Final research document

My research: Look into who I can interview: Simon Western – A military veteran from the Falkland’s war. He has suffered 3 rd degree burns over an extremely high percentage of his body. Lee – A fireman of 15 years. Has been through a lot, and has some significant trauma affecting his life. Jez White – A 7 year royal marine’s veteran. Has suffered both physical and mental trauma. Had a lot of mental issues affecting his life. He found mick and underwent the programme. Now acts as a coach helping others with the Illness. Lee – Lee was an army veteran, how had been mentally and physically abuse while in Afghanistan and he had suffered a lot of mental trauma. Look into the company’s or groups that deal with the mental illness: Synergy Affiliates Ltd . - This is my stepdads charity, working with people from all walks of life. They specifically look into military war veterans going therapy and treatments that I have witness do work. – They work closely with another charity called ‘Save Our Soldier’. Research the effects that PTSD has on people and their families: There are many different effects that P.T.S.D can have on people and their families. These can be anything from loss of life, to being in actual danger. People that suffer from this illness are not always a danger to others but a danger to themselves as well. P.T.S.D stands for – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This disorder can: Make someone hard to live with

Transcript of Final research document

My research:

Look into who I can interview:

Simon Western – A military veteran from the Falkland’s war. He has suffered 3rd degree burns over an extremely high percentage of his body.

Lee – A fireman of 15 years. Has been through a lot, and has some significant trauma affecting his life.

Jez White – A 7 year royal marine’s veteran. Has suffered both physical and mental trauma. Had a lot of mental issues affecting his life. He found mick and underwent the programme. Now acts as a coach helping others with the Illness.

Lee – Lee was an army veteran, how had been mentally and physically abuse while in Afghanistan and he had suffered a lot of mental trauma.

Look into the company’s or groups that deal with the mental illness:

Synergy Affiliates Ltd . - This is my stepdads charity, working with people from all walks of life. They specifically look into military war veterans going therapy and treatments that I have witness do work. – They work closely with another charity called ‘Save Our Soldier’.

Research the effects that PTSD has on people and their families:

There are many different effects that P.T.S.D can have on people and their families. These can be anything from loss of life, to being in actual danger. People that suffer from this illness are not always a danger to others but a danger to themselves as well.

P.T.S.D stands for – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This disorder can:

Make someone hard to live with Living with some who is easily startled, has nightmares and often avoids social situations can

take a toll on most caring family. The persons family may experience:

o Sympathyo Negative feelingso Avoidanceo Depressiono Anger and Guilto Health Problems

The summary is:

Family members may feel hurt, alienated, or discouraged because your loved one has not been able

to overcome the effects of the trauma. Family members frequently devote themselves totally to

those they care for and, in the process, neglect their own needs.

Social support is extremely important for preventing and helping with PTSD. It is important for family

members to take care of themselves; both for their own good and to help the person dealing with


Primary and Secondary Research:

I have created a Questionnaire about P.T.S.D., although it is only a 5 question questionnaire it will allow me to see a small glimpse into what people know.

Write up about my findings:

This is the results I got with my Primary research, and secondary research:

Question 1:

Question 1

MentalPhysicalEmotionalAll Of The Above

On question 2, There is a 100% Answer rate:

Question 3:

Question 4: These are a select few of the answers that I got.

Question 5: These are a select few of questions.

My secondary research consisted of looking into different types of treatments out there:

Here is a charity that works with mental health; it is called ‘Mind for Better Mental Health’

On their P.T.S.D page, they talk about what PTSD actually is and the symptoms of it. This will allow the sufferer of the illness to have sense of mind that he or she knows what’s happening to them. Also they give information’s at the VERY top of their in order to get in contact if it is urgent.

They also have a few quotes, from different people, talking about what they feel like.

They also have this. This will lead you to many other pages that contain other vital information on how you may be feeling, The way others may be feeling. But also how to get in contact with someone that will be able to help you.

On the treatment page, they talk about 1, what treatmenbts are out there. 2, what other types of treatment someone might need. Medication help. And also anything else that someone may or may not need.

Here is a link to their PTSD page: