Final Practicum Report Akshit %28esaay%2csummary%2cdeliverables%29

PUBH 992, PRACTICUM 2014 Submitted by Akshit.R.Shah INCLUDES: The final executive summary, role- reflection essay and the deliverables appendix. Practicum Site Cindy and Jana Human Resources Co.


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Transcript of Final Practicum Report Akshit %28esaay%2csummary%2cdeliverables%29

  • PUBH 992,

    PRACTICUM 2014 Submitted by Akshit.R.Shah

    INCLUDES: The final executive summary, role- reflection essay

    and the deliverables appendix.

    Practicum Site Cindy and Jana Human Resources Co.

  • Contents

    Executive summary: ........................................................................................................................ 1

    Role and reflection essay: ............................................................................................................... 3


    Executive summary:

    Nuunest application profiles the baby while making the account and smartly asks relevant

    questions and compares it with the typically observed numbers. For example the baby loses some

    weight in the first few days, the marconium stools stop after a few days. Hence if the stools still

    continue or the weight does not deviate the application would alert the mother. Thus we can see

    Nuunest serves a niche health need and henceforth a need arised to actively promote NuuNest

    among its target population.

    Initially a feedback survey was necessary to know how the product is and what could be added

    before carrying out the promotional activities. So a qualitative analysis was decided. Inclusion

    and exclusion criteria were figured out and it was decided to carry out only one qualitative survey

    rather than pre and post-partum so that the promotional activities can begin on time. The survey

    was designed and also several concepts from health business marketing were incorporated

  • especially from literature by Philip Kotler and Michael E Porter. Once the surveys were done,

    both the datas i.e. from past and present surveys were collected, and their evaluability was

    assessed. After that they were analyzed using qualitative discussions and systematic analysis

    using health and business expertise of Cindy and Jana.

    A detailed qualitative report was developed explaining the consumer feedback and response.

    And analysing other related factors like, how could the market be improved, the gap between

    perceived demand versus perceived need etc A road map of lengthening the product life cycle

    was also created from the survey analysis. An interaction plan including information regarding

    cost to access the market channel and probable return was also analyzed.

    Once the survey portion was complete the practicum focused on creating a promotional effort

    for educating the target population about NuuNest and all possible efforts were carried out

    including heavy internet based social media networking. The interned based medias especially

    owner of the blogs, Facebook pages, twitters, private portals etc were contacted and were

    requested to help in this promotional effort. All the media had followers ranging from 25000 to

    250,000. More than 20% of the owners contacted supported to feature NuuNest by creating

    shoutouts for a particular day. To further support the efforts, NuuNest was priced for CAD$.99

    from CAD$3.00 including lifetime membership and updates. As per the current statistics an

    average shout out leads to anywhere from 500 to 1000 downloads and generates awareness

    among at least 40% of the following (the typical visit rate of the page per day). The application

    for a brief period took over the download rate of angry birds, thus giving us an idea regarding

    efficiency of the internet based media. The downloads were also being bundled at services

    provided by health regions and hospitals in the USA. Saskatoon Health Region being the first,

  • several negotiations are being carried on to include NuuNest in the service pack of hospitals.

    There were several conferences and radio shows, interviews conducted in effort to feature


    Role and reflection essay:

    Promotional strategies of the Nuunest application were meant to help its existing and potential

    customers realize the potential of the application. The application has a unique feature of

    profiling which records certain data of the baby/babies while creating the account. As the

    application moves on , it prompts for several notifications including types of stool (dry/wet) ,

    number of stools, expected baby weight on that particular time and when to worry. The

    application also gives warnings based on the data entered if it deviates from what to expect

    ideally. Such a potential application can prompts mothers way earlier and help them take

    decisions faster regarding when to call for a medical practitioner. Thus a need arised at Cindy and

    Jana Human Resources Co. based on official comments from several health organizations

    regarding creation of a promotional effort for improving awareness of the potential Nuunest

    carries. The application gives unbiased reviews regarding baby feeding techniques, including

    breastfeeding and formula feeds. Rather than purely advertising formula feeds, the application

    only gives formula feed information when asked by the user. Breast feeding remaining the main

    and healthy methodology promoted by WHO, the application supports the same. It encourages

    mothers to educate regarding breast feeding and also keeps records regarding the feeds such as

    number of feeds, type of feeds, and time pattern of the feeds. These information is also

    presented as a simple analysis and presented both via graphs and tabulated format. All these

    information can be found by ones own effort, however one has no guarantee that the

  • information is relevant, valid and approved by certified health professionals. After decades of

    experience the information provided by Cindy and Jana on Nuunest can be apparently accounted

    as correct and knowledgeable. Moreover only the right information is given at the right time,

    avoiding excess clutter and confusion in minds of new mothers.

