
1 Truly Natural Gum


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Transcript of Final

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T r u l y N a t u r a l G u m

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T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s

4 Intro

6 Name

8 Digital Development

10 Final Logo

12 Typography

15 Color Palette

16 Business System

18 Marketing

20 Creative Brief

22 Competitor

24 Case Studies

30 Packaging Drafts

31 Inspiration

32 Save the Bees

34 Package Reuse

36 Final Packaging

38 Design Analysis

41 Summary

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I n t r o

Chew Nature is a natural chewing gum brand aimed at providing the public with an affordable, greener chewing experience. While big brands like Wrigleys and Trident are slowly realizing the trend towards sustainability, there is a need to change the iconic gum companies. Chew Nature provides a fresh start to this niche industry while promoting sustainability through use of biodegradable and compostable materials leaving the user with an enjoyable, seemless experience.

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T h e N a m e

The name Chew Nature was drawn to Fresh because of it’s simplicity and many graphic options. Chew Nature, is an appropriate fit due to its double entendre, ‘True Nature,’ indicating that the gum is natural. The premise for the product and packaging is based on natural and sustainable principles, giving the name all the more credibility.

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D i g i t a l D e v e l o p m e n tI went with the logo ideas that had the smoothest lines. The circular shapes of the words Chew and Nature resemble an infinity sign, tying to the brand’s goals of achieving a closed-loop system. The logo is also set out to look playful and young to give it a fresh presence amidst all the old, established chewing gum companies. I made many similiar looking drafts in search for the right balance between the letters while keeping the shape of the two ovals. I wanted to incorporate a color to establish the company’s true colors. This establishes Chew Nature’s general color scheme in its design graphic elements.

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D i g i t a l D e v e l o p m e n t

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F i n a l L o g o

I made many versions of the same idea but subtly changed the spacing and lettering sizes each time to find the perfect fit. I had trouble getting the ‘C’ to stand out next to the ‘Hew,’ but finally found a good balance.

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I wanted to have a second logo to use for more specific marketing ventures. This logo would be used for t-shirts, hats, occasional commercials, and specialty items.

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T y p o g r a p h y

6 in

9 in

2 in

1.5 in

3 in

The logo and type will be provided, so the main thing to watch out for is the change in line thickness when changing sizes. ‘Nature’ has a thinner line thickness than the rest of the letters and lines.

Here are three different logo sizes. The line thickness changes proportionally each time. As the logo gets more and more enlarged, the difference between the two line thicknesses increases.

10 pt thickness

8 pt thickness

6 pt thickness 4 pt thickness

6 pt thickness

5 pt thickness

4 in

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The top curve of the ‘h’ aligns with the top of the ‘e’ and the top left of the ‘w.’ the top right of the ‘w,’ which is longer than its left aligns with the ‘h’’s serif.

As a rule of thumb, when at 6 x 2 inches, the areas in red should be .15 inches apart. When en-larging and shrinking the logo, the proportions will change on its own accordingly.

The ‘Nature’ simply follows the curve of the infinity sign. The ‘e’’s bottom curve is attached to the curve.

= .15 in

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The letterforms used for this specialized logo are more exagerated and more playful. Each letter is curved or tilted in a way to create the infinity sign shape. ‘Nature’ is made up of bright colors to add to the playfullness of the logo as well as insinuate the diversity that nature offers.

= .15 in

6 in

2 inT y p o g r a p h y( 2 n d l o g o )

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#c7d92bC:79 M:17 Y:100 K:3R:57 G:151 B:70 C:79

#c9da2cC:26 M:0 Y:99 K:0R:200 G:218 B:47

C o l o r P a l e t t e

I wanted my color palette to reflect what the chewing gum is made of, from the sap of trees. I went for more earthy tones, but I also went with black and white for a clean and simple finish.

#231f20C:26 M:0 Y:99 K:0R:35 G:31 B:32

#ffffffC:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0R255 G255 B:255

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B u s i n e s s S y s t e m

3 in

8.5 in

Dear Valued Customer ,

Lorem Ipsum is simply dum my text of the printing andtypese tting indust ry. Lorem Ipsum has been the indust ry 'sstandard dum my text ever since the 1500s, when an unkn own printer took a galle y of t ype and scrambled it to mak e a t ypespecimen book. It has su rv ived not only fi ve centuries,

but also the leap into electronic t ypeset ting , remaining essentially unc hanged. It w as popularised in the 1 960s with therelease of L etraset sheets con taining Lorem Ipsum passages,and more recently with desktop publishing so ftware li ke AldusPageMak er including versions of L orem Ipsum .

