Film magazine analysis

The mast head of this magazine is the largest text seen by the reader and with it being at the top of the magazine, it catches the reader’s attention and stands out from the rest of the text. The colour of the text goes with the overall colour scheme seen within the magazine and typography is unique to that magazine making it recognisable from the reader’s perspective. The main image overlaps the mast head giving an overall 3D effect, but drawing the reader’s attention more to the image than the mast head – but as Empire is such an established film magazine they can afford to do this and still know that their readers will recognise their brand of magazine. The title for this film is seen to be the second biggest text upon the magazine which will capture the reader’s attention after looking at the mast head for this magazine. It is positioned to the side of the main image so that the main focus still remains on the main image. The colour of the text is a prominent red which matches the overall colour scheme used throughout the magazine and the actual colour palette seen within in the main image. By having similar colours it makes the overall magazine cover more appealing and draws the reader’s attention to the film featured. On this magazine there are two taglines/anchorage text which feature above and below the main title for this film. The tagline above says ‘THE ORIGINAL AVENGER’ and the tagline below it says ‘DOWNEY JR.’S LETHAL WEAPOM FLIES SOLO’. By doing this, the reader is given some insight into what the article may include and gives an engaging introduction to the film and what the film itself may include (themes, characters, plot etc.). Featured right at the very bottom of this magazine is a list of the other articles featured within this issue. This allows the audience to get a glimpse of what they can expect within it and allows them to establish if they want to continue reading. The font and colour scheme go with the rest of the magazine which makes it aesthetically The strapline found right at the top of this magazine offers products/stories linked either to the main story or the magazine itself – this therefore gives the audience an insight as to what else they can read within this issue influencing their decision on as to whether they read the issue or not. The colour scheme of red and gold once again oblige to the colour scheme seen on the main image – tying the whole magazine together. On this magazine front cover, all of the fonts are the same, with exception of the masthead – allowing the attention to be drawn to it rather than the other text. The font of the text is quite bold and tall which relates back to the main image seen on this front cover – and reinforces the idea that Robert Downey Jr. who is on the front cover is a bold and prominent character in this movie. The slogan for this magazine is featured just below the mast head and helps remind the reader that this magazine is a well established film magazine that will offer valid and reliable information about upcoming popular movies – this therefore reassures the reader’s decision in choosing this magazine. Just underneath the mast head features the price for the actual price for the issue. This is placed almost out of view and the font used is very small. This diverts the audience’s attention from the pricing and keeps it discreet so that it is the last thing that the audience sees. Underneath the mast head also features the website for this magazine: The font is a lot smaller and not as colourful as the rest as the magazine, this has been done to give the audience additional information without diverting their attention from the key images and text featured upon this magazine.

Transcript of Film magazine analysis

The mast head of this magazine is the largest text seen by the reader and with it being at the top of the magazine, it catches the reader’s attention and stands out from the rest of the text. The colour of the text goes with the overall colour scheme seen within the magazine and typography is unique to that magazine making it recognisable from the reader’s perspective. The main image overlaps the mast head giving an overall 3D effect, but drawing the reader’s attention more to the image than the mast head – but as Empire is such an established film magazine they can afford to do this and still know that their readers will recognise their brand of magazine.

The title for this film is seen to be the second biggest text upon the magazine which will capture the reader’s attention after looking at the mast head for this magazine. It is positioned to the side of the main image so that the main focus still remains on the main image. The colour of the text is a prominent red which matches the overall colour scheme used throughout the magazine and the actual colour palette seen within in the main image. By having similar colours it makes the overall magazine cover more appealing and draws the reader’s attention to the film featured.

On this magazine there are two taglines/anchorage text which feature above and below the main title for this film. The tagline above says ‘THE ORIGINAL AVENGER’ and the tagline below it says ‘DOWNEY JR.’S LETHAL WEAPOM FLIES SOLO’. By doing this, the reader is given some insight into what the article may include and gives an engaging introduction to the film and what the film itself may include (themes, characters, plot etc.).

Featured right at the very bottom of this magazine is a list of the other articles featured within this issue. This allows the audience to get a glimpse of what they can expect within it and allows them to establish if they want to continue reading. The font and colour scheme go with the rest of the magazine which makes it aesthetically pleasing to look at.

The strapline found right at the top of this magazine offers products/stories linked either to the main story or the magazine itself – this therefore gives the audience an insight as to what else they can read within this issue influencing their decision on as to whether they read the issue or not. The colour scheme of red and gold once again oblige to the colour scheme seen on the main image – tying the whole magazine together.

On this magazine front cover, all of the fonts are the same, with exception of the masthead – allowing the attention to be drawn to it rather than the other text. The font of the text is quite bold and tall which relates back to the main image seen on this front cover – and reinforces the idea that Robert Downey Jr. who is on the front cover is a bold and prominent character in this movie.

The slogan for this magazine is featured just below the mast head and helps remind the reader that this magazine is a well established film magazine that will offer valid and reliable information about upcoming popular movies – this therefore reassures the reader’s decision in choosing this magazine.

Just underneath the mast head features the price for the actual price for the issue. This is placed almost out of view and the font used is very small. This diverts the audience’s attention from the pricing and keeps it discreet so that it is the last thing that the audience sees.

Underneath the mast head also features the website for this magazine: The font is a lot smaller and not as colourful as the rest as the magazine, this has been done to give the audience additional information without diverting their attention from the key images and text featured upon this magazine.

