Field Notes From The Meg Whitman Campaign - October 15, 2010

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Transcript of Field Notes From The Meg Whitman Campaign - October 15, 2010

  • 8/8/2019 Field Notes From The Meg Whitman Campaign - October 15, 2010


    A Message from Meg October 15, 2010

    In the final push to Election Day, I am hitting the road todeliver my message to all Californians. I will be traveling in abright green bus, decorated with our message, "JOBS ARE ONTHE WAY," crisscrossing the state and visiting towns big andsmall. I am going to work my heart out for the next 18 days,and fight for every single vote.

    I hope you got a chance to see the third and final debateTuesday night. It was a great opportunity to lay out the freshideas I have for doing things differently in Sacramento - what Ilike to call the Silicon Valley approach. At my core, Im a jobcreator. For 40 years, Jerry Browns business has been politics.The contrast for voters couldnt be clearer.

    Then it was on to Los Angeles. We stopped at Philippe's,birthplace of the French-dipped sandwich. I enjoyed chattingwith diners over a delicious beef sandwich about my plan tocreate jobs, make government work for us and fix our schools.

    With just 18 days to go, our campaign is running full throttle,

    literally. In Fontana, I served as the Grand Marshal for aNASCAR race at the Auto Club Speedway. It was a real treat togive the command, "Gentlemen, start your engines." Later thatday, I joined Rudy Giuliani at a rally in Van Nuys. I am honoredto have the former New York City mayor's support. He's aninspiring leader who knows how to tackle challenges and makea difference in times of crisis. And I held a terrific JewishCommunity Town Hall with nearly 800 in attendance. It was anexcellent opportunity to explain how I will tackle California'schallenges.

    We are down to crunch time. Our volunteers are workingovertime to get out the vote. They are filling field offices acrossthe state, making phone calls and knocking on doors. Click hereto join our team today!

    If you want to make a difference in this election, its not toolate to get involved. Elections are won by the grassrootsvolunteers. You can even help from the comfort of your ownhome using our online phone bank. Click here for moreinformation to get started.

    Don't forget, Monday is the last day to register to vote. If youhave not already done so, click here to fill out an application.

    Lets make history together. I hope you will join us!


    The San Diego Union- Tribune:Whitman the better choice for jobs,growth...more

    Riverside Press-Enterprise: ElectWhitman...more

    Contra Costa Times:Werecommend Meg Whitman...more

    Torrance Daily Breeze:Whitmanfor governor...more

    North County Times:Whitman forgovernor...more

    The Associated Press: Giuliani:Brown is Ca.'s past, Whitman itsfuture...more

    Flash Report: Jan Scully: Californianeeds a tough-on- crime governor, notJerry Brown...more

    The Associated Press: U.S. Chamberbacks Whitman for Calif.governor...more

    The Huffington Post:Amy Siskind:

    Why Hillary's army should rally aroundMeg Whitman...more

    The Sacramento Bee:Whitmanprepares for home stretch with biggreen bus...more

    The Associated Press: Calif.candidate Whitman stops at LArestaurant...more

    Reuters: Calif governor hopefulWhitman courts Chinese vote...more

    Politico: Jerry Brown: Mammogramsnot effective...more

    Los Angeles Times: NOWcalls forfiring of Jerry Brown staffer who usedMeg Whitman slur...more

    Los Angeles Times: Democrats urgeBrown to apologize over remark about


    The Sacramento Bee: Brownrepeatedly inserts foot in mouth overslur issue...more

    Don't Miss It...

    Meg goes toe-to-toe with Jerry Brown in final debate

    San Jose Mercury News' Scott Herhold:...Meg Whitman wonTuesday's debate. She was knowledgeable, passionate and quick enoughto poke fun at a Brown gaffe near the end.

    The Sacramento Bee's Dan Walters:Whitman was clearly the moreaggressive...

    San Francisco Chronicle's Deb Saunders:She showed some humorand drew a little blood. She put the focus on job creation and seemed

    more clear on her mission to cut the state budget.

    NBC News' Mark Murray:We saw a very aggressive Meg Whitman.

    LA Weekly's Jill Stewart:Meg Whitman...most improved debater ofthe last several years. Focus: A New California

    Hundreds rally for Meg Whitman as statewide bus tour

    kicks off

    From Meg News Channel

    Their cheers echoed through the streets, drawing interest from passersby.

    Hundreds of voters, dressed in green and white Meg 2010 T-shirts, spilledout of the doorways of the Marin County GOP headquarters and onto thesidewalks of downtown San Rafael. This group had gathered here towatch the final debate between Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown becausethey wanted to support their candidate and be part of the movement theysay is sweeping the state.

    And with every question Meg Whitman answered during Tuesdaysgubernatorial debate, this crowd of almost 300 people erupted intoapplause, rooting her on as she went toe-to-toe with Jerry Brown in whatmost media watchers observed was a great performance by Meg...more

    This Week's Releases


    Latino Faith Leader Rev. SamuelRodriguez announces support ofMeg


    Meg launches Chinese-languagetelevision ad campaign

    Statement: Dominican Universitydebate


    In Case You Missed It: JerryBrown's charter schools a work inprogress

    Whitman Campaign launches

    statewide TV ad revealing JerryBrown's soft-on-crime record

    In Case You Missed It: The SanDiego Union-Tribune joins dailynewspapers endorsing Meg

    Learn how you can pitch in andmake calls from home here.

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    For a map of volunteer offices,click here.

    For more information, please call(408) 400-3887.

    Read Meg's Road MapFor Creating Jobs

    To receive your copy in the mail,click here.

    To download a pdf, click here.

    Connect With Meg

    PAID FOR BY MEG WHITMAN FOR GOVERNOR 201020813 Stevens Creek Blvd. Suite 150, Cupertino, CA 95014Unsubscribe from this email[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]?Subject=I%27d%20Like%20To%20Volunteer%21[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://