fib - University of ·...

r &A ' EH.- - PJ" ES.. ' Wj B,v TfiE'DAMBELE'M" IS 1UUM3I1K1 Every Afternoon Except Sundays At the Olllec, QiimIi atreut, Honolulu, H. I. ARTHUR JOHNSTONE.... Editor & Mananor, VUUTI1K- - DAILY BULLETIN PUBLliHINa COMPANY, (Limited.) MimttiHtir-rioNrt- : Dailt Bulletin, lyeur,.. ..3n 00 " 0 mouths 3 00 " " pur monih"(do- - Uverud) 00 Bulletin Weekly Summaky, I ' 00 year 9 foreign 6oO Telephones Xo.xaa.-- t nil business communica- tions ''Daily Bulletin." H3TAddress all matter for publlca-tlo- u "Kuitok Daily bullkyin " V. O. UX HO. Honolulu, II. 1. Couiuutimcm 24nicnautB. T. wathuhousb, John Importer auil Deuler in Gouor.i Merchandise, ijueuii si., Honolulu I XJlL.DlSH St OO., YV Dealers In Lumber, Paints, Jlis," Mails, Sal, and Building Material of every kiud, cor. Fort auit Queen Hts., Honolulu. ' S. N. (Jastlo.-- .! U. AlUertoii-- O. 1'. Castle i 1ASTL15 Hi GOOKK, j Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers aud Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King at., Honolulu. 1 Lowurs, F. J. Lowioy U. M. (Jooko. Oz OOOKIi, (.successors to Lowers &. Dickson,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all KindB ol Building Materials, ITort street, Honolulu trjirtl HONOLULU IEON WOHKB, ggpj&ttSteain engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers j iron, brass and leaUeaal; ing's; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention, paid to ship's black smithing. Job work oxo cuted at short notice I ii..vju:ifMu-.- o st. o.. 11. General Commission Agents. Honolulu Q. W. MAGFARLANE & Co. 1MPOUTJSUB AN!) COMMISSION MKUOHANTS. Queen street, llonolulu 11 J 10W GONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchant Beaver Block, Honolulu. BBUWEK ii COMPANY, o (Limited) GuNBUAL MKUCANTII.K AND Commission Aokntk list or orFlOBBB: P. O. Joneb, Jr. .. .President & Manager I. O. Oabtkb. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary sihbotobs: Hon. G. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen, ' H. Wateuhoubb. Gustav A.. Schuman Carriage Trimmer. No. 70 & 81 : : King Street. At ,W. Wright & Son's: Having received a full assortment of Carriage Trimming Materials from he. East, I am prepared to exec'uto all ordort. with neatness and despatoh a very rea- sonable iites. G. A. HOH UM AN. apr 7.0-l- y Piopeer Shirt Factory 104 Fort SL, Upstairs. The undersigned bogs to inform thu public of tbbse Islauda tlmt. bo making MliirtH ly Meiuiuroment I Directions forself-meusuremo- will bu given on application. WuUoSntrt6,Owshlrts& Hlgbt Gowns A tl' guitruntou by making a sample Hlilr! to uvory order, lilind order lollclled Bell Tiliphone 410 rj'M Hore01ipping I ! 11111 lllliHWrJP'i l,l',',"y!' I 'IP mnjjmmmm Thoroughbred -:-- tain STAIiMON .tf& ( DUKE SPENCER," Will stand for a short, time at the Greonfield Stables, Kaplolani Park. Dukb Si'KNOim ts a dnrk bay, 4 years old; stands 15 hands high; kind and gentle disposition. PJiDIGBEM t By Duke of Norfolk. 1st dam Lou Spencer by Norfolk 2nd dam Ballerina. Imp Buliownle 3rd dam llemilo Farrow by imp. Shamrock 4th dam Ida by imp. Balskazzar Cth dam Madam Bnsley (Gamma's Dam) by Mr Richard 0th tliim Nancy Nlchol.. .by imp. Eagle 7th dam Bet. Uoslcy by Wilkes' Wonder 8th dam by Chanticleer 9th dam. by imp. Sterling 10th daiii by fjlodlus Uth dnm by Imp. Sllveroye 12th dam by imp. Jolly Rdger 18th dam by imp. Partner 14th dam ,by imp. Monkoy lBtli dam Imp. mare from the stud of Harrison, of Brandon TERMS $50. isy Best of care tnkon with animals. In case of accident no responsibility will be assumed. W. H. KTCKxUtD, 022 tf Honokaa, Hawaii. fib MM CO. ((.I9IITEUO Wm. G. Invln. . President fe Manager Clans Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt Walter M. Glffard Secretary & Treasurer Theo. C. Porter Auditor SUGAR FACTORS Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THK Oceanic Steams! dirt, Of Han Francisco. Cat. HAiMERSlITH & FIELD, m Khvcx ;ovL go I6?0iir New Artotype Hlustrated Catalogue sent free on application. UN HUTTF.H NT., Man FranelHro. : s California. may JlUi moo. 111!! PIONEER, mkl CAM FACTORY ANU BAIUSRV. P. HORN, Practical Confectione-- , Pastry CooL and Baker. 71 Hotel St. -- a- Telephoiie 74. THOS. LINDSAY, MANUFAOTUKING iTwhir Sc WiitsliinnUr KUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY, Kliifj;Htreol,lIo!Uilulu, II. I, Stay J'riilluiilur mifiiiilou mi Id all hlmls hi iuiuliM. Jiui.m-H- A, G, BILVA, liS . A7i Until Hlrmd, IMI'OIITHII )' PurnlturalMattln& Carpet Imld J.HOPP&CO. Km 74 King St. 74 King St. Importers of Rattan and Rood Furniture. Pianos and Furniture Moved With Care. Matting' and Carpets Laid. CORM8CE POLES Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Specialty. CHAIKOTO KITJINT. apr-10-8- 8 si The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at Ml Hours The Finest Brands of Ciprs, Jfe. Tobacco Always on IJ and. II. J. NOI.TE. Proprietor. Heat Company 81 KING STREET, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager Wholesale & Retail Butcher AND .NAVY CONTRACTORS. 1717 ly WAULER & REDWARD, Controetors fe Builders. Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings; estimates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 70 King street. Hell Tele-pho- ne No. 2. P. O. Hox423. ap-5-I- y NTERPHiS PLANING 'MILL, 4liikea, uour' Queen St. I Tfiloplnnio Xn. an: I GEORGE LUCAS, Contractor Mfe & Bulldor. Honolulu Steam Pinning Mill, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Hughes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood- work finish, Turning, Scroll and Baud Sawing. 'AH kinds of Sawing and Planing, Morticing and Tenanting. C& Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other Islands solicited. TAI WO CHAN, If- - Manufacturer of Ladies' & Gentlemen's French Kid, Calf & 'Kangaroo SKIN SUOICS MADK TO OIIDKR. reused orHtMvol. AIho. Hui1IIm. 88 NuuMiu St., : : : P.O. Box 203. ap 7 t)0-l-y WEMER.& CO. , JIunufuoturliittJuwnllerH. NO. OS lTOllT HT11J3I2T. Constantly on hand a large assortment of every description of Jewelry. Watches Gold and Silver I lated Ware, &u. jsh ly WEIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY. Fort Street, next Luoa' Mill. HP Carriage Builders, 8lilp'f Wcknlllilng, Orsyi, Coils & Waynn rjulliilnn ti tpeclalty. Kvmy ili'Knilpiluii u win).' In thu uImivm IIimik puifiii'iiinil In u ilrl f4M liiiiniu'i' Mini i'X!miini mi sImii I not leu. AUUVORKQUAUANTEr-P-, tm; iJnli'i; .fpiin im ilir I'!imI wilh'liwli VV1U u' vlmm lu wu "II i)i' NEW MILLINERY GOODS ! Latest Fall Novelties ! AT N. S. Sachs", ; : : 104 For Street Samples of the Fall Style's In TRIMMED HATS & BONNETS NOW OPEN FOR INHPECTltfN. New Plumes, New Birds, New Wings, Fancy JEMald Milieu &. HIouoiib, lioio iSilk Ac AT POPULAR - MILLINlRY - HOUSE; lOd Fort Stre4t, Honolulu. This SpaciQ S. EHBLICH. "temple - o CORNER HOTKL Telephones, No. 175, il fffe.B! F Box Mfl.- - t Velvet Flowersi THE lk Reserved LEVY. mam n &JFORT STREETS. Cor. Ediiiburg & Queen Sts. i i -- Tolephono No. 92. Box 207. BijjM'iBJUjiu5uiuwjiuB.)aMimiiwiftiii iiiiiiVi'ViiuiijViWwiii'iiiiiiVmajMjii OFFER AT BED ROOK PRICES-- : o CALIFORNIA HAY, OATH, BRAN, OIL CAKE MEM,, LINSEED) MEAL, BARLEY, ROLLED' BARLEY, MIDDLING GROUND BARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR. FliOTJR' EETAltU, Golden Gilt & Sal in an- - FliOUR P. O. 8. - -- P. O. . E. MclrTYRE & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groynes, Pro-vision- s and Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. o NOw Goods received by every inuskot from Eadturn 'States and Europe, Fresli California Produce by uvury Hteamor. All orders faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of (lie city fico of charge. Istund ordprs solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. nuv'-l-8(- ) Telephone 210.. LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, IL 1 Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers1 in Groceries & Provisions, lr, ON 1OI0 -- t& IJy (wild nipiiiiinr of Hit . 8. H. Ho. fniin Onllfoi uln IimIi Oulttfuriilii Hull Hiillur, I'niwiii Dyi-lpi- s iiml Ifin-- li UiilifniiilirKiiills, fUlddHmii, VnuituliN i'o., nlo, A 'nni;li'lu linn of lloisii ,V tMk WiV J. f. Morloil'n UuiHH'il A llolllml IJiiimU iiljviiyn oil hiiinl- AUu, jllsl MttVMi H frl llliu n( (Imillilll 'lilt's mill I'uiii'il MiMiu mnl llimlnl I'ivhiviiI I'niiln, ,hvIn A Ci-'- mm imnl HiiHiir l Mini ItiiiiiiiiMl lliiiuiii. New lllU..! Uiinuils, I'lram Q,il I'luliiv diui iiii'iiiii wim-ij- i Vl'iiiw, Hli U'iiiuiu unil I'lillfiirnlH lllvprTii' Orauiittii Uiuhuii Jliulnmii ViHuiuw, )iii,, FiuJu jflp. t!hbl!l'tlUiiltm J !!U'fl!liflO Union, Firo & Murine Insurance Co., L'd, Of Now Kcnland. Capital $10,000,000 Klrc risks taken on Uwelllngh, Ston:, Storehouses and Content. AIho. Hngat and Hlco Mills, Machinery, Etc, Ktn Jliirlno IiiMiiritnou n Hulls, Cargoes and Freights. Los-pai- d horo. J. S. WALB-EE- , Agent for Hawaiian lalandu jan.ft-9- 0 CASTLE & COOKE, Liio, Firo & Marino Insurance Agents ! AGENTS TOW. Hew England Hntnal Life Ins. Co., OF'' BOSTON. tna F(re Ins. Co. of Hartford. UNION Insuranqe Company, fire A aiarluc. OV SAN FRANCISCO, OALIFOIINIA. Jan-89- NEW YORK Life Insurairce COMPANY. Assets, : : $iobl058;i60V.'96 "Facts are Stubborn Things." At every ago, ou every premium table, and in every year the AC TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies of the New York Life Insurance Co. have beeu LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY issuing similar policies. For particulars apply to V. O. HISUUKlt, Gen'l Agent Huwaiiau Inlands. 283 tf FIRE, LIFE, MARINE iNSURAiNCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, $6,288,001 Anglo-Nevnd- a Aumranoe Corporatio (Fire anil Marino) Capital,1 paid up, $2,000,000 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co (Limited) Assets, $6,124,057 New York Life Insurance Co. Asset. $105.053.60.'.90 aO.BEKGKl HONOLtT' ' General Agent, Uurn Ulanda. 1053 Ly CASTLE & COtfkE, iailOUTKHH, Hardware, Shipping CommiBBion Merchants. DEALERS IN General Merchandise ! Plantation Agents, Life, Fire & Marine Insurance AgejiU, Knlll tlON'M.IJLI II I II SIM VOLCANO STABLES, (Witluiiuenuit Htrmit.) Carriages at t Minute's Notice, AIho Hmlilm Mih'HMM, 0irrlnui Huyglui, Hrekei or Oyrit, ihiv or ntunr VIIiBDN DHONn Ifuiilswiij Jlrfei.ll. iiuidl' ilJ)'IE I W mnt If" .fc.t. 1n .Hfc4i JM. MONSARRAT. Attorney at Law& Notary Puhllo 147 Merchant Street, llonolulu. tf J ALFRED MAGOON, Attorney at Law & Notary Public 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu., ly Balm Locomo Hires The undersigned huvlug been appotutsd sole aguuU for the Hawaiian Islands For tho Colebrated Baliwii LocoitivDs From the works of Burham, Parry, Williams & Co.', t'lilladcliilila. renn.. Are now prepared to give estimates and receive orders for these engines; of any'-siz- and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Wokks are now manufacturing a style of Loco- motive particularly adapted For Plantation Parp'o'ses, A number of which have recently beeu received at these Islands, aud we will have pleasure in furnishing plantation agents uuu managers will) particular of same. Tho superiority of these Locomotives over all other makes is uot only known ' here but is acknowledged throughout the United States. Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., L'd, Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands. 402 24 w-- ly r Co:. ) I'd.': B. F. Dillingham, President; J. G. Spencer, Manager; F. L. Win- ter, Treasurer. THE VERY LATEST IX Piano Lamps, Banqiiet'Laiups, Jjltorary1 LanipH, Hall Lamps & Chandelioi'o Just Received from the Factory. A New Line if Refrigerators; A Full Line of tbe Favorite Eddy's Refrigerators & Ice' Chests, Dlsston's Saws & Files; New Line of Locks, Shell-Hardwa- re, Etc., Planet, Jr., Cultivators. Pictures Frames & Mouldings. 1 Pacific Hardware Co., L'd. 550 tf Fort & Merchant sts. . I CHANGE of RESIDENCE! Or. OlilVKU Has removed from Fort street to Jto- -i hello Lane, Palama Ofkick Houit.s: 0 a.m. to 12 u. and '8 l. li. to a l. M. Mutual 410 tf A. H. RASE3IANN, Book-bind- er, Paper-rul- ei & Blank-b- o jfc Manufacturer. No. Merchant street, Up stairs. oet-l-88- G. MULLER & Co., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMiTHS Bethel Strest, "Damon's Block," Corner store. Surgical & Musical Instruments neatly repaired at reasonable rates, rowing Machines nud repairing of ul kinds a spcclaltv. All kinds of Safes & Scale, repaired. Household Sewing Machines for sale, E. B. THOMAS, Contractor gjj a Builder. Kitlmuttfg Given on Uriel;, Iron, Storm it Woodun Buildings. Jobbing Atleudeii lo, KEEPS FOHHAI.K Brick, Lime, Cemeul, Piaster of Paris, Mitrhlu Unit, Wliu aU, OBllforniiJ Nurlh llouoli d Suits Onu Rami, cjuuriy rili' ii'ij. nlili ll(l lilllMI PliHiimi rin.iiv Mini iv nmiiti In Tllui In Jttl'luiUlltllHillHi UlU IlltU I'f IllUlll! UIV. , w MinMii-uiiiJiuj- iii mm hits ! '( '!

