Final Updated Report

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  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report





    Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement ofBACCALAUREUS TECHNOLOGIAE





    Magoda K(201181921

    S!"#$%ISO$&'r $ )ubert*Signature& ++++++++++++++++

    2, -"$I. 201/

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report



    On this Day of

    On this Day of


    On this Day of


    On this Day of

    On this Day of



    I hereby to delare that thi* di**ertation hih I hereby *ubmit a* partial fulfilment of the

    qualifiation of&Baccalaureus Tech!l!"#ae # Che$#cal E"#eer#" %o the !ni3er*ity

    of 4ohanne*burg, 5aulty of #ngineering and the Built #n3ironment 'epartment of

    6hemial #ngineering i* apart from the reogni7ed a**i*tane from my *uper3i*or* my

    on or hih ha* not pre3iou*ly been *ubmitted by me or any other per*on to any

    in*titution to obtain a diploma nor a degree

    Pr!&ess!r N%ul# a' Mr Bela#'

    "roet 6oordinator and .eture*


    Pr!& E'#s! Mu(e'a

    "roet* .eturer and 6oordinator

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report



    I ould lie to than* my *uper3i*or and o:*uper3i*or* Dr Hu*er%s+ Mr T M,he,huand

    Mr A-N Ma%her#for their patiene and guidane gi3en to me in maing thi* proet a


    I ould al*o gi3e than* to the proet ommittee for their guidane in report riting and

    the helpful guidane


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report



    ;-B.# O5 6O#M#

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    .i*t of 5igure*A

    6)-";#$ O

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    ?/ -naly*i* of 'ate28

    ?/1 6urrent %oltage "oer den*ity and 6urrent den*ity analy*i*28

    6)-";#$ ,& $#S!.;S -eneration of poer den*ity and the polari7ation ur3e*?,

    6)-";#$ /& 6O

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    6#MGGGGGGGGGGG6ation #Ehange Membrane

    6#GGGGGGGGGGGG6oulombi #ffiieny

    6MMGGGGGGGGGGG 6harge Mo*ai Membrane

    6O'GGGGGGGGGGG6hemial OEygen 'emand

    I#MGGGGGGGGGGGGIon #Ehange Membrane

    !5GGGGGGGGGGG!ltrafiltration Membrane

    'M56GGGGGGGGGGG'iret Methanol 5uel 6ell

    M#-GGGGGGGGGGGMembrane #letrode -**emble

    L#s% !& Ta*le

    ;able 1& O6% generated in M56* operated ith different membrane thine**e*22

    ;able 2& 6O' fed in the M56* reator* and 6O' treated2,


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    L#s% !& "ures

    5igure 1& Shemati repre*entation of a Mirobial 5uel 6ell operating priniple/

    5igure 2& 6athode eletrode* (Me*h *tainle** *teel18

    5igure ?& -node hamber ith anode and athode eletrode19

    5igure ,& Mirobial 5uel 6ell* de3ie *etup20

    5igure /& Multimeter de3ie20

    5igure @& %oltage* from day 1 until day 1@ ith eEternal re*i*tane reduing from (2,:02

    H for M56* unit* in parallel onnetion2?


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    5igure A 6urrent profile* under eEternal re*i*tor* range from (2,:02 H in M56 de3ie

    operated ith 00/ mm

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report



    11 Baground and 4u*tifiation

    -n inrea*e in aarene** of the po**ible anthropogeni effet* on limate hange in

    ombination ith the in*tability of the fo**il fuel maret politially moti3ate* to redution

    of greenhou*e ga* emi**ion and the promotion of reneable energy ;he greate*t problem

    e ill fae in future lie* in atering to the orld groing energy demand* hile

    *imultaneou*ly reduing greenhou*e emi**ion ga*e*

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    Mirobial fuel ell* are de3ie* that utili7e *eparated aerobi and anaerobi biohemial

    proe**e* to produe eletriity ;hey are ompo*ed of an anode and a athode

    ompartment *eparated by a membrane that pre3ent* the miEing of anodi and athodi

    *olution and allo the tran*fer of ertain ion* *uh a* proton* On the anaerobi *ide a*te

    organi material i* deompo*ed to arbon dioEide and eletron* 2J

    On the aerobi *ide eletron* are on*umed by ferri ion* to produe ferrou* ion* ;he*e

    an be oEidi7ed ba to ferri ion* and hydrogen ion* u*ing oEygen )ydrogen ion* diffu*e

