Find it in... Sunninghill, Sunningdale and Ascot

Issue 03 July 2014 To find out exactly how close, turn to page 27


The July issue of the popular community directory for Sunninghill, Sunningdale, Ascot

Transcript of Find it in... Sunninghill, Sunningdale and Ascot

Page 1: Find it in... Sunninghill, Sunningdale and Ascot

Issue 03 July 2014

To find out exactly how close, turn to page 27

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Tulip Publications,

33 Old Pasture Road,

Frimley, GU16 8SA

Tel: 01276 504582.

Published by:

Index of Advertisers


All information in this magazine is published in good faith and cannot be

reproduced without written permission. Whilst every care is taken to ensure

that all details, dates and telephone numbers are correct at the time of

going to press, no responsibility can be taken for changes or errors. All

artwork is accepted on the understanding that permission has been granted

for its use in this publication.

Whilst the publisher makes every effort to ensure that the businesses pub-

lished in this magazine are of the highest quality, we do not guarantee the

services and products from any business featured in this publication.

You are advised to make your own checks.

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HELLO! And welcome to the July issue of Find it in…!

Full speed ahead with Summer!! July is a fun but quieter month. Exams are over (or almost!) and schools

are winding down to the summer siesta. Sports days, school trips and general fun are the order of the day

for our children! Enter one of our competitions this month and the fun could continue, with trips to the

theatre and tickets to The Lookout Discovery Centre up for grabs!

A warm thank you to all of the businesses who are advertising with us and we wish you success from our

directory, whose sole purpose is to bring information to the fingertips of the residents. We have a special

competition for business owners too this month… just take a look at page 29!

We welcome feedback, as always, to help us shape this directory to suit your needs. Please send ideas or

feedback to:

telephone: 01276 504582 or 01483 472938

mobile: 07947 068211 or 07821 200875

email: [email protected] web:

And finally here is a fun fact about July - to our children’s delight it is apparently national blueberry month,

national ice cream month and national hot dog month!

Until next time,

Just for Fun 10

Cake and Bake: Peach Gale:e 14

Books: Time 16

Technology: Happy Snapping 18

Beauty: Summer Beauty 19

Fit Bits by Ros McAlister 22

Just for Kids 26

Sunny Summer Days...or Not 28

A:enon all Business Owners 29

Compeon Time! 30

Recipe: Mussel & Potato Chowder 32

Ask Wendy: Psychic advice 33

Fun Quiz: Numbers 34

Hidato 34

Community News and Events 35

Local Groups, Clubs & Sociees 36

Puzzle Soluons 37

Numbers that Count 37

Index of Adversers 38

Disclaimer 38


SSSSophyophyophyophy & Ginny& Ginny& Ginny& Ginny

Don’t forget to tell them you saw them in Find It In...! 37

…Thames Valley Police 0845 8505 505 …Crime Stoppers 0800 555111

…Gas emergency service

(Transco) 0800 111999

…Electricity (if your power supply is interrupted)

…EDF Energy 0800 7838866

…Southern Electric 08457 708090

…Water 0845 7823333

…NHS 111 111

...Heatherwood Hospital 01344623333

…Frimley Park Hospital 01276 604604

Dr’s Surgeries:

...Magnolia House Surgery 01344 637800

...Kings Corner Surgery 01344 623181

…NCT 0870 4448707

…Samaritans 08457 909090

...Childline 0800 1111

…Victim Support 0845 3030900

…Citizens Advice Bureau 0845 1202969

…Sunninghill Library 01344 621493

…Arriva 01483 506919

…National Rail Enquiries 08457 484950

Places of Worship

...Holy Trinity Church 01344 621886

...Sunningdale Bapst Church 01344 872325

...Sacred Heart Church 01344 621238

...St Michael & all Angels 01344 873202

...The Kiln Cemetery 01344 874268

Puzzle Solutions

Numbers that count

Sudoku Codeword Solution

Kids Puzzle Solutions

Quiz– Inventions

1) 97

2) Infinity (it looks like a rotated 8)

3) Three

4) The Speaking Clock

5) 40

6) 1009

7) 666

8) A decimal point

9) six

10) March 14th (relating to the first 3 digits of Pi 3.14



1) See Through Underwear

2) Man in the Moon

3) Another time, another place

Brazin won the World

Cup in: 1958, 1962, 1970,1994

and 2002

Blast from the Past: 1) Martin Peters 2) One 3) West Germany

Footy Dingbat:

Mexican Wave

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Local Groups, Clubs and Societies

Ascot Volunteer Bureau provides volunteer drivers to transport elderly individuals to and from GP,

denst and hospital appointments. Telephone 01344 625520 to discover more about the service.

Bookings should be made as far in advance as possible. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer

driver for the bureau, contact Joan Abson, the coordinator, via 01344 625520 to find out more.

Berkshire Carers Service is an informaon, advice and support for unpaid family carers. We can help

with benefits, finding services, emoonal support, form filling, meeng other carers, planning a

break and how to manage working and caring. We also runs a local carers’ support group. For dates,

please visit, which is a comprehensive source of informaon for carers. For

further informaon, please call 01628 777 217 or email [email protected]

People to Places.The charity provides a lifeline for its members, supplemenng the core dial-a-ride service with trips around the country. Addionally, the service extends to providing essenal transport for a whole range of local organisaons, clubs and groups for the disabled, residenal and nursing homes, workshops, day centres based in East Berkshire, and the local Shopmobility service tel. 01628 584660.

