Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition

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  • 7/30/2019 Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition



    *~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ -*

    Final Fantasy Anniversary EditionFAQ/Walkthrough

    By: Dark Vortex (Quan Jin)[email protected] 1.0

    *~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ -**=============================================================================*

    This guide may be found on the following sites:


    [GameSpot][]------------------------------------------------[IGNFAQs][]------------------------------------------[Neoseeker][]--------------------------------------[Dirty LittleHelper][]----------------------------------------------[][]--------------------------------------[SuperCheats][]------------------------------------[HonestGamers]

    This guide is copyright (c)2008 Quan Jin


    +---------------------------------------------------------------------+Table Of Contents


    1. Introduction...............................................[1000]2. FAQ........................................................[2000]3. Basics.....................................................[3000]

    3.1. Controls...........................................[3100]3.2. Battle System......................................[3200]

    4. Class System...............................................[4000]5. Walkthrough................................................[5000]

    5.1. The Four Warriors Of Light.........................[5100]5.2. An Elven Prince....................................[5200]5.3. Earth Shattering!..................................[5300]5.4. Volcanic Activity..................................[5400]5.5. The Airship........................................[5500]5.6. Citadel Of Trials..................................[5600]5.7. Waterlogged........................................[5700]5.8. Fortress In the Sky................................[5800]5.9. Final Chaos........................................[5900]

    6. Soul Of Chaos..............................................[6000]6.1. Earthgift Shrine...................................[6100]

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    6.2. Hellfire Chasm.....................................[6200]6.3. Lifespring Grotto..................................[6300]6.4. Whisperwind Cove...................................[6400]

    7. Equipment Listing..........................................[7000]7.1. Weapons............................................[7100]7.2. Shields............................................[7200]

    7.3. Headwear...........................................[7300]7.4. Body Armor.........................................[7400]7.5. Gloves.............................................[7500]

    8. Magic Spells...............................................[8000]8.1. Black Magic........................................[8100]8.2. White Magic........................................[8200]

    9. Shop Listing...............................................[9000]9.1. Weapon Shops.......................................[9100]9.2. Armor Shops........................................[9200]9.3. Black Magic Shops..................................[9300]9.4. White Magic Shops..................................[9400]9.5. Item Shops.........................................[9500]

    10. Boss Listing.............................................[10000]

    11. Bestiary.................................................[11000]12. Version History..........................................[12000]13. Legal Disclaimers........................................[13000]14. Credits and Closing......................................[14000]

    To find a section quickly, press Ctrl-F and type in either the nameof the section along with its content number (ie. 1., 2., 3., etc.)OR you can use the codes on the far right. Simply type in thebrackets with the code number to get a jump.


    +---------------------------------------------------------------------+1. Introduction [1000]


    The Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition was released on the PSP tocommemoratethe 20th aniversary of the Final Fantasy franchise. The first Final Fantasyhas been completely revamped graphics-wise with new character models andtextures. While the gameplay hasn't changed all that much (except for a newLabyrinth of Time dungeon), the visuals have improved enough to merit areplay for even those who have already played.

    I hope you find this guide useful. Thanks for reading this useless introandenjoy!


    +---------------------------------------------------------------------+2. FAQ [2000]



    [Q] Roughly how long is this game?

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    [A] Being the first Final Fantasy, the length of this game isn't too

    long. Without a guide, it should take you a few weeks to findyour

    way through the game as well as defeating the Soul Of Chaosdungeon.


    [Q] Whenever I engage in battle, sometimes "Preemptive Strike!" or"Ambushed!" appear at the top of the screen. What do those mean?

    [A] "Preemptive Strike!" basically means you caught an enemy offguard so

    all of your units will have the first strike. "Ambushed!" meansthat

    your opponents caught you unaware. Therefore, they will gain thefirst strike.


    [Q] What does the "Optimal" option mean when equipping my team?

    [A] The game will automatically select the top-stat items from yourinventory for each character. It makes your job easier, but itemswith special qualities are overlooked.


    [Q] How do I get Excalibur weapon?

    [A] First, you need to get the Adamantite from the Flying Fortress.Take

    the Adamantite to the dwarf in the Mount Duergar to get it forged.


    [Q] How do I get the Deathbringer weapon?

    [A] The rare Deathbringer can only be obtained by defeating BlackKnights. If you use the sword as an item, it can cast Death asmany times as you'd like.


    [Q] This weapon says that it casts [Insert Magic Spell Here] wheneverused. How do I do that?

    [A] If you equip the weapon, it's not going to cast the spell.Instead,

    you have to select the weapon from the Item list by clicking onthe

    Item button during battle. A weapon (occasionally armor) can beused

    for a spell an infinite amount of times, but only once per battle.Some of these special weapons include Thor's Hammer, Razer, Light

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    Axe, Mage's Staff, Healing Staff, etc. These are useful, butdon't

    rely on them all the time.


    [Q] Where can I find the Tyrannosaur?

    [A] This hard-to-locate monster can be found around the lake north ofLufenia. A lot of walking around is required.


    [Q] Where can I find the Death Machine?

    [A] This special monster is one of the hardest to locate in FinalFantasy I. You can find the Death Machine on the fifth floor of

    the Flying Fortress. Just walk around a lot and you should get iteventually. However, the Death Machine itself is very difficult

    tokill so make sure you're ready for it.


    [Q] Where would be the best places to train later in the game?

    [A] The Chimeras of the Mirage Tower give a very hefty amount of EXP.Likewise, the Ochus and Neochus of the rivers (canoe required)

    alsoprovide a lot of EXP. The best area to train is the Flying

    Fortress.Almost every battle will net you more than 1000 EXP.


    [Q] Does Temper and Haste stack on top of each other?

    [A] Temper stacks so you can keep casting it to buff up your fighters.Haste, on the other hand, doesn't stack. If you cast it more thanonce on the same character, it won't have any effect.


    [Q] Can magical barriers stack?

    [A] The NulBlaze, NulShock, etc. do not stack. Invisira can stack asit continually ups your evasion until you reach the max.


    [Q] What?! The Duel Rapier is only one sword??

    [A] Duel (n.) A combat between two persons esp. one fought withweapons.

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    Dual (adj.) Double



    3. Basics [3000]+---------------------------------------------------------------------+


    Before you begin playing Final Fantasy, I strongly suggest you read themanual. For those of you without a manual, read the text below before youbegin.


    ---~ ~ 3.1. Controls ~ [3100]~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~

    L Button R Button|________________________________________________|_____

    Triangle,'_____/ \_____`.

    Button/ _ .------------------------------------. __ \ || _|_|_ | | |__|-----'


  • 7/30/2019 Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition


    ~ Talk.~ Examine.~ Board and disembark vehicles such as an airship.

    Circle Button-------------

    ~ Cancel.~ Return to previous screen.~ Move faster in towns and dungeons (press and hold).~ Press O Button + Select to display the world map.

    Triangle Button---------------~ Status screen.

    Square Button-------------~ Bestiary.

    L Button--------~ Change pages (available in menus where [L] or [R] appears at the edge ofthe screen).

    R Button--------~ Change pages (available in menus where [L] or [R] appears at the edge ofthe screen).

    Start-----~ Display the main menu.

    Select------~ Press O Button + Select to display the world map.


    ~ 3.2. Battle System ~ [3200]~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------~

    Below is a rather crude ASCII depiction of the battle interface. You willseeone of these pop up whenever your group engages in battle.

    ,----------------------[1]----------------------.||_____________________________________________||| ____||,'--------------. ,-------------' || [2] `----------' || O || O R U TUFF -|- || \|/ ENUFF?!1 / \ || / \ `------->O || [3] -|- [4] || O / \ || \|/ O |

    | / \ -|- || / \ |

  • 7/30/2019 Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition


    | O O || \|/ -|- || / \ / \ || __________ ||,---------| |------------------------.|| Dudes 3 | Attack[6]| Quan 999/999 999 |

    | [5] | Magic [7]| Rich 666/666 666 || | Items [8]| Jacco 001/001 001 || | Equip [9]| Steve 069/069 069 || | Flee [10]| [11] [12] [13]|`----------'----------'-------------------------'

    [1] Battle Message Display --- Descriptions ofspells or items can be located here. Also,important battle speak will also appear hear.

    [2] Game Field --- All the action and appearancehappen on this board. Normally, there will bea background as the battle area.

    [3] Enemy Side --- All of your enemies can be

    located on the left side.[4] Your Side --- All of your available units canbe located on the right side.

    [5] Enemies --- All of your enemies are listedhere. The amount on the field during the battleis displayed to the right of the name.

    [6] Attack Option --- Attack your enemy with aphysical attack.

    [7] Magic Option --- If physical attacks won'twork for you, use magic.

    [8] Item Option --- If you need to use an itemduring any given moment, use this option.

    [9] Equip Option --- Need to change a character'sequipped items? Just give this option a fly.

