Final Project- CLASSROOM



t206, final, CLASSROOM

Transcript of Final Project- CLASSROOM





The Present.

New York City suburbs.

Kindergarten classroom

Late morning

PAUL HINDEL sits in his desk, wondering whom he should select as

the new class president.

He stands in front of the class. The class is waiting anxiously

to hear his announcement. He clears his throat and says, “I am

selecting ADLER HUNTER to take my place as class president. The

entire class gasps. They take the news as a complete shock.

Adler sits alone, as he always does, during playtime. He is

shorter than most children. He is shorter than most students of

his age. He is wearing his Mergany Academy uniform: a white

button down shirt; a vest colored black, white, and red; khaki

pants; black socks; and black dress shoes. His hair is neatly

parted to the side. He has blue eyes and a very stout face.

Adler walks up to Paul. He smiles, shakes his hand and walks


The class is all outside for recess. It is a chilly, breezy,

autumn afternoon. Adler wants to make a strong class president.

He walks to the top of the slide to make a speech. No one cares

enough to listen to his speech. Adler looks down in shame.

It is the next day and again Adler walks to the top of the slide

to make an announcement. He yells at the top of his lungs and a

few students gather around. Adler demands MS. VERSAILLES is

stealing their snack and nap time. She is forcing them to obey

unprecedentedly short snack and nap times. Adler swears to

extend snack and nap time back to 20 minutes. The children

cheer loudly and Adler looks triumphant.

Adler stops Ms. Versailles after school on his way out. He

argues that for her to provide the most positive learning

experience, she should extend snack and nap time back to its

original 20 minutes. She agrees, praising Adler’s commitment to

his classmates.

The next day at recess, Adler walks to the top of the slide

again. It is once again a chilly autumn afternoon. Leaves are

blown across the playground pavement by the strong wind. This

time a large group of kids form around Adler. He proudly states

that he has restored their snack and nap times, but there is yet

another problem to be addressed: not enough toys for everyone.

Adler blames the shortage of toys on the red heads in the class.

He convinces the children listening that the best toys are

always taken by the redheaded children in the class. The kids

agree that they are selfish with the toys and agree everyone

should get to play with the toys.

It’s playtime. The redheads go to play with the toys. Adler

walks over and stops them, “You are forbidden to play with any

toys for the rest of the year. Go sit in the corner.” The red

headed children, confused, go to the other corner of the room.

Adler announces to his fellow classmates that a final solution

to the redheaded menace has been found.

Ms. Versailles witnesses Adler. She calls for MR. ROOSEVELT (the


Mr. Roosevelt arrives in the class. He takes Adler out of the

classroom to his office. Mr. Roosevelt asks why Adler would act

that way to his fellow classmates. Adler tries to explain how

the red heads are attempting to seize control of the toys and

are undermining the natural harmony of the class. Mr. Roosevelt,

tired and somewhat dumbfounded, strips Adler of his position as

president and asks that he please play nice with the other

children. Adler leaves the office and under his breath swears






PAUL HINDEL looks out over the class of his fellow

kindergarteners. He is thinking deeply about whom he should

pick to replace him as class president.


Good morning class. As you know, Paul is transferring

schools this week and will no longer be in our class and since

Paul is our current class president, he will

pick one of you to take his place. Paul, do you know who you

want to pick? Remember, choose who you think would be a good

president for the whole class, not just your best friend. Paul

looks at each student carefully. Students squirm in their seats

anxious to see who he picks. Paul clears his throat.


I am selecting ADLER HUNTER to take my place as class president.

The entire class gasps. Very shocked most of the students turn

and look at Adler. Adler is shorter than most children. He is

wearing his academy uniform: a white button down shirt; a vest

colored black, white, and red; khaki pants; black socks; and

black dress shoes. His black hair is neatly parted to his left

side. He has blue eyes and a very stout face.


Who is that?


I think that’s the name of the quite kid that sits in

the back.

