Film Treatment- Second

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Transcript of Film Treatment- Second

  • 8/10/2019 Film Treatment- Second


    The Illusion of existence

    The Present.

    Great Wyrley, England.

    Bedroom in a house.



    An ESTABLISHING SHOT of a house opens the scene, quickly cutting to

    a darken bedroom within this house. Daylight is attempting to burst

    through the tightly shut curtains that drape over the window within

    this average sized bedroom. Wardrobes, a lamp and a few clothes

    strewn across the floor are all that can be seen within this room so

    far. Suddenly the sound of an alarm can be heard, and a CLOSE UP of

    an analogue alarm clock can be seen followed by the reaching over of

    a rather limp slim arm. With no effort, the hand turns off the alarm

    and gradually pulls it away from the alarm clock, lifelessly.

    PANNING from the bed side table in which the alarm clock is placed,

    a GIRL is revealed, hair all ruffled and ragged and not a sense of

    urgency to be anywhere is shown on her face or limp body language. A

    lamp is seen to be turned on that is situated on the bedside table

    next to where she is sleeping. The girl rubs her eyes stretches and

    then sits up, throwing her legs out of bed to place them on the

    floor. The child like pattern of her ill-fitting pyjamas is revealed

    as she throws the covers from over her legs but still showing the

    perfectly made side of the double bed on the other side, as if no

    one had ever slept there. The table next to that side of the bed is

    also untouched with nothing but a box of plain white tissues with a

    few sticking out of the top.

    When she is finally awake enough, the girl stands up and slowly

    makes her way to the wardrobe, about a couple of steps from her

    bedside. When she reaches this tall oak wardrobe, she limply opens

    it, still looking rather asleep. This didnt really matter much as

    what greets her doesnt require much attention. Within the wardrobe

    was clothing but the clothing is more boring than the wardrobe

    design itself. Everything is rather plain within it, all dark dull

    colours that show no sense of life or enjoyment in anything they do.

    Plain white shirts, dull coloured dresses, trousers made of cheap

    black nylon and at the bottom of all this are two pairs of shoes. A

    pair of black flat ballet pumps and a scuffed up pair of brogues

    that look like they need to be binned they have been worn that much.

    The girl choses her outfit, a grey cardigan, maroon dress, black

    tights and the scuffed up black brogues are thrown onto the bed

    behind her. She meekly pushes the wardrobe doors shut and makes her

    way back to the clothes on the bed. Ones she is dressed and slightly

    ready for her day at what looks like a boring office job she leaves

    the room. A WIDE SHOT of the room can be seen as she closes the door

    behind her.

    The female is seen going through her morning routine within the

    house, one minute she is in the bathroom cleaning her teeth, the

    next making a cup of tea, throwing the spoon into the sink afterstirring and removing the tea bag from the chipped dull coloured

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    mug. Toast pops out of a toaster and folders are slid from the

    kitchen surface. Keys are grabbed from the table in the hallway and

    we finally see her leave the house, shutting and locking the dark

    oak door. We see the female walk off, with her shabby handbag over

    one shoulder and coffee stained folders in her hand.

    The Present.

    Landywood, England.

    A Street.


    Next time we see the female, she is walking, alone on her way to

    work, passing a few fields, houses, the usual day to day routine she

    has to go through on her way to work. She heard her phone loudly

    buzzing and beeping in her bag and frantically fights to fetch it

    out of her bag as she is doing so, the female isnt looking where

    she is going and suddenly bumps into someone from the opposite

    direction. The females folders go all over the floor, a few papers

    escape the clutches of her hands and she begins to apologies to the

    other person who was already grabbing her papers and folders,

    collecting up what they could. The face of the person isnt seen

    until the female goes down and grabs the folders, still apologising

    for hitting into them. As they both go to stand up, a dark haired

    male is revealed, smiling crookedly to one side. He hands the

    folders back to the female and they exchange in conversation. The

    female reveals that her name is Mallory yet he doesnt state who he

    is, only that its nice to meet her. They begin walking together

    down the pedestrian pathway which in the distance seems to go on

    forever. After engaging in conversation, mainly about her as when

    she asks about him, he abruptly changes the conversation, turning it

    round to be all about Mallory again.

    After a brief walk, they stop, the male character telling her it was

    nice meeting her but he must be going. They both say how nice it was

    meeting each other. Mallory trying an attempt at catching his name

    but all he says is Goodbye Mallory as he turns and strides off in

    the opposite direction. Mallory walks off in her direction but a

    CLOSE up shot showing her stopping and turning to look back at the

    male only to find out he wasnt there. He had vanished. With nowhere

    to go or hide, the tale mystery man had just disappeared in seconds.

    Confused and lingering as she tried to puzzle out how he had gone in

    a flash, Mallory finally turns, folders and bags in hand, her phone

    beginning to ring again, she continues her journey to work.

    The Present

    Bloxwich, England.



    Next day, an ESTABLISHING SHOT begins a new scene in a park. Forests

    of trees surround the vast area of spacious green grass land.

    Mallory is seen walking along a winded path and makes her way to a

    tattered old bench situated under a large old oak tree. Not many

    people are around when she takes a seat on the bench. Alone, with noone in sight, she pulls her tattered bag onto her lap and takes out

    a rip red apple, polishes it on her cardigan, the same one as

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    yesterday, then takes an enormous bite out of it, chomping rather

    loudly on this what looks like a juicy apple. She looks around at

    the park, seeing the kidspark and a few people walking around from

    a distance. Suddenly a male voice can be heard where no one was

    sitting. It was the male from the other day. He was now sitting,

    arms resting on the back of the bench in a casual, cool manner.

