Fighting the Mob

8/6/2019 Fighting the Mob 1/65 FIGHTING THE MOB Max M. Power Published by: Max M. Power at Smashwords o!yri"ht #$%$ Max M. Power Tha&' you (or dow&loadi&" this (ree eboo'. )ou are wel*ome to share it with your (rie&ds. I( you e&+oyed this boo', !lease retur& a&d write a short re-iew. Feel (ree to dow&load all eboo's by this author (or (ree. Tha&' you (or your su!!ort. ll ri"hts reser-ed. No !art o( this eboo' may be used or re!rodu*ed or shared by a&y mea&s, -ia re*ordi&", !hoto*o!yi&", ele*tro&i*ally, or i& !ri&t, stored i& a retrie-al system or tra&smitted i& a&y (orm, i&*ludi&" blo""i&", email, or text messa"i&", without the !rior writte& !ermissio& o( the author a&d/or the !ublishi&" *om!a&y, ex*e!t by a re-iewer or re!orter who may 0uote brie( !assa"es embodied i& a re-iew or arti*le to be !ri&ted i& a &ews!a!er, ma"a1i&e, or +our&al o( sorts, i&*ludi&" o&li&e -ersio&s o( said !ubli*atio&s. This is a wor' o( (i*tio&. Names, *hara*ters, !la*es, a&d i&*ide&ts are !rodu*ts o( the author2s ima"i&atio& or are used (i*titiously a&d are &ot to be *o&stru*ted as real. &y resembla&*e to a*tual e-e&ts, lo*ales, or"a&i1atio&s, or !erso&s, li-i&" or dead, is e&tirely *oi&*ide&tal. Please se&d all 0uestio&s or *omme&ts to: 3riti&" 3ith Power P.O. Box 4#5%6 Housto&, Tx 77#$6 writi&"with!ower8"mail.*om www.writi&"with!ower.*om 9 9 9 9

Transcript of Fighting the Mob

Page 1: Fighting the Mob

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Max M. Power 

Published by: Max M. Power at Smashwords

o!yri"ht #$%$ Max M. Power 

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This is a wor' o( (i*tio&. Names, *hara*ters, !la*es, a&d i&*ide&ts are !rodu*ts o( the author2s

ima"i&atio& or are used (i*titiously a&d are &ot to be *o&stru*ted as real. &y resembla&*e to a*tual

e-e&ts, lo*ales, or"a&i1atio&s, or !erso&s, li-i&" or dead, is e&tirely *oi&*ide&tal.

Please se&d all 0uestio&s or *omme&ts to:3riti&" 3ith Power 

P.O. Box 4#5%6

Housto&, Tx 77#$6

writi&"with!ower8"mail.*om www.writi&"with!ower.*om 

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 For Veronica and Gabrielle.

Thank you for believing I could become a writer .

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I would li'e to say a s!e*ial tha&' you to all wome& i& the world. )ou ha-e a stro&"er i&(lue&*e

i& the world, more tha& you will e-er '&ow. E-e& i( we do &ot show it at times, me& would be lost

without the wome& i& our li-es.

I ha-e had the "ood (ortu&e to ha-e bee& i&(lue&*ed by -ery stro&" wome&. From my

"ra&dmother who tau"ht me that a la*' o( (u&ds did &ot mea& I *ould &ot li-e a ri*h a&d (ul(illi&" li(e, tomy ma&y au&ts who would sla! me arou&d, remi&di&" me how "ood I had it while their ow& *hildre& did

&ot.From my mother who always rode my ass, remai&i&" tou"h a&d stri*t, des!ite her (eeli&"s o(

wa&ti&" to "i-e i&, ma'i&" sure I wal'ed a !ath o( li"ht i&stead o( sli!!i&" i&to a& abyss o( dar'&ess

(ore-er, to my sisters who would !i*' (i"hts with me (or &o other reaso& tha& they *ould be*ause they are

my sisters a&d it2s their +ob to torme&t me as su*h. To my dyi&" day I '&ow o&e o( my sisters will still

ma'e me s*ream i& (rustratio& a&d smile, that2s what sibli&"s do.

From the ma&y tea*hers who !ut u! with the heada*he that was me as a stude&t, des!erately

tryi&" to tea*h me somethi&" to the o&e tea*her who !la&ted the seed that "rew i&to my !ath that is

writi&". Tha&' you Mrs. 3illiams.

From my wi(e who "a-e me the "reatest "i(t o( all, our dau"hter, a&other stro&" woma& that will

dri-e me *ra1y be*ause that is her role as a dau"hter. E-erythi&" I do I do (or my (amily, to !ro-ide a

 better li(e tha& I ha-e.

From my ma&y (rie&ds who read what I write a&d dema&d I "i-e them more, to those thatthreate& I would re"ret it i( I e-er sto!!ed writi&".

To Tyra Ba&'s, whom I ha-e &e-er met, but with o&e si&"le "e&eral 0uestio& to the world,

u&lo*'ed the (lood "ates that allows me to write so (reely.

To the ma&y (uture wome& I will meet i& my li(e a&d i& o&e way, sha!e, or (orm will i&s!ire meto write somethi&".

E-e& the bible a*'&owled"es wome& as a "reat army. They *ertai&ly are the ba*'bo&e o( my li(e

a&d (or that I wish to say, THN; )O<===

I would li'e to tha&' the members o( my (a& *lub. For !ushi&" me to be a better writer tha& I

thou"ht I *ould be. For always dema&di&" more o( me a&d &e-er a**e!ti&" NO (or a&swer, this boo' is

(or you. s always:

"Submitted for your approval…" 

9 9 9 9ha!ter %

The or!s

)our li(e *a& *ha&"e i& a& i&sta&t a&d you will &e-er see it *omi&". The same was true with

>o&atha& M*Gre"or. He was stari&" at a soldier. The soldier stood tall, !roud. ?i'e &othi&" o& this earth

*ould '&o*' him dow&.E-ery li&e o& his u&i(orm was shar! a&d *ris!. He stood alo&e but whe& you loo'ed i&to his eyes

you '&ew he was&2t. This soldier belo&"ed to a (amily@ a (amily that *ared a&d lo-ed him, a (amily who

would !rote*t him.

>o&atha& &e-er '&ew what a (amily was. He had bee& o& his ow& si&*e he was ei"ht. He had tolear& e-erythi&" o& his ow&. ?ear& how to de!e&d a&d trust &o o&e but himsel(. I& the streets that is all

you ha-e to sur-i-e.>o&atha& loo'ed at the !oster a"ai& a&d read the words surrou&di&" the soldier. He read them

o-er a&d o-er i& his mi&d.

The Few.

The Proud.

The Mari&es.

Hey= Hey you= Hey soldier boy=

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Sta(( Ser"ea&t Aoyal sat at his des' i"&ori&" >o&atha&. He was o& hold with the !oli*e

de!artme&t. Friday &i"ht be(ore 3ar Games a&d he was "oi&" to be late. Aoyal had *ome i& to "et his

lu*'y '&i(e he 'e!t i& his des'. That2s whe& he (ou&d >o&atha&.

Aoyal was weari&" his "ree& *amou(la"e u&i(orm. He was ready to lea-e +ust as soo& as

someo&e !i*'ed u! the !ho&e. He loo'ed at his wat*h as a& O((i*er a&swered the !ho&e. Two mi&uteslater Aoyal hu&" u! a&d the !oli*e were o& their way.

ome o& soldier boy, u&tie me= This wire hurts ma&. ?et me "o, I did&2t do &othi&"=)ou did&2t do &othi&", Aoyal as'ed ba*' to him, Boy do I loo' stu!id to you

>o&atha& did &ot a&swer. Aoyal loo'ed him o-er o&*e be(ore wal'i&" o-er to >o&atha&2s *hair.

He !ulled out a sta&dard issue Mari&e or!s ;CBar '&i(e. It was his lu*'y '&i(e, issued to his "ra&d(ather

i& 33II. His "ra&d(ather !assed it o& to his (ather who !assed it o& to Aoyal.

He rea*hed behi&d >o&atha& a&d *ut the tele!ho&e wire that held >o&atha& to the *hair.

Try a&ythi&" stu!id a&d that ass whi!!i&" I "a-e you outside will be &othi&". He held u! the

;CBar to show he was serious.)ou ha-e &o idea how mu*h trouble you2re i&, do ya

>o&atha& +ust loo'ed at his (eet, &ot sayi&" a word. This was &ot the (irst time he had stole& a *ar

or e-e& "o&e to +ail. This is, howe-er, the (irst time he has do&e it as a& adult. Today was his ei"htee&th


?iste& boy, do you '&ow where you2re headi&"

)ou *a&2t s*are me soldier boy, >o&atha& res!o&ded, tryi&" to a*t tou"h.I2-e bee& to +ail be(ore. I '&ow what "oes o&. I '&ow how to beat the system.

Maybe be(ore, but &ot &ow, this is way di((ere&t.

>ust 2*ause I2m ei"htee& do&2t ma'e it di((ere&t. >ail is +ail ma&.

)ou ai&t "oi&" to ounty boy, Aoyal s&a!!ed ba*', you2re headi&" to Federal  !riso&. )ou +ust tried to boost a Government  *ar a&d bro'e the wi&dow. That adds o& destru*tio& o( "o-er&me&t

 !ro!erty. That2s T! stri'es o& the (elo&y list.

The words hit >o&atha& hard. This was &ot a mi&or misdemea&or. This was serious. >o&atha&

'&ew he was i& dee! shit &ow.

ome o&, >o&atha& yelled, let me "o. I swear you2ll &e-er hear (rom me a"ai&.

Sorry !al, I *a&2t. The !oli*e are o& their way here &ow.

3hat, >o&atha& shouted, sho*' (illi&" his e&tire body.

>o&atha& +um!ed u! toward the door a&d (ell to the (loor. Aoyal had !ut o&e (oot i& (ro&t o(>o&atha&, tri!!i&" him. He ste!!ed o& >o&atha&2s ba*' a&d "rabbed both his arms. He !ulled the arms

toward him, *ausi&" a +olt o( !ai& throu"h >o&atha&2s u!!er body.

Boy, i( I ha-e to brea' a (ew bo&es till the *o!s "et here I will. The door is lo*'ed a&d I ha-e

the 'ey. )ou ai&t "oi&" a&ywhere.

Get o(( me you asshole=

Aoyal ste!!ed o(( >o&atha&2s ba*'. He !i*'ed >o&atha& u! by his waistba&d a&d threw him i&to a*hair. >o&atha& was i& sho*' by what had +ust ha!!e&ed a&d how 0ui*'ly it had ha!!e&ed. He *au"ht his

 breath a&d made a ta*'li&" ru& toward Aoyal.

Aoyal saw it *omi&" a&d ste!!ed out o( the way. >o&atha& ra& ri"ht i&to the (ro&t o( a des'. He

hit the des' so hard it '&o*'ed the wi&d out o( him. Aoyal !ulled his ;CBar out a&d hit >o&atha& i& the ba*' o( his head with the butt o( the '&i(e. Aoyal the& +ammed the blade o( the ;CBar i&to the des' &ext

to >o&atha&2s ri"ht ear.?iste& you little !u&', do&2t (u*' with me or I2ll ma'e you sorry.

)ea, why do&2t you (i"ht me (a*e to (a*e i&stead o( +um!i&" o& my ba*' li'e a "irl

lri"ht, Aoyal "ot o(( o( >o&atha&2s ba*' a&d ste!!ed ba*', u&butto&i&" his shirt. He !ulled it

o(( a&d said, ome o& tou"h "uy. ?et2s see what ya "ot.

>o&atha& tur&ed arou&d a&d (a*ed Aoyal. He !ut his (ist u! a&d started swi&"i&". For Aoyal, he

thou"ht it was li'e (i"hti&" a baby. (ter >o&atha& missed (or the sixth time Aoyal hit >o&atha& hard,

'&o*'i&" >o&atha& (lat o& his ass.

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>o&atha& had le(t himsel( wide o!e& whe& Aoyal hit him s0uare i& the &ose. >o&atha& (elt the

warm blood ru&&i&" dow& his (a*e. He tou*hed his &ose a&d (elt a +olt o( !ai&.

His &ose was bro'e&.

&"er a&d adre&ali&e ra& throu"h >o&atha& as he +um!ed to his (eet a&d rushed Aoyal, this time,

ta'i&" Aoyal by sur!rise. Aoyal (ell to the "rou&d a&d >o&atha& *limbed o& to! o( him, !i&&i&" his armsdow&. >o&atha& started !ou&di&" away at Aoyal2s (a*e. Aoyal ma&a"ed to "et his le"s arou&d >o&atha&2s

&e*' a&d !ulled >o&atha& o((.>o&atha& 'i*'ed a&d *o&&e*ted with Aoyal2s "ut. Aoyal threw a !u&*h ba*' a&d hit >o&atha& o&

the ba*' o( his i&&er thi"h, *lose to his "roi&. They both laid (lat o& the (loor, hurti&". Neither o&e o(

them wa&ted to mo-e be*ause the !ai& was so bad.

Aoyal, howe-er, "ot a se*o&d wi&d a&d mustered u! e&ou"h stre&"th to "rab >o&atha& by the

(ro&t o( his shirt. s he did, >o&atha& threw his (ist strai"ht u! a&d hit Aoyal with a& u!!er*ut o& his

*hi&. Aoyal (ell ba*' a&d >o&atha& tried *rawli&" away.

Aoyal *rawled o-er to a des', !ulli&" himsel( u! slowly. >o&atha& did the same. >o&atha&2s (a*e

a&d le"s were throbbi&". His bro'e& &ose 'e!t bleedi&" a&d his le" hurt (rom where Aoyal had hit him.

Aoyal2s (a*e hurt as well. >o&atha& had bro'e& Aoyal2s &ose as well. His li! was s!lit o!e& a&d

 bled a little. His le(t eye was hal( way *losed with a *ut o-er his eye. Aoyal ra& a ha&d o-er his stoma*h

a&d (elt a *ra*'ed rib.

Both Aoyal a&d >o&atha& were i& "reat !ai&. That !ai& *reated adre&ali&e, whi*h seemed to 'i*'them both i& the ass. Aoyal a&d >o&atha& we&t a(ter ea*h other. Aoyal "rabbed >o&atha& by his shirt but

>o&atha& ma&a"ed to throw his wei"ht (orward a&d (all o& to! o( Aoyal.

>o&atha& !u&*hed Aoyal i& the rib *a"e, *ra*'i&" a&other rib. Aoyal !u&*hed >o&atha& i& the

(a*e, ma'i&" his &ose bleed more. Ea*h !u&*h *ame slower tha& the last. Both me& were beate& but&either o&e would admit to it.

They were &ow lyi&" o& the (loor, side by side. >o&atha& !ulled himsel( o& to! o( Aoyal a"ai&

a&d !u&*hed him i& the (a*e. The !ai& hurt so badly (rom !u&*hi&" Aoyal i& the (a*e that he *ould &ot

li(t his (ist u! a"ai&. There was a '&o*' o& the door. >o&atha& '&ew it was the !oli*e.

>o&atha& made a des!erate attem!t to *rawl away. The !oli*e, a(ter seei&" the results o( the (i"ht,

shot the "lass door, shatteri&" the "lass so they *ould ste! throu"h it. They saw Aoyal o& the (loor a&d

>o&atha& *rawli&" away.

Mar0ue1, you "et the boy. I2ll te&d to this "uy.O((i*er Mar0ue1 wal'ed o-er to >o&atha&, who was still tryi&" to *rawl away, a&d see& that his

&ose was bro'e&. O((i*er Mar0ue1 lau"hed to himsel( as he !ulled out his ha&d*u((s. He '&elt dow& a&d

*u((ed >o&atha&2s ha&ds behi&d his ba*'. >o&atha& wa&ted to (i"ht ba*' but he was too wea' to resist.

?oo's li'e someo&e "ot their ass 'i*'ed, Mar0ue1 said.

?oo's li'e they both did, O((i*er Aamire1 said as he hel!ed Aoyal i&to a *hair. Aoyal hurt all

o-er as he sat dow&.Aamire1, this "uy2s &ose is bro'e&. He loo's busted u! !retty bad. Better *all a& ambula&*e.

)ea, same thi&" here, Aamire1 said be(ore *alli&" dis!at*h.This is (i-e (i-e dam@ I &eed a&

ambula&*e at the Mari&e re*ruiti&" o((i*e i& Miller Pla1a. Two me& with bro'e& &oses. They both loo'

 !retty beat u!.Aamire1 wal'ed o-er to Mar0ue1. >o&atha& was sitti&" i& a *hair.

Mi&d telli&" me what ha!!e&ed here 'id, Aamire1 as'ed.>o&atha& sat i& sile&*e. He lea&ed his head ba*' a&d i&sta&tly reali1ed what a mista'e that was.

The blood rushed (rom his &ose dow& i& his throat. That *aused him to start *ou"hi&" -iole&tly as he

threw his body (orward betwee& his le"s.

Hey 'id, sit ba*', Aamire1 shouted at him.

>o&atha& +ust *ou"hed u! more blood a&d s!it it o& the (loor. The ambula&*e !ulled u! a&d the

medi*s *ame i&side. O&e medi* we&t to Aoyal a&d the other we&t to >o&atha&.

>esus= ?oo's li'e a war 1o&e i& here, o&e o( the medi*s said.

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>ust !at*h that o&e u! so we *a& hall his ass to +ail, Aamire1 said !oi&ti&" to >o&atha&. )ou

*a& ta'e the other o&e to the hos!ital.

The medi* loo'ed at >o&atha& a&d as'ed him how he (elt. >o&atha& res!o&ded by s!itti&" out

more blood o& the (loor. The medi* !ut his ha&ds o& >o&atha&2s ribs. >o&atha& &early +um!ed out o( his

*hair as the !ai& shot throu"h his body li'e a bolt o( li"hti&".Aamire1, the medi* *alled out, this "uy &eeds to "o to the hos!ital too. He2s beyo&d a mere

 !at*h u! +ob. He *ould ha-e i&ter&al bleedi&".So does this "uy, the other medi* said.

Aamire1 loo'ed at both medi*s a&d tur&ed his atte&tio& to the se&ior medi*.Fred, *ome here a

se*, let me tal' to you.

The medi* "ot u! (rom i& (ro&t o( >o&atha& a&d wal'ed o-er to Aamire1. They wal'ed to the

(ro&t so &o o&e else *ould hear.

Fred, Aamire1 whis!ered, this "uy is "oi&" to be brou"ht u! o& (elo&y *har"es. ll I &eed

(rom you is to !at*h him u! e&ou"h so I *a& ta'e him to +ail. O&*e he "ets there I will !ut him i& the

 +ailhouse hos!ital.

3hat about the other "uy

Ta'e him to the EA. ?et them !at*h him u!. I2m "oi&" to ha-e Mar0ue1 "o with you to be able

to ta'e his stateme&t.

O'ay.Fred we&t ba*' to >o&atha&. He too' a &e*' bra*e out o( his ba" a&d !ut it arou&d >o&atha&2s

&e*'. He (ixed it so that >o&atha& *ould &ot tilt his head ba*' a&ymore.

?iste& 'id, this will 'ee! you (rom mo-i&" your head ba*' a&d *ho'i&" o& your ow& blood.

There2s &othi&" I *a& do about your *ra*'ed ribs. Be*ause you are "oi&" to +ail I2m &ot allowed to "i-eyou a&ythi&" (or the !ai& either. Do you u&dersta&d

)ea, >o&atha& "roa&ed.3hat about seei&" a do*

Sorry but you2re "oi&" to the +ailhouse hos!ital. The &urse there will loo' you o-er a&d de*ide i(

you &eed a do*tor ri"ht away.

Fred stood u! a&d we&t ba*' to Aamire1 a&d told him >o&atha& *ould be ta'e& away. Aamire1

wal'ed outside to tal' with the two O((i*ers who +ust !ulled u!. Fred wal'ed o-er to Aoyal a&d started

loo'i&" him o-er. 3ithi& (i(tee& mi&utes >o&atha& was headi&" to +ail a&d Aoyal was o& his way to the

EA.9 9 9 9

>o&atha& as your lawyer I ad-ise you that we do &ot ha-e to be here. )ou ha-e &othi&" to say to


Sta(( Ser"ea&t Aoyal a&d a >G lawyer, ?ieute&a&t >aime orri&, were sitti&" at a table whe&

>o&atha& a&d his *ourt a!!oi&ted lawyer wal'ed i&. They sat dow& a&d >o&atha& loo'ed at Aoyal2s (a*e.

Seei&" how badly his (a*e loo'ed, >o&atha& too' a little !ride i& the (a*t that he had bee& the*ause o( the dama"e a&d Aoyal would &e-er (or"et it.

>o&atha& we ha-e a !ro!ositio& (or you. It2ll *ha&"e your li(e o&e way or a&other, ?ieute&a&t

orri& said.

Do you ha-e a&ythi&" i& writi&", ?a&*e, >o&atha&2s lawyer butted i&, *ause i( you do&2t the&we are lea-i&".

?ieute&a&t orri& may ha-e loo'ed li'e a (ra"ile !usho-er but she was (ar (rom it. She *ame(rom a lo&" li&e o( lawyers who lo-ed to (i"ht. ?ieute&a&t orri& was o&e o( those (i"hters.

<&less you are the #$  who *ommitted the *rime you ha-e &othi&" to say.

Ex*use me, but you *a&2t

I *a&2t what, orri& *ut him o((. )our *lie&t has *ommitted a (ew (elo&ies a&d will be *har"ed

i( we so *hoose. He is loo'i&" at twe&ty years total with e-erythi&" I am !re!ared to throw at him.

Howe-er, the Sta(( Ser"ea&t here has *o&-i&*ed me to !ut a& o((er o& the table.

The time (or a deal is o-er, ?a&*e said with a tou*h o( -e&om i& his to&e.So u&less the >ud"e

has a"reed to somethi&" I do&2t '&ow about the& there is &othi&" you *a& o((er.

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room.De!uty you may remo-e Mr. M*Gre"or2s *hai&s. The or!oral here will ta'e Mr. M*Gre"or i&to

*ustody. He &ow belo&"s to the Mari&e or!s.

I2m "oi&" to &eed a& authori1atio& to release him, the De!uty said as he "rabbed >o&atha&2s

elbow to es*ort him out.

Good thi&" I "ot that ri"ht here, ?ieute&a&t orri& said as she rea*hed i&to her brie(*ase a&dha&ded the De!uty a sheet o( !a!er.>ud"e Malloy si"&ed his release this mor&i&". s you *a& see

"e&tleme&, I do&2t li'e to waste time. I( you would !lease De!uty, the *hai&s a&d *u((s.)es Mam2.

The De!uty too' the *hai&s a&d *u((s o(( o( >o&atha& a&d wal'ed out o( the room, -ery a&"ry.

The or!oral !ut his ow& ha&d*u((s o& >o&atha&. Now >o&atha& belo&"ed to the Mari&es.

9 9 9 9

Sta&di&" i& a strai"ht li&e, (a*i&" (orward, eyes (ixed o& a& i&-isible s!ot i& (ro&t o( him, a -ery

white, -ery stro&", a&d -ery loud Drill I&stru*tor DI yelli&" i& his (a*e, >o&atha& wa&ted to bust out

lau"hi&" a"ai& o-er what had +ust o**urred.

Ae*ruit, you better a&swer me= Do I loo' (u&&y to you=

2 '( pale a( you are and a( many freckle( you have on your face) yea you look funny to me,2

>o&atha& thou"ht to himsel(.

No Drill Ser"ea&t, >o&atha& shouted his a&swer. So (ar >o&atha& had lear&ed that shouti&" is

the o&ly way to a&swer a&y 0uestio& i& basi* trai&i&".3hat did you +ust say Ae*ruit, the DI shouted.

I mea&, Drill Ser"ea&t, No Drill Ser"ea&t= This Ae*ruit does &ot (i&d you (u&&y Drill Ser"ea&t=

The& what the hell is so dam& (u&&y boy= 3he& I say sta&d at atte&tio& that mea&s &o mo-i&"

whatsoe-er= I do&2t *are i( >e&&i(er ?o!e1 hersel( was sta&di&" i& (ro&t o( you &a'ed a&d !layi&" withyour di*', )O< DO NOT MOE=

Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t= Sorry Drill Ser"ea&t=

Sorry= Did you +ust say you were sorry= The o&ly sorry Mari&e is a washed out Mari&e= Is that

what you wa&t to be=

Drill Ser"ea&t, No Drill Ser"ea&t=

Do you e&+oy other !eo!le2s misery= the DI2s &ose was tou*hi&" >o&atha&2s (a*e, he was so


Drill Ser"ea&t, No Drill Ser"ea&t=Oh, so you do&2t thi&' it2s (u&&y that Ae*ruit >oh&so& !issed his !a&ts= )ou do&2t thi&' it2s

(u&&y that >oh&so&2s >oh&so& "ot him i& trouble=

That did it. >o&atha& *ould &ot hold his lau"hter a&ymore. He busted out lau"hi&" but 0ui*'ly

sto!!ed himsel(.

I see &ow, the DI whis!ered be(ore ste!!i&" ba*' a (ew (eet. Still (a*i&" >o&atha& the Di

shouted, Ae*ruit >oh&so&, (ro&t a&d *e&ter=>oh&so&, bei&" a s'i&&y &erdy loo'i&" 'id, slowly wal'ed o-er to the DI, 'ee!i&" his head dow&.

>oh&so& was ashamed, a "row& ma& !issi&" his !a&ts be*ause someo&e yelled i& his (a*e. Ae... Ae...

Ae*ruit >oh&so&

Stri! your !a*'= the DI yelled, *utti&" >oh&so& o((.>oh&so& dro!!ed the !a*' o(( his ba*' a&d i&sta&tly (elt li"hter. The DI be&t dow& a&d started

o!e&i&" the !a*', dum!i&" e-erythi&" out. The DI (ou&d what he was loo'i&" (or.Mr. M*Gre"or, sta&d &ext to Mr. >oh&so&=

>o&atha& ste!!ed (orward a&d stood side by side &ext to >oh&so&. The DI wal'ed o-er to >oh&so&

a&d wra!!ed a ro!e arou&d >oh&so&2s waist. He tied a '&ot a&d wra!!ed the other e&d arou&d >o&atha&2s

waist. The DI made sure there was three (eet o( ro!e betwee& the two Ae*ruits be(ore tyi&" o(( >o&atha&2s


)ou will lear& this lesso&, i( &othi&" else: *+ #$V$, -$'V$ ' '# /$0I#&1  His !ai& is

your !ai&. I( this ro!e is *ut be(ore I u&tie you both, you 3I?? BE A)IN2 FOA )O<A MOMM= DO


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Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t= >o&atha& a&d >oh&so& both shouted i& u&iso&.

Now you "ot exa*tly (i(tee& mi&utes to "et ba*' i&side a&d *ha&"e= That ro!e better &ot *ome

o((= NO3 MOE=

>o&atha& a&d >oh&so& ra& i&to the barra*'s a&d >oh&so& be"a& to stri!. They both made it ba*'

ri"ht at the (i(tee&Cmi&ute mar'. For the rest o( the day they wore the ro!e.Duri&" the mor&i&" ru& >o&atha& was "etti&" (rustrated. ?i-i&" i& the streets, >o&atha& was use

to ru&&i&" a&d bei&" a*ti-e. >oh&so&, o& the other ha&d, was a boo'worm that barely !assed PE i& hi"hs*hool. It was almost li'e *arryi&" deadwei"ht to >o&atha&.

>o&atha& did &ot wa&t a&y extra !u&ishme&t so he hel!ed >oh&so& as mu*h as !ossible.

E-erythi&" they did had to be do&e to"ether. E-erywhere they we&t they were lau"hed at but >o&atha&

i"&ored it. Si&*e they did &ot '&ow exa*tly how lo&" they would be tied to"ether, >oh&so& de*ided to

ma'e "ood use o( the time.

t (irst, >o&atha& was hesita&t to a&sweri&" a&y 0uestio&s about himsel(. Fi&ally, he "a-e i&. ll

day both me& "ot to '&ow ea*h other better. >o&atha& was starti&" to (eel he *ould trust >oh&so&.

>oh&so& did most o( the tal'i&". >o&atha& liste&ed a&d "a-e short a&swers to a&ythi&" he was as'ed.

t the e&d o( the day >o&atha& was sure they would be *ut (ree to shower. No su*h lu*'.

Showeri&" was the hardest thi&" to do. ll the other Ae*ruits lau"hed at >o&atha& a&d >oh&so& i& the

lo*'er room. s mu*h as >o&atha& wa&ted to hit someo&e, he ma&a"ed to *o&trol his tem!er.

Slee! !ro-ed to be a&other *halle&"e, howe-er. (ter "i-i&" it *o&siderable thou"ht, >oh&so&*ame u! with a solutio&. They both sle!t o& the (loor. The (loor was hard a&d -ery *old. >oh&so& be"a&

to *om!lai& but >o&atha& told >oh&so& how he use to slee! o& the (loor all the time i& the streets.

I& the mor&i&" >o&atha& a&d >oh&so& "ot dressed slowly the& li&ed u! i& (ormatio&. E-eryo&e

was sta&di&" at atte&tio& as the Drill I&stru*tors wal'ed arou&d, *ir*li&", li'e a !a*' o( wol-es *ir*li&" aherd, loo'i&" (or a wea' s!ot.

Drill I&stru*tor ?eo& was i& *har"e this mor&i&".Ae*ruits M*Gre"or a&d >oh&so&, (ro&t a&d

*e&ter= he shouted.

>o&atha& a&d >oh&so& trotted to the (ro&t o( the "rou!. It has bee& almost twe&tyC(our hours si&*e

they were tied to"ether. They had lear&ed 0ui*'ly how to ru& without !ulli&" the other with the ro!e. DI

?eo& was im!ressed o& how 0ui*'ly they had lear&ed to wor' to"ether. It truly was ama1i&" *o&sideri&"

how di((ere&t they were.

Ae*ruit M*Gre"or, ha-e you lear&ed a&ythi&" (rom this exer*ise=Drill Ser"ea&t, )es, Drill Ser"ea&t=

&d what ha-e you lear&ed Ae*ruit

Drill Ser"ea&t, that the or!s is a team, Drill Ser"ea&t= That e-ery ma& de!e&ds o& ea*h other

to ma'e it throu"h the day= That whate-er this Ae*ruit does, it a((e*ts e-eryo&e, &ot +ust this Ae*ruit,

Drill Ser"ea&t=

&d Ae*ruit >oh&so&, what ha-e you lear&ed=Drill Ser"ea&t, &e-er to !iss my !a&ts a"ai&, Drill Ser"ea&t=

I sure i& hell ho!e so= ?eo& shouted as he a!!roa*hed >oh&so&.?et2s test that theory shall we,

?eo& whis!ered i&to >oh&so&2s ear. He stood &ose to &ose a&d shouted, Ae*ruit >oh&so&= 3ould you

say the or!s is a brotherhood=Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t=

3ould you lay your li(e dow& (or your (ellow Mari&es, your brothers=Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t=

3ould you trust your li(e to a&y o( your (ellow Mari&es=

Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t=

Glad to hear it Ae*ruit= ?eo& stayed i& (ro&t o( >oh&so& but tur&ed his head to loo' at >o&atha&,

3hat about you M*Gre"or= 3ould you trust your li(e to this sorry ba" o( bo&es=

Drill Ser"ea&t, without a doubt Drill Ser"ea&t= This Ae*ruit would trust Ae*ruit >oh&so& with

this Ae*ruit2s li(e, Drill Ser"ea&t=

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3ell si&*e you ladies trust ea*h other so mu*h I am ma'i&" you two !art&ers= ?eo& loo'ed

 ba*' to >oh&so&, 3hat this $'#S  Ae*ruit >oh&so& is that you are &ow res!o&sible (or Ae*ruit

M*Gre"or a&d he is res!o&sible (or you= <&less you are seei&" the Do*, you two are &ot to be se!arated,


To see how well you trust ea*h other, your s*ores will be re-ersed also= No matter what we do,Ae*ruit M*Gre"or2s s*ores will *ou&t (or Ae*ruit >oh&so&= 3hate-er sorry wea' ass s*ore Ae*ruit

>oh&so& ma'es, it will *ou&t (or Ae*ruit M*Gre"or= Is this u&derstood=Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t, >o&atha& a&d >oh&so& shouted i& u&iso&.

Good= Now Ae*ruit >oh&so& would you li'e me to remo-e that ro!e, ?eo& as'ed, his &ose

o&*e a"ai& tou*hi&" >oh&so&2s &ose.

Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t=

&d you trust me Ae*ruit=

Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t=

3ithout loo'i&" DI ?eo& !ulled out his ;CBar a&d *ut the ro!e at >oh&so&2s stoma*h. >oh&so&

did &ot e-e& ha-e time to bli&'.

Ae*ruit >oh&so&, I2m &ot e-e& "oi&" to loo', are you still dry=

Drill Ser"ea&t, )es Drill Ser"ea&t=

Good= 3e2re "oi&" to ma'e a ma& out o( you yet Ae*ruit >oh&so&= Now "o u&tie your !art&er

a&d (all i&=ui*'ly >oh&so& we&t to >o&atha& a&d u&tied the ro!e (rom arou&d his waist. The o&ly thi&"

"oi&" throu"h >o&atha&2s mi&d was that it was "oi&" to be a lo&" twel-e wee's.

9 9 9 9

ha!ter #?ast Missio&

So whe& did you two (irst meet

I2m sorry Torres, >o&atha& said startled out o( his daydream, I was somewhere else. 3hat did

you say

3he& did you two (irst meet, Torres as'ed a"ai&.

Three a&d a hal( years a"o. >oh&so& a&d I were o& lea-e i& tla&ta. 3e de*ided to "o out a&d

(i&d some "irls to !arty with. >o&i was our waitress.

)ea, till she !oured a beer o& your head, >oh&so& said, lau"hi&".Hey, that2s how I '&ew she li'ed me, >o&atha& said with a hu"e "ri& o& his (a*e.)ou were +ust

 +ealous she !aid atte&tio& to me a&d &ot you.

The hell I was, >oh&so& s&a!!ed ba*'.I had all the "irls that &i"ht !al=

Not all o( them. I had my si"hts set o& >o&i a&d you '&ow me, o&*e you2re i& my si"hts you2re


>oh&so& rolled his eyes a&d lea&ed ba*' i& his *hair. He sat (orward a"ai& a&d said, 3hy do&2tyou tell Torres why she !oured that beer o& you

)ea, why did she !our that beer o& you This ou"ht to be "ood.

>o&atha& too' a dee! breath as he stirred the (ire the three o( them were sitti&" arou&d. *ou!le

o( rmy Ser"ea&ts wal'ed by a&d "a-e them dirty loo's.)ou '&ow i( the rmy would +ust !ull out a&d let us *ome i&@ the or!s will *lea& this !la*e u!

i& &o time.Bos&ia is a NTO !roblem &ot a <.S. !roblem, >oh&so& a&swered without thi&'i&".Do&2t try

a&d *ha&"e the sub+e*t either, S2I-- IT =

O'ay, o'ay, >o&atha& a&swered lau"hi&".See Torres, lo-er boy here wa&ted to "et laid. For

some reaso& I let him tal' me i&to hitti&" the bars early. Sixtee& hu&dred hours early to be exa*t. 3e

we&t to this bar where a lot o( "irls (rom Geor"ia Te*h we&t to a(ter *lass.

