Fiat Volume 26 -€¦ · Web viewVOLUME 26. April 7, 1929. Kisses to the sun....

VOLUME 26 April 7, 1929 Kisses to the sun. Exit into the garden. Contest between wind and sun. Feast of the whole Creation. Clashing note and note of accord. The new Eve. My poor mind keeps going back into the center of Divine Volition. I feel compelled to cross Its endless Sea and dive deeper and deeper into It so that all I see, hear or touch is Divine Will. Adorable Will, carry Your little exile up into the Celestial Regions on the crest of a gigantic wave. Take Your infant child from Your Will on earth up into Your Will in Heaven. Please! Have pity on me because I am so little. Carry me away with You as Your last act on earth, so You might continually act in Heaven. Writing disgusts me; I only do it out of obedience. Today, after forty years without going outside they took out into the garden in a wheelchair, so I could enjoy some fresh air. As soon as I went out, the sun drenched me with its rays. By way of introduction, it greeted me with a kisses of light and I returned them tit for tat. I prayed that all the little girls and the sisters who were with me would give a kiss to the sun that would also be a kiss for the Divine Will, the Queen veiled in light. All of them gave it a kiss. Image how emotional I felt after so many years, suddenly looking at the sun that my lovable Jesus often used as a symbol or metaphor to explain the workings of His adorable Will. I was filled with its heat and light. The wind seemed to be competing with the sun, because it kissed me with a gentle breeze that cooled the hot kisses given to me by the sun. I thought they would never stop kissing me, the sun on one side and the wind on the other. Everything was so vivid, the air seemed alive. I could feel a breath of fresh air caressing me. The love of the

Transcript of Fiat Volume 26 -€¦ · Web viewVOLUME 26. April 7, 1929. Kisses to the sun....


April 7, 1929

Kisses to the sun. Exit into the garden. Contest between wind and sun. Feast of the whole Creation. Clashing note and note of accord. The new Eve.

My poor mind keeps going back into the center of Divine Volition. I feel compelled to cross Its endless Sea and dive deeper and deeper into It so that all I see, hear or touch is Divine Will. Adorable Will, carry Your little exile up into the Celestial Regions on the crest of a gigantic wave. Take Your infant child from Your Will on earth up into Your Will in Heaven. Please! Have pity on me because I am so little. Carry me away with You as Your last act on earth, so You might continually act in Heaven. Writing disgusts me; I only do it out of obedience.

Today, after forty years without going outside they took out into the garden in a wheelchair, so I could enjoy some fresh air. As soon as I went out, the sun drenched me with its rays. By way of introduction, it greeted me with a kisses of light and I returned them tit for tat. I prayed that all the little girls and the sisters who were with me would give a kiss to the sun that would also be a kiss for the Divine Will, the Queen veiled in light. All of them gave it a kiss.

Image how emotional I felt after so many years, suddenly looking at the sun that my lovable Jesus often used as a symbol or metaphor to explain the workings of His adorable Will. I was filled with its heat and light. The wind seemed to be competing with the sun, because it kissed me with a gentle breeze that cooled the hot kisses given to me by the sun. I thought they would never stop kissing me, the sun on one side and the wind on the other. Everything was so vivid, the air seemed alive. I could feel a breath of fresh air caressing me. The love of the Divine Fiat is in the sun and the wind. Created things are veils that hide the Volition that created them; I could touch with my hand.

As I admired the empire of the sun, wind and the vastness of the azure heavens, my sweet Jesus moved inside me. This time I could feel Him, as if He were trying to outdo the sun, wind and sky.

He said, “Beloved daughter of My Volition, today everyone celebrates your excursion outside. The whole Celestial Court relished the gaiety of the sun, the joyful wind and the smiling heavens. They all ran to see what was going on. They watched you as you were filled with light as the sun was kissing you. They were touched the wind was caressing you and happy that the heavens smiled at you. They all understood that the power of My Divine Fiat was inspiring the elements to celebrate over Its newborn child.”

