Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form...

Final Review

Transcript of Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form...

Page 1: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Final Review

Page 2: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Zygote: fertilized egg

• Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form

• Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus

Page 3: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Fetus: developing human from 8 weeks after fertilization until birth

• Embryo: organism in early stages of development

Page 4: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


Page 5: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Evolution: gradual change in an organism over time

• Natural Selection: process where organisms with favorable variations survive and produce more offspring

Page 6: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Homologous Structures: similar structures found in unrelated organisms (ex: fin of whale vs. arm of a human)

• Vestigal Organ: nonfunctional organ that link to ancestors (ex: human’s appendix)

Page 7: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Adaptations: inherited trait that improves the chances of survival for an organism (EX: skin color, fur)

• Fossils: trace or remains of an organism

Page 8: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Variations: differing characteristics (ex: fur color in rabbits)

• Biogenesis: theory that living things arise from other living things

Page 9: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Who is Darwin?

• Scientist that believed in natural selection (due to organisms adaptations) and survival of the fittest

• More offspring are produced than can survive

• Based his beliefs on observing different organisms

Page 10: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

What were the first living organisms?

• First living organisms were prokaryotes or do not have a nucleus (ex: bacteria)

• Endosymbiotic theory: prokaryotes engulf other prokaryotes= eukaryote

Page 11: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Big Bang- universe was a dense sphere of gases that exploded into a gigantic cloud

Page 12: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Evolutionary Evidence

• Fossils

• Fossil Records

• Absolute or relative dating (determining the number of carbon)

Page 13: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Common Ancestor

• Anatomical similarities (homologous structures and vestigial structures)

• Embryological similarities

• Molecular similarities (ex: DNA or cytochrome c)

Page 14: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Phylogenic Tree

• What common ancestor is shared by the diphyllidea and trematode?

Page 15: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Miller & Urey

• Wanted to determine whether organic molecules could have formed before life was present

Page 16: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Skip classification points 1 and 2

Page 17: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Characteristics of Kingdoms

• Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia are all eukaryotes!

• What are some characteristics of mammals?


body hair

produce milk for young

Page 18: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Hierarchical Sequence

• Kingdom King (broadest)

• Phlyum Philip

• Class Can’t

• Order Order

• Family fine

• Genus green

• Species soup. (most specific)

Page 19: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Scientific name

• Comprised of genus and species

Page 20: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Know this about classification

• Binomial Nomenclature: universally accepted name

• Homo sapians: humans

• Homo= genus

• Sapians= species

Page 21: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Rana pipens:

• What is the species?

• What is the genus?

Page 22: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Taxonomic Key

• Also called dichotomous key

• Describe and classify organisms

• Used on plants and animals

• Go to example

Page 23: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Viruses & Bacteria

Page 24: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Unicellular prokaryotic cell

• Belongs to Bacteria kingdom:–archaebacteria (live in harsh


–Eubacteria (cause disease)

Page 25: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

• Prokaryote: Does not have a nucleus (bacteria)

• Eukaryote: has a nucleus

• Flagellum: whiplike structure found on the end of the bacteria

Page 26: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Uses of Bacteria

• Break down wastes

• Food: yogurt, vitamins, pickles

• Clean up pollutants like oil

Page 27: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Shapes of Bacteria

• Bacteria are classified according to their shape

• Coccus: circle• Bacillus: rod shaped• Spirillum: spiral• **know how to draw them**

Page 28: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Antibiotic: medicine that kills bacteria

• Antibody: immune response

• Virus: small particles of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat

Page 29: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Vaccine: weakened form of a virus that prevents illness

• Binary Fission: reproduction of bacteria

• Retrovirus: virus contains RNA (Ex: HIV)

Page 30: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Bacteriophages: virus that infects bacteria

• Pathogen: bacteria that cause disease by toxins

Page 31: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Virus: »inner core (DNA/RNA)

»Capsids: protein coat

»Non living

Page 32: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Viruses vs. Cells

• Viruses are much smaller than cells

Page 33: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


»Lytic cycle: host cell is destroyed; Cause harm to humans by replicating

»Lysogenic: virus incorporates itself in host cell’s DNA

Page 34: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


Page 35: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Vascular vs. Non vascular