Transcript of fib - University of ·...


&A 'EH.- -






Every Afternoon Except Sundays

At the Olllec, QiimIi atreut, Honolulu,H. I.

ARTHUR JOHNSTONE.... Editor & Mananor,




MimttiHtir-rioNrt- :

Dailt Bulletin, lyeur,.. ..3n 00" 0 mouths 3 00

" " pur monih"(do- -Uverud) 00

Bulletin Weekly Summaky, I' 00year 9

foreign 6oO

Telephones Xo.xaa.-- t

nil business communica-tions ''Daily Bulletin."

H3TAddress all matter for publlca-tlo- u

"Kuitok Daily bullkyin "V. O. UX HO. Honolulu, II. 1.

Couiuutimcm 24nicnautB.

T. wathuhousb,John Importer auil Deuler in Gouor.iMerchandise, ijueuii si., Honolulu I

XJlL.DlSH St OO.,YV Dealers In Lumber, Paints,

Jlis," Mails, Sal, and Building Materialof every kiud, cor. Fort auit Queen Hts.,Honolulu. '

S. N. (Jastlo.-- .! U. AlUertoii-- O. 1'. Castle

i 1ASTL15 Hi GOOKK,j Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers aud Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King at.,Honolulu. 1

Lowurs, F. J. Lowioy U. M. (Jooko.

Oz OOOKIi,(.successors to Lowers &. Dickson,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allKindB ol Building Materials, ITort street,Honolulu

trjirtl HONOLULU IEON WOHKB,ggpj&ttSteain engines, sugar mills, boil-

ers, coolers j iron, brass and leaUeaal;ing's; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention, paidto ship's black smithing. Job work oxocuted at short notice I

ii..vju:ifMu-.- o st. o..11.General Commission Agents.




Queen street, llonolulu 11 J



Wholesale Grocers & Wino Merchant

Beaver Block, Honolulu.


Commission Aokntk

list or orFlOBBB:

P. O. Joneb, Jr. . . .President & ManagerI. O. Oabtkb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

sihbotobs:Hon. G. R. Bishop. S. C. Allen,' H. Wateuhoubb.

Gustav A.. SchumanCarriage Trimmer.

No. 70 & 81 : : King Street.

At ,W. Wright & Son's:

Having received a full assortment ofCarriage Trimming Materials from he.East, I am prepared to exec'uto all ordort.with neatness and despatoh a very rea-sonable iites.

G. A. HOH UM AN.apr 7.0-l-y

Piopeer Shirt Factory104 Fort SL, Upstairs.

The undersigned bogs to inform thupublic of tbbse Islauda tlmt. bo making

MliirtH ly Meiuiuroment I

Directions forself-meusuremo- willbu given on application.

WuUoSntrt6,Owshlrts& Hlgbt Gowns

A tl' guitruntou by making a sampleHlilr! to uvory order,

lilind order lollclled Bell Tiliphone 410


Hore01ipping I

! 11111 lllliHWrJP'i l,l',',"y!' I 'IP


Thoroughbred -:-- tainSTAIiMON



Will stand for a short, time atthe

Greonfield Stables, Kaplolani Park.

Dukb Si'KNOim ts a dnrk bay, 4 yearsold; stands 15 hands high; kind andgentle disposition.

PJiDIGBEM tBy Duke of Norfolk.

1st dam Lou Spencer by Norfolk2nd dam Ballerina. Imp Buliownle3rd dam llemilo Farrow

by imp. Shamrock4th dam Ida by imp. BalskazzarCth dam Madam Bnsley (Gamma's

Dam) by Mr Richard0th tliim Nancy Nlchol.. .by imp. Eagle7th dam Bet. Uoslcy

by Wilkes' Wonder8th dam by Chanticleer9th dam. by imp. Sterling10th daiii by fjlodlusUth dnm by Imp. Sllveroye12th dam by imp. Jolly Rdger18th dam by imp. Partner14th dam ,by imp. MonkoylBtli dam Imp. mare from the stud of

Harrison, of Brandon

TERMS $50.isy Best of care tnkon with animals.

In case of accident no responsibilitywill be assumed.

W. H. KTCKxUtD,022 tf Honokaa, Hawaii.

fib MM CO.


Wm. G. Invln. . President fe ManagerClans Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt

Walter M. GlffardSecretary & Treasurer

Theo. C. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THK

Oceanic Steams! dirt,Of Han Francisco. Cat.


m Khvcx ;ovL go

I6?0iir New Artotype HlustratedCatalogue sent free on application.


Man FranelHro. : s California.may

JlUi moo. 111!!



ANU BAIUSRV.P. HORN, Practical Confectione-- ,

Pastry CooL and Baker.71 Hotel St. -- a- Telephoiie 74.




Kliifj;Htreol,lIo!Uilulu, II. I,

Stay J'riilluiilur mifiiiilou mi Id allhlmls hi iuiuliM. Jiui.m-H-

A, G, BILVA,liS . A7i Until Hlrmd,

IMI'OIITHII )'PurnlturalMattln& Carpet Imld


74 King St. 74 King St.

Importers of

Rattan and Rood Furniture.

Pianos and FurnitureMoved With Care.

Matting' and Carpets Laid.

CORM8CE POLESFine Upholstering & Bedding

A Specialty.


siThe Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at Ml HoursThe Finest Brands of

Ciprs, Jfe. Tobacco

Always on IJ and.II. J. NOI.TE. Proprietor.

Heat Company81 KING STREET,

G. J. WALLER, - - ManagerWholesale & Retail Butcher




Controetors fe Builders.Brick, Stone and Wooden Buildings;estimates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 70 King street. Hell Tele-pho- ne

No. 2. P. O. Hox423. ap-5-I- y


4liikea, uour' Queen St.I Tfiloplnnio Xn. an: I

GEORGE LUCAS,Contractor Mfe & Bulldor.

Honolulu Steam Pinning Mill, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,Hughes, Doors, ami all kinds of wood-work finish, Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. 'AH kinds of Sawing andPlaning, Morticing and Tenanting.C& Orders promptly attended to and

work guaranteed. Orders from theother Islands solicited.


Manufacturer of Ladies' & Gentlemen's

French Kid, Calf & 'KangarooSKIN SUOICS MADK TO OIIDKR.

reused orHtMvol. AIho. Hui1IIm.88 NuuMiu St., : : : P.O. Box 203.

ap 7 t)0-l-y

WEMER.& CO., JIunufuoturliittJuwnllerH.

NO. OS lTOllT HT11J3I2T.Constantly on hand a large assortment

of every description of Jewelry. WatchesGold and Silver I lated Ware, &u.

jsh ly


Fort Street, next Luoa' Mill.

HPCarriage Builders,

8lilp'f Wcknlllilng, Orsyi, Coils &

Waynn rjulliilnn ti tpeclalty.

Kvmy ili'Knilpiluii u win).' In thuuImivm IIimik puifiii'iiinil In u ilrl f4Mliiiiniu'i' Mini i'X!miini mi sImii I not leu.

AUUVORKQUAUANTEr-P-,tm; iJnli'i; .fpiin im ilir I'!imI

wilh'liwli VV1U u' vlmm lu wu "II i)i'


Latest Fall Novelties !


N. S. Sachs", ; : : 104 For Street

Samples of the Fall Style's In


New Plumes, New Birds, New Wings,

Fancy JEMald Milieu &. HIouoiib,

lioio iSilk Ac


POPULAR - MILLINlRY - HOUSE;lOd Fort Stre4t, Honolulu.

This SpaciQ


"temple -oCORNER HOTKL

Telephones, No. 175,

il fffe.B! F

Box Mfl.--


Velvet FlowersiTHE

lk Reserved


mam n


Cor. Ediiiburg & Queen Sts.i i

--Tolephono No. 92.

Box 207.

BijjM'iBJUjiu5uiuwjiuB.)aMimiiwiftiii iiiiiiVi'ViiuiijViWwiii'iiiiiiVmajMjii






FliOTJR' EETAltU, Golden Gilt & Sal in an- - FliOURP. O.



-- P. O.


Groynes, Pro-vision- s and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.


NOw Goods received by every inuskot from Eadturn 'States and Europe,Fresli California Produce by uvury Hteamor. All orders faithfully attendedto and Goods delivered to any part of (lie city fico of charge. Istund ordprssolicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. nuv'-l-8(- )

Telephone 210..

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, IL 1

Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers1 in Groceries & Provisions,

lr, ON 1OI0 -- t&IJy (wild nipiiiiinr of Hit . 8. H. Ho. fniin Onllfoi uln IimIi Oulttfuriilii HullHiillur, I'niwiii Dyi-lpi- s iiml Ifin-- li UiilifniiilirKiiills, fUlddHmii, VnuituliNi'o., nlo, A 'nni;li'lu linn of lloisii ,V tMk WiV J. f. Morloil'n UuiHH'ilA llolllml IJiiimU iiljviiyn oil hiiinl- AUu, jllsl MttVMi H frl llliu n( (Imillilll'lilt's mill I'uiii'il MiMiu mnl llimlnl I'ivhiviiI I'niiln, ,hvIn A Ci-'- mmimnl HiiHiir l Mini ItiiiiiiiiMl lliiiuiii. New lllU..! Uiinuils, I'lram Q,il

I'luliiv diui iiii'iiiii wim-ij- i Vl'iiiw, Hli U'iiiuiu unil I'lillfiirnlH lllvprTii'Orauiittii Uiuhuii Jliulnmii ViHuiuw, )iii,, FiuJu jflp.

t!hbl!l'tlUiiltm J !!U'fl!liflO

Union, Firo & Murine

Insurance Co., L'd,Of Now Kcnland.