Adler smiles pleasingly. Adler stands at his desk.


Thank you Paul, as your new class president, I will

try my hardest to live up to the high standards that

you expect from someone with such power. I will not

fail you.


Uhhh… thank you Adler. I’m sure you’ll be a great

president. Now childr…

The school bell rings


Oh, I lost track of time. You can go to recess now

and after you get back we will begin on history.

The children race out the door.


It is a chilly autumn day. Adler sits alone on the swing set

looking across the playground at his fellow classmates. He

wants to make a strong impression. He slowly gets up and walks

over to the base of the slide. Adler mumbles to himself and

paces back and forth at the bottom of the slide. He looks up

to the top of the slide and then climbs to it.



No one is around the slide. All of the other children are strewn

out across the playground. No one notices Adler. Adler clears

his throat loudly.



No one is listening. Adler cups his hands around his mouth and

yells as loud as he can.



A few children look up at him for a second and then go back to

playing. Adler grabs the top of the slide and looks down in



Ms. Versailles is teaching about math. The students are not very

interested and a few have fallen asleep. The monotony is

interrupted by the school bell.


Okay children, enjoy recess and we’ll pick up where we

left off after you get back.

The children run out the door.


The children are spread out across the playground. Adler walks

straight to the base of the slide. He begins to climb it and

then stops. He walks around the base of the slide preparing what

he is going to say. He then climbs to the top of the slide.


May I have your attention!

No one looks at Adler.


I have very important issues I would like to discuss

with you as your class president.

Again, no one listens.


Ms. Versailles is evil!

A few children stop what they are doing and slowly make their way

to the base of the slide to hear what Adler has to say.


That is right friends. Ms. Versailles has wronged us.


What do you mean? Ms Versailles is pretty nice to us.


Aha! That’s what she wants you think. Think back to

the beginning of the year,SUSIE, this may be before

your time.

Susie is shown as one of the shorter kindergarteners.

ADLER (cont.)

But back in the good old days our nap and snack time

was 20 minutes long. Can you remember that?


Hey, yeah it did used to be 20 minutes


That’s right. 20 minutes of freedom, but that was

stripped away from us. Did we deserve that kind of

treatment? No! It is none of our faults that we now

have 15 minute nap and snack times, but do you know

who’s it is?


Ms Versailles?


That’s right! Ms. Versailles, but she didn’t do it

alone. No, the plot thickens my good friends. Who had

the power to stop her, but failed to do so?



Paul Hindel. Now don’t get me wrong my compatriots, I

loved Paul like a brother, but he didn’t have what it

took to lead. He was too passive to the authority of

Ms Versailles. I promise you, as your new leader, I

will not sellout on you. I will fight for your

rights. I will fight for your well-being, I will fight

for your nap and snack time!

Loud applause


On this day, let it be known that I, Adler Hunter will

restore our snack and nap times back to 20 minutes!

And if you let me, I will lead you to victory over the

Fascist tyrant Ms Versailles and again restore sanity

to this broken classroom.

Loud Applause


Thank you all.

Adler bumps his chest with his fist and then extends his arm

straight out to flash a peace sign to his audience. He has a

triumphant smile across his face. He looks over his classmates

one last time. Everyone who listened to him is applauding and

some of the children across the playground are looking on with

inquisitive faces. Adler climbs down off of the slide.


The students reenter the classroom after recess and take their

seats. Ms Versailles restarts her lesson.


Okay children, I have written some math problems on

the board, who wants to try them out?

The clock slowly winds around. Ms Versailles continues to teach.

Then, the school bell rings.


Have a good day children. Remember to practice the

alphabet. Whoever can sing it to me gets candy. See

you tomorrow.

The students pack up their things and leave the room except for

Adler. Adler waits until everyone has left and then goes to

speak with Ms Versailles.


Hey Ms Versailles


Hello Adler. What are you doing? The school bell

already rang. You better hurry up so as not to miss

your bus.


