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  • 8/7/2019 final project by ashutosh




    Report on Summer Training

    Comparative analysis of consumer buying behavior on equity and insurance market

    Submittedto Lovely Professional University

    In partial fulfillment of the

    Requirements for the award of Degree of

    Master of Business Administration

    Submitted by:

    Ashutosh Kumar Singh

    RR1903A15 (10902738)


  • 8/7/2019 final project by ashutosh



    This is certify that the project feasibility report entitled COMPARATIVE ANALISIS OF



    LIMITED,RANCHI Which is being submitted by ASHUTOSH KUMAR SINGH

    ( 3MBA/10902738) in parital fulfillment of the requirement of the degree MBA of LOVELY

    PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY,JALANDHAR is a record of the student own work carried out

    by his in my supervision and guidance.



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    Different investment avenues are available in Indian market. All avenues are diversified in

    nature. This project report is a comparative analysis of equity and insurance market in IndianMarket. This report tells us the effectiveness of insurance and share market and covers all the

    aspects of the market.

    I sincerely feel that I have been successful in accomplishment of my

    objective. In spite of taking best possible measures, mistakes are likely to creep in, for which Itender my sincere apologies.



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    Writing of acknowledgement gives me a feeling as if I have got a golden chance to thank all

    those who have helped me in some way or the other in preparing this project report. This projectwould not have been completed without the help of those well wishes & friends.

    With immense pleasure I pay my gratitude to Shivpra financial solution, Ranchi for their

    wholehearted corporation and guidance. The amicable and nurturing ambience provided by themhas really made the summer training a pleasure experience to cherish with.

    I acknowledge with gratitude to Mr. Ujjal Rathore (M.D), Miss. Binamrata Prasad (HR) for their

    extreme support and guidance, without which this report wouldnt have been possible.

    I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my reverent teacher and guide RAJBIR SETHI

    of LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY, JALANDHAR, for helping me to finalize this

    project report.


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    The only stock exchanges operating in the 19th century were those of Bombay set up in 1875 and

    Ahmadabad set up in 1894. These were organized as voluntary non-profit making organization of

    brokers to regulate and protect their interests. Before the control on securities trading became a

    central subject under the constitution in 1950, it was a state subject and the Bombay securities

    contract (CONTROL) Act of 1952 used to regulate trading in securities. Under this Act, the

    Bombay stock exchanges in 1927 and Ahmadabad in 1937.

    During the war boom, a number of stock exchanges were organized in Bombay, Ahmadabad and

    other centers, but they were not recognized. Soon after it became a central subject, central

    legislation was proposed and a committee headed by A.D. Gorwala went into the bill for

    securities regulation. On the basis of committees recommendations and public discussions the

    securities contracts (regulations) Act became law in 1956.

    Definition of Stock Exchange

    Stock exchange means anybody or individuals whether incorporated or not, constituted for the

    purpose of assisting, regulation or controlling the business of buying, selling or dealing in


    It is an association of member brokers for the purpose of self regulation and protecting the

    internets of its members. It can operate only if it is recognized by the Govt. under the securities

    contract (regulation) Act, 1956 the recognition is granted under section 3 of Act by the Central

    Govt. ministry of finance.


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    Regulation of stock exchange

    The securities contract (regulation) is the basis of the stock exchange in India. No exchange can

    operate legally without the Govt. permission or recognition. Stock exchanges are given

    monopoly in certain areas under section 19 of the above Act to ensure that the control and

    regulation are facilitated. Recognition can be granted to a stock exchange provided certain

    condition are satisfied and the necessary information is supplied to the government. Recognition

    can also be withdrawn, if necessary. Where there are no stock exchanges, the government can

    license some of the brokers to perform the function of stock exchange in its absence.


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    SEBI was setup as an autonomous regulatory authority by the Government of India in 1988 to

    perform the interest of investors in the securities and to promote the development of, and to

    regulate the securities market and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. It is

    empowered by two Acts namely the SEBI act, 1992 and the securities contract (regulation) Act

    1956 to perform the function of protecting investors right and regulating the capital market

    Bombay Stock Exchange

    The stock exchange, Mumbai, popularly known as BSE was established in 1875 as The

    Native share and stock broker association, as a voluntary non-profit making association. It has

    an evolved over the year into its present status as the premiere stock exchange in the country. It

    may be noted that the stock exchanges the oldest one in the Asia, even older than the Tokyo

    Stock Exchange, which was founded in 1878.

    The Exchange, while providing an effective and transparent market for trading in securities,

    uphold the interest of the investors and ensure redressed of their grievances, whether against the

    companies or its own member brokers. It also strives to educate and enlighten the investors by

    making available necessary informative inputs and conducting investor education programmes.

    A governing board comprising of 9 elected directors, 2 SEBI nominees, 7 public representatives

    and an executive director is the apex body, which decides the policies and regulates the affairs of

    the exchanges.

    The executive director as the chief executive officer is responsible for the day today

    administration of the exchange. The average daily turnover of the exchange during the year

    2000-01 (April-March) was Rs. 3984.19 crores and average number of daily trades 5.69 lakhs.

    However the average daily turnover of the exchange during the year 2001-02 has declined to Rs.

    1244.10 crores and number of average daily trades during the period to 5.17 lakhs.


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    The average daily turnover of the exchange during the year 2002-03 had declined and number of

    average daily trades during the period is also decreased.

    The Ban on all deferral products like BLESS AND ALBM in the Indian capital markets by SEBI

    with effects from July 2, 2001, abolition of account period settlements, in all scripts traded on the

    exchanges with effect from Dec 31, 2001, etc., have adversely impacted the liquidity and

    consequently there is a considerable decline in the daily turn over at the exchange. The average

    daily turnover of the exchange present scenario is 110363 (laces) and number of average daily

    trades 1057 (laces).

    BSE Indices

    In order to enable the market participants analysis etc., to track the various ups and downs in the

    Indian stock market, the Exchange has introduced in 1986 an equity stock index called BSE-

    SENSEX that subsequently became the barometer of the moments of the share prices in the

    Indian Stock market. It is a Market capitalization weighted index of 30 components stocks

    representing a sample of large, well-established and leading companies. The base year of Sensex

    is 1978-79. The Sensex is widely reported in both domestic and international markets through

    print as well as electronic media.