    When the promotional strategies were started to be strengthened further, an evaluation of the

    application program was considered necessary. Before the promotional efforts were dynamically

    pursued, it was necessary that the existing product was improvised based on previous and

    current feedback analysis. Thus a combined evaluation was carried out, based on past and

    present survey. The surveys had many feedbacks which were utilized to tweak the product and

    polish it to a great extent.

    As a practicum responsibility I had to design a feedback survey to help the company know what

    consumers think about the product and what features remain unused and which are used the

    most. The survey initially was designed to be pre-partum and post-partum however a combined

    feedback survey was carried out so as to start the promotional activities on time. A combined

    qualitative analysis of older and newer feedback surveys was done to improve the application.

    Several reviews were used to sort out certain bugs that were previously unknown, certain

    features on request of several users were added. Though there were some features that were

    not incorporated, however in the information section it was clarified regarding why the features

    are absent. As an example, several mothers requested incorporating a timer to time their breast

    feeding time. However timer has a very little correlation with the nutritive intake, the main factor

    is the suction and the volume that the baby intakes. Thus mothers were educated regarding this

    factor in the information section; that please do consider the way baby intakes the fluid rather

  • than just the time baby sits around while feeding. Feedback survey analysis also gave several

    insights even regarding the future direction of the application. Currently the application supports

    the early infant hood/neonate stage, i.e. from day one to the first month. However several

    mothers who previously used the application suggested that few changes could help the

    application support mothers even after the first month. Also the application is right now

    supported on App store which can be again expanded to the Play store for the convenience of

    android users. Hence though it was a feedback evaluation, detailed qualitative analysis was much

    more informative and directive in several aspects which werent in the consideration before. As

    a public health professional I realized that even though public health is more of a government

    field, private companies especially those serving certain health needs, have great scope for public

    health professionals. Promotional strategies were designed based on demand generation and

    need realization concepts. These concepts though sound familiar terms for an MBA its relative

    application to health businesses seems innovative. The promotional strategies were divided

    basically into two sets, non-internet based promotional activities, such as conferences, seminars,

    radio shows and secondly promotional activities through internet based social media such as

    blogs, Facebook, twitter and portals. During the practicum I was responsible to create

    promotional approaches, these approaches were based on the efficiency of the promotional

    channel. The efforts were aimed at an objective to reach maximum people in proportion to given

    inputs. Resource efficiency was another factor, i.e. maximum coverage in comparison to the

    amount of resources utilized. Thus majority of promotional efforts were internet based social

    media. Internet based social media channels were heavily used to feature NuuNest shout outs.

    A typical shoutouts led to around 1000 downloads per day. The company targeted several blogs

  • and Facebook with followings from 25000 to 250,000 and more. The promotion was mainly

    oriented towards shoutouts which included an AIDA note (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

    explaining Nuunest and its use in a terse manner, followed by a link to the App store. During the

    period of shoutouts the application was promoted at a reduced offer price to further motivate

    target audience to try out Nuunest. Nuunest basically is priced at CAD$2.99 however during the

    shoutouts the target audience was given a chance to purchase Nuunest at just CAD$0.99 with a

    life time service and unlimited upgrades. Several such blogs, Facebook pages, twitter, pinterests

    and private portals were covered during the time span. An initial offer were made to the owner

    of the respective Medias to provide support in promoting Nuunest. Realizing its potential and

    helpful features, several media owners agreed to initiate shoutouts.

    The application for a brief period overtook Angry Birds, thus giving an indicator regarding

    efficiency of the internet based Social Medias in the promotional efforts. Overall several mothers

    now know and as the efforts continue even after the practicum period, even more would get to

    know about Nuunest in the future. The strategies even include the approach of bundling.

