Financial services: Strike up a great conversation.

This year’s office party is just around the corner, but what are you going to talk about? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Download our reports; ‘Youbiquity Finance – Retail Banking’ and ‘Youbiquity Finance – General Insurance’ to explore how digital has changed the self-service landscape over the past five years. It’s important to make a good first impression at any party. Be inviting, listen to people and strike up a great conversation. say they’ve used social media to contact their bank for quick and effective service Find out more: STRIKE UP A GREAT CONVERSATION say they want providers to have more staff to give advice on financial products 12% consumers... Office party gift-giving can be tricky. Who should you get a gift for? What should you get them? And how much is too much? The number of consumers saying their bank puts its customers at the heart of their organisation has risen from... 19% 2014 33% 2016 to 51% consumers... You’re stuck in the queue for the buffet. Carol from Marketing is on the dance floor. If only you could tweet in your order – you’d be able to join her. (UK)

Transcript of Financial services: Strike up a great conversation.

This year’s office party is just around the corner, but what are you going to talk about? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Download our reports; ‘Youbiquity Finance – Retail Banking’ and ‘Youbiquity Finance – General Insurance’ to explore how digital has

changed the self-service landscape over the past five years.

It’s important to make a good first impression at any party. Be inviting, listen to people and strike up a great conversation.

say they’ve used social media to contact their bank for quick and effective service

Find out more:


say they want providers to have more staff to give advice on financial products


Office party gift-giving can be tricky. Who should you get a gift for? What should you get them? And how much is too much?

The number of consumers saying their bank puts its customers at the heart of their organisation has risen from...

19% 2014

33% 2016


51% consumers...

You’re stuck in the queue for the buffet. Carol from Marketing is on the dance floor. If only you could tweet in your order

– you’d be able to join her.