    [10] Flee Option --- When all else fails, you canalways just run away. Fleeing a battle isn'talways guaranteed.

    [11] Name Column --- All of your characters' namesare depicted here.

    [12] HP Column --- The remaining HP for each unitis right here.

    [13] MP Column --- The remaining MP for each unitis right here.


    +---------------------------------------------------------------------+4. Class System [4000]


    There are six classes, each with their upgradeable counterparts that can befound and done sometime in Final Fantasy I. Each of them have their ups anddowns so there really is "definitive" party to have. However, there are afew no-nos. A party of four Black Mages wouldn't make sense... right? Ifyouhave common sense, you should be able to figure things out for yourself.



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    The main physical class in Final Fantasy. Warriors are capable ofwielding a variety of battle weapons including Swords, Axes, and a

    bunch of other stuff. Although evade and accuracy usually aren'ttheirstrong points, Warriors can still become an admirable attacker

    usuallyleading off attacks. Once you upgrade your Warrior into a Knight, hewill be capable of using weaker White Magic. Many people choose to

    havetwo or even three Warriors in their groups at a time. The benefitsoutweigh the flaws so the Warrior is a great choice, if not the bestpossible class choice.



    The Thief was a hated character class in the original Final Fantasy.With terrible attack and defense stats, the only real benefit

    Thievesprovided was their evade and luck statistics. Basically, Thieves arejust hard to hit and very good at running away. So why do people

    stilluse this terrible beginning character? Well, once you upgrade a

    Thiefto a Ninja, you gain many advantages. First of all, the Ninja iscapable of casting Black Magic. Second, the Ninja gains the ability

    tohold a wider range of weapons including the exclusive Monk Nunchakus.Even so, you still might not want a Thief in your group. I prefer tohave a Monk in one's place.


    Monks are the TRUE physical units of Final Fantasy. Being martialart

    masters, they can fight without weapons or with Nunchaku. However,the

    general public has found that actually fighting without weaponry canbe more beneficial to your team as Monks deal more damage.

    Especially inthe beginning of the game, Monks are heavy attackers dealing very

    highHP damage at lower levels although Monks are nowhere near well

    roundedin terms of stat growth. Defense growth is usually terrible and

    Magicstats are practically non-existent considering Monks and even theupgraded Masters are incapable of dealing magical spells.

    -------------------Red Mage/Red Wizard-------------------

    Red Mages are no doubt, the most versatile magic casters in Final

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    Fantasy. However, their ability to use both Black and White Magiccan

    provide some problems too. Because a mage can only learn threespells

    of each level, you will have to choose to learn 3 spells out of 8rather than the standard 3 spells out of 4. Choosing can become

    difficult. Nevertheless, Red Mages are still good magic casters andat the same time, can be pretty effective even with physical attacks.Just make sure that you keep a good balance or teach it certainmagic only as in only Black or White Magic.

    -----------------------White Mage/White Wizard-----------------------

    The best and probably the only support unit in the game (apart fromthe

    Red Mage... optionally) is the White Mage. With spells that can heal,protect, and cure, White Mages are generally useful assets. Rather

    than using a Potion or Phoenix Down, you can simply cast Cura orLifeupon one of your allies. However, White Mages don't have very goodattack or defense growth. That's irrelevant as you shouldn't be

    usinga White Mage as an offensive attacker anyway.

    -----------------------Black Mage/Black Wizard-----------------------

    The offensive magic caster in Final Fantasy is a Black Mage. Capableof

    casting elemental magic spells along with a number of offensive orsupporting spells, Black Mages are very powerful in their trade.The first few learnable spells are useful, but once you get down tocastings such as Death which causes an instant KO or Flare which

    dealsheavy damage through light and heat, Black Mages suddenly become waycooler. A full-powered Black Wizard with Magic stats off the chartscan terrorize an enemy team.


    +---------------------------------------------------------------------+5. Walkthrough [5000]


    Well, the walkthrough is listed below. While reading through it, I stronglyrecommend taking all the advice I give you. If you fail to fully followevery step, your game might be scarred forever. On the same note, don't usethis walkthrough unless you are planning to use it from start to end.If used at different interims, certain areas of the game or items might bemissed... and that's not cool. Finally, know that you will be using theworldmap very often. Just remember that the combination to bring it up is"Select +

    O Button."

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    I will also not mention the Soul Of Chaos dungeons (at least in terms ofgoingto them). For information on that, check the Soul Of Chaos's respectivesection.

    Anyhow, enjoy the walkthrough and take any necessary precautions.

    [=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~]5.1. The Four Warriors Of Light ------------- [5100]


    At the very start, you'll be asked to select your party from six possiblecharacter classes.

    Confirm the party that you created and the game will finally begin. A dark

    entrance cutscene will appear. Read through it if you'd like, but itdoesn'treally give too much input on the story despite some background informationonthe legendary "crystals." Anyhow, once that short intermission ends, youwillfind yourself standing outside a town. (Don't ask me how you got so big.)Walk up a little bit and enter the village by "stepping" into it.

    __________________________---=| Cornelia |=---

    As you enter, move around a bit and get a feel for the game's controls.Thereare a few people to talk to. However, if you'd like to explore the townfirst,don't converse with the soldier that appears at the exit. Notice the Innrightby the entrance. Although your units are maxed in HP and MP, whenever youneedto refresh your party, head to an Inn. The pay to stay in the Cornelia Innis30 Gil. That's pretty cheap compared to later towns.

    Starting with 500 Gil, you don't have too much to spend. However, you canfinda bit of stuff by locating the Weapon and Armor Shop. Distinguish betweenthose two as the Weapon Shop has a "sword" insignia while the Armor Shophas a"shield" logo.

    Cornelia Weapon Shop ~====================

    * Nunchaku -- Wooden Nunchaku.Cost: 8 GilClass: Monk, Master, Ninja

    * Knife -- A small knife.Cost: 4 Gil

    Class: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Black Mage, Knight,Ninja, Red Wizard, Black Wizard

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    * Staff -- A wooden staff.

    Cost: 4 GilClass: Warrior, Monk, Red Mage, White Mage, Black

    Mage,Knight, Master, Red Wizard, White Wizard,

    Black Wizard

    * Rapier -- A sword with a slender blade.Cost: 8 GilClass: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Knight, Ninja, Red


    * Hammer -- A hammer made for battle.Cost: 8 GilClass: Warrior, White Mage, Knight, White Wizard,


    Cornelia Armor Shop ~===================* Clothes -- Ordinary clothing.

    Cost: 4 GilClass: [All]

    * Leather Armor -- Armor made of hardened leather.Cost: 40 GilClass: Warrior, Monk, Thief, Red Mage, Knight, Master,

    Ninja, Red Wizard

    * Chain Mail -- Mail of interwoven chain links.Cost: 65 GilClass: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Red Wizard, Ninja

    There are limited choices considering the amount of Gil you have and beingthis early into the game. However, try to upgrade some of your charactersatleast a little. The Rapier and Hammer are both very effective weapons.Likewise, some Leather Armor or Chain Mail for those that can wear themwillalso be useful. Next, find your way north of the two shops to the two magicshops. The Black Magic Shop is on the left as it has a black fill in itslogoand the White Magic Shop is on the right with a white fill in its sign.

    Cornelia Black Magic Shop ~=========================

    * Fire -- Deals fire damage to one foe.Level: 1Cost: 50 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Sleep -- Puts all foes to sleep.Level: 1Cost: 50 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Focus -- Lowers one foe's evasion.Level: 1

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    Cost: 50 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Thunder -- Deals lightning damage to one foe.Level: 1

    Cost: 50 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,Ninja

    Cornelia White Magic Shop ~=========================

    * Cure -- Restores a little HP to one ally.Level: 1Cost: 50 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    * Dia -- Deals damage to all undead foes.

    Level: 1Cost: 50 GilClass: White Mage, White Wizard

    * Protect -- Raises one ally's defense.Level: 1Cost: 50 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    * Blink -- Raises caster's evasion.Level: 1Cost: 50 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    As you buy spells, keep in mind that a magic caster may only learn amaximum ofthree spells per level. Cornelia only holds Level 1 spells so your magesmayonly learn three of each spell. As you advance through the game, Level 2 or3 spells will appear. Even with three Level 1 spells down, you can stilllearnthree Level 2 spells later on. Don't waste your money if you know that youarejust going to discard a spell later.

    Review the spells and fill up your magic units' spell lineup. Exit theshopsand head a bit to the east. Cross over a small bridge while moving east andyou should come to a church-like building. This is a Sanctuary. If yourunitsever fall in battle, and you don't have Phoenix Downs or Life spells to use,bring that unit to the Sanctuary, and the bishop will revive them at thecostof a usually hefty fee. Guess mad "skillz" don't come cheap.

    Since none of your units probably are KOed at this point, I'd suggestbypassing the Sanctuary at the moment. Leave the building and head southacross another small causeway over a stream. A building with a "teacup"


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    on it should appear to your character's left. This is another form of ashopthat sells Potions and that jazz. Enter the Item Shop and see what's around.