>o&i was there waitressi&" to ear& extra mo&ey while she "ot her de"ree. I& wal's two *o*'y

Mari&es i& u&i(orm a&d she2s the o&ly waitress (or the &ext hour. 3ell, you2-e see& how hot >o&i is, so I

started hitti&" o& her.

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I2m "etti&" &owhere with her a&d (ast. I mea& i*e *old. Mea&while, >oh&so& is hitti&" o& e-ery

 !ie*e o( ass wal'i&" by. I do mea& e-ery !ie*e o( ass.

Now you2re lyi&", >oh&so& !rotested.

3ho2s telli&" the story here

3ell +ust "et it ri"ht, >oh&so& s&a!!ed ba*'.)ou2re "oi&" to ma'e !oor Torres here thi&' I2m a(u*'i&2 (a".

3ell, you did hit o& that o&e *hi*' who tur&ed out to be a "uy so I2m &ot wro&".That bit*h was also dressed li'e a woma& so that does&2t *ou&t, >oh&so& s&a!!ed as he sat u!,

de(e&di&" himsel(.

?o&" hair does &ot *ou&t (or dressi&" li'e a woma&. Now, may I (i&ish my story !lease

)es Sir. Sorry Sir, >oh&so& said sar*asti*ally.

Tha&' you. Now where was I Oh yea, %ohn(on, >o&atha& stressed >oh&so&2s &ame a&d "a-e

>oh&so& a loo' to e&sure &o more i&terru!tio&s, was hitti&" o& e-ery !ie*e o( ass. He e-e& "ot a (ew

ta'ers. He wa&ted to lea-e a&d I said sure be*ause I *ould&2t ta'e a&ymore o( Miss I*e uee& Bit*h2s


I did&2t '&ow >o&i was wal'i&" behi&d me whe& I said that. She heard me o-er the loud musi*

too. >o&i wal'ed arou&d to sta&d i& (ro&t o( me, smiled, a&d !oured a& e&tire !it*her o( beer all o-er me


Dam&, that is *old, Torres lau"hed.But how did you "et her to "o out with you a(ter that3ell o&e o( the "irls >oh&so& too' ba*' to the hotel was i& *lass with >o&i a&d told me where to

(i&d her. I "ot her address a&d by lu&*htime the &ext day I had se&t her te& do1e& roses. I se&t a &ote

stati&" I would *o&ti&ue to se&d a do1e& roses e-ery hour u&til she a"reed to ha-e di&&er with me a&d let

me a!olo"i1e to her.It too' a&other ei"ht do1e& be(ore she *alled me a&d a"reed to di&&er. It was a late di&&er but I

too' what I *ould "et. t di&&er I ex!lai&ed why I a*ted li'e a +er' a&d how sorry I was. I told her we

were o& lea-e (or two wee's a&d where I was statio&ed. I tur&ed the *harm o& to 3ar! &i&e s!eed.

Be(ore I '&ew it she was lau"hi&" a&d started to o!e& u!. I was -ery !olite a&d a*ted li'e a

"e&tlema& the rest o( the &i"ht. 3e we&t (or a wal' a&d tal'ed (or hours. She as'ed 0uestio&s a&d I

a&swered them ho&estly. 3he& I too' her ba*' to her dorm I as'ed (or a&other date. She said yes.

I waited (or her outside her *lasses a&d wal'ed her to her &ext *lass e-eryday that we were i&

tow&. >oh&so& was !retty mu*h o& his ow&.)ea Torres, >oh&so& i&terru!ted, he (or"ot what it mea&t to &e-er lea-e a ma& behi&d.

Fu*' you Bubba, >o&atha& s&a!!ed ba*'.)ou did&2t &eed me to !i*' u! *hi*'s either. Do&2t

let him (ool you Torres@ >oh&so& here was ma'i&" u! (or lost time bei&" o-erseas. He was i& the hotel

room most o( the time, a&d &ot always with the same woma&.

>oh&so& lea&ed ba*' a&d smiled as he !la*ed his ha&ds behi&d his head, !roud o( what >o&atha&

had +ust stated.&yway, >o&atha& *o&ti&ued, a(ter two years o( *alls, letter writi&", a&d brie( -isits whe& o&

lea-e, she a"reed to marry me.

Does she '&ow exa*tly what you do i& the or!s

>o&atha& a&d >oh&so& loo'ed at ea*h other a&d lau"hed.)ou mea& does she '&ow I2m a *old blooded 'iller i& the S&i!er di-isio& )es she '&ows, I told

her that o& the (irst date. I did&2t wa&t to start o(( by lyi&" to her.&d she2s o'ay with that

No= She wa&ts me to (i&ish a&d the& "et out. She says ei"ht years is a lo&" time. I mea& these

 !ast se-e& a&d a hal( years ha-e bee& "reat but I thi&' I wa&t out too.

3hat, >oh&so& blurted out sho*' you serious (ter all we2-e bee& throu"h you wa&t to


?oo' buddy, I ha-e a (amily to loo' a(ter. I do&2t wa&t my *hild "rowi&" u! without a (ather. I

ha-e six mo&ths le(t a&d the& I2m out.

)ea but that2s a lo&" way o((, you two are&2t ha-i&" 'ids (or a (ew years, >oh&so& !rotested.

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Not a&y more, >o&atha& said smili&".


No!e. Dead serious. I +ust (ou&d out this mor&i&" whe& I *alled home.

3ow ma&, Torres said.o&"ratulatio&s= So how (ar is she

>ust ha!!e&ed be(ore we le(t (or here, >o&atha& said with a& e-e& bi""er "ri& o& his (a*e tha& be(ore.

But you *a& ha-e a 'id a&d still be i& the or!s, why do you ha-e to lea-e, Torres as'ed, hismood *ha&"i&" (rom a !lay(ul o&e to a sad o&e.3hat about us 3e2re your (amily too. 3e "ot your

 ba*'. )ou trust us do&2t you

Torres, you ha-e bee& with our u&it &ow (or what, six mo&ths


There has &e-er bee& a 0uestio& o( my trusti&" you "uys. <&til I "ot married the or!s was the

o&ly (amily I had. I '&ow I ha-e a home here but we both '&ow I2m &ot "oi&" to "et a& o((i*e +ob i& the


s lo&" as I2m i& the or!s they are "oi&" to 'ee! assi"&i&" me missio&s li'e this o&e. I2m

always "oi&" to be !ut i&to *ombat situatio&s. That mea&s I *ould die out here.

But you *a& easily die i& the streets too, >oh&so& said.

I '&ow, I '&ow. ?oo', &othi&" is set i& sto&e yet. >ust I !romised >o&i a(ter this missio& is o-er

we2ll tal' about our o!tio&s whe& I "et home.Dam& >oh&&y, you sure '&ow how to 'ill a mood, Torres said.

3hat do you ex!e*t (rom a S&i!er, dumb ass ll he does is 'ill. Shit= I *a&2t ta'e a&ymore o(

this, I2m hitti&" the sa*', >oh&so& said as he stood u!.I ho!e you *ome to your se&ses i& the mor&i&".

9 9 9 9Mor&i&" *ame too soo&. It was still -ery dar' whe& >o&atha&, Torres, a&d >oh&so& were ready to

lea-e. There was a NTO li"ht armor *o&-oy *omi&" throu"h the *am! i& (i(tee& mi&utes. The *o&-oy

was deli-eri&" su!!lies to all the u&its s!read out i& Bos&ia.

>o&atha&, Torres, a&d >oh&so&, or the &$'T0 T,I, as they *alled themsel-es, are "oi&" to stow

away o& the *o&-oy a&d disa!!ear i&to the woods *loser to the hea-y (i"hti&". he*he& Ge&eral was

tau&ti&" the meri*a&s i&to (i"hti&". His me& had bee& ta'i&" !o! shots at soldiers a&d the& ru&&i&"


The Ge&eral *laimed to ha-e a lar"e stora"e o( SM2s a&d Sti&"ers a&d was &ot a(raid to usethem. Some dmiral somewhere de*ided to *all the Ge&eral2s blu(( a&d se&t a !air o( F/C%J Hor&ets to

try a&d "et some aerial !hoto"ra!hs o( the base. The Ge&eral de*ided to show he mea&t busi&ess. He

(ired o& the Hor&ets. O&e "ot away a&d o&e was shot dow&.

The !ilot, a!tai& Bar&ett o( the Mari&e or!s, was ta'e& !riso&er. wee' later NTO

re*ei-ed a -ideo ta!e o( the !ilot bei&" tortured. O&e by o&e he was bei&" !assed arou&d i& a *ir*le, with

a hood o-er his (a*e, as soldiers beat him. They tied him to a stri!ed s!ri&" mattress a&d hoo'ed it to a battery *har"er. They sho*'ed him re!eatedly u&til he soiled himsel(.

The& the Ge&eral *ame o& the s*ree&.This is what will ha!!e& to e-ery meri*a& that *omes

i&to my ha&ds. )ou ha-e bee& told to lea-e this *ou&try. This is &ot your (i"ht. )our !ilot will stay

ali-e as lo&" as he *a& hold out to the torture. )ou will &ot *ome &ear us a"ai&. Next time I release ta!eto the world.

The Trio2s +ob was to "ather e&ou"h i&telli"e&*e so that the Na-y SE?S *ould retrie-e thea!tai&.

Torres, did you ta'e *are o( the 2last ri"hts2 box

)ea, I did >oh&&y. ?o*'ed her u! a&d "a-e it to the olo&el.


The 2?ast Ai"hts2 box was a box where ea*h ma& !ut i& e-erythi&" that ide&ti(ied him, wallets,

ri&"s, a&d do" ta"s. They ea*h wrote a letter to someo&e ba*' home as a "oodCbye letter. They lo*'ed it

i&side a .6$ *al ammo box a&d had the hi"hest ra&'i&" O((i*er o& the base holds o&to the box u&til they

"ot ba*'.

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)o, >oh&&y, >oh&so& *ame +o""i&" toward >o&atha& a&d Torres.o&-oy is *omi&". Got

e-erythi&" ready to "o. )our ri(le2s se*ure a&d &o o&e '&ows about where we2re "oi&".

Good. ?et2s do this. ?oo' out Ge&eral, here *omes Death.

Here *omes Death, Torres re!eated.

Fu*'i&2 , here *omes Death, >oh&so& *himed i&.The three o( them wal'ed o-er to the su!!ly te&t a&d wat*hed as the soldiers u&loaded the

su!!lies. They +ust stood there wat*hi&", with hard loo's o& their (a*es. They were wat*hi&" e-erythi&"a&d e-eryo&e arou&d them, loo'i&" (or the sli"htest thi&" that mi"ht be out o( !la*e.

& rmy Ser"ea&t Ma+or saw the three +ust sta&di&" there, &ot willi&" to hel!. He wal'ed o-er

to the trio a&d said, 3hy do&2t you three "et i& "ear a&d hel! u&load those su!!lies.

Ex*use me Ser"ea&t Ma+or, but that2s *lose e&ou"h, >oh&so& said as he raised his MC%4 sli"htly,

Please do&2t *ome a&y *loser.

>o&atha& loo'ed strai"ht, his ba*' to the Ser"ea&t Ma+or. 3ithout bei&" distra*ted (rom his

s*a&&i&" he a&swered the Ser"ea&t Ma+or2s u&as'ed 0uestio&.

Sorry about this Ser"ea&t Ma+or but who we are is &o&e o( your *o&*er&. &d you2re &ot *leared

to s!ea' with us. s dumb as that may sou&d, it2s our orders. Now i( you will "o about your busi&ess we

will be "o&e whe& the *o&-oy lea-es. For your sa'e, that2s all that &eeds to be said.

The Ser"ea&t Ma+or +ust stood there dumb(ou&ded@ he did &ot '&ow what to say. 3he& the

Ser"ea&t Ma+or saw >oh&so& raise his MC%4 to his shoulder the Ser"ea&t Ma+or too' the hi&t to lea-e. He*ould &ot *halle&"e their ra&' be*ause they wore &o i&si"&ia whatsoe-er. The Ser"ea&t Ma+or tur&ed o&

his heels a&d wal'ed away.

9 9 9 9

The ride to the i&sertio& !oi&t too' lo&"er tha& ex!e*ted. The i&sertio& was sim!le. t thelar"est NTO (ield base two thirds o( the remai&i&" su!!lies was to be u&loaded. Duri&" the u&loadi&"

the trio was to ma'e their way to the ed"e o( the base a&d disa!!ear i&to the woods.

O&*e "o&e, they were to head to the base where the F/C%J was shot dow&. Their (irst a&d

(oremost missio& was to "ather as mu*h i&telli"e&*e o& the base as !ossible. a!tai& Bar&ett was

 belie-ed to be dead by &ow so "oi&" i& to retrie-e the body was a -ery dista&t se*o&d.

I& >o&atha&2s mi&d, howe-er, it was the exa*t o!!osite. Dead or ali-e, his (irst missio& was to

 bri&" a!tai& Bar&ett home. E-erythi&" they &eeded was *arried o& them. >ust li'e a SE? team, o&*e

they ra& out o( ammo it was o-er.3he& &i"ht (ell it was so dar' i& the woods you *ould barley see o&e (oot i& (ro&t o( you. That2s

 +ust how >o&atha& li'ed it. They wal'ed -ery slowly a&d *are(ully. The bad thi&" was that (i"hti&" had

 bee& "oi&" o& i& this la&d (or well o-er twe&ty years. That mea&s, o-er the years, so ma&y la&d mi&es

a&d booby tra!s had bee& set that they were e-erywhere.

s the three wal'ed they wal'ed i& a strai"ht li&e. >o&atha& is -ery stri*t a&d &ot ma&y !eo!le

wa&t to wor' with him be*ause o( it. He made Torres a&d >oh&so& wear the exa*t same shoes as him.Same si1e, same style, same tread. He always wal'ed out (irst a&d the other two ste!!ed i& his tra*'s.

This way a tra*'er *ould &ot '&ow exa*tly how ma&y soldiers they were tra*'i&". It may be a *rude !oi&t

 but it always 'e!t them ali-e.

 Na-i"ati&" i& the dar' was &o easy tas' either. It too' a lot o( !atie&*e a&d by daybrea' the triowas at the *om!ou&d. They set u! their loo'out !ost a&d sur-eilla&*e e0ui!me&t. Torres was ta'i&" as

ma&y !hotos (or i&telli"e&*e as he *ould a&d u!loaded them o& a satellite si"&al ba*' to the rmy base.>o&atha& sat at the base o( a tree a&d laid his ri(le i& his la!. He !ulled a (ew lar"e bra&*hes o-er

himsel(, hidi&" (rom a&yo&e &ot loo'i&" *losely. He lea&ed his head ba*' a&d be(ore he *ould *ou&t to

te& he was aslee!.

)ou '&ow >oh&so&, I do&2t see how he *ould (all aslee! that (ast, Torres said !oi&ti&" toward


Guess it2s all those years slee!i&" i& the streets. )ou2d be sur!rised at most o( the stu(( he *a&

do, >oh&so& !aused, or eat.

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3hy do&2t you two "irls tal' a little louder. I wa&t to ha-e a shoot out early mor&i&" i&stead o(


Sorry >oh&&y, >oh&so& a!olo"i1ed.

>ust "i-e me three hours o( slee! the& you *a& ha-e a tur& >oh&so&. Torres you *a& "o last.

 Now 1i! it a&d let me '&ow i( a&ythi&" *ha&"es. Neither o&e o( them said a word. They we&t ba*' to setti&" thi&"s u!. s Torres was ta'i&"

 !i*tures, >oh&so& was setti&" u! tri! wires. I( they had to ma'e a 0ui*' es*a!e they were "oi&" to ma'esure &o o&e *ould (ollow.

3ith e-eryo&e doi&" what &eeded to be do&e the time we&t !retty 0ui*'ly. Ni"ht was

a!!roa*hi&" a&d as soo& as it "ot dar' they would mo-e.

>oh&so&, the tra!s set, >o&atha& as'ed as he was double *he*'i&" his "ear.

)u!. Got e-ery !ossible *hase route *o-ered.

Good. Torres, a&y *ha&"e o& where a!tai& Bar&ett is bei&" held

No, but we2-e bee& "i-e& orders &ot to "o i&. <&less, o( *ourse, we are ta'i&" hea-y (ire,

Torres a&swered with a smile.

s (ar as I2m *o&*er&ed, we are ta'i&" (ire i& thirty mi&utes. I wa&t to ma'e this as 0ui*' a&d

 !ai&less as !ossible. I& a&d out. I wa&t you two to do a double *he*' o& e-erythi&". 3e2re o&ly "o&&a

"et o&e shot at this.

Sile&*e (illed the air as e-eryo&e '&ew what they had to do. Ni"ht "o""les o& their (a*es tosile&*ers o& the wea!o&s were *he*'ed o-er a&d o-er a"ai&. 3he& it was time >o&atha& "ot hi"h i&to a

tree while >oh&so& a&d Torres we&t dow& to the *om!ou&d.

There was a !at*h o& >oh&so&2s a&d Torres2s u&i(orms that *a& o&ly be see& by a Starli"ht S*o!e.

This allowed >o&atha& to '&ow exa*tly where they were i&side the *om!ou&d. The tree >o&atha& !i*'edmade a "reat s&i!er !er*h. &d with the sile&*er o& his ri(le there was &o (lash to tra*e.

>o&atha& laid there wat*hi&" as >oh&so& a&d Torres made it i&to the *om!ou&d, setti&" remote

ex!losi-es as they made their way to a!tai& Bar&ett.

Death, Si*'le O&e is i& !ositio&, >oh&so& said as he *rou*hed a"ai&st a wall a*ross (rom where

a!tai& Bar&ett was bei&" held.

Ao"er that Si*'le O&e. Si*'le Two "i-e me status.

Sta&dCby o&e, Torres whis!ered.

>o&atha& mo-ed his ri(le to where Torres should ha-e bee&. s he s*a&&ed the area he *ould seeTorres *rou*hed dow& about two buildi&"s away (rom where he should be. He *ould also see two

soldiers sta&di&" arou&d the *or&er smo'i&". This was "oi&" to tur& i&to a serious situatio&.

Si*'le Two, Death. I "ot two bad "uys o& the other side o( your !ositio& smo'i&". Ba*'s are to

you. ?oo's as i( threat will lea-e as soo& as they are (i&ished. I( T0IS  does "o dow& we do it 0uiet.

Draw your blade i& res!o&se.

Torres drew his '&i(e (rom the side o( his ri"ht boot. He held it ready to "ut a&yo&e who *amearou&d the *or&er. >o&atha& would ha-e to ma'e the *all. He 'e!t his si"hts o& the two me&. They

(i&ished their *i"arettes a&d lit u! a&other. The lo&"er they stayed there the better the *ha&*es o( them

"etti&" *au"ht.

Si*'le Two, Death. Need you to *ause a distra*tio&. Throw a ro*' away (rom you. I2ll ta'e outthe lead, you "ut the tail.

Torres !i*'ed u! a ro*' a&d tossed it i&to a shadow, ma'i&" the two soldiers tur& arou&d 0ui*'ly.They both dro!!ed their *i"arettes a&d raised their ;CK7s. They wal'ed slowly toward where Torres

tossed the ro*'.

>ust as they !assed Torres, >o&atha& (ired a shot, hitti&" the lead soldier betwee& the eyes, a&d

0ui*'ly loaded the &ext rou&d be(ore the soldier (ell dead to the "rou&d. Torres had the other soldier

lyi&" dead o& the "rou&d with his body slit a*ross his stoma*h.

Torres stood u! a&d !ulled the bodies i&to the shadows where &o o&e *ould see them. He !i*'ed

 both soldiers o( a&y -alue, alo&" with their ;s.

Death, Si*'le Two is "ood to "o. Now I ha-e a& ; (or the !a*'a"e.

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Ao"er that Si*'le Two. ?et2s "et the !a*'a"e a&d "et the 0$-- out o( Dod"e.

s 0ui*'ly a&d 0uietly as !ossible >oh&so& a&d Torres bro'e i&to the buildi&" where a!tai&

Bar&ett was held. The sile&*ers allowed them to 'ill e-eryo&e i& the buildi&" without bei&" dete*ted.

The trio made their way out o( the *om!lex, slowly. a!tai& Bar&ett was beate& -ery badly but

still wa&ted to (i"ht his way out, a(ter all, he is a Mari&e. >o&atha& 'e!t wat*hi&" the *om!lex to see i(a&yo&e '&ew what was "oi&" o&. So (ar so "ood.

Death, Si*'le O&e a&d Two are o& the yellow bri*' road, headi&" toward O1.Ao"er that. Blowi&" the *om!ou&d i& te&.

o!y Death, >oh&so& a&swered.See you at the extra*t.

>o&atha& *ou&ted to te& slowly the& a*ti-ated the remote deto&ator. He !ushed the little red

 butto& that made the bombs ex!lode. O&e by o&e the bombs we&t o(( i& (i-e se*o&ds i&ter-als.

>o&atha& smiled as he wat*hed the soldiers s*urry arou&d li'e a&ts. E-erythi&" was i& total

*haos. No o&e seemed to '&ow what to do (irst or where to "o. The (i&al bomb we&t o(( at the armory.

The se*o&dary ex!losio&s !ro-ed that the missio& was well worth the ris'.

Sti&"er missiles a&d "re&ades ex!loded *ausi&" e-eryo&e to dro! to the "rou&d. s >o&atha&

too' o&e last loo' arou&d throu"h his s*o!e he *ould &ot belie-e what a!!eared be(ore him, the mai& ma&

himsel(, Ge&eral Ba1da.

This is the o!!ortu&ity o( a li(etime. Ge&eral Ba1da had bee& o& a& u&o((i*ial assassi&atio& list

&ow (or o-er a year. There was &o way >o&atha& *ould !ass u! this "olde& o!!ortu&ity. He too' *are(ulaim.

Steady, he said to himsel( as he slowed his breathi&" dow&.

3he& he "ot the si"ht he wa&ted >o&atha& s0uee1ed the tri""er. The bullet le(t the ri(le without a

sou&d.9 9 9 9

Do you reali1e I *a& ha-e you *ourt marshaled (or what you2-e do&e Gu&&y= No matter what

you T0I#3 , you did ex*eed your orders= SE? team was wor'i&" out a !la& based o& the sur-eilla&*e

i&tel you were se&di&". Those were your orders. S+,V$I--'#$ I#T$- #-* = 3hat i& the hell were

you thi&'i&"

Sir, >o&atha& res!o&ded, I thou"ht about what was best (or the or!s. I saw the o!!ortu&ity to

 bri&" home a Mari&e (rom behi&d e&emy li&es a&d I too' it. The or!s has tau"ht me to (i"ht a&d I &

lo-e the wor', Sir.Do&2t you (u*'i&2 "et *ute with me so&= &d Ge&eral Ba1da, why did you shoot at him

olo&el, you '&ow as well as I do that Ge&eral Ba1da was o& the "-IST." 3e both '&ow that it

is my duty as a S&i!er to ta'e out a&yo&e o& that list that *omes i&to my *rosshairs.

3ell, sorry to i&(orm you Gu&&y but you & #T  "et *redit (or that 'ill. I& (a*t, the he*s "et

*redit (or e-erythi&" you did, si&*e we were&2t su!!ose to be there. Be*ause o( that I *a& &ot re*omme&d

you (or a medal. ll I *a& do is ho!e your a*tio&s *a&*els out a *ourt marshal. )ou ha-e, what, sixmo&ths le(t

)es Sir.

I( you2re lu*'y you2ll s!e&d the remai&der o( that time behi&d a des'. )our tra&s!ort lea-es i&

o&e hour. )ou better be o& it. Dismissed.>o&atha& saluted, ye aye Sir, a&d s!u& o& his heels to lea-e.

O&e more thi&" Gu&&y.>o&atha& sto!!ed dead i& his tra*'s a&d tur&ed ba*' arou&d.Sir

That was o&e hell o( a shot. The world is better o(( without that bastard /+T  you did&2t hear that

(rom me.

)es Sir. Tha&' you Sir.

9 9 9 9

ha!ter 5

First I&trodu*tio&

&d thirty *e&ts is your *ha&"e, >o&atha& said as he ha&ded the lady (a*i&" him her *ha&"e.

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Tha&' you Mam2 a&d ha-e a "reat day.

Tha&' you you&" ma&, she re!lied. )ou '&ow I2m real "lad the store was able to stay o!e&.

How is Mr. Her&a&de1 doi&" these days

He2s doi&" "ood, >o&atha& re!lied so(tly. He2s mo-ed dow& to Miami a&d lo-es it.

Good. I ho!e you li'e New )or', she said as she wal'ed toward the door.)ou tell >o&i hello(or me.

)es Mam2 I will.>o&atha& lau"hed as the door *losed. I& a *ity where e-eryo&e is su!!ose to be so rude, so (ar

e-eryo&e he2d met had bee& (rie&dly. 3he& he was dis*har"ed (rom the Mari&es (our mo&ths a"o he was

&ot sure what he was "oi&" to do. >illia&, his dau"hter, was bor& three mo&ths later.

His buddies (rom the or!s threw >o&atha& a&d >o&i a hu"e !arty to *elebrate. Duri&" the !arty

he &oti*ed that >o&i loo'ed sadde&ed. (ter the !arty he we&t to tal' with her.

>o&atha&, I (eel alo&e here. )ou ha-e your (rie&ds that *ome by all the time but I ha-e &o o&e.

3hat do you !ro!ose we do about that, >o&atha& as'ed lo&"i&"ly. I mea&, this is where I2m


3ere statio&ed, >o&i *orre*ted. )ou are&2t i& the or!s a&ymore.

Those words hit >o&atha& hard. He really did &ot wa&t to lea-e the or!s. He lo-ed what he did,

he was "ood at. >o&atha& was the best the or!s e-er trai&ed but he lo-ed >o&i more.

)ou2re ri"ht. I2m &o lo&"er i& the or!s. >o&atha& too' a dee! breath, letti&" it out slowly.So what would ma'e you ha!!y >o&i

>o&i loo'ed >o&atha& i& the eyes. Her a&swer was o& the ti! o( her to&"ue but she was a(raid o(

what her husba&d would say. She loo'ed o-er at >illia& lyi&" i& her *rib.

>illia& &eeds to be arou&d (amily, real (amily. I &eed to be arou&d (amily >o&atha&. I *a&2tha&dle raisi&" >illia& alo&e.

But you2re &ot alo&e.

)es I am, >o&i s&a!!ed. I( you2re &ot at the base with the boys the& you2re out ha-i&" dri&'s

with them. I doubt that will *ha&"e. )ou ha-e&2t e-e& (ou&d a +ob yet. Mo&ey is "oi&" to "et ti"ht, (ast.

>o&atha& '&ew where this was "oi&".

)ou wa&t to "o home to New )or' do&2t you, >o&atha& as'ed, his head hu&" low, the a&swer

ha&"i&" i& the air.

)es, >o&i res!o&ded with tears i& her eyes.>o&atha& !ulled >o&i to him, hu""i&" her *lose. How *ould he say &o to her >o&atha& thou"ht

that si&*e he had &othi&" to tie him dow& a&ymore the& why &ot ta'e >o&i home.

>o&i2s u&*le, Geor"e Her&a&de1 ow&ed a *or&er store i& the &ei"hborhood where >o&i "rew u!.

The *or&er store has bee& i& the (amily (or twe&tyC(i-e years. Geor"e was ready to retire a&d &o o&e i&

the (amily wa&ted it. Geor"e did &ot wa&t to sell it u&less he had to. >o&atha& was his last *ha&*e to 'ee!

it i& the (amily.O& the (irst &i"ht i& their &ew a!artme&t, >o&i i&-ited her u&*le o-er (or di&&er. She was "oi&" to

try a&d hel! *o&-i&*e >o&atha& i&to ta'i&" o-er the store.

)ou do&2t ha-e to worry about ha-i&" a boss. &d e-eryo&e is so (rie&dly arou&d here.

<&*le Geor"e always *loses the store arou&d se-e&. Nothi&" has to *ha&"e o&*e you ta'e o-er.)ou *a& be home (or di&&er a&d s!e&d 0uality time with >illia&. It2s &e-er really busy. )ou wo&2t be

o-erwhelmed.That2s IF  I ta'e it o-er. 3e do&2t ha-e the mo&ey to start a busi&ess, >o&atha& said, u&sure o(

ta'i&" o-er the store.

That2s o'ay. )ou do&2t &eed mo&ey. I2m &ot selli&" the store to you@ I2m "i-i&" it to you.

But would&2t you "et more mo&ey i( you sell it

?oo' >oh&&y, the store is a "ood busi&ess. Peo!le arou&d here de!e&d o& the store. They are

ho&est !eo!le who &eed a brea' a&d I2-e always "i-e& them o&e.

I( I sell the store, how do I '&ow the &ew ow&er wo&2t ru& it i&to the "rou&d How will I '&ow

that what I2-e built with my ow& two ha&ds wo&2t be tor& a!art

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How do you '&ow I wo&2t do those thi&"s

ause you2re &ot that 'i&d o( !erso& >o&atha&, >o&i said, *omi&" u! behi&d >o&atha& a&d

hu""i&" him.

I trust my &ie*e2s +ud"me&t, Geor"e said, smili&" u! at >o&i. >o&i was always my (a-orite.

She is a smart a&d beauti(ul woma&.That she is, >o&atha& said with a smile.

I( she *a& trust you with her li(e the& I *a& too. The store would hel! ta'e *are o( her a&d thatlittle a&"el you *reated. )ou would be doi&" me a "reat ho&or by ta'i&" o-er the store.

>o&atha& loo'ed at >o&i. She was "lowi&" with the idea o( >o&atha& ow&i&" the store. That "low

 brou"ht a smile to his (a*e. He +ust wa&ted to ma'e her ha!!y.

)ou "ot a deal. I2ll do it.

 Now >o&atha& had what he always wa&ted, a (amily a&d a home. >o&i was ha!!y. >illia& had

other babies to !lay with. >o&i2s sister, Aa*hel, had a so&, two years old a&d a dau"hter, ele-e& mo&ths

old. This was the (amily >o&i had bee& missi&".

Des!ite e-erythi&" he had heard about New )or' ity, >o&atha& (ou&d it to !leasa&t. Sometimes

at &i"ht he would ta'e wal's alo&e dow&tow&. It hel!ed to *lear his mi&d. He '&ew how to sur-i-e i&

the streets@ it was his home, where he "rew u!. I& the three mo&ths they li-ed there &othi&" had "o&e

wro&". >o&atha& thou"ht that bei&" out o( the or!s would be hard but bei&" arou&d >o&i a&d >illia&

e-eryday had *ha&"ed his mi&d.>o&atha& has bee& i& *har"e o( the store &ow (or a wee'. E-eryo&e i& the &ei"hborhood seemed

to '&ow >o&atha&2s story a&d *ame by to wish him lu*'. It was tur&i&" out to be a &i*e !la*e to li-e a(ter

all. He was daydreami&" about the (uture whe& the bell at the door ra&", alerti&" him to a &ew *ustomer.

>o&atha& loo'ed at the door a&d saw three me& weari&" sil' suits wal' i&. The two big men) haveto be the mu(cle guy(, >o&atha& thou"ht to himsel(. The (hort guy mu(t be the brain(.

O&e o( the mus*le me& lo*'ed the door, tur&ed o-er the *losed si"& a&d !ulled dow& the shade o&

the door.

a& I hel! you "e&tleme&, >o&atha& as'ed as he !i*'ed u! the broom. He wal'ed out (rom

 behi&d the *ou&ter a&d !rete&ded to swee!. Now i( you &eed dire*tio&s, I2m a(raid I *a&2t hel! you. I2m

&ew i& tow&.

)ouse hear dat boys, he thi&'s we is lost, the brai&s said with a ty!i*al thi*' Italia& mobster

a**e&t. The other two me& lau"hed. Geor"e, wat*h da door, mese a&d da &ew "uy here &eed t2 tal' busi&ess.

Sorry sir but the o&ly busi&ess I ha-e is what2s o& the shel-es. So u&less you are "oi&" to buy

somethi&" we do &ot ha-e a&ythi&" to tal' about.

3ell, the little ma& said as he stood i& (ro&t o( >o&atha&, youse mi"ht *ha&"e youse mi&d. See

I2m selli&" i&sura&*e. I re!rese&t Mr. ro&us a&d he would li'e t2 ma'e youse a o&*e i& a li(etime deal.

?et me "uess, I !ay you mo&ey a&d you do&2t trash my store, >o&atha& said mo*'i&"ly. Is thathow it wor's

See dat boys, the little ma& res!o&ded, he i( a smart "uy.

3hat is your &ame sir

My &ames )ouse wa&t to '&ow my &ames My &ames is ?ouie, 'id. 3hat2s it t2 ya3ell, -ouie, i( you, 0ewie, a&d &ewie there would li'e to wal' out o( here o& your ow& two (eet

the& I su""est you do it &ow. I do &ot a&d will  &ot be bullied by a&yo&e.Oh really, ?ouie s&a!!ed. Is dat a (a*t &ow= &"er showed o& ?ouie2s (a*e as it be"a& to

tur& red. BO)S=

Both me& !ulled out a olt (ortyC(i-e !istol a&d !oi&ted them at >o&atha&. ?ouie was still

sta&di&" dire*tly i& (ro&t o( >o&atha&.

3ould youse li'e t2 !ay me &ow or do I let da boys ha-e some (u&, ?ouie as'ed as he stood as

tall as he *ould betwee& the two me&, "ri&&i&" loudly.

re they shar! shooters, >o&atha& as'ed *almly, &ot !hased at all by ha-i&" "u&s !oi&ted at


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re dey shar! shooters, ?ouie re!eated lau"hi&", mo*'i&"ly, "rowi&" a&"rier with all o(

>o&atha&2s 0uestio&s. re dey shar! shooters, he as'ed a"ai&, u&able to *o&trol his a&"er, wal'i&" u!

*lose to >o&atha&. 3hat da (u*' 'i&d o( 0uestio& is dat I "ot two (u*'i&2 "u&s !oi&ted at youse a&d all

youse *a& as' is are dey shar! shooters. The (u*'i&2 &er-e o& this 'id. )ouse must really be (u*'i&2

stu!id=No but you are, >o&atha& a&swered with a smile.

>o&atha& "rabbed ?ouie a&d !ulled him dow& to the "rou&d behi&d a shel(. The "uys o!e&ed (irewithout thi&'i&" a&d em!tied both ma"a1i&es. s the shooti&" sto!!ed >o&atha& !o!!ed u! a&d shot

 both "uys i& the shoulder with ?ouie2s (ortyC(i-e !istol.

>o&atha& !i*'ed u! ?ouie a&d !ulled him i& (ro&t, usi&" him as a huma& shield. He held ?ouie

 by the throat so i( ?ouie tried to "et away all >o&atha& had to do was s0uee1e.

Now do&2t you thi&' your dumb ass boys were +ust a little tri""er ha!!y, >o&atha& as'ed

 !lay(ully. I bet ri"ht &ow the *o!s are o& their way.

)ouse ma'i&" a /IG (u*'i&2 mista'e youse little shit, ?ouise shouted as he tried to s0uirm (ree.

Do&2t youse '&ow who I am

)ea I do, >o&atha& a&swered with a smile. )ou2re a dead ma& i( your boys "o (or their "u&s

a"ai&. I do&2t s*are easy a&d I don4t  "i-e i& to bullies. )ou2re wasti&" your time.

