Final CV PDF

Design drives me. Trough school, and then onto college and university, it has been the only place I have wanted to take my career. I was previously as interested in Art Practice, though I now nd that design is an area where I can best communicate my ideas. I am able to trigger my thoughts and ideas and then produce an outcome through design. I love that design can answer a question but then also provoke new questions, bringing out new rich areas that I would not have previously thought. o be able to develop a vision rom a mental to a physical state is something I eel does not occur in many proessions, and then to release it onto the world, not knowing the reaction excites me even urther. Foundation Diploma Art and Design, Hull School o  Art and Design. Graduated 2009.  A-Levels, Drield School (A, A, A, B in Art, Graphics, History, Maths). Graduated 2008. BA Design Year 1, Goldsmiths, University o London 2009-10. Graduate 2012. Diverse and varied research skills. Interest in conceptual processes. Contextually aware o cultures and materials. CS5 programs, particularly Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop. Photography. Retouching images and image manipulation.  Adequate skills in the making workshops with wood, metal and textiles.  Assisting 3rd year students with their nal degree show - basic lming, touching up nal products, setting up nal viva presentations and editing text. Bursting Buds, Holland Park, 2010 - Brand Identity logo, type and ower tags. Photo-restoration, 2010 - Photo retouching, enhancement and restoration on request. RO Group Ltd, Nike Grid University Ambassador, 2010 - Promoting the campaign, encouraging sign ups, attend eedback meetings. Burton Agnes Hall Cae, East Yorkshire, 2006-2010 - Dishwash, Food Prep, Serving, Waitering. Troughout my time at Goldsmiths, I have experienced the benets o the multi disciplined course in design. I have ound that by studying areas rang ing rom Studio Practice, echnical Studies, Material Culture and Ethics and Sustainablilty, I have been able to increase an understanding o the design world as an entirety rather than one technical aspect o design. Te course provokes thinking o a higher level and highlights the importance o designing in context w ith the world we live in today. Sport is arguably the most dominant cultural inuence in the world today and it holds a strong importance in my lie. I am the captain o Goldsmiths ootball team, in which we reached promotion last year. Tis has developed my leadership, teamwork and communication skills, which are all transerable into the design environment. I expect my team to work ha rd, raise the bar and enjoy the work, whatever the situation. I also enjoy travelling and hope that my passion or skydiving could take me across the world. I am not scared to take risks i it means eeling something diferent to the everyday. JAMIE oXTOBY PERSONAL STA TEMENT EDUCATION SKILLS FREELANCE WORK PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT FURTHER INFO 07917 107 709  [email protected] 664 Old Kent Road London SE15 1JF

Transcript of Final CV PDF

8/8/2019 Final CV PDF 1/1

Design drives me. Trough school, and then ontocollege and university, it has been the only place I have

wanted to take my career. I was previously as interested

in Art Practice, though I now nd that design is an area

where I can best communicate my ideas. I am able totrigger my thoughts and ideas and then produce an

outcome through design.

I love that design can answer a question but then alsoprovoke new questions, bringing out new rich areas

that I would not have previously thought. o be ableto develop a vision rom a mental to a physical state is

something I eel does not occur in many proessions,and then to release it onto the world, not knowing the

reaction excites me even urther.

Foundation Diploma Art and Design, Hull School o  Art and Design. Graduated 2009.

 A-Levels, Drield School (A, A, A, B in Art,

Graphics, History, Maths). Graduated 2008.

BA Design Year 1, Goldsmiths, University o London

2009-10. Graduate 2012.

Diverse and varied research skills.Interest in conceptual processes.

Contextually aware o cultures and materials.CS5 programs, particularly Illustrator,

InDesign and Photoshop.

Photography. Retouching images and imagemanipulation.

 Adequate skills in the making workshops with wood,

metal and textiles.

 Assisting 3rd year students with their nal degreeshow - basic lming, touching up nal products, setting

up nal viva presentations and editing text.

Bursting Buds, Holland Park, 2010 - Brand Identitylogo, type and ower tags.

Photo-restoration, 2010 - Photo retouching,enhancement and restoration on request.

RO Group Ltd, Nike Grid University Ambassador,

2010 - Promoting the campaign, encouraging sign ups,attend eedback meetings.

Burton Agnes Hall Cae, East Yorkshire, 2006-2010 -

Dishwash, Food Prep, Serving, Waitering.

Troughout my time at Goldsmiths, I have experienced

the benets o the multi disciplined course in design. I

have ound that by studying areas ranging rom StudioPractice, echnical Studies, Material Culture and Ethics

and Sustainablilty, I have been able to increase an

understanding o the design world as an entirety ratherthan one technical aspect o design. Te course provokesthinking o a higher level and highlights the importance

o designing in context with the world we live in today.

Sport is arguably the most dominant cultural inuence

in the world today and it holds a strong importance

in my lie. I am the captain o Goldsmiths ootballteam, in which we reached promotion last year. Tis has

developed my leadership, teamwork and communication

skills, which are all transerable into the design

environment. I expect my team to work hard, raise thebar and enjoy the work, whatever the situation.

I also enjoy travelling and hope that my passion orskydiving could take me across the world. I am not

scared to take risks i it means eeling something

diferent to the everyday.








07917 107 709  [email protected]

664 Old Kent Road London SE15 1JF