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The pointof using L orem I psum i s that i t has a m ore-or-less normal distribution of l etters, as opposed t o using ' Content here,content here', making i t look l ike readable English. M any desktop publishing p ackages and w eb page editors n ow useLorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a sear ch for 'lorem ipsum' will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Variousversions h ave evolved over t he y ears, sometimes b y accident, sometimes o n purpose ( injected humour and t he l ike).

but also the leap into electronic t ypeset ting , remaining essentially unc hanged. It w as popularised in the 1 960s with therelease of L etraset sheets con taining Lorem Ipsum passages,and more recently with desktop publishing so ftware li ke AldusPageMak er including versions of L orem Ipsum .

Best R egards ,

Kenji Blouin-It o

[email protected]

315 J StDavis, CA 95616

(858) 900000

.5 in

2.5 in

.75 in

11 in

2 in

L e t t e r h e a d

ChewNature’s business system provides for clear communication while staying true to its brand’s identity. The letterorm uses a light green color scheme with a slight opaqueness to create a welcoming tone.The envelope uses a small seal to showcase the company logo. The same color is used for the inside for consistency.The business card uses a classic horizontal format clearly showcasing ChewNature’s logo and website.

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E n v e l o p e

B u s i n e s s C a r d

3.5 in

2 in

Chew Nature315 J St

Davis, CA 95616

Kenji Blouin-Ito(858) 900000

[email protected]

Chew Nature 315 J St

Davis, CA 95616

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M a r k e t i n g

Home About Us The Process Sustainability

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin

A Truly Natural Gum!

Home About The Process Sustainability

A Truly Natural Gum!

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Syd-

ChewNature’s website will discuss its origins and give facts about gum that people don’t usually even consider. The site will also explain how ChewNature manufactures its product and packaging. The option to reuse the bamboo packaging to build bee houses can also prompt a public feed where people can post their different approaches. Sustainability is highly present in all aspects of the brand’s product so a section going into more depth about statistics and research on environmental issues such as bee population, bamboo as a renewable energy and material source, and climate change.

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ChewNature’s signature clothing item will be a vintage green. long sleeve shirt with the specialized logo. The website is included on the lower back of the t-shirt to make it less promotial and more like a regular t-shirt that people would casually wear. The ad has an inviting feeling to it and includes three short descriptions in search to spark curiosity.

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C r e a t i v e B r i e f


Easy to use and convenient sustainable gum packaging. Holds more gum than other packages while remaining small enough to put in pocket without discomfort. Packaging and branding will try to speak to a younger crowd to make more attainable and help give sustainability a fun/innovative yet responsible image. Also makes spitting chewed gum less environmentally harmful since this gum is natural and biodegradable. Makes people think twice about their actions while also enabling them to go about their normal behavior.

Our goal is to create a packaging that is different from any other gum packaging. The package will use sustainable principles and give back to the environment. By creating a natural chewing gum that promotes sustainability, the end goal will be to transform ChewNature into an iconic chewing gum company, like Wrigley’s for example. Instead of focusing on mass consumerism, however, ChewNature is more interested in being green and helping create a new market for sustainable products and packaging.

The project will end with a sustainably effective packaging that has background information to prove it. A prototype will be made, which will closely resemble the imagined end product. The packaging will use bamboo as its main component thus making the packaging biodegrable. The bamboo can also be reused as a great nest for bees to lay their eggs After accumulating 6 ChewNature gum packs, the user will be advised to tie the bamboo packages in a bundle and place it in their garden.

The packaging will have a brief description of this on the back with a picture to show how it would look like. Logos and marketing ventures will be thought of with with hip t-shirts to appeal to a younger crowd. Additionally, a business system will be provided. The packaging will measure 5 inches long and .6 inches wide with a .45 inch opening. It will contain 8 pieces of circular gum pieces.

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The market is led by gum companies that use aspartame and artificial flavors. Some gum like Simply Gum and Glee Gum are taking the step towards natural gum, but they seem to be more online based, as I haven’t seen them in stores. People are used to the taste and consistency of regular gum and may be reluctant to switching over to something more natural. ChewNature is set out to be like Simply Gum and Glee Gum, but comes in a packaging that is more function based (while remaining sustainable) and more iconic (logo/branding).

The gum will be made of mostly honeycomb for it’s chewy consistency and local availability (as opposed to the chicle tree found in South Amrerica). Flavor will come from natural extracts of peppermint, pineapple mint, and spearmint. The honey will provide for healthy nutrients and vitamins. The piece of gum will consist of honeycomb and flavor extract for the fresh taste people usually want from chewing gum. The honeycomb will then be rolled into a ball and frozen until hardened enough for storage.