Fu*' youse 'id. ?ouie s!it at >o&atha& but it o&ly (ell o& his ow& *hi&. *+S$   F+3I#4

 &$'&=>o&atha& s0uee1ed ?ouie2s &e*'. He lea&ed i&to ?ouie2s ear a&d said, (ter today, i( you e-er

*ome ba*' here a"ai& I2ll 'ill you. That2s a !romise.

>o&atha& let "o o( ?ouie2s &e*' a&d s!u& him arou&d. He !u&*hed ?ouie hard i& the rib *a"e a&d

"rabbed his arm be(ore ?ouie (ell. He twisted ?ouie2s arm a&d the& bro'e it. >o&atha& !u&*hed ?ouiehard o& the &ose a&d bro'e that too.

This time >o&atha& let ?ouie (all to the "rou&d. 3ith the three me& lyi&" i&+ured o& the "rou&d,

>o&atha& 'e!t the "u& !oi&ted at them. It did &ot ta'e lo&" (or the !oli*e to show u!. They 'i*'ed o!e&

the door a&d saw >o&atha& !oi&ti&" the "u& at the "uys o& the (loor.

Put it dow&, the lead O((i*er shouted as he aimed his "u& at >o&atha&. Put it dow& &ow=

O'ay O((i*er but I2m the ow&er o( this store, >o&atha& a&swered *almly


(ortyC(i-e ma"a1i&e is hea-y a&d will usually slide out o( the "u& with ease o& its ow& whe&the release butto& is !ushed. >o&atha& !ushed the release a&d the ma"a1i&e (ell to the (loor. He slid the

slide ba*' to e+e*t the rou&d i& the *hamber.

There. No more da&"er, >o&atha& said as he let the !ie*es dro! to the (loor. He !ut his ha&ds

i& the air. Now, *ould you so 'i&dly ta'e your "u&s o(( o( me a&d !oi&t them to the "uys o& the (loor.

Not till I "et some a&swers !al, the O((i*er s&a!!ed. ?oo's to me li'e these "uys "ot shot a&d

you2re the o&e holdi&" a smo'i&" "u&. Did I miss somethi&")ea, I2m &ot the bad "uy here.

Oh yea, the O((i*er lau"hed to himsel(. )ou must be stu!id. Do you ha-e a&y idea who these

"uys are

O(( the to! o( my head I would ha-e to say ?arry, urly, a&d Moe, >o&atha& a&swered. Theythou"ht they *ould *ome i&to my !la*e o( busi&ess a&d demand  mo&ey. That do&2t (ly with me a&d I

wa&t to !ress *har"es.The other two O((i*ers hel!ed the three "uys to their (eet. >o&atha& *ould see &ow that these

O((i*ers were o& the ta'e. They were treati&" >o&atha& as i( he was the bad "uy. It was time (or a blu((.

I do&2t thi&' !ressi&" *har"es would be a "ood idea, the lead O((i*er said. I mea&, this is a

deli*ate situatio& we "ot here. )ou would&2t wa&t to !ut a&y o( Mr. ro&us2 boys i& +ail. It ma'es him

mad. Not to me&tio& more !a!erwor' (or me. So why do&2t you +ust "et the mo&ey these "e&tleme& &eed

a&d e-erybody2s ha!!y.

So the& you2re sayi&" you will not  arrest these "uys, >o&atha& said loud a&d *lear, still holdi&"

his ha&ds o-er his head.

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Boy you really are a (u*'i&2 idiot.

No that would be you. Guess you do&2t '&ow how to read a&d s*a& a room, >o&atha& said

 !oi&ti&" toward a *amera i& the *or&er. I "ot you boys o& ta!e, with (ull audio too. I also ha-e hidde&

*ameras throu"hout the store.

)ouse "i-e me dat ta!e youse little !u&'=Pi!e dow& ?ouie. )ou ai&t "etti&" shit, >o&atha& s&a!!ed ba*'.

?ouie "rabbed the O((i*er2s "u& a&d !oi&ted it at >o&atha&. How bout I waste youse a&d +ustta'e da ta!e Huh

"ai&, you *a&2t read shit (or brai&s. See that si"&, >o&atha& !oi&ted to u&der the *amera, I

do&2t 'ee! the ta!es here. It2s bei&" re*orded i& a sa(e lo*atio& (ar away (rom here. So i( you 'ill me the

"uy wat*hi&" this ri"ht &ow will *all the real  *o!s a&d "i-e them the ta!es.

)ouse little (u*', ?ouie yelled.

3ell O((i*er, it2s your *all. 3e both '&ow they2ll be ba*' o& the streets i& the mor&i&". >ust

su*' it u! a&d do the !a!erwor'. I( &ot the& Mr. ro&us will lose a *ou!le o( *o!s (rom his !o*'et.

This ai&t o-er youse little (u*'. I2ll "et youse ba*' (or dis. ?ouie tou*hed his &ose a&d (elt the

 blood at his li!. Nobody draws blood (rom mese a&d li-es.

I2ll be loo'i&" (orward to it, >o&atha& said a&d blew ?ouie a (a'e tau&ti&" 'iss. Oh, O((i*er,

I2ll be by the statio& i& a& hour to si"& !a!ers a&d "i-e my stateme&t. I am !ressi&" *har"es. I +ust ha-e

to *lea& u!.The O((i*er !ut his "u& away a&d wal'ed u! to >o&atha&, &ose to &ose. )ou are a dead ma&.

My (rie&ds *all me DETH, >o&atha& said *almly, so I "uess you2re ri"ht.

The O((i*er shoo' his head a&d lau"hed to himsel(. God dam& asshole, is all he said as they all

wal'ed out the door.9 9 9 9

Mar*o ro&us is a tall mus*ular ma& with a short tem!er. 3he& he "ets a&"ry he li'es to hit

somethi&", or more im!orta&tly, someo&e. Mar*o had +ust be*ome the boss two mo&ths earlier whe& his

(ather had a massi-e heart atta*'. No&e o( the other (amilies '&ew what to thi&' o( Mar*o yet@ he is

you&" a&d still has to !ro-e himsel(.

Des!ite his (ather2s wishes, Mar*o "rew u! i& the streets a&d '&ew how to (i"ht but he was also

a& edu*ated ma&. He ear&ed his MB (rom Har-ard. His (ather, Mar*o Sr., use to say it was im!orta&t

to ha-e a !a!er edu*atio& as well as a street edu*atio&. Mar*o had both, o( that there was &o doubt.The ro&us Family has a re!utatio& (or bei&" brutal. There is &o better way to ma'e a& exam!le

out o( someo&e the& to be &o holds barred brutal. No o&e i& their ri"ht mi&d would ris' bei&" o& the

re*ei-i&" e&d o( that brutality.

Mar*o was ha-i&" di&&er at his (a-orite restaura&t, ?ui"i2s. It was a small hole i& the wall +oi&t

that ser-ed authe&ti* Italia& (ood. lot o( !la*es rushed the (ood, &ot !re!ari&" it *orre*tly. ?ui"i too'

 !ride i& his (ood a&d that2s why Mar*o Sr. e&+oyed it so mu*h. ?ui"i still ra& the !la*e a&d "a-e Mar*o>r. the same treatme&t as his (ather.

3he&e-er Mar*o was there the restaura&t was *losed. No o&e was allowed i& without Mar*o2s

 !ermissio&. He was sitti&" dow&, *ra*'i&" o!e& *rab *laws whe& ?ouie wal'ed i&. ?ouie swallowed

hard as he thou"ht about what was *omi&". He slowly wal'ed o-er to Mar*o2s table a&d stood theresile&tly, waiti&" (or Mar*o to say somethi&".

Mar*o loo'ed u! at ?ouie with a& e-il eye a&d we&t ba*' to *ra*'i&" his *rab *laws. He let?ouie sweat a little be(ore he loo'ed u! a"ai&.

Sit da (u*' dow& a&d tell me what (u*'i&2 ha!!e&ed yesterday, i& a& a&"ry but *ool to&e. Tell

me why I had to s!e&d a thousa&d dollars o& bail (or you a&d my &e!hews &d while you2re at it, you

wa&&a tell me how you let them both "et (u*'i&2 shot with your  ow& "u& Now I "otta liste& to my baby

sister2s shit be*ause her boys "ot shot.

?ouie sat there i& sile&*e, stari&" at Mar*o.

3ell, Mar*o s&a!!ed, shouti&". Fu*'i&2 a&swer me or I2ll 'ill you mysel(.

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Mar*o youse "ot t2 belie-e me, it was&2t myse (ault. I did&2t thi&' der would be trouble. Dis &ew

"uy did&2t seem t2 *are who youse is. He had a smart mouth o& him a&d it too' mese by sur!rise.

Too' you by sur!rise, Mar*o re!eated. 3hy should that sur!rise you I se&t you i&to (u*'i&2

 New )or' ity@ it2s full  o( smart asses. 3hat made this "uy di((ere&t

ause most !eo!le do&2t "et smart whe& it *omes t2 youse (amily, ?ouie a&swered de(e&si-ely.Most !eo!le "et s*ared, as it should be. Dis "uy +ust stayed *ool, e-e& whe& Geor"e a&d hris !ulled

out der "u&s. Dat2s whe& he ambushed mese.mbushed you= 3hat the (u*' did he do

3ell, he uh, ?ouie swallow a&d too' a dee! breath, letti&" it out slowly. He "rabbed mese

a&d threw mese t2 da "rou&d. De& he !i*'ed mese u! a&d used mese as a huma& shield. He sho*'ed

mese be(ore brea'i&" myse arm.

&d your &ose, Mar*o s&a!!ed be(ore letti&" out a dee! si"h as he whi!!ed his mouth *lea&.

O'ay ?ouie, this is what you do. )ou "o to his house a&d 'ill that bit*h wi(e o( his. Ta'e Geor"e a&d

hris with you, so they *a& "et a !ie*e o( her too. I wa&t you to ta'e Gi&o to 'ee! a wat*h out a&d to

(i&ish the +ob.

)ouse "ot it boss, ?ouie said with a smile. 3hat about da baby

3hat baby

Da so& o( a bit*h has a baby.

;ill it, Mar*o a&swered *oldly, I do&2t wa&t a&yo&e i& his (amily ali-e.3hat about him, ?ouie as'ed with a hi&t o( worry i& his -oi*e.

)ou ha-e your (u& with his bit*h. Gi&o will ha&dle this asshole. Mar*o loo'ed o-er his le(t

shoulder. Gi&o, "et o-er here.

)a boss, Gi&o a&swered as he strolled u! behi&d Mar*o. Gi&o was the "uy Mar*o se&t whe& hewa&ted a +ob do&e ri"ht a&d whe& a *lear messa"e &eeded to be se&t. Gi&o '&eeled dow& o& Mar*o2s

ri"ht side.

Gi&o, I wa&t you to do what you do best. I wa&t you to use this "uy to se&d a messa"e. ?et the

 boys ha-e their (u& (irst be(ore you ha-e yours. I wa&t a (u*'i&2 blood bath so bad that &o o&e would dare

*halle&"e me a"ai&.

Sure thi&" boss, Gi&o said as he be"a& to smile. 3a&t I should 'ill this (u*'er (ast or *a& I toy

with him a little

See ?ouie, Mar*o said lau"hi&" to himsel(, !oi&ti&" dow& at Gi&o, this is why I lo-e this "uy.He lo-es his wor' but its busi&ess be(ore !leasure. Mar*o loo'ed ba*' to Gi&o, I2ll let you de*ide. I(

you "ot the time, (u*' with him. I( &ot the& do it 0ui*', but I do&2t wa&t a&y booms.

)ou "ot it boss.

Gi&o stood u! a&d wal'ed out the (ro&t door li'e a ma& o& a missio&. ?ouie stood u!, too' o&e

last loo' at Mar*o a&d le(t without sayi&" a&other word. Geor"e a&d hris were ri"ht behi&d ?ouie.

9 9 9 9>o&i M*Gre"or is a -ery smart a&d beauti(ul woma&. >o&atha& teases her all the time about bei&"

short, o&ly (i-e (oot o&e i&*hes tall, but ha-i&" a "reat body most "uys would 'ill (or. She had lo&"

 brow& hair a&d lar"e dee! "ree& eyes that a !erso& *ould loose themsel-es i&. 3he&e-er >o&atha& loo'ed

at >illia&, he was tha&'(ul she loo'ed li'e her mother.>o&i was !layi&" with >illia& i& the li-i&" room. The &ews was o& a&d she was waiti&" (or

>o&atha& to *ome home. It was barely six o2*lo*' a&d >o&atha& did &ot *lose the store be(ore se-e&.>o&i was "lad to be ba*' home, surrou&ded by her (amily but a(ter what ha!!e&ed the day be(ore

at the store, she wa&ted to lea-e. New )or' was &othi&" &ew (or >o&i@ she "rew u! arou&d "a&"s a&d the

Ma(ia, >o&atha&, howe-er, did &ot.

>o&i '&ew >o&atha& had it rou"her "rowi&" u! i& the streets but she also '&ew he would &e-er

"i-e i& to bullies. >o&atha& did &ot '&ow the ro&us (amily a&d what they were *a!able o(. E-e& i( he

did '&ow, >o&i '&ew dee! dow& i&side he still would &ot ha-e "i-e& i&. It made her worry.

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>o&i was tryi&" to "et >illia& to *rawl to her. >illia& li'ed bei&" o& the (loor, e-e& thou"h she

did&2t *rawl mu*h, it was &ot li'e how other babies *rawl. t (i-e mo&ths, she *rawled arou&d -ery low

to the "rou&d. >o&i swore >o&atha& was tea*hi&" >illia& the S&i!er rawl.

>illia& loo'ed a lot li'e >o&i, but she *ould see a lot o( >o&atha& i& her too. s she wat*hed >illia&

 !lay with her (ather2s do" ta"s a *old *hill *ame o-er her. She sat u! a&d loo'ed toward the (ro&t door.t that mome&t e-erythi&" seemed to "o i&to slow motio& as the (ro&t door was 'i*'ed o!e&.

>o&i +um!ed to !rote*t >illia&, s*oo!i&" her u! o(( the (loor a&d holdi&" her ti"ht. I& wal'ed (our me& i&suits. Ai"ht away >o&i '&ew who they were.

Gi&o *losed the door behi&d them, sta&di&" "uard. ?ouie loo'ed >o&i u! a&d dow& a&d "ot a

hard o& i&sta&tly. He smiled as he wal'ed o-er toward >o&i.

God dam& youse (i&e, ?ouie said with a smile, li*'i&" his li!s as a hu&"er (illed his eyes.

3ell boys, I "et t2 (u*' dis bit*h (irst. Get her u!.

>o&i s*reamed, No, as Geor"e a&d hris li(ted her o&to her (eet. hris !ulled >illia& out o(

>o&i2s arms. >illia& was *ryi&" loudly so hris threw her with all his mi"ht at the (ro&t door. 3he& she

hit the door, she sto!!ed *ryi&". The blow had *rushed her s'ull, 'illi&" her i&sta&tly.

Hello bitch) ?ouie said sta&di&" i& (ro&t o( >o&i, !ulli&" out a swit*hblade '&i(e. ?et2s see dat

(i&e body o( youse.

?ouie "rabbed her blouse a&d be"a& ri!!i&" it o(( with his '&i(e. >o&i tried to stru""le a&d

ma&a"ed to 'i*' ?ouie i& the shi&.)ouse should&2t ha-e do&e dat. ?ouie made a (ist a&d !u&*hed >o&i as hard as he *ould i& the

&ose, brea'i&" it. That2s (or myse &ose.

?ouie li(ted >o&i2s head u! a&d saw a bloody mess a*ross her (a*e. He too' the '&i(e a&d *ut o((

>o&i2s bra, ex!osi&" her (irm to&e breast.3O3, ?ouie said ex*ited. How bout dem '&o*'ers boys >ust the way I li'e 2em too, bi",

rou&d, a&d real. ?ouie "rabbed both o( >o&i2s breasts, s0uee1i&" them a&d !ulli&" o& her &i!!les till they

 !o!!ed out o( his (i&"erti!s. So(t but (irm. Oh yea, I li'e these.

hris tied >o&i2s ha&ds to"ether a&d !ulled dow& her !a&ts. >o&i was sta&di&" there *om!letely

&a'ed a&d *ryi&". Geor"e had tied >o&i2s blouse arou&d her mouth, "a""i&" her so she *ould &ot s*ream.

?ouie !ushed >o&i o& the (loor as he dro!!ed his !a&ts. Now bit*h, I2m "oi&" t2 show youse how

a real ma& (u*'s !ussy.

?ouie be"a& to ra!e >o&i while Geor"e a&d hris held her arms abo-e her head. 3he& ?ouie was(i&ished he stood u!. He !i*'ed u! >o&i a&d be&t her o-er the so(a.

God dam& boys, dis bit*h has a ti"ht !ussy li'e a -i*e "ri!. I2-e "ot t2 (u*' it a"ai&.

?ouie thrust dee! a&d hard i&side >o&i. He !ulled the "a" (rom arou&d her mouth so he *ould

hear her s*ream. ?ouie s!a&'ed >o&i2s ass a&d s0uee1ed her breast.

)ouse '&ow youse li'es it bit*h. )ouse '&ow youse wa&t mese to (u*' youse all &i"ht, ?ouie

said lau"hi&". 3he& ?ouie (i&ished ra!i&" >o&i a se*o&d time, he !ulled >o&i dow& a little lower. 3ithout a&y

war&i&" or mer*y, ?ouie +ammed his !e&is i&to >o&i2s ass.

real bit*h ta'es it i& the ass, ?ouie shouted, *o&ti&ui&" to lau"h.

>o&i s*reamed loudly (rom the !ai& a&d be""ed ?ouie to sto!. ?ouie would &ot sto! u&til he wasdo&e. ?ouie !ulled out a&d hris we&t i&. hris be"a& to ra!e >o&i harder a&d more -iole&tly tha& ?ouie

had.Geor"e too' his tur& a(ter hris. Both me& had ra!ed >o&i (rom behi&d a&d i& the ass. >o&i had

 !assed out (rom the !ai&. Gi&o "ot some *old water a&d !oured it all o-er >o&i2s (a*e, re-i-i&" her. He

laid her o& the (loor o& her ba*'.

I bet dis bit*h swallows, ?ouie said with ex*iteme&t. Hey boys, +a*' o(( a&d try t2 ma'e it i&

her mouth.

?ouie, Geor"e, a&d hris be"a& to +a*' o(( as Gi&o li(ted >o&i o&to her '&ees. He held her mouth

o!e& a&d ?ouie stood dire*tly i& (ro&t o( her. He shot his *um i& her mouth a&d all o-er her &e*' a&d

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 breast. Gi&o *losed >o&i2s mouth a&d 0ui*'ly !i&*hed her &ose to ma'e her swallow the *um. He

re!eated this (or Geor"e a&d hris.

3he& they were do&e, they all "ot dressed a&d le(t. Gi&o *losed the door behi&d them, slidi&" a

table to blo*' the door so we would &ot be disturbed as he we&t to wor'. Gi&o we&t to the 'it*he& a&d

"ot a *utti&" '&i(e. He !i*'ed u! >o&i o(( the (loor a&d threw her i&to the so(a.Gi&o the& !i*'ed u! >illia& a&d be"a& to *ut her o!e& i& (ro&t o( >o&i. >o&i had bee& "a""ed

a"ai& but s*reamed as loud as she *ould. She tried to throw hersel( at Gi&o but she was so wea' that she(ell to the (loor.

Gi&o did &ot say a word as he too' out all o( >illia&2s or"a&s a&d threw them arou&d the room.

>o&i was tryi&" to *rawl toward Gi&o, des!ite the !ai& she was i&.

Gi&o dro!!ed >illia& to the (loor a&d !i*'ed u! >o&i by the hair. He threw her i&to the so(a a"ai&

a&d sat o& to! o( her la!.

I thi&' ?ouie was wro&", Gi&o said as he ra& the ti! o( the '&i(e dow& >o&i2s &e*' a&d a*ross

her breast. These loo' (a'e to me. ?et2s (i&d out shall we

Gi&o loo'ed dee! i&to >o&i2s "ree& eyes as be be"u& to *ut o(( her le(t breast. The !ai& a&d horror

i& her eyes ex*ited him sexually. He be"a& to *ut o(( her ri"ht breast a&d rea*hed *limax as she s*reamed

i& !ai&.

Dam&, you do '&ow how to ma'e a ma& *um, Gi&o said be(ore thrusti&" the '&i(e i&to >o&i2s

stoma*h a&d *utti&" u!ward to her &e*'. He !ulled the '&i(e out 0ui*'ly a&d slashed a*ross her throat.That2s (or ma'i&" me rui& this !a&ts you slut, Gi&o said as he stood u!, letti&" >o&i2s or"a&s

s!ill out o&to her la!.

Gi&o loo'ed at his wat*h. Se-e& (i(tee&. >o&atha& should be "etti&" home a&y time &ow. Gi&o

mo-ed the table out o( the way be(ore wal'i&" o-er to the 'it*he& a&d stood loo'i&" o-er the bar i&to theli-i&" room. He did &ot wa&t to miss the rea*tio& o& >o&atha&2s (a*e whe& he wal'ed i&.

Gi&o did &ot ha-e to wait lo&". >o&atha& had !ut his 'ey i& the door whe& he &oti*ed the door

'&ob loo'ed li'e it had bee& 'i*'ed i&. Pa&i* a&d (ear (illed him as he o!e&ed the door 0ui*'ly, *alli&"

>o&i2s &ame.

>o&atha&2s (a*e be*ame horri(ied as he see& >o&i lyi&" o& the so(a, s!read ea"le style. He ra& to

her, tryi&" to yell (or hel!, but &o words *ame out. >o&atha& (ell to his '&ees i& (ro&t o( the so(a a&d

li(ted >o&i2s head. >o&i was *o-ered i& blood a&d her or"a&s were lyi&" o& the (loor i& (ro&t o( >o&atha&.

>o&atha& loo'ed arou&d a&d saw >illia&. He "e&tly laid >o&i2s head ba*' dow& a&d we&t to >illia&.3he& he "ot *lose >o&atha& see& her head was bashed i&. >o&atha& !i*'ed her u! a&d held >illia& i& his

arms. His eyes were red (rom *ryi&" but still &o sou&d would es*a!e his li!s. >o&atha& held >illia& ti"ht

as he ro*'ed ba*' a&d (orth.

Sto! !lease. I2m "etti&" all teary eyed, Gi&o said as he *losed the (ro&t door.

>o&atha& was too sho*'ed to mo-e. He sat there *ryi&" as he held >illia& *lose.

Mr. ro&us says that o&e way or a&other you alway( !ay him. No ex*e!tio&s=t heari&" the &ame ro&us, >o&atha& was "i-e& a se*o&d wi&d. He sto!!ed *ryi&" a&d "e&tly

laid >illia& dow& o& to! o( >o&i. He stood u! a&d as i( (or the (irst time he really "ot a "ood loo' at Gi&o,

es!e*ially the &i&e millimeter with a sile&*er i& his ha&d.

)ou did this, >o&atha& as'ed betwee& *le&*hed teeth.I "utted them yea, Gi&o a&swered with a hu"e smile o& his (a*e, but ?ouie, Geor"e, a&d hris

were the o&es that (u*'ed your bit*h. Had her moa&i&" li'e a whore, be""i&" (or more. She too' allthree at the same time. E-e& had them *um all o-er her body. She wa&ted to su*' my di*' too but I do&2t

(u*' whores.

>o&atha& made a mad dash at Gi&o. He was so a&"ry that he *ould &ot (eel !ai&. Gi&o shot him

twi*e i& the shoulder but it did &ot slow dow& >o&atha& o&e bit. >o&atha& '&o*'ed the "u& (rom Gi&o2s

ha&ds a&d wra!!ed both his ha&ds arou&d Gi&o2s throat.

I2m "oi&" to 'ill you, >o&atha& said be(ore s&a!!i&" Gi&o2s &e*'.

Dro!!i&" Gi&o to the (loor >o&atha& see& the '&i(e Gi&o used to "ut >o&i a&d >illia&. He !i*'ed it

u! a&d we&t ba*' to Gi&o2s body.

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Mr. ro&us li'es se&di&" messa"es. I2ll se&d him a (u*'i&2 messa"e.

9 9 9 9

ha!ter K

The Messa"e

E-e& thou"h ma&y !eo!le *lassi(ied Mar*o ro&us as a mo&ster, he saw himsel( as a *ulturedma&. Mar*o e&+oyed loo'i&" at (i&e art a&d liste&i&" to *lassi*al musi*. He also e&+oyed "oi&" to a&

o!era or sym!ho&y. &ti0ues, howe-er, was what he was most !assio&ate about.Mar*o ow&ed a& a&ti0ue sho! a&d art "allery as his (ro&t busi&ess. It made (or a& ex*elle&t (ro&t

 be*ause both a&ti0ues a&d art drew i& bi" mo&ey. Mar*o was able to hide his Ma(ia a*ti-ities well.

E-ery mor&i&" Mar*o would *ome i& early to loo' at the !ai&ti&"s o& the wall. It hel!ed to *lear his

mi&d (or the day.

Mar*o was sitti&" i& his o((i*e liste&i&" to Ba*h. The door was *losed a&d he was (a*i&" the

 ba*' wall. He was (eeli&" -ery relaxed a&d ready to start the day whe& ?ouie wal'ed i&.

Mr. ro&us, ?ouie said so(tly as he *losed the door behi&d him, e-erythi&" we&t "reat. The

 boys a&d mese had our (u& be(ore the mother(u*'er "ot home.

3hat about Gi&o

Mese a&d the boys le(t him there. He said he was "oi&" to ha-e his (u& too.

Did he *all you

No. Maybe he had a little too mu*h (u&. He mi"ht ha-e do&e da bit*h himsel(. I mea& she wasa real (i&e bit*h boss. Ni*e ti"ht !ussy a&d a hard (irm ass.

Mar*o s!u& arou&d to loo' at ?ouie. ?ouie *ould see that Mar*o was &ot amused. Mar*o !i*'ed

u! the remote to his D !layer a&d tur&ed o(( Ba*h.

That2s &ot Gi&o2s style, Mar*o said as he lea&ed ba*' i& his *hair, *o&*er& slowly *ree!i&" i&.)ea boss, but a(ter seei&" dis bit*h, e-e& *+S$  would (u*' her.

?ouie, I2m "lad you had your (u& but wat*h what you say about i&dy. I !ut u! with you 2*ause

you2re a (u*'i&2 "e&ius at ma'i&" me mo&ey. Do&2t e-er disres!e*t i&dy li'e that a"ai&. This is the lo-e

o( my li(e, the mother o( my *hildre&. I would &e-er *heat o& her.

Boy, ?ouie said lau"hi&" to himsel(, I *a& seese da headli&es &ow, 2Mob boss wo&2t *heat o&

his wi(e.2 Now that2s &ews.

Mar*o lea&ed (orward i& his *hair a&d said, ?ouie *ome 2ere.

?ouie lea&ed i& *lose toward Mar*o. Mar*o "rabbed the ba*' o( ?ouie2s &e*' a&d slammed himhard i&to the to! o( his des'. Pai& shot throu"h ?ouie2s body as his &ose be"a& to bleed u&*o&trollably.

Myse (u*'i&2 &ose=

Do&2t you ever  test me a"ai&, Mar*o stated, tryi&" to re"ai& *o&trol o( his a&"er. Ne-er

0uestio& me, my i&te"rity, or my word. Now "o "et *lea&ed u! a&d (i&d Gi&o.

?ouie stumbled out o( Mar*o2s o((i*e without sayi&" a&other word. Mar*o loo'ed at the bloody

mess o& his des' a&d o& the (loor as he tried to *alm dow&. He &eeded to "et some air. He &eeded to "osome!la*e a&d relax.

arlo, "et i& here=

arlo was Mar*o2s erra&d boy. He dro-e Mar*o arou&d a&d did what was as'ed o( him.

)ea bossarlo, *lea& this shit u!. I2m "oi&" (or a wal'. I wa&t this shit *lea&ed u! by the time I "et

 ba*'. Mar*o "rabbed his suede leather *oat a&d !ut i& o&. He wal'ed out o( his o((i*e, lea-i&" arlothere stari&" at the blood. O&e more thi&", Mar*o *alled o-er his shoulder, someo&e (i&d Gi&o a&d

ha-e him *all me o& my *ell.

9 9 9 9

&tho&y Serrato was o& his way to wor'. He was a medi* with FDN) ?atter 55. E-e& thou"h

&tho&y was the &ewest "uy o& the team he was &ot a roo'ie. &tho&y had bee& a medi* (or &i&e years

a&d +ust mo-ed to New )or' a wee' earlier.

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&tho&y was still lear&i&" the tra&s!ortatio& methods i& the *ity. Si&*e he2d bee& wor'i&"

arou&d the *lo*' he (elt he had &o time to ex!lore his o!tio&s. Slee! was +ust too im!orta&t to !ass u!.

For the time bei&" &tho&y wal'ed.

&tho&y li-ed a hal( mile away a&d *ould ma'e the wal' i& &o time. O&e thi&" &tho&y &oti*ed

was that &o o&e was (rie&dly. He !assed by a (ew homeless !eo!le that would as' (or mo&ey. That wasthe exte&t o( his *o&-ersatio& with others o& his way to wor'.

Today, howe-er, was "oi&" to be di((ere&t. blo*' away (rom the (irehouse stood a ma&waiti&". He had a thi*' !u((y wi&ter style +a*'et o&. It was *ool outside but &ot *old e&ou"h to &eed that

hea-y o( a +a*'et. The +a*'et was also 1i!!ed u! all the way, a&other si"& that somethi&" was wro&".

The ma& 'e!t loo'i&" toward the (irehouse. He wat*hed e-eryo&e who *ame *lose. 3he& the

ma& s!otted &tho&y he lo*'ed his stare o&to him. &tho&y started wal'i&" slower a&d the& sto!!ed all

to"ether as the ma& started wal'i&" toward him.

&tho&y rea*hed i&to his +a*'et !o*'et a&d !ulled out his '&i(e. He held it i& the !alm o( his

ha&d, ready to use it i( &e*essary.

re you Petty O((i*er, Se*o&d lass, &tho&y Serrato

I use to be, &tho&y a&swered *autiously. 3ho wa&ts to '&ow

Gu&&ery Ser"ea&t >o&atha& M*Gre"or, Aetired. )ou wo&2t &eed that '&i(e you2re hidi&".

I2ll be the +ud"e o( that, &tho&y said as he wat*hed >o&atha&2s e-ery mo-e.

)ou use to be a or!sma& with the SE?S ri"htNo&e o( your busi&ess, &tho&y s&a!!ed. Now what do you wa&t

I "ot a "u& shot wou&d that I &eed hel! with. I *a&2t show you here a&d I *a&2t "o to the hos!ital.

I &eed someo&e I *a& trust. I use to be Ae*o& so who better to trust tha& a SE? or!sma&.

3hat ma'es you thi&' you *a& trust meBe*ause we both belie-e that you &e-er lea-e a ma& behi&d. I( I *ould "o to the hos!ital I

would. I( I "o I2m "oi&" to be dead withi& a& hour. Please hel! me. The wou&d is (ourtee& hours old. I

&eed your hel!. Do&2t lea-e me behi&d.

How do you '&ow who I am a&d where to (i&d me

I *alled a "ood (rie&d o( mi&e who wor's i& I&tel. I told him what I &eeded a&d he "a-e me your

&ame. ?oo' I '&ow e&ou"h to '&ow &ot to !ush a SE?. So what do you say, will you hel! me

I2m late (or wor' as it is but o'ay. Follow my lead a&d do&2t say a&ythi&".

)ou "ot it.>o&atha& wal'ed side by side with &tho&y. They wal'ed i& sile&*e. &tho&y had >o&atha& wait

outside while &tho&y *lo*'ed i&. E-eryo&e was u!stairs wat*hi&" T or !layi&" !ool. &tho&y *ame

 ba*' dow& a&d o!e&ed the ba*' o( the ambula&*e.

Hey *ome o&, I "ot (i(tee& mi&utes. I said I was showi&" a& old Na-y buddy arou&d.

>o&atha& *limbed i&to the ba*' o( the ambula&*e a&d *losed the doors behi&d him. He sat o& the

stret*her a&d u&1i!!ed his +a*'et.Got two &i&e millimeter slu"s i& the le(t shoulder, >o&atha& stated. I wra!!ed it u! ti"ht but

I2m (eeli&" drai&ed &ow.

&tho&y *ut the wra!!i&"s o(( o( >o&atha&2s shoulder. He see& the two holes a&d *he*'ed

>o&atha&2s ba*'. The slu"s were still i&side.I2m "oi&" to ha-e to *ut you to "et the bullets out. I *a&2t "i-e you a&ythi&" or else I ha-e to (ill

out the !a!erwor'. a& you ha&dle the !ai& without ma'i&" a&y &oiseThi&' you *a& "et it out i& u&der te& mi&utes, >o&atha& as'ed, tryi&" to mas' the !ai& with

lau"hter. I( so, let2s "et to it.

&tho&y !i*'ed u! a s*al!el a&d his "ri!s. He *ut i&to >o&atha&2s wou&d a&d slowly slid the

"ri!s i& to retrie-e the bullet. >o&atha& did &ot ma'e a sou&d. He +ust *losed his eyes a&d slowed his

 breathi&". &tho&y &oti*ed tears were (lowi&" dow& >o&atha&2s (a*e.

Sorry i( the !ai& is too mu*h (or you.

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I2m &ot *ryi&" be*ause o( the !ai& i& my shoulder, >o&atha& a&swered, I2m *ryi&" (or my wi(e

a&d dau"hter. O&e o( the (u*'i&2 mobs here 'illed them. That2s where I "ot the slu"s. Dumb (u*'er

a*tually used ball bullets i&stead o( hollow !oi&ts.

Ma'es it easier to ta'e out, &tho&y &oted.

>ust the& &tho&y be"a& !ulli&" out the (irst bullet. He "ot it out a&d dro!!ed it i&to a !a&. He !ut some al*ohol o& the wou&d be(ore "oi&" ba*' to "et the se*o&d bullet out.

I2m sorry about your (amily. a& I as' what ha!!e&edThree "uys *ame i&to my store a *ou!le o( days a"o, as'i&" (or i&sura&*e mo&ey. >o&atha&

*losed his eyes to hold ba*' the tears. >o&atha& (i"ured &tho&y had a ri"ht to '&ow si&*e he was ta'i&"

a ris' by hel!i&" him.

&tho&y tried to *o&*e&trate o& what he was doi&". s he liste&ed to >o&atha& s!ea' it be*ame

harder to do. Out o( e-erythi&" I2-e see& i& *ombat, I do&2t thi&' a&ythi&" *a& *om!are to that. I2m real

sorry ma&.

Tha&' you. >o&atha& loo'ed dow& at his shoulder a&d said, Fix me u! "ood do*. I *a&2t "o to

the hos!ital (or a&ythi&". The *o!s are loo'i&" (or me too.

The *o!s should be able to hel! you.

No, >o&atha& *orre*ted. This "uy has *o!s i& his !o*'et. I heard o& the &ews that I am the

 !rime sus!e*t.

I "ot some mo&ey i( you &eedTha&'s, >o&atha& *ut &tho&y o(( be(ore he *ould (i&ish his thou"ht. I2m a s&i!er so I2ll do

what I do best, disa!!ear. I2-e already made a mo-e. I +ust ha-e o&e more to ma'e be(ore I "o.