    through a membrane to the aerobi *ide to omplete the eletrial iruit #letriity i*

    generated diretly from organi a*te ithout any intermediate proe**e* *uh a*

    ombu*tion 2J

    'i3er*e organi *ub*trate* ha3e been u*ed a* eletron donor* to produe eletriity

    inluding pure hemial* *uh a*& fatty aid* alohol* *ugar protein* and ellulo*eompleE a*te* and a*teater *uh a* agriultural a*te and dome*ti a*teater and

    other type* of a*te and a*teater Se3eral type* of terminal eletron aeptor* ha* been

    u*ed in M56* tehnology *uh a* ferri ion mangane*e and permanganate inluding

    oEygen ;o mae M56* ompetiti3e ith other reneable energy generation a*teater

    and oEygen are on*idered mo*t promi*ing eletron donor and aeptor for M56 de3ie

    beau*e they are free and *u*tainable -l*o one of the bigge*t hallenge* in pratial

    appliation for the M56 tehnology i* to identify lo:o*t and high effiieny material*

    that pro3ide large *urfae* area* for a baterial to adhe*ion or oEygen redution in a ay

    that allo for *alable arhiteture 2J

    Other *tudie* ha3e *hon that *eparator* are 3ery important in the M56* de3ie but *o far

    there ha* been too little information on the effet of *eparator on poer generation and

    6oulumbi effiieny (6# -n ideal *eparator mu*t ha3e high proton tran*fer oeffiient to

    en*ure that material doe* not blo proton* from reahing the athode amber and lo

    oEygen tran*fer oeffiient to impro3e 6# Separator* *uh a*

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    *eparator* ha* been u*ed *uh a* nylon ellulo*e and polyarbonate filter but their effet*

    on poer generation ha* not been ell eEplored ?J

    12 "roblem Statement

    ;he ontinue* inrea*e in a population and the effet of limate hange on the

    en3ironment and the in*tability of fo**il fuel maret other tehnologie* that an generate

    reneable energy that are en3ironmentally friendly mu*t be implemented to redue or

    limit greenhou*e ga* emi**ion and the fore3er o3ergroing demand of energy ;hey are

    different eEi*ting tehnologie* that an generate reneable energy *uh a* *olar *y*tem that

    are en3ironmentally friendly but in thi* *tudy e ill fou* on the Mirobial 5uel 6ell

    tehnology beau*e it ha3e open up a ne ay* to utili7e reneable energy and thi* *tudy

    ill arried out eEperimentally u*ing a*teater and

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    21 Mirobial fuel ell

    ;he M56 i* almo*t a entury old no *ine it a* demon*trated in 1911 by "otter ;hi*

    tehnique for generating eletriity during baterial mediated oEidation #letrial energya* produed from li3ing ulture* of #*herihia oli and Saharomye* u*ing platinum

    eletrode* -lthough intere*t in mirobial fuel ell* a* relati3ely high in the 19@0* the

    momentum for *tudy of M56* only *tarted to pi up in the 1980* ;he M56 ha* muh in

    ommon ith a la**i fuel ell and on*i*t* of an anodi and a athodi hamber *eparated

    by a membrane or other type of *eparator a* *hon in figure 1 In the to:hamber M56

    hih are anode and athode eah plaed in aqueou* *olution* *eparated by a proton

    eEhange membrane ("#M Mirobe* in the anode hamber oEidi7e fuel (eletron donor

    generating eletron* and proton* ,J;he generation of urrent i* due to the nature of miroorgani*m* a* they tran*fer eletron*

    from a redued eletron donor to an eletron aeptor at a higher eletrohemial potential

    -node:re*piring bateria (-$B in an anode biofilm arry out an oEidation (half:ell

    reation of organi matter produing proton* and thu* an eletrial urrent from the

    bioma** 6arbon dioEide may e3entually be obtained a* an oEidation produt #letron*

    and proton* are on*umed in the athode hamber reduing oEygen to ater and

    generating eletriity Studie* of M56* typially u*ed arbon anode material* *uh a* *olid

    graphite graphite:felt arbon loth arbon paper arbon *ponge and foam and platini7ed

    athode* ba*ed on oated arbon paper oated graphite and titanium )oe3er utili7ation

