Fiber to the X: No limits! Digital Home: Next Generation · Digital Home: Next Generation ... ZyXEL...

Fiber to the X: No limits! How to get all that bandwidth into custo- mer homes and businesses Seite 4-9 Spring 2010 Digital Home: Next Generation From infrastructure to application driven solutions Page 4-9 Market and Technology Trends for Service Providers VISION Central Home Media Library How telcos and service providers will remain competitive in a dynamic market Pg. 10-11 Active Fibre Solution with state-of-the-art infrastructure ZyXEL and Extreme Networks Pg. 12-13 End-to-end Solution with EFM Carriers connecting business customers with G.SHDSL EFM to their metro networks Pg. 14-15 Product News Pg. 16-19

Transcript of Fiber to the X: No limits! Digital Home: Next Generation · Digital Home: Next Generation ... ZyXEL...

Fiber to the X: No limits!How to get all that bandwidth into custo-

mer homes and businesses Seite 4-9

Spring 2010

Digital Home: Next GenerationFrom infrastructure to application driven solutions

Page 4-9

Market and Technology Trends for Service Providers


Central Home Media Library How telcos and service providers will remain

competitive in a dynamic market Pg. 10-11

Active Fibre with state-of-the-art infrastructure

ZyXEL and Extreme Networks Pg. 12-13

End-to-end Solution with EFMCarriers connecting business customers with

G.SHDSL EFM to their metro networks Pg. 14-15

Product News Pg. 16-19




The Next Wave Following DSLBeing diff erentiated to meet customers’ future requirements is one of the most important challenges and opportunities for service providers. A wise step is to stay competitive without taking too much risk by leveraging ZyXEL’s future-proven technologies, products and installation experience.

distant healthcare are not just future visions.

Furthermore, when installing new devices

or deploying new services, most challenges

arise regarding the ease of use. ZyXEL

understands the importance of user

experience. Thus the new GUI is designed

to minimise problems with introducing

new services or technology adaptations.

Fibre Solutions, Partnerships and Success


With the FTTH trend in Europe, service

providers need GbE Active Ethernet

solutions to meet future requirements.

ZyXEL’s Active Ethernet off ers subscribers

dedicated bandwidth of up to 1000Mbps

based on individual needs and provides

diff erentiated services for home and offi ce

environments in the same area.

The partnership with Extreme Networks

enables service providers to build a

scalable and reliable service-driven Carrier

Ethernet network. Architectural fl exibility

and intelligent service delivery were

fundamental factors in the interoperability

testing as part of Extreme Networks‘ Go

Purple Partner Program. This partnership

enables service providers to address key

challenges regarding fast failover of resilient

fi bre rings, the implementation of Quality

of Service (QoS), and network security.

The German service provider

is able to deliver a more scalable, resilient

network with advanced Ethernet and

fi bre technology. “In this context, the

combination of Extreme Networks‘ and

ZyXEL’s Active Ethernet ETTx/FTTx solution

plays an important role,” said Heiko

Liebscher, CTO for “Economics

are superior with Ethernet and fi bre,

allowing one network to serve many needs

and preparing us for the future.”

Explore the New Business Opportunities

with ZyXEL!

In addition to new solutions, there is much

more success experience to boost

providers’ business growth.

Gordon Yang, President ERBU of ZyXEL

When more people adopt DSL services

in Europe, coming challenges and

opportunities for service providers are

either to increase bandwidth with fi bre

deployment or to generate new revenues

with innovative services.

New Revenues with Innovative Digital

Home Services

Besides basic requirements, there are many

possibilities to provide digital home services.

The conception of the OSGi-enabled service

delivery platform is introduced to add new

services with great fl exibility. This platform

does not only enable service providers to

generate new revenues through innovation,

but users can also enjoy home automation

or entertainment. New services such as

energy monitoring, home surveillance, and

This Issue2-3






Editorial / Introduction

The next wave following DSL

Next Generation

From infrastructure to application driven solutions

Central Home Media Library

How telcos and service providers will remain

competitive in a dynamic market

Active Fibre Solution supplies state-of-the-art fi bre

infrastructure with ZyXEL and Extreme Networks

End-to-end Solution with EFM

Carriers connecting business customers with

G.SHDSL EFM to their metro networks

Product News

Fibrevolution with MES-2110 and FSG2200HNU;

Central Digital Media Servers NSA221 and NSA210

4 5

Digital HomeNext GenerationPervasive computing and ambient networks are two major technologies for digital home applications. Reality shows that there are three migration phases for digital home services such as: matured communications, growing entertainment and smart home market phase.