“The entire Celestial Court joins all of Creation to celebrate your coming out into the natural light because My Divine Will has given them yet another reason to be joyful and happy. While I was watching, I decided to prepare a feast within you. Now I no longer regret forming the heavens with its sun, nor all the rest of Creation. I feel so much better knowing My little

daughter enjoys It so much. It gives Me a great deal of satisfaction now that the glorious joy I felt when I first created everything has come back. Before, when Adam was still innocent, lamentations over his rebellion had yet to reverberate through Creation, shattering their gaiety. That sweet smile My Divine Will had in the sun, wind and starry heavens faded away and was no longer given to creatures.”

“In fact, My daughter, by not doing My Divine Will, man intones his discordant note in Our work of Creation and loses the harmony of all created things. We are sorry for the embarrassment of having any strings play out of tune in Our work, ruining the beauty of Its symphonic sound. When he strays from Its key, We are deprived of the earthly kisses and joyful smiles of appreciation for the Creation of My Divine Will. The one who does My Will and lives in It the well-tempered note that harmonized with the whole work. The sound of her melody is happy and joyful rather than melancholy. The overarching harmony of the composition is clear in every part, invoking the intention of the Composer, My Will, from the creatures in the performance. Nothing else is more important than enjoying a symphony with the Will of the Conductor keeping everything in key.”

When He finished, I asked Him a question.

I said, “My Love, You have often told me that someone like me, who lives in Your Divine Will, is a sister of all created things. I want to know if my sister light recognizes me. I suppose I’d know if I tried to look at it and weren’t blinded.”

Jesus answered, “Of course it will recognize you. Try it and you’ll see.”

So I looked straight into the center of the suns’ sphere, and its light caressed my pupils without blinding me, and I was able to look directly into the center of its great sea of light. It was clear, and so beautiful. It truly symbolizes Divine Fiat’s infinite, endless Sea of light.

I said: “Thank you, Jesus, for letting me be acknowledged by my sister light.”

He said, “My daughter, someone who lives in My Will is recognized by all Creation, even by her breathing. Every created thing feels the power of Fiat in such a creature, as well as the preeminence God gave her over all Creation.”

“Listen, My daughter, in the beginning, when Adam and Eve were created, Eden was given to them as their habitat so they could live in holiness there. They should have been happy to have it.”

“This garden here is analogous with that Eden, even though it’s not as beautiful or as full of flowers. Now, I wanted you to live in this house and surrounding gardens so you could be the new Eve. You are not like the temptress Eve, who didn’t deserve the happiness of Eden; you are Eve the renovator who restores the Kingdom of My Divine Will on earth.”

“You shall cleanse the rot of human will and germinate hybrid seed for a blissful new age. I have put wealth and happiness in the center of you being for the joyful beginning of Creation’s renewal. It would be delightful to relive the conversations and explain the lessons I would have given to man if only he had not withdrawn from Our Divine Will. So pay attention and may your flight within It be non-stop.”

April 12, 1929

The Creation, act of profound adoration of the Divine Trinity.

I abandoned myself completely in Divine Fiat, and as minute as I am, It overwhelmed me with Its light. I was transported all the way up into the womb of the Eternal One, and It was overflowing with such beautiful light of sanctity that I was filled with profound adoration. My insignificant existence was transformed into a single act of adoration for the God who loved me so much, and still does.

Then, while my mind was still wandering within the light of Divine Volition, my lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the Sanctity of Our Divine Being and the singular Power of Our Will is inherent within Us. Yet, even though We are distinct as Persons, Our Will imposes one domineering imperative over Us. Our everlasting Love is mutually reciprocal and inspires the most profound adoration among Us as three Divine Persons. Everything that comes out of Us is a result of these endless acts of profound adoration within Our Divine Being.”

“When Our Divine Fiat decided to activate Creation, give It life and send It all out onto the field, Our Fiat was pronounced. This was an outward expression of the profound adoration going on between Ourselves. The heavens, in their immensity, are just one visible form of the intense mutual worship within Our Divine Being. Day or night, that’s what you see when you look at the sky.”