Capital $10,000,000

Klrc risks taken on Uwelllngh, Ston:,Storehouses and Content. AIho. Hngatand Hlco Mills, Machinery, Etc, Ktn

Jliirlno IiiMiiritnoun Hulls, Cargoes and Freights. Los-pai- d

horo.J. S. WALB-EE- ,

Agent for Hawaiian lalandujan.ft-9- 0


Liio, Firo & Marino

Insurance Agents !


Hew England Hntnal Life Ins. Co.,


tna F(re Ins. Co. of Hartford.UNION

Insuranqe Company,fire A aiarluc.



Life InsurairceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $iobl058;i60V.'96

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every ago, ou every premiumtable, and in every year the ACTUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.have beeu LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

For particulars apply to

V. O. HISUUKlt,Gen'l Agent Huwaiiau Inlands.

283 tf



Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, $6,288,001Anglo-Nevnd- a Aumranoe Corporatio

(Fire anil Marino)Capital,1 paid up, $2,000,000

Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co

(Limited)Assets, $6,124,057

New York Life Insurance Co.

Asset. $105.053.60.'.90


General Agent, Uurn Ulanda.

1053 Ly


Hardware, Shipping

CommiBBion Merchants.DEALERS IN

General Merchandise !

Plantation Agents,Life, Fire & Marine

Insurance AgejiU,


VOLCANO STABLES,(Witluiiuenuit Htrmit.)

Carriages at t Minute's Notice,

AIho Hmlilm Mih'HMM,

0irrlnui Huyglui, Hrekei or Oyrit,ihiv or ntunrVIIiBDN DHONn

Ifuiilswiij Jlrfei.ll. iiuidl'ilJ)'IE I Wmnt


.fc.t. 1n.Hfc4i

JM. MONSARRAT.Attorney at Law& Notary Puhllo

147 Merchant Street, llonolulu. tf

J ALFRED MAGOON,Attorney at Law & Notary Public

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu., ly

Balm LocomoHires

The undersigned huvlug been appotutsdsole aguuU for the Hawaiian


For tho Colebrated

Baliwii LocoitivDsFrom the works of

Burham, Parry, Williams & Co.',

t'lilladcliilila. renn..Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines; of any'-siz-

and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Wokksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted

For Plantation Parp'o'ses,

A number of which have recently beeureceived at these Islands, aud we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantationagents uuu managers will) particularof same.

Tho superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is uot only known '

here but is acknowledged throughoutthe United States.

Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., L'd,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

402 24 w-- ly

r Co:.)


B. F. Dillingham, President; J. G.Spencer, Manager; F. L. Win-

ter, Treasurer.


Piano Lamps, Banqiiet'Laiups,

Jjltorary1 LanipH,Hall Lamps & Chandelioi'o

Just Received from the Factory.

A New Line if Refrigerators;

A Full Line of tbe Favorite

Eddy's Refrigerators & Ice' Chests,

Dlsston's Saws & Files; New Lineof Locks,

Shell-Hardwa- re, Etc.,Planet, Jr., Cultivators.

Pictures Frames & Mouldings.

1 Pacific Hardware Co., L'd.550 tf Fort & Merchant sts.



Has removed from Fort street to Jto- -i

hello Lane, PalamaOfkick Houit.s: 0 a.m. to 12 u. and '8

l. li. to a l. M.


410 tf

A. H. RASE3IANN,Book-bind- er, Paper-rul- ei & Blank-b- o

jfc Manufacturer.

No. Merchant street, Up stairs.oet-l-88-


Bethel Strest, "Damon's Block,"Corner store.

Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at reasonable rates, rowingMachines nud repairing of ul kinds aspcclaltv. All kinds of Safes & Scale,repaired. Household Sewing Machinesfor sale,

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor gjj a Builder.

Kitlmuttfg Given on Uriel;, Iron, Stormit Woodun Buildings. Jobbing

Atleudeii lo,


Brick, Lime, Cemeul, Piaster of Paris,

Mitrhlu Unit, Wliu aU,OBllforniiJ Nurlh llouoli d Suits

Onu Rami,

cjuuriy rili' ii'ij. nlili ll(l lilllMIPliHiimi rin.iiv Mini iv nmiiti In Tllui InJttl'luiUlltllHillHi UlU IlltU I'f IllUlll!UIV., w MinMii-uiiiJiuj- iii mm hits

! '(






t "" WMi


Paul K. Knulmaknole, Esq., hasthis day been appointed Notary for

tlto Second Judicial Circuit of theKlngkoin. 0. N. SrENOER,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Olnce, Nov. 6, 1890.

707 3t

John Richardson, Esq., has thisday been appointed Notary foi theSecond Judicial Circuit of the King-

dom.C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, Nov. 8, 1890.

707 Ht

Auction Sale of km Licenses,

There will be sold ut publicauctionon MONDAY, the 8th day of Decem-

ber, 1890, the following Awa Licenses

for the term of one year fromary 1,1891:


Honolulu ' :

Koolaupoko 1

Waialua 1

Ewa and Waianae 1


Lahaina 2

Vailuku 2

MakawuoMolokai and Liuiai .

HiloN. Kohala.ti. Kohula. .


KoloaKawaihau.AVaimea. .



The Licenses for the Island of Oahuwill be sold at the front entrance of

Aliiolani Hale, on the above nameddate at 12 o'clock noon.

Those for the other Islands will be

sold in the respective districts, on thesame date and at such hour andplace as shall be designated by theseveral Sheriffs or their Deputies.

Upset Price Honolulu $500, foreach license ; Hilo, Wailuku and La-

haina $300 for each license ; and forall the other districts above named$100 for each license.

Terms. A depost of twenty-fiv- e

percent required on the fall of thehammer, and forfeit of said depositshould the full amount of license nothe paid within ten days from thedate of sale.

O. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Nov. 7, 1890.706 3t-lf- iG 3t


Their Majesties the King andQueen will hold a reception at lolaniPalace, on SATURDAY, the lfith of

November, from 10 a. m. to 12 o clocknoon.

The ortler of reception at, Court forthat day, will be as folldws.

The King will receive the hooku-pu- s

of the people from 6 o'clock to8 o'clock a. m.

At 10 a. in. The several HawaiianSocieties will be received.

At 10:30. The Hawaiian public.At 11 u. m. The Chancellor of the

Kingdom, His Majesty's Ministers,the President of the Legislative Assembly and the Judges of the Su-

preme Court.At 11 :15 a. m. The Privy Coun-

cilors and Nobles and Representa-tives of the Legislative Assembly.

At 11 :30 a. in. The DiplomaticRepresentatives, accredited to theCourt of Hawaii.

At 11:45 a. m. Tho ConsularCorps.

At 11 :55 a. in. Government Offi-

cials.At 12 m. Rear-Admir- al George

Brown, U. S. N., and Stuff, and theCaptains mid Otlleors of the ships ofwar in port.

Ladies and gentlemen desiring topay their respects to Their Mnjestiesupon this occasion, will call at thePalace between the hours abovestated and be presented during theintervals between the olllcial presen-tations,

On Sunday, tho 10th lust,, at 10

o'clock a, in,, tint Court will attenddivine service ut Ht, AiuIkiw'h Outliu-Jra- l,

Otllcii of His Mnjfmy's Oliuiiiltiir-lull!- ,

Inlunl I'alinw, Novuiiibur 7lllil mm, 701 m

11 vlrlnit of tliii wnlliiirlly in innvtaiuJ Ly tin' Uonilliiiloii immI Hit

Htatull'l m( Dili KlilHuUM wml ik'uiieliiH II t'i)ii!l! Hi Uin iiruiiiullui) uf

Mw 1 tin hmhy wilsr Uwi ilw

& T1

Circltit to bo hold at WnioliinU,:kau,Hawaii, on tho first Thursday of

Soptember, 1890, and by mo post-

poned until Monday, tho 15th Sop-

tember, be and tho same is herebyfurther postponed until MONDAY,

tho 17th day of November, 1890, at 0

o'clock A. M.

Witness my hand and) the seal of the Supremo

L. S. Court at Honolulu, this( ) 1st dav of September,

1890.A. F. JUDD,

Chief Justice Supreme Court.Mtest:

Henry Smith, Clerk.22t

Loaoo of Govornmont Land atKahikinui, Maui.

On WEDNESDAY, November 12,

1890, at 12 o'clock noon, at the front

entrance of Aliiolani Hale will bo

sold at miblic auction the lease of

the Government land of Kahikinui,Maui, containing an area of 25,000

acres, moro or less.Term Lease for 10 years.Upset price $1,500 per annum,

payable semi-annual- in advance.Possession of this land will be

given February 1, 1891.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Oct. 7, 1890.G77 5t

Joseph H. Kawelo, Esq., has thisday been appointed Notary Publicfor the Fourth Judicial Circuit of theKingdom.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Iuterior Office, Nov. 5, 1890.703 4t

John Richardson, Esq., has thisday been appointed an Agent to TakeAcknowlegement to Labor Contractsfor tho District of Wailuku, Islandof Maui.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Nov. 5, 1890.

703 4t

Irrigation Notice.

Honolulu, H. I., Aug. 0, 1890.

Holders of Water Privileges orthose paying Water Rates, are herebynotified that tho hours for using

water for irrigating purposes are from6 to 8 o'clock a. m., and 4 too o'clock

Chas. B. WILSON,Supt. Hono. Water Works,

Approved:C. N. Sl'KNCEK,

Minister of the Interior.627 tf.

Tax Payers in this Disi.'ict arehereby notified that the Taxes forthe current year will bo due and pay-

able at the Office of tho Tax Assessorand Collector in the Kapuaiwa Build-

ing, on the 1st day of November, A.D. 1890.

The Office is open from 9 n. m. to

i p. m. daily (Sundays excepted) andon Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon.

All amounts over $10 must be paidin U. S. Gold Coin or Hawaiian Cer-

tificates of Deposit.Taxes not paid before the lfith day

of December next will be liable tosuit with 10 per cent, costs. added.

T. A. LLOYD,Deputy Assessor and' Collector of

Taxes District of Kona, Island of


Godfrey Brown,Minister of Finance.

696 3w

i i








attii JJuTTtffin

a. M.707

Pledged to neither Sect nor Party,But ettablithcd for tht benefit of all.

TUESDAY, NOV. 11, 1890.

Those advocating the measuiefor making Honolulu pay for itsfire department by local taxationforget, In drawing comparisons be-

tween city and country drafts on thetreasury, that Honolulu now sus-

tains the main burden of fire pro-

tectionwhich, it must bo remem-

bered, includes protection of an im-

mense amount of national property.Tho main necessity of a. flro depart-ment consists in who oper-

ate tho apparatus, These uru is

In the Honolulu Fire De-

partment, hut, if tlicso volunteeruru to be taxed with oilier town

to pay department xH)sun,they will doubting withdraw theirfiuu HurvluoH, wliluli liivolyu no

mimll iHiioiml uxptiha to uvmymiuof Ilium. Tliu lljiit purl of III"

uxpnw wimlil llU liuynillU Hid

huhu of ilin pniil iMmrliiii'Ulllitilvijii!tj IV lo llMllKllllliil'lli III


' S33fc--i-irii- ii iMnlTfi wl-"-- -!5jv r'


bo bottiul to share its due propor-

tion of the expense, on account of

the national buildings with theirtreasure and equipments to bo pro-

tected, and when this proportion is

drawn from the public treasury thecountry will scarcely faro much bet-

ter than at present.


TMIR annual mectliisr of theI Union Feci! Co. will be held at

the Company'FRIDAY, N





cloth. Thereturning


s offlce, yueen street, onov. 14th. at li o'ciock

S. F. GRAHAM.Secretary.


twoElijah,"conies: Novello's E'Utlon, red


borrower will oblige by



SPECIAL mooting of the Hono-luluA Fire Police will be held

THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, at 8

o'clock, at, hall of Mechanic- - Kuginc Co.Xn. 'J. H. ARM1TAGE,701 It Secretary.


tT GIVEN OUT tSSMonday afternoon, November 10th, tho

following: drew their watutias:

Club 1 Member No. 19.Club 2 Member No. 7.CLUB 3 Member No. 13.

Cluii 4 Member No. 20.Club fi Member ao. 41.

tgy Parties living outside of Hono-lulu, desiring to join one of the Clubs,can make their payments by mall.

jSr Remember we are giving you aSolid U Karat Gold Cnse with linefull .icwelod Waltham Movement luour clubs for

$1.00 Per Week.

H. F. WiCunianWatcli Clnti.



Auction Sales by James P. Morgan.


Bankiupt Stock I

W, Nov. 12th,TO O'CLOCK A SI.

At my Salesroom, Queen street, 1

sell at 1'iimic aubiiou, a uuiik-ru- pt

stock of

Dry Goods, Clotliing,Groooi'luH fc Crooliory.

