Final Aircraft Accident Report Presentation

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  • 7/27/2019 Final Aircraft Accident Report Presentation


    Final Aircraft Accident Report

    Regarding The Airbus 310-324

    Accident on 10/06/2008Registration ST-ATN

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    Presented by

    The Investigation Board which was formed by

    The Minister,

    and being nominated by the Deputy

    DGCA at the time of the accident

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    The Board Comprises :

    Eng. Sirelkhatim Kambal Head of BoardMr. Kamil Ahmed Member

    Mr. Abdelkariem A/Lateef Member

    Mr. Mohmed Elhassan MemberCap. Osman Alsaied Member

    Cap. Abdelfatah Satti Member

    Eng. Abdelgadir Sirelkhatim MemberMr. Abdelmuniem Tyfor Member

    mr. Abdelsamie Adam Member

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    BEA (Accident Investigation Bureau) of France


    Mr. Francois Hochart Accredited representative

    Assisted by

    Mr. Vincent Ecalle

    Airbus Industry investigators teamMr. Albert Urdiroz Flt. Safety director

    Mr. Xavier Barriola Flt. Safety

    Mr. Jean Philippe Propulsion systemMr. Jean Paul Structure

    Mr. Christophe Duphil Systems

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    International Statistic about the Airbus 310 SerialNumber 548 (current ST-ATN)

    The First Flight was On 23/08/1990

    Delivered to Singapore On 22/10/1990

    Registered as 9V-STU

    Leased to Air India by Owner (Osprey AircraftLeasing Limited of Cayman Islands)Registered as VT-EVF and

    issued Indian Airworthiness Certification On

    7/2/2001Delivered to Sudan On 14/09/2007

    Registered as ST- ATN

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    The accident was


    loss of Airbus 310 at that date

    7th worst accident involving A310 at that time

    6th worst accident in Sudan

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    From general history

    The A310 serial number 548 accomplished the

    C1 + C2 in the period

    06 March 2007 26 August 2007 at

    Jordan Aircraft Maintenance Limited

    Which covered

    Routine, zonal, structural task, ADs, SBsprovided by Air India i.a.w the Approved Main.


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    During the check 41 Discrepancies were found andbeing repaired. This includes

    Fuel leakage at

    (L/H wing)

    Aft pylon fitting, lower surface, wing inner tank wing

    jacking fitting through access panel 575DB, etc(R/H wing)

    Lower surface, aft pylon fitting, drain hole at slat 2screw jack alignment, at lower I/B area I/B of pylon

    In addition to corrosion areas and spots andreinforcement panels cracks

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    Objective of the Investigation

    In accordance to Annex 13 Para

    The sole objective of the investigation is

    to draw lessons from the occurrences that mayhelp to prevent future accidents and incidents


    NOT. NOTTo apportion blame or to assess individual or

    collective responsibility

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    Number of witnesses being interviewed by theInvestigation Board were as follows :-

    Sudan Airways personnelThe Flying Captain

    The First Officer

    7 Cabin Crew membersThe Flying Security Officer


    3 Police officers different ranks9 Citizens ( passengers)

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    Brief description of the accident flight

    On 10th of June 2008 A310 serial number 548

    Arrived Khartoum Airport from Cairo With a

    deactivated No. 1 engine Thrust reverser.

    As it was previously scheduled for a flight to


    The designated Captain for that flight accepted

    to fly the aircraft as being labelled according the

    MEL requirement.

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    Flight to Amman via Damascus was uneventful.

    On the return flight there were 203 passengersand eleven crew members on board.

    On Approaching Khartoum that day in theafternoon and due to bad weather conditions

    The Captain of the flight decided to divert to PortSudan and landed safely.

    20 tons of fuel topped up at Port Sudan

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    The captain said he was on contact with Khartoum

    enquiring about the weather.

    After staying at Port Sudan for 1:15 hrs he was

    informed that the weather is getting better.

