Finding Relief - Chigong media.pdf · Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~lp Ihem." "I fo und...

\ lig lJl . Is . .., uinl; ,\ SJJ5,()OO unt (0 find l llll 11HUc ,I hot" Ih e o f " thera pe ut ic l ouch " ·n burn p .tti L'l1i S. A llhough \'I;!r y fe \\.' would argut' ,1:\1 \Veslcrn. :.lly k mediCine should Finding Relief 'L' ilhandol1eu, it Ck;lf Ih:!! the \ tnt:' ri c<ln pl/bli c has know il for In Acupuncture nllle li me 1 11<11 a more holistic ](l hloaling is ncct/clJ. il is on l\' rc(cnli v Ih<ll the hl!;1l 1h ·, tl l' irH.llI s,'ry has c;ughl Oil. lr: ulgc is Ihal mu ch o f what We all kn ow about th at five-o'clock :oi llg on in so-calkd ailcrnJli ve shad ow Ihing and the swealy fore - l1cd ic illC is a r eturn 10 Ihe \'cl"V he ad {hal coS! Dic k Ni xo n so dearl y (lund cll ion upon wh idl \VeSle'rn in hi s pre s id enlial wi th John llc c iJ c inc \I/;\S buill. After all. it was F. Ken nedy back in 1960. But did -i ippoc ra lcs \v l1o noted Ihu l a you know I hal rrom Ih e get -go Ih e ), \licI1I'" pcaCe of mind was some - fix was in-a quick lix consisting of 'i l 11(.'S n ucla)!o (hI! hc,lIi ng r r l)Cc;-,s. viltlmin s. painkiller!>., hu ma n place n- Four hundred V(,<lrS bL!!"orc Ch i is!. 10 and aOlphelalOillc, thai JFK' s :he 1"lIh(.;r or Il ;odcrn (llcdicint! IOld doctors presc ribed 10 he lp hi m over· his students: "For .... oll1e pat iell ls, come wrent: hing hack p;Ji n, ! hOLlgh CU Il. 'r.:i ollS 111;1( their cundi- "I don't ca re ir il' s horse piss," I.i on is per il om, n:: r.:o Vt![ th eir health , imply th rough thei r l'l' lll entn1en t The name co mes fro m chi, marily because he likes il. "I al so UC Davis' Dr. Shi Vue is a mas- decl ared " II works." And there you ha ve it. the qllin lcSSe nli ;J 1 wit h the goodne ss of fhe phy.... kia n... Ch in ese word fo r "life force," and found out that wh en I ch i ter of chi gong, a 5,OOO-year-old bO ll om II' il works. do il. And ir !IUllg, 1'01' "Ill "n ipulation." Roughly gon g, I my c hi slrong," Chinese healing art that uses ill akes a bizarre Inixture of female you r O\I,-' n energy. Paul Dong help yourself. I have Ih e experience tr ens la led, il conlrol over says. "When you help people, you "chi" energy and to give one birlhing vi tam ins and speed 10 ex pl"in s in his boo k Chi COll g: The tha i when I slOP doing chi gong, I control over one 's own energy. ge llhe jnh done. then s" il. In {hal respec l. JFJ( was much in Allcicnt Chill e." Wa y IU Health, that feel my health going do wn. I think I sl ep wilh hi s fellow Am erican s. chi is os nec essary as blood to our need 10 practice ii, and a good way Like Kennedy, il Ame ri. ex isl ence, end is symbolized as 10 do thai is leach it." ), ong to blood 's yin. Conlrary to Ihe Weslern Iheory designed primarily fo r self-healing. cans wi lilr y alm osl an ylhing to fe el heller. BUI Ih ;1I has been oul Chi go ng is difficult to describe. Ihat people need one-an-one help Yu e was in co lieg e du ring times of desperalion as mu ch as anylhing part ly hecouse there are more than and sma ll classes to reall y learn of inlense change in China. It was 100 fo rms of il. in vo lving moving ony lhing, Yue big crowds. Ihe lale ' 70s, Mao Tse-Iung was With our domina nt medical UC Davis Scholar indu slry designed 10 cover cata· ex. ercisc , slil\ exe rcise and combi- "The more people are there , Ihe dead , an d Ihe door 10 the Western na li ons of Ihe IwO. It ' s also a par- more chi is Ihere," he says. "II'S bel- wo rld had opened. Along wi th a slroph ic illne ss and not mu ch else, il Is Master Of licolarly difficull concepl for West - ter for everybody, because if one lidol wave of We stern influences- is so metimcs Ih e ahernativc erne rs 10 grasp, as Ame rican med- per so n there has weak chi. the chi in including Weslern medicine-c ame approach Iha t offers Ihe be st resu lts. Chi Gong ic al terminology is inadeqo ole . II a re vival of the ancient Chinese tr a- I can allest 10 Ih al one personally. would nol be 100 far off 10 ca ll il a dilions that Chairman Mao had Because regular MDs could system of mind control exercises. so ught 10 bur y, including the hea l- never cure my ba d back, I sel O UI on " In Ancient Chin a, it was called a T O()"\1. most ing ans. an odyss ey to lind Iry ing chi- method for 'w arding off disea se s In 1980, il became lega l in China roproclors . homeo paths, rolfers, Chin-.!sc eM gong masler Dr. Shi and prol on ging " Dong CHi}1cSC hospit"ls to leach chi gong 10 more Ihan just a massellses, practilioners or bio-encr- gel ic s and Reichian body work. loi Yue might 1101 a 101 o r att l.! n- wr il e s. selec t few apprenlices. Yu e says. A li on w'-llkin\.!. dow il the sl reet s o rh is "Chi is differe nt for everybody," h"vc sCl'"rMc few of the old maSlers opened cl ass- c hi and meditalion. There was no cu rr en I hOIl; ,- ' in D;\vi s. Bu t ha ck in sa ys Yue, who sludies ge ology by es, and Yue, who'd been studying great jo urn ey 10 Indi a or other Eas t- (' hilla , clli :In. : day ollcl leec hes chi gong by nighl 01 wl}15S for "rc5\.