New Revenues with Innovative

Digital Home Services

The digital home market is one of the

major service markets for carriers. Almost

all carriers off er broadband access services

and plan next-generation FTTx access

services to meet future multi-service

requirements for digital home subscribers.

This happens in the communications

market phase.

Some tier-1 carriers start to off er high

defi nition IPTV, gaming, and handy widget

applications in addition to planning 3D

gaming and 3D TV in the near future. This

happens in the entertainment market phase.

Furthermore, three pilot carriers (AT&T,

BT, and NTT DoCoMo) start to off er smart

home services for trial as a new opportunity

to generate revenue from smart home

applications. This happens in the early smart

home market phase.

Smart home services off er several benefi ts.

They can generate additional higher ARPU

in addition to retaining phase-1 and phase-2

subscribers on the stick. However, it is a big

challenge for AT&T, BT, and NTT DoCoMo

because there is no standard service-on-

demand platform to extend any new

services and to reduce OPEX for many non-

standard platforms.


OSGi Technology Overview

Benefi ts of Using OSGi: OSGi (Open Service

Gateway Initiative) is an industry standard

for a lean Java-based component system

with focus on local applications following

the service-oriented or service-on-demand

architecture. The OSGi service platform

is a mature, open and dynamic modular

software system which meets the needs of

advanced home gateways and off ers more

fl exible services.

There are three main components of OSGi:

framework, bundle, and service. “Framework”

means that it is installed on a Java virtual

machine. “Bundle” means that subscribers’

applications run in the OSGi framework.

“Service” describes the interfaces of bundles.

Bundles, services, life cycle, security and

execution environment components are

briefl y described as follows:

• Bundles: Bundles are OSGi components

made by the developers.

• Services: The service layer connects

bundles in a dynamic way by off ering a

publish-fi nd-bind model for plain old

Java objects.

• Life Cycle: Life cycle is the API (Application

Programming Interface) to install, start,

stop, update and uninstall bundles.

• Modules: This is the layer which defi nes

how a bundle can import and export


• Security: This is the layer which handles

security aspects.

• Execution Environment: It defi nes what

methods and classes are available on a

specifi c platform.

OSGi Application Scenario


Data Center

Service Provider

OSGi Framework







AV Applications

Automation Control

Security and Safety

PC Type

Evolution of Digital Home Market




Phase 3

Phase 2

2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010


Satellite DSL Access Point



Smart Home

Cable Modem

Ethernet Active Fibre PON Router

Desktop PC PDA Printer Tablet PC Notebook Netbook


Internet TV Online Gaming

Home Security

Multimedia Healthcare

Home Surveillance



Phase 1


Digital Home

on the market. ZyXEL has selected Z-Wave

as fi rst priority technology for future home

sensing networks.

ZyXEL OSGi Services

The ZyXEL OSGi service-on-demand

platform can support home security,

home surveillance, healthcare monitoring,

multimedia, advertisement and toolkit


Home Security Bundle: ZyXEL’s multi-service

gateways are equipped with a Z-Wave

wireless module and can act as the central

Ubiquitous Home Services Off ering:

Carriers can off er tremendous bundle

applications to subscribers via the OSGi

service-on-demand platform, such as home

security, home surveillance, home energy-

saving, home multimedia, home automation

bundles and so on.

All bundles are stored at service providers’

data centres and on local OSGi service

gateways on the subscriber site. Subscribers

can register for standard or customised

services through the OSGi service framework

and use services at home or on remote sites.

Z-Wave for Wireless Home


Technology Overview: Z-Wave is an

innovative RF-based communication

protocol and mesh network which is

dedicated for digital home applications.