    Bundling Nuunest with services provided at several health regions and even in several hospitals

    in the United States. This will help improve the benefits the target audience would expect whilst

    improving Nuunest credibility i.e. being a part of the services at several health regions and

    hospitals would add value in furthering its approval and recognition by newer venues. The entire

    promotional campaign helped me realize the potential of social media and techniques to use for

    creating maximum awareness. This is highly important in public health as social media requires

    very little monetary resources and can create unprecedented amount of promotion and

    educational discussion among the people. Several radio shows, interviews and conferences were

  • also conducted, such exposure helps polish presentation acumen and also improved

    communication skills which is important especially if you land in an area where you have to deal

    with the media.

    After analysing the survey feedbacks, improvising Nuunest and strongly carrying out the

    promotional approaches. Nuunest as a product was further analyzed to improve its product

    lifecycle i.e. how and which certain modifications should be done to allow Nuunest provide

    benefits to upcoming new mothers even in the long term future. During the entire exercise it was

    realized that furthering the application utility in the time line and secondly making it available

    broadly in different cross platforms would be significant steps taken to lengthen the application

    life cycle. Current timeline is to serve mothers having neonates from day 1 to the first month.

    Tweaking the application little bit can improve the time line utility for as far as two years. Thus a

    mother now could take the utmost benefit of the program from the first day till the baby is two

    years old. Also expanding the availability in cross platform markets such as play store in the

    android market, Store in the Windows platform (both Windows mobile and Windows OS) would

    help maximize its availability to the target audience.

    The nature of the Nuunest application serves a health need which is restorative in nature, in

    other words the target population renews from time to time, giving new set of mothers and thus

    improving the potential life span of Nuunest as a program to a great extent. However this also

    comes with a responsibility to constantly engage in the promotional efforts unlike other health

    needs like hospital services which once promoted are known to the community for the coming

    long term. Nuunest however would be required for constant promotion as the target population

  • refreshes from time to time. Hence with an added pro, there is a need of a constant promotional

    vigilance to keep up the Nuunest awareness among the target community.

    The feedbacks and the promotional efforts also indicate that Nuunest serves the health need to

    an outstanding extent. Many mothers were highly impressed by the information and efficiency

    Nuunest provided in upbringing of their new born babies. The application has a wide variety of

    uses which can only be explored once used, and once the potential gets realized by the mothers,

    they not only get satisfied with Nuunest but actively help providing positive word of mouth to

    related audiences around them. Hence once Nuunest is promoted to a certain threshold, the

    application is expected to grow by itself thorough positive experiences and feedbacks by its past





    ABSTRACT A small guide book with all the relevant marketing

    tools that can be applied to the NuuNest business

    model. It also includes a discussion of the survey

    questions and demand analysis.


  • Contents

    Starting from the easiest and most reliable marketing concepts and tools ............ 2

    Four Ps of Marketing: ........................................................................................ 2

    Porters Diamond Model: .................................................................................... 4

    Codifying time: ....................................................................................................... 6

    Customers and Stake holders can be of five types ................................................. 8

    (Diffusion of innovation) ........................................................................................ 8

    Types of attitudes as per the diffusion model: .................................................... 8

    Bullwhip effect ..................................................................................................... 10

    Other concepts for efficiency of new ventures: ................................................... 12

    Strategic Partnership: ....................................................................................... 12

    Prevention of time delay: ................................................................................. 12

    Managing market evaluations........................................................................... 12

    Best practices management: ............................................................................. 13

    Qualitative market rearrangement screening: .................................................. 13

    Discussion analysis of the survey conducted: ................................................... 14

    Conclusion of demand ......................................................................................... 19

  • Starting from the easiest and most reliable marketing concepts and tools

    Four Ps of Marketing: This is the first thing which a marketer thinks about when he

    sits to decide marketing strategy. Product, Price, Promotion, Place. When these

    four things are tweaked, a lot of revenue can be generated compared to past


    Product: Whenever we start marketing, it starts with a product which could be

    either tangible or intangible (service). In context of NuuNest it is a service. The

  • better the product the better the customer retention and word of mouth. The

    poorer the product, more is the chance of a decreased product life cycle. Many

    times in business a product is ready more than enough to get it marketed, hence it

    is very important to realize at what point the product should be started to roll out.

    Sooner the roll out, sooner the breakeven is achieved and less is the threat from

    the related competitors. In other words, the more you delay to launch a product.