A puff has been placed at the top right hand corner of this magazine cover giving the reader a glimpse of what other movies are going to feature within this issue. In the picture, a main character is featured accompanied by a strapline saying ‘FREE INSIDE: MARVEL ART BOOK’. This offers some additional information about the actual puff and also adds an extra incentive as the audience will be getting something in return for buying this issue.

Upon this magazine a stamp of approval can been seen saying ‘THE WORLD’S BEST MOVIE REVIEWS’. This reassures the reader that they have selected a trusted, well established film magazine which will offer informative reviews on new upcoming movies. It also ensures the audience that they will be quality and it will be worth the money they spend on this magazine.

The title for the feature film is right in the centre of the magazine and is the second largest piece of text found on this cover. This instantly draws attention to it and informs the audience of what this film is about. The font for this title is bold and prominent and is capitalised – this assists with drawing attention to this title and the colour choice for this title means that it relates back to the colour palette of the overall magazine cover (e.g. – oranges, browns and reds).

Just above the title of this film is the word ‘EXCLUSIVE’ suggesting tot eh audience that everything featured in this issue relating to this movie will be unavailable anywhere else – this pushes the audience to buy the magazine to buy the magazine, otherwise they may feel like they have missed out if they don’t buy it.

At the bottom right hand corner of this magazine cover is the barcode and price of this issue. This is placed just out of view and the font is also very small so that the pricing is discreet and so that it is one of the last things the reader will notice on the cover.

The masthead of this magazine is largest text on this cover in order to catch the reader’s attention when thy first pick up the magazine. The font is prominent and bold which sets itself from the rest of the font on the magazine which also helps the audience to notice it a lot more quickly. The type of the font used for this masthead is suitable for the theme of this magazine as the ‘rusting effect’ seen at the top of the font relates to the metal arm seen on the woman in the main image – this allows the audience to make the link between the two and the dedication of this magazine to promoting this film. The main image overlaps the masthead to give a 3D effect to the magazine and to make the image seem more prominent from the audience’s perspective.

Located on the side of the magazine is an article featured within this magazine. As it is just above the title for this feature film it also draws some attention to it from the audience. Using the heading ‘ULTIMATE PREVIEW’ makes the audience feel like they will be missing out on something spectacular if they don’t buy this magazine, urging them to actually buy the magazine. The overall colour scheme for this additional article goes with the colour scheme found on the rest of the magazine, making it aesthetically pleasing from the audience’s point of view.

Right underneath the title are the sell lines/anchorage text that relate back to what this movie is actually about. Through this information the reader’s can get some insight regarding to what this article may include influencing their decision into as to whether they want to continue reading the magazine or not. Due to the fact that these sell lines have an influential impact on the reader’s decision, the use of the words like ‘EPIC’, ‘INSANE’ and ‘SPECTACULAR’ are a suitable range of words which will help justify the reader’s reason into buying the magazine.

The mast head for this magazine cover is positioned at the top of page, mainly to catch the reader’s attention as soon as they pick up the magazine. The colour of the mast head fits the theme of the cover, which is sci-fi. The main image can be seen to overlap the mast head, which then catches the reader’s attention next. By having the image over the mast head, it almost creates a 3D effect as if the image is almost coming out of the paper.

The date and the price of this issue can be seen between the mast head, but it is shown in tiny text mainly to not draw as much attention to the price of the magazine so that reader’s are not put off buying the magazine.

The main image on this cover shows the main character of the film. This gives the reader a glimpse into what they can expect from the film as well as what they can expect if they carry on reading. The costume that the character is wearing and the sci-fi background adds to the theme of the cover. This once again gives the reader an insight into the style/genre of the film.

On the left of the main image, a circular puff can be found. This is mainly done to get the attention form the reader but not distract them from the main image. This puff shows the reader what is inside the issue in a small snippet. The colour used, matches with the rest of colour palette featured on the cover, making it aesthetically pleasing to look at.

The title for this film can be seen to be the next largest text featured on this magazine cover. It has the same font featured upon the cover that is in the actual trailer for this film, this keeps a running theme going to make the links between the trailer and this cover. The colour and the style of the font matches the theme of the cover. The colour also matches the mast head colour to make it aesthetically pleasing to look at as well as, show the reader that it is of significance importance to know the title of the film as much as the mast head.

Just above the mast head is the tagline which says ‘THE NEW ALIEN! THE NEW RIPLEY!’. This makes reference to the original Alien series, which makes the reader realise that if they enjoyed the original series, they will enjoy this version as well. As well as this, it sums up the film in a snappy way to instantly grab the reader’s attention but also give them some insight into this upcoming film.

There is a tagline which states ‘THE WORLD EXCLUSIVE EVERYONE WANTED!’. This shows the reader that the magazine initially listened to what the readers wanted and gave them what they wanted. By referencing the reader directly it makes the reader feel an urge to pick up the issue and carry on reading. Once again, the colours used matches the colour palette of the overall magazine cover, making it pleasing to look at.

The website for this magazine can be found underneath the mast head in small text, this is so that the reader can visit online and find more things to read, articles relating to this cover or similar articles. This spreads the magazine across other medias, (other than print), to attract a vast amount of audiences and to ensure that they are covering as many as platforms as they can when advertising this film.

In the bottom right corner of this cover, is a small section of text which discusses a few films featured inside this issue. This gives the reader a chance to see whether or not they want to carry on reading. Above the section is a ‘+’ rather than the word ‘and’, making it seem more informal and insignificant compared to the rest of the magazine – but still relevant. The colours featured in this section are yellow and white, colours which have been used throughout the magazine cover – making it relevant and allowing the reader to make links to the overall magazine.