Final design 22-03-2018 new a0 - Paper Feb 2018... · Informații Importante Această...


Transcript of Final design 22-03-2018 new a0 - Paper Feb 2018... · Informații Importante Această...

“Vom face electricitate atât de ieftină încât

numai cei bogați vor aprinde


Thomas Edison

Bitlumens aduce sistemele fotovoltaice cu stocare folosind energii regenerabile femeilor din mediul rural din America Latină, folosindu-se de Internet of Things (IoT) și de Blockchain.


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CuprinsPrecizări legale Informații Importante Prefață IntroducerePrecizări legale privind Înlocuirea kerosen-ului și a biomasei Piețele inițiale Sistemul solar Blockchain-ul Flux-ul datelor provenite de la senzori Cazuri de utilizare Licențierea Software-ului la o entitate de MicroÎmprumut Precizări legale pentru Entitate Permiterea reducerii de emisii certificate (CER) și Verificate Planul de dezvoltare Specificațiile Token-ului și regulile ICO Echipa

Informații ImportanteAceastă Carte Albă este furnizată de Bitlumens GmbH numai ca scop informativ. Nimic din această Carte Albă nu trebuie interpretat precum o ofertă de vânzare sau cumpărare a titlurilor de valoare în orice competență juridică, sau orice solicitare de investiție, sau ca un sfat de investiție. Cartea albă nu stabilește nicio vânzare sau cumpărare a token-ilor BLS (precum sunt referiți în Cartea Albă). Cumpărarea token-ilor BLS este supusă Termenilor și Condițiilor de Vânzare a Token-ilor, iar utilizarea Bitlumens este supusă Termenilor și Politicilor platformei.


Această Carte Albă descrie viziunea curentă pentru Bitlumens. În timp ce noi intenționăm să încercăm să realizăm această viziune, vă rugăm să înțelegeți că acest lucru depinde de un număr de factori și subiecți de riscuri. Este foarte posibil ca Bitlumens sa nu fie niciodată implementat sau adoptat, sau doar o porțiuni din viziunea noastră să fie realizată. Noi nu garantăm nicio declarație din această Carte Albă, fiind bazate pe credințele, așteptările și presupunerile noastre, despre care nu poate fi nici o garanție datorită diverselor evenimente anticipate sau neanticipate care ar putea interveni. Blockchain-ul, cryptomonedele și alte aspecte ale tehnologiei folosite pentru Bitlumens sunt încă la început și vor fi supune mai multor provocări, de asemenea și asupra unui mediu competitiv și schimbător. Noi vom încerca să actualizăm comunitatea pe parcurs ce lucrurile vor crește și se vor schimba, dar nu ne angajăm să facem acest lucru. Datorită naturii măsurilor de reglementare sau orientare, nu oferim nicio garanție asupra legalității Bitlumens sau lansării de token-i BLS în orice jurisdicție. Trebuie să funcționăm în concordanță cu legile jurisdicțiilor relevante. Astfel, token-ii BLS s-ar putea să nu fie disponibili imediat după lansare în anumite țări. Token-ii BLS reprezintă contracte inteligente în platforma Bitlumens. Token-ii BLS sunt nerambursabili și nu sunt pentru investiții speculative. Nicio promisiune despre viitoarea performanță sau valoare nu este și nici nu va fi făcută cu privire la token-ii BLS, adică nicio promisiune a valorii intrinseci, nicio promisiune de continuare a plăților și nicio garanție cum că token-ii BLS vor avea vreo valoare. Token-ii BLS nu sunt titluri de valoare și nu au drepturi asupra Bitlumens GmbH. Această Carte Albă poate fi actualizată sau modificată, având ultima versiune a Cărții Albe predominante versiunii anterioare și nu suntem obligați să vă informăm cu privire la orice schimbare. Ultima versiune a Cărții Albe în Engleză o puteți găsii pe website-ul În timp ce facem toate eforturile posibile să ne asigurăm că toate datele conținute de Cartea Albă sunt corecte și actualizate la momentul distribuirii versiunii respective, Cartea Albă propusă nu este o alternativă la consultarea opiniei terțe independente. Cartea Albă nu constituie un acord ce leagă Bitlumens GmbH, directorii, ofițerii, angajații sau asociații de nicio răspundere și nu-și asumă nicio răspundere juridică apărută sau în concordantă cu acuratețea, fidelitate, sau completitudinea oricărui material conținut de către Cartea Albă. Oamenii care intenționează să cumpere token-ii BLS, ar trebui să consulte sfatul unui expert independent înainte de a se angaja să facă orice acțiune, stabilită în Cartea Albă. Acest document oferă informații despre proiectul Bitlumens, idea conceptului de bază, modelul de afacere, avantajele competitive, echipa, detalii în legătură cu ICO iș planul de dezvoltare treăc primul MVP. O descriere mai teh ănic a arhitecturii de ăbaz iș API-urilor vor reaăap nî ndâcur . ăAceast Carte ăAlb a fost ăpublicat nî luna Martie, 2018. ăV mărecomand ăs ițriăurm rileăactualiz pe website-ul nostru iș pe alte canale periodic, pentru noi iiținforma iș riăactualiz . De asemenea,

Important Information

This Whitepaper is provided by Bitlumens GmbH for informational purposes only. Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be construed as an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction, or a solicitation for investment, or an investment advice. The Whitepaper does not regulate any sale and purchase of BLS tokens (as referred to in the Whitepaper). The purchase of BLS tokens is subject to the Token Sale Terms and Conditions and the use of Bitlumens is subject to the Platform Terms and Policies.

This Whitepaper describes the current vision for Bitlumens. While we intend to attempt to realize this vision, please recognize that it is dependent on a number of factors and subject to risks. It is entirely possible that Bitlumens will never be implemented or adopted, or that only a portion of our vision will be realized. We do not guarantee or warrant any of the statements in this Whitepaper, because they are based on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions, about which there can be no assurance due to various anticipated and unanticipated events that may occur. Blockchain, cryptocur-rencies and other aspects of the technology used for Bitlumens is in its infancy and will be subject to many challenges, competition and a changing environment. We will try to update our community as things grow and change, but undertake no obligation to do so.Due to the retrospective nature of regulatory action or guidance, we can make no guarantees regarding the legality of Bitlumens or BLS token launch in any given jurisdiction. We must operate in accordance with the laws of relevant jurisdictions. As such, BLS tokens may not be immediately available in certain countries.

BLS tokens are functional utility smart contracts within Bitlumens platform. BLS tokens arenon-refundable and are not for speculative investment. No promises of future performance or value are or will be made with respect to BLS tokens, including no promise of inherent value, no promise of continuing payments, and no guarantee that BLS tokens will hold any particular value. BLS tokens are not securities hold no rights in Bitlumens GmbH.

This Whitepaper may be updated or altered, with the latest version of the Whitepaper prevailing over previous versions and we are not obliged to give you any notice of the fact or content of any chang-es. The latest version of the Whitepaper in English is available at the website While we make every effort to ensure that all data submitted in the Whitepaper is accurate and up to date at the point in time that the relevant version has been disseminated, the proposed Whitepaper is no alternative to consulting an independent 3rd party opinion. The Whitepaper does not constitute an agreement that binds Bitlumens GmbH, directors, officers, employees and associates do not warrant or assume any legal liability arising out of or related to the accuracy, reliability, or complete-ness of any material contained in the Whitepaper.People who intend to purchase BLS tokens, should seek the advice of independent expertsbefore committing to any action, set out in the Whitepaper.

