Final Research Ng Ana Chem-1

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  • 8/9/2019 Final Research Ng Ana Chem-1


    Philippine Christian University

    Pala-pala, Dasmarias, Cavite


    In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Analytical Chemistry

    Presented to the Class of

    Professor Cherrielyn Lampaya-Casco

    March 2009

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    Pictures/ Illustrations

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    Chapter 1


    Hydroponics (from the Greek words hydro water and pono labor) is a

    method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, without soil.

    Terrestrial plants may be grown with theirroots in the mineral nutrient solution

    only or in an inert medium, such as perlite,gravel, ormineral wool.

    Plant physiology researchers discovered in the 19th century that plants

    absorb essential mineral nutrients as inorganic ions in water. In natural

    conditions, soil acts as a mineral nutrient reservoir but the soil itself is not

    essential to plant growth. When the mineral nutrients in the soil dissolve in

    water, plant roots are able to absorb them. When the required mineral

    nutrients are introduced into a plant's water supply artificially, soil is no longer

    required for the plant to thrive. Almost any terrestrial plant will grow with

    hydroponics. Hydroponics is also a standard technique in biology research

    and teaching.

    This research and experiment will prove the effectively of growing

    hydroponics plants using mineral nutrient solutions, without soil.
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    This research entitled Hydroponics Lettuce Planting aims to

    investigate and find out the solution of the following questions:

    1. What are the advantages of hydroponics?

    2. How long does the plant lettuce growth in mineral nutrient solutions,

    with no solid medium for the roots?

    3. Do hydroponics plants grow faster than the plants in soil? Why do

    plants grow quicker and produce more in a hydroponics system?

    4. What kind of maintenance is involved with a hydroponics system?


    The study will test the following hypothesis:

    1. There is a faster growth combined with relative freedom from soil

    diseases, and very consistent crops, the quality of produce being


    2. The benefits of hydroponics can be raised in any season.

    3. The benefits of plant nutrients are dissolved in the water used in

    hydroponics and are mostly in inorganic and ionic form.
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    This experiment focuses on the production hydroponics plants.

    Hydroponics is simply soil-less gardening. It is also show and discusses

    how to set up a hydroponics plant in the variety of lettuce. For the people

    will appreciate simple things in nature are good source of product.

    This research focuses on how lettuce grows using hydroponics. Growing

    plants with the hydroponics method is great when there is little space for

    gardening. Hydroponics lettuce is easy to grow and requires little


    This experimental research is limited to evaluate the quality and

    effectiveness of this hydroponics using nutrients solutions and other

    materials. The experiment in all was a success, but there were some

    things that we would have done differently. For one thing we started the

    experiment a little late.

    That probably didn't affect the results at all, but the conclusions my have

    been more interesting if the plants were fully grown. One thing we would

    have liked to have been some more places for plants to go in. That way

    we could have more of the same variety of plant to work with and

    experiment with; unfortunately we did not have the materials to build such

    a structure.

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    This research presents the knowledge used today as well as that which

    may be needed in the near future. Hydroponics has come a long way in the

    last few years. It is no longer a mystery or secret technique. It is a simple,

    reliable way of growing plants; easier and more consistent by far than growing

    in soil.

    Fortunately, these days there are a number of good hydroponics

    nutrients on the market and it is simply a matter of choosing the product that

    best suits your particular needs.
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    This study will be using the following terms:

    Perlite- it is cheap and lightweight and amazingly effective. It is highly

    recommended because it has superb capillarity.

    Aeroponics- uses pumps and sprayers to bathe the roots, which are

    suspended in a supporting container, with a nutrient-oxygen mist as

    opposed to a solution.

    Sub-Aeration- In this system an air pump supplies oxygen to the roots of the

    plants via air stones.

    pH Value- The pH value refers to the acidity or alkalinity of the nutrient


    Nitrogen- Influential in the production of leaves and the growth of the stem.

    Phosphorus-Vital in the development of flowers, fruits, leaves and stems. Also

    encourages growth of healthy roots.