    The more time competitors get to strengthen their already existing products and


    Price: Price sensitivity is a universal phenomenon. Almost every consumer is price

    sensitive to some extent. The extent to which the majority of the consumers would

    be unaffected by the change of price will define the price elasticity of your target

    population. For the application market, a price range from CAD$0.99 to CAD$3.49

    is perfect. Anything above could be justifiable depending on the size of the market

    and the popularity of the product.

    Promotion: For small businesses promotion can cost a fortune, but if done using

    available resources smartly, the cost can be minimized to as much as zero. Higher

    the efforts, better the returns. Remember one should not confuse effort with cost.

  • Efficient effort in right direction with minimum cost and expenditure should be the

    target for small to medium businesses.

    Place: More the availability of the product, more is a chance to get a willing

    customer pay for the service. Expanding NuuNest to different platforms such as

    Playstore (android), Store (Windows). However this should only be done, once

    enough revenue gets generated and is spent organically.(2)

    Porters Diamond Model: Porters diamond is a concept that states that every

    Country has its own strength and efficiencies. For example Canada has great

    amount of natural resources such as wood, uranium, oil etc and hence a country

    like Singapore can utilize resources from Canada if it sets out to be cheaper than its

    own production. Similarly China in terms of electronic appliances, plastic goods,

    and almost any tangible domestic items can be produced cheaply due to extended

    labour laws and excess human resource. Hence companies like Walmart, Sony etc

    prefer outsourcing the manufacturing to China rather than producing goods in non-

    labour intensive regions. So forth a small business should include this strategy to

    get its products manufactured at cheaper prices by looking trans nationally and

    nationally, foraging for best producer at the best price.(3)

    Porters diamond model :

  • SWOT: As in any scenario, SWOT i.e. strength weakness, opportunities and threat

    analysis plays a simple but highly important role for resource realization. Strengths

    and weakness should support internal analysis and opportunities and threats

    should refer to the external situations surrounding the company.

  • Codifying time:

    Any small business has a crucial resource called time, which if spent in right

    direction can lead to faster fruition and growth. Any small business owner should

    keep a note on the tasks he or she plans to do and allotting sufficient time to it in

    advance. And when the tasks are carried out, make sure the time limit is not

    extended. This way many tasks gets accomplished in a shorter time. Hence making

    resource utilization effective and faster.(4)

  • Processing the road map: Codifying time not only includes short term

    activities, but can be integrated to design a long term road map.

    o Step 1 : Tasks this week

    o Step 2 : tasks this month

    o Step 3 : task this quarter

    o Step 4: Task for this year

    o Step 5: Possible situation in the fifth year from now.


    Customers and Stake holders can be of five types

    (Diffusion of innovation)(5)

    Its very necessary for us to predict the customer/stake holder attitude before

    expecting anything from them. This helps us in pre preparation and helps us

    recognize what output can be expected after the interaction.

    Types of attitudes as per the diffusion model:

    1) Innovators: these are the first customers that would try out the product

    without deep study of the product and its reviews. They themselves judge

    the product and take decisions. These are the key target audience especially

    for new businesses. The innovators rely on the information given by the

    product company. They appreciate detailed materials and discussions if any.

  • Hence forth providing sufficient information and resources at the market

    place for the product would help innovators to get attracted.

    2) Early adopters: once reviewed by the innovators the early adopters take

    charge to buy the product. They usually rely on reviews of the innovators and

    do a little to no investigation. They usually rely only on the reviews. Hence

    provision of good reviews on the application page will help attract early


    3) Early majority: once reviewed by early adopters and innovators the early

    majority kicks in. The factors they consider are reviews and promotions. Thus

    good promotional efforts on blogs , Facebook, portals etc with good

    reviews on the application page will help satisfy the investigations carried

    out by the early majority and can successfully attract them.

    4) Late majority: This part of audience starts to use the product once an active

    word to mouth suggestion is passed on by the early majority. They then look

    the reviews, promotions and finally decide to purchase the product. Hence a

    good product which satisfies a customer to a great extent motivating him to

    actively promote the product by word of mouth will help attract late majority


  • 5) Laggards: This part of audience takes little to no interest in knowing about

    the product. They would only use the product if it is included in a bundled

    service package. For example if the customer purchases a service and the

    product is included as a part of the service package only then would the

    product be accepted for usage by the laggard population. Hence little to no

    efforts should be made to attract this section of the market.