    He decided to return to KhartoumHe initiated a night approach for R/W 36 after being

    cleared to land

    The Tower provided the flight with Windinformation as

    { 320/7 Kt} and R/W condition {Wet}

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    At that moment the actual METAR was

    10/1830 150/10 Kt 9/9 few CB 050 to E SCT 056SCT 056 Q 1010

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    The Accident

    Most important remarks obtained fromwitnesses interview were as follows :-

    The Flying pilot stated

    The weather was somehow bad and

    the hold took a long time before being clearedto land and

    he was always asking the First officer to monitor

    himThe touchdown was very smooth and it waswithin the required distance

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    He did not select autobrake for passenger comfort onlanding

    Autobrake was not a must as it is a recommendation atthat time

    After selected both engines reverse the aircraft slippedrightward

    Due to that he deselect the reverse and managed toreturn the aircraft to R/W centreline by using differentialbrakes

    Using brakes the deceleration was abnormal

    Called the F/O to assist on brakes

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    Approaching the end of the R/W he selected

    reverse and aircraft did not decelerate

    The aircraft overrun the R/W and burst on fire

    Right hand slides could not be deployed

    Passengers and crew vacated from the left front


    Two of the occupant stated that they saw fire on

    the right wing during aircraft rolling on R/W

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    FDR Information

    The flying pilot was the captain

    The aircraft was fully and properly configured forlanding

    The AP was disconnected at 800 ft with Athrengaged till landing

    Both thrust levers set to idle for touchdown

    Touchdown at 132 kt IAS, 155Kt ground speedTouchdown was smooth at about 800 meters afterR/W threshold

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    FDR event (UTC time )16 h 12 Takeoff

    16 h 30 Level off at FL310

    16 h 47 Top of descent

    17 h 02 min 15 s Level off at 7000 ft

    17 h 06 min 52 s Level off at 5000 ft

    17 h 09 min 43 s Spoiler 5 FAULT/OFFparameter turns to


    17 h 13 min 48 s Master warning Capt (2 s)

    VFE exceedance due to slatsDeployment

    CAS 250 kt, VFE 245 kt

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    17 h 14 min 58 s Level off at 4000 ft CAS 202 kt

    17 h 17 min 18 s Level off at 3000 ft CAS 206 kt

    17 h 22 min 57 s Top of final descent Zp 2800 ft

    CAS 153 kt, GS 152 kt

    A/THR engaged in SPEED mode

    A/P 1 engaged in CMD

    FLAPS 41, SLATS 25

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    17 h 23 min 45 s Spoiler 5 FAULT/OFF parameter

    turns to NO FAULT

    17 h 23 min 52 s A/P disengaged CAS 142 kt,

    GS 148 kt

    17 h 25 min 06 s Thrust levers pulled to idleposition

    Both EPR decrease to around 1

    CAS 139 kt, GS 159 kt

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    17 h 25 min 10 s Touchdown (LH then RH main

    landing gears compressed)

    A/THR disengagedAll spoilers deploy except LH and

    RH number 5 spoilers

    CAS 132 kt, GS 154 kt

    17 h 25 min 12 s Thrust levers pulled to full reverseposition

    Engine 2 thrust reversers deploy

    and EPR of engine 2 start toincrease

    CAS 132 kt, GS 150 kt

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    17 h 25 min 13 s Spoiler 5 FAULT/OFF parameter

    turns to FAULT

    CAS 131 kt, GS 148 kt17 h 25 min 15 s Nose gear compressed

    CAS 126 kt, GS 142 kt

    17 h 25 min 20 s Max EPR of engine 2

    reached at 1.2

    Thrust levers pushed to idle


    EPR of engine 2 start todecrease

    CAS 103 kt, GS 128 kt

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    17 h 25 min 28 s GPWS Terrain warning (2 s)

    CAS 95 kt, GS 111 kt

    17 h 25 min 30 s GPWS Whoop whoop pull

    up warning (22 s)

    CAS 90 kt, GS 106 kt17 h 25 min 38 s Thrust levers pulled to full

    reverse position

    CAS 79 kt, GS 93 kt

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    17 h 25 min 46 s Runway excursion

    CAS 54 kt, GS 76 kt17 h 25 min 54 s Spoilers retract CAS NCD


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    CVR ReadoutThe readout was done at the BEA laboratory

    The recording contains the following tracks:

    3 tracks corresponding to the last 30 minutes of

    recording containing VHF and crew communications(Captain, First Officer, CAM)

    1 track corresponding to the 2 hours of recording

    containing the Public Address signal

    1 track corresponding to the 2 hours of recordingcontaining the signal of the first three channels mixed


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    Note: this track allocation is not standard sincethe signal from the cockpit area microphoneshould always be recorded separately andduring two hours on this type of CVR.