This document provides information on the Bitlumens project, its core conceptual idea, business model, competitive advantages, the team, ICO details and roadmap towards the first MVP. A more technical description of the core architecture and APIs will follow soon after. This whitepaper has been published in March 2018. We recommend following updates on our website and other media

mai multe hârtii detaliate vor fi lansate în viitor, în legătură cu mecanismele de consens și Prefață Bitlumens aduce electricitatea din energii regenerabile folosind Internet of Things (IoT) și Blockchain- ul femeilor din mediul rural din America Latină. Grație energiei solare și tehnologiei noastre, oamenii acum pot folosi electricitatea, să își încarce dispozitivele, până chiar și să își ude recoltele! Femeile închiriează dispozitivele noastre și plătesc rata în tranșe în token-i BLS. Acest lucru le permite să își construiască un credit score de împrumut pentru incluziuni financiare și pentru diminuarea sărăciei. În plus, membrii familiei pot cumpăra token-i pentru a trimite o remitere care ar acoperi costurile mașinii, adică facturile de apă și electricitate pot fi acoperite. De asemenea, noi cuantifică reducerea de carbon și particule din fiecare gospodărie pentru a permite femeilor să devină ulterior emitenți de certificate de emisii.Obiectivele curecte ale Bitlumens sunt:

1. Lansarea a 100 de sisteme fotovoltaice cu stocare până la sfârșitul lunii Aprilie 2018.

2. Adăugarea software-ului pentru a rula hardware-ul folosind token-i până la finalul lunii Mai

3. Aplicarea IoT pentru a urmării diminuarea emisiilor de particule și carbon. 4. După luna Iunie vom adăuga pompe cu panou solar în ecosistemul nostru.MisiuneMisiunea noastră este să oferim o platformă peer-to-peer, în care utilizatori adoptă sistemele fotovoltaice cu stocare pentru a reduce emisiile de carbon și pentru a furniza acces la iluminare și apă în locuri unde nu există rețea electrică. Platforma noastră permite închirierea Solar Home Systems (SHS) să fie posibilă prin rate exprimate în Token-i Bitlumens (BLS). Scopul nostru este de a avea un impact pozitiv atât din punct de vedere social cât și asupra mediului înconjurător. Noi furnizăm energie solară satelor izolate, reducând astfel CO2-ul si pericolele pentru sănătate. Înlocuim utilizarea lămpilor pe kerosen, motorina, plasticul, biomasa și biocombustibili având ca scop iluminare și irigare cu tehnologii solare. Acest lucru le permite agricultorilor să își reducă costurile și să își mărească economiile, asigurând în același timp incluziunea financiară și în unele cazuri crearea de locuri de muncă. Platforma noastră digitală își propune să ofere soluții distribuite, gestionate de consens și sisteme fotovoltaice cu stocare inteligente în gospodăriile cu resurse scăzute. Platforma noastră contribuie la SDG-urile UN, în special cu: Energie Accesibilă și Curată, Orașe și Comunități ce se pot Susține, Bunăstare și Stare Buna a Sănătății, Egalitate între Sexe și acțiuni privind clima. Bitlumens GmbH este înregistrata și situată în Zug, Switzerland.


guvernare. Cu toate acestea, trebuie luat în considerare faptul că arhitectura noastră este holistică, toate componentele sunt legate împreună și colaborează modular.

Misiunea Bitlumens este de a oferi alegerea celor din mediul rural să înlocuiască kerosen-ul, lemnul sau plasticul indispensabil gospodăriilor, oferindu-le acces imediat unor energii mai curate, mai sigure și mai accesibile în America Latină.

Important Information

This Whitepaper is provided by Bitlumens GmbH for informational purposes only. Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be construed as an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction, or a solicitation for investment, or an investment advice. The Whitepaper does not regulate any sale and purchase of BLS tokens (as referred to in the Whitepaper). The purchase of BLS tokens is subject to the Token Sale Terms and Conditions and the use of Bitlumens is subject to the Platform Terms and Policies.

This Whitepaper describes the current vision for Bitlumens. While we intend to attempt to realize this vision, please recognize that it is dependent on a number of factors and subject to risks. It is entirely possible that Bitlumens will never be implemented or adopted, or that only a portion of our vision will be realized. We do not guarantee or warrant any of the statements in this Whitepaper, because they are based on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions, about which there can be no assurance due to various anticipated and unanticipated events that may occur. Blockchain, cryptocur-rencies and other aspects of the technology used for Bitlumens is in its infancy and will be subject to many challenges, competition and a changing environment. We will try to update our community as things grow and change, but undertake no obligation to do so.Due to the retrospective nature of regulatory action or guidance, we can make no guarantees regarding the legality of Bitlumens or BLS token launch in any given jurisdiction. We must operate in accordance with the laws of relevant jurisdictions. As such, BLS tokens may not be immediately available in certain countries.

BLS tokens are functional utility smart contracts within Bitlumens platform. BLS tokens arenon-refundable and are not for speculative investment. No promises of future performance or value are or will be made with respect to BLS tokens, including no promise of inherent value, no promise of continuing payments, and no guarantee that BLS tokens will hold any particular value. BLS tokens are not securities hold no rights in Bitlumens GmbH.

This Whitepaper may be updated or altered, with the latest version of the Whitepaper prevailing over previous versions and we are not obliged to give you any notice of the fact or content of any chang-es. The latest version of the Whitepaper in English is available at the website While we make every effort to ensure that all data submitted in the Whitepaper is accurate and up to date at the point in time that the relevant version has been disseminated, the proposed Whitepaper is no alternative to consulting an independent 3rd party opinion. The Whitepaper does not constitute an agreement that binds Bitlumens GmbH, directors, officers, employees and associates do not warrant or assume any legal liability arising out of or related to the accuracy, reliability, or complete-ness of any material contained in the Whitepaper.People who intend to purchase BLS tokens, should seek the advice of independent expertsbefore committing to any action, set out in the Whitepaper.

