Film reviews analysis

Textual Analysis: Film review (EMPIRE) Jordan Cruickshank Fran Matthews

Transcript of Film reviews analysis

Page 1: Film reviews analysis

Textual Analysis: Film review (EMPIRE)

Jordan Cruickshank

Fran Matthews

Page 2: Film reviews analysis

Winter’s Bone

The image chosen is of the main character

who is with a horse. This shows who the

film is based around . This image presents

the main character as a attractive young

woman, who looks lost and missing

something. Empire have chose this picture

as the plot mention s she has lost her father

and trying to track him down, this explains

the characters facial expression of


The sub- heading says ‘and the

2011 best actress Oscar goes to

...’, this implies that the main

character’s performance is brilliant

and worth accolades.

This piece is addressed in a

more descriptive and linguistic

style. This is because the film is

tipped to win Oscars , which

means this film is an excellent

standard with serious themes.

The sophisticated tone is in

parallel with the reputation that

the Oscars possess.

Finally this film has received a five star

rating which relates to the high regard of

the comments in the review which is

highlighted with a quote embossed in a

green box which says the actresses

performance is a ‘standout’ which explains

the five star rating.

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Buried/The Last Exorcism

‘Buried’ is written to warn the

audience, such as the sub-heading

‘claustrophobics need not apply’

which informs this a film for the

brave. This review is addressed in

reference through watching it at a

cinema such a ‘hyperventilating into

their popcorn’. The image shows

the main character (Ryan

Reynolds) trapped with just a

lighter. This image sets the mood of

a thriller and relates to

claustrophobia. The film is rated

four stars due to its thrill factor that

would even make ‘Tarantino cackle’

who is known for chilling films such

as ‘hostel’.

‘The last exorcism’ is compared to the

other ‘exorcism’ films, however this is

a documentary described as ‘creepy’.

Through comparison of the other

films it can easily imply it’s standard

amongst the others as a ‘smart, scary

little picture’ which results in a four

star rating. This review is written in

this style I believe to help fans of the

‘exorcism’ films recognise if its better

than what they have seen before. The

image is very disturbing, showing a

girl covered in blood who seems to be

possessed in a barn because of the

hay. The picture includes a man for

looks vulnerable as he is in a isolated

setting with a possessed girl who is

dangerous which shows immediate

tension without seeing the movie.

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The girl who played with fire

The sub-heading ‘Dragon Tattoo 2:

paranoid boogaloo’ has a negative

outlook suggesting the director was to

uptight in making the film after the

first which was a hit.

As the first film was a success the

writer decides to compare this film to

that. The writer suggests the

success of the first film way that it

was unknown and fresh. Although it

keeps referring to the normal

situation of a sequel not being as

good as the first which doesn’t make

the film seem too bad.

The image shows the main character

‘Lisbeth’ , she seems quite intimidating

and fierce due to the dark masculine

clothing and the face paint which

seems quite haunting. The streak of

blood down her face shows

violence, strength and anger. Empire

have chose this image as it is

suggests a strong protagonist but also

the narrative including action.

This film received a three star rating

which means it good but not brilliant.

Even though there is criticism of the

sequel in the review there is positivity

such as the heroine ‘Lisbeth’ does not

look guaranteed to win a fight every

time in comparison with predictable

‘Hollywood’ actresses who always

win. This use of stereotype will give

the audience a better idea of the

writers intentions

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Piranha 3D

The sub-heading says ‘Kelly

Brook is big breakfast’. This

sets the tone of the review

which is sarcastic and crude.

The word ‘big’ is making

suggestions to her breasts as

she is a glamour model

famous in England.

Even though the film is rated

as an 18 the writer does not

treat the film seriously but only

as a sort of comedy, ‘oddball

actors’. The themes of the film

are of murder but the writer

mocks the film consistently, for

example she hopes James

Cameron does the next film

‘piranha 2: flying killers’. This

use of sarcasm belittles the

film into a poor image.

The image used is of a bunch of

teenagers panicking for their life

while pools of blood are

surrounding them in the sea. I

think this image is chosen

because it is a stereotypical

element in horrors to have

American teenagers, that

ironically never leave the place

of the killer but stay there and

scream. It relates to the review

as it is predictable and slightly

funny as it has been seen so

many times.

It is surprising how this film got a

three star rating after the tone of

the review, although after being

called ‘trash’ it seems being so

bad it’s humorous and hard to

resist. The words ‘gore’ and ‘tits’

sum up the movie and this is what

provides good entertainment in a

ironic way.

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Cyrus/The Hole In 3D

‘Cyrus’ is addressed in a style that

compares its elements to other

films, such as the production and

writer’s. It compliments how it is

different to most comedies as it is

has more ‘realism’. The image is

of John C. Reilly and Jonah Hill (

Cyrus). This film is about Reilly’s

character meeting Cyrus’s mum.

Cyrus tries to stop this, explaining

the choice of the photo which

shows the distance in their

relationship. The film is given a

four star rating which for a comedy

is high. This rating is due to its

originality and the talent of the

directors, the Duplas brothers.

‘the hole in 3D’ is addressed throughout

the review in reference to the

resurgence of the 80’s style films. This

film is compared to other 80’s related

films such as ‘the A-team’ not because

of genre but because its era. The image

is of a hole looking up to what I

presume are the characters looking

down with interest because the hole is a

part of the narrative and seems

mysterious. This film receives a four

star rating which shows its worth

watching, the writer rates this film as it

brings ‘the inner eight year old’ back.

This implies an older audience for the

film, which will bring back childhood


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The Other Guys

The sub-heading is ‘crackpot fuzz’

which refers to the police being

mad. It implies the film is comedic

and the review will follow in its style

of address. The sub-heading

suggests the genre of the film

which is comedy as it is sarcastic

and exaggerates.

This review is written in a comedic

style to reflect the genre and also

highlight the mood of the film. The

review always refers back to Will

Ferrell who is the star of the

film, which will appeal to the

audience who like this actor.

The image used in this review is of

the two main character, Will Ferrell

and Mark Wahlburg. The two

characters are presented as a

double act and look like detectives

due to the trench coats and the food.

The three star rating for this

film suggests it isn't exception

but definitely good fun and

worth watching. Also Will

Ferrell is an icon of comedy

and gives reason to watch

this. The film is also

mentioned to be a ‘tonic’

which implies the film is

refreshing and different.