Final Fiesta Paper Template

Project Title Student Name Course TA Name Date

Transcript of Final Fiesta Paper Template

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Project Title

Student Name


TA Name


Page 2: Final Fiesta Paper Template

Introduction<Insert text>

Problem<Insert text>

Six Steps to Behavior Systems Analysis

Step #1: Analyze the Natural Contingencies

<Insert a general description (i.e., explain and define them) of the ineffective natural and natural competing contingencies here. Then tell how these contingencies apply to your organization. All descriptions should precede the diagrams. You may use the diagrams given below or create your own using the drawing toolbar. Right click on the diagram to add text. >

Ineffective Natural Contingency

Natural Competing Contingency

<Explain the possible causes why the response is not occurring at the desired frequency. This should be an analysis/summary of the contingencies described and diagrammed above.>

Step #2: Specify the Performance Objectives

<In this section you should include a detailed description of the performance objectives you wish to obtain through this intervention >

Step #3: Design an Intervention<Insert here what the steps to developing the intervention are. What forms and contingencies did you review above? Give a detailed explanation of all components of your intervention. Also include a description and diagram of the Three Contingency Model of Performance Management. Demonstrate your understanding of these contingencies. For example, what type of contingencies are they?>

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Ineffective Natural Contingency

Performance Management Contingency

Inferred Theoretical Contingency

Three Contingency Model of Performance Management

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Sales person’s Contingency

Store Manager’s Contingency

Regional Manager’s Contingency

CEO’s Contingency

Step #4: Implement the Intervention<Insert how the intervention you described above could be or will be implemented. Provide a detailed description of the cultural change model, then analyze how the model applies to your intervention/organization.>

Cultural Change Model

District Manager’s Contingency

Shareholder’s Contingency

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Step #5: Evaluate the Intervention<Insert a written description of how successful/unsuccessful the intervention was. Provide an analysis of why it was successful or unsuccessful. Were there any additional variables that were not part of the intervention but did occur? Back up your description with a graph of the real or hypothetical data. This graph should contain baseline and intervention data (label each phase), a dashed line separating these two phases, and a dashed goal line.>

Step #6: Recycle through previous steps until you achieve your objectives<Insert a written description of any new components that need to be added to the intervention so that the response frequency increases or decreases to the desired frequency. YOU MUST PUT A HYPOTHETICAL RECYCLE PHASE IF YOU DIDN’T HAVE A REAL RECYCLE PHASE!!!>

Conclusion<Insert text>