    Sensex is calculated using a market capitalization weighted method. As per this methodology,

    the level of the index reflects the total market value of all 30-component stocks form different

    industries related to particular base period. The total market value of a company is determined

    by multiplying the price of its stock by the number of shares outstanding. Statisticians call an

    index of a set of combined variables (such as price and number of shares) a composite Index. An

    Indexed number is used to represent the results of this calculation is order to make the value

    easier to work with the track over a time. It is much easier to graph a chart based on Indexed

    values than one based on actual values world over majority of the well-known Indices are

    constructed using Market capitalization weighted method.


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    In practice, the daily calculation of SENSEX is done dividing the aggregate market value of the

    30 companies in the Index Divisor. The keeps the Index comparable over a period or time and if

    the reference point for the entire Index maintenance adjustments. SENSEX is widely used to

    describe the mood in the Indian Stock Markets. Base year average is changed as per the formula

    new base year average = old base year average* (new market value/old market value).

    National Stock Exchange

    The NSE was incorporated in Now 1992 with an equity capital of

    Rs. 25 crores. The international securities consultancy (ISE) of Hong Kong has helped in setting

    up NSE. ISE has prepared the detailed business plans and installation of hardware and software

    systems. The promotions for NSE were financial institutions, insurance companies, banks an

    SEBI capital market ltd., Infrastructure leasing and financial services ltd. and stock holding

    corporation ltd.

    It has been set up to strengthen the move towards professionalization of the capital market as

    well as provide nationwide securities trading facilities to investors.

    NSE is not an exchange in the traditional sense where brokers own and mange the exchange. A

    two tier administrative set up involving a company board and a governing abroad of the

    exchange is envisaged.

    NSE is a national market for share PSU bonds, debentures and government securities since

    infrastructure and trading facilities are provided.


    The NSE on April 22, 1996 launched a new equity Index. The NSE-50. The new index, which

    replaces the existing NSE-100 index, is expected to serve as an appropriate Index for the new

    segment of futures and options.Nifty means National Index for Fifty Stocks. The NSE-50

    comprises 50 companies that represent 20 board Industry groups with an aggregate market

    capitalization of around Rs. 1,70,000 crores. All companies included in the Index have a market


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    Life Insurance

    Life insurance (Life Assurance in British English) is a type of insurance. As in all insurance, the

    insured transfers a risk to the insurer. The insured pays a premium and receives a policy in

    exchange. The risk assumed by the insurer is the risk of death of the insured.

    How life insurance works

    There are three parties in a life insurance transaction; the insurer, the insured, and the owner of

    the policy (policyholder), although the owner and the insured are often the same person. For

    example, if John Smith buys a policy on his own life, he is both the owner and the insured. But if

    Mary Smith, his wife, buys a policy on John's life, she is the owner and he is the insured. The

    owner of the policy is called the grantee (he or she will be the person who will pay for the

    policy). Another important person involved is the beneficiary. The beneficiary is the person or

    persons who will receive the policy proceeds upon the death of the insured. The beneficiary is

    not a party to the policy, but is designated by the owner, who may change the beneficiary unless

    the policy has an irrevocable beneficiary designation. With an irrevocable beneficiary, that

    beneficiary must agree to changes in beneficiary, policy assignment, or borrowing of cash value.

    The policy, like all insurance policies, is a legal contract specifying the terms and conditions of

    the risk assumed. Special provisions apply, including a suicide clause wherein the policy

    becomes null if the insured commits suicide within a specified time for the policy date (usually

    two years). Any misrepresentation by the owner or insured on the application is also grounds for

    nullification. Most contracts have a contestability period, also usually a two-year period; if the

    insured dies within this period, the insurer has a legal right to contest the claim and request

    additional information before deciding to pay or deny the claim.

    The face amount of the policy is normally the amount paid when the policy matures, although

    policies can provide for greater or lesser amounts. The policy matures when the insured dies or

    reaches a specified age. The most common reason to buy a life insurance policy is to protect the

    financial interests of the owner of the policy in the event of the insured's demise. The insurance

    proceeds would pay for funeral and other death costs or be invested to provide income replacing


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    the deceased's wages. Other reasons include estate planning and retirement. The owner (if not the

    insured) must have an insurable interest in the insured, i.e. a legitimate reason for insuring

    another persons life. The insurer (the life insurance company) calculates the policy prices with

    intent to recover claims to be paid and administrative costs, and to make a profit. The cost of

    insurance is determined using mortality tables calculated by actuaries. Actuaries are

    professionals who use actuarial science which is based in mathematics (primarily probability and

    statistics). Mortality tables are statistically based tables showing average life expectancies. The

    three main variables in a mortality table are age, gender, and use of tobacco. The mortality tables

    provide a baseline for the cost of insurance. In practice, these mortality tables are used in

    conjunction with the health and family history of the individual applying for a policy in order to

    determine premiums and insurability. The current mortality table being used by life insurance

    companies in the United States and their regulators was calculated during the 1980s. There is

    currently a measure being pushed to update the mortality tables by 2008.

    The insurance company receives the premiums from the policy owner and invests them to create

    a pool of money from which to pay claims, and finance the insurance company's operations.

    Contrary to popular belief, the majority of the money that insurance companies make comes

    directly from premiums paid, as money gained through investment of premiums will never, in

    even the most ideal market conditions, vest enough money per year to pay out claims. Rates

    charged for life insurance increase with the insured's age because, statistically, a people are more

    likely to die as they get older.

    Since adverse selection can have a negative impact on the financial results of the insurer, the

    insurer investigates each proposed insured (unless the policy is below a company-established

    minimum amount) beginning with the application, which becomes part of the policy. Group

    Insurance policies are an exception. This investigation and resulting evaluation of the risk is

    called underwriting. Health and lifestyle questions are asked, and the answers are dutifully

    recorded. Certain responses by the insured will be given further investigation. Life insurance

    companies in the United States support The Medical Information Bureau, which is a

    clearinghouse of medical information on all persons who have ever applied for life insurance. As

    part of the application, the insurer receives permission to obtain information from the proposed

    insured's physicians. Life insurance companies are never required by law to underwrite or to


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    provide coverage on anyone. They alone determine insurability, and some people, for their own

    health or lifestyle reasons, are uninsurable. The policy can be declined (turned down) or rated.

    Rating means increasing the premiums to provide for additional risks relative to that particular


    Claim settlement

    Upon the death of the insured, the insurer will require acceptable proof of death before paying

    the claim. The normal minimum proof is a death certificate and the insurer's claim form

    completed, signed, and often notarized. If the insured's death was suspicious and the policy

    amount warrants it, the insurer may investigate the circumstances surrounding the death, before

    deciding whether there is a legal obligation to pay the claim. Proceeds from the policy may be

    paid in a lump sum or as an annuity paid over time in regular recurring payments for either for

    the life of a specified person or a specified time period.



