field tracing_ lateral display y=0

ComplexAmplitude ca = (ComplexAmplitude)InputField[0].Clone(); Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage("ca_centraldirection:" + ca.CentralDirection.ToString()); //ComplexAmplitude ca = ExtractLinearPhaseInSpatialDomain_LT(ca_0); //Globals.DataDisplay.ShowDocument(ca_0, "ca_0"); //Globals.DataDisplay.ShowDocument(ca, "ca"); double lambda = ca.Wavelength; double k_0 = MathFunctions.TwoPi / lambda; //Define a new DataArray2D to record the ux, uy, uz SamplingParameters SP = new SamplingParameters ( new Vector (( int )Sx, ( int )Sy), new VectorD (Thickness / Sx, Width / Sy)); PhysicalProperty [] unit = new PhysicalProperty [] { PhysicalProperty .NoUnit, PhysicalProperty .NoUnit, PhysicalProperty .NoUnit }; string [] label = new string [] { "Ex" , "Ey" , "Ez" }; ComplexField ux = new ComplexField (SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField uy = new ComplexField (SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField uz = new ComplexField (SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField Ex = new ComplexField (SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField Ey = new ComplexField (SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField Ez = new ComplexField (SP.SamplingPoints); Vector RayNumber = new Vector(ca.SamplingPoints); for (int InY = 0; InY < RayNumber.Y; InY++) { for (int InX = 0; InX < RayNumber.X; InX++) { VectorD StartingPoint = CoordinateTransformations.PointFromPixelToPhysicalCoordinates(new Vector(InX, InY), ca.SamplingParameters); //Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage("position:"+StartingPoint.ToString()); // initialize the (r,s,OPL,u,T,E,|E|) //u_0????????????????????????????? //Vector3C u = u_generator(ca, StartingPoint); Vector3C E_0 = new Vector3C(); E_0.X = ca[InX, InY, false]; if (ca.IsLocallyPolarized == true) { E_0.Y = ca[InX, InY, true]; } else { E_0.X = ca.JonesVector.X * ca[InX, InY, false];


Field tracing in optical design.

Transcript of field tracing_ lateral display y=0

Page 1: field tracing_ lateral display y=0

ComplexAmplitude ca = (ComplexAmplitude)InputField[0].Clone(); Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage("ca_centraldirection:" + ca.CentralDirection.ToString()); //ComplexAmplitude ca = ExtractLinearPhaseInSpatialDomain_LT(ca_0); //Globals.DataDisplay.ShowDocument(ca_0, "ca_0"); //Globals.DataDisplay.ShowDocument(ca, "ca"); double lambda = ca.Wavelength; double k_0 = MathFunctions.TwoPi / lambda;

//Define a new DataArray2D to record the ux, uy, uz SamplingParameters SP = new SamplingParameters(new Vector((int)Sx, (int)Sy), new VectorD(Thickness / Sx, Width / Sy));

PhysicalProperty[] unit = new PhysicalProperty[] { PhysicalProperty.NoUnit, PhysicalProperty.NoUnit, PhysicalProperty.NoUnit }; string[] label = new string[] { "Ex", "Ey", "Ez" }; ComplexField ux = new ComplexField(SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField uy = new ComplexField(SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField uz = new ComplexField(SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField Ex = new ComplexField(SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField Ey = new ComplexField(SP.SamplingPoints); ComplexField Ez = new ComplexField(SP.SamplingPoints);

Vector RayNumber = new Vector(ca.SamplingPoints);

for (int InY = 0; InY < RayNumber.Y; InY++) { for (int InX = 0; InX < RayNumber.X; InX++) { VectorD StartingPoint = CoordinateTransformations.PointFromPixelToPhysicalCoordinates(new Vector(InX, InY), ca.SamplingParameters); //Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage("position:"+StartingPoint.ToString());

// initialize the (r,s,OPL,u,T,E,|E|) //u_0????????????????????????????? //Vector3C u = u_generator(ca, StartingPoint); Vector3C E_0 = new Vector3C(); E_0.X = ca[InX, InY, false]; if (ca.IsLocallyPolarized == true) { E_0.Y = ca[InX, InY, true]; } else { E_0.X = ca.JonesVector.X * ca[InX, InY, false]; E_0.Y = ca.JonesVector.Y * ca[InX, InY, false]; } Complex n_before = SurroundingMaterial.GetComplexRefractiveIndex(lambda); //r_0 Vector3D r = new Vector3D(StartingPoint.X, StartingPoint.Y, 0); List<Vector3D> intermediatePoints = new List<Vector3D>(); Complex n_GRIN = GRIN.GetComplexRefractiveIndex(r, lambda);

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Vector3D s = new Vector3D();

Vector3D s_0 = StartDirection(ca, new Vector(InX, InY), StartingPoint);

s.X = s_0.X * n_before.Re / n_GRIN.Re; s.Y = s_0.Y * n_before.Re / n_GRIN.Re; s.Z = Math.Sqrt(1 - s.X * s.X - s.Y * s.Y);

// List<Complex> TransferMatrix = TransferMatrix_WithCoating(plane, n_before, n_GRIN, lambda, s_0, true); Vector3C E = new Vector3C(); E.X = TransferMatrix[4] * E_0.X + TransferMatrix[5] * E_0.Y; E.Y = TransferMatrix[6] * E_0.X + TransferMatrix[7] * E_0.Y; E.Z = -(s.X * E.X + s.Y * E.Y) / s.Z;