Large Lot of Rugs,Etc., Etc.,

707 It


Etc Etc.


JAS. F. MOltGAN,Auctioneer.


NEWHousehold Forniture

By order of Hon. K, MULLKR, I willsell at Public Auction, at Ills resi-

dence Puliation street.

On WEDNESDAY, Nov. 19,AT IO O'CLOCK A. .11..

The Entire Household Furniture, com-prising in part:

1 GvriA U unify Set,Consisting of

Hook Case, Desk, Tables and Chairs,Statuary, Engravings, raintmgs,

l llandHoint!B. W. Parlor Set

12 pieces;Large Center Rugs, Tapestry Por-tieres, .Large Decorated bandoliersJapanese Screens and Ornaments,

1 Elegant B.W. Diningroom Set

With Pressed Leather Chairs,Table Cutlery, Silverware,

1 Fine Porcelain Dinner Service

Cut Glass Wine Set.One Vlertna Parlor Set,

Antique Oak BedroomWith Hevelled Mirrors;


Mattresses, Mosquito Nets,lied and Table Linen,

Kitchen Rnnge & Utensils,Refrigerator, Meat Safe, Kit,, Etc.

alsoI 'aiTliliH Hoi'Mf. I riiueloii, Net

llorui'HH, MikIiIU'm, Hie,

BQrPaitlcular attention Is called tothis rule of New unci Klegiint House-hold I'linilliiin, eiubra lug III" lluitfiinillmo offered for Mile In Honolulu.

jrrnrlen wMlllig to Inspect t lmfit II ill in ( previous lo the sale, I'lin do sonil iippllealloii to the Aiielloueer,

,JAH, l AIOJMJAN,70 lilt Aimllimeur,


t I nil) uui. w rimiuuilljk' (ir )i'llBljl imuinwU'il Ml !!))' 11111119 MllliflU) !i

uilllimiuiimi. ,miwniiNl

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.


Household Furniture

On TUESDAY, Nov. 18tli.AT 10 O'CLOCK A. SI..

At the resilience of Mtt. J. UEKA-PAT-

No. 3 Kukul street (on accountof departure), I will sell at PublicAuction,

The Entire Housoh'ld Furniture,Comprising In part:

Plush Parlor Chairs,Center & Sofa Hugs,Plush Patent Rockers,Chandeliers, Laeo Curtains,


Upholstered lu Rawom n...i in.. Mi .oil!, unu X iitnii,

B. W. Marble-to- p Center Table,Ash Marble-to- p Bedroom Set,Mnttrasses, Feather Pillows,

Vienna Rookors, Wardrobe,Iron Bedsteads,Dining-roo- m Table & Chairs,

B, W. Marble-to- p Sideboard,

Plated Tea Service,Cruets, Knives fc Forks,

1 National Sewing Maohino,Decorated China Tea Set,Crockery ,fc Olasswaic,Refrigerator, Oil Stoves,

1 Rollo Stove and Utensils,

Garden Tools & Hose,1 Side Saddle, Etc., Etc.

707 fitJAS. F. MORGAN,



Property atFearl City

By order of the OAHU RAILWAY ALAND CO, I will sell at Public

Auction at Pearl City,

On SATURDAY, November 29th,

AT !6 O'CLOCK I. 91..

A limited number of those desirable

Bnilfllug Lots at Pearl City

The Company have expended $20,000to procure an ample supply of pinemountain water, resulting In the com-pletion of two large Reservoirs withstorage, of nearly 2,000,000 gallons.

prom a (iistiiimuug iteservoir witn acapacity of 700,000 gallons, at an eleva-tion of 100 feet above sea level, waterhas been laid along Lchua Avenue tothe Pearl City Depot In a CastIron Pipe, from which water will besupplied by the Company at Govern-ment rates.

The Company will blDd Itself In theDeeds to carry purchasers and theirfamilies and servants by rail between

Honolulu & Pearl CityAt I Cent Per Mile, 2d Class


I -2 Cents Per Mile, 1st Class,

During a term of 0 years from the dateof purchase.

These special Rates of Fare will betransferable with the property duringthi! term named in the Original Deed.Trains will always be run for reasonableaccommodation' of residents at Pearli ity. Trains will reaeli Honolulu at0:45 and 8 or 8.45 ami 11 :50 a. m , leaveHonolulu for Pearl ity and way Sta-tions at 8 :lo a. in and 1 :45 and 4 to4 :30 and 5:15 to 0 :!!0 p. in. subjcctliow-eve- r

to such changes as may be fromtime to time found necessary for theconvenience of the public or businessinterests of the company. EveningTrains will also be run whenever thereis a reasonable demand.


Those desiring lots where the mostcharming view can be had from theveranda of cottage or mansion, canobtain lots. fronting on Lchua, iMalle orWoodlawn Aveuues; this is a mostcharming location for residences, as allagree who have tiken the trouble towalk up Lchua Avenue above the EwaCourt House. As a health, resort, abetter situation cannot be found. Toassist settlers, the following easy termsare offered :

One-Thir- d in Cash,One-Thir- d in 3 years,

One-j-'hi- rd in 5 years,Wllh Intprost at 7 Per Cent.

Thus making it possible for the most,limited lu means, to procuro a fluehealthy residence. Distance Is anni-hilated by railway communication, sothat people living at Pearl City willreaeli Honolulu in less time thaii ittakes to come from Walklkl by theordinary means of travel, while the se

for a nerson will not bo morethan live cents per day greater than thepresent cost of travel to Walklkl byTramway.

Now is your time to procure

Homestead & Business Lots at

PEARL OITYAt I'rh'i's lower than thoy can ever be

liouidit lu the future.

Don't Lot Your Opportunity Slip

If .vim do von will live to iiitnlo llio"liliul olglil'1 uyliigs wu to often lieurfrom pimple who liuil a nlmiieu lu buyllm wlmhi n Kiilmikiiliuii I'liiln fur aMing, hill ihi'V ilhln'll A wiuil to llmv.i u siiilliilmii,

Map- - n( Hie l.oU i'iiii hn mii i

Ilia nihVuk n( ilin I'mililu IlimlwiiieOu,,IIiiwuIImii Ni'u liit, imI T. M..I'lirMlNllll'l ill III)' !i wiiiiiih lluiioliilii, mmi mi iiit'i' iiiiiiiiiimiuii m w huuhihui,

mmJAJii l'ii njunuanji


Cash Assets,

9 For full particulars apply to

Deu-24-8- 9









Kerosene OilENGLISH,








t'anoLONDON of Cotton Canker Ktc.SCRUB EXTERMIN ATOR: all Weeds Scrubs.

Paddy. Coal. TWINE, HEMP OAKUM.FILTER & BAGS: Embracing the latest In and texture.

Water Pipe, Iron, Fence Wire,Shortly expected a

tine line of




i Land Co,

15, 1890.


Will run as follows for that day, so asto accommodate the entire


Leave Honolulu Arrive Honouliuli

6:15 a. m. 7:19 a. m.8:45 a. m. 9:49 a.m.

10:00 a. in. 11:04 a. m.12:30 p.m. 1:34 p.m.

1:45 p.m. 1 2:49 p.m.3:00 p.m. 4:04 p.m.4:35 p. m. 5:39 p. m.

Leave Honouliuli Arrive Honolulu

7:30 a.m. 8:40 a.m.10:00 a. m. 11:10 a. m.11:21 u. in. 12:25 p. m.1:51 p. m. 2:55 p. m.3:00 p.m. 4:10 p.m.4:21 p. m. 5:25 p. in.5:5(5 p. m. 7:00 p m.


To Pearl City & Return- - - 60 cents

To PeBrl City & Return (includ-ing Bus 60 oents

To Honouliuli &. Return75 oents

700 5t


Bank Passbook No.Finder please return to

General Post Olllce. 700 U


FIRST-OL-A SS dressmakers; good

only experienced hands needapply, i orn r Kurt and Hotel streeis(over Klullch's dry goods store).

705 tf




DESIU VI1LE Flvo.PvOomCottutre with paut'los,

detached cook-hou- se and servants' rooms, larne stable, etc., oiiXuii-ai- m

Avenue, near School street. Largeyard with fruit trees and choice dowers,Kent reiiBOiiablo. Apply toU81I tf Mk. O. AKONG.

ANNUAL MEETING.rpHE adlouriieil annual

Iteclproelty Migar t'o. willJ theofbo

held at the ulllee of Wm, O. Smllli. Inllouoliihi, ut II o'clock A. M , on TIMCS.HAY, Nov. 1H, 18110, of

)M li. (MRTI.K,

lloimliilu, Nov, 10, 1H7I. 700 v


,1H, llubl. I.UIiiniiii U iiiilliiiiUiul InIT i iiiiMHiuMi piirciiiuu iniiii'.i In I fur aiiem ut nf I lit llullil

ii ' "mmmm ,.,, MtMJnrllihTliiiii!u.Mt


UlCIIAUO 3IclJmY. PrcHiilnnl


1'iiipi'iym i;mil





v mwwwm


Sept 17-0- 0






Groceries, Stuffs, Hardware, Crockery Glassware,












w Rhe.el Work

You can


: :

Chas. J. &

ONEUncM uoors aoove ineparticulars inquire within.

097 2w







EffvSiw ulshed unfurnished, nearold baseball ground Makikl

ply at1175 ti street.


SUITE ThreeAparlor,

street Walk;for single gentlemen.

Applv(iOt II. F, IIKUHAIU).


mtgtA King streetAWTmk occupied byVmHm Chas. let

rental. ImvjiHimoiighly I'l'linrittcil, posnesslnu

III) IniurlorOllleii,


I" 'I'll! JL J

lilUUU'i .IMlliit.rut fW M8PSHi


Over $136,000,000

General Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands.



and Lot ona few


A andr pAttmrn llt

orthe at Ap- -



ofFurnished two

bedrooms ainl onnear Pal ice



I recentlyMr, to ut


ouch, I"









Chuff & Knives.AMERICAN


Feed Cutlery, &

FERTILIZERS:- - Ohlcudorf's Peruvian Guano, Ohlendori's Special Manure.PURPLE:-Effect- ual destroyer Potato, Worms,

NoxiousBAGS:-Sugar,- Rlee, NAVY

PRESS CLOTHS materialGalvniJjziHi Corrugated



POSTAL Savings















ltl)WN 1,1'ulnmi I'iiii,!'.

Pipe Fittings, Etc., Etc.Entirely new

to till trade.




Sranite, lion and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE,House Heeding Goods,


find the Latest Styles of

Ladies', Misses' Children's Hats,

Leading iVHIIinery HouseFiBhel. Cor. Fort Hotel







I'li'iHOiiahln Premlees








NOTIOB'IPurchasers of Lots at Pearl City will

Please Take Notice.

'PHE Oahu Hallway & Land Co. have1 made arramrementK to

lumber and all kinds of Buildingrim ui mu vjlty atlUKmregular Honolulu prices.

mate-- at


Those desiring to build at Pearl Cityupon Iand'8old by tho Co'mpany pleasecall nt tho Company's olllce for furthorparticulars.

B. F. DILLINGHAM,General Mnnagor O. It. & L. Co.

01)8 tf

D H.



.1. WHITNKY Is happy toannounce to his natrons and

friends In Honolulu and. elsewhere, thathenceforth he will bo assisted In bisdental rooms by Or A E NICHOLS, gradruntil of the St, Louis Dental College,ami for several yours a successful prac?tlouer hi Pusuilcmi. California Olllcehorns as before from 8i!10 a, m, to 4 :!IQ

r. m, on i im


rpilK Kiiplo'iuil Miileiiilly lluiim IihbI two iimuu ioiiH!iiiiiiioiiiii pityliig

piillellls, ,iiiiTii( iiiiiiiite iiumiiHwliii nliii'i!iiiii it liuine im luiimiii,able inrnm, iinhirn iimi during ilm limituhlM'Iri'iiiilliiniiii'iih wlii'iv Ilm hufliif(mill iiiiiiiMhiiimi, iiiiuihh iiml iiu'illim)i.ll



will lmI IIIIIIH



iinvii nd. willIn Mil uh Him

in .......! .. ' .i. ; it i r. .. ...v - r.i .'i

in .mmn iu i

wsmwih'tll' lll'Midi iiMHMii

ijniu rffi lli'lLmm









Js ttHVSlf j 7?'


aUu iBltitlirfiii

TUESDAY, NOV. 11, 1890.


To Take Kneel Odnlier U(I, 1NUO.