    Bullwhip effect: As per the definition of bull whip, a demand can be over expected

    by the producer. Whenever a comment regarding a product or a need is made to

    the producer; he or she might expect the need to be ubiquitous, repetition of the

    comments from various more audience strengthens this notion and hence forth it

    may lead to over investment of a good or service. The additional expectation also

    enhances the figures of financial and other monetary projections. Hence forth a

    small business should monitor for bull whip.(6)

  • Hence whenever a new idea is surveyed in the market the producer should keep

    in mind that it is usually overestimated than actual. Hence forth as a rule of

    thumb one should reduce the expectation by 1/10 of what he or she actually

    thinks about the demand availability (i.e. without any advanced research

    technique to predict demand). Hence any small business should keep in mind

    bull whip effect when forecast driven ideation is carried out. Henceforth getting

    the least conservative estimate would help us determine appropriate

    investment. This would help us recover the investment in due time with

    minimum recovery efforts.

  • Other concepts for efficiency of new ventures:

    Strategic Partnership: In certain situations small business can benefit a lot with

    strategic partnerships apart from the porters diamond. Whenever production

    is shared with stakeholders which have better expertise. This could efficiently

    help save resources and help give small businesses a chance to pick up the

    revenue soon and organically develop rather than getting the profit repooled to

    recover the production cost.(7)

    Prevention of time delay: As per this concept a small business has limitation in

    all resources including time. Thus prioritizing time in activities aligned to cost

    recovery will help reach the breakeven sooner and efficiently. Henceforth it is

    necessary for small business owners prioritize activities and quantify them in

    terms of their efficiency. Once known such activities with better time returns

    should be repeated efficiently with greater frequency.

    Managing market evaluations: Time and time every small business should look

    behind and try quantify the market activities they carried out and quantify them as

    against time spent vs returns gained. The better the ratio, more should be such

    activities carried out keeping in mind monetary efficiency too. As and often re-

  • evaluating marketing activities help us select the most efficient one and recognize

    their potential sooner. (8)

    Best practices management: A business has several activities and operation in each

    section. They could be broadly classified as process management, operations

    management, marketing management and financial management. Though all these

    functions are highly inter-affective, the activities a company does can be inputted

    in each of these sections. Every activity then should be monitored, and the one that

    have higher contribution should be prioritized. Soon enough the business starts to

    practice only the best of the activities, and thus making the management and

    organization highly effective.(6)

    Qualitative market rearrangement screening:

    For several markets including the health need NuuNest serves, the target

    population refreshes on a continual bases. Hence the demographics and trends

    should be kept in mind. I.e. not just the trends in the market place and product

    delivery (paid vs unpaid apps) but also the change in mindset of the users.

    Constantly updating the information (every 2 to 3 years), would ensure that it

    meets the currently expected communication delivery. The screening would also

    help predict any shift , for example change in technology, change in the prominent

  • market place etc for example, currently Play store has highest number of

    consumers, however a totally new store might come in place in the coming future.

    Screening the market rearrangement could help predict such change , which will

    ultimately affect our investment decisions.(9,10)

    Qualitative analysis of the survey conducted:

    Survey sample size 15, survey response rate 63.33%

    Q1: How helpful was the Nuunest Application:

    All the respondents found Nuunest extremely helpful or very helpful, thus the

    responses show that Nuunest is a product with excellent customer satisfaction


    Q2. Were you aware of the notification setting for NuuNest? (In the settings, you

    can select notices based on data entered". This triggers notifications if the data

    entered for diapers, feeds and weight is not what we would expect.)

    Only 1/3rd of the respondents knew about this feature. Hence this information may

    be included in the Nuunest description page and in the help section.

    Q3. How easy was it to understand NuuNest?

  • None of the users said it was difficult or not at all user friendly and hence one can

    expect NuuNest to be a simple and lucid application to understand.

    Q. How easy was it to input information?

    Most of them realized it to be easy to moderately easy, so forth justifying that the

    application is not cumbersome and has easy input utility.

    Q. How old was your baby when you downloaded NuuNest?

    One in every two users downloaded Nuunest when their baby was 0-3 days old.

    Hence we can say significant amount of users downloaded Nuunest at the right

    time, i.e. when Nuunest can be most helpful.

    Q. How long did you use the NuuNest app?

    62.5% users used Nuunest till their baby was one month old. Hence majority of the

    users used Nuunest for its most applicable time frame.