    Potassium- Used by the cells of a plant during assimilation of energy

    produced by photosynthesis.

    Calcium- Spurs root growth. Also facilitates a plants absorption of potassium.

    Magnesium- A component of chlorophyll. Also active in the process of

    distributing phosphorus throughout the plant.

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    Sulphur- Joins with phosphorus to heighten the effectiveness of that element.

    Also used in the production of energy.

    Iron- Important in the production of chlorophyll within a plant.

    Manganese- Aids a plant in the absorption of nitrogen.

    Zinc- Necessary component of the energy transference process in a plant.

    Boron- While it has been established that boron is needed in minute amounts,

    it is not known precisely how boron is used.

    Copper- Needed in the production of chlorophyll.

    Passive subirrigation- also known as passive hydroponics or semi-

    hydroponics, is a method where plants are grown in an inertporous medium

    that transports water and fertilizer to the roots by capillary action from a

    separate reservoir as necessary, reducing labor and providing a constant

    supply of water to the roots.
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    Chapter 2


    History of Hydroponics

    The study of crop nutrition began thousands of years ago. Ancient

    history tells us that various experiments were undertaken by Theophrastus

    (372-287 B.C.), while several writings of Dioscorides on botany dating from

    the first century A.D., are still in existence. The earliest published work on

    growing terrestrial plants without soil was the 1627 book, Sylva Sylvarum by

    Sir Francis Bacon, printed a year after his death. Water culture became a

    popular research technique after that. In 1699, John Woodward published his

    water culture experiments with spearmint. He found that plants in less pure

    water sources grew better than plants in distilled water. By 1842 a list of nine

    elements believed to be essential to plant growth had been made out, and the

    discoveries of the German botanists, Julius von Sachs and Wilhelm Knop, in

    the years 1859-65, resulted in a development of the technique of soilless

    cultivation.[1] Growth of terrestrial plants without soil in mineral nutrient

    solutions was called solution culture. It quickly became a standard research

    and teaching technique and is still widely used today. Solution culture is now

    considered a type of hydroponics where there is no inert medium.

    In 1929, Professor William Frederick Gericke of the University of

    California at Berkeley began publicly promoting that solution culture be used

    for agricultural crop production. He first termed it aquaculture but later found

    that aquaculture was already applied to culture of aquatic organisms. Gericke

    created a sensation by growing tomato vines twenty-five feet high in his back

    yard in mineral nutrient solutions rather than soil. By analogy with the ancient
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    Greek term for agriculture, geoponics, the science of cultivating the earth,

    Gericke introduced the term hydroponics in 1937 (although he asserts that the

    term was suggested by Dr. W. A. Setchell, of the University of California) for

    the culture of plants in water (from the Greek hydros, "water", and ponos,

    "labor").Reports of Gericke's work and his claims that hydroponics would

    revolutionize plant agriculture prompted a huge number of requests for further

    information. Gericke refused to reveal his secrets claiming he had done the

    work at home on his own time. This refusal eventually resulted in his leaving

    the University of California. In 1940, he wrote the book, Complete Guide to

    Soilless Gardening.

    Two other plant nutritionists at the University of California were asked

    to research Gericke's claims. Dennis R. Hoagland and Daniel I. Arnon wrote a

    classic 1938 agricultural bulletin, The Water Culture Method for Growing

    Plants Without Soil, debunking the exaggerated claims made about

    hydroponics. Hoagland and Arnon found that hydroponic crop yields were no

    better than crop yields with good quality soils. Crop yields were ultimately

    limited by factors other than mineral nutrients, especially light. This research,

    however, overlooked the fact that hydroponics has other advantages including

    the fact that the roots of the plant have constant access to oxygen and that

    the plants have access to as much or as little water as they need. This is

    important as one of the most common errors when growing is over- and

    under- watering; and hydroponics prevents this from occurring as large

    amounts of water can be made available to the plant and any water not used,

    drained away, recirculated, or actively aerated, eliminating anoxic conditions

    which drown root systems in soil. In soil, a grower needs to be very
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    experienced to know exactly how much water to feed the plant. Too much and

    the plant will not be able to access oxygen; too little and the plant will lose the

    ability to transport nutrients, which are typically moved into the roots while in