9 9 9 9

?ui"i2s was em!ty a"ai& a&d e-eryo&e was o& ed"e. Mar*o was -ery a&"ry. He heard o& the&ews that >o&atha& was the !rime sus!e*t i& the murder o( his wi(e a&d dau"hter. I( Gi&o did his +ob

ri"ht they will &e-er (i&d >o&atha&. The o&ly thi&" is that &o o&e has heard (rom Gi&o.

Mar*o sat dow& to eat but he did &ot ha-e mu*h o( a& a!!etite, somethi&" dee! dow& i&side told

Mar*o to 'ee! his "uard u!. He loo'ed dow& at the Aa-ioli i& (ro&t o( him. The mere si"ht o( it be"a& to

*hur& his stoma*h. He !i*'ed u! the !late a&d threw it at the wall.


Sile&*e. No o&e wa&ted to say a&ythi&".

ASH=The u&mista'able sou&d o( "lass a&d dishes brea'i&" *ame (rom the 'it*he&. Mar*o +um!ed out

o( his *hair a&d e-eryo&e (a*ed the 'it*he&.

?ui"i, what the (u*' is "oi&" o& i& there, Mar*o yelled toward the door.

 No a&swer. The& more dishes *rashed to the (loor. Mar*o !oi&ted to o&e o( the "uys there (or

his !rote*tio&. The "uard !ulled out his "u& a&d we&t i&to the 'it*he&.

si&"le dish bro'e this time the& sile&*e.3hat the (u*' is "oi&" o&, Mar*o shouted a"ai&.

The& without war&i&" the "uard *ame (lyi&" throu"h the swi&"i&" door. He la&ded o& to! o( a

table (a*e dow&, brea'i&" the table (rom the sudde& im!a*t. The body lay o& the (loor lim! a&d li(eless.

Mar*o, arlo, a&d the remai&i&" two "uards wal'ed slowly toward the body. s they "ot *losethey *ould see a si&"le bullet hole i& the "uard2s head. E-eryo&e !ulled out their "u&s.

Mar*o had bee& *arryi&" his si&*e Gi&o we&t missi&". He saw a body at the swi&"i&" 'it*he&door a&d started (iri&". The other "uys did the same. They (ired u&til ea*h "u& was em!ty.

Guess dat ta'es *are o( dat (u*'er huh boss, o&e o( the "uards said, !roud o( his shooti&".

Mar*o loo'ed at him as i( the ma& was stu!id. 3hy do&2t you "o see who it is "e&ius >esus

(u*'i&2 hrist, what the (u*' do I !ay you (or

Be(ore the "uard *ould ste! (orward ?ui"i2s body *ame *rashi&" throu"h the door. He was (ull o(

holes a&d >o&atha& was usi&" him as a shield to "et throu"h the door. >o&atha& 0ui*'ly (ired three rou&ds

while e-eryo&e was still i& sur!rised.

I&sta&tly the two "uards a&d arlo (ell to the (loor, ea*h with a bullet i& their head.

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Hello motherfucker , *are to "uess who I am, >o&atha& said, stari&" at Mar*o, his "u& aimed at

Mar*o2s head.

)ou2re the asshole I se&t my boys a(ter, Mar*o a&swered *almly. I heard your wi(e wa&ted to

'ee! (u*'i&2 my boys a&d lea-e you.

>ust the& >o&atha& 0ui*'ly (ired two more rou&ds, ea*h (i&di&" their tar"et with ease. O&e i&toea*h o( Mar*o2s '&ees, dro!!i&" him to the (loor as his '&ee*a!s shattered.

I *ould 'ill you ri"ht &ow but wasti&" the bullet is too "ood (or you. I2m "oi&" to ma'e yousu((er. Ni*e a&d slow. )ou2ll be be""i&" me to 'ill you whe& I2m throu"h. )ou a&d all your ma(ia

 buddies are "oi&" to die. O&e by o&e I2m "oi&" to !i*' you "uys o((. )ou, howe-er, Mr. ro&us will be

the last to die.

>o&atha& 'i*'ed Mar*o i& the (a*e with all his mi"ht, ma'i&" Mar*o2s body (ly ba*'ward. 3he&

Mar*o rolled o-er to loo' at >o&atha& he saw the 'it*he& door swi&"i&". There was a small bowli&" ball

 ba" lyi&" o& the (loor.

I ho!e you e&+oy your "i(t Mr. ro&us, you2-e ear&ed it, >o&atha& shouted (rom the 'it*he& as

he wal'ed out the ba*' door.

Mar*o heard the ba*' door *lose a&d *rawled to the ba". He u&1i!!ed it a&d (ell ba*' i& horror

(rom the *o&te&ts o( the ba".

Gi&o2s se-ered head was stari&" u! at Mar*o ro&us.

9 9 9 9ha!ter 6

The 3ar Be"i&s

Mar*o ro&us made his way out o( the o!era -ery slowly. He had to use a *a&e to wal' arou&d

si&*e both his '&ee *a!s were shot six mo&ths earlier. There were two limos waiti&" at the bottom o( thestairs.

Ho&ey you "o o& home, Mar*o whis!ered i&to his wi(e2s ear as he 'issed her &e*'. I ha-e

some busi&ess to atte&d to. Gi-e the 'ids a 'iss (or me.

O'ay, i&dy ro&us res!o&ded. She 'issed Mar*o "oodbye. hris, ma'e sure he does&2t !ush

too hard "oi&" dow& these ste!s.

)es Mam2. I2ll ma'e sure Mr. ro&us is (i&e.

i&dy 0ui*'ly made her way to the se*o&d limo. Mar*o wat*hed her lea-e. She was still as

 beauti(ul as she was the day Mar*o (irst laid eyes o& her. Six (oot two with lo&" "olde& brow& hair, o&ehu&dred (orty !ou&ds, a&d &ot a& ou&*e o( (at o& her.

(ter three 'ids, it ama1ed Mar*o how i&dy has bee& able to 'ee! her (i"ure. The o&ly thi&"

that "rew was her breasts. She we&t (rom a *u! to a (ull D *u! a&d it was all &atural. Mar*o *ould &ot

*om!lai& about that. Des!ite e-erythi&" that has ha!!e&ed o-er the years he still lo-ed her with all his


ome o& hris, let2s "et to this meeti&".)es Sir.

hris !ut his arm arou&d Mar*o a&d li(ted him o(( the "rou&d. hris 0ui*'ly made his way dow&

the stairs, letti&" Mar*o dow& slowly at the bottom. The dri-er was sta&di&" &ext to the o!e& door,

waiti&" (or Mar*o to "et i&side.s Mar*o *limbed i& to the limo he see& two me& sitti&" at the (ro&t *or&er, their (a*es *o-ered

 by shadows. The dri-er !ulled out a !istol with a sile&*er a&d shot hris i& the head betwee& the eyes.He sho-ed Mar*o i&side the ba*' o( the limo a&d slammed the door shut.

Mar*o sat u!, tryi&" to o!e& the door.

)ou2re wasti&" your time, o&e o( the me& said *almly. The doors *a& o&ly be o!e&ed (rom the

outside. Oh, i& *ase you "et a&y bri"ht ideas, the "lass is bullet !roo(. The i&side here is sou&d !roo( too

so &o o&e will hear you s*ream. I ha-e bee& authori1ed to shoot you i( I ha-e to, so do us all a (a-or a&d

relax. )ou2re &ot "oi&" a&ywhere.

&d who the (u*' are you, Mar*o s&a!!ed, still tryi&" to o!e& the door.

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3e are Grim Aea!ers, the ma& a&swered *oldly. Mr. ro&us you ha-e a& a!!oi&tme&t with

Death himsel(, so let2s &ot 'ee! him waiti&" shall we

Mar*o tried to s!ea' but he (elt a shar! !ai& sudde&ly i& his throat. He !ut his ha&d to his &e*'

a&d !ulled out a short (at dart. His eyes "rew lar"e as his -isio& be"a& to blur. Mar*o dro!!ed the dart

 be(ore !assi&" out.9 9 9 9

The air was *old a&d shar!. 3i&ters are -ery -i*ious i& New )or'. Mar*o wo'e u! o& the de*'o( a (ishi&" boat whe& a (i-e "allo& bu*'et o( i*e water was throw& o& him.

3a'e your ass u!, this ai&t a (u*'i&2 Motel 4=

Mar*o bli&'ed a (ew times as his -isio& be"a& to *ome ba*'. He *ould ma'e out (our "uys

weari&" bla*' ta*ti*al *lothi&". He *ould &ot ma'e out a&y o( their (a*es be*ause they were sta&di&" i&

the shadows. Mar*o laid o& the de*' shi-eri&" (rom the *old *hill. He loo'ed dow& at himsel( a&d (or

the (irst time he reali1ed that he had bee& stri!!ed dow& to his u&derwear.

Get the (u*' u!=

Fu*' you, Mar*o s&a!!ed. Do you reali1e who I am )ou are all dead=

Mr. ro&us you are i& &o !ositio& to tal' about death. The ma& tal'i&" ste!!ed (orward i&to

the li"ht. I M DETH=

Mar*o was sho*'ed to see that it was >o&atha& who had brou"ht him there. The ma& who made

him a *ri!!le, the ma& he2d bee& loo'i&" (or (or the !ast six mo&ths.)ou are o&e dead so& o( a bit*h, Mar*o shouted.

Mr. ro&us, you2-e bee& loo'i&" (or me (or six mo&ths. )ou ha-e *o&ta*ts a*ross the *ity a&d

the *ou&try. )ou ha-e a *o&tra*t o& my li(e (or (i-e hu&dred thousa&d dollars a&d you ha-e&2t heard a

si&"le word about me. Sorry Mr. ro&us but your threats are mea&i&"less.I, o& the other ha&d, ha-e "athered a lot o( I&tel o& you. )ou2-e bee& a -ery busy ma& Mr.

ro&us. Ma'i&" allia&*es with the bosses i& Miami a&d e"as. I&-esti&" millio&s o( dollars i&to ea*h

(amily. ?ouie has ma&a"ed to tri!le your i&*ome i& the !ast (our mo&ths.

3hy you e-e& be*ame the head boss o( all the (amilies i& the >ersey New )or' area. I thi&' I

let you ha-e e&ou"h su**ess. Now the war I !romised you be"i&s.

Four !eo!le +ST  die i& this war. My dri-er too' *are o( o&e so &ow three remai&. Geor"e,

?ouie, a&d you Mr. ro&us. ll o( you must die. I( you try to ru&, I2ll start !i*'i&" you o(( o&e at a time,

 but I will 'ee! my !romise Mr. ro&us@ you will  be the last to die.Fu*' you= )ou ai&t "ot the balls to !ull it o((. 3ho the (u*' do you thi&' you are, the (u*'i&2


No Mr. ro&us, >o&atha& a&swered with a smile, you are wro&". I do ha-e the balls. Besides

there are two ma+or di((ere&*es betwee& the Pu&isher a&d mysel(. First, he2s a *omi* boo' *hara*ter a&d I

am -ery mu*h real.

To !ro-e his !oi&t, >o&atha& wal'ed o-er i& (ro&t o( Mar*o a&d li(ted him to his (eet. He !u&*hed Mar*o i& the stoma*h a&d elbowed him i& the ba*'. >o&atha& "rabbed Mar*o2s ri"ht arm a&d

'i*'ed it u&til it bro'e.

&d se*o&d, >o&atha& *o&ti&ued, (li!!i&" Mar*o o-er o&to his ba*' so he *ould see i&to his

eyes. The Pu&isher was rmy. Me, well I2m a Mari&e. )ou do&2t (u*' with a Mari&e u&less you wa&tto die.

>o&atha& li(ted Mar*o ba*' o&to his (eet. He wal'ed ba*' toward the shadows the& !i*'ed u! asmall !ail. >o&atha& threw the *o&te&ts o( the !ail at Mar*o, *o-eri&" him with (resh (ish "uts.

)ou "ot two days Mr. ro&us. Two days to ma'e your !ea*e with God. (ter that I2m *omi&"

a(ter you a&d there is &o !la*e you *a& hide. Aemember Mr. ro&us, I M DETH=

>o&atha& exe*uted a ru&&i&" (lyi&" 'i*' at Mar*o2s *hest. The solid hea-y boots >o&atha& was

weari&" '&o*'ed the wi&d out o( Mar*o. The im!a*t (rom the 'i*' se&t Mar*o to!!li&" o-er the ed"e o(

the boat. Mar*o (ell i&to the i*y *old New )or' harbor, s*reami&" whe& his head !o!!ed out o( the

water. The (ree1i&" *old stabbi&" at his s'i& li'e a thousa&d ti&y &eedles at o&*e.

Ho!e you *a& swim Mr. ro&us. It2s a mile to the &earest shore. Ha-e a "ood &i"ht.

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9 9 9 9

>esus >oh&&y, Torres said as the boat be"a& to mo-e away (rom Mar*o, the (u*'i&2 head o( the

e&tire Ma(ia (amily. re you (u*'i&2 &uts

He was&2t the head whe& he 'illed >o&i a&d >illia&. I( you do&2t wa&t a&y !art o( this the& lea-e

Torres. No o&e (u*'i&2 as'ed you to *ome rememberome o& >oh&&y, it2s &ot li'e that, Torres !rotested. )ou '&ow I2m with you &o matter what.

It2s +ust@ you do&2t thi&' we mi"ht be "etti&" i& o-er our heads here That2s a lot o( !eo!le who will bedyi&". O&*e we start there2s &o tur&i&" ba*'.

>oh&&y, Torres is bei&" *autious, >oh&so& i&ter+e*ted. This is some hea-y shit we2re about to

"et i&to.

>oh&so&, you thi&' this is easy (or me, >o&atha& a&swered ba*', swallowi&" the (ro" that was

 buildi&" u! i& his throat. I *ould ha-e 'illed that (u*'er six mo&ths a"o but that would&2t ha-e do&e a

dam& thi&". 3e swore to !rote*t this *ou&try (rom all e&emies, (orei"& a&d domesti*.

Do&2t "i-e me that shit >oh&&y, >oh&so& *ut >o&atha& o((, a&"ry about where >o&atha& was

"oi&" with this *o&-ersatio&.Do&2t you sta&d there a&d !rea*h to me about duty a&d ho&or. I2-e bee& by

your side si&*e day o&e brother. I2-e bee& i& the shit with you. My ha&ds are +ust as bloody as yours.

3e2re with you ma&. 3e +ust wa&t you to be o&e hu&dred !er*e&t o& this.

>o&atha& loo'ed at >oh&so& a&d Torres. He tried to read their (a*es a&d '&ew doubt was there.

3hat about you Aoyal, >o&atha& *alled to Aoyal, who was dri-i&" the boat. 3hat do youthi&'

Hey, I2m here brother. 3e started out (i"hti&" ea*h other but we2ll (i&ish it (i"hti&" to"ether.

)ou +ust lead the way.

O'ay the&, >o&atha& said smili&". ?et2s dit*h this boat a&d ma'e our way ba*' to thea!artme&t. I2ll *all our medi* a&d let him '&ow what2s "oi&" dow&. 3e2ll hammer out the details at the


Oh o&e more thi&" be(ore we "o >oh&&y.

)ea Aoyal, what is it

)our s'i&&y ass loo's &othi&" li'e the Pu&isher.

They all lau"hed (or a (ew se*o&ds a&d the& we&t to se!arate *or&ers o( the boat. They ea*h

stra!!ed a di-i&" ri" to their ba*'s a&d +um!ed i&to the harbor. No&e '&ew whi*h way the others were

"oi&". They +ust '&ew were to meet u!.9 9 9 9

It too' Mar*o two hours to swim a hal( mile. Sea "ulls 'e!t di-i&" at his head, ho!i&" the smell

o( (ish "uts was the real thi&". 3ith his ri"ht arm bro'e& Mar*o had to use o&ly o&e arm a&d his le"s to

mo-e. The (ree1i&" *old water did &ot hel! either.

Mar*o thou"ht (or sure that he would drow& be(ore he e-er made it to shore. The o&ly thi&" that

'e!t him "oi&" was his a&"er. Mar*o was thi&'i&" o( di((ere&t ways he wa&ted to 'ill >o&atha&, &o&e o(whi*h seemed torturous e&ou"h. O&e thi&" Mar*o '&ew (or sure, he was "oi&" to be the o&e that 'illed


Mar*o be"a& to stru""le +ust to stay abo-e water. The water was +ust too *old. He saw a bri"ht

li"ht shi&i&" i& his (a*e. His (irst thou"ht was that he had died. He let his body "o lim! as he a**e!tedthe (a*t that he was dead. The rushi&" water i& his mouth made him reali1e he was -ery mu*h ali-e.

I thi&' he2s ali-e, a -oi*e shouted (rom behi&d the li"ht. Hey you, *a& you hear me)ea, "et me out o( this (u*'i&2 water=

)ea Bill he2s ali-e, the -oi*e said to a&other ma& i& the boat. Get us *loser Bill.

Mar*o (elt relie-ed. He had bee& sa-ed. s the boat "ot *loser he *ould ma'e out a symbol o&

the side o( the boat.

S0IT1 %u(t what I need. The fuckin4 cop(.

The "uy who had bee& yelli&" rea*hed o-er the side o( the boat a&d !ulled Mar*o out o( the


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Good thi&" we (ou&d you (irst boss, the O((i*er said, wra!!i&" a bla&'er arou&d Mar*o.

There are (our boats out here loo'i&" (or you. The "uys i& the other three are strai"ht shooters.

It was the& that Mar*o reali1ed these "uys were o& his !ayroll. He was "lad to see them.

Get me the (u*' out o( here. I2m (u*'i&2 (ree1i&2.

O'ay boss. 3e "ot some hot sou! (or ya, should hel! warm you u!.Tha&'s boys. Aemi&d me tomorrow to "i-e you "uys a bo&us. )ou2re "o&&a hel! me !ut this

(u*'er away.)ou "ot it boss, whate-er you &eed.

The boat dri-er throttled u! the e&"i&es a&d headed (or shore.

9 9 9 9

The hallway ree'ed o( shit a&d !iss. s &tho&y wal'ed dow& the lo&" dar' hallway he wished

>o&atha& had *hose& a *lea&er lo*atio&. He u&derstood >o&atha&2s thi&'i&" thou"h. This !la*e was so

ru& dow& that &ot e-e& the Ma(ia bothered with it.

I& all ho&esty the buildi&" should ha-e bee& *o&dem&ed. Nothi&" i&side the buildi&" loo'ed

sa(e. &tho&y had &oti*ed (our ste!s missi&" o& the stairs. The (loor *rea'ed loudly, as i( s*reami&"

with e-ery ste!. There was &o way a&yo&e *ould s&ea' u! a&d sur!rise the "uys i& the room.

3he& &tho&y sto!!ed i& (ro&t o( the door he heard two *li*'s as the lo*'s were bei&" u&lo*'ed.

The door o!e&ed +ust wide e&ou"h (or &tho&y to wal' i&, the& the door slammed shut. Torres lo*'ed

the door a"ai&.Tha&'s (or *omi&" &tho&y, >o&atha& said. ?et me i&trodu*e you arou&d.

&tho&y wal'ed o-er to the o&ly !ie*e o( (ur&iture i& the room, a& old woode& table. Ma!s o(

the *ity were s*attered all o-er the table.

&tho&y is a (ro" ma&. He2s a medi* with the (ire de!artme&t so he2s "oi&" to be our !oi&t ma&(or "etti&" !at*hed u!.

&tho&y li(ted his ha&d u! i& a hello "esture.

The rest o( us are Mari&e Ae*o&, >o&atha& ex!lai&ed. So you2re the o&ly s0uid here. The "uy

o& your le(t there is Torres.

Hello, Torres said.

Hello, &tho&y res!o&ded with a (irm ha&dsha'e.

Next to him is Aoyal.

Hello, Aoyal said, !utti&" his ha&d (orward.Hello, &tho&y res!o&ded with a&other ha&dsha'e.

&d this s'i&&y !ussy here is >oh&so&.

Hey &tho&y, >oh&so& said "rabbi&" &tho&y2s ha&d a&d sha'i&" it wildly.

O'ay >oh&so&, i( you2re do&e bei&" a dumb ass we *a& "et started.

Sorry >oh&&y.

O'ay (irst order o( busi&ess. Tomorrow we ma'e our (irst hit. 3e2re "oi&" to !i*' o(( the little"uys, the &obodies.

>oh&&y, why are we "oi&" to hit the &obodies i&stead o( the bi" boys

Sim!le Torres, it "i-es us the eleme&t o( sur!rise. I2ll dro! the (oot soldiers, ma'i&" the

a!tai&s start doi&" dirty wor'. It2ll be totally ra&dom to them. I2ll rotate betwee& &obodies a&dsomebody2s. E&ou"h so that &o o&e *a& (i"ure out who will be &ext. The o&ly thi&" these "uys will '&ow

(or sure is that &o o&e will be sa(e.So the two day deadli&e you "a-e ro&us, Aoyal as'ed.

3as a lie, >o&atha& (i&ished. This way he does&2t ha-e time to war& a&yo&e. I( I start out

small I wo&2t ha-e mu*h trouble.

3hy do you 'ee! sayi&" I, &tho&y as'ed, with *o&*er&. ll o( us are i&-ol-ed here.

ause &tho&y, this is !rimary my war. I( by some mira*le we are *au"ht I i&te&d to ta'e all o(

the blame. I( I2m the o&ly o&e !ulli&" the tri""er tha& I "et the worst o( it.

Got it, &tho&y said with a &od. So where are you "o&&a stri'e (irst

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I (i"ure the (irst "uy to (all will be Paul Gerardo, he2s Mr. Lee2s dri-er. 3he& Mr. Lee does&2t

"et !i*'ed u! o& time he2s "o&&a be !issed. Mr. Lee will the& *all Sully. 3he& Sully shows u! at Mr.

Lee2s home that2s whe& the se*o&d shot will be (ired. Mr. Lee does&2t ha-e a&y *hildre& so we do&2t ha-e

to worry about that.

3hat about those who do ha-e 'ids, Torres i&terru!ted.The 'ids are &ot to be hurt. 3e will ma'e sure they are &ot arou&d. I( we ha-e to do a s&at*h

a&d "rab the& we do it. S!ouses a&d *hildre& are the o&ly i&&o*e&t o&es here.3hat are you usi&", Aoyal as'ed.

I2m "oi&" to bri&" out Hera (or this missio&.

I was wo&deri&" what ha!!e&ed to her, Torres blurted out.

Do you thi&' she2s u! (or the tas', Aoyal as'ed.

re you 'iddi&" Aoyal, >oh&so& as'ed. Hera is the best at this. Sa-ed my ass more tha& I

*are to *ou&t.

3ait a mi&ute. I thou"ht it was +ust the (i-e o( us, &tho&y said. 3ho is Hera

That2s ri"ht I (or"ot, you &e-er met Hera, >o&atha& said, embarrassed that he (or"ot the most

im!orta&t member o( the whole missio&. I2m sorry &tho&y. 3al' with me.

>o&atha& tur&ed &tho&y toward a room i& the ba*'. I&side were (our (ield *ots a&d bla&'ets

*o-eri&" them.

My (rie&d, this is Hera.>o&atha& ya&'ed o(( the bla&'et o( o&e o( the *ots. &tho&y smiled as he laid his eyes o& Hera.

9 9 9 9

ha!ter 4

The First ShotPaul Gerardo had o&ly o&e +ob i& the Ma(ia, to dri-e. Paul also had a hu"e a&"er ma&a"eme&t

 !roblem. &y little thi&" set him o((. For this reaso& Paul was &o lo&"er allowed to *arry a "u&. It was

sa(er (or e-eryo&e that way.

 No o&e i& the ro&us (amily li'ed Paul. E-eryo&e said Mar*o would be better o(( without Paul

 but the o&ly reaso& Mar*o 'e!t Paul arou&d was be*ause he was i&dy2s se*o&d *ousi&.

Sta&di&" at (i-e (oot (i-e a&d wei"hi&" two hu&dred sixty !ou&ds, Paul was &ot someo&e you

wa&ted to see (irst thi&" i& the mor&i&". Paul2s hair was thi&&i&" a&d loo'ed li'e a dead a&imal was

li-i&" o& to! o( his head. He had a (at (a*e with two *hi&s, a&d a third be"i&&i&" to (orm. Paul2s bellyhu&" wide o-er his waistba&d.

?oo'i&" throu"h his s*o!e, >o&atha& tha&'ed God that Paul &e-er had *hildre&. >o&atha& *ould

&ot ima"i&e little -ersio&s o( Paul ru&&i&" arou&d, he shuddered at the -ery thou"ht o( it.

I "ot six (ortyCei"ht, Torres2s -oi*e said i&side >o&atha&2s ear.

Ao"er that. Six (ortyCei"ht here, >o&atha& a&swered. )ou ready with the ro*'s

Ao"er that. Aeady to throw the ro*'s o& your *omma&d.3ait o&e. >o&atha& loo'ed throu"h his s*o!e a"ai&. Paul was still i& bed. His alarm was

su!!ose to "o o(( at se-e& am. O'ay, (irst ro*' throu"h the bedroom wi&dow.

Ao"er that.

Torres li(ted a 1i! "u& made o( P !i!e. >oh&so& lit the (use a&d the ro*' i&side the 1i! "u&we&t (lyi&" throu"h the air, *rashi&" throu"h Paul2s bedroom wi&dow. The sou&d o( brea'i&" "lass wo'e

Paul u!.He +um!ed out o( the bed a&d loo'ed out the wi&dow. Torres a&d >oh&so& !rete&ded to be 'ids

ru&&i&" away.

God dam& 'ids, Paul shouted at &o o&e he *ould see. Stay da (u*' away (rom here=

Good +ob "uys, >o&atha& said with a smile. He2s u! a&d mad. 3he& he2s i& the shower lau&*h

the se*o&d ro*'. Hera will ta'e *are o( the rest.

Ao"er that.

>o&atha& o!e&ed the bolt o& his ri(le a&d loaded a si&"le rou&d i&to the ma"a1i&e. He *losed the

 bolt, loadi&" the rou&d i&to the *hamber.

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(ter the (i"ht Mar*o Sr., Mar*o >r., a&d (our other hu"e "uys *ame i&to Mr. Lee2s lo*'er room.

Mr. Lee threw the (irst !u&*h be(ore a word was s!o'e&. I( he was "oi&" to "o dow& he was "oi&" to "o

dow& (i"hti&" a&d he was "oi&" to ta'e as ma&y o( them dow& with him.

The (i"ht lasted two mi&utes. Mr. Lee was the o&ly o&e sta&di&" a&d ready to hit a&yo&e who

stood u!. Mar*o Sr. (i"ured the mo&ey he lost o& the (i"ht *ould be made u!. He wa&ted Mr. Leewor'i&" (or him.

Mar*o Sr. !ulled out his "u& a&d shot Mr. Lee i& the ri"ht ha&d. Mr. Lee would &e-er (i"ht a"ai&so he had to wor' (or the ro&us (amily or die.

Mr. Lee be*ame the (amily2s mo&ey tra&s!orter. t twe&tyC(i-e he be*ame a lower ra&'i&"

a!tai& but a a!tai& &o&e the less. That was (i(tee& years a"o.

Mr. Lee loo'ed at his wat*h. It was se-e& (ortyC(i-e, Paul was late. Mr. Lee tur&ed o& the

tele-isio& to see i( the &ews was re!orti&" a&y ma+or tra((i* a**ide&ts. He wat*hed (or (i(tee& mi&utes

the& tur&ed it o((.

Mr. Lee loo'ed at the *lo*' a"ai&. He !ulled out his *ell !ho&e a&d dialed Sully Delmo&t2s

&umber. Sully was Mr. Lee2s *ousi&.

Hey Sully it2s me. I &eed you to !i*' me u!. )ea the little shit is late a"ai&. Mr. ro&us wa&ts

me at his house by ei"ht thirty. No, &o. He does sou&d !issed about somethi&" so mo-e your ass. Fi-e

mi&utes O'ay, see ya the&.

Mr. Lee hu&" u! the !ho&e a&d loo'ed u! at the *lo*'. Ei"ht te&. I( Sully did arri-e i& (i-emi&utes that would "i-e them (i(tee& mi&utes to "et to Mar*o2s house. There was &o way they would

ma'e it i& time.

Mr. Lee de*ided to wait (or Sully outside. s he wal'ed out the door Sully was s!eedi&" dow&

the street. Mr. Lee smiled a&d started dow& the ste!s to his *ur-ed dri-eway.>o&atha& was sitti&" i& a tree tra*'i&" Sully ra*i&" toward him. s Sully i&*hed *loser >o&atha&

started re*iti&" his I M DETH *ha&t. It was a*tually a !oem he wrote o&e day o& the ri(le ra&"e.

>o&atha& (ou&d out that by re*iti&" this !oem to himsel( his &er-es a&d mus*les be*ame relaxed.

Heari&" the words i& is ow& ears seemed to sooth his *o&s*ie&*e, *o&-i&*i&" himsel( that what he was

about to do, ta'i&" a li(e, was &ow +usti(ied.

Sully !ulled i&to the dri-eway, still dri-i&" (ast. He lo-ed s!eed. Be(ore Sully was able to hit the

 bra'es >o&atha& !ulled the tri""er. The bullet sailed throu"h the air beauti(ully, hitti&" its tar"et with !i&

 !oi&t a**ura*y, 'illi&" Sully i&sta&tly.Sully (ell (orward o& the steeri&" wheel. His (oot was still o& the "as. The *ar hit the ed"e o( the

dri-eway a&d (lew i&to Mr. Lee2s house. Mr. Lee +um!ed out o( the way as best he *ould.

Mr. Lee was de(i&itely "oi&" to be late &ow.

9 9 9 9

Mar*o threw his *ell !ho&e a*ross the room, hitti&" the (ar wall. Mar*o was still (eeli&" *old

(rom bei&" i& the i*e *old water o( the Hudso&. The (amily2s !erso&al do*tor had *ast Mar*o2s arm. TheDo*tor told Mar*o he was su((eri&" (rom hy!othermia a&d &eeded to stay warm or he would *at*h


Mar*o was weari&" two !airs o( so*'s, sweat !a&ts, two sweaters, a&d wra!!ed i& a hea-y

 bla&'et.3hat2s "oi&" o& boss, Matthew Gaudy as'ed. Matthew was the ro&us2 a!tai& o-er the west

side o( New )or'.Lee wo&2t be *omi&". Sully *rashed his *ar i&to Lee2s house. The *ar is hal( i& a&d hal( out o(

his house.

Sully 3hat ha!!e&ed that he *rashed, Shau& ;elly as'ed. Shau& is a&other a!tai& wor'i&"

di((ere&t lo*atio&s i& >ersey.

He "ot a bullet i& his head. Shit= There is &o way we *a& hide this (rom the *o!s. Shau& *all

o&e o( your boys a&d tell 2em to "o (i&d Paul. He should ha-e !i*'ed u! Lee.

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Sure thi&" boss, Shau& a&swered as he !ulled out his *ell !ho&e a&d *alled o&e o( his (oot

soldiers. mi&ute later he hu&" u! the !ho&e a&d &odded his head at Mar*o. ll set boss. So what2s

"oi&" o&, some other (amily ta'i&" us o&

Mar*o stood there i& sile&*e. Shi-eri&" *old, he was tryi&" to *alm himsel( dow&. He !ulled the

 bla&'et arou&d himsel( ti"hter as he wal'ed ba*' to his *hair. Mar*o sat dow& a&d loo'ed at e-eryo&e i&the room.

E-eryo&e was waiti&" (or Mar*o to say somethi&", loo'i&" at Mar*o (or (ear they mi"ht misssomethi&" i( they loo'ed a&ywhere else.

Some o&e tur& u! the (u*'i&2 heat. I2m (u*'i&2 (ree1i&2 my &uts o(( o-er here.

Matthew was *losest to the thermostat. He "ot u! a&d mo-ed the &eedle to &i&ety de"rees. It was

already ei"htyC(i-e de"rees i& the room. E-e& thou"h it was wi&ter, the other me& i& the room were hot.

Matthew sat ba*' dow& without sayi&" a word.

It2s &ot a&other (amily tryi&" to mus*le i& o& us, Mar*o (i&ally a&swered. It2s that (a""ot who

shot me six mo&ths a"o.

It2s +ust o&e "uy. No !roblem boss, he2s dead, Matthew res!o&ded, I2ll "et all my "uys o& it.

Matthew, what, you "ot shit (or brai&s, Mar*o s&a!!ed with harsh -e&om i& his to&e. 3e2-e

 bee& tryi&" to "et this "uy (or six mo&ths. Six (u*'i&2 mo&ths= )our boys *ould&2t *at*h him i& that


)ea *ause the little shit ra&, Matthew a&swered, tryi&" to de(e&d himsel(.No stu!id, he did&2t ru&. He2s bee& wat*hi&" us. He '&ows e-erythi&" about us. He2s bee& ri"ht

u&der our &oses the whole (u*'i&2 time.

Mar*o s&ee1ed hard. His &ose was be"i&&i&" to ru& while his a&"er built u!. This asshole is&2t

alo&e either. He2s "ot at least three others with him. 3e are &ot +ust "oi&" to 'ill these assholes. I wa&tthem ali-e.

Mar*o too' a dri&' o( S*ot*h, tryi&" to warm his blood, be(ore *o&ti&ui&" o&. I am !erso&ally

"oi&" to brea' bo&es. I wa&t these (u*'ers tortured. I wa&t them to be" us to 'ill 2em.

Shau&2s *ell !ho&e be"a& to ri&", i&terru!ti&" Mar*o. Shau& !ulled it out a&d a&swered it


<h huh. )ea. Good +ob. Get o-er here 0ui*'ly. Shau& hu&" u! the !ho&e a&d loo'ed at

Mar*o. Paul2s dead. Shot i& the head while ta'i&" a shower. o!s a&d &ews are all o-er his house.

F<;, Mar*o shouted.9 9 9 9

Tara ?y& Dittus was sitti&" at her des' at the New )or' Times. Growi&" u!, Tara had always

wa&ted to be a serious +our&alist a&d wor'i&" (or the Times was o&e o( the best ways to do that. Six

wee's out o( *olle"e her dream was *omi&" true, o&ly thi&" is she was i& the mail room &ot the &ews


It was as i( someo&e was !layi&" a +o'e o& her. Si&*e Tara was a (reshma& i& hi"h s*hool she2dwritte& (or the s*hool !a!er. She e-e& be*ame the se&ior stude&t editor her >r. )ear. O( *ourse that was a

small tow& s*hool !a!er i& Iowa.

3he& Tara mo-ed to New )or' to atte&d N)< she '&ew she would ha-e to start at the bottom

a&d wor' her way u!. She may ha-e bee& a little (ish i& a bi" !o&d but Tara was determi&ed to "row (ast.Grow she did. (ter her (irst year i& s*hool the (a*ulty editor o( the s*hool !a!er a!!oi&ted Tara

as the lead re!orter. She was "ood at "etti&" the stories &o o&e wa&ted a&d made the best o( them.Tara be*ame a bi" (ish.

