Final PPT Jusco

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  • 8/12/2019 Final PPT Jusco


    Performance Management and

    Appraisal Project - JUSCOAdarsh Gopi (H12062) Amey Joshi (H12065)

    Aditya Khokhar (H12063) Anabel Benjamin Bara (FH12001)

    Akanksha Jain (H12064)

  • 8/12/2019 Final PPT Jusco


  • 8/12/2019 Final PPT Jusco


    Organization Background &


    Carved out of Tata Steel from its Town Services Division in2004

    Today Jusco is Indias only comprehensive urban

    infrastructure service provider

    Its services include water, power, infrastructure, public

    health and horticulture services

    JUSCO works alongside civic bodies, large and small

    industries, local government bodies, communities

    Nature of business carried in Jamshedpur

    JUSCO range of services covers operations & maintenance of theentire water cycle, conveyance, and distribution

    JUSCO integrates this services with capabilities such as asset

    management activities, GIS, billing, collection and Non-Revenue

    Water reduction programs

  • 8/12/2019 Final PPT Jusco


    Organization Structure

    Since inception JUSCO had different divisions/departments withtheir respective Executive Heads: 11 departments in total

    However managing these departments altogether became difficult

    Therefore these departments were rest ructured and merged into f ive

    di f ferent depar tments in order to b r ing sy nergies and coo rdinat ion

    in their activities

    GM (BD & CS) GM (WD) GM (PSD) GM (JTS)



    GM (HR & IR)





    BD & CS - Business

    Development & Corporate

    Service division

    WD- Water and Waste Water


    PSD- Power Service division

    HR & IR - Human Resource &

    IR division

    JTS- Jamshedpur Town

    Services division

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    Major Services Offered

    Water and Waste Water

    Operation and Maintenance of Water Treatment Plants Sewage Treatment Plants & distributionnetworks.

    Build new Water Treatment Plant and Sewage Treatment Plant on EPC or BOOT basis.

    Technical and Management support to improve performance of the Water Treatment Plants, Sewage

    Treatment Plants and Distribution Systems.

    Customer support services including call centre facilities for prompt handling of complaints.

    Power Distribution

    Jusco uses its experience and expertise to ensure that the overall level of AT&C losses inJamshedpur distribution system remains at about 8% against about 24% of other distributors

    The Power Services Division holds two licenses for the purchase, sale and distribution ofelectricity; augmenting and maintaining the power distribution infrastructure

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    Major Services Offered

    Engineering and Constructions

    Building and Industrial Construction

    Geared to provide EPC Services as well as exclusive construction solutions for Residential/Commercial/ Industrial/ Recreational requirements

    Road Construction and Maintenancefacilitating economic growth

    Design and Planning Consultancy Understanding and delivering the physical planning, architectural and structural needs of modern


    Township Managementsolutions for Indias urban growth & development

    Municipal Solid Waste & Public Health

    JUSCO has put in place the expertise and skills to strategies, devise and design the blueprint forexcellent Waste managementfor the city of Jamshedpur.

    It adheres to the MSW-Management & handling Rules 2000 were enacted with obligatoryrequirements for improvement in MSW management infrastructure in cities across the country

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    PMS at Jusco

    Performance of officers

    It is measured at an individual level and targets are mutually decided between he officerand immediate superior

    JUSCO has adopted the PMS for officers based on the Ensuring Development andgrowth of Employees (EDGE) framework

    The process begins with finalization of corporate BSC, which is cascaded throughbusiness/functional BSCs to KRAs of each officer through the KPM tree

    Goal setting happens through a dialogue with the superior

    The process involves target setting against cascade measures and initiatives, signingperformance contracts, deciding PDP, mid-year review, end year appraisal and Talentreview and Feedback

    JUSCOs PMS can be classif ied into tw o parts: For execut ives and

    Off icers, & For non-off icers

    PMS t J P f f

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    PMS at Jusco: Performance of


    KRA Measures Weights Targets


    Customer Satisfaction Survey Score (CSSC)

    MOU Compliance

    Reduction of grievance escalated by customers

    CSSC> 4 (5pt scale)


    Reduction by 10%


    Management of assets to reduce duplication and

    reduce cost of purchasing new assets

    Settlement of Insurance claims

    Reduction of cost by





    Proper Statutory Compliance (i.e. renewal oflicenses/registration etc.)