I would like to Ms Versailles, but I have something

very important to talk to you about.


Oh, what is it Adler? Are the other children making

fun of your silly haircut?


No, its about…


The time you picked your nose and wiped it on the girl

in front of you?


What? No, I never even did that. I want to talk



The circus! You want to know how those motorcycle

guys go around the circle cage without falling down

don’t you.


Quit guessing what I’m about to say. I want to talk

about our nap and snack time. I think we need to

extend the time we are currently allotted for napping

and snacking.


Is that so Adler? Well I think we already agreed to

change the time to 15 minutes.


I can appreciate that Ms Versailles, but I come to you

as a representative of the rest of the class. You

see, I only want ensure the best possible learning

experience for everyone in the class, including you Ms

Versailles. Currently, we have to divide napping and

snacking into about 7 and a half minutes each. If you

take away the time it takes to properly digest food

and then actually get comfy for a nap, we are left

with about 10 minutes total. I believe this has led

to an increase in in crankiness and overall

indignation in the classroom. This of course is not

good for anyone. If the students are sleepy and

cranky they can’t learn properly, thus making your own

job more difficult. That is why I propose we extend

nap and snack time to 40 minutes.


Wow Adler, I’m impressed that you have thought this

over so thoroughly and are taking the role of class

president so seriously. You really are a role model

for the other students. I can’t however extend the

nap and snack time to 40 minutes. How about back to



I appreciate the compliment, but must insist that the

nap and snack time be a little longer. How about 39



Are you bartering with me Adler? Ok, 25.






I wont settle for anything under 30 Ms Versailles


29 Adler. That’s my final offer. Take it or leave it.


Okay, it’s a deal. Thank you Ms Versailles, I really

think you made the right decision. I’m sure this will

make some of the students hate you a little less.

Okay, I’ve got to go now.

Adler runs out the door. Ms Versailles looks a little confused

as to what just happened and then goes back to shuffling papers

on her desk.


It is the next day at recess. Adler is pacing back and forth at

the bottom of the slide thinking about what he is going to say.

The grass that was once below the slide’s ladder has turned to a

patch of dirt from Adler’s pacing. Adler mumbles to himself and

looks up to the top of the slide. He takes one last deep breath

and climbs to the top of the slide. Once on top of the slide

Adler looks down. This time, almost all of the children are

surrounding the slide looking up at him, waiting for him to



Classmates, friends, we have done it!

The crowd cheers.


For you, I risked myself and in doing so, have

extended our nap and snack times beyond the original

20 minutes!

Loud applause


I have spoken with Ms Versailles, and after long

debate defeated her. She was strong at first. Adamant

about not changing the nap and snack times, but I

remained true to my word. I remained true to you and

have extended our nap and snack time to 29 minutes.

Gasps. One girl in the front row passes out from excitement.


Do you know how much longer that is than our original

nap time?


Uh… nine minutes.


That is right. Nine minutes. Nine minutes longer than

any nap time ever. Nine,nine, nine! This is

unprecedented. We are making great changes and I

believe the power of our class continues to expand. I

believe we have the potential to be the first class to

dictate our own play times!

Loud cheers


This of course, will not be an easy task. It will

require a consolidated group effort. We will need to

work together as one.



This brings me to my next point. I believe there are

certain individuals amongst us who do not care for the

good of our class, for the good of each other, for the

good of you or me. Does anyone know who these people

are? I warn you, they are amongst us now as we speak.



Who are the first ones out the door at the beginning

of recess? Who are the ones who always get the best

ball or the best toys? Who are the ones who most

often get to play with the Opimus Prime toy, while we

are left to play with old GI Joes?


TIMMY always gets the best ball.


THOMAS always plays with Optimus.


And STEPHANIE always gets astronaut Princess Unicorn

Barbie, leaving me fat Barbie.


