FInal Group Project

WLG Productions


John Danger and his magic carpets

Transcript of FInal Group Project


WLG Productions


Preliminary Research There wasn’t a lot of background research involved but we had to do limited research in the following areas: -Color Scheme -Formatting a Script -Writing a treatment -Song list information -Lighting -Poster design/font -General Aesthetics -Weapons/Ninja Star -Shapes    


DANGER’S MAFIA – A TREATMENT FOR A FEATURE FILM SCREENPLAY The Present. Among the very cluttered space of the old, dark, warehouse, we see JOHN DANGER working on a massive red and black carpet. Sweat is dripping from Danger’s face onto the carpet. TURTLE DANGER, a 20-something male with a raggedy looking haircut, is seen assisting his father in creating this “magic carpet.” We see JIMMY and PABLO enter the warehouse, looking as if they are intrigued with what John and his eldest son are doing. They join the two, assisting in the process. The carpet is seen in its entirety, highlighting all of its features. We see the group of men get on the carpet and fly off into the dark night’s sky. The carpet lands at a tavern, a very run down, dirty building where the TARGET is drinking. We see the enormous and colorful carpet rise again into the air and a ninja star is thrown at the target and kills him. We see the carpet make a landing back at the old warehouse where the men are met by Jimmy and RITA, an attractive woman in her 40’s. We see the food Rita brought the men and they devour it like it’s their first meal in weeks. The men and Rita are seen sitting a round table in the War Room of the warehouse. We see the excited faces of the group as they discuss the kill. We see each of the men working on their own carpets, each one customized by its owner. Some are larger than the others and some have different features than others. They are all sweating, much like Danger was in the first scene. Danger is sitting in the warehouse, staring in awe of his masterpiece. We see Pablo spring through the doorway of the War Room with excitement as he is screaming and yelling as


loudly as possible. We see the men smile as Pablo explains their next mission. The War Room, a large room with windows on every side, is shown with multiple computers in it and televisions. We see the group working non-stop on the computers researching the next VICTIM. Each of the men is seen on their carpets, flying them around the large warehouse. Turtle struggles to learn how to operate his, while Danger flies around effortlessly, like he has been doing it for years. We see Rita join Danger on his carpet and the group flies off into the daylight. We see the carpets arrive on a cold, wintery night at the house of TOMMY, a 50-something year old man that looks like he could have played professional football because of his massive size. We see the group sitting at Tommy’s dining table, eating dinner. A group of men is seen entering Tommy’s house and bust in the front door. Each of the uninvited guests is carrying a weapon as it does not take long for Danger’s group to take them down with their superior weapon, ninja stars. One man is left. We see the solo man point a gun at Danger before he is finally taken down. We see a frightened Rita on the couch. She is calmed down when Turtle joins her. We see the men, tired and exhausted, getting ready for bed. The bright sunrise awakens the men and we see them packing up their belongings and head off into the morning’s sky on their carpets. Tommy is impressed by Danger’s creation. We see the men fly over the Las Vegas strip on the carpets and land on top of the tallest hotel on the strip. We see the men head off on their mission while Rita heads to the pool.


The men are seen at the police station, kidnapping the victim and drive off toward the open desert. We see the men pull the victim from the car and drag the helpless man to the desert sand. After a slight struggle, they are able to use their ninja stars to kill the man. We see Danger put the dead man onto a specially designed carpet and fly off into the desert sky. We see the group of men, exhausted, together in the desert and pleased with their mission.



JOHN DANGER is working on a tool bench with a carpet spread out on it. John is sweating terribly inside the warehouse. TURTLE his son walks in too ask his old man if he needs any help.

TURTLE What do you got there? Need a hand? DANGER Yeah grab the end of this carpet and help me set it down on the floor.


(Confused) Why are you messing around with carpet? DANGER (Smiling) This is my new invention. The flying carpet,

it’s going to make us faster with our kills and we’ll never be caught.

TURTLE (Shocked) So you really think we are just going to be able to get these carpets to just lift off the ground and start flying? DANGER Well yes, but it will take a slight little addition that I will be making. TURTLE Oh yeah! Let me guess your just going to sprinkle a little magic dust over it and bang were flying? DANGER Something like that son! You know my father was a perfectionist when it came to his business. He had a little help with that you


know. My father learned to build some of the fastest cars around then. Now I’m making a similar motor but smaller and attaching it to the carpets.


Wow Pops! That sounds incredible! Can I take it for a spin? DANGER

We have a job to do later and I’m planning on that being the first run, but your coming with me. I want to teach you the ropes and help carry on Trinity in the right direction. You know I’m getting too old for this mafia stuff these days.