It off ers clean frequency (908MHz or

868MHz), lowest consuming power (0.1μA

for standby, 25mA for transmitting), a small

memory size and higher compatibility

advantages than ZigBee which uses 2.4

GHz world wide, 868 MHz for EU, a large

memory size to cover versatile applications

and no sensor-level profi le defi nition for

sensor vendors.

Z-Wave was developed by Zensys from

Denmark. Intel and Cisco invested in

Zensys and endorsed Z-Wave as a great

technology for smart home applications.

In addition, among Z-Wave global partners

are now more than 300 and there are

several hundred millions of Z-Wave sensors


point to control all connected wireless

sensors. Supported sensor types include

thermostat, power outlet, burglar or smoke

alarm, metre reader, door access and so

on. Subscribers can use a PC or 3G mobile

handset to control and monitor connected

sensors. They can set customised chained

triggers to react on abnormal events, such

as burglar, fi re, gas leaking and carbon

monoxide leaking alarms. Furthermore,

subscribers can set an automatic schedule

for sensors to water fl owers, feed fi sh or

turn on the air conditioning before arriving

at home.


AT&T BT NTT DoCoMo ZyXEL Solution

Service Name Remote Monitor Security FOMA Security Smart Home Service

Business Model Sell home security devices to customers

Sell home security devices to customers

Sell home security devices and 3G card to customers

Depends on carriers

Service charge (notifi cation and IP cam DVR)

Service charge (notifi cation) No service charge (3G service is the major)

Depends on carriers

Communications of Home Security Sensor

PLC (Power-Line) Wireless No Wireless (Z-Wave)

IP Cam Integration Yes through DSL No Yes through 3G Yes through DSL

Supported IP Cam #VDSL2

3 1 3 More than 400

IP Cam Supported Mobile Handset #

14 1 FOMA 3G Handsets 70% of handsets on the market

Mobile HandsetDevice Control

No No Yes Yes

PC Web Management Yes No No Yes

Remote Controller No Yes No No

DSL Integration No No No Yes

Service ExtensionApproach

Extension from limited promotion packages

Extension from limited promotion packages

Extension from limited promotion packages

Unlimited through OSGi open platform

Comparison Table of Smart Home Solutions

ZyXEL OSGi Service-on-demand Portal


OSGi: The OSGi (Open Services Gateway

initiative) Alliance is an open standards

organisation. The Alliance and its members

have specifi ed a Java-based service platform

that can be remotely managed.

Z-Wave: A wireless communications industry

defacto standard designed for home

automation, specifi cally for remote control

applications in residential and light

commercial environments. The technology

uses a low-power RF radio embedded into

home electronics devices and systems, such as

lighting, home access control, entertainment

systems and household appliances.

Z-Wave-based Smart Home Application Scenario


ZyXEL OSGi Portal Devices and Applications

Cloud Computing

Center for OSGi

3rd Party Services

Bluetooth GPS Google Map Widgets 

GoodyToolkit Google Map Presence

Personalised Advertising New Bundles Promotion

Advertisement Related Advertisement

Internet TV Music NAS

Multimedia Music and TV Streaming

Bluetooth Glucose Meters

Bluetooth Glucose Meters

Bluetooth Sphygmomanometer

Bluetooth Body Fat Meter

Healthcare Physical Status Report

Home Surveillance IP Camera

IP Camera HD on Web HD on Twitter SD on Mobile

Home Security

Z-Ware Wireless Sensor Controller

Thermostat Power Outlet Burglar Abnormal Alarm Metre Reader Door Access


Digital HomeDigital Home

Home Surveillance Bundle: ZyXEL’s home

surveillance bundle now off ers an IP camera

monitoring module which can support

more than 400 off -the-shelf IP cameras.

Confi gured home security events can set

the IP camera trigger to see the live alarm

environment. Users can use a web browser

on their PC to monitor the high-quality

live video from a confi gured IP camera or

a mobile handset to monitor the standard

quality live video.

Healthcare Bundle: ZyXEL’s healthcare

bundle now offers family-based trend

In addition, it off ers feature-rich IPTV services

with a local IPSTB device and remote cloud

computing servers. The multimedia bundle

can serve as a complementary service

control point for IPTV middleware.