That’s right my friends. Timmy, Thomas, and Stephanie

and what do they all have in common?


They all have the best things?


They all have T’s in their names.


They all have red hair?


That’s right! They all have red hair. Is this a

coincidence? No! And why do you think none of them

are here right now? Because they have the best toys

because they are not loyal to the class.


They do all have red hair. Well, what can we do?


My friends, we must put an end to the red headed



Lets not play with them anymore.


Lets not talk to them anymore.


No, lets talk to them and ask them to share the toys.


I wish it was that simple, but I fear it is not.

These red heads cannot be reasoned with. I have

personally tried to talk to them, but they dismiss me

and refuse to listen. We need to be more assertive, we

need to deal with the red heads now.


Lets take the toys from them.


No, lets just not let them play at recess anymore.


I believe we have a final solution to the red headed

menace my friends. We shall not let them play at

recess any longer.



Isn’t that a little mean?


No, its for the good of all of us.


Yeah, they have wronged us. We have to stand up to

them so we don’t get walked over. They are evil.


We shall prevail. We shall overcome. We shall

restore sanity.

Wild applause. Adler looks out over the roaring crowd with and

confident smirk and then climbs down the slide.


It is the next day. Ms. Versailles is teaching. It is raining

outside. The children sit anxiously, waiting for the recess bell

to ring.


Good job BILLY, that’s right. Does anyone else want

to try reading aloud for the class?



Okay, how about you Adler?


The cow goes moo. The cat goes meow. Darth Vader

says, Luke, I am your father. The dog goes w…..

The bell rings. Adler stops reading and all of the kids jump out

of their seats to rush to the corner of the room where all of the

toys and games are kept for indoor recess on days the weather is

too bad to play outside. The red headed children are at the head

of the pack because they sit closest to the toy box. Adler jumps

over a desk and beats them to the toy corner. As soon as Thomas

is about to pick up a toy a hand is put in front of him and

forces him to stop cold.



All the children freeze in place.


What’s going on Adler?


Timmy, Thomas, and Stephanie I need to have a word

with you guys.


What? Get out of the way Adler, we want to play.


Yeah, I want to get princess unicorn Barbie.

Points to Barbie on the toy shelf.


That is exactly what we need to talk about.


Princess unicorn Barbie?


Why would we talk about princess unicorn Barbie?

She’s dumb.


She is dumb. We should talk about transformers. Those

are cool.


Or wrestling. Wrestling is awesome because they do

flips and shit and they are really fighting. Its so



Wrestling is not cool. They wear silly clothes and

are dumb.

Adler loudly clears his throat.


I do not want to talk about barbies or wrestling or

uhh.. transformers or toys or anything like that. I’d

like to… I want to inform you that we’ve had a

discussion and have come to the…


Who had a discussion?


Me and the class. The rest of the class, and we’ve

decided that you are tearing apart the delicate

framework of our class structure.




You are forbidden to play with any toys for the rest

of the year. Go sit in the corner.


You can’t do that.


Silly naïve redheads, I believe I just did.


This isn’t funny Adler.


This is no joke. You are disrupting the harmony of

the class and be it that you are redheads only

intensifies the problem.

Thomas jumps at Adler. Adler jumps backwards avoiding Thomas.

Timmy goes to help Thomas. Stephanie begins to cry quietly. The

other kids in the class playing behind them stop and watch.


TREVOR, MIKE, get over here.

The two biggest kids in the class come over and stand, arms

crossed, in between Adler and the redheads, staring with grim

faces at the redheads.


Take them away.

The red headed children drop their heads and walk to the other

corner of the room. Timmy whispers something resentful under his

breath and Stephanie begins crying louder. Adler turns around to

face the other children in the class and throws up his hands.


Girls and boys I have done it! I have fixed the

redheads. We can now play in peace.

As soon as Adler gets the last word out Ms Versailles swiftly

grabs his wrist and yanks him towards her.


What in the world do you think you’re doing Adler?

