Finding gravity

Finding Gravity By Matthias, Ryan and Jimmy

Transcript of Finding gravity

  1. 1. By Matthias, Ryan and Jimmy
  2. 2. Gravity pulls objects towards the center of the earth. Therefore we have decided to drop objects off of heights to showcase gravity. Acceleration of a falling object: 2*height / (time)2
  3. 3. To find out the precise measurement of gravity, we decided to drop objects off two heights. The drops measured 5.3 and 3 meters. We dropped an eraser, a ball, and a rock five times each and recorded the results. Requirements - Eraser - Ball - Rock - Height
  4. 4. Rock Weight 367.41g Time 1 0.69s Time 2 0.79s Time 3 0.7s Time 4 0.88s Time 5 0.79s Height: 3 meters Rock average time: 0.77 s
  5. 5. Eraser Ball Weight 21.3g 79.45g Time 1 0.97s 1.15s Time 2 1.01s 1.01s Time 3 0.86s 1.02s Time 4 1.11s 1.09s Time 5 1.03 0.99s Height: 5.3 meters Eraser average time: 0.996 s Ball average time: 1.052 s
  6. 6. Acceleration of a falling object = 2*height / (time)2 Rock acceleration = 2*3m / (0.77s)2 = 10.12m/s2 Ball acceleration = 2*5.3m / (1.052) 2 =9.58 m/s2 Eraser acceleration = 2*5.3m / (0.996)2 = 10.69m/s2
  7. 7. When you drop an object, it is falling under the sole influence of gravity Factors: Air resistance, wind, reaction time, force of the drop, exact distances.