Fight back against predatory foreclosure

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The greed of lenders means that many foreclosures are illegal foreclosures. A securitization audit can help stop an illegal, predatory foreclosure

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Page 1: Fight back against predatory foreclosure

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Fight Back Against Predatory Foreclosure

Page 2: Fight back against predatory foreclosure

Bankruptcy and foreclosure is a plague that is affecting millions of homeowners nationwide. Foreclosure rates are at record highs, and many people are being left hung out to dry by their lenders, thinking the only options they have will be to lose their home to foreclosure and then file for bankruptcy.

What a lot of people don’t realize is that they are only in that situation because of the banks’ blatant approval of issuing predatory loans.

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Page 3: Fight back against predatory foreclosure

Over the last decade, the greed of lenders has spiraled out of control, and we are constantly seeing new examples of how they deliberately put homeowners into bad situations by approving predatory loans that they were well aware the homeowner would not be able to keep the payments up for.

Their greed did not stop there, however. Predatory loans were not enough, they felt the need to engage in predatory foreclosures as well in order to not only increase their profits, but to cover up the massive amounts of mortgage fraud they had been committing.

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Page 4: Fight back against predatory foreclosure

As a way to increase profits, banks would put mortgages through a process knownas securitization. This is a process where the title is separated from the home loanso that the loan can be traded and sold as a security, in the same way stocks andbonds are traded on the open market.

It is estimated that nearly 85% of all home loans issued in the last 10 years have gone through this process. Banks would cherry pick and bundle together loans they knew would end up defaulting and then sold them as a “safe” investment.

Not only did they commit a massive amount of fraud by doing that, but they alsofailed to properly follow the securitization process.

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Page 5: Fight back against predatory foreclosure

This means that if your lender is attempting to foreclose on your home, they may not actually have any legal right to since they lost track of who actually possesses the title. If this has happened to your mortgage, then any foreclosure you are facing may be an i l legal foreclosure.

The best way to stop one of these illegal, predatory foreclosures is to obtain a securitization audit on your home loan. A securitization audit is a forensic audit that will examine all of your home loan documents and discover if you home loan was securitized, and if it was securitized correctly. If any violations are discovered, that means that the illegal foreclosure must stop immediately.

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Page 6: Fight back against predatory foreclosure

This is why if you need foreclosure help, you should not hesitate to contact Tila Solutions to give you the foreclosure help you need. For over a decade, Tila Solutions has been looking out for the homeowner with their forensic loan audits and securitization audits.

If you need help stopping foreclosure, a Tila Solutions Consultant is available by telephone at (702) 508-0335. Or you can visit the Tila Solutions website at bankruptcy and foreclosure.

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