Ultimately the message will be to convince people to respect nature’s cycles and help each other fix our environment. True nature is masked as ’Chew Nature’ , which insinuates something natural, thus one short, clear message would be, “ChewNature, a truly natural gum.”

ChewNature’s primary audience will be between 20-30, a young working class more specifically located in larger cities in America and who make around 40-60k a year. ChewNature’s mission and sustainable, bee-friendly packaging fall in line with the new urban farming trend, which is happening around the U.S.. Eventually ChewNature would expand to Asia where bamboo is native. One ChewNature package would ideally cost no more than $3 to begin with.

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C o m p e t i t o r s

Glee Gum and Simply Gum are the main competitors to ChewNature because they use mainly natural ingredients and market this as their main selling point. ChewNature will offer a completely natural gum made from honeycombs and have a unique packaging veered to make users more environmentally conscious. The packaging also offers an interactive aspect where the user is able to reuse it as a bee nest to put in his/her garden. The concepts behind ChewNature tie together in a way that creates more of a story than these brands, which will assumably be a desirable feature from the customer’s point of view.

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Other companies like Eclipse (owned by Wrigleys) are also competitors. Eclipse, along with most other chewing gums, contain artificial chemicals such as Apartame, Acesulfame K, Titanium dioxide, chemicals that are proven to be harmful and even cancerous to the human body. What ChewNature offers that gums like Eclipse do not is an organic chewing gum that not only provides for a pleasant, fresh chewing experience, but also a healthy one that provides essential nutrients and vitamins. When chewing gums that have no nutrients, stomach enzymes are activated and wasted on basically nothing, which may cause digestive problems to certain people. Statiscal reasearch shows that the world consumes 100,000 tons of gum a year, most of it ending up in landfills and will never be able to biodegrade. ChewNature gum is 100% biodegrable and can even be made into candles or shoe wax, or composted.

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P a c k a g i n g I d e a s

My initial thought for the package was that it should be small and convenient to put in someone’s pocket. I also considered a sliding mechanism for the opening.I started envisioning a circular tube shape for the encasing. I eventually began playing with the idea of using bamboo as a simple and sustainbable solution.

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I n s p i r a t i o n :B a m b o o P a c k a g i n g

Bamboo is an ideal packaging material due to its strength, shape, and sustainable qualities. It is highly fibrous and contains high levels of silica making it immune to termites. Bamboo’s dense fiber allow it to bend without snapping. Another convenient factor is that bamboo is hollow. The large empty space on the inside allows for safe and strong methods of transporting materials such as gum.

Bamboo is categorized as the fastest growing plant on the planet; some species grow over 4 feet in a day (it holds the Guinness World Record for the world’s fastest growing plant). It can also be continuously harvested every 3 years without causing damage to its plant system and surrounding environment. Bamboo’s thick root system also helps prevent erosion and keeps nutrients from getting dumped in lakes and rivers. Growing bamboo is relatively easy and quick, and absorbs CO2 from the air and soil in the process.


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S a v i n g t h e B e e s

80% of flowering plants depend on insect pollination to reproduce. Bees are the most effective pollinators and are accountable for a third of all our food, giving them an economic value of about 265 billion Euros annually. Bees are in great decline due to climate change and large-scale pesticide use. Though these two incidents are problems to humans, they pose a greater threat to the bee population. Since 2006, the commercial bee population has declined by 40% in the US alone. Industrial agricultural systems use large amounts of pesticides and practice large-scale monoculture thus decreasing biodiversity and killing off bees. Climate change is accounting for more extreme changes in temperature, and as a result is disrupting bee behavior and preventing successful reproduction.

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S a v i n g t h e B e e s

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R e u s i n g B a m b o o P a c k a g i n g : B e e N e s t

Bees are essential to the stability of the Earth’s ecosystem. They have been in clear decline throughout these past decades and are gaining more attention as research and occurings have shown the obvious decrease in bee population.

ChewNature’s bamboo packaging will serve as perfect little nesting grounds for bees to lay their eggs in, thus promoting bees and spreading awareness about the issue. Each ChewNature packaging will be made of hollow 5 inch bamboo sticks. Once users accumulate about 6 sticks, they will be able to tie them in a bundle or place in a jar.The ‘bee house’ should be positioned in full sun, facing south east or south (bees need sun to warm up in the mornings), at least a metre off the ground, and mustn’t be behind anything blocking its small entrances.