“From the vastness of Our Being, Our adoration came out from Our womb in all its immensity, extending the starry heavens over the universe. It is calling all the inhabitants of the earth into the unity of Our Will where they may become one within the immensity of Our adoration. When man does this through the power of Our Fiat, he extends himself within the immensity of his Creator and becomes a heaven of profound adoration for his Creator.”

“When Our endless Light is in the act of intense worship, Its zeal is so hot that It cannot be confined under the heavenly vault. It would never be content just to be seen up there, so the sun lowers its rays of light from the center of its sphere down to the level of the earth, laying Its hands of light on all things. It molds everyone and everything and fills them with adoration of

light. That done, it calls all plants, flowers, trees, birds and creatures to unite in one singular adoration within the Will of the One who created them.”

“The sea, wind, air and all created things, each of them is an act of profound adoration for Our Divine Being. From both near and afar, It calls the creature into the Unity of Our Fiat where she may thoughtfully reenact Our adoration. When she takes possession of whatever belongs to Us, she can give Us the sun, sea, wind and the flowery earth. Our one Will knows how to make them into profound adorations and bring the creature to emulate them. With Its universal strength, Our Divine Fiat can do anything by uniting all things. By uniting Heaven and earth, It keeps everything in action and brings Creator and creature together as one.”

Then He silently withdrew into the depths of His Light while I continued my rounds throughout Creation, following the profound adoration of my Creator within all created things. I could smell the fragrance of Divine adoration in each of them and touch Their adorable breath with my hand. I could feel the presiding adoration of Our Creator as penetrating winds with hurricane force gusting from the caressing breath of a gentle breeze. The wind overwhelms us as it calls everyone to the adoration of the Creator that is wafted aloft with it. This supernatural wind is strong enough to go around the world in minutes, screaming imperiously, though at times you can only hear a feeble moan calling us. Its force propels us to merge with the Divine adoration it gives to its Creator.

Continuing my rounds, I glimpsed a sea of crystal clear water that murmured quietly when it wasn’t roiling with gigantic waves. Jesus told me about Love’s continual murmuring in this sea that was the profound adoration of Divine Purity in action. Its waves are the adoration of Divine Strength moving everyone and everything as if they were straw floating on the surface.

If the Divine Fiat were reigning sovereign among creatures, It would let everyone read what is written within each created thing. There they would learn about the distinct adoration of Our Creator engraved in each one. It would unite us with all Creation in glorious love and adoration for the Supreme Being. O Divine Will, be our sovereign, let the Will of all be one.

April 16, 1929

For one who lives in the Fiat, there is an exchange of life between the Fiat and the soul. Doubled love.

As my sweet Jesus deprives me of His presence more and more, all I do is moan as I long for His return. No matter how much I live totally abandoned in Divine Fiat, His bitter absence wounds me deeply. Like a wounded deer, my sorrow cries out to Heaven and earth, howling in pain. Such excruciating pain throbs in its march toward the infinite, heavier as the beat goes on. A deafening cry pours out the open wound of my deprivation, closing only for those few

moments when He speaks to me about His Divine Volition. Then it reopens as soon as He leaves, worse than ever. I am compelled to add the sorrowful sound of my little soul as I write. This wounded deer sends up her cry to Jesus to wound Him in kind. Perhaps that will make Him come back to console me.

I was still immersed in the pain of His desertion and totally abandoned in His Will when He moved inside me.

He said, “Have courage, My daughter, instead of getting lost in your sorrow, you should climb even higher. You know that you have such a great task to fulfill that nothing should stop you, not the pain of My absence or anything else. In fact, such pain can assist your ascent toward the light of My Divine Will. Your encounter with It must be a continual exchange of life between Creator and creature.”

“Life cannot exist unless it is in motion, with breath and a heartbeat, otherwise you couldn’t live in My Fiat. It would be sad if It could feel the pulse and breath of Its dear little newborn daughter. It would suffer feeling her being torn away instead of always in the act of being born without leaving Its womb. It wouldn’t let her take so much as a single step away, so great is Its desire to have her life as Its own. I you were ever to leave, you would lose the continual motion of Its respiration and heartbeat. You would have only a void in your soul where there should be Divine Will. That must not be, My daughter, I do not want an empty space to replace My Will in your soul.”