    The insurance sector has been opened up in India, as there was an urgent need. The international

    experience indicates those country with a liberalized insurance sector have witnessed

    a rapid growth in premium volumes enhancing the domestic saving rate. This

    happened in China, Malaysia and Singapore where a competitive market has led to

    improvement in Services and quicker settlement of claims. It is also important to

    note that competition will bring about advancement in information, communication

    and technology. And rightly therefore a decision was taken by the Government of

    India to open up Insurance sector. The establishment of IRDA in the month of April

    2000 has been important development in this direction, making the end of monopoly

    in the insurance sector.


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    Only 22% of the insurance population has been extended cover. Market penetration is

    low and the potential to exploit is high.

    Insurance premium per capita is very low.

    Lack of comprehensive social system benefit and welfare means that demand for pension

    products is high.

    Huge middle class of approximately 300 Million.

    Existing insurance company score low on customer service front.


    There are two major types of investments done at these days equity market investments and

    insurance market investments. If you find yourself overwhelmed and confused in choosing which

    type would be best, simply take note of the differences between these two varieties and consider

    the advantages and disadvantages of each to be guided in making the right decisions.

    Basically, the major difference between the two investments is the fact that equity market plans

    are actually designed to show a substantial yield in a short time period. While insurance market

    investments, on the other hand, are designed to last for quite a few years and present a slow yet

    progressive increase in its yield. Let us discover more about the differences when it comes to the

    disadvantages and advantages of each type of investment.

    Equity market

    The major advantages of investing for a short-term plan are the potentials for growth at a very

    fast period of time, ranging from a few weeks to a few months. Although there may be

    fluctuating trends that could affect the market, short-term loans can still allow you more control

    over your money and you it is more likely that you can keep a more watchful eye on yourinvestment.

    However, this type of investment may be a bit riskier due to the fluctuations present in such a

    volatile stock market, as mentioned above. As compared to its long-term counterpart, this type of

    investment may much easily be affected by unpredictable circumstances because it is in a shorter


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    period of time. And so, even if there is a very huge chance that you can make a lot of money in

    this type of investment, there are also great chances that you can lose a lot.

    Insurance market

    For insuranceplans on the other hand, there is a greater ability for this type of investment to gainsmall and distributed profits over a longer time frame. And because it has a slow-but-steady

    pace, it becomes more stable and involves fewer risks. But of course, a disadvantage for the slow

    growth of your investments may indicate that you cannot expect to earn profit right away

    especially when you are badly in need of money. In addition, you may also have less control over

    your money because your investment would not mature right away.

    In choosing between these two major types of investments, the most important thing you have to

    consider in order to gauge which plan would become more beneficial to you is to contemplate on

    your reasons for investing.

    If you invested in stocks with the ultimate goal to earn money fast then surely a short-term plan

    or equity market would suit you. But on the other hand, if you want to invest for future and

    insurance purposes like in cases wherein you want to have money when you grow old, then a

    long-term plan or insurance for investing is best.

    Whatever your decision may be, always remember that there are advantages and disadvantage in

    all kinds of investments. And ultimately, to become successful in your endeavor, you must be

    willing to take on minimal risks and make smart decisions in order to manage your trades.


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    Shivpra Financial Solutions is one of the fastest growing Broking firm in todays time.

    To maintain our standards we have already tied up with the major giants of Share

    trading & insurance sector. Shivra financial solution is tie-up with those company:

    Bonanza Portfolio Ltd.

    Birla Sunlife

    Future Genarali

    Star Health & Allied Insurance




    Company aim is to provide people with opportunities to make fast money with low risk in

    a short period of time. Long term future prediction of the market is too tough because,

    stock market is affected by many factors like Foreign Markets, Bank policies, companies

    results, FII'S trend, domestic equity markets trend & political behavior, which keep


    More and more people be in form of investors or traders enter stock market to make fast

    money through intraday trading or Positional trading but due to lack of Experience,

    knowledge, strategy, discipline or fear ; 95% Investors incur huge losses. Only 5% smart

    traders/investors earn money in both Rising as well as Falling Market.


    With a smorgasbord of services across all verticals in finance, SHIVPRA offers you the

    perfect blend of financial services right from Equity Broking, Advisory Services that

    cover Portfolio Management Services, Equity market Investments, and Insurance to

    exceptional Depository Services.

    SHIVPRA believes in being technologically advanced so that we can offer you our

    tech-savvy customers - an integrated and innovative platform to trade online as well as

    offline. Besides, we also have one of the finest and most dedicated research teams with

    experts who have in-depth, unsurpassed knowledge of the market place. All this and more

    makes SHIVPRA the perfect place for you to take your first step in the direction of


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    financial success.

    With various titles and achievements under our belt, SHIVPRA looks forward to tougher

    challenges and newer milestones to conquer, so that you our customer can get nothing

    less than the BEST!

    Advantages for investor:

    Shivpra Financial Solutions work on your behalf to find the best possible deals to suit you.

    After sales service to the customers with full satisfaction and piece of mind.

    Provide provisions of relevant information to the underwriters to assess the risk and decide

    the premium.

    Recommend risk improvement and loss minimization measures.

    Tension free and fastest claim settlement services and support. & non life insurance

    consultations and full information.

    Quickly find and compare insurance best quotes for you.

    Advantage of using an insurance broker is that you get to deal with a real human being


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    Shivpra financial solution is deal many products into financial sector, but the companies main

    focus into equity and share market. Company deal into that market through Demat or company

    portfolio scheme.PRODUCTS OFFERED BY SHIVPRA

    1- Equity Trading Platform (Online/Offline).

    2- Commodities Trading Platform (Online/Offline).

    3- Portfolio Management Service.

    4- Mutual Fund Advisory and Distribution.

    5- Insurance Distribution.

    6- Medi claim

    Equity market and portfolio management service is the main product of the company.

    Company generate more profit that area. Insurance and medi claim is the cross selling



    Functional process in share market:

    1) Aware his target customer for share market investment.

    2) Company open Demat account in bonanza for trading his customer investment.3) Complete the documentation of customer for demat.

    4) Trade into share market for his customer and generate profit.

    5) Company trade in share market online and off line.

    6) Minimize the risk into trading & generate more and more profit for his customer.7) Make safe the investment amount of his customer for his trading strategy.

    8) Help the customer into trading process.