JIMMY and PABLO walk in the warehouse. Both are staring at the weird looking carpet stretched across the dirty warehouse floor.

JIMMY What in the hell do you have here Danger? PABLO Looks to me like we are getting creative with our kills. DANGER (Excited)

I like were your heads at Pablo. This is our new escape machine boys. A flying carpet! PABLO (With hand raised) Danger you have to let me go with you on the

first ride. DANGER


Pablo, you and Turtle will be coming with me on this one.


Jimmy yells from the War Room. Target is just leaving the tavern on 25th and Snider. Pablo grabs his ninja stars and Jimmy, Turtle, and Danger hop on the carpet. Danger enters the address into an internal GPS on his customized carpet.

DANGER Sure hope this thing works! JIMMY The GPS was a great addition Danger! DANGER I thought it was a nice last minute add on. I want this carpet to help us in every aspect of our duties. 4 EXT. TAVERN – NIGHT 4

The carpet rises of the ground as Danger and the boys head out the rusty overhead doors and out onto the street. The carpet takes off flying above the buildings and lands with the tavern in sight.

DANGER (Anxious)

Alright. Get a ninja star ready Pablo. I’m going to have to manually take us from here.

PABLO (Playing with a ninja star) I’m ready Danger! Lets do this! TURTLE (Whispering)


Hey! There is our target! DANGER Alright boys, hold on! Here we go.


The carpet takes off at a blazing speed. Danger maneuvers the carpet right passed the door and Pablo takes his shot. Dropping the money-laundering businessman to the pavement. They all look back to see a ninja star hanging out the side of his head with blood all over the side alley. Danger takes the men safely back to the warehouse where Rita and Jimmy are waiting.

JIMMY Well boys did you kill the dirty old bastard? PABLO (Feeling untouchable)

Oh you know it Jimmy. Hit the dude square in his rotten old dome with those new ninja stars I made. RITA Hi honey how did it go? I picked up food from Jimmy’s restaurant place its in the War Room for you all.


Thank you darling! I’m starving! TURTLE (Rubbing his stomach)

Oh thank god, my stomach is eating itself!


Danger, Rita, Turtle, Pablo, and Jimmy are sitting in the War Room eating dinner. They are all discussing the day and their future jobs.


RITA So how did your magic carpet workout for you all tonight?


The carpet is great! It is just what we need to stay on top of our game!


Yeah Mom, it was incredible! Pablo put a shot on that guy too! DANGER Well guys anybody have any ideas for our next job. We have plenty of time to set up a kill. I wan this one to be big though. JIMMY Yeah we really need to test this new carpet out and see what it’s really got. DANGER What if we all had our own magic carpets? TURTLE Dad! We need to do this! If we all had our own carpets, our trips wouldn’t be so crowded! DANGER I’ll see what I can do, son.


Danger, Turtle, and Jimmy are all working on carpets in the warehouse. They are each making a carpet so that each one of them can have their own customized carpet to ride on.


TURTLE Now that we will all have a carpet we need to take a trip to somewhere on these things! JIMMY Hell yeah! I say we head out to Vegas. I need to get a little love from a stripper or two! DANGER We ain’t going anywhere unless it’s for business! I don’t think that getting a little love from strippers is business Jimmy! JIMMY Well, I think we need to look for a business venture out in Vegas and maybe after we take care of business, have a little fun while we are out there. DANGER That sounds fine to me! As long as we take care of business first, Jimmy! JIMMY Of course, boss.


John is in the warehouse sitting and staring at his carpet, looking as if he were in awe of it. Pablo is in the war room on the computer. Turtle and Jimmy walk in the doorway and see John and chuckle at the sight. Pablo busts through the door of the war room.

PABLO You will never guess what I have planned for our next mission! Jimmy, you will be excited about this one! DANGER Oh God Pablo! What is it? Another one of your brilliant ideas…lets hear it!


PABLO I was doing some research and found our next target. He is a 40-year-old man named RICK who is now in his 5th marriage in 5 years. Can you guess what has happened to his previous 4 wives? JIMMY Well, I am assuming it’s not divorce or else you wouldn’t be this excited about it! TURTLE Does he rape them and then kill them? PABLO Well, you’re partially correct Turtle. All of his wives have come up “missing.” Not only that, but I figured out that they mysteriously disappear exactly one year after they get married. DANGER What a first year anniversary gift, huh? Here’s my question to you Pablo: why haven’t the police caught onto this yet? TURTLE Some Police are pretty shady, dad. I wouldn’t put it past them to buy this man’s alibi. PABLO Here is the most fucked up part! He is the Sheriff of the Las Vegas Police Department. I called my source out in Vegas and he heard that the entire town is showing sympathy toward this man and he has convinced everyone that women can’t put up with him for more than a year so they leave the country entirely.