Come with me immediately.

Ms Versailles pulls Adler over to the door and presses a button

to the classroom intercom. There is a click and then a voice

comes over the intercom from the other end.


Hello, this is the office, how may I help you?


Would you send down MR. ROOSEVELT immediately. We

have a situation with one of the students being very



Will do.

The intercom clicks off. Ms Versailles stares intently at Adler,

looks over to the corner of the room where Stephanie is still

crying, and then looks back at Adler with an even more rage

filled gaze. A few seconds pass and footsteps are heard coming

down the hall through the door. They get louder and louder until

a tall man with a black suit, a tie, and shiny shoes enters the

room. He looks around for a second and then looks at Ms

Versailles and Adler.


What’s the problem Elanor?


This young man made those three children

She points to the redheads in the corner of the room


Over there go to the corner of the room and would not

let them play with any of the toys or the other


Mr Roosevelt looks down at Adler.


Is this true?

Adler looks up and Mr Roosevelt and then looks back down at his

shoes. Mr. Roosevelt looks at Ms Versailles


Don’t worry Elanor, I’ll take care of this.

Mr. Roosevelt grabs Adler by the hand


Come with me lad.

Mr. Roosevelt escorts Adler out of the room and down the hall.


Roosevelt is sitting behind his desk staring at Alder. Adler is

seated directly in front of Roosevelt in a small classroom chair.

Roosevelt glares at Adler. Adler has his head lowered, looking

at his shoes.


I don’t believe we’ve properly met before. I’m Mr

Roosevelt, I’m sure you know me. What is your name?

Adler looks up at Roosevelt


I’m Adler. Adler Hunter.


Well Adler Hunter, we both know what brought you here,

now would you like to tell me why you were being mean

to your fellow classmates?


For the good of the class sir.


Excuse me?

Roosevelt looks confused


You see sir, I am the class president and as such I

feel it is my responsibility to ensure that the class

runs as smoothly as possible. Don’t you agree?


Uh… yes.


Well, I took the initiative to improve the failings in

the classroom. I started by getting out nap and snack

time extended to improve productivity and overall

wellbeing in the classroom on part of the students and

our dear Ms Versailles.


That’s very thoughtful of you.


Why thank you. And after that I went to solving the

next biggest problem in the classroom, our lack of

good toys and the selfish habits of certain students.

The class agreed that the students which I supposedly

banished today are the same students who hog the best

toys for themselves. Mr Roosevelt, sir, I meant only

to make the rest of the class happy and give other

students a chance to play with the good toys.


Well Adler, I can’t really punish you for trying to

help your classmates, but you should have come to me

or Ms Versailles for help. You are not responsible

for dealing with those issues.


I apologize Mr. Roosevelt, I was only trying to help

and I know how busy Ms Versailles and you are at

ensuring that us students have the best learning

experience possible, I figured I could solve this

problem for you guys.


Thank you Adler, but from now on come to me or your

teacher with these types of problems. Now I would

like for you to write an apology to your classmates

for not letting the play and me and Ms Versailles will

see to it that everyone gets to play with the good

toys from now on.


Thank you oh so very much sir.


Okay, now get back to class.

Adler stands up and heads out the door. Roosevelt looks down at

his desk and begins messing with some papers. Adler looks back

quickly and then walks out the door. As he is walking out he

whispers under his breath.


You may have won this time, but by mein got in Himmel

I will get you reheads.