    of metal eletrode* *uh a* *tainle** *teel and modifying arbon to impro3e *urfae

    propertie* and modifiation ith *ome ompleE metal ha* been u*ed to impro3e poer

    output and redue o*t ?J 5igure 1 belo it the *hemati repre*entation of Mirobial

    5uel 6ellere a bateria i* on the anode ompartment that tran*fer* eletron* obtained

    from an eletron donor to the anode eletrode and the membrane *eparate an anode and the

    athode eletrode 'uring eletron prodution proton* are al*o produed in eEe** ;he*e

    proton* migrate through the membrane into the athode hamber ;he eletron* flo from

    the anode through an eEternal re*i*tane to the athode here they reat ith the final

    eletron aeptor (oEygen and proton* /J


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    Figure 1: Schematic representation of a Microbial Fuel Cell operating principle

    22 #ffet of membrane* in performane of mirobial fuel ell

    ;he ideal funtion of the mirobial fuel ell (M56 membrane i* to *eparate the anode and

    athode reation in an eletrohemial *y*tem hile permitting *eleti3e tran*port of

    proton* from the anode to the athode and pre3enting tran*port of oEygen into the anode

    hamber - porou* *eparator al*o *er3e* a* a barrier *eparating the anode and athode

    reation but any ion* an be tran*ported from the anode hamber to the athode through

    diffu*ion proe**e* ;he ideal membrane need* to be a good ioni ondutor an in*ulator

    ion *eleti3e (eg proton onduting durable hemially *table bioompatible

    un*u*eptible to fouling and logging (e*peially hen u*ing fuel* of unnon and

    hangeable ompo*ition *uh a* a*teater and ineEpen*i3e In reality a ompromi*e

    mu*t be reahed beteen performane and o*t 5or a*teater treatment lo o*t

    together ith durability and re*i*tane to fouling may be the mo*t important requirement

    for an eonomially 3iable *y*tem generating energy e3en though lo 3alue* of oEygendiffu*ion ioni re*i*tane and ro**o3er are de*irable for higher poer generation @J"re3iou* *tudy AJ ha* *hon the effet* of membrane* u*ing to:hamber M56* by

    plaing to different membrane* *uh a* anion eEhange membrane (-#M and ation

    eEhange membrane (6#M in the enter of a , m long ubi M56 ith a bru*h anode in

    one hamber and the athode on the di*tant *ide of another amber -ll the M56* ere


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    inoulated u*ing a miroorgani*m *u*pen*ion obtained from an M56 (originally inoulated

    ith primary larifier o3erflo operated in bath proe** mode for o3er one year ;he

    de3ie ere fed ith aetate of (1 g. in pho*phate buffer *olution (/0 mM holding

    mineral (12/ m.. and 3itamin (/ m.. *olution and the*e reator* ere operated under

    an ambient temperature of ( 233 AJ

    ;he re*earher* AJ found that poer den*ity generated in M56 a* redued to (1@ 2

    =m? u*ing an ion eEhange membrane ompared to that of the ation eEhange

    membrane (21 2 =m? >rounded on their earlier te*t* u*ing to:hamber reator*

    they predited that the performane of M56* to be better ith the -#M than 6#M

    membrane but hat they atually notied a* that the membrane* beame deformed after

    operation of the reator o3er *e3eral yle* ith the -#M bending toard* the bru*h and

    the 6#M bending inard* and toard* the athode ;hey onluded that deformation

    reate a 3oid *pae of ater and thi* deformation ourred a* the re*ult* of membrane

    *elling during ion tran*portation AJ;he *ame author* found that due to tho*e aumulated trapped 3oid *paing ater ould

    re*ult in a *olution ith a higher p) derea*ing the M56 effiieny and they al*o notied

    that the -#M deformed more quily than a 6#M and thi* re*ult* a better performane of

    6#M than -#M in their te*t* maing u*e of hydrogen beteen the membrane and

    eletrode ;hey te*ted their deformation hypothe*i* by plaing a *tainle** *teel me*h

    again*t the membrane to eep it firmly pre**ed again*t the athode and the me*h

    *ignifiantly inrea*ed the poer den*ity of the M56 ith the -#M to (,@ , =m?