    Cornelia Item Shop ~==================

    * Potion -- Restores 50 HP.Cost: 40 Gil

    * Antidote -- Cures poison.Cost: 50 Gil

    * Phoenix Down -- Revives one KO'd ally.Cost: 500 Gil

    * Sleeping Bag -- Partially restores party's HP.Cost: 50 Gil

    Suggest buying a few Potions and Antidotes. Don't worry as these items will

    still be available after the next portion of the game. Now that you finishbrowsing Cornelia, consider exiting the town. However, all of them areblockedby soldiers. Talk to one of them and he'll be awed at the crystals yourcharacters are holding. (Huh, what crystals?) With that, he ends byexclaimingthat YOU MUST SEE THE KING AT ONCE!! *gasp*

    __________________________---=| Castle Cornelia |=---

    Now with your party led inside the castle, you stand before the King. Atfirst, he asks to see the crystals. Laying them out, the King notices thatthey are indeed genuine. Lukahn's prophecy has certainly come true. WhiletheKing's advisor still doubts your team being the four warriors, you have anobjective to complete. The princess of Cornelia, Sarah, is missing. Beingthefour "supposed" warriors of the light, the King orders that you find her.

    However, it will be somewhat dangerous. One of the finest swordsman EVARhastaken her captive. Although your team aren't really that great of warriors,the King here still believes that you shall save the world. With a quickwarning about the swordsman Garland, the King shuts up and leaves you backatthe controls. Now that your briefing is complete, leave the castle byheadingstraight south. Head into Cornelia if the need arises. When ready, leavethetown and venture into the wilderness...

    Now back outside and fully equipped, begin heading away from the townnorthward. Prepare to meet some of your first fights in this portion of thegame. Even at your 00ber level of 1 however, the Goblins that attack youshould still fall easily. In fact, before walking too northward, engage andtry to gain a few levels. Slowly make your way north and you should noticethe incomplete bridge. Ignore that and head in the northwest direction on awide land bridge.

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    As your party continues, some mountains should appear on your left andright.Notice a small cave on the left side of the valley. Bypass that at thispointas it holds no relevance to the task at hand. The path will begin to thelean northwestern-ish so follow closely. Venture through another forest-

    likearea. At this point, the Chaos Shrine should appear ahead. Note the suddenchange in enemy types around this area. Instead of the standard Goblins wesaw before, some Skeletons will begin popping up here and there.

    Garland has taken refuge in this shrine. Before you enter, try to level upyour units a bit. Level 3 or 4 is a good figure. Some of the monstersaroundthe Chaos Shrine provide a lot of EXP. However, don't let them gang up onyou. Considering your low level, they might cause you a few problems. Whenyoufeel ready to take on Garland, enter the shrine...

    __________________________---=| Chaos Shrine |=---

    Before moving, get a feel for what the Chaos Shrine looks like. It isn'texactly considered a dungeon seeing as it only is a one floor area. Anyhow,this shrine is symmetrical both vertically and horizontally. BeforefightingGarland, look around for treasures. Head to the southwestern corner andfinda door. Walk into it and the room the door hid will light up. Inside,you'llfind a treasure chest. Open it for a Leather Cap.

    The other two treasures are in the northwestern corner of the shrine.Ventureup there fighting any opposition that appears. Once there, head throughanother door and two chests will be revealed in front of you. Open therightone for a Potion and the left one for a Tent. Now with the treasures of theChaos Shrine collected, find your way back to the entrance area. However,don'texit yet as we still haven't defeated Garland.

    Hopefully, the monsters that you fought while collecting the items havegivenyou some EXP. If you aren't already at Level 4-5, begin to train now or youwill be sorry later. Use the Potions that you bought back at Cornelia asneeded. If you absolutely have to, run out the Chaos Shrine back toCorneliaand heal at the Inn. Whichever way you choose to level up and stay alive,beready for Garland. From Chaos Shrine's entrance, head straight up through adoor. Talk to the ugly dude... oh wait, that's Garland.

    Boss Fight: Garland ~=-----------------=

    Well, it looks like the King was right in who had kidnapped hisdaughter. Being the meanie that he is, Garland challenges you andyour team to a fight. This is the fight against Garland, the

    firstboss battle of the game. Obviously, you might have a bit more

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    trouble here then with some of the Goblins hanging around. If youare at a legitimate level, the battle will flow much quicker.Garland himself has pretty high attack stats. For the most part,he spends all his turns just hitting your units. Use offensive

    magicand a bunch of physical strikes to take him down. Use Potions and

    White Mage Cures when you need them. As long as you're diligent,Garland will fall easily.

    Once Garland is taken down, his body disappears. (That means that he'sdead.)Your team moves forward a bit and the Princess will wake up. Noticing whathasjust happened, she is instantly grateful for your rescue (Yay). With that,sheintroduces herself as Sarah, princess of Cornelia as if you didn't alreadyknow that. Congratulations on your first boss fight of the game!

    Once you bring her back to Castle Cornelia, the happy King will give you

    somewords of appreciation. Without a doubt, your team is definitely the fourwarriors of light that Lukahn's prophecy had stated. If you didn't know ityet, the King will recite some of it for you. Following, he'll tell you ofacrystal on the continent toward the north. As promised, his majesty willhavethe bridge built as quickly as possible.

    Finally, you have the option to leave the castle. Sarah will stop you foronelast moment and give you the Lute (whatever the heck that is). Once youtakeit, leave the castle and a cutscene will ensue shortly afterward. Thedirectorof the bridge operation will order his men to quickly finish up the bridge.Watch it finish and a single worker will ask what the bridge has to do withthe prophecy. The four warriors of light are here in Cornelia. Now, theadventure begins.

    With the bridge complete, a large portion of the overworld will becomeavailable to us. Before we go, take some time to head into Cornelia onelasttime. Heal at the Inn if you'd like and stock up on some Potions andAntidotesbefore you go. When you feel ready, leave town and head to the bridge northof Cornelia. Now finished, cross over it and a scrolling text-type cutscenewill appear.

    It really kind of leaves you with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside, doesn't it?The title screen will pop up afterward. While the previous situations pavedthe path, the real adventure starts now after crossing this bridge. Oncethetitle screen rids itself, step from Cornelia onto the next continent. TheFinal Fantasy adventure begins... now.

    As you progress along this thin strip of land, some mountains will appearahead of you splitting the path ahead in half. The left fork leads you to aspecial cave, but we can't really do anything over there. Instead, take the"right" turn (BAD PUN ALERT!) and continue along. From this point, continue

    east through a thick forest. By now, you should begin seeing more dangerousmonsters infesting the area. Ogres and Warg Wolfs infest the area. Although

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    they provide a lot of EXP, they can easily kill off your weaker team.

    So continue trudging east dealing with the enemies you find as best as youcan. Use White Magic Cures or Potions to keep your units in tip-top shape.If you can survive, take a few moments to level up your characters. Level 7is a good figure at this point. If you continue advancing east, you should

    eventually hit a shoreline. Now begin moving southward and find yourselfupona small town. Enter.

    __________________________---=| Pravoka |=---

    As you enter the area, some activity seems to be going on. The civiliansarein a frantic state (even though they aren't acting like it), but for whatreason? Anyhow, Pravoka's Inn is directly due north of the entrance. Justwalk

    straight up and you should reach it. Heal your units there for a fee of 50Gil. Also, head to the Sanctuary if any of your units need reviving. Notethatthe farther away you get from Cornelia, the more expensive the Inns andSanctuaries become.

    Exit the Inn or Sanctuary and head to the northwestern area of town. Threepirates are valiantly standing around as if they own this joint. Talk tothedude in the center. Bikke is a pirate who apparently likes to terrorizethistown. Talk to him and he'll tell you that you must have "cannon balls ofsteel" (NOW THAT IS FUNNY!) to be taking him own. Bikke's illiteratehenchmennow will engage you. "We'll make their bones go crunch!"

    Now for the scripted battle against Bikke's nine Pirates. Each Pirate isphysically weak, but they do have numbers on their side. With a full countofnine, they can easily overwhelm you. Don't let that happen and slice awayateach one. I'd suggest using Sleep to put them out of commission for alittlewhile. Anyhow, defeat all nine of them. They aren't too hard so youshouldn'tthat much trouble.

    Now that his Pirates are down and out, Bikke will instantly crack down andapologetically accepts his defeat. Despite not fighting his own battle,Bikkeswears he won't do anymore pirate stuff. To really show his true nature, heactually gives you his Ship! Well, we have just turned a mean pirate intoanethical person. Congratulations... er... on that!

    Now that Pravoka is no longer terrorized by those wannabe pirates, youmightwant to check out the Ship that you received. Leave the town and get on it.Ride around a bit if you'd like. Before continuing however, I'd suggestheading into town and checking the various stores. Hoorah!