    Functional process in insurance:

    1) Generate more and more customer for insurance into his tie-up companies.

    2) Pinch the customer for insurance into different plans.

    3) Give the different insurance plan according to the customer needs.4) Complete the documentation of customer for insurance.

    5) Capture more and more insurance market for his tie-up companies.


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    Shivpra Financial Solutions minimizes the risk of your investment using the following


    Suppose we purchase the UCO Bank share at a price of Rs.100. On that trading, company gains10 paisa brokerage and 2 paisa is paid as tax to government on every Rs100 of transaction , so if

    we sale the share above Rs.100.12. The data above shows the increase in Profit of the client with

    an investment of Rs.20000 with an increment of 1p.

    We also use the proportions of fund strategy. In which we divided the fund into 60 and 40 ratio.

    We use the 60% funds on increasing stage of market (general period) and 40% funds are use into

    declining stage of market.

    Biding strategy is used by company for sale and purchase of share. In it company decide the rate

    of sale and purchase of share according to the market and also put the quantity which would sale

    and purchase on that rate. The rate of that specific share is hit on that rate trading is complete.

    The numbers of shares that have been purchased are divided into lots, suppose we have bought

    100 shares at the rate of Rs100/ share. Then say we divide the 100 share into lots 50,35 and 15

    share. We bid 50 shares at Rs 102.30, 35 shares at Rs 104.50 and the 15 shares at Rs 105.15. As

    the market goes up and start biding the price, the share start selling out. This minimizes risk as

    the bulk of share shares get sold as the price increase.


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    UCO bank share:-

    Investment CMP Selling price Profit

    20000 100 100.12 nil

    20000 100 100.13 2

    20000 100 100.14 4

    20000 100 100.15 6

    20000 100 100.16 8

    20000 100 100.17 10

    20000 100 100.18 12

    20000 100 100.19 14

    20000 100 100.2 16

    20000 100 100.21 18

    20000 100 100.22 2020000 100 100.23 22

    20000 100 100.24 24

    20000 100 100.25 26

    20000 100 100.26 28

    20000 100 100.27 30

    20000 100 100.28 32

    20000 100 100.29 34

    20000 100 100.3 36

    20000 100 100.31 38

    20000 100 100.32 40

    20000 100 100.33 4220000 100 100.34 44

    20000 100 100.35 46

    20000 100 100.36 48

    20000 100 100.37 50

    20000 100 100.38 52

    20000 100 100.39 54

    20000 100 100.4 56

    20000 100 100.41 58

    20000 100 100.42 60

    20000 100 100.43 62

    20000 100 100.44 6420000 100 100.45 66

    20000 100 100.46 68

    20000 100 100.47 70

    20000 100 100.48 72

    20000 100 100.49 74

    20000 100 100.5 76


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    In share market trading sector the company deal with the help of BONANZA


    Shivpra financial solution is tie-up with bonanza in 23


    October 2009. Through the help ofbonanza portfolio shivpra financial solution is opened the demat account into share market and

    trade into it. So that bonanza is giving the gate way to shivpra for trading into share market. We

    also say that shivpra is the sub broker of Bonanza.


    A sub-broker acts as agent of stock broker. He is not a member of a stock exchange. He assiststhe investors in buying, selling or dealing in securities through stockbroker. The broker and sub-

    broker should enter into an agreement in which obligations of both should be specified. Sub-

    broker must be registered SEBI for a dealing in securities. For getting registered with SEBI, hemust fulfill certain rules and regulation.


    Bonanza developed into one of the largest financial services and broking house in India within a

    short span of time. It establish in 1994. Today, Bonanza is the fastest growing financial service

    with 5 mega group companies under it. With diligent effort, acknowledged industry leadership

    and experience, Bonanza has spread its trustworthy tentacles all over the country with pan-India

    presence across more than 1400 outlets spread across 460 cities.

    With a smorgasbord of services across all verticals in finance, Bonanzas offers you the perfect

    blend of financial services right from Equity Broking, Advisory Services that cover Portfolio

    Management Services, Equity market Investments, and Insurance to exceptional Depository


    Bonanza believes in being technologically advanced so that we can offer you our tech-savvy

    customers - an integrated and innovative platform to trade online as well as offline. Besides, we

    also have one of the finest and most dedicated research teams with experts who have in-depth,

    unsurpassed knowledge of the market place. All this and more makes Bonanza the perfect place

    for you to take your first step in the direction of financial success.

    Bonanza is affiliated with the best in the industry right from the NSE, BSE MCX, MCX-SX to

    CDSL, NSDL, etc. These affiliations prove our worth in the market and make Bonanza a name to

    reckon with.

    Bonanza group offers SHIVPRA FINANCIAL SOLUTION a unique and perfect blend of

    financial services which include the following:

    Equity and Derivatives Commodity Currency E broking/Online


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    Derivatives trading

    Portfolio Management


    Equity market


    Depository Services Institutional broking Investmentbanking

    Softwares for Bonanza Online Trading

    Bonanza Value Web Interface: Web Interface is ideal for individual clients who tradeoccasionally and want to trade from the comfort of their home or office. This interface

    allows the client to login through any internet capable system. It gives client the benefit

    of real-time streaming data with the flexibility of trading from any part of the world. With

    user friendly interface client can view real time quotes and can place orders in both theexchanges.

    Bonanza Max EXE Interface: EXE based desktop software is designed for active traders

    who transact frequently to capture favorable short-term price movements.

    The platform offers active traders the tools they need to make critical decisions with

    confidence. It offers real-time tick by tick streaming quotes and market announcements

    from India's premier Exchanges - BSE and NSE. A fully customizable interface isprovided to view and analyze the real-time quotes. Client can open multiple market

    watches, define filters quotes by criterion, define and set triggers to highlight the stocks

    meeting their criterion be it a stop loss or alert on an investment opportunity. EXE basedinterface has comprehensive Technical Analysis features to help the client to time the

    markets. Client can plot OHLC, Candle Stick, and Close Charts with both real-time tick-

    by-tick data and end of the day data for securities listed on BSE and NSE. Through an

    easy to use interface, users are provided with the same tools and advantages that theprofessionals enjoy.

    Advantages of affiliation with Bonanza

    Technologically advanced so as to offer tech-savvy customers - an integrated and

    innovative platform to trade online as well as offline

    Have dedicated research teams with experts who have in-depth, unsurpassed knowledgeof the markets

    Affiliated with the best in the industry - NSE, BSE MCX, MCX-SX to CDSL, NSDL,



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    Y Equity market, during the last one decade brought out several innovations in their products and

    is offering value added services to their investors. Some of the value added services that are

    being offered are:

    Electronic fund transfer facility.