This document provides information on the Bitlumens project, its core conceptual idea, business model, competitive advantages, the team, ICO details and roadmap towards the first MVP. A more technical description of the core architecture and APIs will follow soon after. This whitepaper has been published in March 2018. We recommend following updates on our website and other media



1.1 miliarde de femei rămân excluse din sistemul financiar, datorită lipsei documentelor de identificare adecvate. Identitatea nu trebuie să constituie un obstacol în calea incluziunii financiare și a împuternicirii economice. În plus, potrivit estimărilor World Energy Outlook, 1.2 miliarde de oameni nu vor avea acces la energie electrică, în timp ce 2.7 miliarde de oameni nu vor avea un mediu curat pentru gătit. Doar o mică parte din locuitorii mediului rural au acces la electricitate [a se vedea tabelul 1]. Adesea, acestea depind de combustibili ineficienți și periculoși, cum ar fi biomasa, kerosen, plastic, lanterne pe baterii și lumânări. Combustibilii și procesele sale de combustie contribuie la eliberarea gazelor cu efect de seră în atmosferă. Dintre acești combustibili, kerosen-ul este o sursă de CO2 și funingine. Carbonul negru sau funinginea, rezidă numai câteva zile sau săptămâni până când un fenomen natural numit coagulare apare acolo unde picăturile de nori și particulele de aerosoli se atrag. Acest fenomen ajută la curățarea atmosferei prin eliminarea particulelor de aerosoli. Prin urmare, înlocuirea tuturor lămpilor din toată lumea cu lămpi solare ar putea avea efectul pe termen scurt la reducerea încălzirii globale. O singură lampă cu kerosen emite peste 100 kg de CO2 pe an atunci când este folosită patru ore pe zi. La nivel global, arderea kerosen-ului pentru iluminare generează 240 milioane de tone de CO2 pe an, aproximativ 0,5% din emisiile globale. De fapt, doar prin înlocuirea lămpilor cu kerosen din Africa și Asia cu panouri solare s-au salvat 1.4 milioane de tone de CO2, numai în anul 2014. În plus, arderea zilnică a 20 kg de lemn emite aproximativ 200 de grame de PM2.5, echivalent cu fumatul a 10.000 de țigări.Sectorul energetic din America Latină și din multe alte regiuni în dezvoltare prezintă provocări majore pentru îndeplinirea cerințelor energetice. De fapt, unele dintre aceste țări se bazează pe combustibilifosili pentru a satisface cererea de energie. Volatilitatea prețurilor, lipsa combustibililor fosil, reglementările guvernamentale asupra prețurilor combustibililor fosil, mișcările geopolitice, întreruperile de energie și atenuarea schimbărilor climatic sunt variabile cheie majore ce trebuie luate în considerare pentru securitatea energiei. Cu toate acestea, America Latină prezintă o cantitate vastă de surse de energii non convenționale regenerabile cum ar fi energia vântului sau a soarelui care ar putea fi exploatate pentru a aborda fiabilitatea energetică și securitatea acesteia.

Bitlumens aduce electricitatea în zonele rurale, contribuind la reducerea CO2, promovarea egalității între sexe și promovarea incluziunii financiare cu

ajutorul platformei.

Important Information

This Whitepaper is provided by Bitlumens GmbH for informational purposes only. Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be construed as an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction, or a solicitation for investment, or an investment advice. The Whitepaper does not regulate any sale and purchase of BLS tokens (as referred to in the Whitepaper). The purchase of BLS tokens is subject to the Token Sale Terms and Conditions and the use of Bitlumens is subject to the Platform Terms and Policies.

This Whitepaper describes the current vision for Bitlumens. While we intend to attempt to realize this vision, please recognize that it is dependent on a number of factors and subject to risks. It is entirely possible that Bitlumens will never be implemented or adopted, or that only a portion of our vision will be realized. We do not guarantee or warrant any of the statements in this Whitepaper, because they are based on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions, about which there can be no assurance due to various anticipated and unanticipated events that may occur. Blockchain, cryptocur-rencies and other aspects of the technology used for Bitlumens is in its infancy and will be subject to many challenges, competition and a changing environment. We will try to update our community as things grow and change, but undertake no obligation to do so.Due to the retrospective nature of regulatory action or guidance, we can make no guarantees regarding the legality of Bitlumens or BLS token launch in any given jurisdiction. We must operate in accordance with the laws of relevant jurisdictions. As such, BLS tokens may not be immediately available in certain countries.

BLS tokens are functional utility smart contracts within Bitlumens platform. BLS tokens arenon-refundable and are not for speculative investment. No promises of future performance or value are or will be made with respect to BLS tokens, including no promise of inherent value, no promise of continuing payments, and no guarantee that BLS tokens will hold any particular value. BLS tokens are not securities hold no rights in Bitlumens GmbH.

This Whitepaper may be updated or altered, with the latest version of the Whitepaper prevailing over previous versions and we are not obliged to give you any notice of the fact or content of any chang-es. The latest version of the Whitepaper in English is available at the website While we make every effort to ensure that all data submitted in the Whitepaper is accurate and up to date at the point in time that the relevant version has been disseminated, the proposed Whitepaper is no alternative to consulting an independent 3rd party opinion. The Whitepaper does not constitute an agreement that binds Bitlumens GmbH, directors, officers, employees and associates do not warrant or assume any legal liability arising out of or related to the accuracy, reliability, or complete-ness of any material contained in the Whitepaper.People who intend to purchase BLS tokens, should seek the advice of independent expertsbefore committing to any action, set out in the Whitepaper.

This document provides information on the Bitlumens project, its core conceptual idea, business model, competitive advantages, the team, ICO details and roadmap towards the first MVP. A more technical description of the core architecture and APIs will follow soon after. This whitepaper has been published in March 2018. We recommend following updates on our website and other media


Populatie fărăElectricitate

Milioane % Tone % ¢/kWh Haiti 7.5 17.2 0.23 55 33

Nicaragua 1.4 57.1 0.77 78 21

Trinidad and


0 99.4 34.52 140 32

Ethiopia 73 12.2 0.11 18 9

Zambia 11 3.8 0.25 40 15

Peru 3 74.5 1.87 66 9

Guatemala 1.7 74.8 0.87 51 18

Brazil 0.8 97.8 2.49 57 10

Honduras 0.9 76.3 1.05 66 17

Panama 0.3 65.65 2.7 81 16

Ecuador 0.5 97.05 2.78 55 8

Tabelul 1 prezintă mega-trendele pentru care este necesară dezvoltarea de proiecte cu sisteme fotovoltaice cu stocare. Numărul mare de oameni fără energie electrică, ieftinirea panourile solare, creșterea telefoniei mobile (cu cartele SIM) și consumul mare de energie pe surse de energie ineficiente sunt câteva dintre variabilele care le luăm în considerare pentru modelarea soluțiilor pentru sistemele fotovoltaice cu stocare. În plus, ne concentrăm asupra intersecției disponibilității ridicate a telefoanelor mobile, ratei scăzute de electrificare, numărul ridicat de adulți fără cont bancar și rata ridicată de adopție a kerosen-ului împreună cu a altor combustibili ineficienți folosiți pentru gătit sau electricitate. Preț Electricitate RezidențialaTabelul 1: Piețele potențiale Rata de Electrificare Rurală CO 2 (tone pe cap de locuitor) 2013 Pătrunderea Mobilelor pe Piață

Înlocuirea kerosen-ului și a biomasei În multe țări în curs de dezvoltare, kerosen-ul (parafină) este folosit pe scară largă drept combustibilpentru iluminare sau gătit. Utilizarea kerosenului drept combustibil pentru iluminare este o sursă importantă de carbon negru (BC) și dioxid de carbon. Mai ales în zonele rurale în care majoritatea familiilor folosesc noaptea lămpi pe kerosen ce luminează slab în casele lor. Fumul ce provine din arderea combustibilului în interiorul casei poluează aerul cu particule periculoase, care pot dăuna ochilor și plămânilor, totodată putând cauza și accidente. Potrivit unor diferite studii, 3.5 milioane de decese premature apărute în fiecare an sunt cauzate de mediul ambient plin de fum. Energia serviciilor sistemele fotovoltaice cu stocare provenită din surse regenerabile nu vor înlocui doar folosirea de kerosen cu diode electro luminescente (LED), dar de asemenea reduce efectele secundare produse în urma arderilor. O altă sursă de combustibil o reprezintă arderea pinului, arderea folosită în America Latină ca sursă de lumină. Precum kerosen-ul, arderea pin-ului poate de asemenea cauza probleme de sănătate, pe termen lung afectând sistemul nervos și rinichii.