    ;he poer den*ity AJ that a* found it a* higher than that of 6#M (?2 2 =m? after

    10 day* of alimati7ation on*i*tent ith pre3iou* re*earh ;hey further eEplored the

    effet of type of membrane on the performane of M56* reator* by maing u*e of to:

    hamber reator "ermeability te*t of ater a* done onduted by filling the anode

    ompartment ith *olution but not on the athode ompartment it a* di*lo*ed that the

    membrane a* not hydraulially permeable a* ater in the anodi ompartment ould not

    pa** through the membrane to the athode ompartment Membrane deformation a*

    notied in to:ompartment M56* after ?0 day* of *et:up they noted that membrane


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    ur3ed in the *ame ay* but thi* time deformation a* greater than hat they ob*er3ed

    before AJ6ation eEhange membrane* ha3e been idely u*ed a* a *eparator for the M56* and they

    are ommonly referred to a* proton* eEhange membrane* a* they are intended to tran*port

    proton* in M56*

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    ahie3ed loer poer den*itie* of ?89 m=m2and 1/ =m?3olumetri poer den*ity

    ;hey al*o notied that a different internal re*i*tane of the*e membrane* in the air athode

    M56* ere ahie3ed ere Nirfon initially had internal re*i*tane of ?8 F and 5uma*ep

    had 228 F ;he o*t of Nirfon i* 80 of that of the other and the other membrane* al*o ha*

    loer internal re*i*tane 9J

    2? ;reatment of =a*teater u*ing M56 de3ie

    ;he M56* ere ell:thought:out to be u*ed for handling muniipality a*teater early in

    1991 beau*e muniipality a*te ontain* ma**i3e organi ompound* that an be fuel to

    M56* $e*earher* 10J ha3e found out that the quantity of poer produed by M56* in

    the hea3y a*te treatment proe** an atually hal3e the eletriity needed in a

    on3entional treatment proe** that on*ume* a lot of eletri poer aerating ati3ated

    *ludge M56* har3e*t /0C90 le** *olid* to be di*po*ed of -dditionally organi

    ompound *uh a* aetate propionate and butyrate an be arefully broen don to arbon

    dioEide and ater 10J- miEture inorporating ith eletrophile* and anodophile* are mainly *uitable for treating

    a*teater beau*e more organi* ompound an be biodegraded by a 3ariety of organi*

    M56* u*ing ertain miroorgani*m* ha3e an eEtraordinary apability to tae aay *ulfide*

    a* required in a*teater treatment Mirobial 5uel 6ell an enhane the groth of bio:

    eletrohemially ati3e miroorgani*m* during a*teater treatment thu* they ha3edeent funtioning *tabilitie* Same author* di*o3ered that endle** flo and *ingle:

    hamber M56* and a membrane:le** M56* are preferred for treating a*teater due to

    orrie* in *aling up of M56* 8J Sanitary a*te* food proe**ing a*teater and *ine

    a*teater are all great bioma** *oure* for M56* beau*e they are rih in organi

    matter* !p to 80 of the 6O' an be remo3ed in *ame a*e and 80 of 6oulombi

    #ffiieny had been reported 10J

    2, ;he future of M56 on generation eletriity;he *ame re*earher* 10J ha3e e*tabli*hed that Mirobial 5uel 6ell* tehnology ha* to

    ompete ith the eEi*ting tehnology *uh a* methanogeni anaerobi dige*tion

    tehnology that ha* *een ide ommerial appliation* beau*e they an on*ume bioma**

    in 3arie* a*e* for energy generation M56* are apable of tran*forming bioma** at

    temperature* belo 20 P6 and ith lo *ub*trate onentration* hih both of hih are


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    problemati for methanogeni dige*ter* Main di*ad3antage of the M56* i* their

    dependeny on a biofilm* for mediator:le** eletron tran*fer hile anaerobi dige*ter*

    *uh a* up:flo anaerobi *ludge blanet reator* remo3e thi* di*ad3antage by effiiently

    reproe**ing the mirobial on*ortium ithout ell immobili7ation It a* liely that the

    M56 tehnology ill o:eEi*t ith the methanogeni anaerobi dige*tion tehnology in the

    future;he*e re*earher* 10J al*o notied that to ad3ane the poer den*ity yield ne

    anodophili miroorgani*m* that ad3ane the eletron tran*portation rate from the biofilm

    o3ering an anode to the anode are *ignifiantly required ;he*e re*earher* laimed that

    an M56Q* the flo of urrent an be inrea*ed by four order* of magnitude if >eobater

    tran*fer of eletron* to the anode at the *ame rate a* it doe* to it* natural eletron aeptor

    ie ferri iron Mutagene*i* and e3en reombinant '