Sunningdale Savoy Chorus. An amateur musical theatre group who perform musicals and light oper-as. Annual production (usually in July) and various concerts. New members always welcome. Contact : Valerie Ryalls on 01344 291243. See our website:

1st Sunningdale Scout Group. Based at Scout Hut, Sandy Lane. Beaver Scouts meet there on Mon-days 5.00-6.00pm; Cub Scouts on Mondays and Tuesdays 6.30-8.00pm; and Scouts on Thursdays 7.30-9.00pm. See the website or email [email protected].

Sunningdale Women's Ins!tute. The WI is a completely voluntary organisaon. Sunningdale WI is a

friendly group with interesng speakers and social events. Meengs are held on the second

Wednesday of every month (except August) at 10.30am at the WI Hall, Broomhall Recreaon

Ground. Contact: Mrs Marian Hill 01344 621033

Pauline Dance, Secretary, 01344 621648

Ascot Farmers MarketAscot Farmers' Market is run by the Thames Valley Farmers' Market Co-

operave on the third Sunday of the month - except for June and August in 2014. Please check

dates on website All our markets are accredited so you can be sure you are buying

good, honest local food straight from the producers.

Listings on these page are free of charge to all charity and not for profit groups. If you are looking for

more members for your group, club or society, please contact us with your details so we can let your

neighbours know!6 5001276 504582 01483 472938 [email protected]

Sunningdale and Ascot Camera Club Formed in 1982 toencourage interest in, and the pracce of,

photography in all itsforms. The Club is not a ‘closed group’ of specialist photographers,

but an all-embracing amateur enthusiasts’ club. As a small and very informal membership, the Club

draws together local amateur photographers at all levels of experience and ability, including abso-

lute beginners. In fact, there is li:le our experienced members enjoy more than passing on their

skills to newcomers. The Club meets throughout the year in the Church Hall, of All Saints Church,

London Road, Ascot at 8.00pm, on the first Thursday, of every month. A very full programme of

compeons, slide presentaons, lectures by professional photographers, together with praccal

evenings, portrait nights, and an informal social evening held at an outside venue during the year,

make for a very excing and interesng me. If you are interested in joining us come and visit one

evening at All Saints Church, or email to [email protected] or view our website


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Listings on these page are free of charge to all charity and not for profit groups.

Please contact us with details of your events 01276 504582 [email protected]

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Community News and Events

The next meetings will be on

Tues 8 July and 12 Aug 10.00am

See Website for full details

All ladies in business or starting up in

business are very welcome!

For more information, call Gill on

07719 588992

Or visit

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Just for Fun


Each row, column and 3x3 box must

contain the numbers 1through to 9 just

once. This can be done by

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Just for Kids

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This month I will be sharing with you some ways to achieve a more balanced diet, and how to reduce belly fat.

So, what is a balanced diet? For most peo-ple it would be the following raos at meal mes: one third bread, rice, pasta and oth-er starchy food, one third fruit and vegeta-bles, and the final third broken down even-ly between protein, milk and dairy and fats and sugars.

Low to medium GI foods are be:er for you as they release sugars slowly into the body avoiding any insulin spikes or sugar rushes. They also stop you feeling hungry quite so quickly. A list of GI values can be found at: h9p:// The general rules that I advise my clients to follow are: • A poron of meat should be the size of your fist. • A poron of fish should be the size of your palm. • Fill up as much of your plate with vege-tables and salad. • Try to limit starchy carbohydrates like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes. Substute them with slow release low GI carbs like: sweet potato, whole wheat bread and brown rice. • Steam vegetables to retain the miner-als and nutrients. Basket steamers are inex-pensive and easy to use. • Grill or bake foods instead of frying to avoid hydrogenated (bad) fat. • Reach for a piece of fruit or some un-salted nuts instead of crisps and chocolate. • Avoid processed foods as they are full of hidden sugars and salt. Drink plenty of water during the day, espe-cially with your meals.

Check out h9p://!ng.aspx and h9p://

This leads me onto belly fat which is the area of the body that concerns most peo-ple. Excess abdominal or visceral fat is also known as organ fat as it is packed between the organs, and is linked to Diabetes Type two and obesity. Along with ensuring that you do not regularly eat more than your body requires, excess belly fat is also im-

pacted by the producon of the hormones insulin, corsol, testosterone and estrogen.

Here are some simple ps to help to reduce belly fat, split into exercise and diet: Exercise: • We have 168 hours in a week; dedicate some of it to being acve. 20 minutes per day will make a difference. • Do short bursts of high intensity exer-cise rather than long duraon. • Train large muscle groups like your legs and core.

Resistance training should be with moder-ate to heavy weights, low repeon, mul-ple sets and short rests in between each set. If you don’t have any dumbbells, cans of food or bo:les of water can be used in-stead. Diet: • Decrease carbohydrates and increase protein (non processed). • Eat cruciferous vegetables like cab-bage, sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower. • Avoid caffeine aRer exercise.

Eat foods with Omega 3 oils like oily fish, walnuts, flax seeds and soy beans.

If you lead a stressful life you will produce more corsol so you need to take me to relax. A lack of sleep also impacts the pro-ducon of hormones, so take me to switch off from any distracons and ensure that you give your body me to recover from your day.

Make small changes in your diet and life-style and you will feel happier and healthier and have more energy to enjoy what you like to do.

Next month I will give you an overview of high intensity training and training out-doors. Thanks for reading - Ros * Formal dietary advice should be sought from your local health professional.

Fit-Bits by Ros McAlister – Personal Trainer

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