A.M. A.M. I'.M. I'.M.Loavo Honolulu.. u:l(i 8:40 1 4:'MArrive Honoullull. 7:'2C :!!) 1:I'J r:35tLeave Honouliuli. 7:30 10:fil :i:i)l r : 4 5 fArrive Honolulu.. S :35 1 1 :r A:,r C,:m

Sundaja excepted,t Saturdays only.

L l


Stun- - Pelt; from KiumlStmrW-- U Hall fr in Muni ami Hawaii


.Stun- - MlUohala for Kauai at ! p inStmr I.ehua for Nun, Kaupoand lltiku- -

latiat 4 i inStnir .Ins Jlakee for Kapait nt 4 p inStun Klluiieu firOnUula, Hnnonui mid

Popeekeo ut 4 p in


For Maul per stnir Llkelike, Nov 10

MrUookbuin. M Fatitlno, Mm Hogeisand child, E F Baldwin ami about afi


ihit HtHit ni.rtS.Tim bktne Mnry Winkehnaii lias tin

Nbed unloading ber e.ugo of geneiolmerchandise, bhe is waiting for cijal.

Tlio stmr Likollkc alli d for bur usii'ilroute about (1:45 lnt night. She Is dueon Sit tin day morning.


Tiiu return of a book lent is'ic-queste- d.

The Athletic Club will 'hold tinHi at practice meeting this eening.

r m -The Official Programme of the Re-

gatta, with a list of the prizes, is pub-lished elsewhere.

Mh. John lehardson has been ap-

pointed Notary Public foi the SecondJudicial Circuit of the Kingdom.

Mk, Paul K. Kauitnakuolo has beenappointed Notary Public for theSecond Judicial Circuit of the King-dom.

The Union Feed Co. will hold theiiannual meeting at the company'office on Queen street, Fiiday, Nov.14th, .it 11 o'clock a. m.

Mi:. Jas. F. Morgan will sell thextensie household furniture of Mr.

J. Herapath at No. 3'Kukuistieet, onWednesday, Nov. 18th.

An early morning block of severaltramway cars vascaused on Nuuanustreet yesterday morning by a water

r jumping the Hack at a switch..

The anests this morning were:Luika, a natio woman, charged withlarceny of clothing belonging to W.F. O'Hallaron, and Ah Sam, assaultand battery.

Meebcrs of the Athletic Club willfind a fine lino of exercising shirtsand tights at Egan & Gunn's, whohave just received an extia new stockof general dry goods and clothing.

A special meeting of the Fire Po-

lice will be held this eening at eighto'clock at the hall of Engine Co. No.2. As business of importance willcome up every member is requestedto be present.

Ik you aro hungry, if you wibh tokeep Thanksgiving, or if you want tomake ready Christmas cheer, go toHenry Davis & Co.'s and secure oneof those one hundred and fifty line,fat eorn-fe- d gobblers, before they areall spoken for.


The case of Kau Hee and Lo Sin,assault and battery on J. Fernando,a policeman, occupied the attentionof the Police Couit all this foienoon,and was still on this afternoon. J.Alfied Magoon for Kau Hee, J. M.Davidson for Lo Sin.

Yesterday another drawing of the"Watch Club took place, at which fiemoie lino gold watches were securedby mejnbors. Parties living outsidoof1 Honolulu desiring to join theclub can do so by making theirweekly payments by mail.

RiunkwikeI the very mention ofit muketh the heart glad. Messrs.H. W. Schmidt & Sons hao it forsalo ; also new lots of fresh Amoricanand Geunan beeis, flowing cham-pagnes, ports and ehoines, with mostexcellent after-dinne- r Havana cigars.

Misk Lo Count of San Franciscohas kindly consented to play a man-dolin solo during the ledum on Mo-

zart this evening at the Y. M. C. A.Hall. MisB Lo Count ih a deft andurtiBtic playor on the instrument, andthose who have had Iho gootl fortuneto liuiir hoi I'Joying state u tieatis instoic or those presuut


Tlio ineinoi ial window to her IntoMnJiiBty Qiiuou lCiiuna, roprcsuntlngthe ciuulllxloii, la now in ltn place nltliu uubt einl of Ht, AikIiow'n C'utliti.dntl. It U thu lft of thu 'J'riibtuuKof Him Cnt)i)ii'a Iliilttil, Thu urluOf wIimIimnh in thu iiiu uihI oliitntuluMos Id now coinplutu, Tliu tiii(iiufoil ulmvt' tlm Mivt-'iu- l llnliln mulilwo liunn llllufl III wlUi Hiuoirliiluulil)linii III tlitllii'il Hliw. Till' ilfh"bill lh"llll IIIU MllUr IMI WW M'lll'H'i

l!i i Mill M UMIPW l Ml .OF I II'

h iuliii vijwl) turn M"

BAHrf U llU!


120th DAY.

Tuesday. Nov. II.The IIouso mot at 10 o'clock.


Hop. Paelmole piescntud the min-

ority report of the select committeeon the Tramways hills. It con-

siders Noble Widemann's hill agross injustice to the company,liep. Pachaole's hill Is intended toexempt the company from the obli-gation of keeping in icpuir thestntutoiy two feet on caeli aide ofthe track, ns the company is losing$10,000 nycnr and it is the publicthat damages that part of the street.They recommend the passage of thelatter bill. Signed by A. P. Pae-lmole and Win. II. Cornnell. Luidon the table to he considered w ilhthe bills.

Rep. Nnwahi moved thut the of

the select committee on Dr.Lutz be taken up.

Noble Widcmann wanted to knowwhat theie was In that teport to hotaken up. The committee could notcome to any conclusion on the mat-ter, and simply tefeiretl it hack tothe House. Dr. I.ut, offered lo goback under stiff conditions, hutonly for one or two months, or aslong or short a time us he pleased.What could the House do about it?

Rep. Ilookano said that what the(louse wanted to know was what thelion. Noble had done with the report,he having had it refcricd back tohim to get the signature of the Min-

ister of the Interior.Noblo Widcmann said he hud

done nothing with it, us it was a stillborn child.

Rep. Nawahi said if it was, thelion. Noble brought it forth.

Noble Widemann replied not atall ; it was brought forth by the lion,member for Hilo, who hi ought it tohim and got his signature buncpti-tiousl- y.

Rep. Nawahi said it was a healthychild, but the hou. Noble undertookto nurse it, and he killed it. TheHouse should do something with thereport.

Noble Widemann said this babyof the lion, member for Hilo was themost dead-sic- k baby he had everseen. On the strength of the lion,member's representations, he hadsighed the report. He now with-die- w

that mgnature.Rep. Brown moved that the report

he reiet red to the Minister of theInterior to be transmitted to theBoard of Health. Cairied.

uesolutions.Rep. Ilalstead presented a icsolu-lio- n

that a select committee of threebe appointed to wait on His Majesty,and infoim him that this House willbe ready to be prorogued on Fiidaynext at-1- o'clock.

It ep. R.W. Wilcox moved thatthe resolution be laid on the tableuntil the House finds out when itwill be ready to prorogue. Lost.

Rep. Paehaole moved the resolu-tion be referred to a select commit-tee and wa'i speaking, when thePresident called him to older. Heasked under what rule he was for-

bidden to speak.The President i tiled that the hon.

member had no riglu to inteiruptthe Chair when a queslion was beingput.

Rep. Paehaole appealed againstthe decision oi the Chair.

Noblo Widemann was speaking onthe resolution.

The President called him to older.Noble Widemann Good God !

can't I s.iy anything?The Piesident Not on the merits

of the resolution. You can onlyspeak on the ruling of the Chair.

Noble Widemann claimed that hehad the. right to say what he had tosay, and the President had no i ightto stop him.

The President asked the hon. No-

ble to take his seat.Rep. Ilookano supported the ap-

peal.Rep. Brown said the ruling was in

accordance w ith the practice through-out the session, and he had novelheard it disputed till this moment.

Rep. Paehaole argued in favor ofhis appeal.

The President said the hon. mem-ber was perfectly right in claimingthe privilege of making his motion,but that was only when a matter wasunder discussion and not when itwas being voted on.

Rep. Kanealii thought the Presi-dent should withdraw his ruling, ushe would hate to vote him in thuw i ong.

Noblo Kauhanc held that after thePiesident lose to put the questionno new motion could be admitted.

Noble Baldwin maintained that,while the i tiles weie defective onthis point, thu practice had beenthat when the President had thefloor putting a question, no new mo-tion could ho mado. He had oftenwanted to make a new motion undersuch uiiciiitiblances, hut it would hongulnst pmlhiinuiitary practice,

Thu Pieaidoiit wished to say that,If a new motion ho entertained whenit question wus lining put, thu resultwould hu that nuy ineiiibur, when-ever ho mtw that liU motion fulled,could bpilng up mill iiKive nn mm nil-mu-

mid tiiuiit would hu nn mid totill) hllbllH'HB, t Hnilll OMtlbU tUldlt'N4

i'oiifiiblou mid li wan uu;uliibi nil inrllmm'iitury iiiiiiiii'c


'lli'UllilUliW IIIMIIIIIIK Dl II) u'i'JtU'b81 J i ht, ) Alwgiiu tfjll hold a Uuil'lUll! Mill) ul illj pud t'MlillJI, MH;


Yesterday afternoon cancelledtreasury certificates and bonds lothu face value of 81,103,'lfiO weiebin tied before the rear entrance ofthe Government Building. Membersof the finance committee of the Leg-

islature did the incendiary business,according to the law of the realm in'such cuse mado and provided.


It has been suggested that, asthe Flagship Charleston is liable toleave here any time, and as no foot-ball team could bo funned soonenough to stand an equal changeagainst the Charlestons, that thecaptains of the teams, which playedlast Saturday, choose sides fromamong all the players ; thus divid-ing the best und making the sidesmore nearly equal.

A PUBLIC NUISANCE.One of the beauty spots occa-

sioned by erratic street grades existsopposite thu Thomas block, Kingstreet, between Nuuanu and Kingstreets. A da's wet weather al-

ways leaves a week's swamp there,milking the ah unwholesome and in-j-

lug the business of storekeepersIt is a positive public nuisance thatcalls for abatement without fuilhordelay.

housFahlobby.The "Hayseeds" were out in

toice at last night's session, Hyinglo levoltilioni.ed thuiitfatis of Hono-lulu. T'.e city contingent was con-

spicuously thin just when their con-

stituents' interests wore being madea football by the rural sages.

The House made up for its creditable evening's work yesterday bywatting nearly the entire moiningsession this morning over a palpablemisunderstanding.


At eight o'clock this morning ayoung native boy named Bila gotinto ttouble with a Chinaman namedAh Sam at Lam Kau's Hotel slioetrestaurant. During a sufne whichensued yottut; Bila was knockedsenseless either by a blow or bystaking his head in falling. He wasattended by Dt. MoWayne, but didnot recovei consciousness until sometime after removal lo the StationHouse. Ah Sam was immediatelyplace under arrest and is in jail, hav-

ing failed to find $100 bonds.


The order of service to be attend-ed by the Court on Sunday morningnext, Nov. lGlh, at 10 o'clock a. in.will be: The oider of morningmryer with Pbalins G:38; 1st Les-

son, 2 King's V. to ver. lo ; 2ndLe&son, S. Luke xvii. er. 11-2- 0.;

Hymn 3G9, special prayers of intei-cessio- n,

Hymn 8G8, seimon by theBishop of Honolulu. Hymn 181during the offertory. The musicwill be led by the surpliccd choir ofmen and boys. Mrs. Gray will pre-side at thu organ. Seats will be re-

set ved for the Court, the Cabinet,Judges of the Supreme Court, theDiplomatic and Consular Corps, theAdmiral, Captains and Ofllceis ofthe ships of war m port, PrivyCouncillors, meiubets of the Legis-lature, and Government Officials.The rest of the church will be opento the public. 707 St


A fire occurred at Waikiki thismorning at about six o'clock, whichdestroyed the house of Mr. G. West,neM the lcsidence of Mr. ManuelC'unha.

The building was occupied by Mr.A. Vogel and family and I he liiewas discovered in the roof of thekitchen shortly attei the breakfastlire hud been staited in the stove.The lire doubtless originated m theroof plate fine and spread withgieat rapidity. The work of de-

struction soon completed ; thehouse, fuiiiitute and even the dailyclothing of the occupants being con-sumed.

The house was instiled in theUnion Insurance Co. of New Zea-lan-

with Hon. J. S. Walkct for82000. Mr. Vogel's household ts

were instiled for SGf0 in theLion Insurance Co., with Mr. A.Jaeger, and also for SfiOO in theRoyal Insurance Co. with Hon. J.S. Walker.