    Investment and re-purchase facility through internet.

    Holding the investment in electronic form, doing away with the traditional form of unit


    Cheque writing facilities.

    Systematic withdrawal and deposit facility.


    The innovation the industry saw was in the field of distribution to make it more easily accessible

    to an ever increasing number of investors across the country. For the first time in India the equity

    market start using the automated trading, clearing and settlement system of stock exchanges for

    sale and repurchase of open-ended de-materialized equity market units.

    Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) and Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) were options

    introduced which have come in very handy for the investor to maximize their returns from their

    investments. SIP ensures that there is a regular investment that the investor makes on specified

    dates making his purchases to spread out reducing the effect of the short term volatility of

    markets. SWP was designed to ensure that investors who wanted a regular income or cash flow

    from their investments were able to do so with a pre-defined automated form. Today the SW

    facility has come in handy for the investors to reduce their taxes.


    Demat, in India, refers to a dematerialized account. For individual Indian citizens to trade in

    listed stocks or debentures. The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) requires the investor

    to maintain a Demat account. In a demat account shares and securities are held in electronic form

    instead of taking actual possession of certificates. A Demat Account is opened by the investor

    while registering with an investment broker (or sub broker). The Demat account number which is


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    quoted for all transactions to enable electronic settlements of trades to take place.

    Access to the demat account requires an internet password and a transaction password as well as

    initiating and confirming transfers or purchases of securities. Purchases and sales of securities on

    the Demat account are automatically made once transactions are executed and completed.

    Bonanza provide kit or many time of help to Shivpra for open a demat account for trading inshare market for individual client.

    In Life insurance Sector Company deals with

    (1) Birla sun life.

    (2) Star health

    (3) Future generally

    Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Ltd. (BSLAMC), the investment

    managers of Birla Sun Life Equity market, is a joint venture between the Aditya Birla Group andthe Sun Life Financial Services Inc. of Canada. The joint venture brings together the Aditya Birla

    Group's experience in the Indian market and Sun Life's global experience.

    Established in 1994, Birla Sun Life Equity market has emerged as one of India's leading

    flagships of Equity markets business managing assets of a large investor base. Our solutionsoffer a range of investment options, including diversified and sector specific equity schemes,

    fund of fund schemes, hybrid and monthly income funds, a wide range of debt and treasury

    products and offshore funds.

    Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company has one of the largest team of research analysts inthe industry, dedicated to tracking down the best companies to invest in. BSLAMC strives to

    provide transparent, ethical and research-based investments and wealth management services.

    Sun Life Financial

    Sun Life Financial Inc is a leading international financial services organization providing a

    diverse range of wealth accumulation and protection products and services to individuals and

    corporate customers. Chartered in 1865, Sun Life Financial Inc and its partners today have

    operations in key markets worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom,

    Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China and Bermuda.


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    (2) GOLD PLUS

    (3) DREAM PLAN

    (4) CHILD PLAN


    In today's increasingly complex world, evolving simple solutions is important. This is why Birla

    Sun Life Insurance has simplified buying a life insurance policy with its new plan -Birla Sun Life

    Insurance Saral Jeevan. All you have to do is agree to three simple health-related statements and

    you are covered immediately. What's more, there are no medical examinations, thus helping yousave on effort and time.

    The BSLI Saral Jeevan plan provides the dual benefit of protection and investment. So it is the

    ideal policy if you want to secure your life and build wealth at the same time.

    Get Birla Sun Life Insurance Saral Jeevan Plan

    This plan provides you easy and immediate life insurance cover. Just agree to 3 health-related

    statements and your life will be covered immediately. There are no medical tests.

    The 3-step saral process:

    Complete a simple application form, which includes illustrations suitable for you.

    Agree to 3 health-related statements.

    Make your payment and submit the required documents - identity, residence, income and

    age proof.

    Get your life insurance cover immediately.

    (2)GOLD PLUS

    Birla Sun Life Insurance (BSLI) announced the launch of Gold-Plus Plan, a unit-linked insurance

    plan for individuals seeking short-term investments.

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    The plan gives an opportunity to maximize returns by paying premium as low as Rs 10,000 for a

    short duration of three years, Sun Life Financial Country Head Venkatesh Mysore told reporters.

    Mysore said the plan offers 100 per cent equity exposure and maximum returns on limited period


    "It gives an opportunity to grow investments for the medium term. The plan offers the

    convenience of paying for a limited period of three years thus avoiding the hassle of regular

    payments." According to him, the plan offers a flexibility to reduce premium from the second

    policy year depending on one's financial position. "It offers freedom to invest in as many as

    seven fund options in varying proportions," he said.

    Mysore said BSLI is focusing on strong distribution, expansion as well as widening product

    range in 2007-08 to meet the needs of various market segments. "Our premium base is increasingat a healthy rate.


    Birla Sun Life Dream Plan is a unit-linked insurance plan (ULIP) that provides the double

    benefit of higher sum assured and guaranteed maturity benefit at a cost lower than the

    traditional term plan. In addition, it does not carry any premium allocation charges

    (PAC), probably the only plan in the market with a no-load structure, albeit there is a 2

    per cent PAC on top-up premium.

    Product highlights

    o A ULIP with a term ranging from 5 to 25 years for an individual between 18 to 60

    years of age at entry; the maximum age at maturity is 75 years.


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    Option to choose Guaranteed Maturity Benefit (GMB) with an upside potential based on

    the performance of funds chosen. This assures that you will receive no less than the GMB

    when the plan matures.


    This is a good

    alternative for a

    traditional termplan, and also

    carries features

    of a ULIP This is one of

    the cheapest

    ULIPs in themarket

    Though it comes

    with lots of

    benefits, thecharges are a

    little higher


    As parents, we wish to give the best that life has to offer to our children. While children enrich

    our lives, it is no secret that they also need funding for their considerable expenses. Since most ofus have relatively fixed sources of income, financial planning for a childs benefit becomes an

    essential part of the entire familys budget.

    Unfortunately the cost of education has risen .Every child deserves the best opportunities and

    options. So whether it is a foreign degree or a specialized training course, most parents would notlike to deny their children any opportunity due to the lack of funds. Marriage is another expense

    and in India, marriages are quite expensive.