TURTLE I can’t wait to fuck this dude up with some ninja stars! DANGER Take it easy, Turtle. Before we start thinking about ninja stars, we have to come up with a plan. Everyone to the war room for some major planning. It looks like we are heading to Sin City! Jimmy, your wish came true! Now lets take care of this motherfucker so we can have some fun! 9 INT. WAR ROOM – DAY 9

As the guys are in the war room planning their next mission, Rita stops by the warehouse to bring them some lunch. She sees the guys in the war room and enters.

RITA It looks like you boys are hard at work! Where are you off to now? DANGER Well it looks like we are going to Las Vegas, honey! TURTLE I’m gonna fuck up this dude with my ninja stars! RITA Well that sounds like a good time guys! Do you think you could bring a lady along for this trip? I promise I’ll stay out of the way! DANGER I think we can do that! You better go home and pack quickly though! We need to make a stop on the way.


RITA I’ll head home now and pack. 10 INT. WAREHOUSE – DAY 10

The guys are on their magic carpets taking them around the warehouse on a test run. Turtle is struggling to get his to cooperate but eventually straightens everything out. Rita returns to the warehouse, suitcase in hand.

DANGER Hop on babe! We have a long flight ahead of us but we will stop in Atlanta for the night and meet up with my buddy Tommy! Are you guys all ready to go? ALL Ya boss! Lets go! 11 EXT. TOMMY’S HOUSE – NIGHT 11

They all finally arrive at Tommy’s in Atlanta. Danger hops off the carpet. Tommy is waiting outside. Danger introduces everyone.

DANGER (Excitingly) TOMMY! How are ya buddy? Still look like a horses ass TOMMY I’m great dipshit! Yourself? DANGER (Chuckling) Just trying to put food on the table. Hey I want you to meet some folks. This is my wife Rita, my son Turtle, and these two cats are Pablo and Jimmy. TOMMY

Its great too meet all of you! Now come inside and get some food I’ve made for you all.



They all follow Tommy inside his house and sit down at the table to eat.

DANGER You got a nice place here Tommy. Glad to see your doing well for yourself.

TOMMY (Worried)

Thanks buddy, but I’ve got a little bit of a problem that I was hoping you and your crew here could help me with.


(Angry) Your shitting me Tommy! It’s always something with you. I knew you didn’t just want me to stop by.


I’m sorry Danger but I really need your help with this one and I didn’t think you would just come if I told you straight up. I got myself into a little bit of trouble with my gambling.

DANGER (Sarcastic)

Oh wow? Really? Your gambling got yourself hiding in another corner surprise surprise; I’m not giving you any money.


John I’ll pay you back! You know I’m good for it.



Oh and how do I know that your owe god knows how much to some bookie! Your shit out of luck this time.


Just then the door busts open and three big men come in with guns.


Oh shit! That’s them! Those are the guys I owe money too!


Everyone play it cool! Relax let me handle this. Turtle follow my lead.


The three men come rushing into the kitchen pointing their weapons at everyone. A fourth guy comes walking in. With a big leather jackets and a leopard skin hat on.


Mr. Jones please don’t hurt any of these people. I’m the one that owes you the money.


Shut your mouth when your talking to me! TURTLE (Laughs) MR. JONES

What are you laughing about fatass.

DANGER (Jumping out of his chair) Don’t you dare talk to my son like that!

The 3 men carrying the guns point them at Danger. Tommy jumps up yelling at the men to not shoot!



(Scared) Don’t shoot! MR. JONES

Don’t shoot guys. Tommy’s right he’s the only one I want. Grab him guys!


The three men go over and grab a hold of Tommy. Mr. Jones follows the three men. Into the living room as they tie up Tommy to a chair. Danger quickly tosses Turtle, Pablo, and Jimmy all ninja stars.

DANGER (Quietly)

On my go everyone take a shot at a different guy.

ALL (Nodding and winking)

Mr. Jones walks back into the kitchen motions for them all to come into the living room and sit down on the furniture.

MR. JONES Alright here’s how it’s going to work. I want you all to give me your cell phones and wallets.