The day Tara "ot the &ews that she, a small tow& "irl (rom Iowa, would be wor'i&" (or the New

)or' Times be*ame the best day o( her li(e. Tara *alled her !are&ts a&d told them the &ews. They told

Tara how !roud they were o( her.

s the !ostma& brou"ht i& the ba"s o( mail, Tara wo&dered what her !are&ts would thi&' o( her

&ow. How !roud would they be that their bi" time re!orter is wor'i&" as a mailroom *ler'

Tara still loo'ed (or stories e-erywhere. She wrote what she *ould a&d sli!!ed her arti*les i&to

the editor2s mail. <&(ortu&ately the editor did &ot li'e the idea o( Tara s&ea'i&" her wor' i&.

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 If I wanted you to write me (torie( I would have hired you a( a reporter .

Tara remembered those words the editor yelled at her the &i"ht be(ore. Tara de*ided that

mor&i&" that she was &ot "oi&" to e-er write (or the Times. She *ame to terms that her dreams were &ot

"oi&" to *ome true.

Tara started sorti&" the mail i& the !ostal ba". The early mor&i&" load was &ot as bad as thelu&*h time load. ll mail must be sorted a&d deli-ered &o later tha& two !m. Tara was hired to +ust sort

the mail, but i& the !ast wee' she2d (ou&d hersel( ha-i&" to deli-er it too. This +ob was so u&(air.It too' Tara thirty mi&utes to "et the mail sorted a&d ready to "o. She wal'ed ba*' to the (ro&t o(

the mail room to see i( a&y other ba"s had show& u!.

Tara (ou&d a si&"le e&-elo!e lyi&" o& her des'. She !i*'ed it u! a&d saw it was addressed to her.



9 9 9 9

ha!ter 7

Brea'i&" the Story

Tara2s eyes "rew lar"e as she read the *o&te&ts o( the e&-elo!e. Thou"hts be"a& ra*i&" throu"h

her head. Is the letter real or was someo&e i& the &ewsroom !layi&" a !ra&' Is this a test I( the story is

real what do I do with it

Tara *ould try "oi&" to the editor but that had its draw ba*'. Tara *ould "et (ired or worse yet,the story *ould be ya&'ed (rom her *om!letely. The letter did war& that i( the story was ta'e& (rom Tara

the editor would be sorry. ould that be a threat o& his li(e

S*rew it. I2m &ot "oi&" to s!e&d the rest o( my li(e dow& here i& the mailroom.

Tara "rabbed her +a*'et a&d headed to the editor2s o((i*e.9 9 9 9

Mr. Aoss, I2-e "ot somethi&" you &eed to loo' at, Tara said as she wal'ed i&to the mor&i&"

meeti&" with the re!orters.

E-eryo&e sto!!ed what they were doi&" a&d loo'ed at Tara. Tara loo'ed at their (a*es a&d saw

she still had sur!rise o& her side. She de*ided to *o&ti&ue (orward be(ore someo&e threw her out.

Someo&e +ust shot two o( Mr. ro&us2 me& a&d se&t me a letter to !ri&t to Mr. ro&us. This is

 bi" &ews a&d I  am the *o&ta*t !erso&.

Miss Dittus what the hell are you tal'i&" about, Mr. Aoss blurted out a&"rily.Soo& the &ews will be re!orti&" two se!arate shooti&"s. O&e is Paul Gerardo a&d the other was

at Mr. Lee2s house, a Sully Delmo&t. Tara loo'ed at her wat*h a&d held u! a !ie*e o( !a!er. I& te&

mi&utes Mi*hael ;lei& will be the &ext o&e to "et shot. It2s all laid out i& this letter that was se&t to me i&

the mailroom.

?et me see that, Mr. Aoss s&a!!ed as he wal'ed o-er to Tara a&d rea*hed (or the !a!er.

Not so (ast, Tara said, !ulli&" the !a!er away (rom Mr. Aoss. I seem to ha-e "otte& theex*lusi-e o& this. I wa&t this story.

3hy you little bit*h, Mr. Aoss said, his (a*e tur&i&" red with a&"er. How the (u*' do I e-e&

'&ow it2s real

Boss it2s real, o&e o( the re!orters said !oi&ti&" to the T. He tur&ed u! the -olume a&de-eryo&e liste&ed.

what seemed to be a& i&te&tio&al shooti&". "ai& the -i*tim was shot i& the head while hewas ta'i&" a shower. Nei"hbors say they &e-er e-e& heard a "u& shot.

The -i*tim2s &ame is bei&" withheld but sour*es tell us that he was a member o( the ro&us

(amily. This is Emily S!ar' re!orti&" li-e, Fox Fi-e News.

Tha&' you Emily, the &ews a&*horma& said, "ai& to re*a! our to! story, a ma& was shot i&

his home early this mor&i&". <m we are re*ei-i&" i&(ormatio& that a&other ma& has bee& shot while

dri-i&" his -ehi*le. For more we are "oi&" to S*ott Peterso&. S*ott

>oh& we are at the home o( >ose!h Lee&o!olis. !!are&tly arou&d ei"ht this mor&i&" a *ar

dro-e i&to Mr. Lee&o!olis2 home. The dri-er, (ortyCsix year old Sully Delmo&t was !ulli&" i&to the

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dri-eway whe& he was shot i& the head. Poli*e are &ot releasi&" a&ymore i&(ormatio&. They are &ot

sayi&" whether or &ot there is a *o&&e*tio& betwee& this shooti&" a&d the o&e earlier. 3e have bee& able

to *o&(irm that there is a *o&&e*tio& betwee& Mr. Delmo&t a&d the ro&us (amily. 3e2ll bri&" you more

as the story de-elo!s. S*ott Peterso&, Fox Fi-e News.

Mr. Aoss tur&ed o(( the T as he tur&ed to (a*e Tara.3ell Mr. Aoss, Tara stated, smili&" as she raised a& eyebrow at him. 3hat2s it "o&&a be Do

I "et to write this story or do I be"i& my *arrier as a tele-isio& re!orter I2m sure (omeone will allow meto do this story +ust to "et the ex*lusi-e.

3hy you, Mr. Aoss as'ed *oldly, (eeli&" tra!!ed i& a *or&er.

3he& I (i&d that out so will you, Tara a&swered, tryi&" to sou&d *o&(ide&t amidst all the *haos.

Times ti*'i&" Mr. Aoss.

Fi&e, you *a& write the story.

9 9 9 9

"To the bo((e( of organi5ed crime6

*our time i( up. The day( of organi5ed crime are over. For anyone thinking of getting into

organi5ed crime) change your mind. For tho(e of you who have committed crime( you have nowhere to


*our name( are on my li(t) from the low live( in the (treet( to '-- the top bo((e(. In(ide of (i7

month( you will all be dead. *ou have committed great (in( on the innocent. ay God have mercy on your (oul becau(e I will (how you no mercy.

To the brethren of the 2olice &epartment) do not try to (top me for you have your own problem(.

 $vil ha( crept into your rank() tainting the hard work of hone(t fficer(. en you tru(ted) men you

called your friend) leader( you confided in. I have their name() too. I have decided to let the 0one(t fficer( 8udge the other(. Soon certain

 people will receive all the evidence you will need to get the(e (cum off the (treet.

To '-- the bo((e() no matter the nationality) thi( i( directed to you. If you deal) or have dealt

with arco ronu() you are marked to die. There are a few bo((e( from ,u((ia and hina who have

 #T dealt with r. ronu(.

 'lthough you 0'V$ committed crime( that are de(erving of &$'T0) I am giving you one

chance. *ou have until &ecember fir(t to leave the country and never return. *our home country can

deal with you. 0owever) if you & #T leave) or you return to thi( country I will fall down on you and take

 your life. *ou will not be able to hide.

To the children of the men who are about to die) you are on borrowed time. If you live a good

 peaceful life you need not fear me. If you turn to a life of crime) your life will belong to me.

There i( no (topping me for you can not (top &$'T0. *ou can not catch a gho(t. *ou can not

de(troy a (hadow. ake no mi(take) I am coming. Thi( i( not a crime) T0IS IS %+STI$.

*our life belong( to me)


9 9 9 9

Boss, did you read the Times this mor&i&", ?ouie as'ed as he wal'ed i&to Mar*o2s !ool house.?ouie (lew i& (rom Miami &o&Csto!.

)ea I saw the !a!er, Mar*o s&a!!ed, his blood !ressure risi&" (rom the stress o( it all. I readthe letter. I& *ase I did&2t read the letter it2s all o-er the radio a&d T. I wa&t these assholes dead by the

e&d o( the day=

9 9 9 9

i&*e&t Tor&elly laid dow& the !a!er a&d rea*hed (or his tele!ho&e. He dialed a &umber a&d

waited (or a& a&swer.

Tal' to me, the -oi*e o& the other e&d a&swered.

To&y, i&*e&t.

)ea i&&ie, what do you wa&t

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)ou read the !a!er I thi&' we &eed to "et the (amilies to"ether a&d ha-e a little *hat with


I already se&t word to Gary a&d &tho&y Mur*heddy. 3e are "oi&" o-er i& a& hour.

i&*e&t loo'ed at his wat*h. Se-e& (ortyC(i-e am.

Fi&e I2ll be there.i&*e&t hu&" u! the !ho&e. He made a&other *all a&d the& le(t (or Mar*o2s house. Someo&e was

"oi&" to !ay (or the letter i& the Times.9 9 9 9

Someo&e "et me a *o!y o( the Times, a!tai& 3ol( yelled outside his door. a!tai& 3ol( sat

 ba*' dow& at his des', wat*hi&" the mor&i&" &ews.

a!tai&, you wa&ted to see me

Not u&less you ha-e the (ro&t !a"e o( the Times=

Ai"ht here a!tai&.

a!tai& 3ol( rea*hed u! a&d s&at*hed the !a!er out o( Dete*ti-e >o*'2s ha&d. Tall a&d sle&der

with a medium musta*he, hris >o*' lo-ed to +o'e arou&d. Not mu*h +o'i&" "oi&" o& today thou"h, &ot

with what was !ri&ted about dirty *o!s i& the !a!er.

The lar"est *ity i& the *ou&try is about to be i& a& u!roar.

9 9 9 9

Tara *ould &ot belie-e the bu11 whe& she wal'ed i&to the buildi&" o( the New )or' Times.Tele-isio& re!orters wa&ted to tal' with her.

E-eryo&e was as'i&" the same 0uestio&s: Did she '&ow the 'iller How did she "et su*h i&side

detail to the shooti&"s Did she '&ow who was &ext

Se*urity was outside waiti&" to es*ort Tara i&side the buildi&". Mr. Aoss did &ot wa&t Taratal'i&" to a&yo&e. Tara truly did ha-e a hot ex*lusi-e. The story would &ot last six mo&ths as the *o&ta*t

 !romised. Mr. Aoss had to stri'e while the iro& was hot.

lready at se-e& thirty i& the mor&i&" the Times has bee& sold out o( e-ery !ri&ti&". ?ast time

that ha!!e&ed was the day a(ter Pearl Harbor. The Times has +ust out s*oo!ed e-ery other &ews media.

Tara was ta'e& strai"ht to Mr. Aoss2s o((i*e. &other ma& was sitti&" a*ross (rom Mr. Aoss.

o&"ratulatio&s Tara, Mr. Aoss said as Tara wal'ed i&to the room. Tha&'s to this "e&tlema&

here you ha-e +ust be*ome the hottest re!orter i& New )or'.

9 9 9 9ha!ter J

Mob Di-ided

Mar*o was sitti&" i& his bi" leather *hair holdi&" a "lass o( S*ot*h. It was ei"ht thirty i& the

mor&i&" but that did &ot matter to Mar*o. His head was throbbi&". >o&atha& was be*omi&" more o( a

 !ai& tha& Mar*o was use to. Mar*o2s bro'e& arm was a *o&sta&t remi&der o( that (a*t.

Boss, you "ot -isitors, >oh&, o&e o( Mar*o2s (oot soldiers, said as he wal'ed i&to the de&.I told you I did&2t wa&t to see a&yo&e >oh&, Mar*o s&a!!ed, &ot loo'i&" u!.

I thi&' you2ll see me Mar*o, i&*e&t Tor&elly said wal'i&" !ast >oh&. He too' o(( his hat a&d

o-er*oat, ha&di&" them to >oh&. Get me a dri&'.

>oh& loo'ed at Mar*o. Mar*o wa-ed his ha&d u!, telli&" >oh& to lea-e the room.)ou2ll be ex!e*ti&" more -isitors, i&*e&t a&&ou&*e to >oh&. Bri&" them here ri"ht away.

>oh& wa&ted to say that he2s &ot a (u*'i&" butler but Mar*o "a-e >oh& a serious loo'. >oh& too'the hi&t a&d le(t the room without sayi&" a&other word.

3hat *a& I do (or you i&&ie Mar*o s&ared.

)ou *a& tell me who this asshole is that wrote that letter i& the !a!er 3hy did he me&tio& you

 by &ame

It2s the asshole who did this to me, Mar*o said li(ti&" his bro'e& arm. He thi&'s he *a& s*are


Seems to me that he2s "otte& the better o( you twi*e, i&&ie said as he sat dow& a*ross (rom

Mar*o. Is&2t this the same "uy who shot you That2s &ot "ood (or busi&ess.

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3hat the (u*' are you tryi&" to say, Mar*o blurted out loudly.

He2s &ot tryi&" to say a&ythi&", To&y am!oraliee said wal'i&" i&to the de&. The Mur*heddy

 brothers were wal'i&" i& behi&d him. Mar*o I !erso&ally do&2t thi&' you *a& ha&dle this "uy. He

should be dead by &ow but is&2t.

He will be, Mar*o s&a!!ed de(e&si-ely.I( you had a&y balls, Gary Mur*heddy said, the& he would be ta'e& *are o( already. I&stead he

ma'es a (ool out o( us all. I do&2t li'e bei&" made to loo' li'e a (ool Mar*o.)ea well, i( the shoe (its Gary, Mar*o s&a!!ed.

3hat did you +ust say, Gary "rowled as he +um!ed (orward toward Mar*o. To&y ste!!ed i&

(ro&t o( Gary to hold him ba*'.

Boys *alm dow&, i&*e&t said a&"rily. Gary wat*h your tem!er. Mar*o wat*h the i&sults.

i&*e&t too' a dee! breath be(ore *o&ti&ui&". Fa*t is Mar*o, your  (u*' u! is ma'i&" us loo' bad. This

was su!!ose to be a sim!le i&sura&*e !ayme&t. I&stead you ha-e bee& (a*e to (a*e with this "uy twi*e.

Both times he *ri!!led you a&d 'illed your boys.

Now he2s started shooti&" your "uys i& their ow& homes. Se&ds a letter to the Times (or the

e&tire world to see. Sayi&" how he2s "o&&a 'ill all o( us i&side o( six mo&ths.

He2s e-e& threate&ed the Aussia&s. I ha-e to deal with those *ommie bastards. They do&2t li'e

 bei&" *alled out. I2m sorry Mar*o but I do&2t thi&' you should be ru&&i&" the (amilies a&ymore. )our

(ather would tur& o-er i& his "ra-e, God rest his soul.I am still i& *har"e i&&ie. I2m the o&e that u&ited all the (amilies. I made more mo&ey (or all

o( you i& the !ast (i-e mo&ths tha& you made yoursel-es i& the !ast te& years= Do&2t you dare (u*'i&2

threate& me i& my ow& home=

Mar*o stood u! a&d wal'ed o-er to the bar. He swallowed what was le(t i& his "lass a&d !ouredhimsel( a&other S*ot*h. Mar*o swallowed that "lass a&d !oured a&other. He *arried it o-er to i&*e&t.

Next time you wa&t a dri&', (u*'i&2 !our it yoursel(. Now are we do&e here, Mar*o s&a!!ed,

dari&" a&yo&e else to *halle&"e him.

i&*e&t loo'ed o-er at the other three me&. They all sli"htly &odded toward i&*e&t.

)ea Mar*o we2re (i&ished. i&*e&t swallowed the *o&te&ts o( the "lass the& stood u!. )ou

are &o lo&"er i& *har"e o( our (amilies. )ou are o& your ow& Mar*o.

i&*e&t, To&y, Gary, a&d &tho&y wal'ed out o( Mar*o2s de&, &ot sayi&" a&other word. Mar*o

was le(t alo&e to stew i& is thou"hts. His heada*he i&*reasi&" with e-ery !assi&" mome&t.9 9 9 9

)ou are o& your ow& Mar*o.

>o&atha& liste&ed with ex*iteme&t at i&*e&t Tor&elly2s last words. This was "reat &ews.

Did you hear that to&e, >oh&so& as'ed sur!risi&"ly. Did his -oi*e *ra*' a bit

)ea I thi&' it did, >o&atha& a&swered. They all sou&ded a bit s*ared to me. That2s "ood. Out

little demo&stratio& wor'ed yesterday.)ea but i&*e&t was ri"ht about o&e thi&", >oh&so& said, the Aussia&s are "oi&" to be ma+orly


It2s the hi&ese I2m more worried about, >o&atha& res!o&ded. The Aussia&s will be ta'e& *are

o( all at o&*e.&d +ust how the hell do you !la& o& doi&" that, Aoyal as'ed with ea"er&ess i& his to&e.

I& o&e wee' omrade Lis'i& is "oi&" to ha-e a !arty o& his !ri-ate ya*ht, >o&atha& ex!lai&ed.O&ly mob "uys a&d sex "irls are "oi&" to be o& the boat. 3e ta'e the boat (rom them. 3e bri&" alo&"

some CK a&d ta'e *are o( all o( them. Those that do&2t atte&d will be !i*'ed u! a&d ta'e& out i& the


>o&atha& loo'ed at Aoyal as the wheels be"a& to tur& i&side his head. Aoyal thou"ht it was ris'y

ta'i&" a& e&tire boat hosta"e. There are a lot o( thi&"s that *ould "o wro&".

3hat about the wome& >oh&&y, >oh&so& as'ed. 3hat are we "o&&a do with them

S&at*h a&d "rab. 3e2re "o&&a bri&" them ba*'. 3e2re &ot the bad "uys here.

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Aoyal still had his doubts but >o&atha& is i& *har"e. He has yet to be wro&", always !la&&i&" out

to the -ery last detail.

Promise me you2re thi&'i&" a&d &ot (eeli&" o& this o&e, Aoyal -oi*ed his o!i&io&.

)ea Aoyal I2m thi&'i&. My emotio&s are i& *he*'. I e-e& "ot us s!e*ial !rote*tio&.

3hat are you tal'i&" about, Aoyal as'ed, loo'i&" *o&(used.3ith !er(e*t timi&" Torres wal'ed i&to the room *arryi&" a box. Torres wal'ed o-er to the table

a&d !la*ed the box o& to!.Here you "o Aoyal, >o&atha& said as he o!e&ed the box. Aubber body armor. )ou wear this

u&der your -est. It2ll ta'e some "etti&" use to but it2s li'e weari&" two -ests. That, alo&" with the (la'

 +a*'et o-er the -est a&d you are *o-ered. These e-e& *ome with the body armor !a&ts. These bad boys

will sto! a .K$ but i( you "et shot i& the le" it2ll hurt li'e hell.

How did you ma&a"e to "et these >oh&&y, >oh&so& as'ed.

I had them *ustom made with that mo&ey I wo& i& e"as, >o&atha& a&swered sim!ly.

E-erythi&" is !er(e*tly le"al "uys. >o&atha& loo'ed at Aoyal a&d *ould see *o&(li*t i& his (a*e. Aoyal

i( you "ot somethi&" wor'i&" the& let us '&ow. )ou *a& sit this o&e out (rom shore.

No >oh&&y, Aoyal res!o&ded slowly, &o. I2m i&.

9 9 9 9

)uri Lis'i& was sitti&" dow& eati&" di&&er alo&e. His wi(e, &"eli*a, had ta'e& the 'ids home to

Mos*ow so they *ould -isit their dyi&" "ra&d(ather. &"eli*a2s (ather was dia"&osed with lu&" *a&*er ayear earlier a&d &ow he is i& the hos!ital waiti&" to die. )uri thou"ht his (atherCi&Claw, Boris, to be a !i".

Boris had &e-er li'ed )uri. They ar"ued o-er e-erythi&". 3he& the old 3ar e&ded Boris was "lad to

see the *olla!se o( ommu&ism.

)uri '&ew that demo*ra*y was "oi&" to rui& his Mother Aussia. )uri le(t a&d too' &"eli*a withhim to New )or'. He '&ew someo&e i& the Aussia& ma(ia a&d it was &ot lo&" be(ore )uri be*ame o&e o(

the to! mus*le me& i& the ma(ia.

)uri e&+oyed bei&" arou&d me& (rom the motherla&d who still belie-ed i& the old ways. The old

ways were the best, *old a&d 0ui*'.

)uri loo'ed u! as i&*e&t Tor&elly wal'ed i&to the di&&i&" room. )uri !oi&ted at the *hair to

his ri"ht with a stea' '&i(e, sile&tly telli&" i&*e&t were to sit. )uri *o&ti&ued to *ut a&d eat his stea',

ma'i&" i&*e&t wait.

Now Mr. Tor&elly, )uri said as he swallowed a mouth(ul o( stea', would you li'e somethi&"to dri&'. I ha-e bottle o( od'a (rom Mos*ow. ery "ood, )uri added !olitely i& his thi*' Aussia&


No I2m (i&e. 3hy do&2t we "et to why I2m here, i&*e&t a&swered im!atie&tly.

)ou '&ow why you here I thi&', )uri said *almly be(ore sho-eli&" a&other lar"e !ie*e o( stea'

i& his mouth. )ou '&ow o( this ma& i& !a!er

)ea I '&ow who he is, i&*e&t s&a!!ed. He2s +, !roblem a&d we *a& ha&dle him.I would li'e to '&ow who he is !lease. I wa&t to '&ow who is threate&i&" my li(e. I am &ot to

 be made loo' li'e (ool. )ou u&dersta&d

?oo' ,'&$ , i&*e&t said, stressi&" *omrade, we *a& ha&dle this "uy. He will be dead

 by tomorrow &i"ht. I ha-e all my "uys loo'i&" (or him.i&*e&t, i&*e&t, )uri said so(tly, !utti&" dow& his (or', *alm dow&. )ou are (rie&d. 3e

ha-e tru*e &o I allow you time you &eed. I wa&t hel! you. )es"ai&, we do&2t &eed your (u*'i&2 hel!=

i&*e&t !ushed his *hair ba*' to sta&d. )uri, howe-er, +ammed the stea' '&i(e i&to i&*e&t2s le(t

ha&d, !i&&i&" his ha&d to the table.

i&*e&t it is rude to lea-e whe& tal'i&", )uri said *almly, as i( &othi&" had +ust ha!!e&ed.

)ou are &ot my (rie&d. )ou i&sult me a&d my (amily. )ou let ma& threate& my (amily. I& Aussia this

mea&s death. )ou wa&t die i&*e&t

)ou2re (u*'i&2 *ra1y you *ommie bastard, i&*e&t shouted as he tried !ulli&" the '&i(e (ree o(

the table. i&*e&t "e&tly !ulled o& the '&i(e ha&dle a&d sto!!ed, the !ai& was ex*ru*iati&".

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?et me hel! you, )uri o((ered.

)uri "rabbed i&*e&t2s le(t wrist a&d ya&'ed the stea' '&i(e out with his other ha&d. i&*e&t (ell

 ba*' i&to his *hair loo'i&" throu"h the hole i& his ha&d. )uri was smili&" ba*' at i&*e&t throu"h the


No o&e threate&s my (amily. )ou are reaso& this ma& atta*' me. )ou must !ay !ri*e.i&*e&t tried to rea*h (or his "u& but )uri was mu*h (aster. )uri slit i&*e&t2s throat with the

stea' '&i(e.i&*e&t "rabbed at his throat, tryi&" to sto! the blood that was (lowi&" out o( his throat. His

 body was be"i&&i&" to "o i&to sho*', it re(used to do a&ythi&" i&*e&t2s brai& was *omma&di&". I& a

matter o( se*o&ds i&*e&t Tor&elly (ell (orward dead.

)uri dro!!ed the '&i(e o-er i&*e&t2s head. The '&i(e la&ded, blade dow&, i&to the table at

i&*e&t2s throat. )uri smiled to himsel( as he wal'ed out o( the room. Soo& the Italia&s will be dead a&d

the Aussia&s will *o&trol New )or'.

9 9 9 9

>immy 3a& hu&" u! the !ho&e a&d loo'ed a*ross his des' at his two so&s.

That was )uri. He *alled to tell me that that !i" Tor&elly is dead. )uri *ut his throat.

)ou2re shiti&2 me, Da&&y 3a& said. Da&&y is >immy2s oldest so& a&d &ext i& li&e to ta'e o-er

the Triads whe& >immy is "o&e.

Does this mea& we2re "oi&" to war with the Italia&s, Tra& 3a& as'ed, loo'i&" at his (ather withea"er&ess.

Maybe Tra&, >immy a&swered. The Aussia&s are. I( they as' (or our hel! the& they2re "oi&"

to "et it.

>immy 3a& too was (rom the old ways. hi&a a&d Aussia are &ot mu*h di((ere&t whe& you "etdow& to the details. Both are ommu&ist *ou&tries, both are hard o& !u&ishme&t, *old o& emotio&, a&d

do &ot show a&y mer*y.

>immy a&d )uri had met (i-e years earlier. Both me& were a(ter a "uy who stole te& thousa&d

dollars (rom ea*h (amily. )uri ha!!e&ed to (i&d the "uy +ust mi&utes be(ore >immy showed u!.

(ter a short *o&-ersatio& betwee& the two leaders they de*ided to share i& torme&ti&" their

 !ri1e. (rie&dshi! e&sued. The Aussia&s a&d the Triads ha-e had a tru*e e-er si&*e the&.

>immy '&ew that )uri would &eed his hel! to ta'e o& the Italia&s. (ter readi&" the letter i& the

Times, >immy wa&ted them all dead. I( this ma& who *alled himsel( Death wa&ted >immy 3a& the&>immy was ready.

war i( *omi&" boys, there is &o mista'i&" that. I wa&t e-eryo&e to lay low. Da&&y, tell your

 boys to wor' the mar'ets a&d see what they *a& (i&d out.

De(i&e 2wor'2 !o!s.

Get +obs, >immy s&a!!ed, a&&oyed that he has to ex!lai& himsel(. I do&2t wa&t them '&o*'i&"

a&yo&e arou&d, +ust wor' li'e e-eryo&e else. They &eed to be as low 'ey as !ossible. I &eed eyese-erywhere.

)ou "ot it.

Tra& "et your *om!uter "ee's to wat*h the &ets a&d see what they (i&d. See who2s tal'i&" a&d

about what. Fi&d out what you *a& (rom the *o!s as well. Ta! e-erythi&" you *a& thi&' o(.Sure thi&".

Both boys loo'ed at their (ather to see i( there were a&y more orders. >immy dismissed them witha wa-e o( his ha&d as he sat ba*' i& his *hair.

I am ready (or Death, >immy whis!ered to himsel(, alo&e i& the room, I ho!e Death is ready

(or me.

9 9 9 9

>o&atha& sat o& his *ot liste&i&" to the *o&-ersatio&s o( the day. This is the best way to ha&dle

the mobs, '&ow their e-ery mo-e. It too' >o&atha& two mo&ths to set u! his bu"s but he ma&a"ed to bu"

e-ery hi"h ra&'i&" !erso& i& the ma(ia, Italia&, Aussia&, a&d hi&ese.

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>o&atha& (i"ured that he would ha-e the ma(ia hel! him i& his war. Not o&ly will they be tryi&"

to 'ill him but they2ll be tryi&" to 'ill ea*h other too. The little "uys would ta'e *are o( ea*h other while

>o&atha& !i*'ed o(( the bosses.

The e-e&ts o( the day !ro-ed >o&atha& ri"ht. )uri had de*lared war o& the Italia&s. ?ittle did

)uri '&ow he was about to die.>o&atha& tar"eted the Aussia&s (or total a&&ihilatio& (irst be*ause they were the smallest. That

was the "ood thi&" about the Aussia&s, they all stayed to"ether. Their &umbers were also small.>o&atha& laid o& his *ot, stari&" at the *eili&", "oi&" o-er the !la&s (or hi+a*'i&" )uri2s boat. s

the boat ex!loded i& his head, >o&atha& (ell aslee!.

9 9 9 9


O&e Dow&, Two to Go

The Demetri is a lar"e !arty ya*ht. The !arty bei&" held to&i"ht would &ot be a !roblem (or the

 boat. The tables were bei&" set u! a&d the dri&'s !oured.

The *rates that the *rew was bri&"i&" aboard were su!!ose to be (ull o( (ood. The deli-ery tru*'

had bee& late a&d the *oo' was "etti&" &er-ous.

ou&ti&" the last *rate as it *ame aboard, the *oo' breathed a si"h o( relie(. His "uests would be

arri-i&" i& two hours. He hated to rush his *oo'i&".

9 9 9 9<! i&side the !ilot2s room >o&atha& was setti&" a CK *har"e. Dow& below i& the e&"i&e room

>oh&so& was doi&" the same thi&". The !la& was that whe& the boat ex!loded there would be &othi&" le(t

 but small *hu&'s.

The a!tai& o( the Demetri was lyi&" o& the (loor u&*o&s*ious a&d bou&d with du*t ta!e. He&e-er saw >o&atha& *omi&". The a!tai&, howe-er, would at least wa'e u! a&d with o&e ma+or

heada*he, so would the e&tire *rew (or that matter. Torres had "o&e aboard early a&d s!i'ed all the

dri&'s. Aoo(ies were i& e-ery water bottle, e-ery bottle o( wi&e, a&d e-erythi&" that *o&tai&ed li0uid.

Si&*e it was i& mi&or dosa"es it would ta'e a while (or the roo(ies to ta'e e((e*t. Those that

 !assed out 0ui*'ly would be lau"hed at (or &ot bei&" able to hold their li0uor. This was how >o&atha&

was ho!i&" to ta'e o-er the boat without (iri&" a shot.

The (irst "uest had arri-ed at six !.m., Boris Na"asie. Boris stood tall at six (oot two, wei"hi&"

two hu&dred (i(ty !ou&ds.Boris was )uri2s &umber o&e hit ma&. He *laimed to be a &atural bor& 'iller, a true assassi&. O&e

loo' at him would s*are the bra-est o( souls i( they had to (i"ht him ha&d to ha&d.

Boris lo-ed his +ob. He too' !ride i& his 'ills. I( he *ould hel! it, &othi&" was e-er rushed but

sometimes it *ould &ot be hel!ed a&d a (ast slo!!y 'ill was &e*essary. 3he&e-er !ossible, Boris &e-er

'illed the same way twi*e.

3ith o&e hu&dred twe&tyC(i-e 'ills to his &ame, (i&di&" a di((ere&t way to 'ill someo&e was be*omi&" a *halle&"e.

>o&atha& had studied Boris *losely. He '&ew he would "et o&ly o&e *ha&*e at 'illi&" Boris. The

more >o&atha& studied a&d stal'ed Boris the more he be"a& to thi&' a bullet to the head would not  'ill

him. That2s whe& >o&atha& "ot the idea (or to&i"ht. I( blowi&" Boris to !ie*es did &ot do the tri*'&othi&" would.

Boris, howe-er, had o&e ma+or wea'&ess, hot beauti(ul wome&. The o&ly wome& he would besee& with are the o&es e-eryo&e would be loo'i&" at. To&i"ht was &o ex*e!tio&.

&astasia was the 'i&d o( woma& who "ot !aid by the hour a&d she was &ot *hea! either. She

*ame with a !ri*e ta" o( (i-e hu&dred dollars a& hour. 3he& &astasia wal'ed i&to the room all eyes

were o& her.

&astasia was six (oot (i-e with lo&" (lowi&" dar' red hair. Her *hest a (ortyC(our D, "rabbed the

atte&tio& o( e-ery male a&d (emale she met. She had a sle&der body with lo&", (irm, to&ed le"s. Her eyes

were a dee! emerald "ree& that *ould *a!ti-ate whome-er she wa&ted a&d tal'ed them i&to obeyi&" her

e-ery *omma&d.

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Me& were &ot the o&ly o&es "aw'i&" either. 3ome& also *om!eted (or the &astasia2s atte&tio&.

Strai"ht wome& who &e-er e-e& *o&sidered a&y lesbia& thou"hts wa&ted to ex!erime&t with &astasia.

O&ly wome& who were beauti(ul a&d sexy "ot that !ri-ile"e.

She would allow them to ex!lore her body be(ore tea*hi&" them how to !lease her. It *ame

easily to her. &astasia always (ou&d it (u&&y that strai"ht wome& *ould &ot wait to su*' her &i!!les oreat her out. These wome& were the lu*'y o&es@ they "ot to ha-e sex with her (or (ree.

 Numerous times duri&" a !arty &astasia would be hit o& by me& with &o a-ail. The !romises o( !leasure a&d e*stasy were all lies. The o&ly o&es re*ei-i&" !leasure were the me& so she made sure she

"ot !aid to (u*'. The me& always !aid a&d always *ame ba*' (or more. &astasia swore &o ma& would

e-er (u*' her (or (ree, so she thou"ht.

The day she met Boris was the be"i&&i&" o( her hellish &i"htmare. Boris saw &astasia a&d

wa&ted her. He as'ed her (or sex a&d she told him &ot a *ha&*e i& hell.

That &i"ht while &astasia was "i-i&" her *lie&t a blow +ob Boris 'i*'ed i& the door a&d shot him

i& the head. He made it -ery *lear that i( she did &ot !lease him he would 'ill her. That was two years

a"o. Boris was the o&ly ma& who &e-er !aid her. I( she was &ot wor'i&" the& she was (u*'i&" Boris.

(ter to&i"ht, howe-er, &astasia would be (ree.

9 9 9 9

The Demetri was sitti&" dead i& the water twe&ty miles east o( Else Isla&d, well !ast the

 +urisdi*tio& o( the <.S. oast Guard. O&e hu&dred (i(ty three Aussia&s were below dri&'i&" a&d tal'i&".)uri was !layi&" host, wal'i&" arou&d a&d tal'i&" to e-eryo&e.

O&e by o&e, )uri we&t to *ertai& !eo!le a&d whis!ered i& their ear. &od o( their head a&d a

sla! o& the ba*' si"&aled the messa"e was u&derstood.

The &i"ht was *lear a&d *ool. The stars were shi&i&" bri"ht. It was a -ery !ea*e(ul &i"ht (illedwith &o worries. The "uests were e&+oyi&" themsel-es while )uri we&t to a !ri-ate room.

I&side were the six me& )uri had whis!ered somethi&" to. Des!ite what his "uest saw )uri was

&ot ha!!y.

Boris, why ha-e you &ot 'illed boy, )uri s&a!!ed as the door *losed behi&d him.

He2s -ery "ood. No o&e see him. He 'ills the& -a&ishes without tra*e. )ou see !a!ers *all him


I do&2t *are= I wa&t him dead=

)uri, I-a& ;o((, )uri2s ri"ht ha&d ma&, *ut i&, Boris is &ot to blame. He has &e-er (ailed you be(ore.

I '&ow, )uri a&swered. I sorry Boris. It2s &ot your (ault. My bastard (atherCi&Claw has &ot

died. He will stay ali-e +ust to !iss me o((.

E-eryo&e lau"hed.

)ou should e&+oy the !arty, I-a& *o&ti&ued. Boris will do his +ob.