    It is never too early to plan for your childs future. The earlier you begin the more you can gatherfor your childs needs

    Birla Sunlife Insurance Childrens Dream Plan is a long-term unit linked insurance plan that is

    specially designed to help you provide the financial security to your child when she/he becomes

    an adult.


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    Future Group

    Future Group, led by its founder and Group CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of Indias leading

    business houses with multiple businesses spanning across the consumption space. While retail

    forms the core business activity of Future Group, group subsidiaries are present in consumerfinance, capital, insurance, leisure and entertainment, brand development, retail real estate

    development, retail media and logistics.

    Led by its flagship enterprise, Pantaloon Retail, the group operates over 12 million square feet of

    retail space in 71 cities and towns and 65 rural locations across India. Headquartered in Mumbai(Bombay), Pantaloon Retail employs around 30,000 people and is listed on the Indian stock

    exchanges. The company follows a multi-format retail strategy that captures almost the entire

    consumption basket of Indian customers. In the lifestyle segment, the group operates Pantaloons,a fashion retail chain and Central, a chain of seamless malls. In the value segment, its marquee

    brand, Big Bazaar is a hypermarket format that combines the look, touch and feel of Indian

    bazaars with the choice and convenience of modern retail.

    The groups specialty retail formats include sportswear retailer, Planet Sports, electronics

    retailer, eZone, home improvement chain, Home Town and rural retail chain, Aadhaar, among

    others. It also operates popular shopping portal,


    The Generali Group is a leading player in the global insurance and financial markets. Established

    in Trieste in 1831, today the Group is one of Europes largest insurance providers and theEuropean biggest Life insurer. It is also one of the worlds top asset managers with assets

    totaling more than 300 billion. With an employed sales force of more than 100,000 peopleserving 60 million clients in 65 countries, the Group occupies a leadership position in WesternEurope and an increasingly important place in Eastern Europe and Asia.

    The Group strategy aims to consolidate Generalis pre-eminence on its key markets and achievea premier position on markets with high growth potential, establishing its leadership in

    profitability. The Group is not only the market leader in Italy, but also a primary player in

    Germany, France, Austria, Spain, Switzerland, Israel and Argentina. Generali is a strong player

    on markets offering high growth potential. In Central Eastern Europe, in particular, thanks to theGenerali PPF Joint Venture, it is one of the primary players. Generali also has Joint Ventures in

    India and China, where, within a few years after its entrance, it has already become one of the

    top foreign insurance providers.




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    Future Assure a with-profit endowment plan, is just the right plan, ensuring financial freedom

    which your family deserves, even in your absence. The plan will be offered along with 6 optional

    riders, namely, Term Assurance Rider, Waiver of Premium on Disability Rider, Life GuardianRider, Accidental Death Rider , Accidental Total & Permanent Disability Rider and a Critical

    Illness Rider.

    Key Benefits Of Future Assure:

    On death of life insured: Sum Assured plus accrued bonus

    On maturity: Sum Assured plus accrued bonus

    On Surrender of Policy: Surrender Value Policy Loan available after the policy acquires Surrender Value

    Bonus: The policy shall participate in the profits arising out of Company's 'with profits'

    life insurance business. It gets a share of the profits emerging from this business in the

    form of bonuses. Compounded Reversionary bonuses would be declared as a percentagerate, which apply to the sum assured in respect of the basic policy benefit (not on riders)

    and all attached bonuses. Reversionary bonus is declared based on our long term view ofinvestment returns, expenses, mortality and other experience. Once declared, the

    Reversionary bonuses form a part of the guaranteed benefits of the plan. Future bonuses

    are however not guaranteed and will depend on future profits. A Terminal bonus mayalso be paid at maturity, earlier death or surrender.

    Bonus: The policy receives compounded reversionary bonuses which are added on every



    Future Generali India Life Insurance Company, the Insurance joint venture between Future

    Group of India and Generali Group of Italy today launched Future Anand, a combination of

    whole life and endowment assurance, and an evergreen choice of the savings savvy Indian

    insurance buyer. The plan provides the benefit of two covers in a single policy, while still paying

    much less than two policies.

    A traditional wealth creation plan for future financial security, Future Anand allows customers to

    choose a short payment term and get back the sum assured along with guaranteed additions and

    bonuses as maturity benefit, while staying insured up to the age of 99 years, with 125 percent life

    cover after the premium paying term. The minimum premium paying term is 8 years and

    maximum is twenty years. Future Anand can be availed by persons aged 12-62 years, at a

    minimum sum assured of Rs. One lac per policy.

    Future Anand is the latest offering from Future Generali, as part of a continued endeavor to offer

    a vast array of products to customers, in line with their unique business model offering Total

    Insurance Solutions, across Life & General Insurance.


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    Writing a report give once a opportunity to show the kind of work that

    he did during his summer training and what all efforts he did to prepare that report. The basicobjective of writing a report is briefly describing about what all u learned during that period and

    other objective are as follows.

    To do a comprise study on equity and derivatives in Indian market and comparative

    analysis of equity and insurance market

    To study the consumers perception in respect of investment in shares Trading and


    To study the preferences and perceptions of investors regarding various financial

    products from the stable of shivpra financial solution.

    To see the performance of company in that sector.

    To understand the concept of risk and return by comparing the different schemes and

    different investment plan into both market.

    To analysis the different schemes of insurance and equity and there difference on basis

    of performance.


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    Subject matter is related to the investors approach towards equity market and insurance.

    People of age between 20 to 60

    Area limited to Ranchi.

    Demographics include names, age, qualification, occupation, marital status and annual



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    Research Methodology

    Sampling design

    Types of sampling

    Random Sampling

    Size of sample:

    This study involves 50 respondents.

    Research Approach

    Descriptive approach

    Techniques to be used in research approach

    Survey and interview

    Sampling Unit


    In this project Questionnaire is used as the research instrument. These questionnaires includeClose Ended as well as Open Ended questions. The questionnaire is attached at the end of


    Data collection

    Primary Data Collection


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    Structured questionnaire for the customer.

    Secondary data collection



    News papers


    The data required for this stage was regarding the detail study of insurance and equity market andservices of various competitors of the SHIVPRA FINANCIAL SOLUTION (P) LTD . And to

    know the behavior and perception of the customers towards the products and services provided

    by the SHIVPRA FINANCIAL SOLUTION (P) LTD. The data have been collected in the formof questionnaires that was prepared. Though the primary source was not enough for the study but

    it did give some accurate conclusions.

    The questionnaire is attached at the end as Annexure.

    The above questions were really helpful in the conclusion part of the study. Some customerswere very cooperative but some didnt even bother to give a look. Overall, the study was asuccess as far as primary source was concerned.