Advertisement Bundle: Another interesting

potential opportunity is to off er appropriate

and valuable personal advertisement

services to subscribers. Especially carriers

know their habits and favourites well due to

subscribed OSGi bundle services. Personal

advertisements can be published on the

OSGi portal to catch subscribers’ eyes.

Toolkit Bundle: Like new successful business

types off ered by Apple’s iPhone in the

iStore and the Google Android Market Store

service, OSGi can be integrated into one of

the software stores for carriers’ customers.

Subscribers can use a PC or mobile handset

to enjoy toolkits from carriers through the

OSGi service-on-demand platform. ZyXEL’s

multi-service gateways off er a tool to present

GoogleMap. Subscribers can track via

GoogleMap where their children are, while

their children have a Bluetooth GPS with

mobile handset and ZyXEL mobile software

with them. The ZyXEL mobile software will

reports to monitor the blood pressure.

Users can monitor their blood pressure

via Bluetooth and connect to a Bluetooth

mobile handset. The mobile handset will

send the records from the blood pressure

monitor to a ZyXEL multi-service gateway.

Users can use the OSGi portal of the ZyXEL

multi-service gateway to see their personal

trend report by account.

Multimedia Bundle: It is a great potential

opportunity to off er web-based music or

video streaming services with a local NAS

device or remote cloud computing servers.

send the GPS information to a ZyXEL multi-

service gateway, and subscribers can use a

PC or mobile handset to take care of their

children for their safety.

Ready for Next Generation

OSGi with service-on-demand platform

generates new revenues from smart home

applications. ZyXEL off ers DSL/IPSTB/PON

OSGi-ready service gateways and

cooperates with carriers to increase new

revenue sources from emerging smart

home markets.

ZyXEL OSGi Smart Home Application Scenario


- Potential opportunity advertisement- Using preferences- Users’ behaviours- Better attention

Personal Advertising

- Apple Store- Google Android Market GoogleMap presence/Bluetooth GPS with mobile-Widget from 3rd parties


- NAS/IPSTB device- Remote cloud computing servers- Feature-rich IPTV service

Goodie Toolkit

- Apple Store- Google Android Market GoogleMap presence/Bluetooth GPS with mobile-Widget from 3rd parties

Remote Appliances Mgnt.

- Conditional Mgnt- Remote control (washing machine, dish washer, iRobot)


Security Center



- Health Status Monitoring- Elderly/Child Care- Bluetooth Medial devices

Home Security

- Thermostat, Power Outlet- Burglar/Smoke Alarm, Meter Reader, Door Access- Watering system, Feeding Fish, Air Conditioning

Home Surveillance

- Max. 400 IP cameras- Events-Triggered Alarm- Alarm to owner/Center

ZyXEL OSGiService-on-Demand



Digital HomeDigital Home

Customers‘ Challenges

Store and Back up: Due to the limited

capacity of webdisks it is getting more and

more diffi cult to fulfi l the growing needs

of storing personal data such as digital

photos, music, videos, etc. Moreover, the

maintenance costs for webdisks become

heavy loading for service providers to

sustain users’ satisfaction. At the same time,

users are looking for a long-term storage

solution which off ers an easy way to back

up fi les stored in their private space.

Access and Share: In order to attract

more users to subscribe to multimedia

downloading services, service providers

need a solid solution to make it easy for

users to access and share their subscribed

content anywhere at home. Instead of

sticking in front of a PC, users want to enjoy

these entertainment services on TV or

portable devices.

Content Protection: Moreover, some

telcos and service providers off er music or

video downloading services by employing

Digital Rights Management (DRM) to restrict

content usage for subscribers. In this way,

telcos and service providers off er a content

protection mechanism to ensure that

users can legally access and store during

the subscription period and to avoid illegal

duplication and distribution by unsubscribed

users. That means that home media devices

such as storages and players for home

entertainment applications have to support

the same DRM mechanism.

ZyXEL’s Ready Solution

The storage series from ZyXEL has been

developed to solve these problems and

exceeds service providers’ expectations.