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    noledge ha* been gained in M56 re*earh there i* *till a lot to be learned in the *aling

    up of the M56 appliation* 10J

    2, #ffet of Bath and 6ontinue* feed rate of liquid in poer den*ity

    Other re*earher* 11J ha3e operated M56 in a four different mode* by flutuating theliquid flo in eah ompartment of the ell 5ir*tly both anodi and athodi ompartment

    ere ran in a ontinuou* mode ;hen the anode a* ept in bath mode herea* the

    athode a* in ontinuou* mode In the third *et the anode a* *et in ontinuou* mode

    and the athode in bath mode .a*t but not lea*t both the ompartment a* ran in bath

    mode ;hey di*o3er higher 3oltage in their earlier eEperiment gi3en by methylene blue

    ga* and additional *tudie* a* arried out to e*timate the poer prodution in M56 It a*

    aompli*hed by u*ing methylene blue a* mediator;he *ame re*earher* 11J produed graph* that depited the poer output ith time for

    different operational mode* of the M56 ;he rate at hih the liquid a* replaed in an

    anodi or a athodi hamber of a mirobial fuel ell hanged it* output poer ;hey

    e*tabli*hed that the poer output a* higher hen the anode a* maintained in bath

    mode and the athode in ontinuou* mode )ene a ontinuou* *upply of fre*h oEidi7ing

    agent impro3ed poer output in M56 ;he maEimum poer hih a* obtained a* 9A9

    m=m2MaEimum urrent den*ity a* itne**ed a* 11/ m-m2 ith 3oltage drop of 08/ %

    aro** an 82 ! re*i*tor It a* al*o di*o3ered that the mode of operation al*o affeted the

    internal re*i*tane of the M56 ;hey di*o3er that after 1/ hour of operating all fi3e ell*

    ere filled ith their re*peti3e *olution* =ere the M56 de3ie a* operated ith anodi

    hamber in ontinuou* mode they notied a maEimum hange in an internal re*i*tane ith

    time ;hey al*o *a that internal re*i*tane delined hen athode a* operated in bath

    mode and it impro3ed hen athode a* operated in the ontinuou* mode It a* ob*er3ed

    that the internal re*i*tane *tayed *table at a on*tant *tate hen the anode ompartment

    a* ept in bath mode regardle** hether the athode a* bath or ontinuou* )igher

    poer output a* di*o3ered hen the M56 a* operated in bath anode than hen it i*

    operated in ontinuou* mode -* a re*ult ob*er3ation* a maEimum poer output a*

    e*tabli*hed ith anode in bath mode agreed ell ith the ation* of the internal re*i*tane

    in thi* mode 11J


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    2/ Sale:up of Mirobial fuel 6ell

    ;he M56* *tudie* mo*t of them ere onduted at lab *ale* ne3erthele** *aling up of

    the M56* i* ine3itable to pro*per le3el* of poer required to poer an atual eletrial

    de3ie* In order to mae Mirobial 5uel 6ell appropriate for atual appliation* *uh a*

    treatment of a*teater it i* ruial to aompli*h a high poer den*itie* on a large *ale

    ;aing thi* tehnology out of the laboratory *eem* to be hallenge in the M56

    de3elopment* due to the high poer den*itie* and lo o*t* material* i* required and

    other* *tudie* had di*o3ered that poer den*ity redue* in the *ale:up of M56 *y*tem*

    Maing u*e of the 3olume in*tead of *urfae area i* *uitable hen the eEat ati3e *urfae

    area annot be e*tabli*hed and alloing a relati3e ompari*on among*t reator* of 3arie*

    3olume* 12J

    ;hey notied that enlarging the 3olume of the M56 reator ill lead* to an e*alation inthe 3olume:ba*ed re*i*ti3ity and thi* re*i*ti3ity an be eEamined in term* of a number of

    element* that all ontributed to the total internal re*i*tane lie anodi and athodi o3er

    potential onentration o3er potential membrane re*i*tane and *olution re*i*tane

    Saling:up of M56* reator* need a better under*tanding of the effet* of reator de*ign

    and operation mode on 3olumetri poer den*itie* #letrode* (anode and athode ith

    3arie* material* and their *urfae area* are quite important in the olletion of urrent in

    order ad3ane generation of eletriity and the harater of *eparator* in reator de*ign are

    re3ieed It a* furthermore re3ieed onerning the pilot te*t* that are being undertaen