    Pravoka Weapon Shop ~

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    ===================* Hammer -- A hammer made for battle.

    Cost: 8 GilClass: Warrior, White Mage, Knight, White Wizard,


    * Broadsword -- Sword with a wide, double-edged blade.Cost: 450 GilClass: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Red Wizard, Ninja

    * Battle Axe -- An axe made for battle.Cost: 450 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Scimitar -- A sword with a curved blade.Cost: 160 GilClass: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Knight, Ninja, Red


    Pravoka Armor Shop ~==================* Leather Armor -- Armor made of hardened leather.

    Cost: 40 GilClass: Warrior, Monk, Thief, Red Mage, Knight, Master,

    Ninja, Red Wizard

    * Chain Mail -- Mail of interwoven chain links.Cost: 65 GilClass: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Red Wizard, Ninja

    * Iron Armor -- Armor made of thinly hammered iron.Cost: 640 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Leather Shield -- A shield made of hardened leather.Cost: 12 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Leather Gloves -- Gloves made of leather.Cost: 50 GilClass: [All]

    Pravoka Black Magic Shop ~========================

    * Blizzard -- Deals ice damage to one foe.Level: 2Cost: 250 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Dark -- Blinds all foes with darkness.Level: 2Cost: 250 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Temper -- Raises one ally's attack.Level: 2Cost: 250 Gil

    Class: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,Ninja

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    * Slow -- Reduces all foes' number of attacks.

    Level: 2Cost: 250 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    Pravoka White Magic Shop ~========================

    * Blindna -- Cures darkness.Level: 2Cost: 250 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    * Silence -- Prevents all foes from casting spells.Level: 2Cost: 250 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    * NulShock -- Reduces lightning damage by half.Level: 2Cost: 250 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    * Invis -- Raises one ally's evasion.Level: 2Cost: 250 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    Pravoka Item Shop ~=================

    * Potion -- Restores 50 HP.Cost: 40 Gil

    * Ether -- Restores 50 MP.Cost: 150 Gil

    * Antidote -- Cures poison.Cost: 50 Gil

    * Eye Drops -- Cures darkness.Cost: 50 Gil

    * Phoenix Down -- Revives one KO'd ally.Cost: 500 Gil

    As you can see, there's a lot of shopping opportunity here in Pravoka. Outofall of them, I'd strongly suggest picking up a Broadsword, Scimitar, andBattle Axe (depending on what your group is made up of) along with someChainMail, Iron Armor, Leather Shields, and some Leather Gloves. A bunch of newLevel 2 Black Magic and White Magic spells are also available for sale at ahefty price of 250 Gil.

    There's a lot to buy, and you probably don't have too much Gil. That'seasily

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    fixed by just heading back into the overworld and training with variousmonsters. Build up your Gil stockpile and refit your team as needed. Whenyoufinish shopping and upgrading, head out of Pravoka and take your Ship outtosea.

    [=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~]5.2. An Elven Prince ------------------------ [5200]


    Surprisingly, monsters can still attack you while on the Ship. Obviously,theycan swim so expect water-based enemies here. Wait a second, what did welearn

    in grade school science? Doesn't water conduct electricity? Use yourThunderspells to mess with their weakness and they will fall quickly. Anyhow, whenyou finish messing around, begin sailing westward. When you reach the forkinthe water, take the one leading east. The river will begin to widen up. Youshould still head west rather than south. You should hit land as well astheedge of Cornelia. Head to the south end of the town and get off at the dock.

    Well, if you need refreshing, the Inn is always there. Also, buy a few morePotions in case your weakling team breaks down. When you are ready, headbackonto the Ship and begin sailing south. If you care to know where you'regoingexactly, bring up the world map with O Button + Select. There's a continentjust below Cornelia. The red dots indicate towns or villages. Judging bythename of this section, we are heading to an elf-infested town, Elfheim.

    Anyhow, you should eventually hit land. From there, locate the dock to yourwest and have your team get off. Trudge south through a thick forest andElfheim should appear in the clear. It's a rather small, yet cozy villageinhabiting a number of elves. Loom at the north end is a large castle.Insteadof heading inside the castle however, let's head into the village instead.Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Elfheim.

    __________________________---=| Elfheim |=---

    Elfheim has all the ingredients for a great rest area. Just as you enter,anInn should appear a bit forward to your north. Rest up there (live with the"higher" fee) and when your team is refreshed, walk around a bit. Thecitizensof Elfheim are frantic just like those citizens of Pravoka. However, itisn'tpirate problems. Rather, it seems that their Prince is in a terrible


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    Geez, is every single town in a state of disarray? Guess we need to savetheday once more. But hey, this is an RPG after.

    Before we take any action, let's walk around and browse the stores. Fromthe

    Inn, head due south and the Weapon Shop will be in sight.

    Elfheim Weapon Shop ~===================

    * Iron Nunchaku -- Nunchaku made of iron.Cost: 160 GilClass: Monk, Master

    * Dagger -- A large knife.Cost: 140 GilClass: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Black Mage, Knight,

    Ninja, Red Wizard, Black Wizard

    * Crosier -- A staff topped with an iron ring.Cost: 160 GilClass: Warrior, Monk, Knight, Master, Ninja

    * Saber -- A long sword made for piercing.Cost: 360 GilClass: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Knight, Ninja, Red


    If you have a Monk at this point, I strongly suggest keeping him weapon-free.Take my word for it; Monks are much more useful without a weapon at thispoint. Other than that, the Dagger is good for any weaker Black Mages andthe Saber can be useful for your Thief/Red Mage. Your Warrior shouldn't beupgraded at this point. Anyhow, when you are done browsing the shop, exitandhead north and west. Pass the Sanctuary as you move on and enter the ArmorShop.

    Elfheim Armor Shop ~==================

    * Iron Armor -- Armor made of thinly hammered iron.Cost: 640 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Copper Armlet -- An armlet crafted from copper.Cost: 800 GilClass: [All]

    * Iron Shield -- A shield wrought from iron.Cost: 80 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Leather Cap -- A cap made of leather.Cost: 65 GilClass: [All]

    * Helm -- A small helm.Cost: 80 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    A lot of upgrading opportunities here. One thing I would greatly discourage

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    would be the Copper Armlet. Even though it's only an Armlet, it's the mostexpensive item in the shop. You are much better off buying it later whenyourGil stockpile grows a bit larger. Your Warrior can be upgraded here with anIron Shield and Helm. North of the Armor Shop is the Item Shop that youmight want to check out.

    Elfheim Item Shop ~=================

    * Potion -- Restores 50 HP.Cost: 40 Gil

    * Antidote -- Cures poison.Cost: 50 Gil

    * Gold Needle -- Cures stone.Cost: 500 Gil

    * Echo Grass -- Cures silence.

    Cost: 50 Gil

    * Tent -- Partially restores party's HP and MP.Cost: 160 Gil

    Again and furthermore, buy whatever you want. I'd suggest against the GoldNeedle considering its price. Having a few Tents would be a good idea indungeons and such. Anyway, when you are ready, exit the Item Shop. But wait,haven't I forgotten to mention something? Ah yes, the White and Black MagicShops. However, there was a reason I left them for last.

    Elfheim has something that Pravoka and Cornelia didn't have. That would betwodifferent Black Magic Shops and two different White Magic Shops. In Elfheim,you can actually buy both Level 3 and Level 4 spells! The Level 3 shops arelocated more toward the middle of the area. The higher end spells (Level 4)can be found more north. Browse each and every shop if you choose.

    Elfheim Black Magic Shop (Level 3) ~==================================

    * Fira -- Deals fire damage to all foes.Level: 3Cost: 1000 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Hold -- Paralyzes one foe.Level: 3Cost: 1000 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Thundara -- Deals lightning damage to all foes.Level: 3Cost: 1000 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Focara -- Lowers evasion of all foes.Level: 3

    Cost: 1000 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,

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    Elfheim White Magic Shop (Level 3) ~==================================

    * Cura -- Restores HP to one ally.Level: 3

    Cost: 1000 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,Knight

    * Diara -- Deals damage to all undead foes.Level: 3Cost: 1000 GilClass: White Mage, White Wizard

    * Nulblaze -- Reduces fire damage by half.Level: 3Cost: 1000 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    * Heal -- Restores a little HP to entire party.Level: 3Cost: 1000 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard,


    Elfheim Black Magic Shop (Level 4) ~==================================

    * Sleepra -- Puts one foe to sleep.Level: 4Cost: 2500 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Haste -- Doubles one ally's number of attacks.Level: 4Cost: 2500 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Confuse -- Causes foes to turn on each other.Level: 4Cost: 2500 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    * Blizzara -- Deals ice damage to all foes.Level: 4Cost: 2500 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard,


    Elfheim White Magic Shop (Level 4) ~==================================

    * Poisona -- Cures poison.Level: 4Cost: 2500 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard

    * Fear -- Drives all foes away in terror.