    Mallory jumps and drops her apple as we see it fall to the ground

    and roll away. She begins to explain, still in shock how much he

    scared her and what a coincidence to bump into him and how he

    scared her to death.

    After a few moments, the male shoots up and asks Mallory if she

    would like to go for a walk. Grabbing her bag and swinging it over

    her shoulder, the two of them begin to walk away from the tattered

    bench and head across the grass. Again the male asks Malory all

    about herself, but never reveals anything about him to her, even

    when she blatantly asks.

    Smiling and divulge into general chit chat, the male soon stops

    after glancing at his watch. They both say their goodbyes and

    Mallory twirls her hair and jokes about seeing him again tomorrow.

    With no reply other than a goodbye Mallory, he walks off in the

    opposite direction. Mallory yells goodbye, but the male doesnt

    turn, as if hes programmed to keep walking with no response to

    anything. She eventually turns and goes off in the opposite

    direction back to the bench she came from after watching the male

    for a few moments. When she turns back almost straight after walking

    off, the male again has disappeared. Nowhere to go yet nowhere to be

    seen. Mallory murmurs how peculiar it was but yet again, continues

    strolling back to her bench over the other side of the park still

    with the dazed and confused expression upon her rather thin pale


    The present.

    Great Wyrley, England.

    Train Station.

    Mid Morning.

    A few days later, Mallory is making her way to the train station off

    for a low profile business meeting, again wearing the same clothes

    she wore a few days ago and still looking as tattered and torn the

    last few days. Mallory walks up to a platform and turns right at the

    top once she has past the car park and a few bushy trees. When she

    gets there, she stops, looks left, then right, then left again.

    Mallory then turns and makes her way over to the train time board

    above a shabby train station shelter part way down the platform. She

    looks up at the small board and checks her phone to see what the

    time is. Suddenly, the shocking calm sound of a male voice can be

    heard asking about the train times. It was him again! Shocked and

    unable to conform any words through the nervous laughter coming from

    her mouth, Mallory stands still, not moving after slowly turning to

    see the male behind her. She eventually after much shock makes her

    way towards him and stops dead next to him. He is facing the railway

    track, looking straight ahead, not even turning when Mallory comes

    over to him.

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    They engage in conversation, Mallory saying how weird it was that

    they kept bumping into each other and beginning to throw out a load

    of questions before he could even answer her. There is a small pause

    where neither of them says anything, then out of nowhere, the male

    slowly turns his head, nothing else, and says Peter Redrum. Another

    pause fills the conversation until Mallory replies with Nice to

    meet you Peter then wonders off towards the train timetable asking

    what train he was getting, where he was going, but when she didnt

    get a reply, Mallory turns around. Peter was gone. He didnt even

    have the chance to leave, he just vanished. Mallory shockingly

    laughs, not knowing what to do with herself, standing alone again

    with Peter nowhere to be seen.

    The present.

    Great Wyrley, England.

    Home, Living Room.

    Late Afternoon.

    Later that day, Mallory arrives home, pushes the key into the

    keyhole and shoves the whole of her body onto the door to get the

    stiff oak door open. She throws her keys down, flings her shabby

    black bag and shoes on the floor and makes her way into the lounge

    where a laptop is left half open on the large table with a chair

    placed in front of it. Work was strewn all over the table next to it

    and even a coffee cup with the cold remnants of the last drink

    Mallory made. She sets herself down in the chair, opens up the

    laptop after picking a few of her stray papers up off the floor.

    She begins doing her work, however you can see something is running

    through her mind, something unusual that was bothering her. She

    stops typing for a moment then opens up a browser. Mallory pauses

    for a moment again to remember what she wanted to type, Peters name

    and then began to enter the letters of his name. She was so

    intrigued by him, not knowing much about him. Murmuring things like,

    lets find a bit about you Peter. She presses enter and searches

    through the choices but halts suddenly on a specific link. Confused

    and intrigued, Mallory opens up the link un-knowing of the horrors

    to be discovered.

    Mallory gasps, clasping her hands over her face in sheer shock at

    the discovery on laptop. MAN FOUND DEAD IN ALLEY filled the screen

    in a news article with a picture of Peter Redrum, aged 20 underneath

    it. A CLOSE UP of the article title and image is the last thing seen

    before it fades out and ends the scene.

    The Present.

    Great Wyrley, England.



    Next day, a FADE UP reveals Mallorys room, her lying in bed. She

    goes through the same routine, but this time, she goes over to her

    wardrobe and finds in the depths of the hideous dull shades of

    trousers, dresses and shirts, an electric blue dress with a blackcollar and the ballet pumps that were next to the scuffed up black

    brogues she wore the last few days. Mallory gets dressed, does her

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    hair, not in the ponytail she did previously, makes her coffee, and

    her toast pops out of the toaster. She grabs her folders, bag and

    keys then shuts the door behind her, locks up the stiff oak door and

    leaves for work again.

    The Present.

    Landywood, England.



    Down the same road she was the other morning on her way to work, her

    phone begins to beep and buzz but again it is still in her bag which

    isnt the shabby old one Mallory usually has. Suddenly she bumps

    into someone, a male again. She apologies and murmurs to herself

    that she needs to stop doing this. We see a young handsome male in a

    shirt and tie dressed very smart. They both smith after picking up

    the folders, exchange Hellos and names, Alex, Mallory. They shake

    hands and the scene comes to an end on Mallory twirling her hair,

    pushing it behind her ear in a girly manner and Alex smiling a

    crooked cute smile back at her.


    The end