Shot list


1 10 Point of View: Paul Classroom full of children sitting in

their seats staring at camera

1 20 Close shot-full shot Paul scanning, standing in front of


1 30 Medium shot-pans with

her walking to Paul

Versailles; behind her desk

1 40 Full shot The class

1 50 Medium shot; pan; pan Kid squirming in seat; kid leaning

forward; kid sleeping at desk

1 60 Full shot Paul with Versailles off to the side

1 70 Medium shot Adler at desk

1 80 Full shot Classroom swiveling to see Adler

1 90 Medium shot Two students in the middle of the

class talking to each other at desks

1 100 Close up Adler at desk

1 110 Full shot Adler standing up and then sitting

down again

1 120 Full shot Versailles in front of blackboard

1 130 Close up/low-angle School bell

1 140 Full shot Versailles in front of classroom

1 150 Full shot Side of room facing door, see

Versailles and kids, kids run out of


3 10 Point of view Middle of second row POV, watching

Versailles at the blackboard

3 20 Medium shot Versailles from side angle teaching at

the blackboard

3 30 Full shot The class at their seats

3 40 Close shot Kid sleeping at desk

3 50 Medium shot Two kids whispering back and forth

3 60 Close shot Adler smiling at his desk

3 70 Full shot Versailles at blackboard

3 80 Close shot/low-angle School bell

3 90 Full shot, facing class Class, gets up out of seats

3 100 Full shot, side, facing door Kids running out the door

5 10 Full shot, side, facing door Kids come through door

5 20 Medium shot Versailles at blackboard

5 30 Full shot blackboard

5 40 Full shot Class, no hands up

5 50 Close shot Versailles mouth talking

5 60 Medium shot Clock on wall slowly ticking

5 70 Medium shot Clock now hours later

5 80 Close shot Versailles mouth talking

5 90 Full shot, front The students at their desks, most

fighting sleep

5 100 Close shot/ low-angle School bell ringing

5 110 Full shot, side, facing door Versailles at board, kids running past

5 120 Full shot, front Students seats, kids packing up and

running out, adler sitting at desk

5 130 Full shot, back Looking at blackboard, kids are gone,

Versailles at desk

5 140 Low-angle/back of class up

aisle from back to Versailles


Adler picks up backpack, walks up to

versailles from his desk

5 150 Point of view Adler looking at Versailles shuffling

papers at desk

5 160 Medium shot facing adler

and versailles

Adler, Versailles behind desk

5 170 Close up Adler’s face

5 180 Medium shot facing adler

and versailles

Adler talking to versailles at her desk

5 190 Full shot alder

5 200 Full shot versailles

5 210 Medium shot adler

5 220 Medium shot versailles

5 230 Close shot adler

5 240 Close shot versailles

5 250 Extreme close up Adler’s eyes

5 260 Extreme close up Versailles’ mouth

5 270 Full shot Adler and Versailles at her desk; adler

turning and running out the door

7 10 Full shot, side of class See raining through window, Versailles

standing and teaching at board with billy

7 20 Full shot, front Kids squirming in seats

7 30 Medium shot Versailles with billy, billy leaves

7 40 Full shot, front Looking at class, zoom into adler, adler

walking to front of class

7 50 Medium shot Adler with book, reading, stops at bell

7 60 Point of view (adler) Kids jumping out of seats to go to toy

corner at back left of room

7 70 Full shot, side of class,

facing toy corner

Kids running to toys, adler jumping over

desks racing to corner

7 80 Medium shot, facing timmy Timmy about to get to toy corner

7 90 Point of view (timmy), close-


Adler’s hand

7 100 Full shot Adler standing in front of toy corner

7 110 Full shot Timmy, thomas, and Stephanie frozen in


7 120 Full shot, over redheads

shoulder at adler

Adler standing fists rested on hips

7 130 Full shot, side Alder, timmy, thomas, stephanie

7 140 Point of view (Stephanie) Pointing at Barbie in toy shelf behind


7 150 Full shot, side Adler, timmy, Thomas, stephanie

7 160 Close shot Stephanie pan to timmy pan to Thomas

pan to timmy pan to stephanie

7 170 Medium shot Adler, clearing throat

7 180 Medium shot over adler’s

shoulder facing redheads;

rotate around to the side

facing all four kids

Redheads; then all four

7 190 Full shot Thomas jumping at adler

7 200 Full shot, high-angle Adler falling backwards avoiding

Thomas, adler yelling

7 210 Full shot, low-angle Mike and trevor walk in front of adler

arms crossed

7 220 Full shot, high-angle Adler yelling

7 230 Medium shot, over mike and

trevors’ shoulders at


Redheads; they walk away heads


7 240 Medium shot Adler gets up, raising arms in victory

7 250 Close shot A large hand grasping adler’s raised


7 260 Close shot Versailles scowling

7 270 Full shot, follow versailles Versailles dragging adler to the door;

push intercom button;