Lămpile alimentate cu Kerosen și biomasă nu sunt atât de eficiente ca lanternele pe LED alimentatesolar. Precum s-a menționat, kerosen-ul este un combustibil periculos și ineficient folosit pentru lămpile cu fitil care furnizează mai puțină lumină în comparație cu lămpile solare. Lămpile pe kerosen furnizează între 1 și 6 lumeni pe metru pătrat. LED-ul are o eficiență mai mare - măsurată în lumeni pe watt - este mai calitativă și oferă o cantitate mai mare de lumină în comparație cu lămpile cu kerosen. Folosirea lanternelor pe LED determină reducerea emisiilor cu efect seră și costurile de operare. O lampă pe kerosen ce produce 37 de lumeni în intervalul de 4 ore pe zi va consuma trei litri de kerosen pe lună având un cost de 0.35 USD pe litru în India. Majoritatea clienților izolați locuiesc în zone rurale și folosesc doar 2$ pe zi. Astfel, costul energiei reprezintă o mare parte din cheltuielile lor. Însă, companiile distribuitoare de energie(DESCO) aduc forme noi de finanțare în casele oamenilor ce locuiesc în zonele rurale.

Combinând tehnologia curata, fintech-ul, blockchain-ul și procesarea cloud,Bitlumens oferă software ca un serviciu (SaaS) femeilor din satele rurale care au

nevoie de energie, putând astfel accesa Sun Home Systems (SHS).

Prin captarea energiei regenerabile de la soare, DESCO își propune să ofere servicii de energie fiabile Piețele Inițiale


Lat Lon

Guaramal Panama 8.337543 -82.551045

Valle Departament Honduras 13.422095 -87.547689

Chinandega Nicaragua 12.896268 -87.537753 Escuintla, Guatemala 14.3009 -90.7882

și să reducă emisiile de gaze cu efect de seră la un preț competitiv. Unele dintre aceste companii folosesc “plata pe măsura efectuării operațiilor” pentru a oferi acces persoanelor care nu acces la bani. Această soluție reprezintă un leasing, oferind opțiunea de a deține tehnologia atunci când toate plățile au fost efectuate. Bitlumens oferă o soluție în sprijinul sătenilor pentru a avea acces la ID -uri, micro-credite și electricitate folosind panouri solare și blockchain-ul. Combinând tehnologia curată, fintech, blockchain-ul si procesarea cloud, Bitlumens oferă software ca un serviciu (SaaS) femeilor din mediul rural, care au nevoie de energie, primind acces la Sun Home Systems (SHS). Cele din urmă sunt niște dispozitive ușor de folosit, nepoluante și Internet of Things (IoT) inteligent care aduc energia celor fără cont bancar în locuri fără rețea electrică. Cu alte cuvinte, platforma noastră oferă opțiuni comunității rurale pentru a înlocui kerosen-ul, lemnul sau plasticul de care depind gospodăriile și să ofere acces imediat unor energii mai curate, mai sigure și mai accesibile în America Latină. Tabelul 2: Locațiile pentru a instala primul produs minim viabil

Ne concentrăm pe intersecția dintre disponibilitatea ridicată a telefonului mobil, ratei scăzute de electrificare, numărul mare de adulți fără cont bancar, țărilor cu

rata inflației sub 10 % și rata mare de adopție a kerosen-ului sau a altor combustibili ineficienți folosiți pentru electricitate.

Sistemul Solar


În mod ideal, Kit-ul nostru Solar va folosi inițial un panou solar de 15/20/50W și baterii Litiu Fero- Fosfat (LFP) de 3000 mAh. Vom vinde 3 sisteme care vin cu diverse instalații, în alte cuvinte, două porturi de încărcare USB; lămpi cu LED cu intensitate reglabilă a luminii; TV LCD cu iluminare pe LED; Radio și TV. Bateria ar trebui să reziste 5 ani și sistemul are garanție de minim 2 ani. Sistemul trebuie să ofere utilizatorului: creditul disponibil, disponibilitatea bateriei, electricitatea consumată, perioada de iluminare, costul zilnic și puterea dată la borne. Datele vor fi trimise rețelei zilnic între 7-10 pm.

USB Radio TV 15.6’ 200 lumeni 400 lumeni mAh


- 1 - 3000 15


4500 20

4 - 10500 50


GHI PSH PR Ye Ev kWh/m²/a [h/a] [-] [kWh/kWp/a] [cenți USD /kWh]

Ecuador 1641 1641 0.80 1313 11

Honduras 2230 2230 0.80 1784 30

Nicaragua 1909 1909 0.80 1527 32

Panama 2000 2000 0.80 1500 24

Guatemala 2200 2200 0.80 1760 31

Bec-uri cu LED Bec-uri cu LED Baterie Panou FV Prima Configurație A Doua Configurație A Treia Configurație 2 folosite pt 6 ore 2 folosite pt 4 ore 3 folosite pt 6 ore 1 TV pt 6 ore 1 TV pt 6 ore Maxim Volți Tabelul 3: Configurațiile Solar Home System Tabelul 4: valorile de iradiere, orele de vârf și rata performanței. Kitul solar este conectat la un contor inteligent și la telefonul utilizatorului. Noi folosim circuitelogice programabile (CLP) care permit măsurarea curentului. Există și câteva circuite care pot fi folosite pentru a determina voltajul și curentul generat/consumat. Fiecare senzor trebuie conectat la un convertor analog-digital în Controler-ul Hardware. Vom avea nevoie de cel puțin un circuit la intrarea Panoului Solar și altul la ieșirea bateriei. Cu aceste valori se calculează puterea produsă și consumată. Contorul inteligent funcționează folosind soluții LPWAN pentru IoT, care pot funcționa pe o distanță de câțiva kilometrii. Senzorii vor furniza date sub formă de mesaje text, cum ar fi creditul disponibil, disponibilitatea bateriei, electricitatea consumată, durata iluminării, costul zilnic și energia furnizată.