)es but my wi(e has see& the &ews. She *alls me to (i&d out what "oi&" o&. She worry be*ause bastard (ather o( hers say I will die too. She wa&t to *ome home. I wa&t him dead be(ore she *ome


I will (i&d him tomorrow. He will die slowly. I ha-e *ome u! with "ood !la&.

)uri !i*'ed u! his "lass a&d em!tied it. E-eryo&e else i& the room did the same.O&e dri&', the& you tell us Boris.

I-a& stood u! a&d !oured od'a out o( a *rystal bottle where )uri 'e!t his best od'a.E-eryo&e '&ew this was the "ood stu((. It did &ot ta'e lo&" to em!ty the "lasses i& the room.

This was i&deed the "ood stu((. >o&atha& had !erso&ally s!i'ed the bottle. )uri2s -isio& be"a& to

 blur. The room be"a& to s!i&. He *ame *rashi&" dow& hard as he !assed out. E-eryo&e else i& the room

(ell shortly a(ter.

>o&atha& wal'ed i&to the !ri-ate room a&d smiled. He mo-ed 0ui*'ly to du*t ta!e e-eryo&e. The

amou&t o( roo(ie he !la*ed i& the od'a was e&ou"h to 'ee! e-eryo&e '&o*'ed out (or hours but

>o&atha& was &ot "oi&" to ta'e a&y *ha&*es.

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He *he*'ed his wat*h. Ni&e (ortyC(i-e. Ho!e(ully most o( the "uest dow&stairs should be

 !assi&" out. I& (i(tee& mi&utes Aoyal a&d Torres will be !ulli&" u! alo&" the Demetri to be"i& the o((


9 9 9 9

omi&" i& o& your !ort side. Do you ha-e e-eryo&e readyAed Aoute O&e where ha-e you bee& )ou2re (i(tee& late.

Had a little trouble lea-i&" the do*'. 3e2re "ood to "o.Ao"er that, >o&atha& said, I "ot you o& slow a!!roa*h.

That2s us.

Pull i& slow. 3a&t to exe*ute i& te&.

)ou "ot it.

Aoyal !ulled the small (ishi&" boat alo&" side the Demetri. lo&" woode& !la&' was !la*ed

 betwee& the two boats. >oh&so& a&d Torres be"a& tra&s!orti&" the *rew o-er to the other boat. Mostly

e-eryo&e was !assed out.

Aoyal, >oh&so&, Torres, a&d >o&atha& were all weari&" bla*' hooded mas's i& *ase someo&e

wo'e u!. 3he& the *rew was tra&s(erred, the wome& were &ext. ll i& all tra&s(erri&" e-eryo&e too'

twel-e mi&utes.

Torres we&t ba*' to the (ishi&" boat to "et her ready to lea-e. >oh&so& *he*'ed the last o( the C

K *har"es. >o&atha& was busy dum!i&" "asoli&e all o-er the boat.>o&atha& had mo-ed e-eryo&e to the mai& de*'. This way whe& he wo'e u! )uri, he *ould see

>o&atha& lea-i&" the boat. He made his way to the !la&' a&d saw &astasia sta&di&" i& (ro&t o( Boris.

She was hu""i&" hersel( ti"ht, *ryi&". >o&atha& wal'ed u! behi&d her, !la*i&" his le(t arm

arou&d her shoulders. She s&i((ed, tryi&" to dry her tears. >o&atha& (elt sorry (or her. Some !eo!le may&ot see it as ra!e be*ause o( her !ro(essio& but that2s what it was e-ery time Boris sle!t with her.

re you sure he2s "oi&" to die, &astasia as'ed so(tly.

)es, >o&atha& a&swered 0ui*'ly. That "ree& bri*' o& his *hest will do the tri*'.

)ou !romise, she whis!ered betwee& sobs.

I !romise. I2-e 'e!t my word to you so (ar. )ou *a& trust me &ow.

>o&atha& had 'e!t his word. Two mo&ths a"o he had a!!roa*hed &astasia by !rete&di&" to be a

*lie&t. 3he& she we&t to the hotel room to meet him she was sur!rised at what she saw.

I do&2t wa&t sex, >o&atha& had told her, sitti&" i& a *hair by the door.Sex or &ot, I "et !aid the same, &astasia s&a!!ed ba*', a&&oyed.

I2m &ot "oi&" to !ay you a&ythi&". Please sit dow&, >o&atha& said !oi&ti&" at a *hair a*ross

(rom him, I ha-e i&(ormatio& that2s "oi&" to *ha&"e your li(e.

)ou do&2t ha-e a&y mo&ey, she shouted.

No, he res!o&ded *almly.

)ou2re "oi&" to wish you &e-er messed with me asshole. No o&e +er's me arou&d. I2ll ha-e you'illed.

By who, >o&atha& as'ed *oldly. Boris )ou2re "o&&a *ry to him

That "ot her atte&tio&. She was about to say somethi&" but &othi&" *ame to mi&d. How the hell

did he '&ow about Boris, &o o&e '&ew about BorisI( you wa&t him out o( your li(e (ore-er you2ll sit dow&.

&astasia stood stari&" i&to >o&atha&2s eyes. She was tem!ted to storm out but somethi&" dee!i&side told her to stay. She sat dow& a&d >o&atha& be"a& telli&" her about his !la&. The more he

ex!lai&ed what he wa&ted the more she '&ew >o&atha& was real.

&astasia started "i-i&" >o&atha& all the i&(ormatio& he &eeded to !ull o(( to&i"ht. >o&atha& had

'e!t e-ery !romise he made to her.

I '&ow I2m a hoo'er but &o o&e e-er made me (eel as *hea! as he did, she sobbed, loo'i&" away

(rom Boris. She (a*ed >o&atha&, who was still weari&" his mas', I wish you *ould 'ill him a hu&dred

times o-er. He deser-es it.

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There2s &othi&" I *a& say or do to ma'e your hurt "o away, >o&atha& o((ered. Belie-e me I

'&ow. The o&ly thi&" I *a& o((er you is a *ha&*e at a &ew li(e. Get yoursel( *lea&ed u!. )ou2re better

tha& this.

Tha&' you. I will try to ma'e somethi&" o( my &ew li(e.

&astasia 'issed >o&atha&2s *hee' a&d too' the "lass o( water he had bee& holdi&". She '&ew it*o&tai&ed roo(ie. She was !re!ared (or the massi-e heada*he she would ha-e whe& she wo'e u!. It was

 !art o( the deal. This way she loo'ed li'e a -i*tim li'e e-eryo&e else.>oh&so& hel!ed her a*ross the !la&'. >o&atha& was le(t alo&e aboard the Demetri. Aoyal be"a&

to !ull the boat away a&d "et a mile away (rom the Demetri. 3ell !ast the blast radius.

>o&atha& !i*'ed u! a (i-e "allo& *a& o( "asoli&e. He started !ouri&" it o&to the heads o( the me&

he had tied to"ether. )uri wo'e u! (rom the s!lash o( the "as.

3hat are you doi&", )uri yelled.

>o&atha& i"&ored him. He *o&ti&ued with setti&" the timer (or the bomb. )uri 'i*'ed a&d

s*reamed but >o&atha& &e-er loo'ed i& his dire*tio&. )uri2s yelli&" wo'e three other me&, i&*ludi&"


They all shouted threats i& E&"lish a&d Aussia&. 3he& >o&atha& (i&ished he wal'ed o-er to

Boris. 3ith his steal toe boots, >o&atha& 'i*'ed Boris i& the +aw with all his mi"ht. Blood (lew (rom

Boris2 (a*e o&to )uri2s.

That was (or &astasia. )ou si*' twisted mother(u*'er. He !ulled o(( his mas' a&d loo'ed at)uri. )uri stared at him with a bla&' loo'. )ou do&2t '&ow me so sto! tryi&" to (i"ure it out. )ou

 0'V$  bee& hu&ti&" me (or two wee's &ow.

)ou are a (u*'i&2 dead ma&=

No my (rie&d, you are, >o&atha& a&swered with a smile. I su""est you ma'e your !ea*e withGod *ause i& sixty se*o&ds you2re '-- "oi&" to hell.

>o&atha& !ushed the start butto& o& the timer. The red li"hts that made u! the &umbers be"a&

*ou&ti&" dow& (rom sixty. >o&atha& +um!ed o-er the bow o( the Demetri i&to the water. There was a

loud s!lash as >o&atha& we&t i&.

>o&atha& too' a dee! breath a&d be"a& swimmi&" away (rom the boat u&derwater. 3ith (li!!ers

o&, he was able to swim away with s!eed. I& his head he was *ou&ti&" the time dow&.

t (i(tee& se*o&ds to ex!losio& >o&atha& *ame u! (or a&other breath o( air. Filli&" his lu&"s he

loo'ed ba*' at the Demetri. He (i"ured he was about hal( a mile away. >o&atha& we&t ba*' u&der thewa-es a&d swam toward the (ishi&" boat.

He *o&ti&ued to *ou&t dow& i& his head.




BOOM=The Demetri is &o more. >o&atha&, bei&" te& (eet u&derwater, *ould (eel the heat blast. hu&'s

o( wood a&d body !arts were la&di&" all arou&d him. Hot metal *ut throu"h the water li'e bullets.

!ie*e o( metal +abbed i&to the ba*' o( >o&atha&2s ri"ht le". +olt o( !ai& shot throu"h his body

as the hot metal seared his (lesh. &y &ormal ma& would ha-e s*reamed out i& !ai&, &ot >o&atha&. TheMari&es had tau"ht him to i"&ore !ai& a&d *o&ti&ue o& with the missio&.

9 9 9 9So& o( a bit*h that hurts=

Easy >oh&&y, &tho&y said tryi&" to !ull the shra!&el that lod"ed itsel( dee! i&to >o&atha&2s


O( all the (u*'i&2 lu*'=

>o&atha& *o&ti&ued to *urse to himsel( as &tho&y stit*hed his le" *lose. The heat o( the metal

was so i&te&se that it *losed the wou&d by bur&i&" the (lesh arou&d it. The *old&ess o( the water hel!ed

to *ool the metal so as &ot to *ause mu*h dama"e.

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>oh&&y I *a&2t (i"ure out i( you2re lu*'y or u&lu*'y, >oh&so& said. )ou "et hurt worse tha&

a&yo&e else I '&ow but it2s &e-er serious.

)ea, whate-er (u*'er, >o&atha& "ru&ted throu"h the !ai&. I "et all the s*ars.

That you do, >oh&so& a"reed. No ar"ui&" that. I still *a&2t belie-e we !ulled it o((.

Me either, Aoyal said as he dro-e the -a&, Sorry I doubted you.>o&atha& did &ot a&swer. He was dri(ti&" o(( to u&*o&s*ious&ess.

9 9 9 9This is o&e hell o( a mess, Dete*ti-e >o*' said aloud as he loo'ed at all the !eo!le tied u! a&d

 !assed out o& the (ishi&" boat. re they dead ?ou

No, +ust !assed out, ?ou Ta&ly shouted ba*', a you&" *o! who +ust made Dete*ti-e. My "uess

is they were all dru""ed.

No shit Sherlo*'= ?et2s "et them out o( here the&. Ta'e them to the hos!ital a&d start

0uestio&i&" them.

)es Sir.

Dete*ti-e >o*' was sitti&" i& his a!artme&t i& Ma&hatta& wat*hi&" a -ideo o( last wee's >ets

"ame whe& he heard the ex!losio&. He loo'ed out his wi&dow to see a (ireball out i& the harbor. He

loo'ed out i& horror. Fi-e se*o&ds later his !ho&e, !a"er, a&d *ell !ho&e were all "oi&" o((. This was

"oi&" to be a busy &i"ht i&deed.

9 9 9 9&astasia was strai&i&" to (o*us her eyes as a bri"ht li"ht was shi&&i&" i&to them. She tried

swatti&" at the li"ht a&d hit a& arm.

Mam2, Mam2, are you o'ay

3hat ha!!e&ed she as'ed stu&&ed, where am I)ou2re i& the New )or' Harbor. 3e were ho!i&" you *ould tell us what ha!!e&ed.

&astasia too' a *ou!le o( dee! breaths. Her head was s!i&&i&". >o&atha& had war&ed her about

tal'i&" too mu*h while her head was still (u11y. She dra&' some water that ?ou o((ered her a&d that

hel!ed to *lear her head.

I do&2t '&ow what ha!!e&ed, &astasia said whe& she *ould see *learly. si"& the dru" was

weari&" o((. ?ast thi&" I remember was dri&'i&" a "lass o( water while tal'i&" with my date.

Did you see or hear a&ythi&" u&usual, ?ou as'ed so(tly, ho!i&" to "et somethi&" use(ul.

No, &astasia a&swered slowly.Hey Dete*ti-e loo' at this, a u&i(ormed O((i*er shouted as he li(ted somethi&" u! (rom the

(loor, It2s a head=

Flashli"hts were shi&&ed i& the dire*tio& o( the O((i*er as he held u! a huma& head. &astasia

re*o"&i1ed the head. It belo&"ed to Boris. E-e& thou"h hal( the (a*e was bur&ed there was &o mista'i&"

it was Boris. I&side she was smili&". She would ha-e smiled o& the outside i( &ot (or the throbbi&" i& her

head. >o&atha& had 'e!t his word. Boris was dead.Dete*ti-e >o*' wal'ed u! to the u&i(orm O((i*er. 3hat the hell are you doi&" tam!eri&" with


He (li*'ed his *i"arette away toward the !ilot2s tower. It la&ded i& the middle o( a& o!e& s0uare.

Flames i"&ited as the 'erose&e bur&ed slowly. Dete*ti-e >o*'2s eyes "rew lar"e as he made out themessa"e be(ore him.

Aussia&2s DeadO&e Dow&

Two to Go


9 9 9 9

ha!ter %$


The blast that shoo' New )or' Harbor last &i"ht has &ow bee& *o&(irmed to be the wor' o(

DETH. Poli*e were still i&-esti"ati&" the blast but there seemed to be &o &eed a&ymore.

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DETH se&t a&other letter *laimi&" res!o&sibility (or the ex!losio&. 3hile we *a& &ot *o&(irm

yet, DETH is *laimi&" to ha-e 'illed e-ery member o( the Aussia& Ma(ia.

The Demetri, whi*h is re"istered to Aussia& *rime boss )uri Lis'i&, le(t this -ery do*' last

&i"ht. There was a -ery !ri-ate !arty i& atte&da&*e whi*h &I& *o&sist o( mostly Aussia&s. The Demetri

has yet to retur& whi*h adds *redit to DETH2s letter.Tara ha-e the !oli*e released the &ames o( the -i*tims that were s!ared, the a&*hor i& the &ews

room as'ed.Tom, the !oli*e at this mome&t are sto&ewalli&" us, sayi&" it2s too early i& the i&-esti"atio& to

re-eal a&y i&(ormatio&.

Tha&' you Tara. That was Tara Dittus re!orti&" li-e (rom New )or' Harbor.


Sile&*e (illed the room. No o&e wa&ted to loo' at Mar*o ro&us. Mar*o too' a dri&' o( his

 bra&dy, (i&ishi&" the "lass.

Bout time this asshole did somethi&" ri"ht. t least he "ot rid o( those *ommie bastards.

3hat you wa&t us to do about the hi&'s, Matthew as'ed.

3hat do you mea& Matthew, Mar*o as'ed sar*asti*ally. Is there a !roblem with the hi&'s I

do&2t '&ow about

It2s +ust that they were i& ti"ht with the Aussia&s. They2re "o&&a wa&t a !ie*e o( this asshole.

3hat s*ares me the most is that they2-e bee& 0uiet si&*e i&&y was 'illed. It2s &ot li'e them to be so(u*'i&2 0uiet a&d "o i&to hidi&".


Boss, >osh wal'ed i&to the room, '&owi&" he better tha& to i&terru!t a meeti&" but this was

im!orta&t. Sorry Boss but you better tur& da &ews ba*' o&.Mar*o "rabbed the remote a&d tur&ed the T ba*' o&. O& the s*ree& was a !i*ture o( >o&atha&.

This *ha&"ed e-erythi&".

So (ar &o o&e but Mar*o a&d his boys '&ew that >o&atha& was the o&e 'illi&" !eo!le. The !oli*e

sus!e*ted him but were &ot ready to !ost a&y i&(ormatio& yet. Now here he was, his (a*e bi" as day o&

the tele-isio& i& dessert *amo (ati"ues.

Mar*o tur&ed u! the -olume.

3e &ow "o li-e to Tara Dittus with this ex*lusi-e story. Tara

Tha&' you Tom. 3e2re sitti&" i&side our &ews -a& with a ma& who *a& !ro-e he '&ows who the'iller '&ow& as DETH really is. 3e will *o&du*t this i&ter-iew u&til we "et to our studios. Sir, *ould

you tell us who you are how you '&ow the ide&tity o( DETH

or!oral Sha&e Aamos, <&ited States Mari&e or!s, Aetired.

9 9 9 9

>oh&so& s!it out his *o((ee as he heard the &ame a&d -oi*e o& the &ews. He tur&ed arou&d a&d

*o&(irmed what he (eared dee! dow& i& his "ut. It was i& (a*t Aamos.>oh&&y "et your ass u!, >oh&so& shouted o-er his shoulder. )our !i*ture is o& the &ews=

3e2re busted=

>o&atha& +um!ed o(( his *ot as i( he was sho*'ed with %$$,$$$ -olts. He made his way to the T

a&d *ould &ot belie-e his eyes.The ma& was holdi&" u! a !i*ture o( three me& sta&di&" to"ether i& dessert (ati"ues. Aamos,

>oh&so&, a&d >o&atha& were (lexi&" their mus*les i& a !lay(ul "esture. >o&atha& still remembered the daythat !i*ture was ta'e&. It was the day he re*ei-ed Hera.

The three me& were (rie&ds +ust out o( S&i!er trai&i&". >o&atha& was ra&'ed &umber o&e i& the

*lass a&d Aamos was &umber two. O&ly o&e !oi&t se!arated >o&atha& a&d Aamos (rom re-ersi&" the


Aamos always (elt he was the better S&i!er. The day the !i*ture was ta'e& was the be"i&&i&" o(

3ar Games i& )uma, ri1o&a. Dessert war(are was somethi&" the military was trai&i&" hea-ily (or.

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The missio& was (or the S&i!ers to ma'e their way i&to the rmy *am! a&d sabota"e as mu*h

e0ui!me&t as they *ould. They were "i-e& !ai&t bullets, blue (or re"ular rou&ds a&d red to simulate

armor !ier*i&" rou&ds.

Ea*h ma& had *ertai& tar"ets they were su!!ose to hit. They were "etti&" ready whe& To&y

Aeddi&" *ame by with a *amera. The you&" !ri-ate was always ta'i&" !i*tures. Aamos, >oh&so&, a&d>o&atha& thou"ht it was (u&&y to (lex mus*les a&d ma'e mea& (a*es.

s the me& were !a*'i&" their "ear a&other -isitor *ame to see >o&atha&. He had a ri(le *ustommade (or >o&atha&. It was Hera.

Aamos was u!set be*ause he should be the o&e to ha-e the ri(le &ot >o&atha&. >o&atha& had used

mo&ey he wo& (rom a bet o-er who would "raduate at the to! o( s&i!er s*hool to !ay (or Hera.

3he& the me& le(t, Aamos s&u*' ba*' a&d too' Hera out with him. He made it to >o&atha&2s

tar"ets (irst a&d (ired Hera usi&" real bullets. He le(t the ri(le where >o&atha& *ould (i&d it. >o&atha&

would be a**used o( re*'less e&da&"erme&t a&d be throw& out o( the or!s.

Aamos (elt >o&atha& &e-er belo&"ed i& the or!s a&yway be*ause o( the reaso& he was admitted

i&to the or!s. s (ar as Aamos was *o&*er&ed >o&atha& was not  a real Mari&e.

Bad lu*' (or >o&atha& tur&ed out to be the best thi&" to ha!!e& to him that day. By a stro'e o(

 !ure lu*' two !ri-ates ste!!ed o& >o&atha& as they were o& their way to the how Hall. >o&atha& was

*a!tured. His missio& e&ded be(ore it be"a&.

The shots that *ame (rom Hera *ame while >o&atha& was bei&" i&terro"ated by his *a!tors.Aamos was busted.

t the *ourt marshal >o&atha& testi(ied a"ai&st Aamos. Aamos was *o&-i*ted a&d as (ar as

Aamos was *o&*er&ed, >o&atha& was the reaso& he s!e&t two years i& ?ea-e&worth. Now he was ba*' to

"et his re-e&"e.9 9 9 9

I ser-ed with these two me& i& this !i*ture. The three o( us were i& S&i!er trai&i&" to"ether.

This ma& i& the middle is your 'iller. His &ame is >o&atha& M*Gre"or.

Mr. Aamos, how *a& you be so *ertai& that this ma& is the same ma& *alli&" himsel( DETH

u1 dat2s what he *alled himsel( i& trai&i&". He thou"ht he was better tha& e-eryo&e else. E-e&

had a !oem he2d say as he made his 'ills. lways *alli&" himsel( DETH.

&d you said you ha-e 2,F  this is the same ma&, Tara as'ed, tryi&" to draw out the

i&ter-iew.)es. Aamos rea*hed i&to his !o*'et a&d !ulled out a bullet. 7.4#x5 bullet. This bullet is

the most *ommo& bullet used o-erseas by (orei"& *ou&tries. It (its a& ;CK7 ri(le. Our troo!s *a&2t use

these *u1 we ha-e di((ere&t style wea!o&s.

I& the (ield a s&i!er has o&ly what he ta'es with him. I( he ru&s out o( ammo the& he2s +ust SO?.

>o&atha& had a s!e*ial ri(le made (or him that ta'es this style bullet. The barrel has &o "ro-es or

mar'i&"s i&side so it lea-es the bullet *lea& o( tra*i&" mar's.Be*ause the ri(le is a bolt a*tio&

I2m sorry, Tara i&terru!ted. Bolt *tio& 3hat is that

It mea&s the shell is&2t e+e*ted automati*ally whe& the "u& is (ired. )ou ha-e to ma&ually slide a

 bolt ba*' to extra*t the shell a&d load a &ew rou&d.I2m sure the !oli*e ha-e (ou&d tra*es o( the bullet but #$V$, a shell *asi&". The reaso& is as

s&i!ers we2re trai&ed &ot to lea-e a tra*e o( our !rese&*e.The T (lashed the !i*ture o( the three me& with a white *ir*le arou&d >o&atha&2s (a*e. The& a

*lose u! o( >o&atha& was show&.

Mr. Aamos, you said this other "e&tlema& may be i&-ol-ed as well.

)ea, Aamos a&swered, a&&oya&*e *learly writte& all o-er his (a*e. The other "uy2s &ame is Ty

>oh&so&. He is li'e a little do" o& >o&atha&2s heals. They &e-er "o a&ywhere alo&e. I bet my li(e i( you

loo' u! his whereabouts he disa!!eared about the same time as >o&atha&.

&d why ha-e you de*ided to *ome (orward with this i&(ormatio& &ow

Sim!le, da reward "ot bi" e&ou"h (or me.

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3ell there you "o. Tara loo'ed ba*' toward the *amera. )ou heard it here (irst. This is Tara

Dittus. ha&&el Fi-e, Fox News.

Tha&' you Tara, the a&*horma& said.

9 9 9 9

That2s it >oh&&y= It2s o-er= 3e are so (u*'i&2 dead=alm dow& Torres, >o&atha& a&swered *almly. 3e2ll be (i&e. 3e '&ew it was o&ly a matter

o( time be(ore we were (ou&d out. 3e +ust &eed to bee( u! our se*urity. 3e &eed to mo-e to thewarehouse.

But the whole *ity '&ows what you a&d >oh&so& loo' li'e.

)ea but &ot what you, &tho&y, or Aoyal loo' li'e. The e&tire *ity will be o& ed"e to&i"ht.

ome tomorrow we start O!eratio& Ome"a.

)ou thi&' we2re ready (or that >oh&&y, >oh&so& as'ed.

Ho&estly, &o, but time is ru&&i&" short. I( we sur-i-e this wee'e&d the& we are o& borrowed

time. 3e ha-e to e&d it by Mo&day mor&i&".

The other three me& loo'ed at >o&atha&. They '&ew that he was ri"ht. 3ith his (a*e !lastered all

o-er the &ews e-ery ma(ia *o&&e*ted !erso& would be loo'i&" (or him. It would o&ly be a matter o( time

 be(ore the rest o( them were dis*o-ered.

They were already li-i&" o& borrowed time.

9 9 9 93hat do you thi&' hris Thi&' this "uy is a "ood "uy

Not sure yet ?ou, hris !u((ed. It2s hard to say ri"ht &ow.

The two me& *o&ti&ued to +o" i& sile&*e. hris lo-ed to +o" e-ery mor&i&" be(ore wor'. It was

re(reshi&" a&d hel!ed him thi&' better. It hel!ed to bri&" *larity to a *louded *ase.The o&ly other !la*e Dete*ti-e >o*' "ot this 'i&d o( *larity was i& the +oh&. Si&*e he &eeded to

tal' thi&"s o-er with ?ou, +o""i&" was the o&ly o!tio&. There was &o way i& hell he was "oi&" to tal' to

?ou while sitti&" o& the !ot.

The "ood thi&", hris *o&ti&ued, is that he2s "ot or"a&i1ed *rime dow& i& the !ast mo&th.

These "uys are s*arred a&d hidi&". I& my boo' that2s a "ood thi&".

But he2s still *ommitti&" murder, ?ou *ou&tered.

Te*h&i*ally that2s true. But we both '&ow he2s doi&" what we all wi(h we *ould do. He2s &ot

'illi&" i&&o*e&t me&, he2s 'illi&" (u*'i&2 mo&sters.uestio& is, whe& he2s *au"ht, will a +ury buy that

Hell, I do&2t e-e& thi&' there will be a trial. &d i( there is, (i&di&" a +ury is "oi&" to be tou"h.

This has made world wide &ews. <&li'e the D.. S&i!er, this "uy is bei&" dubbed a hero.

ome o& hris, a hero

Some !eo!le thi&' so.

3hat about you )ou thi&' he2s a heroHell yea I do, hris s&a!!ed ba*'ed. My (ather was 'illed by a wise "uy o-er a !ar'i&"

s!a*e. (u*'i&2 !ar'i&" s!a*e. It did&2t matter that I was with him or that I was (i-e, that (u*'i&2 asshole

was "oi&" to shoot me &ext.

The *o!s would&2t do a&ythi&" about it whe& my mother *om!lai&ed. O&e &i"ht two "uys bro'eour door dow& a&d ra!ed my mother. They told her &ext time she *om!lai&ed they would be ba*' to ra!e

her a"ai&.She died i&side that &i"ht. My mother use to be a beauti(ul woma& but (rom that day (orward

she was a 1ombie. She was always a(raid. ll *ourtesy o( Mar*o ro&us Sr.

Dam& hris. I did&2t '&ow.

Not somethi&" I li'e to tal' about. The two me& *ame to the e&d o( the trail. They wal'ed

 ba*' to the !ar'i&" lot slowly without sayi&" a&other word. They sto!!ed a&d stret*hed outside o( ?ou2s

*ar. 3he& they (i&ished stret*hi&" hris said, ?et2s "et ba*' to the o((i*e to start o& last &i"ht2s !a!er


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They both "ot i& the *ar. ?ou tur&ed the radio o&. ?ou lo-ed Salsa musi*. so&" was

 be"i&&i&" to !lay. ?ou li'ed the beat a&d tur&ed u! the -olume. Sudde&ly the so&" sto!!ed a&d was

re!la*ed with stati*.

This is Mario Ai-era with brea'i&" &ews. The ide&tity o( the 'iller '&ow& as DETH has bee&

made '&ow&. Ae!orts are sayi&" that >o&atha& M*Gre"or, a (ormer Mari&e S&i!er is i&deed the ma&'illi&" o(( the mob. 3e2ll 'ee! you u!dated as more re!orts *ome i&.

hris did &ot hesitate. He 0ui*'ly "rabbed his *ell !ho&e. ?ou !ut his little red !oli*e li"ht o&to! o( his hood a&d "u&&ed the e&"i&e.

Nealy, >o*'. 3e +ust heard o& the radio that some "uy &amed M*Gre"or was (i&"ered as the


)ea, Nealy *o&(irmed. It was all o-er Fox News about a& hour a"o. Some "uy who use to

wor' with M*Gre"or blabbed to a re!orter. Dey e-e& showed the so& o( a bit*h2s !i*ture.

3hat Now the whole *ity '&ows what this "uy loo's li'e

Dat2s &ot all. Dis "uy (i&"ered a&other "uy as a& a**om!li*e. 3e did some di""i&" a&d (ou&d

he disa!!eared a(ter resi"&i&" (rom da Mari&es. O&e mo&th a(ter our boy s!lit tow&.

Tha&'s Nealy.

O&e last thi&". Da hie( is loo'i&" (or you. He2s hi"hly !issed o(( too.

>esus. >ust what I &eed. O'ay Nealy, we2ll be i& i& te& mi&utes.

hris *losed his !ho&e a&d rolled his eyes.3ell, ?ou as'ed as he wea-ed i& a&d out o( tra((i*.

3ell the hie( is loo'i&" (or us, hris a&swered. Not "ood.

I2m "uessi&" &ot.

The "ood &ews is that our de!artme&t did&2t lea' M*Gre"or2s &ame. Some !u&' loo'i&" (or thereward mo&ey blabbed to Fox News. The "uy ser-ed with our boy. E-e& (i&"ered a& a**om!li*e.

)ou2re shiti& me. 3e "ot a&other &ame to "o o&.

)u!. Nealy already loo'ed him u!. Disa!!eared a(ter resi"&i&" (rom the or!s o&e mo&th a(ter

our boy s'i!!ed tow&.

?ou was liste&i&" to hris a&d &ot !ayi&" atte&tio& to the road a&ymore. He did &ot &oti*e the

two white (lower deli-ery tru*'s o& either side o( him. The *ar i& (ro&t o( him was dri-i&" slow a&d

slowi&" to a sto!.

ome o& asshole, MOE IT, ?ou yelled at the *ar i& (ro&t o( him as he laid o& the hor&,ho&'i&" it o-er a&d o-er.

hris blew out a lo&" breath be(ore loo'i&" out his wi&dow. dre&ali&e (illed him as he reali1ed

what was about to ha!!e&.

3e2re bei&" hi+a*'ed=

?ou loo'ed out his wi&dow but it was too late. ?ou was blo*'ed i&.

The dri-er o( the *ar i& (ro&t "ot out. He !oi&ted a& AC%6 at the two O((i*ers as he wal'edtoward the *ar. The !asse&"er door o& the le(t -a& o!e&ed.

Ge&tleme&, !lease ste! i&to the -a&. )ou are &ot to be harmed. )our !rese&*e is re0uested.

?ou a&d hris loo'ed at ea*h other. ?ou slowly lea&ed (orward to rea*h (or the !istol he 'e!t

u&der the dash.Sorry but we already remo-ed all (irearms (rom your -ehi*le. Now i( you !lease, "et i& the

-a&.Both me& ste!!ed out o( the *ar with their ha&ds raised. They wal'ed o-er to the ba*' o( the

(lower tru*' a&d *limbed i&side. >o&atha& was sitti&" i& the ba*' with a (ortyC(i-e !istol !oi&ted i& their


Ge&tleme& !lease ha-e a seat. )our li-es are about to *ha&"e (ore-er.

9 9 9 9

ha!ter %%

ou&tdow& to Ome"a

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?ouie was sweati&" u&*o&trollably as he ste!!ed o(( the ro&us !ri-ate +et. He had heard about

what ha!!e&ed with the Aussia&s. The e&tire (amily "o&e. He was "lad they were "o&e but ?ouie has

 bee& shitti&" bri*'s si&*e Mar*o se&t (or him.

?ouie was sa(e i& Miami. Mar*o '&ew this a&d wa&ted to use ?ouie as bait to draw out >o&atha&.

?ouie did &ot li'e it but he was &ot about to tell Mar*o &o.The limo !ulled u! a&d ?ouie 'e!t ba*' as the door o!e&ed. He has bee& +um!y about "etti&" i&

limos si&*e Mar*o was 'id&a!!ed i& his ow& limo.?ouie "et your little weasel ass i& here, Mar*o shouted (rom i&side.

)es Sir Mr. ro&us.

?ouie ste!!ed o-er to the limo a&d "ot i&side. The limo s!ed o(( as soo& as the door was *losed.

uit your (u*'i&2 sha'i&", Mar*o s&a!!ed at ?ouie. This ai&2t my limo. This thi&" is

 bullet!roo(. )ou2re sa(e, Mar*o !aused with a smile, (or &ow.

Sorry Mar*o, +ust &er-ous. The bosses dow& i& Miami se&d their best.

re they se&di&" a&y hel!

No, ?ouie hesitated, they said they do&2t wa&t to "et mixed u! with this "uy. Not a(ter what

ha!!e&ed to the Aussia&s.

Those (u*'i&2 assholes, Mar*o "rowled. (ter all I2-e do&e (or them. No matter, I2m &ot "oi&"

to &eed 2em &ow that I ha-e you.

3hat do you ha-e i& mi&d bossI2m "o&&a *all a meeti&". I2m "oi&" to o((er him you. )ou2re the mai& !erso& he wa&ts. 3he&

he *omes (or you the& we2re "oi&" to "et him.


The limo be"a& swer-i&" a&d slowi&" dow&. Mar*o a&d ?ouie dro!!ed dow& below thewi&dows. They were &ot "oi&" to ta'e a&y *ha&*es o( a bullet *omi&" throu"h the wi&dows.

The limo was o& the side o( the hi"hway. >oh&, the dri-er, "ot out o( the limo with his "u&

draw&. He was loo'i&" arou&d waiti&" (or a&ythi&" to ha!!e&. He *ou&ted to te& a&d relaxed.

>oh& !la*ed his "u& i& his shoulder holster. He be"a& wal'i&" arou&d the limo to *he*' (or

dama"e. 3he& he "ot to the (ro&t !asse&"er wheel he *ould &ot belie-e his eyes.

hi"h heel shoe was sti*'i&" out o( the tire. blow out due to a woma&2s shoe. >oh& o!e&ed

the !asse&"er door a&d !ressed the i&ter*om butto&.

Hey boss, &othi&" to worry about. 3e "ot a (lat.From what, Mar*o yelled.

(u*'i&2 hi"h heel shoe. Got stu*' i& the tire whe& I ra& it o-er.

(u*'i&2 shoe

)ea. It2ll ta'e te& mi&utes to *ha&"e the tire. 3e2ll be out o( here i& &o time.

Mar*o a&d ?ouie be"a& to lau"h. They both really were o& ed"e. Mar*o !oured himsel( a "lass

o( bra&dy. He *ould &ot wait u&til he !erso&ally 'illed >o&atha& a&d re"ai&ed *o&trol o-er New )or'.The (ro&t o( the limo was bei&" lowered as >oh& (i&ished *ha&"i&" the tire. He rolled the old tire

 ba*' to the tru&'. 3ith a thum! the tire was dro!!ed i& the tru&' alo&" with >oh&2s dead body.