7 280 Full shot, low-angle Enter Roosevelt through the door

7 290 Full shot Roosevelt, Versailles, adler

7 300 Full shot Finger pointing to redheads in corner

of the room cowering

7 310 Point of view (Roosevelt) Looks down at adler

7 320 Full shot Roosevelt, Versailles, adler; Roosevelt

grabs adler and escorts him out the


2 10 Long shot Looking out from school door over

playground; slide; swings; soccer

field; kids playing

2 20 Medium shot; turn to long


Alder on swings; follow adler walk to

slide across the playground

2 30 Overhead shot Adler pacing back and forth beneath


2 40 Point of view shot Adler looking up slide ladder

2 50 Close shot Adler’ face

2 60 Full shot, high-angle Empty space around slide

2 70 Medium shot Adler on top of slide

2 80 Full shot looking out over

playground from top of slide

Kids playing, no one below listening

to adler

2 90 Medium shot Adler on top of slide yelling

2 100 Full shot of playground from

top of slide

Kids, a few glance up and go back to


2 110 Medium shot; pull out to full


Adler dropping head in shame; adler

climbing down the slide ladder

4 10 Long shot Playground, kids playing, adler

walking to slide

4 20 Full shot Adler pacing at bottom of slide

4 30 Point of view Adler looking up slide ladder

4 40 Full shot Adler at top of slide yelling

4 50 full shot from top of slide to

area in front of slide

Empty, only grass

4 60 Full shot Adler yelling

4 70 Full shot looking at ground A few children walk into frame and

from top of slide look up at adler

4 80 medium shot adler

4 90 High-angle shot Kids below slide

4 100 Low-angle shot adler

4 110 Full shot susie

4 120 Low-angle adler

4 130 High-angle Kids below

4 140 Low-angle adler

4 150 High-angle Kids below

4 160 Low-angle adler

4 170 Full shot of playground Children across playground look over

at adler

4 180 Full shot Adler climbing down ladder of slide

6 10 Overhead shot Adler pacing in front of slide ladder

6 20 Point of view Adler climbing up slide and looking

over the top at almost all the kids

standing in front of slide looking at


6 30 Low-angle adler

6 40 High-angle Crowd, one girl passes out

6 50 Low-angle adler

6 60 Point of view (adler) crowd

6 70 Low-angle adler

6 80 High-angle crowd

6 90 Low-angle adler

6 100 Point of View (adler) crowd

6 110 Low-angle adler

6 120 High-angle crowd

6 130 Low-angle adler

6 140 Point of view (adler) crowd

6 150 Low-angle adler

6 160 Point of view (adler) crowd

6 170 Low-angle adler

6 180 Full shot The entire crowd and adler at the top

of the slide; adler climbing down

ladder slide

8 10 Full shot, far behind adler

obscuring all of Roosevelt;