Complete Backup/Sync Solution: The

ZyXEL NSA series provides extendable

storage capacity for home users to store

valuable data. Service providers’ webdisk

capacity can be used freely and save the

massive traffi c directly from users. Equipped

with an open platform integrated into the

service provider’s backend server, users can

easily backup and synchronise data from or

to the webdisk.

Perform as Media Centre: With the DLNA 1.5

certifi ed ZyXEL storage as a home media

server, users can easily share, stream and

play digital media collections through

DLNA-capable clients such as HDTV, mobile

phones or media players without having to

install special drivers.

Easy Centralised Management: By

deploying the ZyXEL storage series which

supports TR-069/140-based remote

management, service providers can

monitor the status of end user devices

remotely and more effi ciently with the

auto-confi guration server.

Content Protection: The ZyXEL storage

series is equipped with Windows Media

Digital Rights Management and off ers a

complete content protection solution for

telcos and service providers to avoid legal

infringement and profi t loss.

Remote Access: Users can use mobile

devices to access ZyXEL’s storage devices

without having to install any extra software.

Even when users are away from home,

they can stream content collections via an

authorised account access.

Connect to Future

It can be foreseen that each family will

have a storage device as media centre to

store and stream multimedia data. Through

versatile digital media players and from

mobile phones to tablet PCs, people can

enjoy mobile life and access photos, music,

and videos anywhere at anytime.

Central Home Media Library Today’s telcos and service providers are facing serious challenges generating more average revenue per user (ARPU). In order to remain competitive in a dynamic market, telcos and service providers off er paid content downloading and webdisk services.

Home Media Centre

Remote Access


Telco/SP Sytem

Media Portal

Webdisk DRM Server


Home Gateway

ZyXEL Media Server



Media AdapterGame Console

Set-top Box




Printer Sharing

Easy to Share Multimedia

One-Push Button for Fast Copy/Sync

USB Storage Digital Camera

Powerful Auto-Downloading/UploadingEthernet/Wireless




Success StorySuccess Story


Heiko Liebscher

CTO, Norderstedt

“The combination of Extreme Networks’ and

ZyXEL’s Active Ethernet ETTx, VDSL2 FTTx

solution plays an important role in providing

higher quality communications, increased

bandwidth and subscriber scale.”

Active Fibre SolutionThe city carrier in Norderstedt supplies residence customers in greater Hamburg with Internet, telephony, and cable TV multi-service over its state-of-the-art fi bre infrastructure from ZyXEL and Extreme Networks.

data services delivering high-quality triple

play services in the Norderstedt area.

Combining ZyXEL’s MEF certifi ed Carrier

Ethernet switches, leading VDSL2 DSLAMs

and Extreme Networks’ BlackDiamond

12000 series, successfully

supplies residence customers in greater

Hamburg with Internet, telephony, and

cable TV service.

High Quality Solution

“ is delivering a more scalable,

resilient network with advanced Ethernet

and fi bre technology. The combination

of Extreme Networks’ and ZyXEL’s Active

Ethernet ETTx, VDSL2 FTTx solution plays

an important role in providing higher

quality communications, increased

bandwidth and subscriber scale,” said

Heiko Liebscher, CTO for “The

economies are superior with Ethernet

and fi bre, allowing one network to serve

many needs and preparing us for the


Extreme Networks’ Carrier Ethernet

switches are designed to provide service

providers with fl exible and cost-eff ective

solutions to meet their high availability

requirements for converged services. “We

are pleased to have ZyXEL join our Go

Purple Partner Program and add to the

best-of-breed vendors which promote

interoperable and scalable networks,” said

Dick O‘Hara, director of strategic alliances

for Extreme Networks. “Customers benefi t

from proven solutions which are cost-

eff ective and ready for deployment.”

ZyXEL‘s Carrier Ethernet product quality

has been recognised by global telecom

operators for years. The Ethernet

technology performance meets the

challenging demands of operators in the

construction and development of Carrier

Ethernet networks.

Future Prospects

Successfull Partnership: The new alliance

between ZyXEL Communications and

Extreme Networks will complete the end-

to-end Carrier Ethernet product portfolio

for service providers. With architectural

fl exibility and intelligent service delivery

mechanisms, service provider customers

will be able to build a scalable and reliable

service-driven metro network for maximum

return on investment.