-!- Ihe an sin ce hi s youlh, codeveloped ern counlries, bUllhat wo., only \)1' the kin d or :ldulal iol1 Ih al inlhe Holislic Health Center in Da vis . Ihe Universal Chi Gong Healing because it wa sn't ner.:essary: all or Uilit ed S I : Il CS r(,s erved ror rock "Somc peop le feel chi as co ld or l"r" mc()ici}1c "}1() Program so Ihol people co uld l ea rn Ihese aly picar heallh Ca re proct ili on' Sla rs , Oilly \\ he ll PJ'C's. ..;cd wili Y UI.: heat." says . "So melimes ii 's a to slrenglhen their own chi . Within ers a re righl here in Sacramenlo. ;Idrni l Ih ;\I yes, he in Ihe P llSi. ti ng lin g sens3tion. and somelimt!s chi 50}15. A}1() a ye ar. stu denl s numb ered 1,500 . Thi s long sea rch came to an en d .lcc:J!'>i o n:d lv Ih:Clh: <i ;is mall \' as 10 it' s pa in. you get il slrong and Toda y, Yue says wi th a smile, when I found acupuncture. But, ;}S hOJy gU ;H d,' In l' SCOI'I him ro'!lo\ving heal thy, ii' s a warmlh," whilc 30 mi1lio}1 most Chinese hospitals ha ve sepo· Ihe y say , Ihe journe y is often jusl as Pll l' hi go ng he :l!ing. OIlCC YO li can fe el your chi, rot e wings for "regul ar" medi cine importanl as the destination. and in Sou ml s li ke Iho .... l.' Chinese ha ve sa ys, ) O ll CJn begin to lak e cOOlrol pcoplc "rc pr"ctic- and chi gong, "so you can la ke care thi s quest ror r ain rel ief I disco t he ir ... ill ol'deL of il. and when the ch i is healthy, so or everyth ing in the so me place." ered three Ihings: Chi tll,-' or is lil e bod y: " Chi gong is good i}15 thc "rt i}1 CHi}1" BUI while 30 million peopl e are Fi rs l off. man y of these heale rs ;:i 1110S1 <III ;illt.:rnal! \ c mcdicine prac - prcve ll(;l\ i ve medicine,"" Vue snys, praclicing the an ill China IOd ay , chi dra w from succ ess ful lradilions Ihal IH:c d 1llt!:I: , i .... tIlL' 5.(}()()- yt.::lr-old Weak chi is Ihe cause of a ll physi cal to()"\1. chi 50}15 h"s gong has been slow 10 calch on in go boc k Iho usands of yea rs. unlike Ihe chemical and lech nology·dri ve n Chlll l.':-'L' an [11:11 recen t, mal ;]( lie . ', ex pla ins. Thi s Ih eo ry, the United Stat es. :- hrOUfil l III til e :l\ICl lf i(\!l of Ihe with d iffe renl buzzwords. is an bcCt\ cxtrcmd\1 Yue is nOI one 10 boasl, but he versi on of health care that' s heen foisl ed on people by Ihe modem . ..: ... . 1/! ': ;iill ,1: (:111 / il /l' . \/ind . he;l ling pra ctices. slow to cMch O}1 i}1 clienls who ha ve triumphed over medical induslry. all of Ihe .. . _tll L ' ,,( r hi :; nll f ;\ccord ing 10 Don g, the arl is gen- chronic fali gue. shrunk tumor.;, \\ ,' ;' .1 11 1 Bill fi\· c ·P:lrl PBS in many does hav e pl en iy of slOries about alt ernati ve trealOlenls I have ,! hlnh 10) inl o IwO thc V}1itc() StMcs. res lored losl hearing and ove rcome work. in Iheir own way . . : Jhlll 1-= irOIl' : (,:;: \ ;l lld Ill.: IInr , soft chi go ng and ch i gong . So rt vari ous "incurable" conditions an d not co mpl elely. Finall y, I have .m ,. I I' ,1\,:U PIJl I I." I"rL ', hcrh;ili ... m, chi can be used 10 preve nt 3nd Ihrough thi s praclice of strengtheni ng come to rea lize that l ooki ng ror a true qui ck fi x is fUlik . Y ou get belt er a lil - lie bil at a lime. It's on ly Ih e bill s that · .!' :: lj' \ WI .In ti JIl l' pr inciples overcome ill ness, and to cure cenain th e room from peo pl e one's life fo rce. ;lfu:' l'd JIl Il HldL' rIl "New Ag e" in ol hers. Hard chi gong will be str ong and will Ih em." "I fo und Ihal it was so in;. includes Ihe ama zi ng physical feal s Chi gong is a powe rful psych ic il can do a 101 of good, a 101 of add up quickly. \ '} , bl .: r Y UI.:. YJ, " Ih) came 10 UC we assoc iate with c ircu s gift , Yue sa ys. Because il was help," Yue says. "In jusl a days, .,J.', !, L' i ", ' .:',: !' a:- :1 sp lilli ll g br icks with one's ba re ha nd. ab used , Ih e Chinese oUllawed it you ca n save a l ot of li ves." Hc"lil1$ - _. r...: 1 , , _' h'I!;lr Jhl.' re sisti ng a knife or olher sharp obj ec t 2.000-3.000 years ;}go. Only a H"I1"5 I fi cs t heard of -. ... ,t !" Gl';,l SI..'!C I' CC. Ihal wOlild ordinarily pierce the skin . chosen m;}Sler.; a nd F()r obolll Dr, YIlt"X sIr3ng e -..: t 1" <- In ,- '.\ pl,l in th e or breek ing a piece of marble by run- we re ;} lIo wed 10 praclice it until 1I{ )('omillg c/o;;Sl's. semi}J({rs or pri - from one ., .-, ., ' ,,: ;!l'1 form 10 nin g inlo it headlirs t. recenlly. We Sie rners are now tou ghl nift' l'OIlJIf/lO fioll.\' ;J1 chi gong, cal/ (continuedon nexr page) Yue s"ys he leeches chi gong pri- a c1eaned·up "universal''' chi gong 75]-.J701. SN&R Februa ry 23. 1995 17 I