“All these bits of information I give you concerning My Divine Fiat are like flights of stairs leading down into the soul. They are a passageway for My Will when It wants to take possession of a creature for the establishment of Its Kingdom. They are also used for the soul’s ascent into Heaven when she is ready to capture My Will and carry It down to earth. This is a great and important task and there’s no time to waste, no matter what the reason, holy or otherwise. Follow My example as I hide within the glare of My Divine Will so It can have the whole place to Itself. I’m not trying to escape from you, but I have to get away now and then to take care of business. I have to arrange some things so that it’ll be clear to you exactly what does belong to My Divine Will. So pay attention, and may your flight within It be non-stop.”

I was still upset about Jesus not coming to see more often, and I had my doubts.

I thought, “His Love for me has died down, it’s just not like it used to be. There’s only the a shadow of Jesus’ Love left for me.”

I went on like that for awhile until He moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, My Love for you doubles every time you perform an action within My Divine Will. You’ve already done so many of them, and My Love has grown so much, that I’ll have to expand your capacity for It. That’s the only way you’ll be able to absorb My growing Love as It arises in Me with every action you do while in My Divine Will. As it is, My Love is

a hundred times stronger than It was before. So, you can be sure you’ll never run out of My Love, there will always be more than enough.”

April 21, 1929

How the Divine Will is fullness. How Adam, before sinning, possessed the fullness of sanctity. The Virgin and all created things possess this fullness.

I continue to abandon myself in Divine Fiat. I simply can’t out of the precious inheritance my sweet Jesus bequeathed to me along with His love. He was very gracious in His generosity.

He said, “Daughter, I trust in you not to ever leave It. You are an echo that reverberates from one end of infinity to the other. Everyone in Heaven will hear the good news that Our Fiat on earth that We put in escrow has not gone unclaimed. In fact, Our little daughter inhabits every apartment inside Its mansion.”

It is so sweet to live within my beloved celestial inheritance, I couldn’t live without It. As my always lovable Jesus and I went all around together within His Fiat, He expressed His love for It once again.

He said, “My daughter, My Divine Will is fulsome, everything belongs to It. Immense light and peerless sanctity illuminate a constant generating power that renders any boundary meaningless. It sees everything with an unrestrained empathy as It unfolds ultimate reality. That is Its nature within My Divine Fiat, an endless cornucopia of superabundance.”

“The soul must turn itself inside out, leaving nothing at all of her former self within its depths. That’s her only chance of holding even one of It actions within the empty void of being as it was when she was in the act of being created. That’s the minimum requirement before My Divine Volition would have enough space to store such a call to action constantly regenerating itself as an endless string of self referencing acts. It’s all or nothing, neither the fullness of light, love, sanctity, beauty, nor an endless array of Divine action.”

“Sanctified life within My Divine Will is so fulsome that even if God wanted to give her more, He wouldn’t find enough space to add the least bit of extra light, or beauty. We would have to say, ‘You encompass all beauty, there’s nothing more to add. You are the work of Our Volition, and that’s really all it takes to be worthy of what We have done for you.’”

“The soul will answer, ‘I am the triumph of Your Divine Fiat, that’s why I’m so rich and beautiful. I have the same fulsomeness as all the acts of Your Divine Will, and it fills me completely. If You gave me anymore, I wouldn’t know where to put it.’”

“Adam had the same ample sanctity before he got lost in the maze of his human will. He was the owner of Our Fiat’s primal act that generated his creation and gave him fulsome strength, light, beauty and grace to keep forever. All the qualities of Our Fiat were reflected in him. The sight of such adornment sent Us into rapture. The beloved Image of Our Divine Being that We created in him was sculpted so well. That‘s why, despite his fall, he hadn’t lost the life of Our Fiat, nor Its regenerative hope. After all, he has been in possession of Its fulsome action since his life began, and We didn’t want to lose Its owner.”

