Field Study Final

Danica Esra B. Dolot (2SPED1) Episode 1  The Schools as a Learning Environment My Analysis QUESTION: How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusions? 1) The school campus and the classroom play an important part on the learning process of the students mainly because the surrounding or the environment affects on how the child learns or process information. A child needs an environment that is able to meet all his/her needs and, at the same time, motivating and conducive that would make the child be eager to go to school every day to learn new things and lessons. Poor environment and lack of facilities inside the classroom may hinder the child from learning inside the s chool campus and classroom. My Reflections QUESTION: Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not? 1) Yes, I would like to teach in the school environment I have just observes. I have noticed that the school is quite clean even if there are no garbage cans, where you can put your trash; still, it is free from any litters. Inside the classroom, I liked the idea of having a semi-circle table wherein the teacher could easily watch over his/ her students. The classrooms were also well-ventilated, the only problem is, the noise coming from the vehicles passing by the school. Overall, the school was a nice place to teach the students. QUESTION: Write your additional learnings and insights here. 5) I’ve learned that the classrooms were not just a typical public school classroom. They were modified depending upon the needs of the students. Unlike the classrooms in public schools, the rooms were not overcrowded wit students and there were sinks inside the classroom where the students coul d wash their hands before and after eating their snacks. The classroom was also painted with yellow that creates a cheerful and positive vibe inside the room. To sum it up, I gain a lot of learning and insights during the period of observing the students and the school environment where they learn.

Transcript of Field Study Final

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Danica Esra B. Dolot (2SPED1)

Episode 1 – The Schools as a Learning Environment

My Analysis

QUESTION: How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the learning

of the students going to school? What are your conclusions?

1)  The school campus and the classroom play an important part on the learning process of 

the students mainly because the surrounding or the environment affects on how the

child learns or process information. A child needs an environment that is able to meet

all his/her needs and, at the same time, motivating and conducive that would make the

child be eager to go to school every day to learn new things and lessons. Poor

environment and lack of facilities inside the classroom may hinder the child from

learning inside the school campus and classroom.

My Reflections

QUESTION: Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why


1)  Yes, I would like to teach in the school environment I have just observes. I have noticed

that the school is quite clean even if there are no garbage cans, where you can put your

trash; still, it is free from any litters. Inside the classroom, I liked the idea of having a

semi-circle table wherein the teacher could easily watch over his/ her students. Theclassrooms were also well-ventilated, the only problem is, the noise coming from the

vehicles passing by the school. Overall, the school was a nice place to teach the


QUESTION: Write your additional learnings and insights here.

5)  I’ve learned that the classrooms were not just a typical public school classroom. They

were modified depending upon the needs of the students. Unlike the classrooms in

public schools, the rooms were not overcrowded wit students and there were sinks

inside the classroom where the students could wash their hands before and after eatingtheir snacks. The classroom was also painted with yellow that creates a cheerful and

positive vibe inside the room. To sum it up, I gain a lot of learning and insights during

the period of observing the students and the school environment where they learn.

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My Portfolio

My Personal Illustration of an Effective School Environment

An effective school was environment should be always clear from litter and other

garbage that may affect the health of the students. There would be a mini-garden or parkwhere the students could play and interact with his/her classmates. The classrooms should be

very well-ventilated and not overcrowded with students. There is a specific number of students

per class. I would also require a restroom and sink in every classroom so the students could

easily use it whenever they want to attend to their personal necessities. Facilities and necessary

equipment should be also available to accommodate the needs of the students like ramps for

CWDs and books in Braille system for kids who are visually impaired. In terms of security, there

should be at least 2 security guards inside the campus. Lastly, the principal’s office should be

easily recognized and should ne bear the classrooms so if accidents happen, the principal could

immediately attend to it.

Episode 2 –  The Learners’ Characteristics and Needs 

Development DomainElementary ( Grade 4 students/ 10-11

years old)


Gross-motor skills

They already have a sense of balance.

They could walk, run, jump and to

activities that requires balance.

Fine-motor skills

They do not encounter any problems

with regards to their fine-motor skills.

They could write, draw and do some

other stuff that requires the use of hand

normally. Besides, their fine-motor skills

are always used/manipulated because

they use sign language.

Self-help skills

They could do things freely without

asking for any assistance from other



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Interaction with Teachers

The students could communicate with

their teacher using sign language. The

teacher looks directly at a student to

call his/her attention. The teacher also

uses facial expressions and speaks while

doing the sign language.

Interaction with classmates/friends

They communicate with each other

through sign language. I have noticed

that before they would interact with

their classmate, he or she would first

tap the back of his classmate to call his

or her attention


The students were more interested in

studying Mathematics than Science. They

were all excited when the teacher told

them that after their discussion with

digestive system in Science, they will

proceed to Mathematics.


Moods and temperament, expression of feelings

The students were very willing to learn

the lessons. Although, it is somewhat

hard to sign language terms that are

quite complicated, still, they were

motivated to learn. If they commit

mistakes, they do not feel bad/sad,

instead, they laugh and try to correct

their mistakes. Their feelings are shown

in their facial expressions.

Emotional independence

The students can handle their feelings

and emotions independently. They did

not cry or feel bad when scolded by the

teacher when they committed mistakes.


Communication Skills

The students could not communicate

verbally; instead, they use their hands

(sign language) in communicating.

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Thinking Skills

The students may have poor thinking

skills. They were able to sign language

some terms but when asked by the

teacher, they were not able to answer

even if the answers were already written

in the blackboard.


We were not able to observe them

during their class in Mathematics. We

only stayed there for just an hour

(Science time/period). Maybe, the

students were good in solving math

problems because they were all excited

when the teacher announced that Math

will be their next class after Science.

My Analysis

LEVELSalient Characteristics

Observed Implications to the Teaching-Learning Process


(Grade 4


10-11 years


The students somehow have

poor thinking skills because

they find it hard to

remember their lessons even

if they were studying the

specific subject for almost 2


 Therefore, the teacher must be very patient in

teaching his/her students and should not expect

that they will learn and remember the lessons


 Therefore, the teacher must start from the verybasic up to the complex activities/lessons (task


My Reflections

QUESTION: While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own experiences when

you were their age? What similarities or differences do you have with the learners you


1)  I have recalled my own experiences during our observation, especially the lessons

regarding the digestive system when I was in 4th

Grade. The similarities between me and

the learners I have observed was both of us were eager to learn the subject matter even

if there are words/terms in science which are quite complex/complicated. Our

differences would be I could easily communicate with my teacher because I can speak

while for students I have observes (hearing impaired), they have difficulties in

communicating with other people. They are studying how to sign language terms

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related to the digestive system and, at the same time, interacting with their teacher

through the use of sign language.

QUESTION: Think of a teacher you cannot forget for positive or negative reasons. How did

she/he help or not help you with your needs? How did it affect you?

2. I had an experience when I was in 4th Grade wherein the teacher made fun of me in

front of the whole class after I have recited. And because of this experience, I've

become too shy to speak in front of the class and to even recite even if I really know the

answer. This experience of mine did not help my emotional and social skills. It lessened

my self-esteem and has made me a shy person.

QUESTION: Share you other insights here.

3. I've come to think that it's hard to teach students whom I have observed (hearing

impaired). The teacher must be very patient and should be really an expert when itcomes to sign language. He/she should not scold the student who cannot follow and

should treat the students just and equally. During our observation, the teacher was

shouting the whole time, mostly when the students could not follow her instruction.

Shouting at the students would be of no use in the process of learning, she might as well

talk to the students calmly and let the student learn from his/her mistakes.

My Portfolio

Which is your favorite theory of development? How can this guide you as a future teacher? Clip

some readings about this theory and paste them here.

Piaget's Theory of Development is my favorite theory because it focuses on the physical and

cognitive skills/ domains of the students. By knowing the different stages under the said theory,

the teacher would be familiar and will be able to differentiate/compare the skills of their

students to the normal/actual development of skills. The teachers would know if the student is

different from the normal kids because he/she is not able to do certain tasks that are expected

for him/ her to do so at a specific age. The teacher could then give the appropriate/necessary

measures and services to the students who are lagging behind the other students.

Three Basic Components to Piaget's Theory:

1.  Schemas

2.  Processes that enable the transition from one stage to another 

3.  Stages of Development: 


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Piaget called the schema the basic building block of intelligent behavior  – a way of organizing

knowledge. Indeed, it is useful to think of schemas as “units” of knowledge, each relating to

one aspect of the world, including objects, actions and abstract (i.e. theoretical) concepts.

Piaget emphasized the importance of schemas in cognitive development, and described how

they were developed or acquired. A schema can be defined as a set of linked mental

representations of the world, which we use both to understand and to respond to situations.

The assumption is that we store these mental representations and apply them when needed.

Assimilation and Accommodation

Jean Piaget viewed intellectual growth as a process of adaptation (adjustment) to the world.

This happens through:

  Assimilation  – which is using an existing schema to deal with a new object or situation.

  Accommodation  – this happens when the existing schema (knowledge) does not work, and

needs to be changed to deal with a new object or situation.

  Equilibration  – this is the force, which moves development along. Piaget beloved that

cognitive development did not progress at a steady rate, but rather in leaps and bounds.

Equilibrium is occurs when a child's schemas can deal with most new information through

assimilation. However, an unpleasant state of disequilibrium occurs when new information

cannot be fitted into existing schemas (assimilation).

Stages of Development

Cognitive Stage of Development Key Feature Research Study


0 - 2 yrs.

Object Permanence Blanket & Ball Study


2 - 7 yrs.

Egocentrism Three Mountains

Concrete Operational

7 – 11 yrs.

Conservation Conservation of Number

Formal Operational

11yrs +

Manipulate ideas in head,

e.g. Abstract Reasoning

Pendulum Task

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Episode 3 - Classroom management and Learning

My Analysis

QUESTION: How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behavior? 

1. The students knew that the teacher could easily see what they were doing because of 

their seating arrangement; hence, they behaved properly. The students were arranged

in a semi-circle way/position. In terms of classroom rules, posters of proper etiquette

and behavior were posted on the walls/bulletin board. The teacher also scolded or

reprimanded the students whenever they did something wrong. To sum it up, because

of the classroom organization and routines, the learners behaved properly while we

were observing.

QUESTION: Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners?

in motivating students? Why were they effective?

3. During our observation, I have noticed that the teacher told the students that they will

be brought to the principal's office if the student is not behaving properly and not

following her instructions. I guessed this is the strategy of the teacher, to scare the

students so they will act properly. For me, her strategy was not motivating at all. These

could affect the self esteem of the students and may discourage the students to learn.

There are other behavior strategies that a teacher could use in managing her students,

one of which is reinforcement of positive behavior, instead of pinpointing the mistakes

of the student, the teacher could appraise the good deeds his/her students had


My Reflections

QUESTION: Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level

do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why?

1.  I would probably teach kindergarten students in the future. I would praise/reinforce the

good acts/things that a certain student has done and would talk to my student privately

if he or she has done something wrong, instead of scolding her/him in front of the

whole class. When it comes to class routines, as a Thomasian, I would always start and

end our discussion with a prayer. Moreover, I would impart to them the values and

proper manners/etiquette because I believe that a student who knows the values could

apply it in his/her day-to-day life making him/her not just a good learner but also a

better person.

Episode 4 - Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction

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My Analysis

QUESTION: Identify the persons who play key roles in the relationships and interactions in the

classrooms. What roles do they play? Is there somebody who appears to be the leader, a

mascot/joker, an attention seeker, a little teacher, a doubter/pessimist?

1.  Inside the classroom, the teacher and students played key roles in the relationships and

interactions. There was a boy, who for me, appears to be the mascot/joker inside the

classroom. He would just laugh at his mistakes whenever he committed one and would

 joke around in sign language. There was also a girl who is able to pronounce or utter

some words, but not clearly.

QUESTION: How does the teacher influence the class interaction considering the individual

differences of the students?

2.  The teacher influences the class interaction among students who were different fromeach other by noticing their talents/skills. In the case of the boy who likes to joke

around, the teacher would tell the class that they have a classmate who is really a funny

mascot/joker. The teacher also instructed the girl who can utter some words to speak

while doing the sign language. In this way, the kid would know that although they are

not capable of speaking verbally, still they have special talents and abilities individually.

QUESTION: What factors influence the grouping of learners outside the classroom?

4. I really do not know how the students group themselves outside the classroom. We

weren't able to observe their behaviors outside their classrooms.

My Reflections

QUESTION: In the future, how would you want the learners in your classroom to interact? How

will you make this happen?

2. I would want my student to actively participate during my discussion. My students

should always respect the one who is talking in front as well as respect the answers or

opinions given/stated by their classmates. I would make this happen by being a role

model to my students/learners.

Episode 5 - Individual Differences and Learner's Interaction

My Analysis

QUESTION: Describe the differences in ability levels of the students in the class. Is there a wide

gap between the students who are performing well and those that are not?

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2. There was a student who was having a hard time in sign language. The teacher scolded him

and told him that he would be brought to the principal’s office if he would not listen and follow

her. Other students do not encounter any problems in sign languages but when some of the

students were asked by the teacher, they were not able to answer even if the answer was

already written in the blackboard. The teacher got a bit frustrated with her students becauseshe was already spoon feeding her lessons to her students, still they could not answer a very

simple question. There is a wide gap between students who are performing well from those

who are not.