Blockchain-ul Off Chain: ID-urile digitale nu sunt parte din blockchain, dar vor fi centralizate. Fiecare utilizator va putea să aibă propriul ID și istoric al creditului. Această informație poate fi distribuită către terți care oferă soluții de microîmprumut, guvernelor și băncilor de dezvoltare. Utilizatorii pot primi acces la microcredite plătind o dobândă specifică bazată pe variabile personale și comportamentale

On chain: Ideea este ca investitorii noștrii să știe când tranzacțiile utilizatorilor sunt făcute. După ce tranzacția este introdusă în sistem de către agenții noștri, Bitlumens va plăti acestor agenți un comision exprimat în token-i


Sistemul va cuprinde (cel puțin) următoarele componente:

(i) Un contract inteligent pentru crearea token-ului (Ethereum)

(ii) Un contract de sistem pentru facturarea utilităților (Ethereum)

(iii) IPFS (stocarea fisierelor decentralizat bazată pe cheie hash)

(iv) Un server centralizat pentru a reține datele amprentelor și legalizarea prin notariat a

Echipa Bitlumens va deține cheia privată pentru a adăuga sau elimina agenți. Agenții au puterea să adauge facturi de utilitate pentru clienți. Flux-ul de lucru este următorul: agentul merge la casa clientului, adună banii și cumpără un token din piața OTC pentru client să îl folosească (astfel încât ea să poată folosi hardware-ul). În plus, agenții primesc un comision în token-i precum explicat în următorul grafic:


Pentru a fi capabil să ofere incluziune financiară două informații importante sunt oferite, ID-urile și Informații de Cunoaștere a Clienților (KYC). Bitlumens oferă acces unei platforme care conectează soluțiile de microcredit utilizatorilor care nu au acces la o bancă, oferind SHS. Noi vom furniza băncilor cooperative informații cheie de care au nevoie pentru deschiderea unui cont sau pentru a facilita serviciile de finanțare având dovada unui microcredit valid. Fiecare utilizator va putea să aibă propriul ID și istoric al creditului. Această informație poate fi distribuită către terți care oferă soluții de microîmprumut, guvernelor și băncilor de dezvoltare. Utilizatorii pot primi acces la microcredite plătind o dobândă specifică bazată pe variabile personale și comportamentale. cererilor de identitate (acceptate/refuzate)

Noi folosim o combinație de surse de date on chain și off chain pentru a calcula scor-ul de credit al femeilor fermiere

Sensor Data Flow

Women farmers are the owners of their own data. Sensors collect data to verify carbon and black carbon mitigation.

Our clients own their own data. These data can be sold to the government or to development banks. The data runs in a private blockchain and is connected to our sensors.


Token-i Comision pentru agenți Agentul Cumpără

Token-i BLS Agentul primește token-i comision Agentul poate tranzacționa token-ii în piața OTC Token-i cumpărați de clienți Apoi, agentul crează o tranzacție blockchain care conține date despre factura de utilitate a clientului. Agentul încarcă informații detaliate către IPFS. Noi folosim fișierele IPFS pentru a reține informațiile în fișierele acestea. Mai concret, tranzacția conține următoarele informații: informații cu vedere la valoarea token-ului, probabil și o parte din consumul de energie (dar numai o parte, deoarece stocarea pe Ethereum este foarte costisitoare) și un hash IPFS către fișierul ce conține detaliat consumul de energie. Fiecărui client îi este asignat un număr de utilizator, care ii identifică în mod unic. Pentru scopuri KYC, este suficient pentru ca banca să ceară server-ului (iv) să verifice dacă numărul clientului se potrivește cu amprenta corectă. De îndată ce aceștia se pot încrede în numărul utilizatorului, aceștia se pot uita la contractul inteligent blockchain(ii) pentru a estima rating-ul de credit a clientului și să participe la un microcredit. Este de asemenea posibil să adauge o funcționalitate de rating de credit, unde o agenție de rating de credit ar asocia numerele clienților cu rating-uri de credite, astfel făcând procesul mai ușor pentru bănci. Managerul de zonă, agentul și investitorul interacționează prin aplicația noastră web și mobile. Datele on chain și off chain comunică folosind oracle. Token-ii pot fi tranzacționați pe un blockchain public prin intermediul Ethereum. Un strat adițional de contracte inteligente este adăugat pentru a executa instrucțiuni bazate pe condițiile predefinite.


Sponsori/ Investitori

Server WEB

EVM -Mașină Virtuală


Manager-ul de zonă


Biometrice Sătenii

Rețea Ethereum



Fluxul Datelor provenite de la Senzori

Clienții noștri își dețin propriile date. Aceste date pot fi vândute guvernelor sau băncilor de dezvoltare. Datele rulează pe un blockchain privat și sunt conectate cu senzorii noștri.

Femeile fermier sunt proprietarele propriilor lor date. Senzorii colectează date pentru a verifica reducerea de emisii de carbon și de particule.


Managerul de zonă face o poză și scanează amprenta săteanului și trimite datele pe reţeaua Blockchain ca și Dovată de Identitate.KYC

Calculator mic Incorporat Extrage datele citite Manager-ul de zonă Senzorii Senzori pt Consum Generator de putere SăteniiOperațiile într-un Sat și Identitatea Săteniilor Manager-ulde zonă SăteniiFiecare mașină are un număr serial și poate fi asociată unui utilizator care este identificat prin amprenta acestuia. Vom lucra cu un furnizor partener pentru ID-uri și amprente. MVP-ul are ca scop suportarea de Ether și este construit pe rețeaua Ethereum, deoarece în prezent este cel mai matur blockchain pentru implementarea contractelor inteligente. Următorul grafic arată fluxul de token-i BLS necesari femeilor fermier pentru utilizarea mașinilor. Aceste femei cumpără token-i pentru a-și rula mașinile care pot fi folosite pentru producerea de electricitate sau apă.

Clientul deţine Datele

În plus, membrii familiei pot cumpăra token-i BLS prin aplicația noastră și trimite o remitență către unul dintre utilizatorii noștri finali (terț leasing) destinat să plătească pentru factura de apa și electricitate.Cazuri de utilizare



Oracle și IoT

Datele sunt Token-izate

Credite de Carbon Token-izate

DETALII - Aplicația Gazdă Cumpără token-i BLSContractele inteligentegenerează BLS pentru mașiniPortofelUtilizează mașinăria Misiunea noastră este să includem femeile din mediul rural în sistemul financiar oferindu-le sisteme de microcredit și de plată în timpul folosirii. Prin urmare, Bitlumens are ca scop licențierea platformei și operarea cu servicii bancare la nivel global pentru îmbunătățirea vieții sătenilor contribuind în același timp la strategiile de reducere a carbonului discutate la Acordul privind Clima de la Paris din Decembrie 2015.Token-i Bitlumens/Privire de Ansamblu Token-i Bitlumens/Stăpânirea Datelor Datele sunt Token-izate folosind IoT și Oracle Grupuri de date Client-ul tranzacţionează datele pentru token-i prin consens Datele sunt trimise cumpărătorului + Strat de Contract Smart Strat de Schimb și ContractInteligent Tokeni pot fi folosiţi ca discount-uri pentru dispo-zitive adiţionale