    These two researchers developed several formulas for mineral nutrient

    solutions, known as Hoagland solutions. Modified Hoagland solutions are still

    used today. One of the early successes of hydroponics occurred on Wake

    Island, a rocky atoll in the Pacific Ocean used as a refueling stop for Pan

    American Airlines. Hydroponics was used there in the 1930s to grow

    vegetables for the passengers. Hydroponics was a necessity on Wake Island

    because there was no soil, and it was prohibitively expensive to airlift in fresh


    In the 1960s, Allen Cooper of England developed the Nutrient Film

    Technique. The Land Pavilion at Walt Disney World's EPCOT Center opened

    in 1982 and prominently features a variety of hydroponic techniques. In recent

    decades, NASA has done extensive hydroponic research for theirControlled

    Ecological Life Support System or CELSS. Hydroponics intended to take

    place on Mars are using LED lighting to grow in different color spectrum with

    much less heat.

    Origin of Hydroponic

    Soilless culture

    Gericke originally defined hydroponics as crop growth in mineral

    nutrient solutions, with no solid medium for the roots. He objected in print to

    people who applied the term hydroponics to other types of soilless culture
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    such as sand culture and gravel culture. The distinction between hydroponics

    and soilless culture of plants has often been blurred. Soilless culture is a

    broader term than hydroponics; it only requires that no soils with clay or silt

    are used. Note that sand is a type of soil yet sand culture is considered a type

    of soilless culture. Hydroponics is a subset of soilless culture. Many types of

    soilless culture do not use the mineral nutrient solutions required for


    Billions of container plants are produced annually, including fruit, shade

    and ornamental trees, shrubs, forest seedlings, vegetable seedlings, bedding

    plants, herbaceous perennials and vines. Most container plants are produced

    in soilless media, representing soilless culture. However, most are not

    hydroponics because the soil less medium often provides some of the mineral

    nutrients via slow release fertilizers, cation exchange and decomposition of

    the organic medium itself. Most soilless media for container plants also

    contain organic materials such as peat or composted bark, which provide

    some nitrogen to the plant. Greenhouse growth of plants in peat bags is often

    termed hydroponics, but technically it is not because the medium provides

    some of the mineral nutrients.
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    Chapter 3



    This chapter contains essential portions which help us to understand

    how hydroponics system of planting lettuce works. This includes the

    Experimental Procedures, Materials and Equipment, Research Environment,

    and Data needed for the Analysis and Interpretation of Data.

    This chapter primarily answers the following question:

    1. What are the nutrients required in hydroponics stock solution?

    2. What are Macronutrients?

    3. What are Micronutrients?

    4. What are the varieties of lettuce to be used in hydroponics?

    Research Procedures


    Plastic cups with hole

    Styrofoam box




    Medium (60 % coconut hush mix with 40% river sand)

    Lettuce seed

    Plastic cover

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    1. One week before planting, you will need to prepare the seedlings for

    the hydroponics. In a seedbed with the medium either soil garden or

    coconut husk mix with river sand scattered the lettuce seed and leave

    them for about seven to ten days. In that time, the seeds should sprout

    into little seedlings. Be sure to always moist the seedbed by spraying it

    with water. Dont let them go dry.

    2. Choosing and Preparing the Container for Planting. The best

    containers to use for hydroponics are Styrofoam box used by fruit

    vendors. Simply, put plastic cellophane or plastic cover to hold the

    water and cover the side of the Styrofoam box with hole. Then you will

    need to have the cover that will suspend the plastic planting cups

    which your plants will be growing in. The cover of your hydroponics

    system needs to completely cover the surface area. Prepare the cover

    by tracing the circumference of the plastic planter cups onto the cover

    and cut them out. Place six to eight holes, evenly spaced around the

    cover. Be careful not to cut the holes too close to the rim on the


    3. Mixing the nutrient water. Plants in a hydroponics system need to be

    regularly supplied with nutrients. Because there is no soil from which

    the plants can get nutrients. Hydroponics Nutrient Formulation data is

    given in Chapter Four for the required solution needed for the plants.