    The secondary data was collected with the help of various books, websites, bank journals,broachers and employees of the bank. The data collected from the websites and books was good

    enough to be included in the study analyzed and concluded but the data got from the employees

    of the companies was most accurate and reliable. Various newspapers, magazines, websites, bankjournals, etc were checked out for information regarding the comparative analysis of variousplayers in stock market.

    The secondary source didnt provide any personal views of the customers on the existing

    activation charges, brokerage rate, services but were a great help in completing the report and

    getting the details.


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    No study is free from limitations. The limitations of this study can be:

    Sample size taken is small and may not be sufficient to predict the results with 100%


    The result is based on primary and secondary data that has its own limitations.

    The study only covers the area of Ranchi that may not be applicable to other areas.

    Busy schedule of the respondents was also a major hindrance to establish a contact with


    It may be possible the information provided by them is not true.


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    1) Your monthly income?


    range Percentage

    10000- 20000 10%

    21000 30000 28%

    31000- 40000 52%

    0ther 10%

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    Following observations can be made on the basis of above analysis: 52% of respondent are come

    into 31000 to 40000 income group, 28 % of respondent are come into 21000- 30000 income

    group. 10% of respondent are come into 10000-20000 income group and also 10% respondent

    are come under other income group level.

    2)Do you know about Shivpra financial solution?

    a) Yes b) No

    Yes 62%

    NO 38%


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    Maximum number of respondent are know about Shivpra financial solution. 62% respondent in

    Ranchi are know about company. 38% are not know about company and its strategy.

    3)Which type of investment you like?

    a)Long term b) short term

    Long term 72%

    Short term 28%


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    72% respondents are like to invest in long term investment, and 28% are like to invest his money

    in short term investment.

    4) Do you have Dmat account?

    a)Yes b) no

    Yes 68%

    No 32%


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    The above data show that the 68% of respondent are know about Demat account and 32% are

    dont know it.

    5) If you have a Dmat a/c, in which company do you have your account?a) Bonanza b) Narnolia c) India bulls d) Other ___________(specify)

    Bonanza 22

    Narnolia 26

    India bulls 34

    Other 18


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    Under the knowing respondent of demat account 34% of respondent have demat account in India

    bulls, 26 % have in narnolia, 22% have demat in bonanza and 18% have other companys demat


    6) How much return on your investment does your company given?

    a) Excellent b) Good c) Average returns d) Poor

    Excellent 30%

    Good 20%

    Average returns 26%


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    The above data is show that 84% respondent are satisfied with the help of his sub broker and 16

    % are not satisfied the help of his sub broker.

    8) Where would you like to invest your money for more return?

    a) Bank deposits b) Share market c) Equity markets d) Insurance

    Bank deposits 32%

    Share market 16%

    Equity markets 20%

    Insurance 32%


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    Following observations can be made on the basis of above analysis:

    Bank Deposits being the most preferred area, 32% respondents out of fifty invested in bank

    deposits. The second preferred area was insurance as 32% respondents were investing in the

    insurance. Then preferred area was the Equity markets with 20% of respondents. Share market

    were the least preferred area i.e. only 16%

    9) Would you like to have more return through your Demat account?

    a) Yes b) no

    Yes 64%

    No 36%


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    The above data is show that 64% respondent are want more and more return with his investment

    and 36 % are satisfied with his return.

    10) How would you rate between insurance & equity investment?

    a) Insurance

    b) share

    Rank Insurance share


    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

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    1 16 24

    2 24 18

    3 18 16

    4 22 20

    5 20 22


    Following observations can be made on the basis of above analysis:

    16% of respondent are ranked one the insurance sector, 24% ranked the share market on first


    24% respondents are ranked the insurance on second position, and also 18% respondents are

    ranked on second position.


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    18% respondents are ranked the insurance on 3rd position, and also 16% respondents are ranked

    on 3rd position.

    22% respondents are ranked the insurance on 4th position, and also 20% respondents are ranked

    on 4th position.

    20% respondents are ranked the insurance on 5th position, and also 22% respondents are ranked

    on 5th position.

    11) Which type of product do you prefer to purchase through Shivpra financial solution?

    a) D-mat b) insurance c) Medi claim

    D-mat 82%

    insurance 16%

    Medi claim 2%


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    82% respondent prefer to purchase demat account through shivpra financial solution. 16% prefer

    purchase insurance and 2% prefer to purchase medi claim through shivpra financial solution.

    12) Which features of D-mat account investment you looking for purchase through Shivpra

    financial solution?

    a) Low risk b) safety of principal investment c) good return d) other__________

    low risk 25%

    safety of principal investment 32%

    good return 35%


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    Other 8%


    The above data show those 25% respondents are like to invest in Shivpra for low risk feature.

    32% are like the company for safety the principal amount in future. 32% of respondent like the

    company for good return on his investment, it is the maximum number of respondent which

    favor it. 8% of respondent are like the company for his other feature.

    13) Do you have any insurance policy?

    a) Yes b) No

    Yes 84

    No 16


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    both 40


    40% respondents have life insurance policy, 20% have non life insurance policy and 40% have

    both life and non life insurance policy.

    15) Which features of insurance company you are looking for?

    a) A trusted name b) friendly service & responsiveness

    c) Good plan & return d) investment benefit

    f) Risk coverage


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    trusted name 20

    friendly service 24

    good plan 14

    investment benefit 30

    risk coverage 12


    20% respondents are looking for trusted name to his insurance policy. 24% are like friendlyservice, 14 % are like or attract for insurance for the good plan of insurance policy. 30% of

    respondent are like investment benefit for his insurance policy and 12% are looking for risk

    coverage on his insurance policy.

    16) Which insurance companys policy you have?

    a) LIC b) Birla sun life c) Future generali d) ICICI prudential

    e) Other_____________( specify).


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    LIC 56

    Birla sunlife 16

    future generali 4

    ICICI prudential 8

    Other 16


    Maximum respondent have LIC insurance policy, 56% have LIC insurance policy, 16%

    respondents have Birla sun life insurance policy, 4% have future generali insurance policy, 8%

    have ICICI prudential insurance policy and 16% respondent have others company insurance


    17) Which feature of your policy attracted you to buy?

    a) Low premium b) large risk coverage c) money back guarantee

    d) Easy access to agent e) other _______________ (specify).

    low premium 36

    large risk coverage 24

    money back guarantee 16

    easy asses to agent 14


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    Other 10


    The above data show those 36% respondents are like to invest in insurance for low premium.