pan to the side

Back of adler in small chair, Roosevelt

in big chair behind big nice desk

8 20 Close shot Roosevelt glaring at adler

8 30 medium shot Adler looking down, looks up

8 40 Medium shot Roosevelt behind desk

8 50 Full shot adler

8 60 Full shot Roosevelt, pan to full

shot of adler and Roosevelt in


Roosevelt; then adler and roosevelt

8 70 Medium shot Roosevelt telling adler to go back to


8 80 Full shot , following adler Adler, getting up and walking to the

door, he looks back over shoulder

8 90 Medium shot of through door

into office of adler

Adler walking through door,

Roosevelt in background at his desk

shuffling papers

8 100 Close up of alder, pull out to

full shot

Adler talking to himself, camera pulls

up and adler shakes his fist


1. John Williams – Imperial March

a. When Adler is first gaining power as he climbs to the top of the slide

2. Pint Shot Riot – Not thinking straight (acoustic version)

a. Right after the movie ends when the credits appear

3. No specific artist – Instrumental of “ABC’s”

a. In the beginning of the movie when you first see the kids playing

4. The Beatles – Come Together

a. The first day Adler is president when he is looking around at the playground

to figure out how to get people’s attention

5. Electric Light Orchestra – Mr. Blue Sky

a. Right after Adler makes his classmates cheer for him while he is giving a

speech on the slide

6. Squirrel Nut Zippers- Lugubrious Whing Whang

a. Played as Adler first exits the classroom to the playground and sees the slide

7. Me First and the Gimme Gimmes- Me and Julio Down by the School Yard

a. As Adler gets off of the slide after giving his first big speech

Preliminary Research

There wasn’t a whole lot of research we had to do for this project. Since Hitler and

the holocaust is such a widely taught subject in school, we knew a lot about the events of

the holocaust and what Hitler was trying to do. We basically took those events and scaled

them down to a Kindergarten class. One piece of information that had to be looked up

however was about the character Paul Hindel (the first president of the class). He

represents Paul Hindenburg who was in power of Germany right before Hitler took over.

We also looked at some pictures of Hitler in greater detail so it would be easier to describe

Adler Hunter (who represents Hitler).

Ms. Versaille is derived from the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War 1 and

is often given blame for creating tensions that started World War 2. In the script, Ms.

Versailles is supposed to act somewhat as an enabler for Adler.

The principle, Mr. Roosevelt was named after FDR, the U.S. president during most of

WW2. He is called in late in the story to help deal with Adler, as the U.S. entered WW2 late.

We used inspiration from Hitler’s rallies to plan the playground scenes where Adler

speaks to the students from the top of the slide.


Sketchup concept art

Group Name and Logo

Location Pictures

Mood Boards

Clothing Descriptions

Adler Hunter – He is quite possibly the most educated kindergartener in the class, but holds back his

thoughts and comments to himself. That is of course until he is elected class president, then the true

Adler is revealed. He is dressed in an academy uniform, white collared button down shirt, a black, red

and white vest, khaki pants, black socks and black shoes. His potential role is clearly displayed in his

attire. While the other normal kindergartener kids are mostly dressed in jeans and a power ranger’s t-

shirt, Adler chooses to outcast himself from the class and portray himself as this leader through the

clothes he wears. This outfit is also supposed to emulate the attire of Hitler to draw a clear parallel

between the two.

Mr. Roosevelt – The principal of the school and seems like a humble man. Not too strict or disciplinary

in his actions. He is dressed in a black suit; from the looks of he has had it for a number of years.

Probably due the teacher’s salary which doesn’t allow him to spend an awful lot on clothing. It fits him

nicely but is just worn down on the elbows and shoulders of the jacket. He is wearing a tie, one that

looks as if his son or daughter picked it out for Christmas and his wife bought it, saying that it was a gift

from their child. This is so because the tie happens to look a little ridiculous and questionable that any

grown man would ever buy himself something that preposterous. Under the tie is his white oxford shirt,

which was recently pressed, and his shiny black shoes which had definitely been buffed.

Ms. Versailles – A typical modern day teacher, still living in her fashion less world. She does however

attempt to present herself in a decent manner. Her blouse is a dark shade, with blotches of yellow, red,

blue and green scattered throughout. She wears a long black shirt to cover up her pasty legs. She wears

black heels with her outfit, but not too tall because she is already 5’10”. She finishes her wardrobe off

with thin black reading glasses.