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    Level: 4Cost: 2500 GilClass: White Mage, White Wizard

    * NulFrost -- Reduces ice damage by half.Level: 4

    Cost: 2500 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard

    * Vox -- Cures silence.Level: 4Cost: 2500 GilClass: White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard

    As you can see, these magic spells can easily empty your wallet. Therefore,I'd only suggest buying the spells that you REALLY need. Some of the Level4spells are very useful, but considering the amount of Gil you probably haveright now, I can advise you buy the Black Mage techniques, Haste (Level 4)

    andFira (Level 3) only at this point. For White Mages, I'd strongly suggestPoisona (Level 4) as some of the enemies in the near future will terrorizeyouwith poison. Heal and Cura (both Level 3) are also very useful.

    If you need more funds, there's nothing more you can do but to battle,battle,and battle some more. The Ogre and Ogre Chiefs hanging around can give youalot of money really fast. Likewise, if you battle some Buccaneers orSahaginswhile on the seven seas, you can also get a lot of Gil. If you can't buyeverything yet, don't fret. There's always later to come back here once youget rich. When you are ready (or you get sick of working for your money),headinto the castle and figure out what's going in Elfheim.

    __________________________---=| Elven Castle |=---

    Once you are in the area, talk to a few of the guards hanging around. Theyallsay basically the same thing. Some dude named Astos had poisoned the Princeinto some deep sleep as well as running away with Elfheim's treasures. Howoriginal. Anyway, you can find the Prince's chamber by going straight upfromthe entrance and then taking a left and then going through the door to thenorth.

    The Healer is standing beside the Prince who is now in a dazed state ofslumber. He tells you of a possible medicine that might exist... somewhere.Well, we are probably expected to find this cure. Seeing as the people hereare not really too much of a help, we might as well leave. Enter Elfheimforthe last time before we venture off and buy a few Antidotes and Potions.You will see why later. Expect the Marsh Cave to be quite a tough situation.

    Anyway, from Elfheim, begin moving due west. Some mountains will be there

    toblock most of your path, but there is a small passage that can be found

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    somewhere along that range. Make your way through and follow the mountaintothe west's wall. Stick along it while beating up random enemies. Now wouldbea great time to level up as Marsh Cave is up ahead. The monsters there arevery problematic for a dungeon so try to get your levels to at least 13-14.

    You are currently located inside a rounded area. The mountains surroundyou in a circle. The only two openings back to the outside world arethroughthe small valley you entered from, and wider exit toward the northwest.A lake borders the northern edge, but we can't cross that from this point.Ifyou are confused about your position, look at your world map and enlargethepicture to get better detail. Find your way to the northwest corner andexitthrough the small valley opening at that corner. It's not really that hardto

    find, just hard to describe. Head north, walk a little, and enter theWestern Keep.

    __________________________---=| Western Keep |=---

    The Keep is deserted... or so it seems. Anyhow, begin moving forward andthento your left. There's a door just north of that corridor. Walk inside andyou will find a King sitting on his throne. Apparently, his castle reallyfailed to make any form of improvement in this wretched state. The Kinginsideasks of you to find a Crown for him from the Marsh Cave. There's nothingelseto do here so just leave.

    Now that that is over with, begin making your way south. Some mountainswillcrowd the way a bit, but it is completely possible to get through. Head allthe way to the southernmost point. In the ground, you should see a hole.Welcome to the Marsh Cave. Now let's get to retrieving that Crown.

    __________________________---=| Marsh Cave |=---

    Okay, welcome to the Marsh Cave, one of the most annoying dungeons. I hopeyoutaught your White Mage Poisona as you will probably need it down here.Anyhow,from the start, you have two ways to go. The top path leads to the B2 whichin turn, leads to nothing. However, there are a few items that you mightwantto collect. The path leading south is the "real" way to go as you will needitto progress. If you want to bypass the various treasures hanging around,skipthe next two paragraphs.

    Anyway, if you do want to pick up some items, take the path leading north.Walk yourself through the twisting path until you reach a staircase at the

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    end. Descend and you should find yourself one floor below. The enemies herecan be pretty nasty. From the stairs, go up and around the pillar wall andthen head due west. There will be a doorway to your north. Go through andpick up the 680 Gil in that chest.

    Exit that room and continue west. When there is a path leading north, take

    itand have your party walk around the room containing the 680 Gil. Walk alltheway to the end and turn south once the wall hits you. Then walk around thisnext room and enter it once you reach the door. The chest will contain aDagger. Snatch that and then make your way to the very bottom of this area.Another door will lead into a room containing two chests. One of them has aBroadsword and the other holds 620 Gil. Take your prize. With that, findthestaircase leading back to B1. Then make your way back to the Marsh Caveentrance stairs.

    Now, from the Marsh Cave entrance stairs, begin making your way southbound.

    Beware of the Ghouls and Crawlers hanging around as they can paralyze you.Another monster that should be noted, the Green Slimes, are only affectedbymagic. Using physical attacks against them would be a waste of turns. Also,the Green Slimes are capable of poisoning. Poisona, as recommended before,would really help you out with that. Anyhow, continue south until you reachafork in the path. The east path leads to nothing and basically sends youintoa dead end so take the south path.

    At the very southeastern corner is a room. The door is on the south wall soenter and you will find a ladder leading below. Take it down and you shouldbe in B2 again but in a different location. From this room are three doorsleading out. It doesn't matter which one you exit from as they all lead youto the same room. From here, begin heading south against the pillars (theyblock your path east) until you reach the very bottom point. From there,headeast and then go around. Keep moving east and walk through the door at theend. In this room, there's another door even more to the east. Exit throughthere and you should finally reach a set of stairs to Marsh Cave B3.

    Unlike the other two floors, Marsh Cave B3 is actually well organized. Youmight not be able to see it from the start, but this floor is made up of a4x4 collection of rooms. The room closest to your position in thenorthwesterncorner contains a chest holding a Phoenix Down. Pick that up. From there,venture all the way to the other end in the northeastern corner. In thatroom, you will find 295 Gil. Walk down to the second row and move to thetwowestern-most rooms. The room second to the wall has a Cottage and an emptychest (if you picked up the Phoenix Down previously). The western-most oneinthe second row has a Copper Armlet.

    The third row has the Crown in it. However, before engaging, you might wanttopick up the final prize, which is 385 Gil in the room second to the eastwall.The fourth row has doors all bound by the Mystic Key. We'll get that little

    item eventually, but for now, let's find that Crown here. Walk yourselfinto

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    the room on the third row that is second to the west wall. When you enter,there is a chest on the ground. Run up to it, and the Piscodemons willengageyou!

    I wouldn't know if this really qualifies as a boss fight (I've seen it

    listedas one in other places), but it is scripted and it is actually prettytough if you aren't careful. These Piscodemons come in numbers and willjumpat you as soon as you step in front of the chest containing the Crown.Anyhow,note that these Piscodemons actually hit you pretty hard. Focus yourattacksand use a good balance of offensive magic and physical strikes to take downall of them. Having a White Mage that uses Cura wouldn't be a bad idea.

    Once those Piscodemons are out of the way, you can open the chest and findthe Crown! Some music will play to notify you of your success. Okay, now

    whatwas the whole point of coming to the Marsh Cave again? To find the Crownforthat Western Keep dude. You might as well just get out of here. Well, youcanget out of here, but don't forget about this dungeon completely. Comingbackhere will be optional later on to pick up the hidden items once you get theMystic Key. So if you plan to, remember how to get down here later.Backtrackall the way to the entrance, and find yourself in the overworld once more.

    Before we go and find that super-duper Astos dude, let's head back toElfheimand heal up a bit. If you didn't buy anything before because of funds, nowwould be a great time to purchase some spells that you missed before. Astosis a bad man, so you better get on the training ball and level up yourunits.The higher the level, the easier defeating him will be. I stopped once Ireached level 17 but you can go as far as you wish.

    Now we better head to the Western Keep and return the Crown to thatbenevolentKing. Walk up to him and give him the Crown once you reach the Western Keep.He will give a hearty laugh and state that he is really Astos in disguise!Hadyou come to the Western Keep before, this King (in disguise) would haveaskedyou find his Crown. Now that we hand this Crown upon him, Astos will makehisappearance. Oh noes!

    Boss Fight: Astos ~=---------------=

    What a clever trick! The freaky-looking guy standing right infront

    of you is actually Astos. The real King of the Dark Elves has hisevil intentions of taking over the world. While engaging, takenecessary precautions as Astos really is no pushover. The King ofthe Dark Elves has a lot of abilities up his sleeves. First off,

    hisphysical attack can deal heavy damage with each strike. Keep your

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    vulnerable units protected using a White Mage's Protect. YourWhite

    Mage should spend the entire battle keeping your units in tip-topshape. Astos, unlike Garland, is capable of sending magic spells

    atyou as well. His most dangerous, Death, is basically the Level 6

    Black Mage spell. With one casting, Death can automatically killoneof your units. However, it is easily evaded. You can prevent itfrom hitting by raising your unit's evade stats through using

    Invis.(If you know it.) Astos might be tough for a fat Dark Elf King,

    butwith effort, he is easily overwhelmed and defeated.