Licențierea Software-ului la o entitate de MicroîmprumutSoftware-ul Bitlumens poate fi licențiat băncilor (SaaS) în schimbul unei taxe sau a unui procent. Bitlumens ajută Băncile de Credit să creeze noi împrumuturi durabile, apoi formează un consorțiu sau vinde aceste credite investitorilor terț unde fiecare microcredit are o parte din hardware ca și garanție. Acest proces permite crearea legală de împrumuturi și transfer de fonduri către creditor bazat pe licența bancară existentă. Pe partea de plată, depozitarul colaborează cu Banca de Credit Cooperativă și toți membrii care au împrumutat în platformă vor fi înregistrați ca membru al băncii cu permisiune deplină de AML/KYC și asociat.Înainte de a obține un împrumut, agenții vor efectua un raport preliminar extern de evaluare (“due diligence”) pentru fiecare sătean interesat, incluzând variabile comportamentale. Platforma va evalua scorurile de credit și obține un scor de credit pe baza informațiilor colectate și pe baza cadrelor de reglementare adoptate în fiecare țară. Permiterea și Verificarea Certificatului de Reducere a Emisiilor (CER)

Bitlumens îndeplinește cerințele bazate pe mecanismul curat de dezvoltare (CDM) în confirmitate cu articolul 12 din Protocolul de la Kyoto și obține certificatul de reducere a emisiilor (CER). Reducerea emisiilor atunci când sătenii nu utilizează biomasa sau kerosen-ul ca surse de lumină. Această informație este inclusă în cadrul masurării, verificării și raportării (MVR) în temeiul Acordului de la Paris. Metodologia măsurării este luată de la comisia interguvernamentală privind schimbările climatice(IPCC). Raportarea se face prin acțiunile luate pentru reducerea GHG și privind măsurile de adaptare care sunt considerate realizări relevante pentru obiectivele de schimbare a climatului. În plus, verificarea datelor este realizată prin sistemul național MRV și prin ICA. Ideea este să licențiem platforma guvernelor pentru a vizualiza reducerea emisiilor în diverse teritorii a tării folosind senzorii, IoT și blockchain-ul. Acest lucru va permite o auditibilitate clare și posibilitatea de a intra pe piețele de Credit-Carbon.


Token-i Bitlumens/Remitenţele Remitentul crează profilul Adresa portofelului Trimite token-i către noua adresă Stratul de Contract Inteligent Token-i Bitlumens/Credite-Carbon (Nu sunt denominate ca Token-i BLS)Agent-ul crează KYC-ul utilizatorului Cumpără token-i în Piaţă OTC Noul utilizator rulează mașina folosind token-i Model-ul de reducere al carbon-ului Client-ul rulează mașina pentru un an Model-ul calculează atenuarea de carbon Stratul de Contract Inteligent Token-i folosiţi pri-mesc 10% discount la cumpărarea unei mașini noi

Bitlumens măsoară reducerea emisiilor și permiteverificatorilor de proiecte verzi să ateste aceste reduceri

License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

Este bine tiutș ăc areașdefri este o ăproblem nî America ăCentral , din acest motiv includem senzori ce ăsoarăm PM2.5 iș permit verificare faptului ăc lemnul iș kerosenul sunt inlocuite ca surse de ălumin . nÎ plus, folosim imagini de la satelit pentru a captura reducerea riișădefri nî mprejurimileî satelor nî care măoper . Folosim imagini cu 4 benzi (RGB iș NIR) nî scopuri vizuale iș analitice.Arendarea mașinilor clienților Informațiile dispozitivelor Bitlumens cum ar fi numarul serial sau locația fi reținute pe blockchain. Bitlumens colaborează cu un furnizor terț pentru soluții biometrice și să ruleze proiectul pe teren. În Guatemala, noi colaborăm cu Amigos de la Aldea si cu Brightlight Foundation.Cronologia proiectului Ratele nerambursării ale clienților sunt de așteptat să varieze în fiecare regiune, dar pentru a simplifica modelul nostru are o rată medie de 10%. Am ales femeile ca și clienți finali deoarece datele arată ca acestea sunt mai de încredere decât bărbații când vine vorba de plăți. Însă, aceste cazuri trebuie evaluate periodic. Modelul nostru cuantifică ratele în timp. În cazul ratei, agentul ce lucrează pe teren va aduna sistemele înapoi și le va vinde la mâna a doua.

Sistemul nostru oferă opțiunea de a adăuga un ID digital, să colecteze datele de credit, să creeze score-uri de credit și să ofere acces serviciilor financiare într-o etapă ulterioară pentru fiecare utilizator


these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices. 2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May. 3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation. 4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their affiliation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology Officer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice traffic of over a billion of voice min-utes.


Exemple de tranzacții tipice: Pentru a evalua riscul fiecărei gospodării, agenții noștrii colectează informații KYC de la fiecare fermier și completează modelul de risc cu acele date. Agenții distribuie și instalează mașiniile în casele clienților. Mașiniile sunt arendate pentru o perioadă de 12 până la 24 de luni. Clientul plătește rate exprimate în token-i BLS. Dacă este necesar, clientul poate cumpăra token-i BLS pentru rata de la agent. Daca aceste plăți nu sunt făcute la termen, mașina este blocată până când plata este făcută. Dacă utilizatorii primesc remitere de la membrii familiei pentru plata ratei, Bitlumens percepe o taxă de 1%.Bitlumens înregistrează profilul de încărcare pe fiecare mașină în folosință. Deținătorii de token-i pot monitoriza aceste profiluri pe blockchain. Astfel, ei pot vedea evoluția proiectului împreună cu beneficiile de mediu și sociale ale acestuia.Când vine vorba de colectarea ID-urilor, ne propunem să colaborăm cu companii care deja lucrează cu infrastructuri blockchain. În India, de exemplu, sistem-ul Aadhaar este acum accesibil pentru mai mult de 1.1 milioane de oameni. Utilizatorii pot să își deschidă cu cont prezentând numerele Aadhaar. Planificăm să implementăm un proiect similar în America Latină, unde agenții colectează amprentele utilizatorilor și le salvează pe serverele centralizate ce suportă criptarea. În plus, agenții Femeile fermiere pot rula SHS-ul folosind token-i BLS

Ne așteptăm să avem un manager de proiect la 100 deutilizatori, care instalează între 60-100 de sisteme de lună.

License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

Următorul tabel prezintă împărțit cum ne așteptăm să ne împărțim fondurile pe o perioadă de 3 ani:Am început dezvoltarea unui API. Api-ul nostru web va comunica cu oracle. Comunicările dintre panoul front-end al sistemelor de Plată pe Parcursul Folosirii, furnizorii de buștean și aplicația mobile și serverele HTTPS de pe back-end-ul Bitlumens se fac prin RestAPI/JSON. Back-end-ul Bitlumens folosește o bază de date PostgresSQL pentru a reține punctele de date actuale și ID-urile. Rulează un nod întreg Ethereum și este folosit pentru recuperarea și analiza datelor. În plus, noi vom folosicompilatorul Solc, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, iOS/Android nativ, PHP, Node,Golang și Haskell.Rolul blockchain-ului în cadrul operații Bitlumens este de a înregistra informațiile KYC a fiecărui user și informațiile deja predefinite a contractului inteligent pentru a păstra înregistrările condițiilor contractului veridice pe parcursul fiecărei rate. În plus, plănuim să ne mutăm în microgrid-uri de îndată ce am colectat datele cu privire la cat plătesc utilizatorii pe lună, profilul lor de încărcare sau electricitatea consumată și care este puterea generată de fiecare dispozitiv. Urmărim să reducem costurile companiilor de utilități care nu pot construi sute de kilometrii de linii electrice să transmită șisă distribuie energia. Sistemele de energie decentralizate oferă opțiunea comunităților rurale să aibăacces la curent și tot odată să își reducă emisiile de carbon.În cazul Bitlumens, singura modificare de status care poate fi efectuată pe blockchain este aceea de transfer de token-i. Platforma permite efectuarea de plăți cu ajutorul token-ilor. Stocarea și verificarea datelor este efectuată pe un blockchain privat unde numai investitorii pot primi acces. În orice caz, femeile sunt unicele proprietare a datelor lor și Bitlumens le poate accesa doar pentru a îmbunătății procesele. Bitlumens nu poate vinde datele deținute de agricultori. Ne așteptăm să avem contorul inteligent pregătit în al doilea trimestru, precum plănuim să creăm onetwork for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices. 2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May. 3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation. 4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their affiliation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology Officer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice traffic of over a billion of voice min-utes.