    24% are like to purchase the insurance for large risk coverage into future. 16% of respondent like

    to purchase the insurance for money back guarantee, 14% of respondent are like to take the

    insurance for his easy asses to agent in his local area and 10% respondent are looking for others

    feature into his insurance policy.

    18) Are you satisfied with the policy?

    a) Yes b) No


    Yes 58

    No 42

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    60% respondents are satisfied for his present service agent, and 40% are not satisfied.

    20) What is your perception about insurance?

    a) A saving tool b) A tax saving device c) A tool to protect future.

    A saving tool 10

    tax saving device 70


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    tool to protect future 20


    70% respondents are thinking that insurance is the tax saving device, 20% respondents thinking

    that insurance is tool for protect future and 10% are thinking that insurance is the saving tool of

    his income.



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    A share market is the ideal investment vehicle for todays complex and modern financial

    scenario. Markets for equity shares, bonds and other fixes income instruments, real estate,

    derivatives and other assets have become mature and information driven. Today each and every

    person is fully aware of every kind of investment proposal. Everybody wants to invest money,

    which entitled of low risk, high returns and easy redemption. In my opinion before investing in

    share market, one should be fully aware of each and everything.

    At the same time insurance as an investment avenue is good for people who have interest in

    staying for a longer period of time, that is around 10 years and above. Also in the coming times,

    Insurance will grow faster. Many insurance policies are actually being publicized more and also

    the other traditional endowment policies are becoming unattractive because of lower interest rate.

    It is good for people who were investing in ULIP policies of insurance companies as theirinvestments earn them a better return than the other policies.


    Highest number of investors comes from the salaried class, and they have insurance


    Highest number of investors comes from the age group of 25-35.


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    Most of the people have been investing their money in the share market belong to

    Rs.31000 and above income group.

    Mostly investors prefer monitoring their investment on monthly basis.

    Most of the people in Ranchi are fear about share market investment and return, but most

    of people who have demat account want to more return for his investment.

    Most of the people between the age group of 25 35 invest their money in share market,

    and say that the share market is the best way for invest money.

    Most of people want to invest in share market through our company because his good

    return strategy and safety of principle amount.

    Most of people think that insurance is the tax saving tool so that most of salaried class

    want to save tax and get money back in future.


    1. The people do not want to take risk on his investment. The company should

    launch more diversified funds so that the risk becomes minimum. This will lure

    more and more people to invest in share market.


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    2. The expectation of the people from the share market is high. So, the portfolio of

    the fund should be prepared taking into consideration the expectations of the


    3. Try to reduce fund charges, administration charges and demat opening charges,

    which helps to invest more funds in the security market and earn good returns.

    4. Different campaigns should be launched to educate people regarding share market

    investment and return.

    5. Companies should give regular return as it depicts profitability.

    6. Company should concentrate on differentiating the portfolio of their trading than

    their competitors trading.

    7. Companies should give handsome return to customer so that they get attracted

    towards investment of the more funds. And also help the promotion into local


    8. Company should have target the businessman or real estate business. They want

    to gain more & more profit on his investment in short period of time.

    9. The advisor or CRM should try to make relation to his client and search the need

    of investment to his client, then give plan according to it.

    10.The advisor and company should target 50 and above age group people, because

    they have money and they are retired people, they dont know share market

    investment benefits and monthly return criteria. So pitch that customer for

    investment into share market.

    11. Highlight the extra benefit of share market as compare to insurance benefit for


    12. Capture the local market to make more and more customer for investment. It also

    help the promotion of the company into local area.

    13. Company appoint highly educated & trained advisor or CRM for sale and

    promotion of the company.


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    Research Methodology by Kothari C. R.

    Marketing Research by Kotlar Philip

    Marketing Research: Text and Cases by Nargundkar Rajendra



    Name:............................... Age:..

    Occupation:.. Contract no.

  • 8/7/2019 final project by ashutosh


    1)Your monthly income?

    a) 10000 20000

    b) 21000 30000

    c) 31000 - 40000

    d) Other______________( specify)

    2) Do you know about Shivpra financial solution?

    a) Yes b) No

    3 )Which type of investment you like?

    a)Long term b) short term

    4) Do you have Demat account?

    a) Yes b) no

    5) If you have a Demat a/c, in which company do you have your account?

    c) Bonanza b) Normonia c) India bulls

    d) Other ___________(specify)

    6) How much return on your investment does your company given?

    a) Excellent b) Good c) Average returns d) Poor

    7) Are you satisfied with your sub broker helps into investment in share market?

    a) Yes b) No


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    8) Where would you like to invest your money for more return?

    a) Bank deposits b) Share market c) Equity markets d) Insurance

    9) Would you like to have more return through your Dmat account?

    a) Yes b) no

    10) How would you rate between insurance & equity investment?

    a) Insurance

    d) share

    11) Which type of product do you prefer to purchase through Shivpra financial solution?

    a) Dmat b) insurance c) Medi claim

    12) Which features of D-mat account investment you looking for purchase through Shivpra

    financial solution?

    a) low risk b) safety of principal investment c) good return d) other__________

    13) Do you have any insurance policy?

    a) Yes b) No

    14) Which insurance policy you have?

    a) Life b) Non life c) Both


    1 2 3 4 5

    1 2 3 4 5

  • 8/7/2019 final project by ashutosh


    15) Which features of insurance company you are looking for?

    a) A trusted name b) friendly service & responsiveness

    c) Good plan & return d) investment benefit

    f) Risk coverage

    16) Which insurance companys policy you have?

    a) LIC b) Birla sun life c) Future generali d) ICICI prudential

    e) Other_____________( specify).

    17) If you have Birla sun life policy, which product do you have?

    a) Dream plan b) Saral jeevan c) supreme life

    d) Other_________( specify)

    18) If you have future generali policy, which product do you have?

    a) Future assure b) Future pension plan

    c) Future anand d) other ____________(specify).

    19) Which feature of your policy attracted you to buy?

    a) Low premium b) large risk coverage c) money back guarantee

    d) Easy access to agent e) other _______________ (specify).

    20) Are you satisfied with the policy?


  • 8/7/2019 final project by ashutosh


    a) Yes b) No

    21) Are you satisfied with the service agent?

    a) Yes b) No

    22) What is your perception about insurance?

    a) A saving tool b) A tax saving device c) A tool to protect future.

    23) How many policies do you have?

    a) 1- 3 b) 4- 5 c) not any