    Once Astos is defeated, you will find the Crystal Eye that he dropped.Although it is a very important item, a Crystal Eye won't revive the fallenElven Prince. Don't fret however, as we still have another step to completebefore finding his cure. For now, head back to Elfheim and heal your team

    that should be pretty tired from the Astos battle. There's not much else todo here, so get back onto your Ship.

    Now just so you don't get confused, bring up the world map once more so wecan plot our next objective. First off, you should now be Elfheim obviously.Locate Cornelia on the map. North of Cornelia, you should notice a lake.The map really doesn't show an opening, but you are allowed to sail underthebridge that the nice ol' Cornelia King built for you. So sail over to thatbridge and then continue west under it. You are now in that lake I pointedout before.

    Okay, why did I bring you here? Well, it's a pretty small lake (incomparisonto the sea in between Cornelia and Elfheim). Sail to the north end of thelakewhere a dock presents itself. Get off here and walk a little bit north.Onceyou pass the mountain on your left, head west in that direction. You shouldnow notice a peninsula leading northeast just ahead. A quick check withyourmap will tell you that there's something on the tip. Begin making your wayalong this monster-infested area until you reach a cave...

    __________________________---=| Matoya's Cave |=---

    Some weird music will begin to play here. There's nothing out of theordinaryuntil you walk a few steps. WHOA!! A broom sweeping without a dude sweepingit!

    There is only one door in this tiny hallway. Go through and some more ofthosebrooms will be sweeping around. A woman by the name of Matoya will hitsomething and scream out in pain. You automatically walk forward where awitchis stupidly moving around. She'll continually scream about her eye and gethurt again and again. The last thing she says is something about her


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    That rings a bell doesn't it? Didn't that Astos dude drop a Crystal Eye?Talkto her and she'll notice that you have her Crystal Eye. Hand it over andshe'll be ecstatic with joy (well, not really). Completing ignoring thefact

    that you might have stolen it, she instantly gives you a reward in return.Matoya offers to you a special potion... or so she calls it. Take the JoltTonic from her and leave her cave. Phew...

    With the Jolt Tonic picked up and in our list, we can hopefully revive thePrince. Make your way all the way south again and find your way to yourShip. Let's head back over to Elfheim. Once there, enter the castle and runup to the Prince's chambers and hand the Jolt Tonic to the Prince's Healer(of whom isn't doing a very good job by just standing there all day).Slowlybut surely, the Elven Prince will wake up. Instantly grateful for yourappearance, the Prince hands to you a Mystic Key.

    Yay! We have just saved three civilizations from kidnapped daughters,pirateproblems, and a sleeping Prince. That's quite an achievement if you ask me.Anyway, with the Mystic Key in our hands, a lot of treasures are nowavailableto us. For starters, make your way to the rear end of the castle bytravelingoutside the eastern wall. Don't miss a step or your character will leaveElvenCastle "unintentionally." At the far end is a small room that waspreviouslylocked. With the Mystic Key, you can open it. Inside are four treasurechests.From left to right, you will find a Mythril Hammer, 800 Gil, 700 Gil, andBronze Gloves.

    There are a few other locations where you can use the Mystic Key and findsomenice items. In the Marsh Cave, if you head all the way to Marsh Cave B3 andthe very bottom row, you will locate four room. You can find an Antidote,1020 Gil, and a Silver Armlet. However, you will have to fight a fewPiscodemons as well, and we all know how much trouble they can provide. Inthe Western Keep, you will also find some stuff laying around. In theWesternKeep, walk all the way to the back and then turn left. Make your way aroundthe room where you fought Astos. The treasures here are in that room withinthree chests. You will need to fight some Mummies and Wraiths first however.Defeat them and pick up the Falchion, Power Staff, and Steel Gloves.

    With two dungeons covered, haul yourself over to the Chaos Shrine. You canfind them in the corners as the dungeon was basically a rectangle if youremember. You will find a Rune Blade in the southeast corner but you willhave to fight Gargoyles. In the northeast, you can find a Werebuster and aGold Needle. The last area we can find some stuff in is Castle Cornelia.Makeyour way back south and enter the castle. Instead of actually going in,turnright and walk along the castle's walls until you reach the rear. There, apathway will lead toward the center. Walk in and head east. A man will tellyou that the equipment you find in the doors will help you a lot. Head

    southand enter the two rooms. Open the chests for a Cottage, a Saber, a Mythril

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    Knife, Iron Armor, a Tent, and some very special Nitro Powder. (It'sspecialenough to make that cool music.)

    Considering the usefulness of some of the items you collected, that tripback through past dungeons was pretty worthwhile. With the Nitro Powder

    collected, leave the castle.

    [=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~]5.3. Earth Shattering! ---------------------- [5300]


    Your boat should be parked and bobbling along the Cornelia docks. Take yourShip and use it to sail around the west end of the Cornelia continent as ifyou were heading over to the Chaos Shrine on boat. Eventually, you will

    reacha dock. Get off and begin heading southwest as the path east is blocked byamountain. Walk through a thick forest heading south until you notice a cavein a rock wall. Enter Mt. Duergar.

    __________________________---=| Mt. Duergar |=---

    As you enter the cave with the name I can't spell, you should notice quiteabit of activity going on. Talk to a few of the men standing around and theywill tell you a little bit about what's going on. Ignore their funnyaccents(Oh hey lookie at meh, I cairn tairk in funnair accents LOL!) One of themtells you that they are looking for the Levistone, a stone that actuallyfloats! Interesting. Anyway, from the entrance, head all the way west andthensouth once you can't go any further that way.

    Now begin heading south as the path narrows. At the very bottom, walkaroundthe wall and enter the room for a lot of useful treasure! You will find aTent, a Great Helm, a Wyrmkiller, Ether, a Potion, some Mythril Mail, 575Gil,and a Cottage. Now those are some nice items. Equip them as you need to,andexit the room. Walk to the southeast corner of the treasure room and talktothe man in the green turban. A "!" will appear above his head to signal hissurprise! He notices your Nitro Powder (or Nitro Pouder as he calls it) andasks to use it in his blowing up of the canal. Since we need to breakthroughanyway, give it to him.

    Once he places it, we can now "bluiter this rock tae smithereens!" Geez,whydoes everyone around here have such a terrible accent? Anyhow, the guytells

    you to run off before it blows and your dude runs a good 10 feet back (yeah,that'll really help). A cool-looking cutscene will show the canal breaking

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    off making the pass open for you. Now you have the access to the next areaofthis world.

    Find your Ship again and sail over to the canal that you just blew the crapout of. Head through that narrow area and you should notice a whirlpool a

    bitahead. Do not sail into this whirlpool just yet. Instead, head west past asmall island. You should notice a tiny town on the edge of a continent. Getoff your boat at the nearby dock and head into Melmond.

    __________________________---=| Melmond |=---

    Upon first entering the area, Melmond looks pretty dirty. (As in grimy. Notthe other way you perverts!) There are a few solemn-looking citizenswalkingaround. Talk to them and hear about their sad story. Some Vampires attacked

    this small town and left their city in shambles. Take note of the amount ofgravestones around. Is there no town we enter that doesn't need some formofsaving or helping?

    Anyway, north of the entrance is the Inn (which is in pretty terribleshape).You can stop there for 100 Gil to heal up your party. The Weapon Shop eastofthe Inn has a few items that you might want to pick up. Also, head up tothe Armor Shop just north afterwards.

    Melmond Weapon Shop ~===================

    * Crosier -- A staff topped with an iron ring.Cost: 160 GilClass: Warrior, Monk, Knight, Master, Ninja

    * Saber -- A long sword made for piercing.Cost: 360 GilClass: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Knight, Ninja, Red


    * Longsword -- A large, double-edged sword.Cost: 1200 GilClass: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Red Wizard, Ninja

    * Falchion -- A sword that widens toward its tip.Cost: 360 GilClass: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Knight, Ninja, Red


    Melmond Armor Shop ~==================

    * Knight's Armor -- Armor crafted from steel plate.Cost: 36000 GilClass: Warrior, Knight

    * Silver Armlet -- An armlet of worked silver.Cost: 4000 Gil

    Class: [All]

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    * Great Helm -- A helm that covers the entire head.Cost: 360 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Bronze Gloves -- Gloves made of bronze.Cost: 160 Gil

    Class: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Steel Gloves -- Gloves made of steel.Cost: 600 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    There is quite a lot to buy considering the terrible state that Melmond isin. At the Armor shop, you probably should reconsider buying the Knight'sArmor. The price is absolutely horrendous, but if you must, purchase it.The Silver Armlet should be equipped by all of your other units. At theWeapon Shop, there really isn't anything to pick up apart from theLongswordwhich you might want to equip on your Warrior.