Transcript of Finding Relief - Chigong media.pdf · Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~lp Ihem." "I fo und...

Page 1: Finding Relief - Chigong media.pdf · Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~lp Ihem." "I fo und Ihal it was so pow~rful, in;. includes Ihe amazi ng physical feals Chi gong is a

\ ~'L' nlhc lig lJl . Is . .., uinl; ,\ SJJ5,()OO unt (0 find l llll 11HUc ,I hot" Ihe (kl'li\ ' ~Il L'~ ~ of " therape utic louch"

·n burn p .ttiL'l1i S.

A llhough \'I;!ry fe \\.' would argut' ,1:\1 \Ves lcrn.:.lly k mediCine should Finding Relief 'L' ilhandol1eu , it I ~ Ck;lf Ih:!! the \ tnt:' ri c<ln pl/ blic has know il for In Acupuncturenllle li me 111<11 a more holis tic ~ppro<.lch ](l hloaling is ncct/clJ.

il is on l\' rc(cnli v Ih<ll the hl!;1l 1h ·, tl l' irH.llIs,'ry has c;ughl Oil. Vv' hal ' ~ lr:ulgc is Ihal mu ch of what i ~

We all know about that five-o'clock:oi llg on in so-calkd ail crnJli ve shadow Ihing and the swealy fore ­l1cd ic illC is a return 10 Ihe \ 'cl"V head {hal coS! Dick Ni xon so dearl y(lund cll ion upon wh idl \VeSle'rn in hi s presidenlial debal~ wi th Johnllc ciJ c inc \I/;\S buill. After all. it was F. Ken nedy back in 1960. But did-i ippoc ra lcs \v l1o noted Ihu l a you know Ihal rrom Ihe get -go Ihe), \licI1I'" pcaCe o f mind was some ­fix was in-a quick lix consisting of'i l 11(.'S n ucla)!o (hI! hc,lIi ng r r l)Cc;-,s. viltlmin s. painkiller!>., hu ma n place n-Four hundred V(,<lrS bL!!"orc Ch i is!. 10 and aOlphelalOillc, thai JFK' s :he 1"lIh(.;r or Il ;odcrn (llcdicint! IOld doctors prescribed 10 he lp hi m over· his students: "For .... oll1e pat iell ls, come wrent: hing hack p;Ji n,!hOLlgh CU Il.'r.:i ollS 111;1( their cund i ­

"I don't care ir il' s horse piss,"I.i on is peril om, n:: r.:oVt![ th eir health , imply th rough thei r l'l' lllentn1en t The name co mes fro m chi, th~ marily because he likes il. "I also UC Davis' Dr. Shi Vue is a mas­ declared Kenn~dy. " II works." And

there you ha ve it. the qllinlcSSe nli ;J 1wit h the goodne ss of fhe phy.... kia n... Ch inese word fo r "life force," and found out that when I t ~ ach ch i ter of chi gong, a 5,OOO-year-old bOllom lin~: II' il works. do il. And ir!IUllg, 1'01' "Ill"n ipulation." Roughly gong, I k~ep my chi slrong," h~ Chinese healing art that uses illakes a bizarre Inixture of female

you r O\I,-' n energy. Paul Dong help yourself. I have Ihe experience trens la led, il me~ns conlro l over says. "When you help people, you "chi" energy and to give one birlhing juic~. vi tam ins and speed 10

ex pl"ins in his book Chi COllg: The thai when I slOP doing chi gong, I control over one 's own energy. ge llhe jnh done. then s" b~ il. In {hal respec l. JFJ( was v~ry much inAllcicnt Chill e." Way IU Health, that feel my health going down. I think I slep wilh hi s fellow Americans.chi is os necessary as blood to our need 10 practice ii, and a good way