    4. Now that you have the solution measured in a container (drum), its

    now ready to finish setting up hydroponics system and transplant the

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    seedlings. Poured the solution nutrients into the Styrofoam box with

    plastic cover and place the cover.

    5. Carefully transfer one seedling into the plastic planter cups, be sure

    that the roots will not separate from its stem.

    6. Place the plastic planter cups into the holes of each of the cover.

    7. Keep your plants in an area where they will receive lots of sunlight. The

    lettuce prefers about equal amount of direct sunlight and indirect


    8. Keep your hydroponics system out of heavy rains. Water will get into

    the box and dilute the nutrient water. As your lettuce is growing, you

    will need to watch for insects which will love to eat your lettuce and see

    to it the amount of nutrient solution in each of the container.

    Research Environment

    The Experimental activity is conducted at Chemistry Laboratory of

    Philippine Christian University Dasmarias, Cavite College Department by the

    Science Major Students. Though the setting is not ideal for a best result

    because of the source of sunlight is not completely penetrating the plants in

    hydroponics, still it is a good start for the projects and plans by the Science

    Society Organization.

    Data Needed

    This study aims to gather the following data in the experiment in

    formulating the chemicals or nutrients required in hydroponics system.

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    Working Table

    The working table will serve as the format on how data are to be


    Hydroponics Nutrient Formulation

    There are 20 Mineral Elements needed for optimal plant growth. First

    we start with the Macronutrients, called such because they are required in

    large amounts.

    Carbon C Components of all organic compounds

    Oxygen O Supplied by air and water

    Hydrogen H Thats why its element no. 1

    Nitrogen N Part of chlorophyll, amino acids, proteins

    Phosphorus P Used in photosynthesis and almost all aspects of


    Potassium K Activates enzymes, used in formation of sugar and


    Calcium Ca Used in cell growth and division, part of cell wall

    Magnesium Mg Part of chlorophyll, activate enzymes

    Sulfur S Part of amino acids and proteins

    Stock Solution 10 Liters

    Dilute 100 Liters

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    Part A Gram mMole/L PPM MACRO

    Calcium Nitrate N

    Potassium Nitrate PAmmonium Nitrate K

    Calcium Chloride Mg

    Iron EDTA Ca


    Then we have the Micronutrients, called such because they are

    required in trace amounts. These are also referred to as trace elements.

    Boron B Affects reproduction

    Chlorine Cl Aids in root growth

    Copper Cu Used in chlorophyll, activates enzymes

    Iron Fe Used in photosynthesis

    Manganese Mn Part of chlorophyll, activates enzymes

    Sodium Na Used for water movement

    Zinc Zn Part of enzymes, used in auxins

    Molybdenum Mo Used in nitrogen fixation

    Nickel Ni Liberates Nitrogen

    Cobalt Co Fixates Nitrogen

    Silicon Si Makestougher cell walls, enhances heat and


    These are common chemicals that can be used to mix your own nutrient


    CaNO3 Calcium Nitrate

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    K2SO4 Potassium Sulfate

    KH2PO4 Mono Potassium Phosphate

    MgSO4 Magnesium Sulfate

    NH4NO3 Ammonium Nitrate

    TE Trace Elements


    Part B Gram PPM MICRO

    Potassium Nitrate Fe

    Mono potassium Phosphate Mn

    Magnesium Sulfate ZnPotassium Sulfate B

    Manganese Sulfate Cu

    Manganese Chelate Mo

    Zinc Sulfate Ni

    Zinc Chelate Co

    Boric Acid

    Copper Chelate

    Ammonium Molybdenum

    Nickel Sulfate

    Cobalt Chloride

    Total Periods of the Experiment

    Date Activity

    Varieties of Lettuce used in Hydroponics

    These are the varities of lettuce seeds Estrosa, Romaine, Green Rapid

    and Lolo Rosa which are available at Prime Agriculture Variety Supply in


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    This chapter presents and analyses data gathered in the study. It is divided in

    the following areas of observation and experimentations: a.) the Hydroponics

    Macronutrient Formulation, b.) the Hydroponics Micronutrient Formulation and

    c.) The total periods of the experiment.