A LITERARY TREAT.Mr. I M. English 11. A. (Oxon)

will eiileilain the public this een-in- g

at the Y. M. C. A. Hall with alecture on .the great musical com-

poser, Mo.urt. Although it will boone hundred years in 181)1 , since.Mozart died, thu fumu of his won-

derful compositions has sUndilyHe died at thoeatlyage

of 35 yeats, when he was just de-

veloping the full foico and stieugthof his gonitis; and It was hut a fewdays befoul his death ho gavu theworld that tender, boleuiu yet sub-lim- u

icqiiiuiu cotupobcd in iiutlcipii-tio- n

of his own death.It Is ol such touching uplHodtiH its

this that uluioat thu until u bhoit lift)of Moart was uiiulu up, It i ofBiidh a life mid life wink that Mr,KiikIIuIi will treat liMilghtl midiIkii.ii wlm luiiioinlicr hi clloii nn"In Muiiimimii" u fow nueU tigolimn I not ikim iuiipiuliiliiiiilll liiiluht, Tlmleiiliiiit will lmilliiliuml liy M'lui'llfin fiiiiu lli iniikluul

(li Im nf lljii ilmtil imiiiiuMvi , liui'ilmi'il It) bjiimi uf uili liftl InniiDtulvilli M UU! jiiuku ut IU l'UlUHMf.Jiugltu uiir p'u i) iiuiwui.iWi

imp' mmwMwm


His Majesty's Birthday,

V At.-- ,.


'.'7?' V

KTovembor 15, 1890.

lMtOUU,311li:-lAK- T I



yOO; 2d Pi lo 825; 3d P1I08IO.Open to all.

CouiiSK : 1. F10111 1111 Imaginary linedi.twn fioin the Honolulu lliirhorMglit-liou- e

to the Immigration I) pot Wharf011 the oust side of tlio Imibor, out thechannel, ki oping between the Spar andHanoi buuj s al the euti.tnoe to the har-bo- i.

2. Pi 0111 tlio Spur litioy, passing out-side of the Hell Uuoy. to and tuckingaround .i stake boat audio. eil in the buy,opposite, the of VV. O. Irwin,neu Diamond Head.

II. I'inm the ta u boat, passing le

of the Hell Itnoy, lo ami tuo.hlgaiouuda stake boil anehoied off tlioleef, about li.ili-a-iu- de smith of the en-trance to IVul llaihor, at a point uheiethe 1101 tli end of the Wnl.inae Mount-ain cotnm in line with an old housesituated in n move of tiees.

4. Pioin thH stake boit to and tack-ing mound the Hell Ituoy,

ft. I'lom the Hell Hiuiy, passing be-tween tlio p.u and Hanoi buos, andtlnisliing at and noioss an inuigitinryline iliawu fioin the I'an Huoy 111 thehaiboi to a White Flag on the O. S. S.(lo.'fc wliatf.

2 YACHT RACE; SECOND CLASS. 1st1'rlzeSIO; Ud 1'iUc 9-- 0; 3d PiUoS10. Open to all.

Oouitsi:: 1. Pi 0111 an Iniaulmuy linodiawn fioin tlio Honolulu llaibor Uglit-liou- e

to the Iminlgi.itiou Depot wharfon the east side of the haiboi, out thechannel, keeping between the 8par andHanoi buoys at the entrance to the bur-bot.

2. Ftoni the Spar Huov passing out-i-i-

of the Hell Huoy to and tackingiiiound a st ike boat unelioied in thu bayopposite the 1 evidence of V. O. Irwinncir Diamond He.ul.

:i Pi em thK stuke boat, passing in-

side of tliu Hell Huoy to and tackingmound a slake boat anolioiod off theQuarantine GiountR

1. Pi 0111 this stake to and Uekiuguiouuil tlio Hull buoy,

5. P10111 tlie Hell buov iiislner between and Hauul buoys and tuiish-in- g

at and acuies an iniigiiiniv lineiliawu finin the Can buoy in tlio harborton white tlag on the O. S. h. Co.'sdock.

3 SAIL BOAT RAE. 1st Piie S'0; 2dI ile Sir. Opun only to sail boatsbelonging to the war vessels inpoll ; no itiiuion as to lig; limi-ted to wood 01 water ballast, orboth. Hallast may bu shifted, butwood must not be jettisoned norwater staited.

CoUK&E: Same as No. 2.

Yachts will assemblu off the Paeitio.Mail dock .it 9 a. in. A prepuiatoiy gunwill be tlied on the Judges' boat at u 30a in. The starting gun will bo lliednt10 a. 111. Mi, up.

The stun will bo a lljiljg 0110; thetime of eieh juelit being taken as sheeioses the line, but no jacht shull heallowed moie than 10 minutes withinwhich to st.ut aftei the signal to stintlias been gien.

Time allowance one minute to the ton.K iuli j aulit in raeos Xos. 1 and 2 must

cany at liui inalntopniast head, a dis-tinguishing llj of a suitable dlo, wlilehiiiut nor ho hauled down miles sliegies up the l.uu.

Eaeli yaelit sliall c.ury dining therace no moie tlntu tlio umu'iI anehoisamleiiaiiis, which must not he used as shipplug lialldt 01 for altering tlio trim oftlio yaelit. No bags of shut shall bo onbond ami all ballast shall bo properlystowed nuclei the platfoiuis or in lock-ets and shall not bo shipped or trimmedin an. way whut"ei dining the niceYaelit- - ill i.ue No. 1 alV limited t foioand u(l -- alls only.


I GUIS or UALLEY3; Slatlin-so- y

ShhH. 1st Prlo 83.ri; 2d PuzoPilis 810. Open to all.

("ouusi:: Pioin stinting lino out theoliaum.1, leaving aji ti bnov 011 portside, thence to ami aioimd thu Hellbuoy, keeping sumo on poll side Inloiiudlng, und hack to stalling point,keeping ispar buoy 011 stuiboaul sldo.

2 rOUR-OARE- FRE GHT BOATS. 1stP1I0 82.--

i; 2d l'ile 81A; 3dPiieI0; lib 1'iio 8.. Opuu to all.

CounsL:-Kio- in stalling line out theeh imiel to ,'spar liimj, keo)lug saiuoon p iTisldo in intituling; keeping in thu channel, amibuck to stalling point.

3 SIX. PADDLE OANOES. 1st I'rlo 82r.;2d Piio 815; :td I'iUo 10; 4thI'llogt, Upon to nil

Couiiii'.: P10111 stalling Hue to andmound tho .second Can buoy to sea-wa- nl

fioin the M111I110 Hallway, undbid. to stalling point.

4 Sliding Scnit. Utli IO gVlj 2d 1'iln f.T.j :id l'ile

Opuu 10 all,

Cuutikh Hume as No, I llowliiglliiee,

b'iOLI. illUHE riOATS Ul'll.is0;2i Itl 17 1 ;tt I'lli' e.i.

llpilll llMlll.

(Otnibi.i Pioin binning line in 11111)

mound Plul l .'an huoy below llmMill lie lliillwity. keeiiliiR iiiniil

I blllo, mill llU'b lo binning jlilllll,

! Id l'ile VMM VI I'lUc ttj'u Hit

I'lUu tiil, Uiiii in nil,

Put u) iiiic 11 N'oi I )iimujui'ii

WHALE BOATS. 1st Prize30; 2d Prize 20; 3d Prize 810.

Open to all.OoitnsK: Same as No. 2 & 7.

SHELL RACE. 1stPrbc 81G; 2d Prlro 810; 8d Prl?et5 Open only to uuiRtures.

Couiisk: Same as No. G.

BARGES or CUTTERS. 1st Prize CO; 2d Prize 82G;

.3dPilze810, Open to nil.

Couusi;! Same as No. 0.

Prizes will be awarded foi tub BESTRIGGED CATAMARANS. 1st Prize

25; 2d Prlzo 810.

N. B. The ltegatta races will beunder the rules adopted by the Ha-waiian Rowing ifc Yachting Associa-tion.

Tlnce or more boats to start to se-em e tlio secoud prizes.

Four or more boats to start to securethe third prizes.

Tlio rowing races will take place at 1

o'clock i m. sharp.Thu signal gun will be lhod from the

.Tudgo's stand at 12:30 o'clock.Signal foi the competing boats lo as-

semble at the starting Hue will be thething of a gun 10 minutes before thostart of each race.

w"Kutile8 for the races win now bomade at the olllco of tlio Hawaiian NewsDepartment, with J. M. Out, und willclose on Friday, the 14th lust., nt 4 :30o'clock I. M.

O. B. WILSON,Chultmau Kegatta Committee.

Cait. Fullkk,Cait. Kinu,Q. D. Fkelth,

707 4t Judges.


tX AIAItKIHD Couple, the wife to dothe cooking and housework the

husband to attend to outsido work,horses, fowls, milking. Address "Ha-waii m Faun," Kapluliml Park;Mutual Telephone 32"). C95 tf


AT the annual meeting of the Wal-ka- pu

- ugar Uo. bold November 3,1800, tlio following stockholders wereelected to servo as ofllceis for the ensu-ing ytai :

W. 11. Coinwell PresidentG. . Muufurlane... Vice-Presid- ent

Win G.hwln TreasurerW. M. Oiffard SecietaryF. W. Maefarlano Auditor

W. M. OIFFARD,701 lw fcecrutary.

American it German Beers,

In Pints.& Quarts;ALSO

JR. 11 INE W1IN3B,Cliuuipariiu,i'ort SC HUerry,

HAVANA CIGARS.Etc., Etc., Etc.. Etc.


H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS.705 3t

1 ,. " r.trnnknm 11

UU ffiMMT.By F. H. Englhh, B. A., (Oxon),

At Y. M. C. A. Hull,

TTuop-cla- y, Nov. 11,Illustiatcd by Selections from tlio Com-

poser's Works, by Home Talent.

Followed by a Humorous MusicalSketch, entitled:

"Our Ascot Party,"By Mr. F. M. English.

OST Admission, SO cents. 704 3t

Rate City Stone Filter.

Those Filters aro easily cleansed,and NEVER become ORAOKED orORAZEI) by change of tempernturu oftho water.

The Flllei Medium Is a NATURALHI'ONE, mined finin the earth. Illsunlike any other stone.

It Does Not Absorb andBouomo Foul !

IMPURITIES nuver PENETRATEIt, but lie oil Iho surface, and InternallyIho Htono lenialiiii uk pine und whiteafU'i e.iuof use us when taken ftutiitlio mine,

Tim (lulu I'liy Htono Flllei Ik a per-fect HiicecKH, It In iho only und llltor Ihave eor seiiu, I would umbo withoutone foi any coinOdeiiitluu. It rouvciuout hike wntnr Into the boat ililnklngwater In ilin world.

lll.NIO M l,UN, M, I) ,AIM Went Ad'Uim hi,, CIiIciiko,

totr I'm Huhi hj


HUB llll ruilHlHiUnj!Uhllll.

i,i,awfjjan Hr Jil mm 10m

V-- dkimM,

44 ASM ik-H- f 4fl B



The EquitableSociety of the

Life AssuranceUnited States,

Are now selling their Bonds, and upon easy terms. The additional foalure of Insurance goes with every Bond.

The following are a few of the many attractive forms offered by thisoriginal and progressive Company:


eTdomenFtsEE tontines with lucrative options.partnership and joint life policies,childrens' endowments, etc.

The Company is equitable, its payments prompt and certain, and itspopulunty unbounded.

(From the New York Sun, April 4th, 1890.)

The LargOHt Buaini'ss Ever TraiiHactod by a Life AsHiir--anco Company.

The new business of the Equitable Life Assurance Society df NowYork for the first quarter of the present year is reported to exceed FifttMillion Dollars. This is at the rate of two hundred millions of assu-ranceor the year, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.

6rIuforination chnnrfiiiR' fnrniulinil tn or... .i,n ,:n .: .

(upon the imdcrsignocl at his olllce.

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance Society

of the U. S. Jan-1-9- 0



Dry Goods, Clothing, Hals, Caps, Trunks, &c.ALSO, A FINE LINE OF

Exercising ShirtS & TlfrhtS, in Black and Fast Colors,

"Members of the Athletic Clubthey have but a few on hand.

Telephones, No. 111)- .- -

desiring suits should call early, as

j&sar I O. Box 372.

has. Husfaeo, King Street.

Having leased the stoies in the brick building Known as tho"Lincoln Block," nearly opposite tho old st.ind.and ha ing disposedof that portion of my stock dam igcd by the l.ilu file, and beingin receipt of Now Goods per laot steamer, and more on thu wnv, 1

am prepared to fill all orders as lufore. Thanking the public" fortho liberal patronage bestowed on me for the past beven years, 1

hope by prompt attention to all orders tonieiitu contiuu.ince of thesame. At the new stand shall be pleased to see all my old cus-tomers, and as many now ones as may find it to their ad nutate tocall. Island orders solicited and faithfully executed.