• Vascular: contain vascular tissue (phloem and xylem); grow bigger

EX: trees,ferns• Nonvascular: lack vascular tissue;

live close to ground & can only move water a few cm.–EX: moss

Page 36: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Xylem vs. Phloem

• Xylem: moves water upward

• Phloem: moves water in both directions

Page 37: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Seed plant whose seeds are not enclosed within a fruit

• EX: pine trees

Page 38: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Flowering Plant

Page 39: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Plant Organs:• Make sure you know the

different organs and organ diagrams- any questions, please ask!

• What organ absorbs the most water? ROOTS

Page 40: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Plant Hormones

• Responsible for responses and metabolism

• Auxin: responsible for growth

Page 41: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Phototropism: response to light

• Hydrotropism: water

• Thigmotropism: touch

Page 42: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Root: most water enters; carrots have tap root

• Stem: transport substances between roots and leaves

• Seed: plant embryo

• Fruit: another term for ovary

Page 43: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Temperature, water, and oxygen

• Tend to germinate in the spring

Page 44: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Pollination: transfer of pollen from anther to stigma

• Alternation of generations: switch between haploid (gametorphyte) and diploid (sporophyte) stages

Page 45: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Female Plant

• Consist of style, stigma, ovule, and ovary

• Collectively called the pistil

• Know diagrams- refer to your notes!!!

Page 46: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Male Plant

• Consist of filament and anther

• Collectively called stamen

• Pollen is produced in the anther

Page 47: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


Page 48: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Meristematic Tissue: tissue that produces new cells

• Seed contains: plant embryo, food supply, and protective coating

Page 49: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Digestive System

Page 50: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Function & Diagram

• Break down food and absorb nutrients;

• Carbohydrates are broken down into monosaccharide

• Proteins are broken down into amino acids

Page 51: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

• A: Esophagus• B: gallbladder• C: Liver• D: Stomach• E: IGNORE• F: Pancreas• G: Small Intestine• H: Large Intestine

Page 52: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Organs & Functions

• Mouth: digestion begins: teeth and salivary glands break up food using amylase

• Epiglottis: covering for the glottis (opening to larynx)

• Esophagus: carries food between pharynx and stomach

Page 53: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Organs & Functions

• Stomach: contains HCl, pepsin, and mucus

• Small intestine: Chemical digestion and absorb; villi (finger like projections) to move food along

• Large Intestine: Absorbs water and minerals

Page 54: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Other Organs

• Rectum: end of the intestine• Anus: wastes exit• Liver: produces bile• Gall bladder: stores bile• Pancreas: produces enzymes

to neutralize acids

Page 55: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Peristalsis: wavelike movement to move bolus toward stomach

• Bolus: saliva containing food, amylase, etc

• Bile: breaks down fats/oils (produced in liver)

• Feces: waste

Page 56: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Circulatory System

Page 57: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Blood Vessels

• Arteries: carry blood away from heart (aorta is largest)

• Veins: carry blood toward heart (thinner and have valves)

• Capillaries: smallest blood vessels

Page 58: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Other important blood vessels

• Largest Artery= aorta

• Pulmonary Artery: carries deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs

• Pulmonary Vein: carries oxygenated blood from lungs to heart

Page 59: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

Entire Sequence

• Right atrium---right ventricle—pulmonary artery—lungs—pulmonary vein—left atrium—left ventricle

Page 60: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.


• Carries oxygen

• Found in red blood cells

Page 61: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

blood components

• Red blood- delivers oxygen

• White blood cell- immunity

• Platelets: clotting

• Plasma: blood component

Page 62: Final Review. Embryology Zygote: fertilized egg Gastrulation- endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm form Placenta: provides nutrients to the fetus.

• A: Aorta• B: Right Atrium• C: Left Atrium• D: Ignore• E: Bicuspid Valve• F: Left Ventricle• G: Right Ventricle