Fiji: A Hidden Paradise and A Medical/Teaching Volunteer Program by Alli Grant

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Transcript of Fiji: A Hidden Paradise and A Medical/Teaching Volunteer Program by Alli Grant

  1. 1. Goals for this ProjectConclusions Gain experience in the medical field while After spending five weeks in Fiji I began toworki at the Savusacu Medical Centre. reflect on the experience as a whole. I first Further my sign language skills whileThe first two weeks in Fiji I spent the majority have come t the conclusion that I achievedof my time working at the Savusavu Medicalall of my goals for the enrichment trip as aworking at the Nasavusavu School for Centre. The Medical Centre was opened in whole. In addition, I gained further insight Special Education.2008 and provides services including regular Immerse myself in the Fijian culture andinto future career paths as well as what I doctor consultations, some emergency gain knowledge of village life. hope to do in the coming summer projects. I services, and minor surgeries. During mytime at the clinic I was able to work with Dr.hope to continue to work with my vision of Ishaque and learned how to do several helping underprivileged children in varyingmedical practices including suturing, givingdemographics (i.e. orphans, children with shots, and respiratory services. In disabilities, children with terminal illnesses,addition, working at the clinic allowed me to etc.).understand cultural as well as economic issues that are quite prevalent in the islands of Fiji. The last three weeks of my time in Fiji I spent at the During my stay in Fiji INasavusavu School for Special Education. The schoollived with a host family houses children with mental, learning and physicalin Vivili Village, which disabilities. Children from all over the island come to this Summer of 2013 is about a half an hourschool as it is the only one of its kind (some children even Next summer I hope to traveloutside the town of travel three hours each way). While teaching at the schoolto Tanzania, Africa where I willSavusavu. The villageI primarily worked with two deaf girls, one who was fluentwork in a Pediatric Oncology is home to about 200 in Australian Sign Language and one who could nothospital. While there I will liveresidents. In mycommunicate at all. I began teaching the basics and by the with the children in thespecific hut lived fourtime I left, the young girl was able to ask basic questions, hospital. In the mornings I willfamilies and 9 children. identify people, and even could communicate with her perform rounds with the The villages in Fiji areparents for the first time in her entire life.doctors and in the afternoon Ivery traditional andwill spend my time teaching during my stay I wasmath, science, and English to able to participate in the children. In addition, it is a Kava Ceremonies, co-learning environment, thusFijian Church Choir,the children will also beBirthing Ceremonies, teaching me Swahili lessons.and even traditionalFijian dances.