Film opening sequence analysis report sheet on pulp fiction

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice Name: My Analysis Supporting Images Cinematograph y & Camera Techniques This shot is quite clearly a close up shot of these two people kissing before they start to rob a café. The director has used this shot too increase tension because this could be the last thing they do because they are just about to take part in a robbery which could end quite badly. This shot also shows there love for each other during this shot, although they are both criminals. But there is one disadvantage in this shot that is it doesn’t not show very much of their clothing. This second shot is called a two shot and in this shot it show’s quite a wide variety of items and props, in this shot it also shows their clothing and hair style, which is quite scruffy to show they might be criminals. Within this conversation you can see that the man is smoking so he could be in quite a bad state in society. The

Transcript of Film opening sequence analysis report sheet on pulp fiction

Page 1: Film opening sequence analysis report sheet on pulp fiction

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Name: My Analysis Supporting Images

Cinematography & Camera Techniques

This shot is quite clearly a close up shot of these two people kissing before they start to rob a café. The director has used this shot too increase tension because this could be the last thing they do because they are just about to take part in a robbery which could end quite badly. This shot also shows there love for each other during this shot, although they are both criminals. But there is one disadvantage in this shot that is it doesn’t not show very much of their clothing.

This second shot is called a two shot and in this shot it show’s quite a wide variety of items and props, in this shot it also shows their clothing and hair style, which is quite scruffy to show they might be criminals. Within this conversation you can see that the man is smoking so he could be in quite a bad state in society. The colour in this set shows it is an early morning setting so they could be getting ready for a specific event or they might just have had a rough night.

Page 2: Film opening sequence analysis report sheet on pulp fiction

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

This shot too your right is known as an over shoulder shot too quite clearly show that they are talking about a certain event, which is what store they are going too rob next and which one’s would be easier to steal from such as a restaurant which they are currently in. In this conversation the man is saying let’s do it now and the woman is debating that we should find somewhere else to steal from because it might be a bit too soon.

Visual Effects & Colour Scheme

The visual effects and colour scheme used in this shot are that in visual effects they have brightened the set to express as much as they can that it is an early morning setting; they have also used the correct food that you would mainly eat in an early morning such as a coffee. Also in this set they would have filmed this in midday because if they did film it in the morning they wouldn’t have got the correct amount of detail they would have wanted in this shot so instead they have just decided to brighten the set on After effects.

Genre Conventions This film genre is an action and thriller genre because they are involved in quite a lot of robberies throughout this film opening title sequence and we do not know if they will not survive after this robbery.

Page 3: Film opening sequence analysis report sheet on pulp fiction

Film Opening Sequence Analysis *Comment on the following aspects in relation to your film opening title sequence choice

Narrative The story line of this film is two people that may have feelings for each other but we do not specifically know if they are together, but they take part in a number of crimes to earn money and get out of the state that they are currently in, but by them doing this they could face life in prison for example if they do not get away with it all.In my opinion this is a good story line because it has quite a good background because there is a good thriller background to this story line which involves a fair amount of action.

Editing Techniques The editing techniques that they have used within this short title sequence is a actually quite a short amount because they have only brightened the set to make it look more like an early morning setting. Also within this shot they have also focused the camera on the person talking so we get full detail of the person talking and not the things that are behind him such as the people or the plant.

Title Credit Design