    to under*tand ho to on*trut and run *alable reator 12J"re3iou* *tudie* 12J regarding the *ale:up of M56* and the ab*ene of a modern re3ie

    or onerning the hard or made to de3elop lo o*t material* )oe3er on*truting

    larger M56* an hange eletrode *paing and thi* an affet poer den*ity 3ia a hange*

    in the internal re*i*tane area ;he*e re*earher* 12J u*e a *urfae area on the athode

    larger than the one of the anode to mae *ure that the anode urrent a* limiting ;heir

    re*ult* *hoed that maEimum poer den*ity of 0?29 m=m2for the *malle*t eletrode

    u*ed (192 m2 a* ahie3ed and inrea*ing the eletrode *urfae area 80 time* lead* to

    reduing of poer den*ity to le** than half (01,1 m=m 2 MaEimum poer den*ity

    generated by a M56 a* not diretly proportional to the *urfae area of the anode but i*

    in*tead proportional to the logarithm of the *urfae area (poer den*ityT U 00?@9 V ln

    (*urfae area W 0??A1 that hat they ha3e di*o3er Same re*earher* 12J al*o loo at


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    the effet of eletrode *urfae area on the M56 performane u*ing dome*ti a*teater

    ;hey e*tabli*hed that repliation the athode *i7e an e*alate poer by @2 but

    repliation the anode *i7e only e*alate poer by 12 ;he*e re*ult* reommend that the

    athode *peifi *urfae area i* one of the mo*t ruial element* for *aling:up M56* 12J

    ;he *ame re*earher* 12J in3e*tigated ho the di*tane of eletrode effet the

    performane of an M56 reator and they di*o3er that eletrode di*tane and plaement

    they are the main fator that affeted the poer den*ity internal re*i*tane and *peifi

    area ;he*e re*earher* onluded that in a *ale:up larger reator poer den*ity an be

    maintained by maintaining the arhiteture or by reduing eletrode *pae .arge 3olume

    ell mu*t be u*ed in order pre3ent ompliation* of eletrode *paing area and orientation

    of *aling up of the M56 *ta onfiguration an be on*idered beau*e it ha3e being

    pro3en that it an ahie3e effeti3e poer output* de*ired for the atual appliation*5urthermore they notied that parallel onfiguration* 3erified to be eEtra effiient than

    *erie* onfiguration*=hen the M56* reator* are oined in *ta* *tepping up of 3oltage and urrent depend on

    the *ta *i7e and onfiguration and thi* i* atually u*eful *ine the energy reque*t* an be

    enountered by modifying the *i7e of the *ta through the remo3al of unit*

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    ;he membrane permeability a* itne**ed and it a* *tated that hanging the temperature

    barely affet the permeability *o the eletriity prodution on the M56 *eem* not to be

    affeted by modifying the membrane permeability It a* notied that regarding the ohmi

    re*i*tane the temperature effet on thi* parameter normally pre*enting a linear trend ith

    a derea*e in the internal re*i*tane on the M56 ith an inrea*e on temperature ;hi*

    redution ould be de*ribed by the *tatement that *tate that the inrea*e in ioni

    onduti3ity lead to the inrea*e in temperature and therefore it re*ult* in loer ohmi


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    M56* at higher temperature ill inrea*e the performane and after the *tart:up M56 an

    be operated at loer temperature 12J

    2A #ffet of p) on the M56 de3ie

    -node reation in the M56* reator generate proton* that flo* to the athodi hamberhere ill reat ith oEygen generating ater If M56 reator an be operated

    ontinuou*ly an au*e aidifiation at the anodi hamber a* the re*ult* of proton*

    aumulation produed on the mirobial oEidation of organi ompound* due to *loer

    and unfini*hed proton diffu*ion and reloation through the membrane -lali7ation a*

    notied on the athode hamber beau*e of the ontinuou* on*umption of proton* by the

    oEygen redution reation and due to the la of replaement of proton* from the anode

    oEidation reation 12J;he*e onder* ill lead to a membrane p) onentration gradient hih put* an

    eletrohemial re*trition on M56 performane ;he inrea*e in p) in the athode

    hamber an derea*e the urrent prodution aording to the

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    28 )o thine**e* of membrane* affet poer den*ity in M56

    "re3iou* *tudie* 1?J ha3e u*e

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    210 'i*ad3antage* and -d3antage* of *equential anodeCathode M56

    2101 -d3antage* of *equential anodeCathode mirobial fuel ell* It ha* the ability to proe** a*teater at 3arying organi loading (1AC?9 g

