private foundations have funded various pilot-demonstration projects developed by Dr. Mills. The contributions these projects have made toward turning around inner city communities plagued with drugs, crime, welfare dependence, and abuse have resulted in

national innovative project awards, national network and public television coverage, and foundation- and corporate-produced documentaries on empowerment, resiliency, change, and unleashing human potential.

Organizational applications of Dr. Mills’ work have resulted in improved leadership and management capabilities, higher quality of work life, stress reduction, employee empowerment, and innovation. Dr. Mills has worked with national corporations such as Merrill-Lynch, Lockheed, and Senn-Delaney Leadership. He is the author of Realizing Mental Health (1995), The Health Realization Primer (with Elsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles and is an international consultant, speaker, and trainer. Dr. Mills is a co-founder and serves as the current president of the Health Realization Institute, Inc.

In addition to the presentations by Dr. Mills, the retreat will offer opportunities for community sharing, Reiki, BreathWork, and/or just quiet time with nature. (The registration form and information on Retreat 2002 is enclosed in this issue of the Spirit Connection newsletter.)

Finding the Wisdom Within

Retreat 2002 with Roger Mills

Circle the datesfor this important event

November 8-10at the Presentation Center

Friday evening through Sunday afternoon1

Page 2: Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles

NE ONLY NEED OPEN THE MORNING newspapers these days or read the stock market reports to realize that the ground we thought so solid — a booming economy, a world relatively at peace, a secure future — is shifting beneath our feet, even as we try to stand on it. Sometimes it feels like a seismic shift is happening, a huge earthquake. I’m reminded of Bob Dylan’s song from the ’60s: “The times, they are a-changing.”

With retirement savings melting away, along with the glaciers of Alaska and Greenland; with peace seemingly more distant than ever; with politicians and world leaders that seem totally clueless; with children growing up in a world that looks evermore dangerous - where is the solid ground upon which we can plant our feet with confidence?

At Spirit Connection — MCC San José, I have been teaching on the reality and substance of the Fourth Dimension (what Jesus called the “Kingdom of Heaven”). In the current world situation, what we are learning the hard way is that there is no security in this three-dimensional world. None! There never has been. It was all an illusion to begin with. Unfortunately, we believed the deception, and now reality is making itself known. The three-dimensional world of appearances is inherently unstable.

It is the same message that the great spiritual teachers have brought for ages.

In our current social environment, I know people who have lost their jobs, who have lost their retirement, who have lost a good portion of their life savings, who have lost their confidence in the future. The world “out there” seems topsy-turvy indeed.

In three-dimensional thinking, everything and everyone appears to be separate and apart and isolated. And that’s the trouble. It is a world without love, a world of scarcity, where it is everyone for themselves. When we live in and from this world of separation, we build illusions, think they are real, and then fall apart when the illusions fall apart. This is the hard lesson we are learning now.

Meanwhile, into this vacuum of disillusionment step the prophets of doom, who are busy trying to turn tragedy into the profits of doom, making millions of dollars by scaring people to death. They preach their three-dimensional reli-gion of fear as the answer to the world’s woes. An example of how people use religion to exploit people’s fears in times of insecurity is the popular “Left Behind” series of badly written novels. The fundamentalist, doomsday message is that Christ is going to return to earth for the special few “true believers,” leaving behind the rest to experience massive chaos and violence as God pours judgment onto the earth. The subtext is: Become a “true believer” like us or else.

I grew up on exactly the kind of misguided theology

represented in the “Left Behind” novels. It took me many years to realize why this fear-based teaching was false and why no one will ever be “left behind” by a loving and compassionate Presence that embraces us all with tenderness and grace. Jesus actually brought an even more radical and redemptive message, designed just for the kind of hard times we are going through.

In the Fourth Dimension — what Jesus called “the Realm of Heaven” — everything and everyone is connected. No one is left out and no one is left behind. However, we all move along at our own level of awareness. Spiritual truth is never forced on anyone, although we sometimes get some very hard knocks to get us to understand how the universe really works.

Our true security is not in this world. Our peace of mind comes from another Realm, a Fourth Dimension of consciousness. As Jesus put it in John’s Gospel, “We are in

the world but not of it.” Stock markets may rise and fall, fortunes come and go, people make love and make war, our bodies experience health and illness. None of these things are permanent. “Heaven and earth may pass away, but my word shall not pass away,” Jesus said. That “word” that will not pass away when the world around us seems to be dissolving is the Voice for God. This Voice for God speaks in our everyday life, but it comes from beyond it. It

is grounded in that which is eternal and changeless, yet it gives us guidance in the world of form in which we live. It comes from the love of God, out of which the whole universe was created.

In the “Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus told the story of two people who built houses: one on the sand and the other on solid rock. When the rains came, one house fell apart as the sand gave way beneath it. In the rushing water, everything collapsed.

But the house built on solid rock stood firm, withstanding the onslaught of the storm.