>o&atha& wal'ed to the (ro&t o( the limo a&d "ot i& the dri-er2s seat. He laid the '&i(e he used to

slit >oh&2s throat o& the seat beside him.3ith the doors lo*'ed a&d the metal s*ree& betwee& the (ro&t a&d ba*' i& the u! !ositio&,

>o&atha& !ulled o&to the (reeway. Mar*o a&d ?ouie had &o idea they were the o&es bei&" 'id&a!!ed.9 9 9 9

&other ty!i*al Saturday &i"ht (or Tara Dittus. lo&e i& her a!artme&t with a Stou((er2s Pi11a

a&d a -ideo (rom the *or&er ideo Mart.

Tara did &ot u&dersta&d it. She is o&e o( the best re!orters i& New )or'. She was e-e& re*e&tly

-oted o&e o( the sexist wome& o& lo*al T. )et she2s home alo&e with &o boy(rie&d to *all.

 Not e-e& her so *alled (rie&ds wa&ted to "o out with her si&*e she started *o-eri&" the s&i!er

story. She bro'e the bi""est story i& the *ou&try, the true ide&tity o( DETH, a&d she had &o o&e to

*elebrate it with. Tara (elt she really &eeded to "et some &ew (rie&ds.

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di&" ra&" out (rom the 'it*he&. Tara wal'ed o-er to the sto-e. She *ould smell the !e!!ero&i

a&d mushrooms (ill the air as she too' the !i11a out. She too' a dee! breath a&d let it out slowly. God,

this was "oi&" to be "ood.

3ith the !i11a i& o&e ha&d a&d a diet o'e i& the other, she made her way to the *ou*h. The

heater was o& but Tara !ulled her S!o&"e Bob S0uare Pa&ts *om(orter u! o-er her. S!o&"e Bob seemedto be the o&ly stable ma& i& her li(e ri"ht &ow him a&d DETH.

Tara !ushed the !lay butto& a&d waited. Mouli& Aou"e was the !i*' o( the &i"ht. She lo-ede-erythi&" about the mo-ie. The si&"i&", the da&*i&", the storyli&e, it was her ow& !erso&al (a&tasy.

Her (a-orite !art o( the mo-ie was *omi&" u! whe& there was a '&o*' at the door. She "rowled

as she !aused the mo-ie a&d "ot u!.

3ho is it, she shouted wal'i&" toward the door.

Twe&tyC(our hour (lower deli-ery.

Flower deli-ery. 3ho would se&d her (lowers Tara loo'ed throu"h her !ee! hole a&d saw a

hu"e bou0uet o( roses, lila*s, a&d lilies. She o!e&ed the door with a -ery lar"e smile o& her (a*e.

re you Tara Dittus the &ews re!orter

)es I am.

Great. 3here do you wa&t these They2re 'i&d o( hea-y.

Oh sorry, Tara o!e&ed the door wider a&d let the ma& i&to her a!artme&t. 3ho are they

(romI2ll tell ya as soo& as I loo' at my !a!erwor'. 3here do you wa&t them

<m, o-er there o& the 'it*he& bar.

The ma& set the (lowers dow& a&d !ulled a sli! o( !a!er out o( his ba*' !o*'et. He u&(olded it

a&d ha&ded it to Tara.Ni*e !la*e you "ot here.

Tha&'s, she res!o&ded as she too' the !a!er (rom his ha&d. She o!e&ed it a&d bar'ed, Is this

some 'i&d o( a +o'e

No Mam2, Torres a&swered. )ou bro'e the story o& him (or a reaso&. Torres !oi&ted at the

 !a!er i& Tara2s ha&d. It was a !i*ture o( >o&atha&. He would li'e you to +oi& him so he *a& ex!lai& his

reaso& a&d "i-e you the bi""est story o( your li(e.

Tara stared at Torres as he wal'ed o-er to the door a&d *losed it. Her heart be"a& ra*i&".

&d i( I re(use, Tara s&a!!ed, tryi&" to sou&d bra-e.Please do&2t. I will ma'e you u&*o&s*ious i( I ha-e to but I would !re(er it i( you *ame alo&"


Tara stood there, sile&tly !rayi&" that she was &ot about to die.

9 9 9 9

>o&atha& sat i& a *hair loo'i&" dow& i&to the bottom (loor o( a& aba&do&ed warehouse. He was

waiti&" (or Torres to retur& with Tara.>oh&so& a&d Aoyal wal'ed o-er to where >o&atha& was sitti&". They ea*h "rabbed a *hair a&d sat

dow& ba*'ward, *rossi&" their arms a*ross the to! o( the ba*' o( the *hair.

Hey >oh&&y, you &eed to tal', >oh&so& as'ed.

No >oh&so&. I2m +ust "etti&" ready i& my ow& way.)ou sure about this, Aoyal as'ed.

;i&d o( too late (or me to ba*' out &ow, >o&atha& a&swered 0ui*'ly. )ou "uys ha-i&" se*o&dthou"hts

 Neither ma& a&swered. >o&atha& loo'ed them both i& the eyes a&d *ould see doubt (illed their


lri"ht "uys. S!ill it. O&*e I "o dow&stairs there is &o tur&i&" ba*'.

>oh&&y you '&ow I lo-ed >o&i too. I u&dersta&d how you (eel but do&2t you thi&' you2-e "o&e a

little too (ar ;illi&" all those !eo!le wo&2t bri&" her ba*'.

&d you Aoyal, >o&atha& said, &ot a&sweri&" the 0uestio& +ust yet. )ou thi&' I2m "oi&" too


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?oo' ma&, we +ust wa&t to ma'e sure you are ready (or this. The or!s tau"ht us to ha-e ho&or.

Do you see a&y ho&or i& this

)es I do, >o&atha& s&a!!ed ba*' *oldly. How ma&y times ha-e we bee& ordered to sta&d

dow&, sta&d bye, while i&&o*e&t !eo!le were bei&" slau"htered How ma&y times were we ready to "o

i&to a situatio& a&d at the last se*o&d it was *a&*elled due to some bullshit !oli*y )ou two do&2t '&ow what it2s li'e li-i&" o& the streets. )ou do&2t '&ow how ma&y times I had

to "o hu&"ry be*ause I stole somethi&" to eat o& someo&e else2s tur(. )ou do&2t '&ow how ma&y timesI2-e "otte& beate& u! be*ause o( mo&sters li'e ro&us.

>oh&&y, we2re &ot 0uestio&i&" your !ast. 3e2re brothers till the e&d. 3e2re here (or you but do

you reali1e what you2re as'i&" )ou2re as'i&" us to (ollow you i&to the "ates o( Hell.

>o&i a&d >illia& are i& hea-e&, but I do '&ow I2m "oi&" to Hell whe& I die. )ou2re ri"ht about

that >oh&so&. But I was headi&" to Hell long  be(ore I met >o&i. There is &o way God *a& (or"i-e me (or

some o( the thi&"s I2-e do&e or ha-e&2t do&e.

)ou remember our se*o&d missio& >oh&so& The o&e i& Ni"eria.

3hat does that ha-e to do with a&ythi&", >oh&so& a&swered, &ot wa&ti&" to thi&' ba*' to that


ause that2s whe& my tri! to Hell started. Aemember we were se!arated (or two hours

>o&atha& did &ot wait (or a res!o&se. I we&t ahead s*outi&" a&d *ame *lose to a -illa"e. I too' a !er*h

a&d started my s*a&.I *ould see two soldiers torturi&" the me& a&d boys o( the -illa"e. Three others were ra!i&" the

wome& out i& the o!e& where e-eryo&e *ould see. Those that *ould &ot mo-e o& their ow& a&ymore were

 bur&t ali-e. I heard their s*reams. I *a& still hear their s*reams.

Se-e& bullets. ll it would ha-e ta'e& was se-e& (u*'i&2 bullets to sto! that "e&o*ide. Ourorders were NOT to e&"a"e (or a&y reaso& with the lo*als. I (ollowed my orders.

3he& I meet those !eo!le o& my +ud"me&t day what am I su!!ose to tell them, I was +ust

(ollowi&" orders so I had to let you die

I '&ow I *a& &ot sto! e-il but I *a& at least try to sto! it here. My (amily was i&&o*e&t a&d they

were slau"htered. S?<GHTEAED=

)ou did&2t see them. )ou did&2t tou*h them. )ou did&2t ha-e to lose the o&ly thi&" that

mattered to you.

So yea, I2m ready (or this. I2m "oi&" to a-e&"e my (amily. I2m "oi&" to destroy the mo&sters that'illed my baby. I2m "oi&" to destroy his e&tire em!ire.

Both me& loo'ed >o&atha& i& the eyes. They '&ew he was ready. They '&ew i( he had to he

would *o&ti&ue his +our&ey alo&e. They *ould&2t let him do that.

So what do you !la& to do with those o( us who are i&&o*e&t

>o&atha& s!u& arou&d. He saw Torres a&d Tara sta&di&" i& the stairwell. Aoyal a&d >oh&so&

stood u! a&d wal'ed away toward the stairs.>oh&so& sto!!ed &ext to Tara, sta&di&" shoulder to shoulder with her. Be "e&tle with him,

>oh&so& whis!ered. He2s lost so mu*h already.

Tara stood there dumb(ou&ded by the *om!assio& i& the re0uest.

Miss Dittus, !lease ha-e a seat, >o&atha& said so(tly, sta&di&", waiti&" (or her to *ome to him.Tara loo'ed behi&d her. Torres was there to ma'e sure she did &ot ru& away. Aelu*ta&tly she

wal'ed toward the em!ty *hair >oh&so& le(t (or her. She too' o&e last loo' at the stairs be(ore sitti&"dow&. The stairwell was em!ty.

Do you !la& to 'ill me too, she as'ed as her a&d >o&atha& sat dow&.

No Miss Dittus, >o&atha& a&swered *almly. I am &ot a 'iller o( i&&o*e&t !eo!le. E-ery

 !erso& I2-e e-er 'illed deser-ed it.

So you2re !layi&" God the&, Tara s&a!!ed.

Not at all, >o&atha& a&swered, &ot (a1ed by Tara2s a&"er. I loo' at a ma&2s li(e, the "ood a&d

the bad. 3as he a "ood !erso& or a& e-il bei&" I( his li(e was&2t worth shit, i( he had &o "ood&ess i& his

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heart, the& a&d only the& do I ta'e his li(e. Belie-e me Miss Dittus, e-ery ma& I2-e e-er 'illed deser-ed to


Says who, Tara s&a!!ed. )ou 3ho are you to +ud"e i( a !erso&2s li(e was worth, how did

you !ut it, oh yea, shit=

)ou "ot s!u&', I li'e that about you. >o&atha& lea&ed ba*' i& his *hair a&d let his breath outslowly. E-eryo&e dies Miss Dittus. Nature is *ruel i& this (a*t. There are those who are *ruel to others.

 No matter how liberal you may be, we '-- ha-e it i& us to 'ill someo&e. Do you thi&' Hitler shouldha-e li-ed to *o&ti&ue his *am!ai"&

re you *om!ari&" Mr. ro&us to Hitler, Tara a&swered harshly.

No, o( *ourse &ot, >o&atha& a&swered with a *hu*'le. No o&e was as bad as Hitler, althou"h

Saddam *omes *lose. 3hy do&2t we dis!e&se with the !leasa&tries

O'ay the&, Tara said with -e&om. 3hy do&2t you tell me why you 'id&a!!ed me

I( you wish to see it as 'id&a!!i&" I u&dersta&d but you did  *ome o( your ow& (ree will. I *hose

you, Miss Dittus, be*ause you were &ot a *orru!t re!orter. That2s why I se&t you that letter at the Times.

I& a way you owe your &ew (ou&d *arrier to me. I2m o((eri&" you the ex*lusi-e. )ou are "etti&"

a (ro&t row seat to the e&d o( or"a&i1ed *rime i& New )or'.

Do you really thi&' you2re "oi&" to sto! all *rime i& New )or' That2s a little &ai-e do&2t you


 'll  *rime, >o&atha& a&swered. No, I *a& &ot sto! all  *rime but I have ma&a"ed to slow itdow& 0uiet a bit. rime ha( "o&e dow& i& this *ity.

I destroyed the Aussia& ma(ia. Tomorrow will be the e&d the Italia& ma(ia. Mo&day will be the

e&d o( the Triads. )ou will see it all ha!!e&.

3hy me, Tara as'ed a&&oyed.I already told you. )ou2re &ot a *orru!t re!orter. I wa&t this story told !ro!erly. I wa&t

e-eryo&e to '&ow the real reaso& why this is bei&" do&e.

To a-e&"e the death o( your wi(e a&d dau"hter


Tara *hu*'led to hersel(, Not ashamed o( that reaso& at all

3hy should I be It2s the truth. Others will be able to wal' the streets o( New )or' without

(ear. They *a& li-e their li-es i& (reedom. E-eryo&e will wal' away with their ow& !erso&al (eeli&"s

about the destru*tio& o( the ma(ia but as (or me, re-e&"e is my moti-e.O'ay. Say you do 'ill all the to! "uys i& the mob. 3hat !re-e&ts others (rom *omi&" i& a&d

ta'i&" o-er

Sim!le, >o&atha& a&swered, (ear.

Fear )ou2re 'iddi&" me ri"ht

Do I loo' li'e I2m 'iddi&" Miss Dittus o&e thi&" is (or *ertai&, I will  disa!!ear whe& this

missio& is o-er. I will be wat*hi&" (rom a(ar. I( a&yo&e tries to start a&ythi&" u! they will be ta'e& out be(ore they *a& su**eed.

&d what about their *hildre&, Tara s&a!!ed ba*'. Do you !la& to 'ill them too

The *hildre& still ha-e a *ha&*e to ma'e somethi&" o( themsel-es. I u&dersta&d I2m about to

lea-e some *hildre& (atherless but I2m "i-i&" them a "i(t i& retur&.Gi(t, Tara i&terru!ted, what "i(t

*ha&*e at a "ood li(e. *ha&*e to ma'e a di((ere&*e. *ha&*e to be*ome "ood. I do,howe-er, u&dersta&d the &eed (or re-e&"e. ll I ha-e to say is that whe& they "row u! a&d they still wa&t

their re-e&"e, I will meet them. I will (i"ht (air. I will reu&ite them with their (athers.

That2s 'i&d o( harsh.

?i(e is harsh, >o&atha& s&a!!ed ba*' with a shout, ta'i&" them both by sur!rise.

>o&atha& sat there loo'i&" Tara i& the eyes. She stared i&to his eyes too, &ot (li&*hi&". She (elt

she was loo'i&" i&to his soul. Ma&y di((ere&t (eeli&"s were ru&&i&" throu"h her mi&d.

I& a se&se, she (elt sorry (or him. The way he lost his (amily was tra"i*. She thou"ht about her

(ather ba*' home o& the (arm. 3ould he "o *ra1y i( his (amily was 'illed

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&other !art o( her (elt >o&atha& was a *old blooded 'iller. 3ho was he to !ass +ud"me&t

lthou"h she *a& &ot ar"ue that !eo!le are (eeli&" sa(er si&*e >o&atha& started.

She was "rate(ul too (or her *areer. s mu*h as she hated to admit it, >o&atha& did "i-e her her


O'ay Mr. M*Gre"or, what would you li'e me to do, Tara (i&ally as'ed with a si"h.>o&atha& made a *utti&" motio& a*ross his throat. Tara2s eyes "rew lar"e as she thou"ht she was

about to die. The li"hts *ame o&. Tara loo'ed arou&d a&d saw a -ideo *amera !oi&ted o-er her shoulderat >o&atha&.

Aoyal e+e*ted the ta!e a&d ha&ded it to >o&atha&. He loo'ed Tara o-er, 'ee!i&" the ta!e *lose to


)ou will be ta'e& home &ow Miss Dittus. I as', (or your sa(ety, you stay there u&til Tuesday

mor&i&". >o&atha& ha&ded her the ta!e. Here is your story. I as' you wait be(ore airi&" that, i( you

a&&ou&*e my !la&s a lot o( i&&o*e&t !eo!le will  die i& the *ross (ire. The *hoi*e is yours thou"h. It2s

your story.

Tara did &ot '&ow what to say. She was stu&&ed. Slowly she too' the ta!e (rom >o&atha&. He

stood u! a&d !oi&ted toward the stairwell.

She stood u! a&d hu""ed him. Tears started to (ill her eyes.

Good lu*' to you, Tara whis!ered. She tur&ed arou&d a&d (ollowed Torres out o( the

warehouse.9 9 9 9

ha!ter %#


Bri"ht li"ht bli&ded Dete*ti-e >o*' as the hood *o-eri&" his (a*e was ya&'ed o((. His heart be"a& to beat wildly. Fear be"a& to (ill his soul as he started to !ray. Prayi&" he was &ot about to die.

hris 'e!t bli&'i&" his eyes, tryi&" to "et some relie( (rom the white li"ht. lo&e silhouette sat

dow& i& (ro&t o( him. The li"ht was dire*tly behi&d the silhouette so he *ould &ot ma'e out the (a*e. He

'&ew who it was sitti&" i& (ro&t o( him.

3hat do you wa&t with me, hris blurted out i& a hu((.

Aelax Dete*ti-e, >o&atha& a&swered *oldly, se&di&" a *hill dow& hris2 s!i&e. I( I wa&ted to

'ill you I would ha-e do&e it at the *ar. re you hu&"ry, thirsty

I *ould use some water, hris a&swered so(tly, his throat drier tha& the Mo+a-e dessert.ll ri"ht, >o&atha& stood u! a&d wal'ed o-er to a table where the li"ht was. He lowered the

li"ht so it was &o lo&"er bli&di&" the Dete*ti-e as he !oured the water. I2m sorry about all this but this

really is (or your ow& !rote*tio&.

I do&2t &eed (u*'i&2 !rote*tio&, hris shouted ba*'. Somethi&" i&side o( him s&a!!ed, (illi&"

him with a&"er. )ou2re &o better tha& the me& you 'ill. I was o& your side u&til you 'id&a!!ed Ta&ly

a&d me.I2m sorry you (eel that way. >o&atha& wal'ed behi&d Dete*ti-e >o*' a&d u&lo*'ed the *u((

holdi&" his ri"ht ha&d. Here2s your water.

hris too' the water a&d dra&' it dow& 0ui*'ly. He was -ery thirsty be*ause his throat was sore

(rom yelli&" so mu*h. 3he& he (i&ished the "lass the delayed rea*tio& (rom his ha&d bei&" (reed hit him.3hy did you (ree me, hris as'ed, sho*'ed.

Be*ause maybe it2ll !ro-e to you that you are &ot a !riso&er here. Now, i( you !romise &ot to doa&ythi&" drasti*, I2ll u&lo*' your other ha&d a&d your (eet.

hris loo'ed u! at >o&atha& a&d saw that he was si&*ere. His ha&ds a&d a&'les were hurti&" (rom

the *u((s. His le"s were (alli&" aslee! a&d he &eeded to stret*h.

)ou ha-e my word, hris said so(tly. I &eed to stret*h my le"s.

>o&atha& rea*hed i&to his *oat !o*'et a&d !ushed a butto&. ll the lo*'s o!e&ed. hris was (ree.

hris be"a& to rub his wrist, tryi&" to "et the blood (lowi&" i& his (i&"ers a"ai&. Slowly, he li(ted

o&e le" at a time, (ully exte&di&" his le"s. They ti&"led as (eeli&" was *omi&" ba*' i&to his le"s.

3here2s Ta&ly, hris as'ed, barely reali1i&" that his !art&er was &ot !rese&t.

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He2s sa(e i& a&other room. For &ow, I wa&ted to tal' to you i& !ri-ate. >o&atha& sat ba*' dow&

i& (ro&t o( hris. I2m sorry to hear about your (ather a&d the a(ter e((e*ts to your mother.

Oh yea, what do you '&ow about it, hris s&a!!ed a&"ered a&d a&&oyed.

I heard e-ery word o( your *o&-ersatio& with Dete*ti-e Ta&ly i& the !ar'. I !la&ted a bu" o&

you. So &ow you u&dersta&d why I2m doi&" what I2m doi&".It2s still a"ai&st the law, hris *ou&tered, wal'i&" o-er to the water to ta'e a&other dri&'. He

 !i*'ed u! the !it*her, seei&" the i*e (loati&" i& the water, he &eed to 0ue&*h his thirst. ui*'ly he starteddri&'i&" strai"ht (rom the !it*her, *old water slidi&" dow& his throat a&d his shirt.

So is murderi&" a& i&&o*e&t (amily, >o&atha& *o&ti&ued as hris dra&' the water. )et &othi&"

was do&e about it. 3hat would ha!!e& i( I ha&ded my (amily2s 'iller o-er to you )ou '&ow as well as I

do that he2ll be ba*' home i& (our hours a&d &ot "o to +ail. Is that +usti*e

No, hris a&swered. I a"ree the system is bro'e& but thi&' about what2s "oi&" to ha!!e& whe&

you 'ill ro&us. )ou2ll be loo'i&" (or a&other tar"et. )ou2ll &e-er be able to (ill that -oid.

I( you2re tryi&" to tal' me dow&, you2re bar'i&" u! the wro&" tree. >o&atha& wal'ed o-er to the

*urtai& i& the room a&d !ulled it o!e&. Ha-e a loo' Dete*ti-e.

hris wal'ed o-er to the wi&dow a&d saw two me& ha&"i&" (rom the *eili&" i& the *e&ter o( the

warehouse. It too' hris a (ew se*o&ds be(ore reali1i&" who it was ha&"i&" there.

How did you

I extra*ted them both, >o&atha& a&swered *oolly. They are -ery mu*h ali-e, (or &ow.They loo' dead.

No, >o&atha& reassured hris. >ust beat u!. They, a(ter all, did try to resist, >o&atha& said

with a smile. They ha-e dished out a lot o( !u&ishme&t o-er the years. Now it2s *omi&" ba*' to them.

They will be the last i& all this to die.3hat are they *o-ered i&, hris as'ed, loo'i&" at the me&2s &a'ed bodies a&d seei&" somethi&"

smothered o-er their bodies.

Ho&ey a&d bird seeds, >o&atha& a&swered with amuseme&t. Some su&(lower seeds mixed i&

there as well.

)ou2re 'iddi&", hris said stu&&ed. 3hy

ause I2m about to o!e& all the wi&dows to the outside. They are "a""ed so they *a&2t s*ream.

I2ll lea-e it to &ature to deal with them while I2m "o&e. Now i( you2ll ex*use me Dete*ti-e, I must be

"oi&"Goi&", hris as'ed. 3hat about me

)ou are "oi&" to stay here Dete*ti-e, >o&atha& a&swered 0ui*'ly. I( you !re(er I *a& restrai&

you a"ai&. I( you loo' a*ross the warehouse o-er there you *a& see your !art&er. )ou *a& tal' with him

usi&" that !ho&e o& the wall.

That bu*'et i& the *or&er to your le(t is the toilet. There is !le&ty o( water (or you to dri&' i&

that *ooler o-er there a&d (i-e MAE2s o& the table. That2s all I ha-e to (eed you, I2m sorry.)ou2re "oi&" to be i& here (or the &ext (ortyCei"ht hours, mi&imum, so I su""est you do ma'e it

last. There2s also a little T so you do&2t "et bored. Goodbye Dete*ti-e.

>o&atha& wal'ed toward the o!e& door. hris tried to rush him but >o&atha& mo-ed 0ui*'ly,

'i*'i&" hris i& the "ut a&d '&o*'i&" him to the (loor. >o&atha& wal'ed out the door a&d shut the dead bolt lo*'.

9 9 9 9O!eratio& Ome"a is &ow i& !la*e. >o&atha& (ou&d it (itti&" to &ame this o!eratio& Ome"a, the

END. This is "oi&" to be the e&d o( the ma(ia i& New )or'.

He was sitti&" outside St. hristo!her2s atholi* hur*h. Mar*o had told e-eryo&e to meet at St.

hristo!her2s i( he did &ot show u! a(ter !i*'i&" u! ?ouie. They would re*ei-e i&stru*tio&s (rom Father

&drews a(ter Mass e&ded.

By >o&atha&2s *ou&t e-eryo&e i& the ro&us (amily was there that he had &ot 'illed already.

Mostly (oot soldiers. ll the other heads a&d their a!tai&s ha-e bee& 'illed ex*e!t (or Mar*o2s (amily.

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3hat was "oi&" to be di((i*ult is "etti&" e-eryo&e out who is i&&o*e&t. >o&atha& had bee&

thi&'i&" about it all &i"ht lo&". He (i&ally *ame u! with a solutio& a&d did &ot li'e the idea -ery mu*h. It

was harsh but it still "ot them out ali-e a&d that2s what2s most im!orta&t.

>o&atha& loo'ed at his wat*h. Fi-e mi&utes to "o. Slowly "as was (illi&" the *hur*h, ma'i&"

e-eryo&e i&side li"ht headed. ll the doors ha-e bee& boarded u! shut a&d the (ro&t door *losed with asteel rod.

Fi-e more mi&utes a&d e-eryo&e should be u&*o&s*ious. The (a*t that this had to ha!!e& at a*hur*h >o&atha& hated but he did &ot *hoose the time a&d !la*e, Mar*o did. >o&atha& +ust exe*uted the


timer be"a& ri&"i&". >o&atha& loo'ed at his wat*h, it was time to exe*ute.

>o&atha& ste!!ed out o( his *ar a&d ra*'ed the slide ba*' o& the mm i& his ha&d. The sile&*er

was i& !la*e. This was "oi&" to be 0ui*' a&d hard. >oh&so& a&d Aoyal wal'ed arou&d (rom the ba*' o(

the *hur*h. They &odded they were ready as they both li(ted u! their "u&s, also with sile&*ers o& the


God, God, you ready u! there, >o&atha& said, the radio mi*s arou&d his throat !i*'i&" u! his

e-ery word.

Ao"er that, *ame the re!ly. Dro!!i&" di-i&e i&ter-e&tio& &ow.

Torres was o& the roo( o-er the s'yli"ht. He was "oi&" to dro! two tear "as "re&ades i&to the

*hur*h. &yo&e still awa'e (rom the '&o*' out "as would be re&dered hel!less by the tear "as.Bombs away, Torres said as he bro'e the s'yli"ht. He dro!!ed the tear "as i&.

>o&atha&, >oh&so&, a&d Aoyal !ut o& their "as mas's. >o&atha& &odded a yes. >oh&so& a&d Aoyal

 !ulled the doors o!e&. >o&atha& rushed i& (irst, (ollowed by >oh&so& a&d Aoyal, *losi&" the door behi&d

them. The iro& rod was &ow !la*ed o& the i&side, this way &o o&e *ould *ome i&side behi&d them.The three me& swee! the *hur*h ma'i&" sure e-eryo&e was u&*o&s*ious. I( a&y o( Mar*o2s me&

were still awa'e a&d mo-i&" they were "oi&" to "et a bullet betwee& the eyes.



lear, >o&atha& shouted the last *o&(irmatio& that there was &o threat !rese&t. God, we are all

*lear. Pre!are the tra&s!ort.

Ao"er that, Torres re!lied. Getti&" tra&s!ort.

>o&atha& rea*hed i&to the ba" he was *arryi&" o-er his shoulder. He !ulled out two lar"e rolls o(du*t ta!e. It2s ama1i&" the thi&"s a !erso& *a& do with du*t ta!e.

The three me& be"a& to wra! Mar*o2s me& with the ta!e. 3ra!!i&" both ha&ds a&d (eet (irst the&

a small stri! was !la*ed o-er ea*h ma&2s mouth. ll i& all, it too' te& mi&utes to ta!e a&d *arry all the

me& to the exit door.

O&*e e-eryo&e was i& (ro&t Torres brou"ht a (lower deli-ery -a& to the side e&tra&*e. 3ith both

doors o!e&ed wide &o o&e *ould see what was bei&" *arried (rom the *hur*h i&to the -a&. It was the !er(e*t *o-er to *arry these me& out.

>o&atha& wa&ted to lea-e i& three mi&utes. Bei&" *are(ul a&d deli*ate was &ot a& issue &ow. The

me& were dra""ed a&d throw& i&to the ba*' o( the -a&. The -a& had bee& modi(ied to ha-e a *a"e i&side.

There was &o way these me& were "oi&" to es*a!e.Two mi&utes had !assed whe& the last ma& was throw& i&to the *a"e. The doors were lo*'ed a&d

Torres dro-e away.>oh&so& a&d Aoyal were "oi&" to be traili&" the -a&. >o&atha& was to ta'e a di((ere&t route ba*'

to the warehouse. He was wal'i&" arou&d the *hur*h to "et ba*' to his *ar whe& the hairs o& the ba*' o(

his &e*' +um!ed u!.

>o&atha& (ro1e a&d !la*ed himsel( a"ai&st the wall. Slowly he *re!t toward the (ro&t o( the

*hur*h. He saw a bla*' Oldsmobile sitti&" i& (ro&t o( the *hur*h ste!s. I&side were three hi&ese me&

with automati* u1is !oi&ted at the (ro&t ste!s.

They had see& >o&atha& "o i&to the *hur*h a&d were waiti&" (or him to *ome out. >o&atha&

 !ulled the &i&e millimeter out a&d loo'ed at the *ar a"ai&.

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>o&atha& '&ew he was o&ly "oi&" to "et o&e shot at this. s (ast as a shot he was, there was &o

way he would be able to s0uee1e o(( more tha& two rou&ds be(ore the me& be"a& (iri&" ba*' i& his


>o&atha& too' a dee! breath a&d let it out slowly. ?oo'i&" toward the s'y he whis!ered, >o&i i( I

die ri"ht &ow I2m sorry I was&2t able to (i&ish what I started. I lo-e you baby.>o&atha& *ould see >o&i holdi&" >illia&. She was smili&" at him. I& his head he heard her

whis!er, I lo-e you too. It2s &ot your time yet but we2re waiti&" (or you baby. I lo-e you. tear ra& dow& his *hee' as he smiled. Seei&" >o&i "a-e >o&atha& a re&ewed stre&"th. He

loo'ed at the *ar dire*tly i& (ro&t o( the Oldsmobile. That was his tar"et to ru& to.

?et2s do it, >o&atha& said to himsel(.

>o&atha& be"a& ru&&i&" toward the *ar, (iri&" the !istol as he ra&. He ma&a"ed to "et o(( three

shots be(ore dro!!i&" to the (ro&t o( the *ar.

Three shots were e&ou"h to ta'e out the two me& i& the (ro&t seat. Now he had to worry about

the "uy i& the ba*' seat.

The third "uy had (ired i& the dire*tio& >o&atha& was ru&&i&", barely missi&" him. He "ot out

(rom the ba*' seat a&d raised the u1i o-er his head !oi&ti&" dow&ward ready to (ire.

>o&atha& laid dow& (lat o& the "rou&d as the third "uy (ired two 0ui*' burst i&to the *ar. Slowly

the shooter made his way toward the (ro&t o( the *ar. >o&atha& waited !atie&tly.

3he& the shooter2s le" was ex!osed >o&atha& (ired two rou&ds i&to his le(t le". The shooter (ellhard, (iri&" his u1i out o( re(lex as he (ell. s soo& as his head *ame i&to -iew >o&atha& !la&ted his last

rou&d betwee& the shooter2s eyes.

>o&atha& too' a dee! breath, letti&" it our slowly as he stood u!. He wal'ed o-er to ma'e sure

the shooter was dead. He breathed a si"h o( relie( whe& he was *ertai& the shooter was dead.>o&atha& !i*'ed u! the u1i a&d extra*ted the ma"a1i&e. He em!tied the ma"a1i&e o( its &i&e

millimeter bullets so he *ould use them himsel(. He re!eated this with the other two me&.

Sire&s ra&" out i& the dista&*e. >o&atha& ra& toward his *ar. s he rea*hed (or the door ha&dle

the *ar ex!loded, throwi&" >o&atha& te& (eet i& the air a&d slammi&" him i&to the "rou&d hard.

His ears were ri&"i&". He *ould &ot hear a thi&". >o&atha& tried to sta&d u! but (ell ba*' dow&.

His head was s!i&&i&". He tried to sta&d o&*e more, a"ai& (alli&" ba*' dow&.

It was the& he &oti*ed a sheet o( metal sti*'i&" out o( his le". Ta'i&" a (ew dee! breaths to bra*e

himsel( (or the !ai&, >o&atha& ya&'ed the metal out o( his le", !ulli&" a *hu&' o( meat out with it.The !ai& started !um!i&" adre&ali&e throu"h >o&atha&2s body. Throu"h the (lames o( his *ar he

*ould see two me& wat*hi&" him. O&e o( the me& raised his arm a&d (ired his "u& toward >o&atha&. The

 bullets missed but >o&atha& !rete&ded to be hit a&d (ell ba*' to the "rou&d.

s the me& wal'ed *loser to him, >o&atha& held his !istol ti"ht. !ait for it. lo(er . 3he& the

ma& raised his "u& a"ai& >o&atha& (ired his.

Both me& (ell dead. >o&atha& tried *rawli&" toward the street. >immy 3a& had de*ided to stri'e(irst a&d stri'e hard. >o&atha&, howe-er, was &ot about to be slowed dow&.

9 9 9 9

s Torres !ulled i&to the warehouse his stoma*h be"a& to *hur&. Somethi&" was &ot 0uite ri"ht.

He loo'ed at his wat*h. >oh&so& a&d Aoyal should be !ulli&" i& shortly.Torres tur&ed o(( the e&"i&e a&d "ot out o( the tru*'. 3he& he slammed the door shut the li"hts

tur&ed o&.Torres *ould see >immy 3a& sta&di&" i& (ro&t o( the tru*'. He "la&*ed u! to where Mar*o a&d

?ouie were ha&"i&". Dete*ti-es >o*' a&d Ta&ly were also ha&"i&" u! &ext to Mar*o.

Oh shit, Torres said out loud as he raised his ha&ds u! o-er his head.

Oh shit is ri"ht, >immy a&swered ba*'. He whistled loudly. Twe&ty me& wal'ed out o( the

shadows a&d stood arou&d >immy.

3hat is this, a "a&" rumble, Torres said with a *hu*'le i& his to&e.

>immy lau"hed to himsel(. Bra-e i& the (a*e o( death. I li'e that.

Pal, I2m &ot a(raid o( death, Torres a&swered. I wor' (or him.

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>immy !ulled a "u& (rom his +a*'et a&d aimed it at Torres. Torres did &ot e-e& (li&*h. >immy

(ired two rou&ds i&to Torres2s *hest. Torres (ell ba*' a&d laid still.

>ust the& the (loor be&eath >immy a&d his boys (ell o!e&. 3ithout war&i&" >immy 3a& (ou&d

himsel( o& the (loor o( a metal *ellar. He loo'ed u! to see the (loor abo-e *losi&". >immy a&d his boys

were i& total dar'&ess.>oh&so& ra& o-er to Torres. Aoyal had his !istol draw&, ready to (ire at a&yo&e who would *ome

out o( the shadows.Torres, Torres, you o'ay, >oh&so& said, '&eeli&" dow& &ext to Torres.

No I2m &ot o'ay, Torres shouted, !ai& i& his -oi*e. I was shot. This (u*'i&" -est hurts li'e


t least you2re ali-e, >oh&so& said, sla!!i&" Torres a*ross the stoma*h. ome o& "et u!.

Torres sat u! slowly, *ou"hi&" (rom the !ai& i& his *hest. >oh&so& o!e&ed Torres2s shirt a&d

 !ealed o(( the rou&ds stu*' to the bullet!roo( -est. He *hu*'led to himsel( as he hel!ed Torres ta'e o((

the -est.

3hat too' you "uys so lo&", Torres hu((ed, his lu&"s (eeli&" li'e they were about to ex!lode.