    100% compliance withinstipulated dates

    Ensuring general administrative functions for

    smooth operation of daily activities both in JSR

    and Projects

    100% support to other


    Proper Management of inventory for assets like

    PCs, Laptops, Furniture etc.

    Allocation of Pcs.,

    Laptops, Furniture within

    3 days of requisition.

    Liaison with govt. officials, legal bodies, social

    organizations, local security and administrative


    Regular meeting with

    the govt. officials to build

    rapport and smooth




    Ensuring at least one project as a part of OJT for

    the team with proper coaching and guidance.

    1 OJT project for each

    team members


    Reduction in use of consumable and convert Reduction by 12% w.r.t..FY12

    KRAs Defined

    PMS t J P f f

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    PMS at Jusco: Performance of

    OfficersKRA Weights for different Grades and Departments

    Column1 E1/E1B E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 O

    Finance 25 20 15 10 5 5 0

    Customer 25 25 20 20 20 20 15

    Internal Business 15 20 30 45 55 55 65

    PeopleDevelopment 25 25 20 10 10 10 10

    Special project 10 10 15 15 10 10 10

    100 100 100 100 100 100 100

    E1 - GMs

    E1B- DGMs

    E2 - Chiefs

    E3 - Senior managers

    (Head of department)

    E4 - ManagerE5 - Deputy manager

    O - Officer

    Steps Involved

    1. Weights are defined for 5 different performance measures

    2. The supervisor and employees set certain KRA measures and accordingly a

    final rating is arrived at

    3. Now the supervisor presents the case of the employee under him to the talent

    Review team

    4. The final rating is normalized to fit the bell curve.

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    PMS for non-executives

    For unionized employees, performanceassessment happens throughachievements of KPI targets of bonus


    Annual bonus is paid to non-officers on

    the basis of performance against KPItargets in the bonus agreement, whichincludes service delivery parameters

    P f M t

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    Performance Management


    1..Subjectivity in the Rating System

    Target selection process

    Rating Awarding Methodology

    Highly dependent on the supervisors impression of the employee

    2.Geographical Diversity

    Same performance evaluation systems for different locations

    3.Potential Assessment

    The supervisor again identifies this

    4.The KRAs

    The KRAs in most cases are decidedly vague and sometimes have norelevance at all

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    Organizational Problems

    Managing surplus manpower

    Volatile industry

    14-15% attrition at the mid to senior

    management level

    How to communicate to linemanagers

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    Normalization of rating according togeographies

    Objective measures (as proposed by

    us) are used to arrive at a rating ofthe employee and then only

    normalization through bell curve


    Sufficient time given to set KRAs.

    They should be in line with

    organizational objectives

  • 8/12/2019 Final PPT Jusco


    Metrics Development

    JUSCO is a u t i l i ty service that also

    undertakes major p rojects all across Ind ia

    Metrics for:



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    Projects:The idea above is that these KPIs can be used at a

    project level (probably for the executives/managers of theproject) as these are objective measures and will critically

    monitor he progress of the project.

    Metrics Development: Projects



    Budget Utilization keeping in mind the

    agreed profit norms of the project

    % of money utilized vs. money allotted.

    Adherence to agreed profit norms.


    Collection Efficiency % efficiency

    Adherence to the construction

    parameters as agreed in the Contract.

    Cost of rework


    Adherence to milestone achievements

    as per execution plan.

    Adherence to execution plan


    Adherence to safety standards is

    project sites.

    Lost time injury frequency

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    For the workers, adhering to SOPs is


    Instead of only a completion date,

    identify milestones for the project.

    Create a Work breakdown Structure

    and assign a process owner to each

    process. (Start Date, and End Date,%

    Completed etc.)

    Metrics Development: Projects

  • 8/12/2019 Final PPT Jusco


    Metrics Development: Services

    Input Indicators Economic Indicator

    Efficiency Indicator

    Output Indicators

    These are the indicators that measure the qualityas well as the impact of the products in terms of

    the achievement of the overall objectives In terms of quality, they measure whether the

    products meet the set standards in terms of theperceptions of the beneficiaries of the servicerendered

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    Removed Subjectivity

    Budget Utilization (Finance) Rating

    Less than 0.6 or greater than 1.4 1

    0.6-0.7 or 1.3-1.4 2

    0.7-0.8 or 1.2-1.3 3

    0.8-0.9 or 1.1-1.2 4

    0.9-1.1 5

    For example, this rating system is for the Budget Utilization metric

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  • 8/12/2019 Final PPT Jusco