(looking at the others nods his head with a wink) Listen to him guys. Reach into your pockets and hand our things over.

They all reach into their pockets. Turtle, Pablo, and Jimmy all throw their stars at the 3 men with guns killing them. Danger takes a shot at Mr. Jones hitting him in the thigh and dropping him to the ground.


DANGER Turtle! Jimmy! Pablo! Untie Tommy!

Turtle, Jimmy, and Pablo walk over and untie Tommy. Rita is sitting on the couch in shock. Danger walks over to Mr. Jones and calls Tommy over. Turtle goes to comfort Rita.

MR. JONES (Frightened)

Please don’t kill me! I’ll call it even! DANGER What do you think Tommy? Do you want to see

how lethal these ninja stars are? TOMMY Hell Yeah!

Danger walks over and pulls on of the ninja stars out of one of the dead gunmen. Wipes the blood of on his jeans and tosses the ninja star to Tommy. Tommy cocks back and throws the ninja star hitting Mr. Jones directly in between the eyes.

DANGER Hell of a shot man! TURTLE That was awesome! Dad we got room for Tommy?


Thanks but no thanks guys. I have some cleaning up to do around here and I think that’s enough excitement for me!


Danger and the gang pack up their things and head to bed early with a big day ahead of them.

TOMMY Thank you all for everything!


DANGER (Smiling) Your welcome buddy! I’m glad we decided to stop by! DANGER Well guys, lets all get a good nights rest. We have a big day tomorrow. Let’s catch ourselves another bad guy! 17 EXT. TOMMY’S HOUSE – MORNING 17

They wake up early and say their goodbyes to Tommy. Tommy spots their carpets and seems intrigued.

TOMMY Danger, these look like something you would have put together. Wow, I am impressed man! DANGER Yeah, I decided these would work best for our line of duty. TOMMY You never cease to amaze me, my friend. I am lucky to call a man like you a friend. Take care Danger, keep in touch! DANGER Will do! Now let’s head to Las Vegas fellas and pretty lady! We have some more business to attend to. 18. INT. LAS VEGAS HOTEL – DAY 18

They arrive in Vegas and check into the hotel, located just a block from the Las Vegas Police Department. After they are all checked in, Rita heads to the pool while the boys, equipped with their carpets and ninja stars, head out the front door of the hotel toward the police department.



Ok guys. We know he parks in the employee parking lot so we have to be careful and make sure no other police are around. We will be waiting in his car when he gets in.


They approach the station just minutes before 5, when the target gets off work. They go to the back employee parking lot and find the black Escalade they know is Rick’s and enter the car when the coast is clear. They see Rick approaching the vehicle alone. He enters the car and is immediately met by John who blindfolds him, shoves a towel in his mouth, ties up his hands and legs and shoves him in the back.

DANGER You really thought you would get away with killing women every year just because you are the sheriff? Well, you were wrong motherfucker! JIMMY Where do you want me to drive to boss? DANGER To the nearest desert! Once we get there, you boys will know what to do with him. 20. EXT. DESERT – EVENING 20

They arrive at the desert, nobody in sight. They get out the ninja stars and the specially equipped magic carpet they made just for the dead body of Rick. Rick is resistant to get out of the vehicle so Turtle takes the first strike at him with his ninja star.

TURTLE Those women didn’t deserve to die! We are here in honor of them to avenge


their death and kill the man who killed them and burned their dead bodies. DANGER Jimmy, show Mr. Sheriff what we have planned for his dead body. It’s something that will make you magically disappear. 21 EXT. DESERT – NIGHT 21

They all start using their ninja stars to brutally kill Rick. After about 5 minutes of the torture, Rick has one last gasp of air and falls to his death under the hot desert sun. Pablo puts the dead body on the magic carpet and it flies away, disappearing into the clouds. The group heads back to the hotel to celebrate their accomplishment and have a night out on the Las Vegas Strip.

ALL Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. (Wink)





        Annotated  Costume  Designs    John  Danger-­‐  Dark  pair  of  jeans,  white  t-­‐shirt  with  a  black  leather  jacket  with  a  white  fedora.    With  stylish  black  leather  boots.      Turtle-­‐Baggy  jeans,  Black  shirt,  Black  and  gold  Roca  wear  jacket  and  a  black  flat  bill.  With  a  nice  pair  of  black  jordans.  Similar  to  the  picture  below                  


Scene   Shot   Description   Elements  



Focus  on  john  then  once  son  walks  in  camera  turns  immediately  to  him    John  is  working  on  tool  bench  his  Son  walks  in  to  ask  if  he  needs  help  