“The Divinity felt bound to Adam and did not banish him forever since he was once a possession of Our Fiat. It shrunk from doing so because that would weaken Our Strength and dampen the fire of Our Love. It would truly be an embarrassment for the Divine to lose someone who has possessed even a single fulsome act of Our Will.”

“Her Highness, the Sovereign Queen, had such effusive sanctity that there could be no void within Her. She enveloped seas of power, light, grace and beauty. She’s so full that there’s no place to put anything that We might give her, because She is the only celestial creature who has ever lived under Our Divine Fiat’s imperial rule. No one else can say, ‘I am an act of Divine Will, that’s the secret of My awesome power beauty, as well as My Maternity.’”

“A single act of Our Fiat can do anything, and Its very right to do so is what makes everything so fulsome. The sun is so full of light only by virtue Its acting. If someone were to ask the sun, ‘Do you need more light?’ it would answer, ‘I have more than enough light for everyone. In fact, there’s no way I could give it all away, since I possess the source of all light, given as an act of Divine Fiat.’”

“The sky is one of Its acts; it extends outward in every direction, so fulsome that it can’t find anywhere it hasn’t already covered with its azure drapery. The wind too is an act of Our Divine Fiat, and the strength of its empire ranges far and wide. No one can resist the force of a really powerful wind. It’s liable to make a fool of anyone. With domineering strength it uproots trees and flattens cities. It knocks everything over and carries it all away like it was only made of straw.”

“All Creation, each and every created thing, has, as its very own, the fulsome act of Our Fiat, so nothing, anywhere or at any time, can ever be poor. They are all rich with the plenitude that flows from Our Divine Volition. Need does not exist, everything is rich by nature. The sea has water aplenty, the earth is effusive with plants, and the plants themselves have a variety that is truly awe-inspiring. All of them are born of the fulsome act of Our Divine Volition.”

“My daughter, living within My Divine Will is very simple. It means owning the full abundance of the Divine for your own enjoyment. It implies the abolition of want. No one will ever be short of light, sanctity or beauty. It shows that they are truly born of My adorable Fiat.”

April 28, 1929

How the Divine Fiat renders the creature inseparable from God. Divine overflowing for the creature. Everything is safe in one who lives in the Fiat, while everything is in danger

in one who does the human will.

I was making my rounds throughout Divine Fiat, following Creation in action. When I reached Eden, my poor little mind stopped to watch It in action as It created man, infusing life into him as It breathed over him. So I prayed that Jesus would breathe over my own poor soul and fill me with the original Divine breath of Creation. I wanted the Trinity to start my life over again with Their breath that regenerates everything with the Fiat, the way it was supposed to be when They first created me.

Then my sweet Jesus came out from inside me, and He was leaning over, ready to breathe on me.

He said, “My daughter, it is Our Will that the creature should rise up and come back to Our womb. We will take her into Our creative arms and give her Our eternal breath once again, the air current that generates all the good things that bring happiness and joy. However, man must live in Our Will for that to happen, because that’s the only place We can give it to him.”

“Our Fiat has the power to make the creature a part of Us that can never be separated. It is Our nature to do that, and the creature can do the same by virtue of grace. We created man so that he might live without any distance separating Us. To do that, We had to give him Our Divine Will as the primal action that keeps him operating so closely in synch with his Creator. That’s why Our Love, Light, Joy, Power and Beauty gushed out all together as they overflowed from Our Divine Being onto the table where he sat. We lovingly fashioned him with Our creative hands and then brought him to life with Our own breath. We wanted to savor Our work as We adorned him with Our own Beauty and donated Our Treasure to him. Then We gave him Our very happiness for his own enjoyment. We did all this for Our own enjoyment, because it was Our Will that We remain close to the creature and operate as a close-knit team. Games like these cannot be played from a distance.”

