Finding love

Finding Love Finding Love

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Finding LoveFinding Love

Ask any man or woman what their definition of the "perfect" first date is, and you're likely to receive a variety of responses. Depending

upon the actions and previous experiences of daters, their expectations for a first date may be startlingly different! That being

said, those who are hoping to solve the riddle of how to get a boyfriend or girlfriend in the world of 21st century dating may be

able to increase their chances by following a few simple steps.

Here are some basic do's and don'ts for a successful first date to help those in search of love get a solid start.

Tip #1: No Need to Rush

Although many of the world's major online dating service providers brag about the number of successful marriages they have helped to

create, this level of commitment or seriousness isn't always appropriate for a first date. Before a relationship progresses too far

on either an emotional or physical level, singles should take the time necessary to ensure that they have developed a solid foundation of

respect, honesty and trust on which their relationship can continue to progress.

With so many online dating sites out there pushing connections between singles so quickly, it's easy to jump into a first date based on someone's online dating profile without much getting-to-know-

you conversation before the big in-person meeting.

Take the first meeting slow! Taking a slower approach right off the bat, can help ensure that the bonds created through a more intimate

scenario are built on a solid foundation of respect and trust.

Tip #2: Make It Casual

There's no need to rush into anything too formal on the first date. A short evening of drinks, or a casual afternoon lunch will provide

both individuals with the time they need to get to know one another without feeling pressured to make a more serious commitment.

Save the fancy nights out for when you and your significant other have decided to take the next step. This way, each of you can relax at first

and get more comfortable with eachother before getting into more intimate situations.

Tip #3: Focus On The Positive

Our third tip for a solid first date is to keep it positive and avoid any negative topics of discussion. Unlike online dating, matchmaking

doesn't always offer individuals the opportunity to learn everything about their new partners, prior to the first date. In a way, this can be

a great opportunity, as it allows both parties to make a fresh and positive first impression without having to rely on an online dossier.

Daters should avoid focusing on any negative issues in their personal or professional life. While there's nothing wrong with being honest,

there's a time and a place for more serious issues, and a first date "get to know you" conversation is definitely not it.

Tip #4: Leave Sex Out of the Mix

Regardless of whether or not you're feeling "in the mood" on your first date, you may be putting your future happiness in jeopardy if you rush into intense physical intimacy. Those who have previously

relied on dating sites for finding new romantic partners will agree that these platforms place an emphasis on "expediting" romance.

That being said, this may not always be a good thing, as it's incredibly important for singles to build lasting emotional bridges

before connecting physically.

Tip #5: Keep Any Baggage At Home

No matter how many less-than-ideal experiences you have had in previous relationships, it's absolutely crucial to remember that these

negative memories don't have to affect your new relationship. If you're serious about finding opportunities for love and intimacy, leave the bad memories at home - especially on a first date. This isn't just another singles event - this is an opportunity for a fresh

start with a like-minded individual.

For those daters who experienced any bad relationships in the past, it is especially important for these people to be aware of their conversation and not get into their past negative dates or



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