Sorry Torres, Aoyal said. That2s my (ault. I saw they were sta&di&" o-er the *ell so I s&u*'

arou&d to !ull the tra! door.

>oh&&y *alled, >oh&so& added. They "ot him "ood at the *hur*h. He2s "oi&" to be late "etti&"

here.So what do we do with these (u*'ers, Torres said !oi&ti&" at the -a&.

?et >oh&&y (i"ure that out, >oh&so& a&swered with a smile. He2s "ood at that sort o( thi&".

The three me& wal'ed o-er to their su!!ly room. Aoyal wa&ted to *arry a& MCK ri(le i&stead o(

his !istol, i&*ase someo&e else showed u!.>ust as Aoyal *hambered a rou&d i&to his ri(le Tra& 3a& wal's i&to the warehouse with Da&&y

ri"ht behi&d him, both me& *arryi&" u1is.

Torres raised his MCK (irst a&d (ired. Tra& (ell without (iri&" a shot. Da&&y rea*ted 0ui*'er a&d

du*'ed behi&d the (lower -a&.

More Triads (iltered i&to the warehouse, (iri&" as they ra& i& behi&d the -a&.

Torres, >oh&so&, a&d Aoyal s!read out i& di((ere&t dire*tio&s. The (ire(i"ht had started, bullets

(lyi&" ra!idly as the (ull automati* wea!o&s were (ired.

The "u& (ire e*hoed loudly throu"hout the warehouse. The battle lasted (i-e mi&utes be(ore thelast rou&d was (ired.

>oh&so& slowly wal'ed toward the (lower -a&, his wea!o& ready to (ire. The -a& loo'ed li'ed

Swiss *heese with all the holes i& it. >oh&so& wal'ed arou&d the -a& slowly. O&e !erso& was barley

mo-i&" so >oh&so& shot him dead.

lear, >oh&so& shouted.

(ter (i-e se*o&ds o( sile&*e a *hill ra& dow& >oh&so&2s s!i&e. He should ha-e heard Aoyal a&dTorres yell *lear as well. The (a*t that they did &ot mea&t somethi&" was wro&".

>oh&so& wal'ed arou&d the warehouse, still 'ee!i&" his MCK at the ready. He saw Aoyal lyi&" o&

the "rou&d. ui*'ly >oh&so& dro!!ed to Aoyal2s side a&d (elt (or a !ulse.

Aoyal had &o !ulse. He had a bullet hole i& his throat. >oh&so& shoo' his head &o. He *ould &ot belie-e Aoyal was dead.

>ust the& he remembered Torres. Getti&" ba*' u! >oh&so& !ut his ri(le at the ready. He s*a&&edthe area. Dead bodies laid e-erywhere. Fi&ally he s!otted Torres lyi&" o& his stoma*h i& the su!!ly


>oh&so& ra& toward Torres a&d sto!!ed +ust short o( him. There was &o &eed to *he*' his !ulse

to see Torres was dead.

>oh&so& tried to *at*h his breath. He had bee& arou&d (alle& Mari&es be(ore but this time was

di((ere&t. This was more !erso&al. Tears (illed >oh&so&2s eyes.

To >oh&so&2s ama1eme&t Torres *ou"hed. >oh&so& dro!!ed to the (loor a&d rolled him o-er


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Ha&" i& there Torres. )ou2re "oi&" to be alri"ht.

)ou2re a (u*'i&2 liar, Torres *ou"hed a"ai& as he "as!ed (or air. Aoyal, Torres whis!ered,

*o&*er&ed *learly i& his to&e.

He2s "o&e, >oh&so& a&swered so(tly.

Torres shoo' his head &o. He "as!ed hea-ily be(ore *ou"hi&" u! blood. )ou a&d >oh&&y "otta(i&ish it. It2s all you. It was&2t (or &othi&" ri"ht It was&2t (or &othi&"

No, it was&2t (or &othi&", >oh&so& a&swered, holdi&" Torres2 ha&d, tryi&" to *om(ort him.)ou '&ow what to do.

)ea buddy. I '&ow what to do.

Torres *ou"hed a"ai& a&d too' a dee! breath. He held >oh&so&2s ha&d ti"htly. Sim!er Fi

 brother, Torres said, tears rolli&" dow& his (a*e. 3HOO).

3HOO) brother. 3HOO).

3HOO), Torres whis!ered with his dyi&" breath.

9 9 9 9

ha!ter %5

Fi&ishi&" It

>oh&so& was i& the ba*' o( the warehouse whe& he heard >o&atha& yelli&". Ge&tly he laid Torres

dow& &ext to Aoyal. Slowly a&d with mu*h sad&ess he *o-ered both me& with a tar!.

>oh&so&= Torres= Aoyal, >o&atha& *o&ti&ued to yell as he s*a&&ed the warehouse slowly.I& the ba*' room, >oh&so& yelled o-er his shoulder. He *ould &ot ta'e his eyes o(( o( his (alle&


>o&atha& lim!ed his way to the ba*' room. (ter seei&" all the dead bodies he had 'e!t his !istol

draw&. He was ready i& *ase someo&e was holdi&" the others as hosta"es. He was &ot, howe-er, !re!ared (or what he (ou&d.

>oh&so&, where is Torres a&d Aoyal

There, >oh&so& whis!ered, !oi&ti&" dow& to where the two me& laid.

3hat ha!!e&ed, >o&atha& as'ed, (i&ally holsteri&" his !istol.

)our (u*'i&2 *rusade blew u!= That2s what ha!!e&ed, >oh&so& yelled, tur&i&" to (a*e >o&atha&.

He was (ull o( ra"e a&d was about to u&leash it. )our !erso&al war *ost them their li-es=

alm dow& >oh&so&. This wo&2t bri&" them ba*'.

>oh&so& rushed >o&atha&. >o&atha& (ell easy due to the loss o( blood (rom his le". He *ould barely sta&d o& his ow&.

How (u*'i&2 dare you= )ou do&2t e-e& (eel sorry (or their deaths= >oh&so& !u&*hed >o&atha&

i& the (a*e. )ou do&2t e-e& *are=

>oh&so& !u&*hed >o&atha& a"ai&. >o&atha& allowed >oh&so& two more hits. >o&atha& *au"ht the

third !u&*h a&d ma&a"ed to !ush >oh&so& o(( o( him. His le" was throbbi&" with !ai&.

I*are >o&atha& said as he tried *at*hi&" his breath. I &e-er wa&ted them to die.But they did=

>oh&so& sat u! with his ba*' a"ai&st the wall. >o&atha& sat u! a"ai&st the o!!osite wall. They

loo'ed at ea*h other li'e two tired soldiers a*ross a battle(ield.

>oh&so& you *a&2t 0uit &ow. Aoyal a&d Torres were my (amily. They were my brothers.They did&2t deser-e to die >oh&&y. )ou !romised o&ly !eo!le who &$S$,V$& to die would

die. Now they2re "o&e.I '&ow, >o&atha& !leaded, but we "otta (i&ish it. 3e *a&2t let their deaths be (or &othi&".

)ou (u*'i&2 asshole, >oh&so& said +ust loudly e&ou"h (or >o&atha& to hear. He was *hu*'li&"

u&der his breath. )ou mu(t  be Torres2s brother. Torres wasted his dyi&" breath to tell me the same


I &eed you >oh&so&. I &eed your hel!.

>oh&so& stood u! a&d wal'ed o-er to >o&atha&. He rea*hed his ha&d dow& to hel! li(t him u!.

?et2s "et you !at*hed u! you lu*'y so& o( a bit*h.

9 9 9 9

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>o&atha&2s le" was wra!!ed u! ti"ht. Si&*e the warehouse has &ow be*ome a battle(ield the

wou&d was dressed as a battle(ield dressi&", 0ui*' a&d slo!!y.

So what are we "oi&" to do with >immy 3a&, >oh&so& as'ed, loo'i&" >o&atha& strai"ht i& the


>o&atha& s*ooted himsel( o(( the table a&d &early (ell. His le" was still -ery wea'. He had lost alot o( blood a&d would &ot be able to ru& i( he had to. That did &ot *o&*er& him &ow, howe-er. Ai"ht

&ow someo&e had to !ay (or the deaths o( Torres a&d Aoyal.Someo&e was "oi&" to die.

>o&atha& loo'ed arou&d the room, tryi&" to "et a& idea. Something good  >o&atha& thou"ht to

himsel(, (omething worth revenge. Slowly he made his way to the wea!o&2s lo*'er.

There stari&" him i& the (a*e were (our "re&ades. Torres lo-ed usi&" "re&ades. >o&atha& &e-er

u&derstood why but ri"ht &ow he lo-ed them too.

3ithout sayi&" a word >o&atha& "rabbed the "re&ades a&d wobbled out the room toward the tra!

door where >immy a&d his boys were bei&" held.

He li(ted a small door so he *ould loo' dow& i&to the *ell. >immy 3a& held u! his ha&d to blo*'

the bri"ht li"ht (loodi&" his eyes.

Hey you (u*'er, +ust thou"ht you should '&ow your so&s are dead=

>immy a&swered by (iri&" a !o! shot at >o&atha&. Si&*e his eyes were &ot yet ad+usted to the

li"ht the shot we&t wide.Now it2s time to +oi& them, >o&atha& said *almly.

>o&atha& !ulled the !i&s out o( the "re&ades, dro!!i&" all (our i&to the *ell. He dro!!ed the door

*losed a&d wobbled away.

BOOM= BOOM= BOOM= BOOM=>o&atha& 'e!t wal'i&" away. >oh&so& strolled u! to the door a&d o!e&ed it slowly. *loud o(

smo'e rose u! li'e a Phoe&ix. He *ould hear *ou"hi&" a&d moa&s *omi&" (rom the me& below. Most o(

the me& were still ali-e but &ot all o( them had all their body !arts. Aa*'i&" a (resh rou&d i&to the

*hamber o( his MCK >oh&so& smiled.

?i'e shooti&" (ish i& a barrel.

>oh&so& o!e&ed (ire, ma'i&" sure he shot e-ery ma& dow& i& the !it. Not a si&"le soul was "oi&"

to sur-i-e. Torres a&d Aoyal2s death would &ot be mea&i&"less.

3he& he em!tied his ma"a1i&e &o o&e was mo-i&". The +ob had bee& do&e. >o&atha& wat*hed(rom a(ar as >oh&so& reloaded his ri(le a&d be"a& shooti&" a"ai&. >o&atha& was &ot about to sto! him.

>oh&so& &eeded to "et the !ai& he (elt out o( his system.

Sile&*e (illed the warehouse as the last rou&d (ired. The o&ly sou&d that *ould be heard was

>oh&so& breathi&" hea-ily. Slowly he tur&ed arou&d a&d (a*ed >o&atha&. The two me& stared at ea*h

other, sile&tly readi&" o&e a&other2s mi&d.

It was time to (i&ish this war.>o&atha& a&d >oh&so& wal'ed o-er to where Mar*o, ?ouie, hris, a&d Ta&ly were ha&"i&" (rom

the *eili&". Slowly >oh&so& lowered hris a&d Ta&ly. They were too wea' a&d did &ot try to mo-e.

I2m sorry about all this Dete*ti-es, but it2s about to e&d. Those two u! there are the o&ly o&es

le(t.>o&atha& you ha-e to let the law deal with them, hris !leaded, des!erately tryi&" to "ather his

stre&"th.Sorry Dete*ti-e. I did&2t *ome this (ar to wait &ow. Besides, you "ot !roblems o( your ow& to

worry about.

3hat do you mea&, hris as'ed *o&*er&ed.

>o&atha& slowly lowered hris i&to a *hair. >oh&so& was ri"ht behi&d them *arryi&" Ta&ly o-er

his shoulder. Ta&ly was u&*o&s*ious so >oh&so& laid him o& the (loor &ext to Aoyal a&d Torres.

3hat I mea& Dete*ti-e are the *roo'ed *o!s i& your de!artme&t. I ha-e a list o( &ames (rom

 !atrol *o!s to +ud"es, all the way u! to your !re*ise a!tai& 3ol(.

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Now I '&ow you2re lyi&", hris s&a!!ed de(e&si-ely. a!tai& 3ol( is as strai"ht as they


Sorry to disa!!oi&t you but I ha-e !roo(. >o&atha& rea*hed i&to the su!!ly lo*'er a&d !ulled

out a !oli*e du((el ba". He wal'ed o-er to hris, dro!!i&" the ba" at his (eet. I&side you will (i&d

&ames a&d their *rimes. There are also -ideo a&d *assette ta!es o( them brea'i&" the law, all do&e i& the !ast te& mo&ths.

How How did you "et thisI &e-er le(t New )or', >o&atha& a&swered with a smile. I2-e bee& wat*hi&" e-eryo&e who

dealt with the ro&us (amily. The list ex!a&ded to other (amilies a&d other O((i*ers. )ou ha-e all the

 !roo( you &eed.

Now i( you2ll ex*use me Dete*ti-e, I ha-e busi&ess to atte&d to. >oh&so& will remai& here to

hel! !at*h you u!. "ai&, I2m sorry Dete*ti-e, >o&atha& said -ery si&*erely. I &e-er mea&t (or you to

 be harmed.

>o&atha& wal'ed out o( the room a&d lo*'ed the door behi&d him. It was time to ma'e Mar*o a&d

?ouie !ay (or their *rimes.

Both me& were ha&"i&" motio&less. >o&atha& lowered them slowly, letti&" his mi&d sa-or what

was about to ha!!e&. O&e thi&" was (or *ertai&, !ai& was "oi&" to be i&-ol-ed.

>o&atha& "rabbed the (ire hose o(( o( the wall a&d tur&ed it to (ull stream. The water rushed out

hitti&" Mar*o a&d ?ouie li'e a to& o( bri*'s. 3here they o&*e were motio&less they were ali-e a&dmo-i&" &ow.

>o&atha& made sure to hose both me& dow& e0ually. The streami&" water was "i-i&" both me& a

 beati&", *ausi&" them to be too wea' to (i"ht.

>o&atha& tur&ed o(( the hose, dro!!i&" it to the (loor. His eyes were (illed with tears. This was it.>usti*e (or >o&i a&d >illia& would (i&ally be ser-ed.

3ithout sayi&" a word >o&atha& strolled u! to Mar*o a&d "rabbed the to! o( his hair. Mar*o

rea*hed (or >o&atha&2s ha&d but was too wea' to sto! him.

Gotta ma'e sure you do&2t "et away.

>o&atha& dra""ed Mar*o to the wall. There were !i!es ru&&i&" u! the wall to the *eili&". He

too' out a !air o( ha&d*u((s a&d *u((ed Mar*o to the !i!es. He the& 'i*'ed Mar*o i& the (a*e with his

"ood le". >o&atha& almost (ell o-er (rom the wei"ht o( his body. He ma&a"ed to ho! ba*'ward a&d

re"ai& his bala&*e.O&*e he was stable a"ai& he made his way o-er toward ?ouie. ?ouie was ma'i&" a !oor attem!t

to *rawl away.

)ouse stay away (rom mese=

Not a *ha&*e i& hell bub, >o&atha& shouted. ?ouie was "oi&" to su((er more tha& Mar*o. ?ouie

was "oi&" to su((er the same way he made >o&i su((er. )ou are "oi&" to !ay (or what you did to my

(amily.>o&atha& *au"ht u! with ?ouie a&d rolled him o-er o&to his ba*'. He !u&*hed ?ouie hard o& the

&ose, brea'i&" it o&*e more.

>o&atha& "rabbed ?ouie2s arm a&d dra""ed him a*ross the warehouse o-er the dead bodies. He

had a room all !re!ared (or ?ouie.I&side the room there was a hoo' ha&"i&" dow& (rom the *eili&". O& the table laid a ro!e a&d a

dull ma*hete. There was a -ise "ri! bolted to the table as well.First you bro'e her &ose. The& you ra!ed her a"ai& a&d a"ai&. The& you "utted her. Now

you2re "oi&" to ex!erie&*e the same thi&" she (elt.

t heari&" those words horror (illed ?ouie2s soul. He was truly terri(ied. Now ?ouie '&ew how

his -i*tims must ha-e (elt e-ery time he *ame arou&d them. He use to lo-e that !ower, the !ower to ma'e

 !eo!le a(raid (or their li-es.

>o&atha& li(ted ?ouie to his (eet a&d (a*ed him toward the table. ?ouie was sta&di&" dire*tly i&

(ro&t o( the -ise "ri!.

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>o&atha& smiled as he see& the terror o& ?ouie2s (a*e. ?ouie tried to stru""le but was too wea' to

really !ut u! a (i"ht.

>o&atha& "rabbed ?ouie2s !e&is. He !ut it i& the -ise "ri! a&d *losed it ti"ht. ?ouie s*reamed a&d

tried mo-i&" ba*'ward but the !ai& *aused by the -ise "ri! *ha&"ed his mi&d.

This is (or >o&i, >o&atha& said as he raised the ma*hete o-er his head. I& o&e 0ui*' motio& heswu&" the blade dow&ward, *utti&" ?ouie i& two.

?ouie (ell to the (loor s*reami&". His ha&ds we&t to his !e&is o&ly to (i&d what he already '&ew.It had bee& *ut o((. His eyes "la&*ed u! a&d saw >o&atha& o!e&i&" the -ise "ri!. His !e&is (ell to the

(loor i& (ro&t o( him. ?ouie *ried (rom the !ai& he (elt.

>o&atha& li(ted his "ood le" a&d stom!ed dow& hard o& ?ouie2s !e&is. Blood s0uirted out at

?ouie as >o&atha& *o&ti&ued to stom! it (lat.

>o&atha& li(ted ?ouie ba*' o&to his (eet a&d be&t him o-er the ed"e o( the table.

NO= NO= Please do&2t (u*' mese=

3hy &ot, >o&atha& shouted@ his words hard a&d deadly. >o&i be""ed you to sto! a&d you

would&2t would you=

>o&atha& rea*hed i&to a draw u&der the table a&d !ulled out a !lasti* (at tube. The tube was (our

i&*hes rou&d a&d three i&*hes lo&". He held it i& (ro&t o( ?ouie2s (a*e.

)ou see this, >o&atha& whis!ered i&to ?ouie2s ear. This is a remote bomb. I&side is some CK

a&d a remote deto&ator. There is a timer o& it too. I set the timer (or two mi&utes. >o&atha& !aused tolet it si&' i& be(ore as'i&", Guess where this is "oi&"

No= Please God &o=

>o&atha& !la*ed the bottom o( the tube o& a woode& sti*'. 3ith o&e ha&d he held ?ouie dow&

a"ai&st the table. 3ith the other ha&d he sho-ed the tube i&to ?ouie2s ass.He used the woode& sti*' to !ush the tube i& dee!er. 3he& it was as dee! as it was "oi&" to "o

>o&atha& !ulled out the sti*'.

 Next >o&atha& "rabbed the ro!e o(( the table. He tied ?ouie2s ha&ds to"ether, ma'i&" a small

loo! betwee& his ha&ds. He the& wal'ed o-er to the wall a&d lowered the hoo' with a swit*h.

This room was used to slit the throats o( *attle be(ore they were but*hered. Now it2s "oi&" to be

used to but*her the but*her.

I did&2t 'ill your wi(e, ?ouie !leaded, *ryi&".

)ou were there. )ou 'illed her. She died be*ause o( *+ =>o&atha& li(ted ?ouie o(( the table. He dra""ed ?ouie to the hoo', !la*i&" the loo! i& the hoo'.

He the& wal'ed ba*' o-er to the wall to raise the hoo'. He raised ?ouie hi"h e&ou"h that his (eet &o

lo&"er tou*hed the (loor. He too' the ma*hete a&d *ut dow& the middle o( both ?ouie2s le"s. Fi&ally he

stabbed ?ouie i& the stoma*h.

I& (i-e mi&utes you2ll bleed out. I& o&e mi&ute I2m "oi&" to start that timer i& your ass. It2s a

ra*e to see whi*h o&e 'ills you (irst.>o&atha& wal'ed out o( the room a&d *losed the door. Slowly he made his way ba*' to Mar*o.

Mar*o saw e-erythi&" that >o&atha& did to ?ouie. He was a(raid >o&atha& was "oi&" to do the same to


Stay the (u*' away (rom me=>o&atha& i"&ored Mar*o. He "rabbed his hair a&d li(ted him to his (eet.

3at*h Mar*o. 3at*h as your boy dies.>o&atha& !ushed the deto&atio& butto& to start the *ou&tdow&. He li(ted Mar*o2s head, ma'i&"

him wat*h ?ouie s0uirm. ?ouie sto!!ed mo-i&" (i&ally. His body we&t lim! as his heart sto!!ed


>o&atha& had timed it !er(e*tly. Thirty se*o&ds a(ter ?ouie2s body sto!!ed mo-i&" the CK

ex!loded. There was &othi&" le(t o( ?ouie.

I( I *ould, I would 'ill you o-er a&d o-er a"ai&. s it is, you are "oi&" to +ust die. >o&atha&

loo'ed Mar*o i& the eyes. I 'e!t my word Mr. ro&us. I destroyed your em!ire. I 'illed all your boys.

 Now you are the last to die.

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>o&atha& rea*hed dow& with both ha&ds o& either side o( Mar*o2s head. He "rabbed Mar*o2s ears

a&d li(ted him o&to his (eet a"ai&.

>o&atha& !ulled out a !lasti* '&i(e. He wa-ed it i& (ro&t o( Mar*o2s (a*e. Mar*o2s eyes "rew

lar"e. >o&atha& sho-ed the '&i(e i&to Mar*o2s stoma*h, brea'i&" the ti! o(( i&side o( Mar*o.

>o&atha& stood o-er Mar*o, wat*hi&" him die slowly. It too' Mar*o (i-e mi&utes to die. Fi&allythe war was o-er.

9 9 9 9E!ilo"ue

This is a!tai& >o*'.

Hello Dete*ti-e. I see you2-e do&e well (or yoursel(.

Hello >o&atha&, hris said sur!rised. 3here are you

Now, &ow Dete*ti-e, >o&atha& a&swered !lay(ully. )ou2-e bee& as'i&" me that (or three

mo&ths &ow. Ha-e I e-er a&swered you


Ha-e you (i&ally "i-e& u! tra*i&" my *alls

)es. How did you '&ow

ause my tra*er alarm is&2t "oi&" o((.

3hat *a& I do (or you >o&atha&, hris as'ed as he tur&ed arou&d to loo' out his wi&dow.

I u&dersta&d you2-e had a -isitor as'i&" about me lately.Peo!le as' me about you all the time.

This "uy wor's (or the "o-er&me&t. I *a& tell by the way he a*ts.

)ou2re ri"ht, hris a&swered sur!rised, althou"h dee! dow& he '&ew he should&2t be. He2s

I.The& that mea&s your !ho&e is ta!!ed, >o&atha& said shar!ly. GoodCbye Dete*ti-e.

No. 3ait

The li&e we&t dead. "ai& >o&atha& had -a&ished without a tra*e, almost as i( he &e-er existed.

hris too' o&e last loo' at the !ho&e be(ore ha&"i&" u!.

3ell he '&ew you were (rom the "o-er&me&t. Said he *ould tell by the way you a*ted.

3hat did he say, Bria& Aamstead as'ed a&&oyed. Bria& was a se&ior I a"e&t.

He said you were ta!!i&" my !ho&es.

3hat elseNothi&". He hu&" u!.

He2s "oi&" to try to *o&ta*t you i& some other ma&&er. 3e will be wat*hi&" so a*t &ormal whe&

he does.

3hat do you wa&t with him

Sorry a!tai& but that2s *lassi(ied i&(ormatio&.

Do&2t (or"et he2s wa&ted (or o-er three hu&dred *ou&ts o( murder i& the triCstate area. I( you*at*h him he2s ours.

a!tai& I2m I. !$  "et him (irst.

Fi&e but I wa&t to i&terro"ate him, hris s&a!!ed.

a!tai&, Bria& rolled his eyes as he stood u!, you are &othi&" more tha& bait here. 3hetheryou li'e it or &ot, you2-e bee& ordered to hel! us. My two a"e&ts outside will stay with you all day. Do&2t

ti! him o(( or else we2ll '&ow.Bria& shoo' hris2 ha&d a&d wal'ed outside. He s!o'e with the two a"e&ts outside the o((i*e

the& le(t.

hris hated ha-i&" to wor' with the I. The truth was he did &ot wa&t >o&atha& *au"ht. rime

had remai&ed dow& si&*e the death o( Mar*o ro&us.

(ew small time wa&&abes tried starti&" their ow& ma(ia but >o&atha& was there to s0uash them

li'e the *o*'roa*hes they were.

I wish I *ould hel! you >o&atha&, he whis!ered, I wish I *ould hel! you.

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>o&atha& wat*hed Bria& wal' out o( the !oli*e buildi&". E-ery day at the same time he we&t to

see hris a&d wait (or >o&atha&2s *all. >o&atha& was &ot sure who really had the u!!er ha&d but he was

&ot "oi&" to ta'e a&y *ha&*es.

Bria& had (ou&d a Deli he lo-ed. He we&t there e-ery day a(ter lea-i&" hris2 o((i*e. Today

whe& he ordered his roast bee( o& rye Bria& was "oi&" to re*ei-e a ma+or sur!rise.>oh&so&, the bird +ust le(t the &est, >o&atha& said i&to a dis!osable *ell !ho&e. Headi&" your

way.Ao"er that, >oh&so& a&swered. Pre!ari&" the !a*'a"e &ow.

>o&atha& hu&" u! the *ell !ho&e a&d !ut away his bi&o*ulars. He too' the battery out o( the

 !ho&e a&d threw it o-er i& a dum!ster as he wal'ed away. >o&atha& was &ot "oi&" to tail Bria&, he

already '&ew where to "o.

9 9 9 9

Aoast bee( o& rye, extra mayo.

Tha&'s 'id, Bria& said, ta'i&" the sa&dwi*h (rom the 'id behi&d the *ou&ter. He !aid the *ler'

a&d sat dow& at his booth to eat.

The 'id wal'ed to the 'it*he&. God I hate that "uy.

)ou did "ood, >oh&so& said. Here is your mo&ey.

The 'id too' the mo&ey a&d wal'ed out the ba*' door. >oh&so& +ust !aid him o&e hu&dred

dollars to disa!!ear (or a& hour.>oh&so& mixed su!er exClax i& with the mayo. Now all he had to do was wait. He *ould see

Bria& e&+oyi&" his sa&dwi*h whe& the exClax 'i*'ed i&.

There was a restroom a*ross the lobby. Bria& stood u! a&d his stoma*h bubbled more. He ra& as

0ui*'ly as he *ould, holdi&" his stoma*h a&d !i&*hi&" his *hee's *losed. He ho!ed he made it to the stalli& time.

>oh&so& *ould &ot hel! but lau"h as Bria& ra& throu"h the door a&d made his way to the me&2s


>o&atha& *ame arou&d the *or&er where the ele-ators were. He wal'ed i&to the me&2s room (irst,

 !istol draw& a&d ready to (ire. >oh&so& wal'ed i& behi&d him a&d stayed at the door.

>o&atha& did a 0ui*' s*a& o( the room. Bria& was the o&ly ma& i& the stalls. From the smell a&d

sou&ds *omi&" (rom the stall the exClax hit Bria& hard. >o&atha& 'i*'ed the stall door o!e&, !oi&ti&" his

"u& at Bria&.)ou so& o( a bit*h, Bria& moa&ed as more li0uid shot u&*o&trollably (rom his rear. His "u&

was also draw& but he *ould &ot aim it.

3hat do you wa&t with me, >o&atha& dema&ded.

Bria& did &ot a&swer. He was i& !ai& a&d doubled o-er.

&swer the 0uestio&, >o&atha& shouted, ready to shoot i( he had to. 3hat do you wa&t with

meDo you mi&d, Bria& hu((ed, bra*i&" himsel( (or the &ext rush o( li0uid. )ou did this to me

I & mi&d, >o&atha& a&swered, "etti&" im!atie&t. Now a&swer the (u*'i&2 0uestio& or

?a&"ley "ets a&other star o& the wall.

I Bria& !aused to "ru&t as more li0uid es*a!ed his body. I was se&t here to re*ruit you.Ae*ruit me (or what

)ou (u*'i&" bastard, Bria& a&swered. This hurts li'e a so& o( a bit*h.Too bad, >o&atha& s&a!!ed. 3hat does the I wa&t $  (or

To 'ill, Brai& s&a!!ed ba*'. That i( what you do best.

;ill who

3ho e-er we tell you to.

I do&2t wor' that way. I do&2t 'ill i&&o*e&t !eo!le.

Nobody2s Bria& "ru&ted a"ai&, &obody2s i&&o*e&t. )ou o( all !eo!le should '&ow that.

I do&2t ta'e orders (rom a&yo&e a&ymore so you2re wasti&" your time.

Tal' to me (airly. I thi&' you2ll *ha&"e your mi&d.

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>o&atha& thou"ht about what Bria& said. Maybe i( he liste&ed he *ould "et the I o(( his ba*'.

O'ay toss me your "u&s.

Bria& dro!!ed his !istol o& the (loor a&d 'i*'ed it out o( the stall.

Both o( them !lease, >o&atha& said. )our a&'le too.

Bria& "ru&ted as he li(ted his le" hi"h e&ou"h to !ull out a&other !istol he had holstered o& thei&side o( his ri"ht a&'le. He dro!!ed it a&d 'i*'ed it out o( the stall. >o&atha& ste!!ed ba*' toward the

si&'s. He ho!!ed u! o&to the *ou&ter, still !oi&ti&" his !istol at Bria&.Do you mi&d, Brai& as'ed, wa-i&" his ha&d dow&ward, so >o&atha& *ould lower his !istol.

Sorry but you2re I. That mea&s I do&2t trust you out o( my si"ht. O&e wro&" mo-e a&d you



Bria& (i&ished u! a&d wal'ed out o( the stall slowly. He (elt li'e a herd o( *attle had +ust ru& o-er

his stoma*h.

He wal'ed o-er to the si&' (urthest away (rom >o&atha&. Ai"ht &ow he wa&ted to 'ee! his

dista&*e (rom >o&atha&. He did &ot ha-e the u!!er ha&d a&d that u!set him.

O'ay, start tal'i&", >o&atha& said harshly.

Bria& had bee& s!lashi&" his (a*e with water. He tur&ed o(( the water a&d loo'ed at >o&atha&.

Bei&" a Mari&e s&i!er you '&ow about the li(t 

)es. I *rossed Ge&eral Ba1da o(( that list.I '&ow. That was a& im!ossible shot. )ou *aused a lot o( trouble with that shot.

3hat2s your !oi&t

My !oi&t is you2re the best our *ou&try has e-er trai&ed. )ou !ro-ed that with your little

 !erso&al war with the ma(ia. Now we wa&t you to wor' (or us.I told you I2m do&e ta'i&" orders.

The !eo!le we2ll as' you to 'ill are o& the list. )ou '&ow e-eryo&e o& that list deser-es to die.

I( you did  wor' (or us it would be u&der Bla*' O!s di-isio&. )ou would&2t ha-e to 'ee! loo'i&" o-er

your shoulder. )ou *a& li-e your li(e u&til we *all (or you.

&d i( I re(use

The& we2ll hu&t you dow& a&d bri&" you to +usti*e. Des!ite what you thi&', you are not


I '&ow I2m &ot but it be*omes a (u& "ame does&2t it, >o&atha& said smu"ly. I2ll thi&' aboutyour o((er.

3hat do you mea& you2ll thi&' about it 3hat2s to thi&' about

3ell (or o&e, where will I li-e, >o&atha& a&swered +o'i&"ly. There2s &owhere i& the States

where I2m &ot wa&ted.

)ou *a& li-e i& Euro!e. 3e2ll "i-e you a& ex!e&se to li-e o&, !ass!orts, &ew ide&ti(i*atio&.

&ythi&" you &eed.&d I will ha-e the (i&al say o& who I do a&d do &ot shoot


Sou&ds li'e a "ood o((er. 3hat do you thi&', >o&atha& as'ed o-er his shoulder.

3hat about me, >oh&so& said as he wal'ed arou&d the *or&er, his !istol aimed at Bria&.3hat about you, Bria& s&a!!ed.

Hey &ow, >o&atha& said, (a'i&" bei&" o((e&ded. Play &i*e. This here is my ri"ht ha&d ma&. Ido&2t "o a&ywhere without him.

The a"e&*y o&ly wa&ts you, Bria& s&a!!ed.

That2s my o((er, >o&atha& s&a!!ed ba*'. )ou do&2t "et me without him. &d I wa&t (i&al say

o& all  tar"ets. I may be a 'iller but I do ha-e a se&se o( morality.

Fi&e, Bria& hu((ed. I2ll "et him a**e!ted i&to the "e&*y also. O&ly *at*h is you ha-e to lea-e

with me &ow.


ause you still ha-e to "o throu"h trai&i&" at the (arm.

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O'ay, >o&atha& said. But we2re &ot lea-i&" with you &ow. 3e2ll meet you at ?a&"ley two

wee's (rom today.

That2s &ot a**e!table, Bria& s&a!!ed ba*' a&&oyed.

It2s "oi&" to ha-e to be. Ai"ht &ow I ha-e the u!!er ha&d a&d I2m "oi&" to 'ee! it that way.

 Now, what2s your &ameBria& Aamstead.

Now I '&ow who to as' (or at ?a&"ley, >o&atha& said with a smile. Now Mr. Aamstead i( youwould !lease, dro! your !a&ts.


a&2t ha-e you (ollowi&" us whe& we lea-e, >o&atha& ex!lai&ed. )our shoes a&d !a&ts


Bria& stood there loo'i&" at the two !istols !oi&ted at him. (ter waiti&" te& se*o&ds he 'i*'ed

o(( his shoes a&d dro!!ed his !a&ts to the (loor.

3hat &ext he s&a!!ed at >o&atha&.

Now your +a*'et a&d shirt.

Bria& did as he was told. He was sta&di&" there weari&" his so*'s, boxer shorts, a&d a white ta&'


>oh&so&, >o&atha& said, &ot ta'i&" his eyes o(( o( Bria&.

>oh&so& ha&ded his !istol to >o&atha& as he wal'ed toward Bria&. He too' out a !air o(ha&d*u((s a&d &odded his head toward the ha&di*a! stall.

Bria&, holdi&" his ha&ds out i& (ro&t o( him, wal'ed i&to the stall. He sat o& the (loor a&d

wra!!ed his arms arou&d the toilet. He was &ot about to try a&d (i"ht. >oh&so& ha&d*u((ed Bria&2s ha&ds

arou&d the toilet. He stood u! a&d wal'ed out o( the stall.I( you2re really I you2ll be out o( those *u((s i& less tha& (i-e mi&utes. 3e will be i& ?a&"ley

as !romised. See you i& two wee's Mr. Aamstead.

>o&atha& a&d >oh&so& wal'ed out the door, lea-i&" Bria&2s *lothes i& the trash *a&. >o&atha& too'

the !istols with him. Slowly the two me& wal'ed out i&to the streets o( New )or', disa!!eari&" without

a tra*e.

Bria& ma&a"ed to "et the *u((s o(( o( him i& three mi&utes. s he "ot to the door he saw his

*lothes i& the trash. He *hu*'led to himsel(.

3el*ome to the I Mr. M*Gre"or, Bria& said as he retrie-ed his *lothes.The E&d

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