Hardware 35% Legal 2% 35% Cheltuieli ICO 2% Dezvoltare Software 20% Marketing și PR 6% Total 100%


vor încărca KYC, vor încărca profilul în timp ce sistemul va calcula scorul de credit bazat pe istoria creditului utilizatorului. Ne așteptăm să avem un manager de proiect la 100 de utilizatori, care instalează 60-100 de sisteme în fiecare lună. Instituțiile de micro-împrumut oferă asistență tehnică în timp ce lucrează îndeaproape cu proiectul femeilor. Prin urmare, obiectivul nostră este de a instrui femeile și de a le introduce în echipa noastră ca agenți. Salariilor lor vor depinde de regiunea și va fi bazat pe comisioane. În timpul celui de-al treilea trimestru, ne așteptăm să avem un manager regional care ne va ajuta cu extinderea proiectului în țară. Septembrie - Aprilie 2018 Dezvoltare Hardware&Software Aprilie-Mai 2018 ICO Aprilie 2018 Finalizarea Programului Pilot în Guatemala Octombrie 2018 Finalul Fazei de Testare Extindere și Scalareîn alte țări Salarii

rețea peer-to-peer pentru schimbul de putere fără a avea nevoie de o rețea de energie electrică. Contorul inteligent va informa utilizatorul câtă putere s-a produs, consumat și stocat în baterii care va putea fi tranzacționat în schimbul tokenilor. În plus, în timpul celui de-al doilea trimestru a anului 2018,vor fi adăugați senzori sistemului solar home pentru a permite verificarea reduceriilor de emisii.Bitlumens va colabora cu un distribuitor solar (Greenlight ) care a livrat 100 de unități împreună cu sistemul de Plată pe Parcursul Folosirii într-o perioadă de doua săptămâni. Aceste mașini sunt deja în Guatemala. În plus, Bitlumens a ănceput deja proiectul pilot în Guatemala.Planul de dezvoltareÎn prezent, Bitlumens urmărește aceste obiective în America Latină : 1. Implementarea a 100 de dispozitive fotovoltaice cu stocare până la finalul lunii Aprilie2018 în Guatemala. Noi deja pregătim agenții care sunt distribuitorii dispozitivelor fotovoltaice cu stocare.

2. Adăugarea software-ului să ruleze hardware-ul folosind token-i BLS până la finalul lunii Mai.

3. Implementarea IoT-ului pentru a urmării reducerea de carbon și emisii.

4. După Iulie, vom adăuga pompe solare în locațiile operaționale.Specificațiile token-ului și reguli ICO Token-ul nostru este un token utility ERC20 și are ca scop transformarea socială și de mediu, undetoate proceduriile vor susține dezvoltarea software-ului și MVP-urilor plasate momentan în Guatemala. Token-ul Bitlumens poate fi de asemenea văzut ca un token de loialitate permițând investitoriilor să-și arate afilierea și suportul asupra proiectului. Nu reprezintă echitate. Token-ii utility sunt inițial distribuiți într-o prevânzare (pre ICO) care începe pe 28 Mai și ține până la miezul nopții (fus orar CET) din 30 mai. Un maxim de 10 milioane de token-i BLS sunt oferiți pe parcusul a 72 de ore de pre ICO la prețul de 2 BLS / USD. Numai plățile în ETH și valute fiduciare sunt acceptate. Bitlumens ajută grupăriile ce preferă să participe la pre ICO în valute fiduciare. Daca toate 10 milioane de BLS vor fi vândute în pre ICO, 2.5 milioane de USD vor fi strânși. Token-ii care nu au fost alocați în pre ICO vor fi adâugați pool-ului ICO.


License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices. 2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May. 3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation. 4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their affiliation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

Durata ICO-ului este de 28 de zile. Aceasta începe pe 1 Mai la miezul nopții (fuz orar CET) și este împărțit în 4 perioade (vezi Tabelul 4). În prima zi a ICO-ului token-i BLS sunt oferiți la pretul de 1.5 BLS / USD. Între cea de-a 2-a zi și cea de-a 7-ea zi prețul este de 1.4 BLS / USD, iar între cea de-a 8-a zi și ce-a de-a 14-ea zi prețul crește la 1.3 BLS / USD. În final, pe parcursul ultimelor 14 zile de ICO prețul este 1.2 BLS / USD. Cantitatea totala de token-i este limitata la 50,000,000, având cea mai mică cantitate de 0.0001. Alocarea detaliată a BLS împreună cu diverse părți interesate este prezentată în Tabelul 6. 25% din token-i vor fi inițial reținuți de Bitlumens pentru a asigura fonduri lichide pe piața secundară.KYC/AMLToți participanții etapei ICO vor trebui să îndeplinească standardele KYC care sunt care sunt în linie cu cele mai bune practici industriale din Elveția. Bitlumens v-a efectua o evaluare a riscurilor AML/ CFT.ECHIPA

Veronica Garcia: CEO/Fondator, Veronica Garcia a fost un consultant de investiții la Credit Suisse și UBS. După finalizarea studiilor universitare la ETH în Zurich s-a alăturat IBM Research Lab în Zurich. A lucrat pe postul de consultant la World Bank, IADB și Castalia.Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel își vizita un coleg la Institutul Internațional de Economie Peterson în 2017 unde studia impactul tehnologiilor digitale în curs de dezvoltare precum blockchain pe sectorul financiar, stabilitatea financiară și banca centrală. Anterior, el a fost șeful stabilității financiare la

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology Officer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice traffic of over a billion of voice min-utes.

Tabelul 5: Planificarea prețului la ICO Tabelul 6: Eliberarea Token-ilor



ICO Ziua 1 1.5 ICO Zilele 2-7 1.4 ICO Zilele 8-14 1.3 ICO Zilele 15-28 1.2

Alocare Numărul de token-i (în milioane) în % Total 50 100

Pre ICO 10 20 ICO 15 30

Bitlumens 12.5 25 Echipă și Consilieri 11.5 23 Recompense 1 2

ICO se va termina devreme, dacă un echivalent de 25 milioane de dolari au fost adunați. Această sumă corespunde cu nevoile estimate și investițiile necesare pentru o perioadă de 3 ani.