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Users can get creative with how they reuse the ChewNature bamboo sticks for bee nests. This creates yet another aspect to the packaging that can be considered for more marketing ventures as well as potential collaborations with artists.

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F i n a l P a c k a g i n g

The whole core of the packaging is a piece of bamboo that is 5 inches long by .65 inches wide. A cork is used as the lid of the case, providing for a good sealage for transportation and storage. A piece of hemp wick is inserted in the cork to provide for grip if the cork gets stuck inside. The hemp string is stuck to the bamboo stick with a small green sticker as a indicator that the package hasn’t been opened. The ink used for the label is water based and the paper is recycled. A small piece of recycled cardboard is used at the base and glued with waterborne adhesives.

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ChewNature is a branding and packaging design project aimed to reform the chewing gum industry through a green lens. Its design principles combine sustainability, play, and simplicity in a unique way that hasn’t yet been seen in the gum industry. I was the designer for this project and focused on bringing forward the market for environmental products and packaging.

The problem is that the majority of mass-produced gum packaging uses a lot of plastic and aluminum for such a small product. Most gum companies seen in the market do not address sustainable or organic alternatives in their products and packaging (Wrigley’s is leading gum brand). ChewNature offers a healthier and greener switch to a routine that most people take for granted. The gum ChewNature produces is all natural made of honeycomb and different mint extracts and is hardened through a freezing process. Honeycomb is extremely chewy making it a perfect organic substitute to synthetic chemicals. Its package is completely biodegradable and can be made into a bee nest. Statistics prove that most gum on the market is harmful to the environment and human health, problems ChewNature is led to solve.

ChewNature will benefit from new trends towards sustainability and concerns in the environment and health. ChewNature promotes green ideals in an attainable way while incorporating interactive elements in the process. This not only presents a change to the gum industry, but also to the routine of chewing gum. Through the experience that ChewNature offers its customers and environmental trends, people will eventually put their chewing habits into perspective. Permaculture and sustainability are relatively new topics that are bound to become incorporated into popular society. ChewNature believes in this progressive way of thinking and is starting with the gum industry. By producing its own bamboo for packaging and using honeycomb as a main ingredient, ChewNature will have options in creating more than just chewing gum, but also energy, paper, and honey.

D e s i g n A n a l y s i s


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In order to gain the public’s attention, design principles will be used in a way that is engaging and up-to-date. The use of a second logo for special promotional items such as the long sleeve tee offers diversity within the company and room for miscellaneous ventures in areas such as art, sports, and fashion. The tee is aimed specifically to a more youthful audience ranging from 14-35. ChewNature’s website is geared to further explain the package’s function after use. This is explained on the label of the package, but the website solidifies this concept by explaining the importance of bees and how they are in rapid decline. It also offers a place for users to share their ideas and give insight on reuse of the package. Given that we live in the age of the Internet, the website will be kept clean, updated, and interactive to keep the user captivated and informed.

The ad is meant to be read as inviting and optimistic, and attract attention using key descriptive words such as ‘biodegradable,’ ‘organic,’ ‘bee friendly,’ ‘fresh taste.’ This will target a much larger audience. ChewNature will hire coders to create the website, which should take no more than a month. Ads and shirts will be printed with water-based ink through environmentally conscious design and printing firms, and should take one to two months. As for the actual product and packaging, it will take about a year to be able to start selling to stores. For this, factory and field workers will need to be hired as well as biologists and a marketing team.

ChewNature will measure its successes through statistical analysis and user feedback surveys conducted by statisticians and sociologists. Criteria for success will be determined over a 3-year span whereas a clear, steady increase in sales is evident. If the company has not made enough money to expand within this time frame then it will conclude its activity. The surveys will ask how each user found the product and how he/she experienced the product as a whole. This will also determine the success of ChewNature’s marketing tactics and introduction to the market. Age will also be surveyed in search for a more specific age group to pin point.


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The results of this project were informative and inspiring. The simplicity and sustainable principles behind the concepts ChewNature chooses as the core of its product and packaging proves how much room there is for reform in almost any industry. The brand’s image falls in line with its goals and the current time frame where newer generations are stepping up to the challenges that past generations have left behind. This is why ChewNature’s targeted and expected audience is said to be between 20s and 30s. After brand loyalty has been established, ChewNature will reuse its leftover resources to further its mission as a zero waste company. ChewNature will also branch out from its consumer industry to more cultural areas such as art and sports, creating a diverse presence to the brand’s image and potential.

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