    Q. Is there anything you would suggest we add, delete or change in the NuuNest

    app? (Include any technical glitches that you might have faced)

    * I would suggest more info for moms recovering from cesarean! Also, a link or two

    didn't work for me.....I think it was when I was looking at nipple care through the

    breast feeding section instead of the mom care section.

  • - Adding related articles to the above subject in future could be possible.

    * Bigger button of 'Save'...sometimes forget to press.

    - This is a good suggestion, an apparently observable bigger save button could be

    more useful.

    Q. When did you last download Nuunest?

    - Nuunest was downloaded in the last month itself by 50% of the users. Thus

    it could be expected that many users were aware of the changes made in

    Nuunest in the last few months.

    If you were searching for a similar baby app on the App Store, what search term(s)

    would you enter?

    Some valuable suggestions: infant care, infant feeds, newborn, breast feeding,

    baby care, Baby, nursing, tracker, Tracking feeds, Feeding tracker, newborn, breast


    Q. Would you recommend NuuNest to your friends?

    All the respondents answered that they are already doing it or are willing to tell

    others, hence we can confer that NuuNest not only satisfies the customer

  • expectation but also brings customer delight which is reflected in the motivation

    and enthusiasm they propagate in terms of referring Nuunest to others.

    Q. How would you describe the graphics and appearance of the Nuunest app?

    All of the responses say that the graphics were excellent to good, hence we can

    expect that NuuNest could be highly regarded in terms of its graphics and


    Q. How many people do you know that have used NuuNest?

    More than 70% of the respondents said that they know atleast one person who is

    simultaneously using NuuNest. Hence we can expect that NuuNest as an

    application is successful in creating a sensation and a topic of discussion among its

    users and users are willing to open up and share their Nuunest experience with


    Q. How do you feed your baby? (Or if you are pregnant, how do you plan to feed)

    More than 85% said that they will feed Breast milk exclusively or Breast milk most

    of the times, with the former option being the majority. Hence we can see that

    Breast feeding is still a preferred option by most of the mothers. Being a supporter

    of the Baby Friendly initiative, NuuNest has many features that support mothers

  • who prefer breast feeding whilst providing unbiased reviews on various formula


    Q. Which of the following NuuNest features did you use? (Check all that apply)

    All about the mom and Tracking of the breast feeds were the two most used

    features. Hence we can see that Nuunest has a good usage of all about the mom

    information section. Thus it should be noted that this section is of particular

    interest and can help attract new users and can also help sustain existing users.

    Q. What feature(s) did you find helpful?

    The top two features here were the tracking feature and Information about what

    to expect for baby (feeds, diapers, and weight or milk expression). Hence we note

    that though all about mom feature was used more, users also found the

    Information about what to expect for baby informative. Hence this section is

    already impressive, and thus could be highlighted in the review page of the


  • Conclusion of demand

    From the above qualitative survey and the practicum experience and through past

    survey results. It is clear that NuuNest is an excellent product and has got a great

    potential. However though it seems like a general tracker, its much more than that.

    This is what satisfies the customer i.e. by given crisp and useful information and

    utility which she might not have expected while downloading this app. In business

    there are times where people might actually not know what they want until we

    show them the product and the corresponding need. NuuNest is one such product.

    Once properly promoted, the excellence in the utilities and features will generate

    a customer delight and word of mouth. However promotion comes with resource

    investment, which could be time, money, talent etc Thus it should be noted that

    NuuNest has a great potential however if promoted properly and giving

    promotional efforts in the right direction would be necessary to generate need

    realization in the customers. Once ubiquitous, NuuNest will definitely have greater

    and sustainable revenue creation. Hence the demand does exist, however it is a

    latent demand, i.e. customer has still to figure out that she needs something like

    NuuNest to help her while she is a new mother. Thus NuuNest has two jobs unlike

    traditional products, 1) Making customer that they need NuuNest 2) Once the need

    is realized, convincing the customer to buy NuuNest. Both this steps should be

  • followed one after another in a single advertisement. I.e. in any promotional

    activity, an effort should be made to present the features of the NuuNest that are

    unique and then closing it with an action statement e.g.: its availability, best pricing

    compared to the valuable information and utilities one gets etc

    Thus NuuNest would need constant long term promotional efforts to help it

    become ubiquitous and generate revenue.


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