Market Challenge

Multi-service is a trend and defi nitely

the key for service providers to attract or

sustain subscribers. Foreseeing constant

bandwidth demand driven by multi-service,

data, voice and video, service providers

need to have the ambition to build up a

reliable and secure fi bre network to the

home which provides new-generation IP

services for their subscribers.

Background: In December 2009, Extreme

Networks, Inc. and ZyXEL Communications,

a leading broadband access solutions

provider, announced that ZyXEL‘s MEF

certifi ed Carrier Ethernet switches and

Extreme Networks‘ Carrier Ethernet

solutions, including the BlackDiamond

20800 Carrier Ethernet transport switch,

have been jointly tested for interoperability

to ensure reliable network performance.

They are thus able to off er a comprehensive

integrated FTTx solution for service


Architectural fl exibility and intelligent

service delivery were tested for

interoperability as part of Extreme Networks‘

Go Purple Partner Program. The companies

also evaluated fast failover over resilient

rings, the implementation of Quality

of Service (QoS), and network security.

These jointly tested solutions help service

providers to build a scalable and reliable

service-driven Carrier Ethernet network.

The city carrier is a cable operator

off ering customised communication and

12 13

14 15

Future-oriented, Economic Investment: It

preserves capital investment by enabling

operators to deliver new revenue-generating

services with the infrastructure they already

have. Furthermore, it dramatically reduces

the trouble and expense of installing fi bre-

optic cables by using existing, pre-installed

bundles of twisted-pair cable to deliver

broadband network access in the fi rst mile.

With the ZyXEL IES-708-22A G.SHDSL.bis,

an 8-port IP DSLAM, it is possible to

create symmetrical connections by using

port bonding. Bundling up to eight pairs

of copper wires makes point-to-point

connections of up to 45.6Mbps possible.

When a link fails, the data traffi c is

distributed to the remaining connections

within the group by means of the multi-

EFM - G.SHDSLEnd-to-end Solution with EFMToday‘s carriers are eager to connect business customers to their metro networks. The G.SHDSL EFM (Ethernet-in-the-First-Mile) technology is the best solution for enterprises demanding a certain amount of transmission over symmetric bandwidth.

Ethernet-to-theEnd Customer

EFM, also known as IEEE 802.3ah, is a

mature technology for delivering symmetric

bandwidth to businesses, government

offi ces, and organisations with multiple

locations (cell sites). It allows continuous

standard Ethernet network coverage across

the globe, eliminating non-native transport

such as Ethernet over ATM from access

networks. EFM delivers up to 5.7Mbps per

line with standard equipment supporting

up to 8-way bonding. It off ers a relatively

high-performance connection with up to

45Mbps bandwidth symmetrically with high

stability, low delay and low packet loss.

G-SHDSL EFM has the advantage of

maximising the performance of copper

wire with higher speed and longer distance

coverage. By leveraging pre-installed

bundles of twisted-pair cable to deliver

fi rst-mile broadband network access,

ZyXEL’s bonded G.SHDSL solution with EFM

smoothes the issue of fi bre-optic cable

installation. In addition, it off ers diff erent

bandwidth packages by using the G.SHDSL

bonding technology. It is the best solution

which enables carriers to expand their

service off erings in a high-margin enterprise


The use of IP over Ethernet in subscriber

access applications eliminates unnecessary

network layers. It reduces the number of

network elements in a network and the costs

of equipment, operations and complexity.

Simple architectures are always easier to

manage especially in this complicated

central environment. In the fi rst mile, native

Ethernet on copper or optical fi bre networks

off er signifi cant cost-eff ective advantages

compared with other technologies. IP/

Ethernet networks coexist with time-

division multiplexing (TDM) services.

14 15

pair bonding function (ITU G. bond or ITU

G.998.1) between two IES-708. When the link

becomes available again, it is automatically

reintegrated into the group. Diff erent or

unsteady line quality within the group does

not cause any interruptions. The ZyXEL

IES-708-22A can – depending on the

fi rmware which is loaded – be used either

as a STU-C (IP-DSLAM) or STU-R (end device).

