Final projects - Inside

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Final projects 1

Transcript of Final projects - Inside

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Final projects


Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Final Projects

• Full project instructions on course website• Project proposals (via email)

– One page description – motivation, approach, data to be used

• Possible directions– Something you are interested in or that may help you in your

research– Don’t need to develop something original, but should

• read and describe relevant papers in literature• do some application of relevant techniques

– Could investigate something we have covered briefly, or that is related to some topic in the course


Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Final Projects

• Example types of projects– Investigate two feature detection algorithms; explain how they work,

compare their performance– Apply an algorithm to a new problem domain, evaluate its

performance• Ideas

– Some ideas follow– The book has many references to “further reading”– The book’s website has many project ideas.– Talk to me– This is a class at Stanford that does projects:



Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Past Project Topics

• Scanned document enhancement

Skew correction (courtesy of Thomas Schubert)


Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Past Project Topics• Nanorod image analysis

• Restoring degraded photographs

courtesy of Colin Bick

Courtesy of Gwyneth Holston


Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Past Project Topics

• Handwritten digit identification

• Classification of hurricane images


courtesy of Ryan Crawford

courtesy of Tim Douglas

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Other past projects

• Fast block based connected component labeling• Counting people in surveillance video• Comparison of edge detectors in medical images• Jigsaw puzzle solver• Identifying bacteria in microscope images• Image search and retrieval based on color histograms• Creation of paint-by-number images• Automated galaxy classification• Comparison of skeletonization methods• Localization and of hernia clips in X-Ray images


Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Project ideas

• Exaggerating color changes in video


An example of using our Eulerian Video Magnification framework for visualizing the human pulse. (from

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Project Ideas• Creating a blended image


High resolution aerial image Low resolution satellite imageMedium resolution blended image (synthetically created)

Images courtesy of Microsoft Bing Maps group in Boulder

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Project Ideas• Classification

– From R,G,B, + near-infrared images– Also have terrain elevation map (DSM) and vector data


Images courtesy of Microsoft Bing Maps group in Boulder

Rouen, France Desired classification result: blue=water, red=buildings, green=trees

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Project Ideas

• Depth image processing using Kinect– (recommended for students who have taken

CSCI512/EENG512 “Computer Vision”)


Microsoft Kinect is an RGB-D sensor

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Project Ideas

• Image and video segmentation

• Example application: “cartoonifying an image”


Project by Narendran Anil

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Project Ideas

• Material inspection

• Example application:– Identification of fission gas voids


Project by Ryan Collette

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Project Ideas

• Cloth inspection


Images courtesy of Qi Han, Professor in EECS

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Gauge Reading

• Automatically find an analog dial gauge in an image, and determine the pointer position

• The type of gauge can be known in advance


Image courtesy of Healing Waters International Result from student Daniel Mawhirter, 2015

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Pool Table Analysis


• Automatically determine the positions of balls on a pool table– If possible also identify

the balls

• The problem is easier if you position the camera directly above the table

Colorado School of Mines Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Other possible project topics

• Wavelet-based image enhancement, restoration, compression, or fusion

• Digital image watermarking• Super-resolution• Comparing image compression techniques• Detecting weeds (broadleaf plants) in grass• Signature recognition• Plant leaf classifier• Creating a background model of a scene• Document layout segmentation