For Thanksgiving, OhristmaiLTVfl. IS JEW YJEDK.

150 FAT wnw-pu- n 1 5 0GOBBLERS'.


700 tf

New Goods !




WJMC. . JKi:&iC?I:llR5Famous Grand Active & Golden Anvil

Wrought Steel Cooking Rangesi



O T3

S9 9

2 5




&No. 3 Fort Htroet.

New Goods !



CoiiHiiaiiiiK Oiitt-thl- nl ahh 1'iunl, olthor woimI orcoul, lliiiuany othm Htuvo In oxlHtnmu),

(W Ni Hrluk Woik Ahont It gjT Ju.t a Oleun Cut Hlo I

WhoftoBakingQualitiesaroUnsurpjasedrJ?i'liiiiu'iiliir i.JrjHOMl

lr run ha iii'i in Tin.

HftW&iiiM) Hiy'dw&l'f Oou .



gil'lV Wlf f .iW.i' i ifiinw .1ML ,l



Engmeers & iron jrotuiaeis.Office & Works, :







Sugar Machinery, Irrigating Machinery, Steam Engines,Steam Boilers, Juice Tanks, Cooler?, Molasses Tanks, Sugar Carf,

Cane CarB, Elevators, Conveyors, Furnace Fittings,Wrought Cast Iron Work House Builders,

Water Wheels Gearing, Bar Iron, Etc., Etc.

Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.

.sOAcViMEERWfi1 --cTT VV ."WAV

y ....rtv MLnil


Repairs of kindsBliort notice.

, ,t-- j r t i ? r r





v :c

& for&

iwhv ei .ihl .xVm KML .


AsenttCIInw.illaiiBlHlniirtN tor the



of Machinery done at

Special' Bargains in All DeprlMt at

B. F. EHLERS & OO.'S.White Dress Goods, in striped, at

10 cents yard.Victoria Lawn, lOy piece, for 75

cents.All colors Mohee Silk, $1.25 and

$1.50, formerly $2.50 yard.All wool Plaids, reduced for 50 and

75 cents yard.


rtgBTT .f7nn




Dressmaking the management of Mihs CLARK.

REMOVAL!Having removed our SODA WORKS





IVO. 29 JOJRJ?(Near the


We are now prepared to furnish at short notice, and of prime quality, anyof the following High Class Aerated Beverages :

C1NCER ALE,Plain, Sweet, Lemon, Straitory or Crei Sofia.

Sarsaparilla, Sarsaparilla & Iron "Water, and CrabApple Cider.

Using"Jexclusively the HYATT PURE WATER SYSTEM.




Carpenters', Blacksmiths',


Ki tclie tonsils, Paints, Oils,

reasonable i ate andC!)C tf

Embioideries, dress lengths, only$5 and $7 piece.

Black Laces & Flouncings, at yourown prices.

All styles of Curtains & Drapeiy,greatly reduced.

Gents' Undeiweai, White Shuts,Sock, Etc., Etc.

to more commodious quarters

SSTBMSEiT,Custom House)


MachiuiHta & Plum tiers' Tools,

Varnishes, Lain)) Goods and

Shipping & Commission Merchants,


-- DEAI.KttB IN--

Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,



n U


Blake's Stoam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,

Wilcox fi GILbs, tf Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr, Jayne fi Sons Family Medicines,

The "flail" Bulletin Week!" Summary "

$ ti$9 Ul tellf!!! f 'J'iiM H Jo jij Am4j

(gsscaibjLth? awuumvmi


12rmi DAY.

Monday, Nov. 10.


The House Vesumed at 1 andwent into committee of tlie whole,Hop. Kanealii in the chair, for thefui ther consideration of the lahorhill.

Sec. 3 provides for special resi-

dence permits for laborers withphotographs attached.

Noble Crabbe moved to strike outall relating to photographs, owing tothe provision for (Jhotograpldhg hav-

ing been struck out.Cutrietlt and the section passed as

amended.Sec. 4 provides that the presenta-

tion of a permit shall he held to bea consent of the person presenting itto all of its terms. Passed.

Sec. 5 provides that a desertershall be subject to the penalties al-

ready existing lor that offense, be-

sides those contained in this bill.Pasted.

Sec. G provides that an employermust notify the Inspector of Immi-

grants of the desertion of a laborerunder this Act, and that, the photo-graph ) the deserter shall bo post-ed up in every district of the King-dom.

Hep. Brown moved to stuko outall the photogiaph iefei dices.

Noble Mullur moved an amend-ment, accepted by Rep. Uronn, tosubstitute directions as to noticeswithout the photographs.

Cariied, and the section passed asamended.

Spc. 7 provides that all expenseson account of the desertion and

a laborer shall be paid out ofhis wages. Passed.

Sec. 8 provides that an employerfailing to give notice' of a desertershall be guilty of a misdemeanor,arid upon conviction thereof shall belined not less than zo nor morethan 100. Passed.

Sec. 9 provides that any personharboripg or employing a desertershall be guilty of a NiiBdemeanor,and upon convection thereof shall befined not less than $5 nor more than$50.

JTobe Crabbe moved an amend-

ment to make the minimum $25 andthe maximum $100. Carried, andthe section passed as amended.

Sec. 10 provides for a fee of $1 tothe Government for every permit.Passed.

Sec. 11 piovidcsthat expenses forphotogiaphs shall be paid bj' who-

ever gets the perpnts.Rep. Brown moved it be struck

out.Rep. Lucas moved it be retained.

He understood that the Minister wasto have photographs taken if hethought fit.

The section was struck out.Sec. 12 (now 11) provides for an

extension of permits on expirationfor a term not exceeding five ycai s.Passed.

Sec. 13 (now 12) provides for aregistry of laborers to be kept bythe Board of Immigration.

Rep. Brown moved an amendmentto correspond with a previous sec-

tion. Carried, and the section pass-ed as amended.

Sec. 14 (now 13) provides thatany person admitted to the King-dom under this Act, who shall befound in the Kingdom after the ex-

piration of his permit, or shall trans-fer his permit to another person be-

fore its expiration, or do anythingcontrary to this Act, shall be guiltyof a misdemeanor and, upon convic-tion thereof, shall be lined not ovei$200 or imprisoned at hard labor notover two months, and after satisfac-tion of his sentence shall be held incustody, at' his own expense, till hecan be sent to China.

Minister Peterson moved anamendment embracing violation ofthe regulations of the Bonn! of Im-

migration as one of the things con-

stituting a misdemeanor. Carried.Rep. Brown moved to make the

limit of imprisonment twelve months.Noble Widemann thought it sulli-cie- nt

that the laborer, after servingtwo months, was to be kept in cus-

tody tifl deported,The amendment lost and the sec-

tion as previously amended passed.Sec. 14. This Act shall take

effect and become a law from andafter the day of its approval. Pro-vided, however, that should the Ha-waiian Government at any time afterthe approval of this Act enter into aLabor Convention with the Empireof China, then and jn such case theCabinet may in their discretion, alterdue notice given by publication intwo newspapers printed and publish-ed in Honolulu, suspend the provi-sions and operations of this Act.Passed.

The title and enacting clausepassed.

Rep. Brown moved that tho com-mittee rise and recommend that thebill as amended in committee passto engrossment, and that bill 1U1Hbe laid on the tiible. Can led.

Iie, ICatieulil presented the re-pu- it

of tho committee of tlio whole,Noble Baldwin moved Unit tint

repoit bo adopted,Noble Miller moved Unit the rt

bit adopted with the exceptionof Huo, 8, in wliloli liu moved the i).

pod ho iimundcil by putting $2tiu inpltiuu of $76 at tint amount of HmiiiiiUr' homl. Ilu inovwl Unit tin

ityw wild mint liu cullnl, ami tmllmluUentimi iq llnlu ), nlilcli forlmdum injyjiiiw hjvliw it iPijii!Hii' liemm Iii m mwUiw JAP mmmill liii) ijkiii i Hilton y la Lii


aoituiiuw, & i,v itovhmbhb u, ibho.?r"si.rsg ga.!!5-ws.'Li,r!u-


ther members who were rjlajilera'could vote in this case.Pf Noble Macfarlane hoped thp hon.Noble would withdraw his. motion.This was.onc of 'tlie most criousmatters which had ever buoa dealtwith by the Legislature. Whilo hewas not satisfied with the attitude ofthe planters on the bill, there wouldbe an opportunity to submit amend-ments on thild reading.

The President ruled that, the mat-ter being one in which every personin the Kingdom was Interested, thoplanters in the House should not bedebarred from voting.

The report was adopted on a showof hands.

Noble Mullcr appealed from thoruling of the chair.

Noble Baldwin said that if mem-

bers who were thoroughly disinter-ested could alone vote on measures,there would be very few votes castin this House.

Noble Muller withdrew his ap-

peal.Noble Widemann said the bill

had all along been called one forthe lelief of planlcs, and recog-nizing it as such he for one declinedto vote on the passage of tlie bill.


Third reading of bill for electriclight fiauchise.

Noble Cornwi'll moved that thebill be indefinitely postponed. Hisreason was that lie did not believein this Government giving an ex-

clusive franohise to any piivate cor-

poration.Nobles Phillips and Marsden

Except on tobacco.Noble Cornwell There's no ex-

clusive franchise on tobacco. Theapplicants did not bind themselvesto buy the Government plant. As

tthey bound themselves not to usean alternating current, and theGovernment plant was run by sucha cui rent, they could not buy thatplant. Tho fovenue from tho in-

candescent lamps was nearly enoughto pay for the street lighting' arcsystem. Therefore lie moved thattlie bill be indefinitely postponed.

Noble Marsden thought if theiewas any "steal" in the bill it couldbe struck out. He would move anamendment requiring the Ministerof tlie fnterior to have the concur-rence of the Cabinet in selling theplant. Also, to strike out the sixthsection with the exclusive franchise."Also, to amend Sec. 3 by strikingout the prohibition of the alternat-ing current, and inserting instead aprovision that the works shall bemaintained so as to 'be withoutdanger to life. It was impossible tooperate electric lights without analternating curreni, which would betransformed before reaching the

, lamps.Noble Widemann was willing to

vote for indefinite postponement, butnot for the reasons given by the hon.Noble from Maui. The cost of theplant to be sold was not so verygieat as bad been represented, butit was folly for anyone to say thatthe house lighting paid for thestreet-lightin- g. Verj' few of thosewho wanted electric lights from theGovernment could get them, al-

though thousands on thousands ofdollars had been spent on the works.The street lighting itself was veryindifferently performed, only a fewfavored places being sulljoiei.tlylighted. There was not enoughpower in that Nuuanu establishmentfor the woik attempted. He hopednobody would be foolish enough toattempt to furnish light under 'thisbill.

Noble Baldwin said it should notbe forgotten that the lighting ofHonolulu was paid for by the wholecountry. If the house lightingbranch of the Government servicehelped to pay for the street lighting,it would be an injustice to the conn- -'

try to part with the bianch fromwhich there was some profit to 'thetreasury. The expenditures for thebenetit of Honolulu were out of pro-portion to those fpr tlje benefit ofthe country districts. The Houseshould understand that the streetoutlay was a dead expense to thetreasury, and that for an extrathousand dollars the seven hundredand odd incandescent lamps wererun, bringing in a revenue to theGovernment. He had no objectionto a company starting a plant andfurnishing private lighting, but hedid object to giving a company anexclusive franchise and to the Gov-ernment plant being sacrificed. Therewas no guarantee that the companywould buy the plant, and if not itwould be left dead stock on thehands of the Government. There-fore he would support the motionfor indefinite postponement.

Noble Macfarlane had heard agood deal outside and itiaceitainnewspaper about this" bill being asteal. Although he did not knowwho were tho promoters of the bill,he hud no reason to believethere was any steal in it. He be-

lieved that the transfer of houselighting to a company would be Inthe Interest of economy. There wasno evidence of the department beingso prolltuhlo as has been alleged. Alarge expenditure on account of theelectric lighting had been chargedto tho water works, Tlie mattermight safely bo left In the hands oftho Cabinet, who would nut loudtliiuustius to any Html.

Noble Omnttull wnld if the noin.pimy did not elmoau to jmy a fairirlim, tlm plant would liu left on tlm

IniiiilMif I liu (iihurinimiii.Nnlilii I'iiillhii wulil thin If llm !

(Jliilvi friintilili" Mi ttliuuli Hud (litilsiil wuulij Iw lufi uji Ui limuls u

wrJiu tot mmn & ii)' mm

lighting wns well done now. Thecity was loft In darknoss last night.The suburbs were not lighted at all.