ZyXEL’s P-792 G.SHDSL.bis models comply

with the ITU-T 991.2 G.SHDSL and G.SHDSL.bis

standard and IEEE 802.3ah. They off er

superior reliability of Ethernet connectivity

with unmatched rate and reach. The P-793

complies with ITU-T G.998.1 (G. Bond)

support for the 4-wire bundle for higher

bandwidth and longer distance.

Service Providers‘ Benefi t

By employing ZyXEL’s end-to-end G.SHDSL

solution with EFM for business customers

on customer premises, service providers

can quickly and cost-eff ectively roll-out

profi table broadband services to businesses,

governments, schools and other

organisations by fulfi lling the demand of

higher bandwidth with manageable costs.

LocationZyXEL product list for end-to-end G.SHDSL with EFM


At CO site

IES-6000 with SLC1348G-22 (SLC1348G-22)

IES-5000 with SLC1348G-22

At remote site

IES-5005 with SLC1348G-22

IES-1000 with SAM1316-22

At subscriber building


At subscriber site

P-791R v2 Gateway

P-792H v2 Security Gateway

P-793H v2 Bonding and Security Gateway

IP Core Network

Active Fibre GWFSG1100H

CO MSANIES-6000/IES-5000

Compact DSLAM +G.SHDSL.bis Extension ModuleIES-1000 + SAM 1316

Remote MSAN + 48-port EFM/ATMG.SHDSL/G.SHDSL.bis Line CardIES-5005 + SLC1348G

G.SHDSL.bis GWP793 v2/P792H v2

G.SHDSL.bis GWP793H v2/P792H v2

IP ExpressIES-1000

Fuse rated: F3A250VAC




1 5

4 8





4 8













P-700 seriesETHERNET

















P-700 seriesETHERNET










Example of G.SHDSL EFM Technology Scenario


Product NewsProduct Newsfeatures enable providers to deliver triple

play services to their subscribers.

The ZyXEL MES-2110 is a wire-speed, high-

performance Active Fibre premise switch.

It is designed to be used with standard-

based management protocols for remote

monitoring and confi guration.

The ZyXEL FSG2200HNU is designed

for integrated Internet services through

Active Fibre. It is equipped with a 1GbE

fi bre WAN interface, four GbE LAN ports

and 802.11b/g/n WLAN. It is also equipped

with two POTS ports for VoIP services.

Considering CATV and ease of fi bre

deployment, the FSG2200HNU can be used

in connection with optional ZyXEL FTU

(Fibre Tray Unit) series products. Additionally,

it allows remote confi guration of features

and provision by TR-069.

Gigabit Active Fibrevolution MES-2110

Active Fibre Access/Premise Switch

Effi cient carrier-grade premise switch

designed for service providers to off er

reliable triple play services.

Key features:

2 dual personality ports (1000Base SFP or

100Base SFP)

8 10/100Mbps FE LAN ports

4K VLAN ID/8K MAC entries

5.6Gbps non-blocking switch

Support of DDMI SFP

802.1Q VLAN,Q-in-Q

802.3ad LACP, 802.1w RSTP

IP source guard




Active Fibre IAD

Designed for integrated Internet services

through Gigabit Active Fibre. Collocating

with optional ZyXEL FTU series products,

it is an ideal solution for CATV and Internet

triple play services.

Key features:

1 1000Base-BX(TX1310/RX1490)

4 10/100/1000Mbps GbE LAN ports

2 FXS ports

802.11 b/g/n WLAN

2 USB 2.0 Port

Support of optional ZyXEL FTU


SPI fi rewall, IPSec VPN, QoS




Gigabit Active Fibre can meet all

requirements for constant bandwidth

demand in future. It enables service

providers to deliver high-speed voice,

data, and video services to subscribers.