    6O'm?d to produe an effluent ith loer 6O'

    >reater 6O' remo3al an be ahie3ed beau*e the athdi proe** at* a* an eEtraaerobi poli*hing *tep folloing the *tandard anode treatment -node of the M56

    do not ha3e the apability to remo3e biodegradable 6O' *loly a* *hon by

    on*i*tently inomplete 6O' remo3al* It ha* the po*iti3e effet of ri*ing atholyte p) ;hey are apable of produing four:fold urrent and three:fold poer ompared to

    non:*equential onfiguration*2102 'i*ad3antage* of *equential anodeCathode mirobial fuel ell* ;he*e require alert operation to pre3ent eEe**i3e 6O' entering the athode

    If eEe**i3e 6O' goe* in the athode it may au*e groth of aerobi heterotroph*hih ould *ooner or later limit oEygen *upply to the athode biofilm and hene

    pre3enting eletriity prodution Monitoring of the anode effluent 6O' i* needed daily and ontinuou* monitoring

    of the athode potential i* e**ential beau*e derea*ing an be a *ign of inipient of

    6O' arry:o3er

    - *peial de*ign of the M56* reator* are required for either aeration of the

    atholyte or liquid reirulation o3er an open:air athode in order to pro3ideoEygen to the athodi biofilm and to maintain liquid ontinuity beteen athode

    and 6#M


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report



    ?1 #Eperimental Setup

    ;o Mirobial 5uel 6ell* (M56* ere on*truted u*ing .-BO;#6 #oBath model& 1?0

    de3ie* and ere operated ;he M56* de3ie* that ere u*ed in thi* *tudy are to:

    hamber* M56* on*i*ted of anode and athode hamber* =here 10 Z of tap ater a*

    u*ed to fill the athode hamber* and the p) it a* adu*ted by *ulphuri aid ()2SO, to

    mae it an aidi *olution of an aeptable p) range of (18:18, mean hile the anode

    hamber* ere filled ith 2/0 mZ of a*teater from primary larifier and 100 mZ of ra

    *ludge from ra *amp from 'aar*poord a*teater treatment plant and the p) of anode

    hamber* ere adu*ted u*ing *odium hydroEide (

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    1000 mZ of tap ater and thi* *olution a* poured in*ide the athode* hamber* until a

    de*ired p) range are reahed - p) meter a* u*ed to monitor the p) of the athode* and

    the anode* hamber* of the M56* during the adu*tment* ;he ba*i *olution on*i*ting of

    ,0 g *odium hydroEide and 1000 mZ tap ater to adu*t the p) of the anode hamber* to

    an aeptable range of (A0:A, and thi* *olution a* poured to anode hamber* until

    de*ired range ere reahed

    -fter e3ery *eond day of operating M56 a* topped up by tap ater to it* original le3el

    to ompen*ate the amount of ater lo*t by e3aporation and the p) a* al*o monitored to

    mae *ure that the de*ired p) range ere *till maintained

    ?2 Material of 6on*trution* of M56*

    Mirobial 5uel 6ell (M56 a* on*truted u*ing .-BO;#6) (model& 1?0 a* ith a3olume of 1, . a* a athode hamber and .-BO;#6 (model& 10? a* a heater to maintain

    a temperature of ?/ and the athode eletrode* ere on*truted ith a round Me*h

    *tainle** *teel ith a proeted *urfae area of 000? m 2 5igure 2 belo i* the athode

    eletrode* on*truted ith a Me*h *tainle** *teel

    5igure 2& 6athode eletrode* (Me*h *tainle** *teel

    ;he anode a* on*truted u*ing pleEigla** and the anode eletrode a* on*truted u*ing

    6arbon 5abri (10A1 )6B and the eletron* generated from an anode hamber

    *ub*equently flo to the athode 3ia an eEternal *il3er ire herea* the proton* reah the


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    athode through 3ariou* *egment* of the ell lie liquid eletrolyte biofilm internal

    membrane et !pon reahing the athode hamber the*e eletron* and proton* are

    utili7ed for the purpo*e of reduing the a3ailable oEygen a* an eletron aeptor #letrode*

    pre*ent in both the hamber* funtion a* the eletron aeptor *in of the ell 1/J 5igure