Noble Mullcr moved to strike outSees. 5 and 8.

Noblo J. M. Homer said that theGovernment furnished the lights atGO cents, and would reduce the rateif the House had granted the appro-priation asked. Tho company wasto charge 70.r cents. This made adifference of thousands of dollursagajnst the people of Honoluluthemselves, besides which the streetlighting would have to be paid for outof the treasury. The Governmentwould he able to Improve the ser-vice, if it had not been for the con-spiracy in this House to root it outaltogether.

Noblo Marsden said the hon. No-ble was assuming what was not inthe bill in his comparison of charges.

Rep. Brown had been Informedby one of the first electricians of thecountry that, tf the works were ex-tended to give enough power for allthe lighting desired, new storagereserv'oirs would have to bo con-structed or else the extra amount ofwater be let run to waste. Underthe circumstances he thought itwould be a public advantage for acompany to take over the houselighting, hut he was opposed to anyexclusive franchise.

Rep. Paehaole would support in-

definite postponement and, if thatfailed, would vote for striking outthe objectionable features" of thebill. From the first section every-thing in the hill was a giveawayfrom the Government.

The ayes and noes were called onthe motion to indefinitely postponethe bill, which carried on the fol-

lowing vote :

Ayes Ministers Cummins, Brownand Spencer i Nobles Wide-mann, Pua, Kauhane, J. M.Homer, Hind, Parker, Baldwin,W. Y. Horner, Cornwell Walbridge,Anderon, Von Tempsky and G. N.Wilcox; Reps. Brown, Cuinmings,Kaulu, Waipuilani, Apiki, Paehaole,Kanealii, Cockett, Halstead, Kamai,

.Knudsen, ,Rice and A. S. Wilcox28.

Noes Minister Peterson : Nobles"Berger, Macfarlane, Mullcr,wPuil- -dips and Marsden; Reps. Lqcas, R.

V. Wilcox, Rosa, Baker, Kahooka-n- o

and White 12.Noble Baldwin, on being called,

said that after saying he should voteI for amending the bill, he found thatit gave a fifty-yea- r lease of valuableproperty, and he did not consider itright to alienate such property for

I such a period.Noble Widemann, on being called

ja second time, said his vote was im- -

jinalerial, the bill being defeated,he would vote aye.

Rep. Brown, on a second call,was still doubtful.

A motion to reconsider the votewas lost.

Recess from 3 :55 to 7 :30.


The House resumed at 7:38.Rep. Brown moyed the suspension

of the rule against smoking. Car-ried.

Third reading of bill supplement-ary to Chap. 37, Penal Code, andproviding for the expulsion from theKipgdom of idle and disorder!' persons.

Minister Peterson movpd the billpass, Carried.

Third reading of hill to promotethe cultivation and manufacture oftobacco, and granting certain spe-cial rights and privileges to Wm. H.Cornwell.

Rep. Hookauo moved that the billpass. Carried.

Third reading of bill to amendcertain Articles of the Constitution.

Rep. Brown moved that, to saveany question arising, the ayes audnoes be called on each section.Carried.

Sec. 1, to amend Aiticle 48, re-

lating to tho King's veto, passed onthe following vote :

Ayes Ministers Cummins, Brown,Spencer and Peterson; NoblesWjdcmann, Berger, Walker, Muller,Kauhane, J. M. Horner, Hind, Par-ker, Marsden, Baldwin, W. Y. 'Hor-ner, Cornwell, Walbridge, Anderson,von Tempsky and G. N. Wilcox;Reps. Brown, R. W. Wilcox, Kauui,Nawahi, Baker, Horner, Kahookano,Waipuilani, Apiki, Paehaole, White,Kanealii, Cockett, Halstead, Knudsen'and A. S. Wilcox 30.

Noes 0.Sec. 2, to amend Article 5G, relat-

ing to the qualification of candidatesfor Noble, passed on the followingvote:

Ayes Ministers Cummins, Brown,Spencer aud Petorson ; NoblesWidemann, Berger, Walker, Muller,Kauhane, J. M. Horner, Hind,Parker, Marsden, Baldwin, W. Y.Horner, Cornwell, Walbridge, Ander-son, yon Tempsky, and G. N. Wil-

cox; 'Reps. Brown, R. W. Wilcox,Kauhi, Nawahi, Baker, A. Hgrner,Kahookano, Waipuilani, Apiki, Pae-haol- o,

White, Kanealii, Cockett,Halstead, Kmidson and A. S. Wil-

cox 30.Noes 0.Sec, ), to ii mend Ai tide 51),

to qualification of voteiH forNobo, whs load,

Noble Muller moved to ainiind theIncome qualification by Inserting$151) for (HI0, host,

Tim nuiondmoiit piiawd aw In tlmbill on tlm following yotm

Jlnm'ii,Kpuimor mill PpluihOlii NnlieWlilniiiiinii, llcignr, Wnll.rr, Mullur,Kiiiilniim, .1. M llornor, Hind, hirlll'll tHHIP'IVMI IIHIIIWIll, IV. Y, lorhhi'i Oflp)iVnl 'nMm "frmil) am ' miiwNy w u U. miwjj iitfjui ummu JwiWi MHSlllj

Horner, Kahookano, Apiki, Pap.haoio, Cockett, Halstead, Knudsenand A. S. Wilcox. 31.

Noes Reps R. W. Wilcox,Baker, Waipuilani, White qnd Kami-alli--

Noblo Widemann, on being called,said the amendment did not suitlinn exactly, but he tiusted cveiymember would wotfi aye.

Noble Muller, on the vote beingannounced, said lie had moved anamendment which was lost, but, aionly nine members had voted against$P00, he desired to change his votefrom no to aye if other memberswho had voted ifr) would do like-wise.

Noblo Berger and Reps. Kauhiand Nawahi changed their votesfrom no to aye. ,

Sec. 4, to amend Article CO, pro-viding that no person shall sit in theLegislature except under the provi-sions of this Constitution, passed onthe following vote:

Ayes MiiiisteisCummiiiR.Browii,Spencer and Peterson ; NoblesWidemann, Berger, Walker Mac-farlane, Muller, Kauhane, J. M.Horner, Hind, Parker, Maisden,Baldwin, W. Y. Horner, Cornwell,Wulbtidge, Anderson, Von Temp-sky aud G. N.Wilcox: Reps. Brown,R. W. Wilcox, Kauhi, Nawahi,Baker, A. Horner, Kahookano,Waipuilani, Apiki, Paehaole, White,Kanealii, Cockett, Halstead, Knud-sen and A. S. Wilcox 3C.

Noes 0.Sec. 5, amending Article 02, re-

lating to qualification of voters forRepresentative, passed on the fol-

lowing vote :

Ayes MinistersCummins,Broun,Spencer and Peterson; NoblesWidetnan, Berger, Walker, Muller,Kauhane, J. M. Homer, Hind, Par-ker, Marsden, Baldwin, W. Y. Hor-ner, Cornwell, Walbridge, Ander-son, Von Tempsky and G. N. Wil- -

coq; Keps. mown, it. w. wucox,Kauhi, Nawahi, Baker, Horner, Ka-

hookano, Waipuilani, Apiki, Pae-haole, White, Kanealii, Cockeit,Halstead, Knudsen and A. S.Wilcox

30.Noes 0.Sec. 0, making a new Article, re-

lating to special legislation for laborimmigrants, passed on the followingvote:

Ayes Ministers Cummins,Bi own,(Spencer and Peterson; NoblesJ Widemann, Berger, Walker, Muller,Kauhane. J. iu. iiorner, tiino, rar-ke- r,

JUarsden, Baldwin, W. Y. Hor-Ine- r,

Walbridge, Anderson, Von(Tempsky and G. N. Wilcox,; Reps.(Brown, Horner, Waipuilani, Apiki,I Paehaole, Cockeit, Halstead, Knud-sen and A. S. Wilcox 29.

Noes Reps, R. W. Wilcox, Kau-

hi, Nawahi, Baker, Kahookano,i White and Kanealii 7.

The title and enacting clause and.the whole bill passed --without dis-jsen- t.

Third reading of bill to amend'Aiticle 55 of the Constitution, pro-viding $500 instead of $250 as themaximum compensation for 'Repre-jse'ntati'v- es

each period.The bill passed on the following

division i

'AyeB Ministers Cummins, Brown,Spencer and Peterson; 'Nobles

iWidemann, Berger,' Walker, Muller",--

Kauhane, J. M. Horner, Hind, Par-ker, Marsden, Baldwin, W. Y. Hor-

ner, Cornwell, Walbridge, Ander-son, Von Tempsky and.G. Nl' fil-co- x

; Reps. R. W. Wilcox, Nawahi1,

Iiorner, Kahookano, Apiki, Pae-haole, White, Kanealii and Cockett

29.Noes Reps. Brown, Kauhi,Baker,

Waipuilani, Halstead, Knudsen andA. S. Wilcox 7.

'Second reading of bill to prohibitthe mutilation of coiu and the utter-ing or receiving of the same as coin.Considered with favorable report ofthe finance committee.

The bill passed, to be read a thirdtime Wednesday.

Nnhle' Widemann moved that thebill regarding maintenance of .street's'occupied by the Hawaiian IramwaysCo. be taken from the table. Iti'wpslaid there to await the minority (re-po- rt

of select committee some days'ago.

'Rep. Paehaole promised the min-

ority report morning arid'opposed the motion.

Noble Widemann said the minor-

ity wanted to kill tlie bill. '

Noble Baldwin considered itwould bo only courtesy to take theword of the member that the minor-ity report would be presented to-

morrow.Noble Cornwell as one of the

minority repeated the promise.The motion was lost.Secotid reading of bill to define

the duties of kokuas (assistants) tothe lepers. Consideied with reportof majority of Moiokai committee,submitting amendments with whichthey recommend the bill pass.

Rep. Hookauo moved that the re-

port of the cqmmittcu be adopted.Carried, the bill to be read a thirdt rqiJ Wednesday.

The Hawaii Railway bill was pass-ed over, on account of its lengthand a thin House,

Second reading of bill to amendSec, 15, Chap. 70, law of 1888,so as to change uu election dlstiloton Hawaii. Considered with reqom-imimlntiQ- M

of election bill oommlt-te- n,

roi'Giiiiiuuidlng to linU'llnltepotdpoiiuiiiiint,

Hop. Iliowq moved !t ImMlnltu

I Kiioninl romliig of 1)111 M'littlng InI iliu iiiiiliitoniinoo of llro ilwpiiriini'iiiw

,thmimliinit the Klnloni, (Jniivhlrroil nili I vi IiIp rpjiorl of wh'tHW)lllllHtlHr

I Hen. Wuliinlliiiil niiiviul llm liuliti

Am IIJM1WHWU 0 Oiw tlOJj Mil

proposed to tax the people of Hono-lulu for supporting the fire depart-ment.

Noble J. M. Iiorner held (hat thebill was in the lino of progress andof civilization. The plantation peo-ple paid for their own fire protection,as did all cities in the world.

Rep. Hookauo said this was afavorite idea of the hon. Noble, butit was the fit et step to making Hono-lulu an incorporated municipality,for which this little country was notquite. .ready. He moved indefinitepostponement. The plantation peo-ple kept their money in the citybanks, and if the banks burneddown they would want to knowWhere their money was.

Noble Widemann said tho depart-ment never got to the outer bound-aries till the house was burned down.The bill ought to have fixed reason-able limits that could be reached hytlie engines in time. The largestowner here was the Government.Were tho townspeople to pay forprotecting Government property?The lion. Noble's doctrine was,"I'm for myself, you for yourself,"and he carried it out by Vying toget a subsidy for tiie San Diego lineby every means, legitimate oh ille-gitimate. The speaker was notagainst the principle of. the bill, butas it was ho snould votefor indefinite postponement.

Rep. Paehaole thought the billwas good in some aspects. By-and--

the Legislature would be askedto refuse assistance to all local im-

provements. He was against thebill.

Noble J. M. Horner said thecnuniry paid three-fourt- hs of thetaxes.

Noble Widemann Say five-fift-

and a hall.Noble J. M. Horner, as one of a

select committee on Honolulu ex-penditures from tho treasury, whichfound that the fire department was

' alone in returning nothing to therevenues among several public ser- -,

vices.Rep. Waipuilani considered that

the hon. Noble for Hamakua likedHonolulu like one liked a mother-in-la-

The fire department was notsolely for the benefit of the peopleor Honolulu,

The motion to indefinitely post-pone the bill was lost.

The House adjourned at 9 :35.

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