License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices. 2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May. 3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation. 4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their affiliation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

banca naționala elvețiană, șeful Secretariatului Comisiei Sistemului de Plăți și Decontare la Banca Internaționala de Decontare și Director Executiv pentru Elveția, Polonia, Serbia, Azerbaijan și patru republice central asiatice la Fondul Monetar Internațional. El și-a făcut doctoratul la Universitatea din Bern și a fost un cercetător la Universitatea Stanford. Este de asemenea afiliat cu Centrul pentru Tehnologii Blockchain la Universitatea din Londra.Ali Askar: Director Tehnic. Ali a fost un consilier pentru soluții cloud și arhitect al securității rețelei la Akron Telecoms. Ali deține expertiză solidă în proiectarea, implementarea și administrarea serviciilor cloud pentru a sprijini platforma noastră precum și aplicații personalizate.Yash Patel: Dezvoltator Frontend: Yash lucrează pe postul de Inginer Software la Onata. Expertiza lui este în livrarea tehnologiilor frontend pentru dezvoltarea aplicațiilor web high end folosind Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 și React JS. Cunoșințe avansate în platforma de procesare cloud AWS și multe dimensiune de scalabilitate - incluzând următoarele dar nu doar acestea: VPC (Cloud Privat Virtual), EC2, Balansarea-procesării folosind ELB, formarea de Cloud-ului, Urmărirea Cloud, API-ul AWS și diverse programe pentru controlarea acestuia.Rekha Jain: Dezvoltator Backend. Rekha este un dezvoltator senior Java/J2EE, având cunoștințe vaste în dezolvarea aplicațiilor scalabile cloud ready. Ea este un gânditor analitic care rezolvă problemele sau defectele în desfășurare, adesea solicitată în rezolvarea problemelor neelucidate de alții.Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya este un designer grafic senior, având cunoștințe vaste în interfețele și experiențele utilizatorului (UI și UX). Ea este un designer creativ & simte o eliberare creativă atunci când evenimentele se alinează și lucrurile se poziționează adecvat pentru un rezultat mai bun.

Thomas Kansy: Specialist Credit-Carbon, Consilier. Thomas este un modelator cantitativ cu experiență care proiectează și efectuează cercesări complexe pe relația dintre valorile activelor și reglementări. Thomas a lucrat cu un portofoliu larg de clienți publici și privați, incluzând companii energetice multinaționale, organizații multi-laterale cum ar fi OECD și World Bank, guvernatori din întreaga lume și Comisia Europeană.Ben Bunker: Consilier de Dezvoltare a Afacerii: El este un antreprenor social cu peste 6 ani experiență în dezvoltarea proiectelor fotovoltaice cu stocare. Momentan el este CEO-ul Fundației Global BrightLight (GBL), o organizație destinată scopurilor, având ca misiune îmbunătățirea viețiilor oferind soluții de energie solară accesibile oamenilor fără acces la electricitate din America Latină. Înainte de a se alătura GBL ca și CEO, Ben a lucrat pe postul de consultant cu ICF International unde a susținut Agenția Statelor Unite pentru Dezoltarea Internațională și Agenția de Protecție a Mediului din Statele Unite.Mihaela Ulieru: Consilier Expert în Big Data, Mihaela este o campioană Blockchain la World Economic Forum unde a susținut adăugarea acestuia în Top 10 Tehnologii în Dezvoltare 2016, lucrând în colaborare cu Scientific American. Cercetăriile Mihaelei în sisteme distribuite inteligente au creat o bază puternică pentru guvernarea Blockchain-ului ca o tehnologie instituțională pentru rolul lui în revoluționarea industrială, logistică și securitatea patriei. Mihaela a fost premiată

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice traffic of over a billion of voice min-utes.


License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices. 2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May. 3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation. 4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their affiliation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also affiliated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology Officer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

“Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” și “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” și deține numeroase numeroase consilii de administrare incluzând Consiliul de Știință din Singapore, Canada și Comisia Europeană și Consiliul Global Agenda a World Economic Forum. Ea este un Lider Global cu Institutul Aspen și Președinta Institutului IMPACT pentru Economie Digitală.Carolina Casa Froga: Consilier Relații de Investiții. Carolina a crescut în Barcelona (Spania) și a studiat Administrarea Afacerilor în Lausanne (Elveția). Ea deține un masterat în Finanțe obținut la Școala de Afaceri Eserp. Carolina a lucrat în administrarea averiilor în ultimii 7 ani. Înainte ea a lucrat pentru Banca Privata Citi pentru 3 ani unde a câștigat Premiul de Excelență Globală. Carolina este o susținătoare a blockchain și un investitor cripto timpuriu.

Herbert Sterchi: Consilier. Herbert a fost șeful de finanțe la Thomson Reuters Global Resources. Acesta s-a specializat contabilitate, implementări SAP și bilanțuri bazate pe IFRS. Aceasta a creat controale și proceduri, aducând un caracter decontabil mărit tehnologiei, dezvoltarea de conținut și reducerea costurilor per total crescând în același timp funcțiile și fucționalitățiile și reducerea timpului de a ajunge pe piață.Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: Expert AI, Consilier. Jim este un Profesor Asistent de Finanțe la Scoala de Afaceri Johns Hopkins Carey și se distrează împingând limitele cunoștințelor financiare și dezvoltarea produsului, ambele ca un academician și ca un Savant de Date FinTech. Aceasta a publicat cercetări deschizătoare de drumuri în intersecția dintre big data social media, crypto-monede și piețe financiare. El predă "Big Data Machine Learning," "Strategii Avansate pentru Fondurile de Hedging" și "Conducerea Antreprenorială și Inovarea" la Școala de Afaceri Johns Hopkins Carey. În plus, el servește ca Președintele Fabricii de Inovație Johns Hopkins și a premit Premiul Dean pentru Excelența Facultății 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Expert Crypto, Consilier. Ian este un antreprenor, investitor și consultant cu experiență în afaceri din întreaga lume. Ca un lider de antreprenor, Ian se află într-o misiune personală cu scop în dezvoltarea unei culturi de antreprenoriat, ajutând start-up-urile să își atingă potențialul maxim precum și ajutarea companiilor existente să se extintă. Ian a fondat ‘Binkplus’, un incubator de start-up-uri în Europa. Un expert important în Bitcoin, Blockchain și Industrii Crypto, Ian se află la baza revoluționării industriei financiare pe întreg globul și acum consultă și sfâtuiește o mulțime de companii multi-milionare în dolari.Dean Karakitsos: Expert Blockchain. Consilier, Dean este un vizionar inovator în dezvoltarea tehnologiilor cu potenția și administrarea afacerilor cu mai mult de 20 de ani experiență aducând o abordare de schimbare a industriei pentru proiectarea și lansarea unor noi produse tehnologice dinamice. El este fondatorul a Bloqchain Science, care crează sisteme decentralizate securizate folosind tehnologii blockchain pentru soluții de identitate, token-izarea-lucrurilor (ToT), soluții de plată on-chain/off-chain, securitatea și verificarea contractelor inteligente. În telecomunicații, acesta a semnat mai mult de 100 de acorduri de intercomunicare cu distribuitorii de pe întreg globul și a gestionat un flux de trafic de glasuri de peste un miliard de minute vocale.