Well, my friends, the rains have come. And they aren’t over. We may experience far worse storms than even the ones we are having now. Everything that is based in this three-dimensional world can be swept away in a moment. This material world that seems so solid is in fact very unstable and untrustworthy. But there is a Fourth Dimension — a spiritual dimension — that will outlast the shifting sands of time. To some, it may seem ephemeral and a bit airy-fairy. In truth, it is a solid rock on which we can stand. In the words of the old gospel song, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.”

When the storms come, as they do and as they will, the person whose trust comes from beyond the world will find the ground under their feet holds fast. In this understand-ing, there is peace. – Denis Moore


Page 3: Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles

Spirit Connection—MCC San José is in for a real treat!September 22, 10:30 Worship Service

Singer/songwriter Kirtana is singing in our 10:30 a.m. worship service,

September 22. Her music is “an exquisite paean (a song of joyful praise) to the

ineffable longing for the Beloved that stirs many a soul searching for the One Heart.

Kirtana's songs are like glittering diamonds, with a multitude of facets that reveal

themselves more fully with each listening.”

Kirtana's dusky, delicate voice seems hard-wired to her heart. Expressing

the subtlest of emotions with effortless skill, her singing is at once sensuous

and sublime, revealing the inarticulate speech of the heart and singing with

passionate grace. Kirtana's lyrics are poetry in song, a Rumi for our times —

lyrics to live by.

Mark your calendar! Kirtana will be the featured part of our worship

service September 22. Her CDs and cassettes will be available for purchase

after the service. Read her lyrics and hear song samples at


Celebrating Divine Love

and the Truth of who we are

Page 4: Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles

Healing breathwork, also known as rebirthing, is a powerful transformational tool that can impact you physically, emotionally and spiritually.

The basic component in rebirthing is continuous, circular breathing. In a relaxed atmosphere this type of breathing activates suppressed emotion and trauma and allows you to release and integrate it. Though a rebirthing session can be emotional, its result is a profound sense of well-being, peace, and empowerment.

This type of breathing greatly increases the oxygen content of your body, so other, more physical benefits often can be obtained. Rebirthing accelerates physical as well as emotional healing. It stimulates the immune system and balances all body systems in addition to eliminating toxins and relieving stress and anxiety.

The breathing techniques of rebirthing have been used for centuries in the Far East, and were rediscovered in the mid-1970’s. Leonard Orr further developed these and successfully trained hundreds of rebirthers. It was Orr’s belief that most human beings “sub-ventilate,” or breathe only enough to survive. We have learned to hold our breath, especially when we experience emotion. This tends to “bury” or suppress the emotion. Many of us carry much suppressed emotion without realizing we are doing this or how this influences our perceptions and behaviors. Thus, over time we breathe less, all the while

carrying emotional baggage and weight that interferes with living a life that is full, free, abundant, and ALIVE! So, in a rebirthing session, breathing fully and freely, these suppressions are cleared out and most people experience a feeling of being “reborn.” As one commits to the breath and going through whatever comes up, the outcome is deep peace and bliss.

Participants in our monthly healing breathwork group have had some profound experiences. Some have experienced deep emotional release, insights into personal issues, emotional healing, feeling connected, a sense of lightness, profound peace and bliss. For some, it is difficult to believe that something as simple as the breath could be such a dynamic force in their lives. Actually, it is the simplicity of rebirthing that has so powerfully impacted thousands of people.

Currently, we offer healing breathwork in a group setting once a month. Experienced, trained breathwork facilitators (rebirthers) guide and assist the group through the session. Participants are invited to bring two pillows and two blankets as well as to dress in comfortable, loose clothing. It is best not to eat before a breathwork session. We provide group breathwork sessions on the first Friday of the month in the sanctuary. Call the office for more information and to reserve your place.

Every Thursday evening in the social hall, a group of people share a meal to support each other in living well with HIV. The group started in January of this year and has blossomed into a positive, healing place. It is impacting our spiritual community in many ways.

The premise of the group is that what we do with our minds, our hearts, and our behaviors affects our immune systems. This idea is not new, but is being put into practice in the group. Exercises such as relaxation techniques, visualizations, and meditation are used.

There is a time to share what participants are experiencing in their lives. Often, specific topics are discussed and guest speakers share with the group. Some topics have included dealing with side effects of HIV medications,

nutrition, and research in mind/body connection, an guest speakers hve presented on such topics as Qi Gong and Health Realizations.

Participants have commented that this is one of the most positive groups they have experienced and that they receive much benefit from attending. Every week new people show up; some having heard of this group from others and some who recently found out they are HIV-positive. One participant said that as opposed to a “doom and gloom” group he has attended in the past, this is a place he comes every week to get inspired and to inspire others.

Circle of Light is a collaboration project between Spirit Connection of MCC San José and Being Alive South Bay, a program of the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Program.

A Gathering of People Living with HIV


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– Dale Parker

Healing Breathwork

Page 5: Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles

S E P T E M B E RSunday 1, 8, 15, 22, 29

Worship Service, 10:30 a.m., in the Sanctuary.

Sunday 2210:30 a.m. Guest singer/songwriter Kirtana featured.