Like Kennedy, il s~ems Ameri. ex islence, end is symbolized as 10 do thai is leach it." ), ong to blood 's yin. Conlrary to Ihe Weslern Iheory designed primarily fo r self-healing. cans wi lilry almosl anylhing to feel

heller. BUI mayb~ Ih;1I has been oulChi gong is difficult to describe. Ihat people need one-an-one help Yue was in co liege du ring times of desperalion as much as anylhingpart ly hecouse there are more than and sma ll classes to reall y learn of inlense change in China. It was

100 fo rms of il. in vo lving moving ony lhing, Yue pref~rs big crowds. Ihe lale ' 70s, Mao Tse-Iung was els~ . With our dominant medicalUC Davis Scholar induslry designed 10 cover cata · ex. ercisc , slil\ exe rcise and combi­ "The more people are there , Ihe dead , and Ihe door 10 the Western nali ons of Ihe IwO. It ' s also a par­ more chi is Ihere," he says. "II'S bel­ world had opened. Along with a slroph ic illness and not much else, ilIs Master Of licolarly diffi cull concepl for West ­ ter for everybody, because if one lidol wave of Western influences­ is sometimcs Ihe ahernativc

erners 10 grasp, as Ame rican med­ person there has weak chi. the chi in including Weslern medicine-came approach Ihat offers Ihe best resu lts.Chi Gong ical terminology is inadeqo ole . II a revival of the ancient Chinese tra­ I can allest 10 Ihal one personally.

would nol be 100 far off 10 ca ll il a dilions that Chairman Mao had Because regular MDs could

system of mind control exercises. sought 10 bury, including the hea l­ never cure my bad back, I sel OUI on

"In Ancient China, it was called a TO()"\1. most ing ans. an odyssey to lind re li ~ f, Iry ing chi­

method for 'warding off disea ses In 1980, il became lega l in China roproclors . homeopaths, rolfers,

Chin-.!sc eM gong masler Dr. Shi and prolonging lif~,' " Dong CHi}1cSC hospit"ls to leach chi gong 10 more Ihan just a massellses, practilioners or bio-encr­gel ics and Reichian body work. loiYue m igh t 1101 ~l lIr;JCl a 101 o r att l.!n ­ wril es. selec t few apprenlices. Yue says. A

li on w'-llkin\.!. dowil the sl reet s orh is "Chi is differe nt for everybody," h"vc sCl'"rMc few of the old maSlers opened class­ chi and meditalion. There was no

cu rren I hOIl; ,-' in D;\vi s. Bu t hack in sa ys Yue, who sludies geology by es, and Yue, who'd been studying great jo urney 10 India or other Eas t­

(' hilla , clli g. ()n~ lllil ~ tt.:fS :In.: ohjcct~ day ollcl leeches chi gong by nighl 01 wl}15S for "rc5\.-!­ Ihe an since his youlh, codeveloped ern counlries, bUllhat wo., only

\)1' the kin d or :ldu lal iol1 Ih al inlhe th~ Holislic Health Center in Da vis . Ihe Universal Chi Gong Healing because it wa sn't ner.:essary: all or

Uilit ed S I :Il CS i~ r(,served ror rock "Somc people feel chi as co ld or l"r" mc()ici}1c "}1() Program so Ihol people could lea rn Ihese aly picar heallh Ca re proct ili on'

Slars , Oilly \\ he ll PJ'C's...;cd wili Y UI.: heat." h~ says . "Somelimes ii 's a to slrenglhen their own chi . Within ers are righl here in Sacramenlo.

;Idrni l Ih;\I yes , he h~:-. in Ihe P llSi. ti ng lin g sens3tion. and somelimt!s chi 50}15. A}1() a year. stu denl s numbered 1,500 . This long search came to an end

.lcc:J!'>ion:d lv Ih:Clh: <i ;is mall \' as 10 it' s pa in. Wh~n you get il slrong and Toda y, Yue says wi th a smile, when I found acupuncture. But, ;}S

hOJy gU ;H d,' In l' SCOI'I him ro'!lo\ving heal thy, ii' s a warmlh, " whilc 30 mi1lio}1 most Chinese hospitals have sepo· Ihey say , Ihe journey is often jusl as

h~:- "l.'lllill:lr~ Pll l'hi gong he :l!ing. OIlCC YO li can fe el your chi, Yu~ rote wings for "regul ar" medicine importanl as the destination. and in

Sou ml s l ike Iho .... l.' Chinese ha ve sa ys, ) Oll CJn begin to lak e cOOlrol pcoplc "rc pr"ctic­ and chi gong, "so you can lake care thi s quest ror rain rel ief I discov·

the ir prinr ili ~ ... ill ol'deL of il. and when the ch i is healthy, so or everyth ing in the some place." ered three Ihings:

Chi g (ln~, tll,-' gr~IIH l d :ld dy or is lil e bod y: "Chi gong is ~ good i}15 thc "rt i}1 CHi}1" BUI while 30 million people are Fi rs l off. many of these healers

;:i 1110S1 <III ;illt.:rnal! \ c mcdicin e prac ­ prcve ll(;l\ i ve medicine,"" Vue snys, praclicing the an ill China IOday , chi draw from success ful lradilions Ihal

IH:cd 1llt!:I: , i.... tIlL' 5.(}()()- yt.::lr-old Weak chi is Ihe cause of all physical to()"\1. chi 50}15 h"s gong has been slow 10 calch on in go bock Ihousands of years. unlike Ihe chemical and lechnology·drive nChlll l.':-'L' hl·. il\I' ~ an [11:11 \\' ; I~ recen t, mal;](lie.', il~ ex pla ins. This Iheo ry, the United States.

:- hrOUfil l III tile :l\ICl lf i(\!l of Ihe with differenl buzzwords. is an bcCt\ cxtrcmd\1 Yue is nOI one 10 boasl, but he versi on of health care that' s heen foisl ed on people by Ihe modem

. ..: ... . 1/! ': ;iill ,1: (:111 / il /l' .\/ind. Th~ he;l ling practices. slow to cMch O}1 i}1 clienls who have triumphed over medical induslry. S~condly, all of Ihe

... _tll L' ,,( r hi :;nll f il ll'('rp() r:llc~ ;\ccord ing 10 Don g, the arl is gen­ chronic faligue. shrunk tumor.;,

\\ ,';'.1 11 1 Bill ~'hlyl'( :' fi\· c·P:lrl PBS ul1(kr~u rrenl in many ~Iterna{ive does have pleniy of slOries about

alternati ve trealOlenls I have tri~d

,! ~''' ''c nli;!ll ~ ' ~:I \ C hlnh 10) ~rally di v id~d inlo IwO c ~ tegories, thc V}1itc() StMcs. reslored losl hearing and overcome r~ally work. a lh~il in Iheir own way

. . : Jhlll 1-= irOIl' : (,:;: \ ;l lld Ill.: IInr, soft chi gong and h~rd ch i gong. Sort various "incurable" conditions and not complelely. Finally, I have

.m ,. II' ,1\,:UPIJl II." I"rL' , hcrh;ili ... m, chi ~ollg can be used 10 prevent 3nd Ihrough this praclice of strengthening come to realize that looki ng ror a true qui ck fi x is fUlik . You get belt er a lil ­lie bil at a lime. It's only Ihe bills that

· .!' : : lj' \ WI .In ti JIl l' principles overcome illness, and to cure cenain the room from alllh~ oth~r peopl e one's life fo rce. ;lfu:' l'd JIl Il HldL' rIl "New Age" ~ilmcnls in ol hers. Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~ lp Ihem." "I fo und Ihal it was so pow~ rful ,

in;. includes Ihe amazi ng physical feal s Chi gong is a powe rful psych ic il can do a 101 of good, a 101 of add up quickly.

\ '} ,bl .: r Y UI.:. YJ, " Ih) came 10 UC we assoc iate with c ircus ~i deshows; gift , Yue says. Because il was help," Yue says. "In jusl a f~w days, .,J.', !, L ' i ", '.:',: !' a:- :1 \.!. ~() ln !2v splilli llg bricks with one's ba re hand. abused , Ihe Chinese oUllawed it you can save a lot of li ves." Hc"lil1$

- _. r...: 1 , , _'h ' I! ;l r I rn l~ ' Jhl.' "'C s~ resisti ng a knife or olher sharp objec t 2.000-3.000 years ;}go. Only a r~w H"I1"5

I fi cs t heard of-. ... ~::'r:-·. ,t !" Gl';,l SI..'!C I' CC. t ~)Qk Ihal wOlild ordinarily pierce the skin . chosen m;}Sler.; and Ih~ir aprr~ nl ices F()r i/ ~/ ()r}}l(l/i()J1 obolll Dr, YIlt"X sIr3nge h~a\ jng

-..: t 1" <- ~ i..'i..·'-' t1l 1: In ,-'.\ pl,l in the or breek ing a piece of marble by run­ were ;} lIowed 10 praclice it until 1I{)('omillg c/o;;Sl's. semi}J({rs or pri­~y stems from one ., .-, ., ',,: h L';d i li~ ;!l'1 form 10 th~ ning inlo it headlirs t. recenlly. WeSierners are now tou ghl nift' l'OIlJIf/lO fioll.\' ;J1 chi gong, cal/ (continuedon nexr page)Yue s"ys he leeches chi gong pri- a c1eaned·up "universal''' chi gong 75]-.J701.

SN&R Februa ry 23. 1995 17


Page 2: Finding Relief - Chigong media.pdf · Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~lp Ihem." "I fo und Ihal it was so pow~rful, in;. includes Ihe amazi ng physical feals Chi gong is a

Cat, owner get help in healing .. Chinese method of therapy provides relief from stress for a Davis woman, and a cure for disease for her pet

By ELISABETH SHERWIN Enterprise staff writer

Susa n Chan ha s found a way to co mbin e Wes tern science and trild itiullal Chinese medicine, and the result is a healthier cat.

