Final Trip Schedule

Leave MGS 9pm. Introduced to our new best friend for the next 10 days- the coach. Travel to Dover.

Transcript of Final Trip Schedule

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Leave MGS 9pm. Introduced to our new best friend for the next 10 days- the coach. Travel to Dover.

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Ferry from Dover to France. Stop for lunch in Honfleur, an idyllic fishing port and the birthplace of a recently discovered local delicacy ‘broonaise’. Translated into English - brown sauce. Continue onto the Chateau, free-time to settle in and explore the grounds. Organised activities in the evening.

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Visit Le Mont Saint Michel. First opportunity to spend money at the gift shops, pick up the compulsory beret. Dodge the quicksand and find a safe spot for lunch. Karaoke in the evening.

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Bayeux market in the morning. 360 cinema at Amoranche. American War Cemetery then Omaha beach for rounder's and a dip in the sea. Fancy dress disco at night.

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Bayeux Tapestry. Tenpin bowling in the afternoon. Sampling French cuisine in the evening. SNAILS! then packing our suitcase for leaving early in the morning.

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Travel to Paris. Settle into the hotel, oh the joy of carrying our suitcases through the streets of Paris. Riverboat cruise at night passing the Eiffel Tower when the light show begins.

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Tourist trip around Paris using the metro. Taking in such sites as the Arc de Triomphe, The Louvre, The Champs Elysées where all the shops signs are white to commemorate fallen soldiers and of course its the place to shop. We go up the Eiffel Tower at night.

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Parc Asterix. Roller coaster time. Everyone sleeps well tonight. Last night in Paris so its a quick bite to eat then suitcase packing time again.

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Visit the Sacre Coeur. Begin the long journey home. Stop for one last chance to shop at a huge metro centre, then we get the ferry and leave our trip behind.

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Arrive back at MGS at 6am approx.

Unfortunately we must go back to school on Monday but at least we have the weekend to rest our very hard worked feet.