Sunday 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Worship Service in Spanish (bilingual) at 6:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Monday 2, 16 Circle of Light Healing Experience, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

Tuesday 3, 10, 17, 24 A Course in Miracles, 7:30 p.m., at Rev. Denis’ home. Directions: call the church.*

Thursday 5, 12, 19, 26 Messages From Higher Consciousness, 10:30 a.m. to noon, at Rev. Denis’ home. Directions: call the church.*

Thursday 5, 12, 19, 26 Circle of Light Gathering of People with HIV/AIDS, 6:30 p.m., in the Social Hall. Light dinner is provided.

Wednesday 4 Music Team Rehearsal, 7:30 p.m., in the Sanctuary.

Saturday 21 Spirit Connection BBQ, 6:00 p.m., in the Social Hall

Saturday 28 Reiki Level 1 Training! 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., in the Social Hall. Please call the church office to register.Cost is $50.00.

Wednesday 18 Board of Directors Meeting, 7:30 p.m., in the Church Office.

Speaker Schedule, September 1 10:30 a.m. Rev. Denis Moore 8 10:30 a.m. Rev. Denis Moore15 10:30 a.m. Rev. Denis Moore22 10:30 a.m. Rev. Denis Moore

Guest Singer/songwriter Kirtana29 10:30 a.m. Rev. Denis Moore

En Español–bilingual 1 6:00 p.m. Rev. Ben Martinez 8 6:00 p.m. Rev. Ben Martinez15 6:00 p.m. Rev. Ben Martinez22 6:00 p.m. Rev Ben Martinez29 6:00 p.m. Rev. Ben Martinez

O C T O B E RSunday 6, 13, 20, 27

Worship Service, 10:30 a.m., in the Sanctuary.

Sunday 6, 13, 20, 27 Worship Service in Spanish (bilingual) at 6:00 the Sanctuary.

Monday 7, 21 Circle of Light Healing Experience, 7:30 to 8:30 p.m., in the Sanctuary.

Tuesday 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 A Course in Miracles at 7:30 p.m., at Rev. Denis’ home. Directions: call the church.*

Thursday 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Messages from Higher Consciousness, 10:30 a.m. to noon, at Rev. Denis’ home. Directions: call the church.*

Thursday 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 Circle of Light Gathering of People with HIV/AIDS, 6:30 p.m., in the Social Hall. Light dinner is provided.

Wednesday 2 Music Team Rehearsal, 7:30 p.m., in the Sanctuary.

Wednesday 9 Board of Directors Meeting, 7:30 p.m., in the Church Office.

Speaker Schedule, October 6 10:30 a.m. Michael Patrick Ellard13 10:30 a.m. Rev. Denis Moore20 10:30 a.m. Rev. Denis Moore27 10:30 a.m. Rev. Denis Moore

En Español–bilingual 6 6:00 p.m. Rev. Ben Martinez13 6:00 p.m. Rev. Ben Martinez20 6:00 p.m. Rev. Ben Martinez27 6:00 p.m. Rev Ben Martinez

*The Church Office telephone number is 408-279-2711


Page 6: Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles

Metropolitan Community ChurchP.O. Box 388San José CA 95103-0388

65 South 7th Street–between Santa Clara & San Fernando Streets408-279-2711web: Ñ e-mail: [email protected]

considers “religion” as something “inside people” and very important. Ethan expresses a truth for many people—Spirituality is the real thing; prefabricated, traditional religion often gets in the way.

With Spirit Connection we reintroduce ourselves and our ministry to the community—to help people discover the spirituality inside us all. Everything we do at Spirit Connection (Sunday celebration, spiritual growth classes, Reiki healing, support for people with HIV/AIDS, healing breathwork) is geared toward waking us up.

When connected with others, our personal Spirit-connection is more powerful. Come join MCC San José on this marvelous, miraculous journey of awakening-–Spirit Connection!

– Rev. Denis Moore

Wondering why the new name Spirit Connection? It corrects a long-time disconnect between the way MCC San José is perceived and what we really do.

People, often turned off to “organized religion,” look for a place to explore their spiritual longings. A person awakened spiritually and finding their inner strength—this is Spirit Connection! It is awesome to see!

Forgiveness, healing, diversity in community, discovering spiritual principles, learning how to use them, and building bridges: that is our ministry.

Actor Ethan Hawke was interviewed about his new novel, Ash Wednesday. He grew up Roman Catholic and says that he now


Page 7: Finding the Wisdom Within - MCCSJElsie B. Spittle, 3rd edition June 2000) and The Wisdom Within (with Elsie Spittle, 2001). He has published numerous professional journal articles

Newsletter StaffRebecca Bernstein

James BrionesJohn Hazelden

Denis Moore

Dale Parker

Karl Vidt

is the newsletter of Metropolitan Community

Church/San José. Original material may be reprinted without permission as long as the entire work is used

without editing, and the source and author (if mentioned) are noted.

To safeguard the intended meaning, other arrangements may be made with permission.