Chan, a 'veterinarian, is b 1989 graduate of the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, which is generally acknowledged to be one of the best vet schools in the cO lllllry(in competition with Cor­nell University). UCD, it's agreed, gives its students top preparation when it comes to trenting sic k animals. Chan also received il master's in preventa­live '·eterinary medicine while at UeD.

Now sh e works at the South Sac r,llnento Pet Hospital and also makes house calls to care for a private Davis practice.

Chan hilS made science her life, but sh e also is well aware of the limits to ve terinary medi­cine.

Sh e ca me face to fa ce with

See CAT, Page A-3

CAT Continued from Page A·1

these limitations recently in a frustra ting series of attempts to help a favorite pet, an ll-year­old black long-haired cat named Omar. Omar suffered from chronic, debilitating diarrhea and no amount of diet manipula­tion or modern medications seemed to help his condition. The eat's mother suffered from the same illness.

"Ol1'ar's mother had to be put down 11f2 years ago because she also was non-responsive to med­ications," said Chan.

In the meantime, Chan's life was becoming increasingly stressful. Not only did she have to deal with work, but she has two children under age 4 and a de­manding, hectic schedule. When she began to suffer from back pains, she sought a traditional form of Chinese medicine for comfort. She turned to Chigong.

"J saw an announcement ·of Chigong classes," she .said. "My aunt in San Francisco was taking similar lessons from a healer.

"Chigong is a traditional Cbi­nese form of health maintenance focusing on keeping your energy :lowing through your body incor­porating exercise, meditation a!ld breathing," she said.

The classes, offerea by the Ex­;:e,imental College at UCD, are ';'Jg.1t by a Chigong master, Yue ::~.'" .,.~. () ~as trained more than

Enterprise photo(fodd Hammond

Chlgong master Vue Shl sends rehabilitating energy through his hands Into Omar, an 11-year-old cat owned by Davis veterinarian Susan Chan. Omar, who suffers from a chronic, debilitating diarrhea, is much Improved, Chan says.

10,000 people in China. Yue Shi has been living in Davis and teaching Chigong for about a year. He also is a researcher at the UCD geography department.

"I discovered that his exercis­es helped . me immensely to maintain my schedule without going nuts," Chan said. Chan then asked Yue Shi if he would take a look at Omar.

"I felt that Omar's illness was debilitating to a point that he could not respond to the medi­cine," said Chan. "His body has to heal itself - the medications only assist," she added.

She thought ifOmar could sta­bilize he could recover. Yue Shi agreed to try.

Omar was taken to Yue Shi's Orchard Park apartment for a five-day visit last month.

During a recent interview, Yue Shi demonstrated his work onOmar.

"I send energy into the cat," he said. "Any kind of disease oc­curs by weakness of energy. I emit energy from my hand, fin­gers and palm, and transmit en­ergy to the cat's body."

Omar peacefully sat on Yue Shi's lap, ignoring the three little children (Chan's son and daugh­ter and Yue Shi's daughter) who ran around the small room. The cat also ignored a photographer who was shining bright lights in his face.

Yue Shi stroked the eat's fur at first, then moved his hand a few inches above the cat's body and continued the stroking motion.

Over a five-day period last month, Yue Shi said, he stroked the cat for up to two hours a day, 30 minutes at a time.

Chan said the cat was much, much improved as a result.

"I know that when (Yue Shi) works on Omar he emits energy, I can feel energy in his hands. It must be helping Omar but it's hard to describe," she added.

"I believe Western and tradi­tional Chinese medicine can work together," said Chan. "Chigong is a valuable adjunc­tive therapy when Western medi­cine doesn't seem to work."

"Everyone has energy or chi," added Yue Shi. "Chinese tradi­tional medicine emphasizes this vital energy that becomes weak as people grow up. We have to practice to make chi strong again. We use our minds to drive our chi."

Yue Shi said his experience with Omar marked the first time he worked with an animal.

"I can feel the illness in 'his body when I begin ... then he feels better as I move the illness out," he said.

Those interested in taking Chigong classes from Yue Shi may contact the Experimental College at 752-2568. New classes will begin on Jan. 26 and Jan. 28. The classes run for eight weeks and cost $34 for UCD students and $36 for members of the pub­lic, plus an additional charge of $5.30 per student to compensate for a UCD subsidy that ceased with a recent court ruling.

Page 3: Finding Relief - Chigong media.pdf · Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~lp Ihem." "I fo und Ihal it was so pow~rful, in;. includes Ihe amazi ng physical feals Chi gong is a

), chi gong master teaches ancient healing art of 'life force manipulatio11' IIverall health and well-being has im­proved and stabilized.

11 Iloppes added that when he first hegan, he suffered from chronic neck

II. pain. After one session, Hoppes said Vile cured his pain.

"If they have pain, they can move their chi to that area and relieve the'. pain," Vue said." Chi gong is not orily useful for those

11 suffering from pain or illnesses. Vue pointed out that, for those with no hcalth problems, chi gong is a way of maintaining well-being and preventing future problems.

"It will keep your health and maintain your health," he said.

.1 Vue, who has been practicing chi gong for several years, said that during college he and many other students practiced every day for about half an hour.

!I No one in that group ever got a cold and most were significantly less stressed

I. than the typical college student, Vue said.

" Because most college students have II so much to deal with, Vue recommends

chi gong as a safe, effective way to deal with stress.

Junior Jason Beito agreed and added that, when he gets stressed, practicing chi gong allows him to slow down and

concentrate. "When I do chi gong, it puts every­

thing back into place," Bei,to said. "I can go on and not pull my hai rout."

Because some feared that chi gong was too powerful, it was once banned in China and only taught to a select few. !f~}}i$l Vue learned the art while growing up in China and then began teaching it him­self. He said it was not until he began teaching chi gong that he understood its full ramifications. .

"I knew chi gong was good for our health, but I didn't know how powerful it was," Yue said.

Vue, who teaches classes through the Experimental College, said he teaches his students a simple, uncomplicated version designed to give them a basic understanding of the art

Although not as popular in the West as he would like it to be, Vue said chi gong is gaining popUlarity partly be­cause participants do not have to rely on doctors or medicine to heal simple ail­ments.

"You don 't have to spend a lot of money or time," he said. "You can do it yourself."

For more information, those interest­ed in learning chi gong can call Ytle at 753-4701.

C()Ij~~ iE S Y

Chi gong master Shi Vue teaches the fundamentals of this ancient Chinese healing art .

Page 4: Finding Relief - Chigong media.pdf · Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~lp Ihem." "I fo und Ihal it was so pow~rful, in;. includes Ihe amazi ng physical feals Chi gong is a

Geology scholar, chi gong master teaches ancient healing art of 'life force rllall By SAMANTHA D. PETERSON AGGIE A SS ISTANT FEATURES EOITOR

In Chinese, chi means life force and gong means manipulation. The two words together provide the name of a traditional Chinese healing art.

Although it is not a well-known fact among campus community members, UC Davis geology scholar Shi Yue is a master of this healing art form.

"It's an energy life art to improve human health," he said.

Chi gong is a 5,OOO-year-old Chinese healing art that is gaining popularity in the West. According to Yue, it involves a series of breathing techniques, move­ments and mind exercises.

Yue pointed out that chi gong is a very intellectual pursuit, and he believes that it helps to improve intelligence.

"In chi gong, we use our minds to control our chi," Yue said.

Everyone has chi, or life force, and Yuc added that, often after just one ses­sion, people can feel their chi. However, he said this is not an easily definable feeling.

"It's different from time to time, from person to person," Yue Said. "It's chang­ing all the time. I cannot describe the sensation."

Ronald Hoppes said that during the two years he has trained with Yue, his

overall health and well-being has im­proved and stabilized.

Hoppes added that when he first began, he suffered from chronic neck pain. After one session, Hoppes said Yue cured his pain.

"If they have pain, they can move their chi to that area and-relieve the pain," Yue said.

Chi gong is not only useful for those suffering from pain or illnesses. Yue pointed out that, for those with no health problems, chi gong is a way of maintaining well-being and preventing future problems.

"It will keep your health and maintain your health," he said.

Yue, who has been practicing chi gong for several years, said that during college he and many other students practiced every day for about half an hour.

No one in that group ever got a cold and most were significantly less stressed than the typical college student, Yue said.

Because most college students have so much to deal with, Yue recommends chi gong as a safe, effective way to deal with stress.

Junior Jason Beito agreed and added that, when he gets stressed, practicing chi gong allows him to slow down and

concentrate. "When I do chi gong, it puts every­

thing back into place," Bei,to said. "I can go on and not pull my hair out."

Because some feared that chi gong was too powerful, it was once banned in China and only taught to a select few. Yue learned the art while growing up in China and then began teaching it him­self. He said it was not until he began teaching chi gong that he understood its full ramifications. ­

"I knew chi gong was good for our health, but I didn't know how powerful it was," Yue said.

Yue, who teaches classes through the Experimental College, said he teaches his students a simple, uncomplicated version designed to give them a basic understanding of the art

Although not as popular in the West as he would like it to be, Yue said chi gong is gainirig popularity partly be­cause participants do not have to rely on doctors or medicine to heal simple ail­ments.

"You don 't have to spend a lot of mOney or time," he said. "You can do it yourself."

For more information, those interest­ed in learning chi gong can call )'ile at 753-4701. Chi gong master Shi Vue teaches the fundamentals of this ancient Chinese hlla l

Page 5: Finding Relief - Chigong media.pdf · Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~lp Ihem." "I fo und Ihal it was so pow~rful, in;. includes Ihe amazi ng physical feals Chi gong is a

The Davis Enterprise, Friday, January 27,1995IJIVING

laster Vue, a Universal Chigong master, leads a class 1rough a series of exercises on a recent Tuesday evening. rue teaches the Universal Program in Chigong in Davis, and In {orkshops around the nation. The noninvasive therapy is a

Respect builds for complementary medicine

Todd Hammondffhe Enterprise

combination of breathing exercises, focusing and physical ex­ercises or body movements that are designed to help control the chi, the vital energy of the body, anduse it to cure various illnesses and diseases.

I EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the final lart of a three-part story on alter­lative medicine. In parts I and II, he writer discussed the history of md current trends in alternative nedicine, as well as various types )f alternative treatments, includ­n9 acupuncture, hypnotherapy, .. i. opractlc and homeopathy.

II ! continues with a descrip­. ., • .;)1two other types of alterna­l . ,eatment, chigong and tradl­. - al healing.

: , ENELOPESHACKELFORD ; pecial to The Enterprise

An ancient Chinese therapy making inroads in Davis is a practice called Chigong.

"Chi is vital energy," said Mas­e!" '{ue. "and gong is the manipu-E. ' OD ofthe energy." Yue, a geol- . .;; . who came to Davis two years

Grk a, 1.:C Da\i s. is also 1 hl- ~ mas­

--;:::.., -=.

as individual lessons to learn from disease."

Complementary medicine, once relegated to the level of snake-oil salespersons or quacks, is being given a great deal of re ­spect. In addition to the Office of Alternative Medicine's work and research grants, there are 42 studies in medical institutes across the country on spirituality and health .

In late October, more than 200 participants from leading health care institutions met at Columbia University. The conference was designed to bring a new aware· ness among American' profes·

. sionals of the value of Ayurveda In Novembex~ itw,as announced

-thatair"East--MeetsWest" en dow-ed professorship had beer established at the UC Davi ~

. School of Medicine to link West ern scierice with traditional Chi nese medicines.

Page 6: Finding Relief - Chigong media.pdf · Hard chi gong will be strong and will h~lp Ihem." "I fo und Ihal it was so pow~rful, in;. includes Ihe amazi ng physical feals Chi gong is a

Todd Hammondrrhe Enterprise

laster Vue, a Universal Chigongmaster, leads a class combination of breathing exercises, focusing and physical ex­lrough a series of exercises on a recent Tuesday evening. ercises or body movements that are designed to help control 'ue teaches the Universal Program in Chigong In Davis, and in the chi, the vital energy of the body, and use It to cure various lorkshops around the nation. The noninvasive therapy is a Illnesses and diseases.

Respect builds for complementary medicine II EDITOR'S NOTE: This Is the final as individual lessons to learn lart of a three-part story on alter· from disease." lativemedlcine. In parts I and II, Complementary medicine, he writer discussed the history of once relegated to the level of md current trends in alternative snake-oil salespersons or quacks,nedicine, as weil as various types is being given a great deal of re­)f alternative treatments, Includ­ spect. In addition to the Office of ing acupuncture, hypnotherapy, Alternative Medicine's work and ;hlmpractic and homeopathy. research grants, there are 42 Fo al ~ iii continues with a descrlp­ studies in medical institutes 'I,)' of two other types of alterna­ across the country on spirituality ( V ' treatment, chigong and tradl­ and health. !onal healing. In late October, more than 200

participants from leading health By PENELOPE SHACKELFORD care institutions met at Columbia Special to The Enterprise University. The conference was

An ancient Chinese therapy designed to bring a new aware· making inroads in Davis is ness among American " profes· a practice called Chigong. " sionals of the value of Ayurveda

"Chi is vital energy," said Mas- In NqvembeJ;', i.t .~,as announced tel' Yue, "and gong is the manipu- " - that-air "East" Meets· West" en lation ofthe energy." Yue, ageol- . dowed" professorship had beer ogist who came to Davis two years established at the UC Davil ago to work at UC Davis, is also ' School of Medicine to link West the first Universal Chigong mas- ern scierice with traditional Chi ter ' to bring the Universal nese medicines. Chigong health program to the In June, a bill was introduce( West. in both houses ofCongress to sup

Yue began his Chigong train- port our freedom of medica ing as a child and has studied choice. Senator "Tom Daschle 0

with some of China's foremost South " Dakota is the primar masters. He teaches the Univer- sponsor of "Access to Medica sal Program in Chigong, which he Treatment Act of 1994" whil co-developed with his master in " Representative Peter DeFazio c 1986, in Davis and in workshops . Oregon is the sponsor of an equb around the country. The pur- alent bill in the House. pose? To slow the aging process The purpose of the bill is to a and to increase health. low consumers to legally ChOOE

Chigong, a noninvasive thera- " " therapies and remedies, even . b' t' fb th O Todd Hammondrrhe Enterprise they haven't be"en sanctl'oned 1py, IS a com Ina IOn 0 rea InK

exercises, focusing and physical A member of Master Vue's chigong class practices an exercise the FDA's $225 million drug a ~--------'--~_ _ --'--":":':"~~~~"':"!."~;"!!"'!!A~I'I!:t~"!.-"'~h,!"~~n'1!!n~AI~ :A1!!n!!!d~foQlc~ul,!!s!!!!tht1le~D~o!!!s~it~lv~e~e~n~e~r~gDYto~f~t~h~e~b~o~d~y't..~_ pr~v.~l_ P!~~~~~':"~:~~~:~~;~~~,,~