    This unusual track allocation could be relatedto the wiring of the CVR.

    Samplitude audio editing software was used toperform the read out of the audio files.

    It was confirmed that the event was recorded.The overall quality of the recording isacceptable

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    Reading indicated that

    * The captain got clearance to perform approach

    R/W 36

    * Aircraft configured for landing, checks completed

    * Captain got clearance for landing

    * Controller informed the flight wind 320/07kt and

    R/W condition (rain, wet)

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    * Co-pilot suggested the use of Auto-brake and

    captain decided not to use it* Co-pilot announced centre line

    * Co-pilot announced centre line left

    * A single chime was recorded about 20 secondsafter touchdown

    * GPWS warnings were triggered several times

    prior to overrun TerrainPull up

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    As the readout of FDR could not provide accurate

    information about the low deceleration, the Board,

    Airbus and BEA suggested to again to review

    aircraft Maintenance documentation

    To examine wreckage parts by appropriate

    laboratories in France under supervision of the

    board through BEA

    Such parts are as

    Parking brakes, the tyres, the brakes, remaining

    computers, the anti-skid switch

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    Unfortunately no remaining computers

    were found

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    Review of log books show

    1- No braking issue was highlighted2- No report about the GPWS was highlighted

    3- Engine No. 1 thrust reverser was found stuck

    in open position after landing on 22/04/2008and was deactivated up to 10/05/2008 when

    the RH master actuator was replaced

    4- No tyre inflation information is recorded as theaircraft was not equipped with TPIS

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    The aircraft was fitted an EGPWS P/N 965-0976-


    The aural warning Terrain, Pull up were trigged

    19 seconds after touchdown

    Such warnings are Mode 2 which based on radio

    altitude and closure rate associated

    Below 30 ft no warnings should be triggered

    The A310 MSN 548 was not covered by Airbus

    Service BulletinA310-34-2163

    That is its installation was not defined by Airbus

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    Unfortunately no computers were found

    The brake units were tested locally at Sudan

    Airways facility attended by representatives

    from :-

    Sudan Investigation Board

    The BEA

    Sudan Airways


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    The aim of the test was to determine the status

    of both normal and alternate braking systems

    Visual inspection revelled that

    * All brakes were in good shape within wear limit

    * No hydraulic leak was evidenced

    * There several impacts due to accident

    * Pistons were covered with dirt from accident site

    * Some pistons covered with melted aluminium

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    On hydraulic Test

    * All pistons were active under low pressurewith no leak

    * At low pressure ( 200 psi)

    pistons were observed moving,discs were not free to rotate,

    pistons applied pressure on thrust plate

    * At high pressure (2000 psi) no leak was seen* According to the test no failure was evident dueto brakes

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    According to FDR analysis

    The left main gear braking system was working

    about 10 seconds after touchdown when the

    captain succeeded to bring the aircraft back on the

    centre line by differential brakes as he stated.No failure of brakes was recorded on the FDR


    According to the rubber marks at the end of theR/W due to wheel lock , braking system failure

    appears to be unlikely

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    Tyres Examination

    The tyres were shipped to France and being examined in

    a French Laboratory the

    Centre dEssais Aeronautique de Toulouse


    Conclusion of examination 8 tyres show flat spot on the tread

    The flat spot damage were due to locking of the wheels

    7 tyres were burst except tyre No. 1 (LH/MLG)

    No evidence of hydroplaning Wheels rim had no wear marks indicating the rim did

    not touch R/W surface, no scraping

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    The BRK A/SKID lever was found hanging from

    the 401VU panel, in the position indicated in the


    This position was consistent with the switch

    being set to ALTN/OFF

    Alternate braking/Antiskid off

    The 3 push buttons of AUTO BRK selection were

    severely damaged by fire.

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