FINAL COPY NEW YEAR NEW ME -€¦ · 2 Timothy 1:7 says, And the saints know this....

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Transcript of FINAL COPY NEW YEAR NEW ME -€¦ · 2 Timothy 1:7 says, And the saints know this....

Page 1: FINAL COPY NEW YEAR NEW ME -€¦ · 2 Timothy 1:7 says, And the saints know this. For the spirit God gives does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and



Page 2: FINAL COPY NEW YEAR NEW ME -€¦ · 2 Timothy 1:7 says, And the saints know this. For the spirit God gives does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and

© 2018 by Mike Signorelli All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form in by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This book was printed in the United States of America. Scriptures marked ESV are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION (ESV): Scriptures taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION ® Copyright© 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. Scriptures marked TM are taken from THE MESSAGE: THE BIBLE IN CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH (TM): Scripture taken from THE MESSAGE: THE BIBLE IN CONTEMPORARY ENGLISH, copyright©1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group

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This e-book resource is the culmination of a three-and-a-half-year journey of lessons that God has taught me. It was during this time I felt the Lord telling me to impart these lessons in the New Year, and I can only imagine what God is going to do! Some of these lessons involved being able to take correction. To be honest, without correction, you will never grow at all. Proverbs 10:17 says, The road to life is a disciplined life; ignore correction, and you’re lost for good.

This resource, New Year, New Me, will take you on a journey to being a better you! Now with that in mind, take a deep breath, relax and come with me on this walk into a New Year, New Me! Let us now experience the growth and change that God intends for us. Blessings Always, Mike Signorelli

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The Love of Correction

Through hard times, God will often take those pruning shears to change your attitude as an ending result! Then, God will go even further than that. He will show you another level of love that you have never seen. This love is shown through correction. You may feel like it isn’t love, but it is one of the greatest things you could ever experience. The Lord can do amazing things in your life if you let Him. He knows how to make all the wrongs right. The Bible says, whoever heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray. In other words, the road to life is a disciplined life. The antithesis, the direct opposite of this Bible Scripture means, the road to death is an undisciplined life. Proverbs 12:1 says, Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid. You may be intellectual, but because you hate correction, by a biblical standard, you're actually stupid. Isn’t that a lot to take in? On the other hand, you can often watch people in life who are intellectually inferior to you, but by a biblical standard, they're wise because they're disciplined. Because you lack understanding, you think I can preach so much better than that Pastor. Why am I not the pastor of that church? You also might think…. Why am I not succeeding in business like my coworker? I'm a mastermind! Again, it is because you are undisciplined. The biblical standard for loving knowledge isn't how many Ted Talks you listen to or how many books you’ve read. It's how you receive correction, and that determines if you really love knowledge. A lot of people want you to think they love knowledge but, in all actuality, they really love themselves. They're truthfully arrogant. They don’t love knowledge because they don't love correction. Hebrews 10:10 says, but God disciplines us for our good in order that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Do you need more peace in your life? The more discipline you have, the Bible says, the more peace it will produce.

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2 Timothy 1:7 says, And the saints know this. For the spirit God gives does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline. NIV Wow! Wait a second. Self-discipline comes through a sound mind? The answer is yes. The question is: Are you racked with fear, anxiety, apprehension, dread or worry? Do you turn to alcohol to relieve your pain? If so, did you know that the more alcohol you drink can turn off your frontal lobe and that can impair your decision making? This will lead you to do things you would not usually do if you were in your right mind. Why would you want to ingest alcohol when you can swallow something far better? You can ingest the spirit of God with a side effect of producing life through self-discipline. Now for the next point. When people say they are holy but have received too much of God, their self-discipline will reveal the reality of that. Only a new discipline will birth a new vision. Your life, health, marriage, and business is all a reflection of your current level of discipline. Discipline does not mean for you to get busier. Sometimes it means saying No. Many times, we say yes to too many people and things. We need to know that the power of extraction will be the discipline that births a new vision.

10 Things to Learn from Me

Have you ever felt like quitting things is so much better than starting them? Doesn't it feel wonderful to stop a diet? You're like, cheating on the “better you”! It feels excellent! Well, I am going to give you my top ten things that I quit, and I pray you can learn from my experiences.

I quit talking about ministry and started doing ministry. Maybe the implication for you is that you should stop exclusively talking about business and actually start building a business. Now think about your life. What if you spent more time talking to your spouse rather than talking about them? Think about how much better your marriage would be. What about the church? Have you ever thought about who the most generous people in a church are? Statistically,

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the most generous people in a church are single moms when it comes to giving the most financially. Somewhere along the way, generosity has to be learned. It isn’t natural to a human heart to just know how to be that way. I know this because I have kids. They naturally know how to steal from each other. When you have children, you have to stop believing that people are born good. The secular world wants you to think that we were naturally born “good,” but the Bible states otherwise. We are all born into sin and struggle daily with our selfish desires. Talk is cheap—generously give your energy and efforts!

I quit being sarcastic and started being supernatural. I'm not saying sarcasm is bad because I love it. However, sarcasm is like a medication. If a proper dose is given, it'll produce a little laughter, but too much is highly potent. It will cause division. Sarcasm's end goal is humor. The purpose of all your conversations shouldn't be humor at the expense of others. It should honestly be ministry at the cost to you! Maybe you are missing divine appointments because of pride. Perhaps you want to make yourself laugh at the expense of others? Maybe God's saying you lost a moment because you used your vision and perverted the intellectual resources, he gave you to make yourself look better than them in that moment of sarcasm. Sarcasm destroys people and churches. Sometimes you've got to stop and say, God, maybe humor is not the end goal of this interaction. Maybe there's something more profound? You don’t have to eliminate it totally. However, you need to peel back the dose and cut that pill into fourths.

I quit fighting others and started fighting the enemy of me. The word “enemy” is exactly how it sounds. “Enemy!” You have been your worst enemy. The leader who has failed you the most is not the pastor or someone that wounded you from another church. It isn’t the business leader that fired you. The leader that failed you the most in your life is you! However, the funny thing is that God has never failed you, but yet we don’t trust him. Once I realized this, I quit fighting other people and blaming them. I blamed the real issue, and that was myself. John the Baptist understood this. He said I decrease so that God can increase. You know, Paul understood this too! Paul said that I'm at war with myself, and

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there's something I want to do, but I've got to die to myself to accomplish and achieve all that God's has for me. They understood the enemy of me.

I quit venting long enough to hear the voice of God. I realized when our complaints are loud it often drowns God’s voice that is much quieter. We have to silence ourselves in order to hear him. But doesn't venting feel so good? This doesn’t mean you don't need to vent. It just means that you need to think about where, when, and how long you need to do it. The next time you feel like venting pick up the Bible and read Scripture. It's impossible to read it and vent at the same time. I tried it. I dare you to do it as well. When you feel like you need a friend to talk to, open up to Proverbs and learn from this book of wisdom. Listen to the voice of God.

I quit wanting the approval of people and sought the approval of God. This is a big one that a lot of people struggle with, and they don’t know why. Most often this stems from a lack of love in your life. However, the solution isn't to get more people to approve of you and fill that love tank. The answer is to go to an infinite source because that’s a well that never goes dry. Then you can stand in front of your peers and say, I'm not preaching for your approval. I'm preaching for approval from the only One that matters. Therefore, I can't really do a lousy job. I’m not a failure. I'm a learner. However, people struggle with a humility issue. They seek approval because they have a need to be seen but God will sometimes hide them in obscurity long enough for them to learn to stop stealing his glory.

I quit the myth of perfection for the beauty of being present. I stopped saying I'm not going to go back to church until I get my act together. I started to say the exact opposite. I said, to my wife, let’s pack all that baggage and bring it to church this Sunday. Let's take our past that everyone has questions about and bring it all to church. Let’s put it on the stage and show people what God can do with broken pieces. Then we launched a church and every Sunday, we say… “No perfect people allowed!”

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I quit comparing myself to other people. Comparison robs you of the true you! It is often rooted in pride but masks itself as insecurity. You tell yourself that you wish you could be like another person. However, in all actuality, you're saying, if I tried harder, I could be better than them. Honestly, a lot of comparison is actually pride, and you need to stop. This kind of comparison is arrogant. Oh, if I tried harder, I could be like him. If only I could be like her if and push a little harder. Have you ever thought for a second that God didn't build you to be like someone else? He wants to break you free from that. He created you to be you! A bulldozer and a Ferrari are made differently for different things. Maybe God created you for a task that's different from the person you keep comparing yourself to. You have something to offer the world that only you can give and nobody else.

I quit ignoring God's attempt to mentor me through other people. Do you know what changed my life more powerfully than any other religious experience? It was the mentoring of Dave Gargano in northwest Indiana when I submitted my life to his teaching. Let me tell you how mentoring works. All of your choices have gotten you where you're at right now. Therefore, think about what you like about your life, and what you don't. All the stuff you don't like about your life is the result of your mind and choices. A mentor is someone that can hit the override button, and you automatically do what they tell you even if you don’t understand it. We latch so hard to our own opinions at times even when they produce brokenness. I'll never forget one of the most liberating things I ever did in my life! It was when Dave told me something, and I thought, this is not right. Then I thought, this guy, is winning in the areas that I'm losing in life. I may as well hit the override button and do as he says! It’s worth a shot! To be honest, I'll never forget that feeling. It was such a feeling of humility! I was gonna do something different than I thought I should do in order to receive this mentorship. Then, my life began to change radically!

I quit thinking the way I did it was the only way. Even though wisdom, knowledge, and revelation can get you to the point you're at right now, you always need fresh revelation and wisdom. You

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also need to be baptized in the Spirit of God to get you to where you're going! Because what got you here, won't get you there! Sometimes, we say, well, that's not the way we did it at my other church. We also might say, that's not the way I think it should be done. However, God's saying, I am doing a new thing, and it will spring forth! You need to remember that God’s ways are always higher than your ways.

Lastly, I quit minuscule, and I accepted God's mega! Minuscule means, seemingly insignificant. It means so little that it's off the radar. I took my minuscule worries, anxieties, apprehensions with life, and placed it all in a teacup. God asked, “Would you let me give you my mega for your minuscule?” Would you take that pile of debris that you feel is a huge waste-dump and let me show you that it's just a pile of ashes? All of a sudden, God began to make that exchange. I want to challenge you to go outside in the bitterness of this winter cold, look up at the stars, and the breadth of all that God's created; while you are looking, I want you to say, God, exchange my minuscule for your mega.

God Can Change You

There was a time when I thought nothing good was ever gonna come out of my life. However, I was wrong! Not only can God use me but he can do exceedingly more than I can ever think or imagine! I once read an article that was going viral. It said that your last day on earth, the person that you became will meet the person you have become! There's a fine line between what should’ve been and what was. Often, we find ourselves stuck on what should've been, could've been, or would've been. For instance, I was really good at hockey, but I should've been Chris Chelios. I was really good at ball, but I should've been Jordan. Then all of a sudden you realize that you did not do those things and distance sets up inside your heart. While I was meditating on these things, I prayed! Dear God, Somehow, you have brought me to a place where I feel like I turned the tables. My dad was a murderer and the family I came from doesn't make any sense. The distance between what I am now and what I should've been is a miracle! However, God does not want us

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to play the comparison game between what does not exist or could have. He wants you to understand that what is in store is actually better than you could ever imagine. Whatever you're a fool for, that's what you’ll serve. If you serve the god of this world, you're going to do some foolish things for that god. If you serve sports, you will do some crazy things in the names of sports. You'll take supplements, cut weight and starve yourself. Whatever you serve you become a fool for, so it's impossible for you to convince me that you serve God and you're not a fool for God. Believe it or not, I’m introverted. There is a really long story about how God gave me the microphone because really I wanted to be in a windowless room with a book. It makes me stop and think. Maybe God will put your mansion on the other side of heaven, so you can have a reprieve from worship? But when you say, "I'm going down around the throne," the Bible actually declares that there is wind like creatures covered in eyeballs declaring, "Holy is the Lord." I believe that the Holy Spirit is Jesus Unlimited and that He also loves diversity! However, you may think thoughts like: "I don't really identify much with that person. I tolerated them more than I did anything." You also might look in the aisle next to you at church and see somebody and say with enthusiasm, "Man! Because I saw them truly worshiping with a sincere heart, this is a place I can call home." We should never underestimate the power of our presence and the fact that showing up might make a difference in someone’s life. Every army has an enlistment, and every team has a roster. The first time I ever preached was when I was 15 years old. I had a buddy named Robert that was a big part of that time in my life. We used to hit the mean streets of East Chicago! We would minister to gang members, and there would be drive-bys a couple of blocks away, and we were so radical and bold for God! However, there was a time in his life, where he questioned things and walked away. Then one day Robert, sent me a message and said, "I just started watching the livestream." "I felt something that I hadn't felt anywhere else. There was a connection! I know this is crazy, but can I become a member of your church?" I told Robert, “I don't want you to be a member, I want you to be an owner." With that said, things are always bigger than what you see with your own eyes. I mean even in the spiritual realm, you know you can feel so alone, and yet God will say, "Open your eyes!" Then you

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realize that you're surrounded by a host of witnesses in the angelic realm. I'm not trying to naturalize a supernatural word. I'm a pastor which means I actually believe this and sometimes people might get offended. They are like, "I was okay as long as he gave me the scientific perspective, but when he started telling me what the man who invented science had to say about it, I didn't like that. You know, I was okay when he gave me the doctor's position on my medical condition, but when he told me what the great physician could do, that sort of offended me." Can I tell you about one of my favorite Bible figures? His name is Elijah. Elijah was like this hybrid, mighty man of God. One thing I liked about him is, he believed God so much that he ended up doing things with his life and through his life that seemed supernatural. Almost like, Elijah came into this place where it's nearly superhero status if you read the book of First Kings 18:41-42. "And Elijah said to Ahab, "Go eat and drink for there is the sound of heavy rain." So, Ahab went off to eat and drink, but Elijah climbed to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground and put his face between his knees." Has anyone ever taken that position in prayer? Have you ever went into the fetal position and said, "Okay God, I prayed the nice, pretty prayer in the car, but I'm back home now, in the fetal position, and I need you to do something." It says, "Go and look toward the sea." Now he's talking to a servant, "And he went up, and he looked, the servant comes back, and he says, "There is nothing there," seven times." Now, what faith do you have? Do you only have faith for three times or four? Has your faith run out at the fifth or sixth time? Do you have faith for the seventh time? Let's see what happened. "On the seven times the servant reported, a cloud, as small as a man's hand is rising in from the sea, so Elijah the prophet, the man of God, the mouthpiece of God said, "Go and tell Ahab, it's time, go down before the rain stops you." Let me remind you, in a cloudless, vacant sky, in the void that you see in your life and the places where you look at impossibility to where you see that there is no medical explanation. Also where you see that counselors simply cannot remedy it no matter how many you try, to the places that are entirely cloudless in your life, there is a cloud the size of a hand! It's a sign that rain is on its way. Right

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now in January, you're at the point where your resolutions have now fully converted into jokes. You're at that point where you're realizing you spent that tithe and offering on a gym membership that you haven't even used. I saw a meme that won on the internet. It was a cyclone clown and on the bottom was Ronald McDonald. The clown asked, "Who are you?" Then Ronald McDonald responded back, "Who are you? I've killed more people than you have." To me, Ronald is like a drug dealer. He deals cheeseburgers although it's perfectly legal, and everybody has got to get it. Honestly, we're in that time of the year where the hype is just in the earliest phases of turning into humor. I have eaten more fast food than the last time I confessed needing a change in that area. We honestly need to check and keep on checking until there is change. Elijah at that particular point in history was the mouthpiece of God in an era when we didn't have the Holy Spirit which was Jesus unleashed on this earth. There were men who had to take that role of responsibility in their culture, and their society to actually speak on behalf of God. When the word would come, you had to be obedient to that word because it was conditional and it produced results if you listened. Then it provided even more results if you obeyed. God's got you here right now. Maybe you can't hear Him for yourself. Well, guess what? He's got a delegator who's here to tell you what to do. Do you know what your assignment is this week for those of you who struggle to hear His voice? The task is to check until there’s change!

Check Until There’s Change

Let me just tell you about checking and why it's so fatiguing. Every single time you check, and there isn't change you make a withdraw from hope. Every single time you check, and there isn't change, you make a withdraw from diligence. Also, every single time you check on that health condition, and there isn't change, you have to make a withdraw from some area of faith and hope in your life. God wants to change your intellectual how into a supernatural wow. We don’t always have to have everything figured out. The

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servant had a choice. He could have come back and said, "I didn't see anything. How’s this going to work out? I went back, and it's still an empty cloudless sky. I don't see this producing any torrential rain." In an agricultural society, rain was connected to life. I mean imagine your bank account going through a drought or a drought in your marriage. There are such things as sexless marriages? Maybe you can’t imagine that kind of drought. Some single people say, "You look into the vacant cloudless sky, and the prophet tells you, "Go check again, it's about to change," and you have checked so many times that you've checked out. It's time for you to check until there's change. However, you must be obedient and submit. Let me tell you about the natural order of how God designed you? You are in a trial nature, which means you have a physical body that can hear my physical voice with your physical ears. You can feel the temperature and climate. You can even hear music! Then there is another part of the trial nature of your existence called your soul. It consists of your mind, intellect, and brain. Your will and emotions serve as your soul. My biggest diagnosis of the captivity and bondage in this region is you are living exclusively out of your soulish realm. Your spirit is dead, and your flesh is in competition with your soul. When you let your body do whatever it wants, you are going to suffer the consequences of that. That's called instinct. Your soul, which is continuously being shaped and formed is manipulated by culture, your teachers, doctors, and even psychiatrists. If you're dealing in the realm of intellect, you're dealing in the realm of feelings. We've made a mistake in our culture of awarding and assigning so much value to the intellect. We value to the emotional. When that's not right, our whole world isn't right either. Elijah struggled in the areas of his emotions and soul. He didn't struggle in the intellectual arena because he could override that with the voice of God. There were times when we saw failure where he cried out, "God!" He made an emotional statement that he tried to mask intellectually. "God, I'm the only prophet left, and now they're trying to kill me." Do you know what God's response to that was? He said, "Elijah that is a lie. Not only are there more prophets, but they are also all around you! You are not

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the only one. Get up and stop acting like that. You've got an assignment for your life." Sometimes in your life, it's necessary to have that voice. You have to override it or allow somebody else to override it and say, "Go check until there's change." You are not designed to live in those realms exclusively. Now, your physical realm in its perfect, righteous order is incredible. Your intellect, emotions and your will functioning in its proper righteous form will produce a tremendous amount of change in your life. Like using my feelings as a man to communicate with my wife or to communicate to the teams that I'm leading. It means using my intellect to understand and shape the blueprints for our future and know that God's going to do a beautiful thing. You don't just ex-communicate the spiritual from the emotional, from the physical. There's a point and a place for all of them. However, when you allow one to lead other than your spirit, and your spirit isn't subjected to the spirit of God, then you are going to find captivity and bondage in that realm. Therefore, "Keep checking." Ahab was a weak leader. Elijah told him, "Why don't you just go eat and drink." Do you know why Elijah said that? Elijah said, "Because whenever you feel stressed Ahab, you go to physical substances to help soothe yourself. But Haven’t we all at some point in our life? I am not talking about alcohol at the moment but what I am talking about is trying to find spiritual and emotional stability in a natural means. Anyway, let’s talk about Mount Carmel. Do you know what Carmel means in the original language? It's two parts of a word joined together. El is meaning God and Carm meaning vineyard, so Elijah climbs God's vineyard. Let me ask you, when is the last time you've climbed God's vineyard? When is the last time instead of going to the natural substance like food, drinks, friends, relationships, etc. that you got alone and began to climb Mount Carmel, God’s vineyard. That place where God's influence is what we see. When you drink you shut off your frontal lobe and start making crazy decisions. However, when you start consuming from God's vineyard, you come under another influence. You find yourself doing some stupid things. You're in worship and all of a sudden you find yourself lifting your hands in Praise to the Lord and at times it

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can be hard for you to process as well as others. I mean, you are not the same person that you were before! The Bible actually says that if you remain under your own influence long enough, and you continue to shun God's authority God will turn you over to a reprobate mind. Therefore, that is the real hell that we have in scripture. Forget about the flames and the guy with the pitchfork poking you. Let me tell you about the “coldness that's so cold” it feels like burning flames! That is the absence of God's influence in your life. The absence of His guidance. This time, it's you in the garden! You are Adam and Eve divorcing yourself from His presence, and feeling like you've got to figure it out all on your own and that will mess you up. Now let me give you an example to live by. Elijah said, "Go and tell Ahab hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you." The rain that's going to be so torrential that it's actually produced by a cloud the size of a hand. In your life, God is getting ready to do something, and it's not hype, it's a supernatural hope. It's God saying, "It's there if you're looking, keep checking until there's change."

Discipline is Determined by Vision.

One of my earliest memories was watching my grandfather writhing uncontrollably in a bed with a genetic brain disease, and he died shortly after. There are currently no old Signorelli's in my bloodline because on the male side there's a generational curse of premature death. Because that was the dominant vision for my life, that's all I could see. Sometimes we lack discipline and wonder, "Why can't I get my time under control? Why don't I go to the gym? Why am I not a better husband? Why am I not stewarding my singleness better? Why am I doing this?" Take the future vision that you truly see for yourself and reverse it. If you don't see life on the other side of that vision, you will always have a lack of discipline. That's as simple as that! Another preacher may diagnose the symptoms and tell you, "You shouldn't do that son, and you shouldn't do that," but I'm here to tell you the deeper level is whatever vision you do or do not see. Reverse engineering produces how you live your life right now. I mean people all the time ask me, "Why are you working so

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hard? Why are you sweating and bleeding?" I would say, "because I have a vision of me doing greater." Your daily disciplines reveal the extent of what you believe and say. Your daily disciplines might be saying, "I want to be big in business," but how you live your life is revealing to everyone the extent to which you believe that. Present discipline is determined by your future vision. Change the vision, change the discipline. Checking changes you in five ways. Checking says no to your pride and yes to God's promises. Proverbs 16:18 says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. When we humble ourselves before the Lord God gives us grace! His grace never runs short, and it is always on time. Checking says yes to possibility, and it says no to impossibility. When you say yes to possibility, you are saying that you believe God! The Bible states that nothing is impossible with Him. (Luke 1:37) Checking unveils the God vision for your life. When my wife and I were going through a hard time, we kept checking. We kept going to counseling, and checking on our relationship. Each time we checked, it was unveiling a little bit more of our purpose. It even unveiled with dysfunction. There's actually a purpose when you start pulling back the veil. If you keep checking, you might get a change and unveil your God-given purpose as well. Checking is a discipline that reveals vision. When we check to make sure that our thoughts and ways are in line with God, then our vision will be more clear. It is like taking blinders off and no longer being lost. Checking says, "Shut up," to every voice that isn't God's. When we learn to hear God’s voice, we learn to steer clear of any voice that we are not familiar with. God is our Shepherd, and we are His sheep. We hear His voice and follow Him. When you have the audacity to say, "Keep on checking doctor, keep on checking husband, keep on checking friend, keep on checking boss," you are saying for that problem to "silence yourself if you don't line up with what God says." Maybe you want to submit to the sovereignty of God for a second but then again what if you were to think with greater levels of complexity. Let's say you die with a disease that you have been diagnosed with and you never get healing, but that's impossible if you are a true believer. The Word of

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God says that those who died in Christ will rise again and there is no way out of this theology. If it doesn't happen on this side, it will happen on the other. We have promises that we can cling to because of the cross of Jesus Christ. The bad news is everyone has died of something but the good news is, you can live again. Maybe you've got a loved one, and you're saying, "Well what you’re saying today falls short of the reality of what I experience." Well, can I can I just tell you that you have not experienced the whole reality yet. Remember, you are not the King of all reality. You've only gotten half the story, but I'm here to tell you how it ends. If you keep checking there will be change! It's sometimes those quiet voices inside out heart that say, "Is that the voice of God? If it isn’t, say okay I'm going to go check again." God told me through the prophet to keep checking until there's CHANGE!

God will always leave enough room for Him to prove that He's in charge. God will always reserve just enough space to say, "Only I'm getting credit for that one." God wants to do something in your life that only He can get some credit for. Then when God sends a man to come or a woman to come alongside you and see you through the completion of that healing and victory, you'll know that God was the catalyst for it. Don’t have a vision for your marriage that it can never be made whole, a vision for your health that you can never be in shape, or a vision for your business that you can never be successful. Whatever it is that you have told yourself, God will do what He did with Adam. God made Adam, and He took the natural, mounds of dirt, and formed it into the shape of a man. As long as it stood in that shape, it was only a pile of dirt that looked human. Then God did the miraculous! God breathed into his nostrils, and he became a man. It's great when you've got people who come along to shape and mold you. "Oh you can be this," but all they're doing is manipulating ashes. They're manipulating a pile of dirt until God breathes on you. If you let God breathe on you, you will come back to life! You'll say, "Hey, soul! Shut up.” You're a liar! Feelings and mind you're lying to me right now. I am not in bondage of fear, but I have love, power, and self-discipline." You begin to say, "Flesh shut up. I'm not going to give this love to everybody."

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Do you want to be free? You can be free at this moment. God is supernaturally opening your eyes to get a picture or a vision for your life. You are actually seeing it right now and seeing it for your husband, wife, cousin, or brother. Begin to see what He sees. Watch yourself moving in the fullness of what God's got for you. You may be seeing yourself paying things off and burning bills. You see yourself with a deed in your hand. You see yourself begin to activate a God vision for your life, and it will produce the discipline to do what He's called you to do. Vision produces discipline. You may be getting a picture right now. That picture is an act of rebellion against the devil. That picture is even an act of rebellion against your own soul that has lied to you and told you it couldn't be. Father, right now I thank You that You are imparting supernatural vision and opening up eyes. It’s contrary to all the lies that we try to tell ourself, but we receive it! We're going to keep checking until there's change. I thank You for filling us with hope, faith, and love in our hearts like never before.

New Year, New View

I just feel like those are special words, New Year, New View. It's something that God kind of dealt with me about before I even thought about presenting it in this book. I'm a visionary, but you know, before I arrived in Long Island, the gossip about it was that Long Island is definitely not the Bible belt. Long Island is a desert, and they said the phrase that annoys me more every day, that this is the graveyard of churches. I've actually heard people say it across all denominations, and I'm wondering, did you read the Bible? Wasn't the graveyard the place where Jesus, resurrects the dead? Also, isn't the graveyard the place where the greatest miracle takes place? Doesn't that qualify this region for a miracle? But before we got here, my wife and I cast our vision for the first year. The difference between vision and view is vision is articulating that which is not yet but will become. Vision is getting ahead into the future, and beginning to make a blueprint somehow and say it doesn't yet exist in reality, but it will exist and look like this. When you get into that realm of vision, it's actually something that will become a knee jerk response.

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Within the first six months of our church's existence, which was not too long ago, we had accomplished 100% of what we saw for the future, for a year, in six months. Then we went to the Adirondack Mountains, where all spiritual things happen here in New York, and we started to get a fresh vision to get further along. However, I've gotta confess a really shameful thing. I've exercised that muscle of vision so strongly that it has actually distorted my view. This is the difference between vision and view. Everyone packed their own lunches, and as you know, you intend to make your spouse a lunch when you realize that if they swipe the bank card one more time, you're going to debtor's prison. I don't want you to think we had the best marriage ever. We had challenges like any other couple. That's why my wife made me lunches. She would make the lunch and say, don't buy anything today or we'll die. So, I would put my lunch in the refrigerator. By the time lunchtime came, it had shifted locations. I would actually have to FaceTime my wife and have her tell me where my lunch was. I had so much in my mind that even though I was looking at it with my physical eyes, my physical eyes were being biased by vision. It's so strong now that I can't even see how I've spun it and made this a good thing? It couldn't possibly be my intelligence, but it probably is. I can't even find deodorant, and the joke’s on me! I'll look in the cabinet, but I don't see it right in front of me, because in my mind, I put it somewhere else. That's where it should be, and it couldn't possibly be anywhere else. I want to talk about your view. Because I believe God wants to divinely do in your life if you'll let him!

Letter by Letter Meaning of View

The letter “V” is for vocabulary. Ephesians 4:29 says, do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs that it may benefit those who listen. How do you change your view? Change your vocabulary.

One night, my wife sent me to get pizza for the Indiana folk so the simple folk from the Midwest could experience real pizza and not the deep-dish stuff. As I went into that pizzeria down the street

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from us in Queens, the guy said, your wife called and said don't forget the soda! I wanted to reply sarcastically and say “Pop!” However, I thought, I have a choice to make about how I communicate with this man about my wife. I kept my mouth shut to avoid a revolt. I will be honest. I forget things, but I don’t like to be reminded. It just strikes me as very insulting. Finally, I said, she's a good woman, isn't she? When I said that he looked at me for a half second like, that's odd. He didn't diss his wife? 99% of other men don't understand honor, and he complimented her. And I saw him process it, and then he said, yeah, you're right.

I changed my vocabulary, and it changed my view. Because I had to be willing to accept the fact that she wasn't micromanaging, she was helping. Now, some people do, but that's another story! Proverbs 12:18 says, the words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. You know, one of the limitless tests for your wisdom is the question, Do your words heal? If you want to do a checkup on the level of wisdom that you're flowing in your life, just ask the people closest to you this simple question. Do my words heal you? If they laugh, you are not wise with your words. We need to become a people that heal with our words. And we live in a culture that teaches us how to pierce like swords but doesn't show us how to heal with our words. Colossians 4:6 says, Let your conversation be always, full of grace, and seasoned with salt that you may know how to answer anyone. Seasoned with salt means provoking thirst. Seasoned with salt means, talking to people in such a way that they desire to hear more of these words that heal them.

The letter “I” is for identity. You are probably thinking, he doesn't have the time to deal with the complexity of the issue of identity. I'm gonna tell you, Jesus did it in one sentence. Would you believe me if I said Jesus dealt with the complexity of our identity with one sentence and said, I can fix your view if I can fix your identity? And here's how I do it. It's one word, abide. John 15:5 says, I am the vine. You are the branches. If you remain in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from me, you can do nothing. Identity, comes down primarily to where are you

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abiding? My identity, because I was raised on welfare with a single mother with five kids in northwest Indiana outside of Chicago, was really relegated to where I was from. It was like, abiding in that place had a certain culture. You talk a certain way and say libary, not library. You say “was” when you should say “were.” You don't know the proper you're. You don't even know that an apostrophe “re” exists for that word. Did anyone else abide where I did? Maybe not, but where you abide does something to your identity. Jesus said if you will abide, if you will remain in me. He didn't say if you will check in once a week for a couple of minutes. He said if you will remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Many Christians love to talk about fruit, and the fact that all we have to do is follow it. What does that mean? It means, when you bear fruit, you can tell the level of toxicity of the tree by the quality of the fruit that it bears. So, a rotten fruit is an indicator that the tree is toxic. If you look at somebody's relationships and they haven't had a relationship that's lasted more than six months, they're not bearing good fruit. There is toxicity in their life that is producing that outcome over and over again. That's called a cycle. However, on the flip side, you can be healthy. It says, if you connect yourself to the source of life which is Jesus, that vine, then, it means, you are actually the extension of Him. Jesus is healthy, so he desires for you to be healthy. You're going back to work on Monday. Can you remain? Can you abide in him while you're in those conversations? You're going back to school. Can you abide? Can you stay in Him? If you are having trouble understanding the word abide, take your mashed potatoes, peas, carrots, corn, and meat and put it all in a blender. That's how we're supposed to abide with Him. But we say, here's church over here. I look and play the part. Then, here's my marriage and I would never pray with my wife. Also, here's school and work. I have got a different personality and person for each one. I just go to my pile of masks, pick one up and wear the mask for that part of my life. But he says, if you abide and remain in me, “everywhere you go”, you're truly connected to the vine. To abide in Jesus means to keep his commands and to keep his commandments means to love God with all your heart, soul and mind. Also, to love our neighbor as ourself.

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The letter “E” is for expectations. Proverbs 23:18 says, there is surely a future hope for you and your hope will not be cut off. This is your expectation. Do you remember that episode when Jesus was in the wilderness and Satan was testing him. They were duking it out over Scripture but what was being tested at that moment wasn't how much Scripture Jesus knew, it was how much characteristics and attributes of God that Jesus knew. That is what was being tested. Do you memorize Scripture or beat yourself up for not memorizing Scripture? Do you really know the Author of it? You might think I didn't do my devotional, so I must not be a good Christian. However, I can tell you right now that until you learn the heart, person, and the very attributes of your Father, you'll literally turn into Satan quoting it to somebody else. You may be in a wilderness experience of your life, and what's being tested isn't your Christian knowledge. What's being tested is your relationship to the very One who holds your destiny in his hands. That's how Jesus was able to access a new view. Satan was saying, just throw yourself off. The book of Psalms says the angels will rescue you lest you dash your foot against a stone. What he actually responded with wasn't just another Scripture. He responded with the heart of God. Until you get into that place where you know God, knowing Scripture will make you more of a Pharisee than a follower. A righteous expectation will always sound like a foolish declaration to the world. What happens is we get our expectations in the stratosphere. We think it's gonna be amazing. We're gonna conquer the world. We're gonna lose all this weight and get in shape. We're gonna launch all these locations. We're gonna go into business, make six figures and retire early. We get our expectation here, and what happens is we begin to have those expectations so damaged that we're like, I'm not gonna be a fool to have those expectations again, but righteous expectations will require you to become like a fool. When I showed up to the graveyard of churches on Long Island, there was a dash of foolishness that I had to throw in the cauldron before I got here. My wife, Julie, at a certain point said, my husband is a lustful, alcoholic, Rockstar wannabe, but my expectation of him is that he's gonna become a lead pastor! She sprinkled a little foolishness in and all her expectations were met! What I'm trying to tell you is, God wants to give you permission to start pouring the foolishness because foolishness is a cousin to

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faith. Sometimes, you've gotta start with just a little dash of folly and say, I'm gonna believe for something crazy in my life! I'm gonna believe that I can be madly in love again. I'm gonna believe that there is a real man of God who is gonna pursue me to marriage. I'm gonna believe that I can have a kid, even though medicine says it's not possible. Once you start to exercise a little bit of that foolishness, it might turn into faith when you get surrounded by your brothers and sisters at church.

The letter “W” is for willingness. New View, New Year, requires a willingness. We're gonna change our vocabulary and start talking about things differently. There's a tremendous amount of purpose in your job, even if you hate it! It pays your bills. There is a purpose in that job because you ate supper and what's funny is we curse our job, and say we want to lose weight, but that job provided the food that caused us to gain it. We are in a cycle of never being pleased. God's saying New Year, New view, New vocabulary, and then a New identity. You should tell others about this newness you are experiencing. Text them from your phone and say I'm a new person. I'm not gonna talk the way I did last week at work. I'm going to abide in Christ, and that's an active rebellion. I'm gonna give myself permission to expect greatness. I'm gonna give myself permission to expect God to do something out of the ordinary! I expect Him to move in our region. I expect the Northeast to be the new Bible belt by the time I get laid to rest. I expect this place to be plundered, and us to smell like smoke, as we have one foot in the bowels of hell and one in Long Island clutching people and pulling them out before they have a chance to drop in. We have to tell God we are willing to even when we feel stupid, unqualified, and don't have a degree. We have to say, and whatever you tell me to do I will do it! I don't know how to be a good husband, but I will remain and abide in you until you teach me how to love her like you want me to love her. I don't know how to be a good dad because I had emotionally and physically abusive stepfathers, but I've got a heavenly father who's loving me right now. I am willing to let him show me how to be whatever it is that seems impossible in my own ability. When you think this way, God

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will do more with your willingness, than he will with your talent and connections. I lived my entire life feeling like I was orphaned because I didn't have access to nepotism. Nepotism is somebody's daddy or best friend making a golf course deal to get you connected. I lived a lot of my early adulthood and life as a man feeling terrible because my dad was a murderer. Then one day, God divinely spoke to me and said, son, you've got the only connection you ever needed! You're connected to the cross, and that connects you to heaven. There are storehouses of blessings and opportunities that I will pour out onto you! You do not know the limits of what I can do! With that said, I was challenged. Many people asked, how are you going into Long Island New York to launch a church with no connections? I said I have the only One that really matters. Well, who do you know to make that happen? My response was: I'm glad you asked because I know the King of kings and the Lord of lords and he is the only person I need to know. You've need to be bold and courageous. Let your faith rise again and don't stay down. You need to get into a healthy church where people say, hey, look, we're all messed up, but we're not staying messed up. I'm not perfect, and you're not perfect, but together, your strength is my weakness, and my weakness is your strength. If we're connected in this thing called the body of Christ, we could do fantastic things! We could actually show our children that church was God's plan from the beginning. We could even prove it. Where we fall short, is the distance between my imperfection and His perfection but that’s grace. If we can access that grace over and over again for each other, and ourselves, you could be proud of who you are becoming! One Sunday, take a picture and look at your church. Tell somebody next to you that you're gonna come back in a year and it isn’t gonna look like the same anymore. There were times in my life where I’ve been able to go back and say, I'm not proud of the fact that even as a man of God, my wife had to barricade our door because I was drunk. She begged, don't leave the house. You're gonna make a fool of yourself. Please, Mike, No. I couldn't be proud of who I was but all of a sudden, I accessed grace. God said I'm proud of who you're gonna become!

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Maybe you need to start getting a new view. Perhaps you need to begin to listen. Start talking about other people differently, and God will give you access to a language to talk about yourself differently. When I started to look at my biological father, I knew exactly why he slipped into drugs. He watched his dad die prematurely and fear consumed him. He was making fear-based decisions, and I began to pour out grace to my dad. I began to say, you know what? I've made some mistakes of my own, and I understand his mistakes a little. As I start to pour grace, the Lord said, see! As you pour grace, grace is being poured unto you. When you begin to speak differently, your vocabulary automatically changes. They hurt me, but they were ignorant. They were living out the measure of revelation they had. But now I have a deeper revelation. I understand that you can't keep the righteous down. You may watch me fall several times, but I am not going to stay there. You can hold my head underwater, but long after you give up trying to keep me down, I'm popping up above the surface because there is a buoyancy that I have through Christ. I'm here to tell you that if you will receive him today, and abide you will be blessed. You can have this same buoyancy too if you accept Him today. Stop the visitation rights at church. A church isn't a divorce. Heaven came! Your relationship with Christ was restored so you can live in your Father's house. He paid the ultimate price. The judge and the jury all had to say the same thing. They had to say, he's a free man now! Let him go! I pray you want to be free as well. It's vital that we make a commitment and acknowledge something that's happening on the inside. Heavenly Father, I thank you for your son Jesus, who died for me so that I can be free and I receive that freedom. I choose today to abide in you. New Year, new view! Receive my life. I give you everything today, trusting that the best is yet to come. Amen.

The Grand Finale

If you are familiar with grand finales in any series that you watch on Netflix and you’re binge watcher, the grand finale is the plot

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twist. The grand finale is when you're on the edge of your seat, and you wonder why they don’t come out with one more series? Believe it or not, no matter how many pastors, ministries, and churches have screwed it up, no matter how bad of a job they've done with this thing called church, the church is still God's idea. Here's the thing. I'm a father, and I'm a husband. There are a lot of bad dads. Abusive, low-life, and even deadbeat dads. However, just because there are irresponsible dads in the world doesn't mean anything about their office and position, the title of dad, because there are some excellent dads out there too! The same is true with church. There is still such thing as a good church so don’t let stuff like that keep you from having a church home.

Three Ways to Know you are a New Me

There are three ways you can become and know that you indeed are a new me. However, there are people in your life that will try to stand in the way of your change while others will not believe it when you do change. We can learn so much from the book of wisdom in Proverbs 19:21. Before we dive into that verse, I would like to share another story with you. This will tie into that Bible verse later, and you will see my point. Anyway, I love to travel. I'm one of those people who loves flying in an airplane. I actually think it's exhilarating. I was recently on a flight out to Grand Rapids, and I did something stupid. I was trying to be frugal and save money. It was $26 cheaper to have a layover flight, where you actually have two flights. So here was my plan. The flight was from La Guardia in New York City to Chicago and then Chicago to Grand Rapids. The Chicago to Grand Rapids flight was only 15 minutes. Then there was a real, there was an ulterior motive for mapping my flights out like this. Aside from saving a little bit of money, it was because God has given me a heavenly revelation to go to Chicago and get an Italian Beef sandwich. I could get out off the plane, run and then tag on one of those sandwiches, and that would be worth it! I could save $26 bucks! Well, 10 dollars after getting the sandwich!

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On the way out there it was totally fine but coming back was different. However, when it was time to go home, Michigan did that thing that it does, where it goes from nice, sunny, weather to apocalyptic. As it began to change, I was thinking to myself, I know what's gonna happen. There will be ice on the runway and on the plane. I'm gonna miss my flight! Suddenly, I'm hitting all these delays, and there's this thing a lot of pilots do. The put the plane in warp mode but only if they have to. They could be behind schedule, gun it, and catch up! And that's what happened. We landed in Chicago, and they said Congratulations! We have arrived on time! However, that was followed up by an announcement a couple minutes later stating that we had to wait on the runway because of all the other flights that were coming in. Ten minutes turned to an hour! I began to text my wife, I love you. I might not make it out on the next flight, but I'll be home. It was looking like there would be no Italian Beef sandwich. We finally get off the plane, and we have already passed boarding. I grab my stuff and run with everything I have. Everyone in every direction is just praying that they're gonna make their flight. We get up to the escalator, and it's jammed full of people and stops. My first thought was, Wow! This just turned into a staircase. However, everyone else's thought was that it didn’t work anymore. I began to run down the escalator to go find the elevators. Other people were running past me toward the elevator as well. I decided to take the stairs and get all the way to the gate to discover that the plane already took off. I missed my flight! I had to stay in Chicago overnight! Now let’s see what Proverbs 19:21 tells us. Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. This is point #1. New ME’s understand that broken escalators turn into stairs. What does that mean? What does an escalator do? Well, it does all the work for you. You stand on it, and it takes you up to your destination with little or no effort. You just stay in a stationary position. Have you ever been on the escalator of marriage? Where just standing next to your spouse, your relationship begins to go

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up. Do you remember the early phases of your relationship where just being next to them was so nice? That is an escalator. You are not good at relationships but are just standing while the escalator does its job. However, you've gotten to a place in your marriage where the escalator is broken, and you don't realize it's still a stair. You gotta climb! It's gonna take some work, where it didn't take you work before. You've got many plans, but the Lord, His purpose, and what He wants, ultimately prevails. You've got to stand on the escalator and make a choice. Do I run down to the elevator or do I walk up this staircase? You are thinking, well, I know the problem. The problem is I shouldn't be married, and you run down the stairs. You head for the elevator, and there is that guy that you were talking to at the club that you should've never talked to in the first place. You’re running for the alternate choice because God's first choice didn't pan out the way you thought it should. It is sad, but we do this all the time!

Proverbs 16:3 says, Commit to the Lord whatever you do. and he will establish your plans. If your plans never seem to work out according to the Bible, you've never committed them to the Lord. Here's the good news! If you're tired of stuff never panning out, all you have to do is begin to commit it to the Lord, and you will start to see it happen because the escalator is still a staircase! It may take some climbing, but you will get there. Proverbs 16:9 says, in their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps. So the way that you know that you are a new me is the fact that you understand that broken escalators are still stairs. It may not as easy as it used to be but determine in your mind that you will climb the staircase. It may not be as easy as it used to lead, but you are going to climb. Sometimes with a business, you write your name on the dotted line, and it starts growing! Suddenly it stops, and you wonder what happened? That is because it is time for you to do the work. This is point #2. New ME’s do not have a plan B. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, did a comprehensive study about this. They did a study about what happens when humans have a plan B and

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when they don't. Do you know that they found? They discovered that your effort is significantly diminished when you have a plan B and somebody got paid to figure that out. Honestly, we can get dressed up, put our makeup on, do our hair or we could sit and watch Netflix. Plan B is always gonna happen. That's why we go to church to meet people because our Plan B is “don't do that stuff.” Whenever you have a Plan B, it will significantly degrade the quality of the effort for your Plan A. The reality is that you don't have a true Plan A. You have a Plan B because Plan A is a reckless abandon. People ask me all the time, do you have a growing church? I will tell them yes because we don’t have a Plan B. There is no we'll try! Then, if that doesn't work, we'll resurrect it as another church name it something else. We are saying, with blood, sweat, tears, time, and whatever it takes, God have your way! We’ve committed this thing to the Lord, and He's establishing it, but we committed first.

Beware of Plan B’s in Relationships

What does it look when you have a Plan B in a relationship? For starters, you might have these feelings. I feel God telling me to go after this desire that just happens to feel good and not require any commitment. I feel God telling me to do the easiest thing in this situation. I feel the Lord telling me to do the thing that will cost me absolutely nothing, and I wish that God would just tell me to leave this woman because it's so much easier to be single and do whatever I want. That is the strength of the prophetic voice in most of our lives called our human desire. However, when you begin to speak and communicate with the voice of God in your life, Psalm 37:5 will come to pass. Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him, and He will do this.

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When you start doing that you’ll walk up that escalator that turned into a staircase and He'll give you a supernatural supply of strength. I mean, the real true message of the Gospel, isn't that you do it by yourself. You start getting in that motion with God, and your will starts to align with His will. Then He starts supplying you with supernatural strength, wisdom. He'll bring somebody across your path to load you on their back and carry you up the staircase the rest of the way if He has to. That's the message of the Gospel. Let me ask you this. How many Blockbuster “smash hit movies” are based on somebody fulfilling their Plan B? There are a ton of them! But when is the last time a breakthrough smash hit happened from somebody's Plan B, when they gave up on the Plan A? Beware of Plan B in your life! This is point #3. New ME’s don't live by other's praise, and therefore they don't die by their criticism. If you live by their praise, you will die by their criticism. People will give you a why for everything because their default mode is to question everything. Why do you want to do that? That's the reason, in our society, that we've elevated producers above consumers. The people that make things in this world and the people that do things in this world have a social clout higher than the people that consume. Fundamentally we understand that the default mode, the thing you don't have to work at, is the thing you don’t have to give an explanation for. Society often asks why but God models that answer with a because. Because I've called you by name! Because before you were even in your mother's womb, I knew you! Because I died on a cross, my cross is sufficient for you and not even the gates of hell will be able to prevail against the church. Because, because you are anointed. Because you are set apart. Therefore, you will do great things with your life. Maybe you've allowed somebody else's criticism to stop you from being the new me. You want to be counted among the new so bad. You're watching people's businesses grow, and you're watching people in new families establishing legacies. As that's all transpiring, you're saying why God? Why me, Why now, and Why here? But can I just tell you something? I do not believe in accidents. I believe it is for a reason that you are reading this. I believe that you had to hear this message and to hear God’s Holy

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answer to your why! God called you! You didn't choose your family. You didn't choose “some of you” or the region that you're born in. There is a design that God is pointing to in the midst of it. If you would just open up your eyes and say, God, continue to reveal to me. He will take you down and show you what you need to know. He will establish your steps. All of a sudden there will be this recursive nature in your life where God begins to show you the, wait a second. It was not as random as you thought it was. There is more! I feel complacency and numbness growing in our nation and generation. There's such a lack of feeling. A lot of people are not able to feel because they have turned to drugs, alcohol or maybe even music. We may even go to relationships to numb our pain. And because the whole world is asking why, God is responding, because I love you. Because I love you. God's trying to say, New Year? New Me. Behold! All things have become new. God, right now, in the final pages of this book, He wants to deal with your heart and heal you. He wants to give you a new relationship that can breed a new wound? You do not have to figure that out. You are not God. You cannot see the end of every trail. Don’t eliminate God from His position. If you'll put Him back on His throne and say, God, there's an expectancy, and there's is hope, you will be so surprised at this New You He will transform you into! You will never want to go back to the person you used to be! You might be thinking, I have experienced and encountered all those dead end roads. I never committed my plans to you, God but I'm going to try something different because if I keep doing what I’m doing, I’ll keep getting what I got. Yes! I'll try this. When you begin to say yes, that commitment does something. It's time to burn the plow. It's time to literally cut the strings off and say, no more Plan B. No more alternative plan or an escape hatch. It is time to bend down and close it. It is time to take the parachute off and get back in the driver's seat and say, I'm about to fly! Jesus take the wheel! Now, I'm going to turn the page and believe that you have started to commit your ways to the Lord. Heavenly Father,

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I give You My plans. I commit them to You. This year I am going to include You in my walk because broken escalators are still stairs. I’m ready to climb with You and take it up with You all the way. I give You my life. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Thank you so much for reading this e-book. Please know that your experience doesn't have to end here. You can also visit us online at www.V1.Church We would love to hear your story about how God might have used this e-book to bless your life. Also, if you would like to help V1 Church reach New York and beyond, please download the V1 church app for iPhone and Android and click give. May God richly bless you this year!