    a. the Hydroponics Macronutrient Formulation

    Part A Gram mMole/L PPM MACRO

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    Calcium Nitrate 754 N 9.9 138

    Potassium Nitrate 83 P 0.8 24

    Ammonium Nitrate 0 K 2.4 93

    Calcium Chloride 0 Mg 1.0 24

    Iron EDTA 50.0 Ca 3.8 151

    S 1.0 32

    b. the Hydroponics Micronutrient Formulation

    Part B Gram PPM MICRO

    Potassium Nitrate 83 Fe 4.9



    114 Mn 1.97

    Magnesium Sulfate 245 Zn 0.25

    Potassium Sulfate 0 B 0.7

    Manganese Sulfate 8 Cu 0.068

    Manganese Chelate Mo 0.05

    Zinc Sulfate 1.1 Ni

    Zinc Chelate Co

    Boric Acid 3.9

    Copper Chelate 0.3

    Ammonium Molybdenum 0.102Nickel Sulfate 0

    Cobalt Chloride 0

    c. the total periods of the experiment

    Date Activity

    February 21, 2009 Seedlings prepared for


    February 27, 2009 Transfer of seedlings

    March 27 onwards Harvesting


    a. the allotment time for preparing the hydroponics planting is short

    b. The appropriate river sand (medium) was not used.

    c. The formulation of chemicals in the water sample was attained

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    This final chapter of study presents the (1) summary of findings and (2)



    After a series of observations and experimentations, the researchers

    were able to formulate its findings:

    Hydroponics allowed gardening to be done all year round.

    Hydroponics is essential developing as it removes the limitations that

    come with the climate zone which can be hazardous to growing.

    Hydroponics allows for more plants to be grown per given area then

    traditional gardening.

    In hydroponics there is no digging or weeding required.

    Hydroponics growing allows the gardeners to determine the amount of

    water that is going to be used on regular basis. And because artificially

    lit hydroponics gardeners are not dependent on growing seasons, they

    can produce yields several times a year rather than just once.

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    In view of the findings aforementioned, the proponents hereby

    recommend the following for further research and study:

    You should also score a line on you reservoir once it painted

    (use a knife, and scratch off paint in a straight line from top to

    bottom) which allows you to monitor the amount of water in your


    When plants are in growth phase, they will need high intensity

    discharge lamps. When plants are in bloom, high-pressure

    sodium lights increase yields and will grow denser and heavier

    vegetables or flowers.

    Use appropriate medium (riversand) for the lettuce planting.

    There is a need to put up a hydroponics planting area for

    maximizing the volume of production.

    Everyday monitoring of the lettuce plants to prevent the duration

    of weeds and scarce in water content.

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    Douglas, James S. Hydroponics. 5th ed. Bombay: Oxford UP, 1975. 1-3.

    The Water Culture Method for Growing Plants Without Soil

    10:49 a.m. ET (2009-03-04). "Alfalfa Sprouts Source Of Salmonella, Experts

    Say - Omaha-". MSNBC. Retrieved on 2009-03-14.

    Coston, D.C., G.W. Krewer, R.C. Owing and E.G. Denny (1983). Air Rooting

    of Peach Semihardwood Cutting." HortScience 18(3): 323.
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    The Hydroponics Lettuce Plant VisitAdventist University of the Philippines

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    Silang, CaviteFebruary 13, 2009

    Pictures during the period of Hydroponics Lettuce Planting

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    February 21- March 27, 2009