Fighting Harassment with Open Source Tools

Fighting Harassment with Open Source Tools Randi Harper <[email protected]>

Transcript of Fighting Harassment with Open Source Tools

Fighting Harassment with Open Source Tools

Randi Harper <[email protected]>

No cameras. No social media.

sysinstall is easy

social stuff is hard

too many feelings make words difficult.

GamerGate has nothing to do with ethics in gaming journalism.

that’s a nice career you have.

sure would be a shame if something happened to it.


Adam Baldwin is not a Baldwin brother, which might

be why he’s such a dick.

cultural marxism?

I worked on old sysinstall, hello?

cultural marxism?????


the only thing kevin mitnick is famous for is

getting caught.

hacker news supporting a post about sexism in tech is the

eighth sign of the apocalypse.

probably the best tequila story ever

sorry, KFC.

auto-followback is a stupid marketing move anyways.

and your chicken kind of sucks.

Good Game AutoBlocker

making perl more relevant than it’s

been in years

current subscriber count: 5000+

got an award for being awesome.

still not in the TIME 100, fml.



I’ve saved hundreds of comments just like those

learning c is a lot less effort.

police are not equipped to deal

with online harassment

8gb of redis means it’s time to find something

that is not redis.

no text analysis. just account metadata.

96.8% accuracy.

that code is not open source because i broke the

dev policy in a bad way.


still waiting for my honorary degree in

troll hunting.

gosh, i sure will miss writing puppet manifests.

GamerGate is not known for having a strong grasp

of cause and effect.

Patreon: <36k/year DevOps: >36k/year

8chan: anonymous message board

tequila + perl = groundbreaking

gin + ruby = ?????? (let’s find out!)

Twitter, why are you not paying me for this?

84% of the data we manually verified as targeting women.

Carlton is the name of Hindsight, a Marvel comics superhero.

more data means a better understanding of the social issues creating these environments

alcohol + angry is probably the origin story of so many

open source projects

don’t be me.

ask me about OSCON :(

(but not when there’s a microphone present)

Everything is shit.

It doesn’t have to be.


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