Film opening initial pitch


Transcript of Film opening initial pitch

Wardrobe: Smart, Classy and Casual.

When working Ethan will dress in suits and ties, but when he has his free time he will dress causal; jeans and T-shirt. Although he dresses smart, his hair will be scruffy.

Wardrobe: Smart and elegant.

Melina will wear smart elegant dresses that are knee length.

Make-up: Black hair with loose curls. The bare minimum makeup; eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss.

Wardrobe: Casual.

Both thugs will wear dark black jeans, T-shirt and a

leather jacket. When they’re doing their dodgy job

they will have this cocky attitude and strut around

like they’re something special.

Music is going to play a key part in our action thriller opening scene. As being in charge of the music, I feel that the music will vary with a lot of crescendos and diminuendos. The crescendos and diminuendos will play such a key part because it will create a lot of tension within the audience. This is because crescendos start off with low sounds which gradually become louder over time and diminuendos start off with louder sounds and gradually become quiet. It will give the audience a idea that something epic is about to happen and be very effective.

The action sequence is going to consist of a lot of music. The music is going to unintentionally have an effect on the audience's perception and change how the audience feels about watching it. Specifically there is going to be significant dynamics. The dynamics will help to grab the audience and ensure that they are engaged throughout the whole sequence. The dialogue in the action sequence will also have effect on the atmosphere. This is because our possible dialogue will contain catchphrases and will help the audience to remember our sequence. An example of this is ‘Steal my name, not my girl’. This is firstly a great catchphrase because it has been said in the way of a pun, and secondly, it shows the characters priorities and gives the audience a sense if his overall character.

Ethan was born in London, Westminster and lived there for most of his early childhood.

Ethan's parents died when he was 6 . His granddad was his only living relative. So got custody of him and moved to Japan and lived there for most of his childhood and teenage life.

Whilst in Japan he did a lot recreational activities such as martial arts, gymnastics, mountain biking etc.

He then moved back to the UK to study at Cambridge University where he graduated with the highest honours.

He then got a job in the civil service in the city ,where he is seen as a social and dependable person he develops range of positive relationships with his work colleagues and develops a very strong one with Melina Lorenzo that relation is a key thing in this film.

One year on, well let's let mark explain that…


• Scenery shots of areas in City of London

• Ethan and Melina walk out office building

• They have a short conversation

• Ethan says bye, Melina walks off towards the road

• A 'Taxi' drives by and picks Melina up.

• Taxi drives off, 'taxi sign' falls off, driver locks all doors.

• Ethan starts running after the car, vaults over dry fountain wall

• Grabs an unattended bike, then starts cycling after the car.

• Ethan chases the car with Melina in it.


• Melina is in the car struggling, trying to break out, but one thug keeps her from resisting.

• The car should pass iconic London landmarks, such as the Big Ben or Shard.


• Ethan gets a phone call with a Turkish Mafia guy saying for Ethan to go to this location at a certain time, and bring lots of money to Melina back.

• A scenery time lapse of some part of London, from Sunset to Night cuts.

• Ethan then enters a car park, and waits with a duffel bag, containing the money he would need to pay the Turkish Mafia to get Melina back.

• During the exchange, on of the Turkish mobs, has a gun pointed at Melina's head.

• Ethan fights the guys, and then after defeating the thugs, (not killing them), he holds Melina by her side, and walks off into the distance.

• One of the thugs that were knocked out, stands up and gets his phone out of his pocket, speed dials his boss, and says something like, "He's still alive, and he's got the girl" or "They're still alive, it's not over yet."

• Then a loud sound, with a fast cut to the title or black screen for the end of the opening will appear.