    More south are the two Magic Shops. However, note that there's no Sanctuaryhere (the Vampires destroyed that) and there's no Item Shop either (theyprobably destroyed that too).

    Melmond Black Magic Shop ~========================

    * Firaga -- Deals fire damage to all foes.Level: 5Cost: 4000 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard

    * Scourge -- Instantly kills all foes.Level: 5Cost: 4000 GilClass: Black Mage, Black Wizard, Red Wizard

    * Teleport -- Transports party to previous floor.Level: 5Cost: 4000 GilClass: Red Wizard, Black Wizard

    * Slowra -- Reduces one foe's number of attacks.Level: 5Cost: 4000 GilClass: Red Mage, Black Mage, Red Wizard, Black Wizard

    Melmond White Magic Shop ~========================

    * Curaga -- Restores a lot of HP to one ally.Level: 5Cost: 4000 GilClass: Red Mage, White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard

    * Life -- Revives one KO'd ally.Level: 5Cost: 4000 GilClass: White Mage, White Wizard, Red Wizard

    * Diaga -- Deals damage to all undead foes.

    Level: 5Cost: 4000 Gil

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    Class: White Mage, White Wizard

    * Healara -- Restores HP to entire party.Level: 5Cost: 4000 GilClass: White Mage, White Wizard

    It doesn't seem like anything comes cheap anymore... Anyway, you probablywon't be able to afford _everything_ but you can try to pick up Firaga andScourge. Teleport is very convenient, but it needs a Black Wizard. For yourWhite Mage, consider getting Curaga, Life, and Diaga (which will be veryuseful against the undead Vampires we'll be fighting in the future). Onceyoupick everything you need up, leave Melmond.

    Let's move. Start heading southwest along the coastline. Do your bestdefeating the various monsters around. Keep going until you reach a forkseparated by a mountain. The west path leads to a cave (Giant's Cave).However, you cannot pass because an ugly-looking, rock dude blocks your

    path.Instead, take the south path and cross the narrow landbridge. As you get tothe other side, you should see a cave on the opposite end of the mountain.Move around the mountain and enter it.

    __________________________---=| Cavern of Earth |=---

    The first step in activating the Earth Crystal is through here, the CavernofEarth. Be forewarned however, the enemy's here are quite a step up from theprevious dungeon. Rather than scripted Piscodemon fights, you actually havetofight them in random battles here. Along with that, Ogre Chiefs arenumerousand the Cockatrice is a monster that has the capability of turning yourunitsinto stone.

    You should be able to judge for yourself. If you feel that survival herewould be a difficulty, head out and train. I just stuck around Level 20 andcontinued onward. Anyhow, once you enter the Cavern of Earth, you shouldnotice a bunch of paths leading in different directions. Normally, it wouldbequite a doozy to find your way through (aren't you glad you are using awalkthrough?). Besides, a lot of encounters here means a lot of EXP andthat'salways a good thing.

    As a guide, I should notify you of an optional, yet incredibly useful path.From the entrance, you can choose to head straight to your west. This pathwill lead you to the "Hall Of Giants/Gigas." Once you reach the corner, forevery step you take, you will fight a battle with at least one Hill Gigaincluded. While Hill Gigas are dangerous, they are also provide great EXP.If your units need leveling up, take this challenge and walk through it.However, remember to bring lots of healing items beforehand. Don't venturetoo far as even on the way back, you will be fighting Hill Gigas.

    Anyway, once you are done, head back to the entrance stairs. Go directly

    north and follow the path until you reach a split. Enter the room at thevery

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    bottom to find a chest containing 1975 Gil. With the treasure collectedhere,head all the way back to the entrance. Back there, find the southeast pathand begin following it. The path leads you to a maze-like area, but it'sfairly linear. From the entrance of this maze-like area, just head east andthen south. The way will eventually lead you to another door. The two

    chestsin this room contain 795 Gil and an Antidote.

    Begin making your way back to the "maze-like" area entrance. However,insteadof leaving, move all the way west and then south again. You will find yetanother room of two treasure chests. One of them contains a Potion and theother has 880 Gil. Beware, stepping in front of the right treasure chestwilltrigger a fight with an Earth Elemental -- a very powerful monster. Even so,you can try to beat it for a lot of EXP! With that done, make your way alltheway back to the entrance stairs.

    From there, head eastward. The twisting path will lead you to staircaseleading down. Step into it and head below to Cavern of Earth B2. At theentrance, head all the way south until you can't go any further. Thenventureeast and then north. Follow the path until you reach a fork. Take the oneleading east and advance in this direction. A fork will lead south, butignorethat for now. Instead, enter the door up ahead and open the three chestsfor330 Gil, a Tent, and a Coral Sword.

    Exit the room and head back west. Take the path south and ignore any pathsleading west. Once you reach the bottom, turn east and then back up again.Finally, you will find the stairs leading even further down to the B3.Gettingtired yet? Well, we still haven't found the boss yet. Now at the lowerfloor,begin heading due east along this narrow passage. When you reach a split,headeast to a small room containing one chest. Pick up the Sleeping Bag andheadback to the split. Now head north.

    Walk through this twisted path while fighting off hordes of monsters. Atthenorth end, enter the door to your west and fight off an Earth Elementalbeforepicking up the 3400 Gil inside the chest. Leave the room and begin movingeastdouble time. The forward path is a twisted labyrinth. Take the south pathand head all the way to the bottom. The door there will lead you to a chestcontaining a Gold Needle... after fighting an Earth Elemental (geez thosethings are annoying).

    Head out of the room and then back north again until you reach the areawhereyou entered this portion of the level. Once there, back out of that areaandhead straight west past the door we collected that 3400 Gil in. Head

    westwardalong another twisting path. At the endpoint, you should find yet another

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    door. There's no treasure in there, but if you walk around a bit, you willengage some Earth Elementals. Although tough, they are very prominent EXPproviders. You can choose to train here if you'd like before the boss fighthere. Otherwise, just head south.

    Continue along this way until the path begins to widen up. Turn east and

    enter another room. The chest there contains 1020 Gil (after fighting anEarth Elemental of course). From that door, head directly south and thenbegin moving straight east. After entering the door, talk to the bat (!!!)and he'll talk to you. After a few intimidating words, he'll move back andtransform into a Vampire!

    Boss Fight: Vampire ~=-----------------=

    Intimidating as he is, this Vampire is not the real boss thatwe're

    looking for. If you taught your White Mage Diaga, now would be agreat time to use it! For your magic casters, send your mostpowerful elemental strike against this nameless vampire. With

    your physical attackers, just go all-out on him. Hopefully, thisVampire

    will be overwhelmed. It is easy to defeat him within the firstturn

    before he even gets a chance to fight back!

    Defeat him and the chest that he was protecting will be accessible. Somecoolmusic will play meaning that the item you have just found is a major keyitem.Pick up the Star Ruby. With the Cavern of Earth's treasure collected andtheboss defeated, slowly make your way back to the surface. I know, it will betedious indeed. Once back in the overworld, head back to Melmond and stopatan Inn for a needed rest. However, our mission with the Earth Crystal isnotover yet.

    With the Ruby Star collected, another portion of this continent becomesopento us. Remember the Giant's Cave I told you about. If you went in therebefore, the rock guy wouldn't have let you in. However, one of the peopleinMelmond had notified us that the rock dude really LIKES gems. To get there,head in the direction of the Cavern of Earth. However, instead ofcontinuingsouth on the Devil's Tail peninsula, head southwest. The cave is in plainsight.

    __________________________---=| Giant's Cave |=---

    Move upwards a little bit where a big, gray rock dude is standing aroundstupidly. Talk to him and he'll make a funny noise. "You have Star Ruby!?"Give him the Star Ruby before he has a hissy fit and he'll let you pass.Therock guy will turn his back on you showing his enormous rear (Hey look,


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    mooning you.) while eating the Star Ruby. I wonder how that tastes. Withthat,he slowly walks away into the opposite wall. (!!!)

    With him out of the way, you have two ways to go. First off, begin headingsouth for some cool treasures. Enter the room and pick up the Great Axe,

    620Gil, 450 Gil, and Mythril Helm. Re-equip if you want to and exit the room.Begin heading north all the way up. At the end, you will find a set ofstairs.Ascend them.

    Once you exit, you will be out of the cave and back in the overworld.However,note that you're in a whole new area. Whoa! There aren't any immediateareasof interest. Begin navigating through the area all the way to the southerntip of the area. At the very south, you should notice a cave right beforethe


    __________________________---=| Sage's Cave |=---

    For once, a cave that actually doesn't have monsters scuttling through it!Anyway, begin heading north. The door there will lead you to a group ofpots.That doesn't help us too much. Instead, continue westward and then gothroughthe next door. Talk to the old man you find in the second room and he'llintroduce himself as Sadda. The Vampire you defeated previously was not themastermind behind it all. The real job can be found deeper in the Cavern ofEarth.