Tool  bench    Carpet  



Angle  towards  jimmy  and  Pablo’s  conversation    Jimmy  and  Pablo  get  introduced,  walk  into  the  warehouse  

Warehouse      Carpet  



Jimmy  is  in  right  side  of  camera  then  switches  to  the  tavern  where  it  appears  on  the  left  side    Jimmy  yells  from  the  war  room  to  go  to  tavern  on  25th  and  snider  

Carpet    GPS    Ninja  stars  



Carpet  in  center  of  camera  is  it  rises  of  ground    Leave  rusty    overhead  door  and  onto  streets  

Carpet    Buildings  



Camera  focuses  on  ninja  star  and  as  it  is  thrown,  it  

Ninja  star  


gets  followed  landing  on  the  businessman,  with  it  focusing  on  that.    Pablo  takes  a  shot  throwing  the  ninja  star  at  the  businessman  and  kills  him.  



Overview angle on dinner table Danger, Rita, Turtle, Pablo, and Jimmy are sitting in the War Room eating dinner.  

Dinner  table      



Camera  is  still  in  corner  of  room  while  every  is  conversing  in  warehouse    Danger,  turtle,  and  jimmy  are  all  working  on  carpets  in  warehouse  so  they  each  can  have  one  




Focus on Pablo on computers then switches over to john while everyone comes in there John is in the warehouse with his carpet. Pablo is in the war

Carpet    Computer  


room on the computer.



Focus  on  Rita  while  she  comes  into  the  room  then  everyone  appears    Everyone’s  in  the  war  room  and  Rita  comes  in  and  brings  them  lunch  




Right upper angle corner of room while everyone is flying carpets The guys are on their magic carpets taking them around the warehouse on a test run. Rita walks in with suitcase.

Suitcase    Carpet  



Third person view at front door of Tommy’s house They arrive at Tommy’s in Atlanta.




Camera  turns  around  at  Tommy  then  leads  into  house  with  the  angle  going  overview  of  table.    They  all  follow  Tommy  inside  his  



house  and  sit  down  at  the  table  to  eat.  



As  camera  is  focusing  on  dinner  it  immediately  turns  toward  the  three  guys  as  the  come  storming  into  the  room.    Door  busts  open  and  three  big  men  come  in  with  guns.  




Camera  focuses  on  the  three  men      The  three  men  come  into  kitchen,  point’s  weapons  at  everyone.  Fourth  guy  comes  in.  

Guns    Big  leather  jacket    Leopard  skin  hat    



Focus  on  jimmy  until  ninja  stars  come  out  and  they  catch  every  shot  of  ninja  star  thrown.    Three  men  tie  up  jimmy.  Danger  tosses  everyone  ninja  stars.  

Rope    Chair    Ninja  stars  



Left  upper  angle  on  room  as  they  are  packing  bags  until  everyone  goes  to  bed  and  it  is  turns  black  



 Everyone  packs  their  things  and  goes  to  bed.  



Angle  view  watching  Tommy  as  he  takes  note  of  carpets.    They  leave    Tommy  while  he  notices  their  carpets.  




Angle  shows  Vegas  appearing  in  the  distance  and  the  closer  they  get  the  camera  gets  then  they  check  in,  camera  goes  back  outside  while  they  come  outside  and  it  follows  them  as  they  walk  to  the  police  station.    Arrive  at  Vegas  and  check  into  hotel.  The  boy  all  go  to  the  police  department  well  equipped  with  their  weapons.  

Carpets    Ninja  stars      



Camera  is  in  back  parking  lot  with  others  cars  being  shown  to  then  they  get  into  the  car,  another  camera  in  the  car  

Black  escalde    Blindfold    Towel    Rope  


that  switches  over  when  they  get  in.    They  all  go  to  the  back  parking  lot  find  the  black  escalade  that  they  know  is  Rick’s.  He  enters  car  and  get  blindfolded  by  John.  



Overview  angle  of  desert  until  Ricks  killed  and  then  they  zoom  in  on  Rick.    Go  to  desert.  Bring  out  equipments  for  dead  body  of  Rick.  

Ninja  stars    Carpet  



Zoom  out  of  Rick  as  they  dispose  of  body.    They  kill  Rick  and  dispose  of  his  body.  











Real  world  location  photos                                                                                    






Concept Art


Movie Poster



 “I Believe I Can Fly”


R. Kelly

“Gravedigger” Dave Matthews Band



John Mayer


“This Town”



“Time for Me to Fly” REO Speedwagon