Final Degree Presentation

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  • 8/18/2019 Final Degree Presentation


    a hand-crafted workbook


    Im Amber and This is Make a Mark.

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     A hand-crafted workbook for curious, self motivators.

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    what is mark making?

    first you might ask what constitutes mark making? 

    Mark making is an expressive form of making. the style has incredible range and anyone can make a mark. Expressive qualities add so much to the look of an artwork.

    Mark Making describes the di"erent lines, dots, patterns, and textures we create in art. It can be loose and gestural or controlled and neat. It can apply to any material

    used on any surface.

     Artists use gesture to express emotions in response to experiences. artists working in an expressionist style also create representational artworks using mark making.

     Artists also use expressive marks to create purely abstract artworks which do not necessarily refer to the real world but are intuitive or respond to a defined set of rules.

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    as a designer i create work

    that showcases my favorite parts of the digital and analog processes of design.


     As a designer I create work that showcases my favorite parts of the digital and analog processes of design. 

    For me this process has become a natural way of making that influenced my degree project. It pulls aspects of all my favorite parts of design, from editorial to branding,

    and promotes the use of analog process in design through illustration. It encompasses my design and illustration aesthetic and gives users a good idea of the type of

    work I love to create.

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    as an illustrator i create work

    that’s fun.

     As an illustrator I create work that incorporates mark making, I take an expressive and vast form of making and create work that I actually enjoy doing.

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    These illustrations range from organized and tight to loose and playful, but they all start the same way. 

    When Mark making started to influence my design work, i looked for a pattern in what i was creating The pattern i found turned into a process that helps me explore my

    talents as an illustrator.

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    This process has not only influenced my design but also my passion. All I do now is think about my work and I am constantly thinking about what I could create next.

    For my degree project I wanted to find the best way possible to share this process with people who want to create fun and aesthetically pleasing work. I also want to

    inspire passion for those who want to continue to work outside of this book. 

     After these initial ideas, Make a mark was created and this question was formed…

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    How can the process of mark making  be used

    as a tool to teach someone how to draw?


    How can mark making be used as a

    tool to teach someone how to draw? 

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    Great artists who use mark making to define their

    careers and create marks that inspire people like me.

    inspired by

    their work is…

    charismatic expressive

    make a mark is


    make a mark is inspired by 

    Great artists who use mark making to define their careers and create marks that inspire people like me.  


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    organized experimentalbold

    These attributes I worked to achieve in Make a Mark and other work.

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    make a mark is

    all about process

    This process that developed in my work was the inspiration for Make a Mark. It walks users through my process of making starting with preparation, inspiration,

    experimentation and idea development. 

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    inspiration is key, the work that my favorite artists make has influenced me immensely. In the book i stress the need to create mood boards before you start a piece. This

    process stimulates the mind and gets you pumped up to create a larger amount of work.

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     After you create mood boards it helps to make a list of ideas. If you sit down and have a brain dump session you can solidify ideas before you start. I encourage users to

    do this so they do not get discouraged when their first idea doesn't work out how they had planned. This process is not about perfection, something that I learned while

    making this book. This process has loosened up my illustration style and helped me stray out of the outlines I created for myself.

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    One of the aspects of art that distinguishes an artist is their particular style of mark making. For most artists this is one element of their work that developed over a period

    of working with di"erent materials and a range of tools. 

    I have found that if I loosen up and take risks I create work that I never imagined I could do. Thats why the experimentation page exists in Make a mark. I prompt the user

    to make a list of tools and materials that they have never used. This process is meant to push people into new mediums in order to create work out of their usual range.

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    tools and materials

    Branded as Make a Mark pens and paper.

    make a mark’s

    Make a mark comes with tools and materials. branded as make a mark pens and paper 

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    Since I crafted the workbook by hand I had the opportunity to print the book on di"erent paper and try out di"erent pens to choose what i felt was a smooth workbook

    experience. Make a mark comes with a set of pens that you can use throughout the book. It was also printed on 80Ib sketchbook paper that pairs really nicely with the

    pens and keeps them from bleeding through to the next page.

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    an interactive workbook

    It promotes a hands on experience

    though step by step exercises and activities.

    make a mark is

    Make a mark is an interactive work book. It promotes a hands on experience

    though step by step exercises and activities. 

    make a mark doesn't just tell you how mark making works, it takes you through the experience of applying marks. You get the chance to interact with the book and even

    continue to work in it after the experience is over, using the sketchbook in the back. The exercises take you through creating and applying marks in your own unique way.

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    Each exercise starts with instructions and do’s and dont’s that give the user things to think about while they are working through each exercise. these do’s and dont’s are

    things I think about during my process of making to create drawings that are unique from the last. They are meant to influence that process.

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    The exercises work like this 

    The first exercise gives you marks that you can apply to the given outline. The user is prompted to think about scale, line weights, quantity, etc. The goal is to give the

    user the idea of the process but promotes finding your own unique ways of applying the given marks.

     As you work your way through the book your are encouraged to start making your own marks and outlines and add your own touch to what you are creating in the


    user interaction

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    user interaction

    Id like to say a quick thank you to Janie Marino who helped me with user interaction. I chose Janie for this because she has a very expressive illustration style that she

    described as instinctual. She added a very gestural quality to this process that made it uniquely her own and distinguished it from my own illustration aesthetic. 

    I prompted Janie with little background about the project and had her read through the instructions. She picked up on the process quickly and started to add her own


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    to stress quantity I added a few spots where the users can spend time just creating marks that can be applied to later drawings. 

     As Janie started to make her own marks I noticed how her interest in fashion influenced the marks she made, as she said “Im going to make this one argyle.”

    I encourage users to bring their other interests and art styles into this process. 

    She also interchanged pens to create contrast between simples marks.

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    Janie did not have any problems with quantity. Using her instincts and inspiration from her surroundings and interests, she made multiple marks that started to bring her

    style to life in the second exercise.

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    final product

    When Janie finished she had created something that she was proud of and enjoyed making. 

    When I asked Janie How she felt about this experience she said: 

    “I liked that I didn't feel pressured to make something perfect or scared to make a mistake, because I have a tendency to feel like that when I am making art. I

    appreciated the fact that there were no rules so it was impossible to make a mistake and it was all about the experience and tapping into my creativity purely for the fun

    of it.”

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    thank you

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    +Q A