    ? belo i* the anode hamber ith anode and athode eletrode onneted to a *il3er ire

    in order to tran*port eletron* hile generating bioeletriity

    5igure ?& -node hamber ith anode and athode eletrode

    ?? .i*t of #quipment*

    ??1 Mirobial 5uel 6ell* (M56*

    ;he M56* u*ed in thi* *tudy ere on*trted by a .-BO;#6) that ere u*ed to maintain

    a tempereture of ?/ on the athode hamber* a* *hoed in 5igure , beloand they

    ere al*o on*truted by a #oBath that ere u*ed a* a athode hamber* a* *hoed in

    figure , belo;hey ere al*o on*truted by pleEigla** a* *hoed in 5igure ? abo3e and

    they ere plaed in*ide the athode* hamber a* an anode* hamber a* *hoed in figure ,

    belo 5igure , belo i* the full *etup of Mirobial 5uel 6ell*


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    5igure ,& Mirobial 5uel 6ell* de3ie *etup

    ?22 Multimeter

    5igure / belo i* a multimeter de3ie that a* u*ed in thi* *tudy to mea*ure the 3oltage

    (%olt* and the eEternal re*i*tane (" a* *hoed in figure , abo3e

    5igure /& Multimeter de3ie

    ?2? %ariable $e*i*tor

    %ariable $e*i*tor i* a de3ie u*ed in thi* *tudy to load eEternal re*i*tane reduing from 2,

    "to 02 "e3ery / minute* of M56 operating a* *hoed in figure , abo3e


  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    ?2, )-6) de3ie (Model '$ ?900

    ;hi* de3ie a* u*ed to mea*ure 6hemial oEygen demand (6O' u*ing *tandard method*

    (high range (20C1/00 mg.[ )-6) 6O' *y*tem ()ah 6o .o3eland 6O

    ?, Material* 'e*ription

    10 Z of tap ater ere u*ed to prepare aidi *olution on the athode hamber* hile a

    *ulphuri aid *olution a* u*ed to adu*t a p) to aeptable range of 18 to 18, on the

    athode of M56* reator* and =a*teater and ra *ludge ere u*ed to fill the anode

    ompartment of the M56* ere 6O' a* treated hile generating eletriity - p) meter

    a* u*ed to mea*ure the p) on the athode and the anode hamber* of the M56* de3ie*

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    and the lid a* lo*ed ;he 3ial* a* heated for 2 hour* and let it ool in the reator for 20

    minute* ;he 3ial* a* ooled to 120 P6 or le** ;he 3ial* a* put tube ra to ool to

    room temperature ;he prepared *ample that a* heated a* in*erted into the ell holder

    of ,?/ 6O' )$ and analy*e the 6O'


    ,2 $e*ult* and 'i*u**ion

    ,21 6omparing of Open 6iruit %oltage* (O6%* generated in M56*

    ;able 1 *ho* different O6%* generated in the M56* operated ith

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  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    initiating oEidation:redution reation that i* for tran*ferring eletron* from ell terminal

    proteinen7yme to the anode *urfae 1/J

    ,2? 6alulated urrent (m- u*ing Ohm* la generated in M56* daily

    5igure A *ho* the urrent (m- generated in M56* operated ith

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    a*teater and *ludge a* added to the anode hamber It a* al*o ob*er3ed that the M56

    operated ith 018 mm

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    ith 018 mm membrane and a 3alue of 2?9/ mg. 6O' for M56 operated ith 00/ mm

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    0 0#1 0#2 0#3 0#4 0#5 0#6 0#70


















    +ota'e (+ots) Density (u/$2)

    Current Density ($$2)

    +ota'e( +ots) Density (/$2)

    -**e**ment of poer prodution for the to M56* *etup* ha* been done from the

    polari7ation ur3e* obtained upon 3arying the eEternal re*i*tane from 2, "to 02 "

    ;he maEimum poer den*ity 3alue determined from the*e polari7ation ur3e* a*

    ob*er3ed for M56 operated ith 018 mm

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report



    /1 6onlu*ion

    It a* onluded that indeed optimum membrane eEi*t* and in thi* eEperiment 018 mm

  • 7/24/2019 Final Updated Report


    /2 $eommendation*

    It i* reommended to u*e more effiient proton aeptor than oEygen *uh a*

    ferriyanide in athode ompartment It i* reommended to mae u*e the membrane mainly failitate* the migration of

    proton* toard* athodi ompartment and alloing the ounter flo diffu*ion of

    oEygen to the anode ompartment


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