    Sadda will hand to you the Earth Rod and tells you to use it behind theVampire's area. If you explored that area a bit previously after openinganother door, you might have found a rock that was otherwise impenetrable.With the Earth Rod, we can get that rock out of the way. Exit the Sage'sCaveand begin the tedious journey back up to the Giant's Cave and then backthrough the Giant's Cave. Heal up at the Melmond Inn if you absolutely needto. Head down the Cavern of Earth and take ANOTHER tedious trek all the wayto the Vampire area.

    Now that you're here, there really isn't anything around. However, to yourright is another door. Go through that all the way to the upper end where astone slab welcomes you on a wall. It appears to be a dead end, but withtheEarth Rod that Sadda gave you, the slab will magically disappear revealinganother staircase. Go down into B4.

    The enemies here are a bit tougher than the previous floors. Take some timeto level up among them. From the stairs, head north and some paths will beopen to you toward your left. First, take the path leading north all theway to a door containing a bunch of chests. Beware, as in front of most ofthe chests, you will have to fight either an Ogre Mage or a Sphinx alongwithsome other enemies. Pick up a Staff, 3400 Gil, 1520 Gil, 5450 Gil, and 1455


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    Leave this treasure room and head back to the entrance area, but instead oftaking the path back to the stairs however, go west through the smalldoorway.Head south and then west. When you reach the wall, begin moving due southallthe way to another treasure room in the southwestern corner. You will find

    aTent, a Mythril Shield, and 1250 Gil... after fighting a few Ogre Mages ofcourse! Anyway, with the treasures of B4 collected, exit the room and headstraight north. Go all the way to the northwestern corner to find astaircase.Descend.

    Now in Cavern of Earth B5, I hope you are ready for the boss fight. Makesureyour team is fully healed with as much MP as you can spare. The boss fighthere will need a lot of fire spells and a lot of Diagas. From the stairs,gosouth and around the wall to head north. Keep going to the end and then

    turnwest. Follow the path as it twists south and you should reach a door in thewall. This is it folks, the Earth Crystal's answer is right here. As youenter, a glowing ball will appear ahead of you. Examine it and a voice willboom through the air. Suddenly, a totally ugly vampire will appear. MeetLich. Although he looked smaller from above, Lich is one of the fattestheathens I have ever seen.

    Boss Fight: Lich ~=--------------=

    Fat as he is, Lich is a vampire. Plain and simple, that meansthat

    he's an undead creature. Undead monsters have two main weaknesses.Dia and fire spells. Your Black/Red Mage should be able to cast agood ol' Fira against Lich which should damage him a lot. If yourWhite Mage has Dia/Diara/Diaga, by all means, blast him with thattoo! Your physical units can't really do anything except for

    usingregular attacks. As a vampire, Lich's physical attacks can do a

    lotof damage. He also owns some Black Magic spells which can deal

    somedamage against you. If possible, use your White Mage and bring up

    aNulFrost or NulBlaze barrier. At the same time, cast Protect onevery one of your units to soften the amount of impact from each

    ofhis strikes. Don't be shy with healing and use Curaga wheneverneeded. Keep pounding Lich with Diaga and Firaga plus a few

    physicalstrikes and he will fall.

    You will know when he's defeated as the screen will flash white and Lichwillslowly fade away. Take the Gil and EXP that Lich provided and the EarthCrystal will begin to glow. Congratulations! Your team has succeeded inactivating the Earth Crystal. Only three more to go. As your team showstheirappreciation by hopping around, the scene will shift to Earthgift Shrinewhere a barrier blocking a door will break. Consult the Soul Of Chaos

    sectionon it. Behind the Earth Crystal is a warp, use it to get out back to the

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    [=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~]5.4. Volcanic Activity ---------------------- [5400]


    With the vampire defeated, the Earth Crystal will be activated. Make yourwayback to Melmond and take a well-deserved rest at the Inn. Although youcan'tsee it, the earth is slowly returning to normal (Really?). The townspeopleare still as gloomy as ever though except for one or two people. Heal upandbid your farewells to Melmond. Hop back on your boat once again.

    We're not moving back to the Cornelia continent. Instead, we are to headwest.Begin first by moving south along the border of the Devil's Tail peninsulacontaining the Cavern of Earth. Once you clear the tip, begin sailing duewest. If you continue west in this direction, you will hit the edge of themap, but you will sail around and end up at the other side. As you can see,the world of Final Fantasy is designed like a sphere much like the Earth(although on a much smaller scale). If you sail in one direction, you willalways reach the opposite side.

    Anyhow, the continent further west is quite a large one. When you finallyhitland, sail south a little bit and you should notice a dock to park yourShip.Get off your boat, and begin walking southwest along the shoreline. Youdon'thave much of a choice considering the mountain blocks further progress west.The enemies along the way are similar to the ones you fought in the CavernofEarth. Therefore, you might have a bit of trouble with them. Continue tomovesouth along this way until the mountain ends, and your team enters a thickforest.

    To your west is a very large lake in a shape of a crescent. There's a townon the other side, but the lake blocks our way. Trying to walk around thelakegoing north will only result in a dead end. Instead, continue south aroundthe lake, and then walk along the lake's edge as it twists west and thennorth. After quite a bit of walking, head into the city that is logicallyplaced by the Crescent Lake.

    __________________________---=| Crescent Lake |=---

    Crescent Lake is a nice-looking town that really doesn't appear to havesomething wrong with it. It is also the first town that actually doesn'thavea problem that you need to solve! Apart from two people, the streets are

    deserted. Usually, the first thing that we do when we enter a new townwould

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    probably be the sleep at the Inn or revive units at the Sanctuary.Following,you might want to check out the shops.

    Crescent Lake Weapon Shop ~=========================

    * Mythril Knife -- A knife wrought from mythril.Cost: 640 GilClass: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Black Mage, Knight,

    Ninja, Red Wizard, Black Wizard

    * Mythril Sword -- A sword wrought from mythril.Cost: 3200 GilClass: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Red Wizard, Ninja

    * Mythril Hammer -- A hammer wrought from mythril.Cost: 2000 GilClass: Warrior, White Mage, Knight, White Wizard,


    * Mythril Axe -- An axe wrought from mythril.Cost: 3600 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    Crescent Lake Armor Shop ~========================

    * Mythril Mail -- Mail crafted from mythril.Cost: 6000 GilClass: Warrior, Red Mage, Knight, Red Wizard, Ninja

    * Mythril Shield -- A shield crafted from mythril.Cost: 2000 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Buckler -- A small shield.Cost: 2000 GilClass: Warrior, Thief, Red Mage, Knight, Ninja, Red


    * Mythril Helm -- A helm wrought from mythril.Cost: 2000 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja

    * Mythril Gloves -- Gloves made of mythril.Cost: 2000 GilClass: Warrior, Knight, Ninja, Red Wizard

    Crescent Lake Black Magic Shop ~==============================

    * Thundaga -- Deals lightning damage to all foes.Level: 6Cost: 13000 GilClass: Black Mage, Black Wizard, Red Wizard

    * Death -- Instantly kills one foe.Level: 6Cost: 13000 GilClass: Black Mage, Black Wizard

    * Quake -- Calls an earthquake to swallow foes.Level: 6

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    Cost: 13000 GilClass: Black Mage, Black Wizard

    * Stun -- Paralyses one foe.Level: 6Cost: 13000 Gil

    Class: Black Mage, Black Wizard

    Crescent Lake White Magic Shop ~==============================

    * Stona -- Cures stone.Level: 6Cost: 13000 GilClass: White Mage, White Wizard

    * Exit -- Transports party out of dungeons.Level: 6Cost: 13000 GilClass: Red Wizard, White Wizard

    * Protera -- Raises party's defense.Level: 6Cost: 13000 GilClass: White Mage, Red Wizard, White Wizard

    * Invisira -- Raises party's evasion.Level: 6Cost: 13000 GilClass: White Mage, White Wizard, Red Wizard

    Crescent Lake Item Shop ~=======================

    * Potion -- Restores 50 HP.Cost: 40 Gil

    * Hi-Potion -- Restores 150 HP.Cost: 150 Gil

    * Ether -- Restores 50 MP.Cost: 150 Gil

    * Phoenix Down -- Revives one KO'd ally.Cost: 500 Gil

    * Tent -- Partially restores party's HP and MP.Cost: 160 Gil

    As you can see, Crescent Lake seems to be obsessed with all things mythril!Many of the weapons and armor here are useful so purchase as necessary. TheBlack Magic and White Magic Shop have hefty prices, but they hold veryusefulspells of which you should take advantage of. Exit is a great spell indungeons, but it requires a White Wizard or Red Wizard. I strongly suggestpicking up Thundaga, Quake, and Death for Black Mages. White Mages, pick upProtera, Invisira, and Stona.

    Melmond didn't have an Item Shop so take advantage of Cre