Market Trend: Hundreds of networks

around the world – and particularly in

Europe – use Active Fibre solutions to deliver

high-speed voice, data, and video services

to single-family homes and apartment


Advantage of Active Fibre: With a point-

to-point (P2P, also known as Active Fibre)

network architecture, Active Fibre has the

advantage of off ering subscribers dedicated

bandwidth of up to 1000Mbps without

sharing any port in any way. Additionally,

the business model is also a key factor

for fi bre operators to design their fi bre

infrastructure. Active Fibre is also considered

as a more convenient method to support

an open access services model, which many

municipalities and utilities favour. Thanks to

VLAN technology, moving a subscriber from

one provider to another is relatively fl exible

and straightforward. The owner of an Active

Fibre infrastructure can easily establish a

wholesale fi bre connection to other Internet

service and content providers. In a generic

Active Fibre architecture, the aggregation/

access switch known as COE device is placed

as POP (Point of Presence) connecting

each CPE (Customer Premises Equipment)

installed on individual subscriber premises.

ZyXEL‘s Comprehensive Solution: As

Active Fibre CPE, both the ZyXEL MES-2110

metro switch and the FSG2200HNU Active

Fibre IAD (Integrated Access Device) are

designed for a variety of business models

and customer applications. Equipped with

integrated QoS features, they ensure that

time-critical applications are handled with

the required quality and performance. These


Product Newsto/from NSA and webdisk. The encrypted

remote replication feature guarantees

users high-level data protection of valuable


Easy to Use: In order to fulfi l increasing

demands of multimedia streaming, the

intuitive user interface makes it easy for users

to access the main functions and manage

photos, videos and music fi les just in

seconds. The user interface off ers graphical

indicators instead of text command lines

so that users can quickly preview the fi les

through thumbnails and play them with

the integrated media player. The advanced

fi le auto-classifi cation function guarantees

more convenience: Users can just drag

music, photo and video fi les to the shortcut

on the desktop, and the fi les will be

automatically classifi ed in the designated

folders created on the ZyXEL NSA.

Central Digital Media ServerNSA221

2-Bay Media Server

Complete backup/synchronisation solution

and open platform for integrating telcos/

SP backend servers fulfi lling the demands

of remote service management.

Key features:

1 Gbit Ethernet / 3 USB ports

TR-069/140 ready


Backup/restore via Webdisk

Media server

Mobility access




1-Bay Media Server

Cost-eff ective centralised digital media

server for storing, streaming and sharing

multimedia fi les that fulfi ls the demands of

remote service management.

Key features:

1 Gbit Ethernet/1 eSATA /2 USB ports

TR-069/140 ready


Backup/restore via webdisk

Mobility access




With a powerful backup solution and

network applications, the ZyXEL NSA

series helps service providers to introduce

new services for users to store, share and

stream multimedia data online.

Store, Back up and Share: Equipped with

high-volume storage capacity, the ZyXEL

network storage appliance series off ers

powerful data management and a backup

solution. With a high-performance platform

integrated with service providers’ backend

servers, the ZyXEL NSA series enables home

users to download DRM-protected videos

or music from service providers’ servers

to their home storage and delivers the

content to the player. The UPnP and DLNA

1.5 certifi ed features of the NSA make it easy

to effi ciently access, share and enjoy music

and videos from any compatible media

player or TV. The ZyXEL NSA series’ platform

also enables auto-downloading/uploading

without powering a PC and free upgrades

of system resources for a PC. Users can

freely access and share multimedia content

which has been downloaded to a home

storage device. Additionally, the ZyXEL NSA

is equipped with a WebDAV (Web-based

Distributed Authoring and Versioning)

mechanism, which allows users remote

access to content via a mobile phone and

PC when they are away from home.

Data Security: Additionally, the ZyXEL NSA

series provides a complete set of backup

solutions for home and SOHO users.

Besides, it provides auto-backup from PC

to NSA and instant backup from external

USB storage to PC by pressing the “Copy/

Sync” button. Furthermore, the ZyXEL NSA

series off ers a “Backup Planner” solution

for a scheduled backup from the NSA210/

NSA221 to other ZyXEL NSA devices. The

ZyXEL NSA also supports backup/reload


Experience Network Technologies

2010/03, Copyright © ZyXEL Communications Corp. All rights reserved. ZyXEL, ZyXEL logo are registered trademarks of ZyXEL Communications Corp. All other brands, product names, or trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. All specifi cations are subject to change without notice.

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