Vector3C u = new Vector3C(E); u.Normalize(); double I = E.Norm() * s.Z;

//T_0 Vector3C T = GRIN.GetComplexRefractiveIndex(r, lambda) * (Vector3C)s; //OPL_0 Complex OPL = (s.X * StartingPoint.X + s.Y * StartingPoint.Y) * n_GRIN; if (ca.HasSphericalPhaseRadius == true) { OPL += k_0 * n_GRIN * Math.Sqrt(StartingPoint.Norm() + ca.SphericalPhaseRadius * ca.SphericalPhaseRadius); } Vector3C k_1, k_2, k_3, k_4; Vector3D r_prime, s_prime; Vector3C T_prime; Complex OPL_prime; Complex n_1, n_2, n_3;

for (int ti = 1; r.Z < Thickness; ti++) { //Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage(r.ToString()); intermediatePoints.Add(r);

n_1 = GRIN.GetComplexRefractiveIndex(r, lambda); k_1 = -(u | D(r, GRIN, lambda)) / n_1 * T / n_1; RK4_RayEquation(r, T, OPL, dt / 2, GRIN, lambda, out r_prime, out T_prime, out s_prime, out OPL_prime); n_2 = GRIN.GetComplexRefractiveIndex(r_prime, lambda); k_2 = -((u + dt / 2 * k_1) | D(r_prime, GRIN, lambda)) / n_2 * T_prime / n_2;

k_3 = -((u + dt / 2 * k_2) | D(r_prime, GRIN, lambda)) / n_2 * T_prime / n_2; RK4_RayEquation(r_prime, T_prime, OPL_prime, dt / 2, GRIN, lambda, out r, out T, out s, out OPL); n_3 = GRIN.GetComplexRefractiveIndex(r, lambda);

Page 3: field tracing_ lateral display y=0

k_4 = -((u + dt * k_3) | D(r, GRIN, lambda)) / n_3 * T / n_3; u += dt / 6 * (k_1 + 2 * k_2 + 2 * k_3 + k_4); u.Normalize(); //output if (r.Y == 0) { Vector SampIndex = CoordinateTransformations.PointFromPhysicalToPixelCoordinates(new VectorD(r.X, r.Y), new SamplingParameters(new Vector(SP.SamplingPointsY, SP.SamplingPointsY), new VectorD(SP.SamplingDistance.Y, SP.SamplingDistanceY))); int SampIndexZ = (int)(r.Z / SP.SamplingDistanceX); ux[SampIndexZ, SampIndex.X] = u.X; uy[SampIndexZ, SampIndex.X] = u.Y; uz[SampIndexZ, SampIndex.X] = u.Z; Ex[SampIndexZ, SampIndex.X] += Math.Sqrt(I / s.Z) * u.X * Complex.Exp(Complex.i * k_0 * OPL); Ey[SampIndexZ, SampIndex.X] += Math.Sqrt(I / s.Z) * u.Y * Complex.Exp(Complex.i * k_0 * OPL); Ez[SampIndexZ, SampIndex.X] += Math.Sqrt(I / s.Z) * u.Z * Complex.Exp(Complex.i * k_0 * OPL);


} // Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage(u.ToString()); }

} }

ComplexFieldArray a = new ComplexFieldArray(3); a[0] = ux; a[1] = uy; a[2] = uz;

DataArray2D u_xz = new DataArray2D(a, unit, label, SP.SamplingDistanceX, 0, PhysicalProperty.Length, "z", SP.SamplingDistanceY, -Width / 2, PhysicalProperty.Length, "x"); a[0] = Ex; a[1] = Ey; a[2] = Ez; DataArray2D E_xz = new DataArray2D(a, unit, label, SP.SamplingDistanceX, 0, PhysicalProperty.Length, "z", SP.SamplingDistanceY, -Width / 2, PhysicalProperty.Length, "x");

//Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage("no problem"); // DataArray2D u_xz = new DataArray2D(new ComplexFieldArray(ux, uy, uz), unit, label, SP.SamplingDistanceX, 0, PhysicalProperty.Length, "z", SP.SamplingDistanceY, -Width / 2, PhysicalProperty.Length, "x"); // Globals.DataDisplay.ShowDocument(u_xz, "u_xz"); Globals.DataDisplay.ShowDocument(E_xz, "E_xz");

//Define the back plane of bounding box for inversely propagation //Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage("u is:" + u.ToString() + ";r is:" + r.ToString() + ";s is:" + s.ToString() + ";AbsolutePhase:" + OPL.ToString()); ComplexAmplitude uxy = new ComplexAmplitude(Ex, Ey); // ComplexAmplitude uxz = new ComplexAmplitude(ux, uz);

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uxy.SamplingParameters = SP; // uxz.SamplingParameters = SP; //Globals.DataDisplay.ShowDocument(uxy, "uxy"); // Globals.DataDisplay.ShowDocument(uxz, "uxz");

//Globals.DataDisplay.LogMessage("After OPL is:"+OPL.ToString());

#endregion ca.LFO_CoordinateSystem.Origin.Coordinates = new Vector3D(0, 0, Thickness); hfsReturn.Add(ca); return ca;