“It was necessary for Creation that We preserve the integrity of Our work so it could reach It’s intended goal. The only way to do that was to endow man with Divine Will for his own preservation, so he could remain as he was when Our creative hands first made him. Our mutual happiness depended on maximizing his enjoyment of Our great bounty. We want man’s return to his place of honor so he can take up operating again along with his Creator. We won’t be able to amuse Ourselves together with him until he reenters Our Fiat. We are waiting for It to carry him triumphantly into Our arms so We can hold him tightly within Our Divine womb. Then We will tell him, ‘Finally, after six thousand years, you have come back. You have experienced every kind of evil in your wanderings, because there is nothing good outside Our

Fiat. You have experienced more than enough sin, having touched it with your own hand. Now you know what it means to go out of It. So don’t ever go out of It again. Come, relax and enjoy what is yours, because everything has been given to you in Our Volition.’”

“So pay attention, My daughter. Everything is yours, if you’ll only agree to live in Our Fiat and never leave again. Our breath will forever take delight as it blows over you. Our Sanctity, Light and Joy shall overflow all around, inspiring in you a perfect attitude toward Our works. We shall continually rejuvenate Our little daughter with Our Divine Will, as long as she remain with Us.”

Then my blessed Jesus went back inside me and continued my lesson as I kept following the endless actions of Divine Fiat.

He said, “My daughter, My Divine Volition is vigilant in guarding all of Its possessions. Once It enters into the soul to take possession of her, she can be assured of her safety. It guards sanctity, grace, beauty and all the other virtues to keep them safe. Divine strategy secures them by using Its own Divine Sanctity, virtue and beauty as substitutes. It places Its seal on her to protect them from danger, and from then on She is untouchable. Those who live in My Will have nothing to fear because Its Divine Security defends them from everything.”

“Nothing is safe with the human will, however, not even sanctity itself. Virtues are in constant danger without around-the-clock protection by My Fiat. Pushing and pulling, the passions try anyway they can to overthrow virtue and cast it upon the ground along with the sanctity she has achieved through so many sacrifices. The vivifying virtue of My Will has to be there continually nourishing the soul. It closes the doors opened by human will for the evil enemy and its worldly allies, self-esteem, misery and chaos. Otherwise, virtue and sanctity may be undermined by rot until they are not strong enough to support what is good. Nothing is safe unless it is under the control of My Divine Will.”

“The evil is great and chaos constant without Our Divine Will’s sovereign reign in the midst of creatures. Our Creation and all the blessings of Redemption are intermittent only because the human family is in no position to consistently receive such blessing without the reign of Our Fiat. In fact, We often have to use Creation and Redemption as weapons against man when human pits itself against Us. Then justice demands that We strike them until they understand that Our Will is supreme and shall continue to punish them when they refuse Our gifts. The glory creatures give Us through Creation and Redemption is not static; it changes with every act of human will.”

“Creatures pay Us very little interest on everything We give them and even that is sporadic at best. They can’t afford to pay anything on the principal for all the love We have given them. The least they could do is glorify Us. It’s not like they’re on a fixed income. Our Will alone has the power to act steadfastly on behalf of those who acknowledge Its sovereignty. No one is safe until Our Divine Fiat begins Its reign. Human will puts even Creation, Redemption and the Sacraments in danger with its abuse. It refuses to acknowledge the One who has loved it with

such beneficence. It tramples Our gifts under its feet. Until Divine order spreads out under the reigns of Our Will, Its harmony shall not endure, nor shall peace be established among creatures with an everlasting light of day. Everything is at stake, both for mankind and for Us. Until then, everything We have created anguishes in nightmarish danger, without any chance of providing creatures with their abundance.”

May 4, 1929

Power, enchantment and empire of a soul who lives in the Divine Will. How everything turns around her and she lords over her very Creator.

I’m still abandoned in Divine Fiat. My poor mind wanders here and there, pausing now and then. There’s no way out from such boundless immensity. There are neither doors nor passage ways to exit. I am continually leaving Divine Volition behind me, and as I do, It appears in front of me in all Its majesty, to my left and right, even under my feet as I walk. It says to me, ‘I am all yours. I give you My Life and I shall form It within you. There’s nothing for you but My Adorable Divine Will.’”

My poor little mind wandered around in It until my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, someone who lives in My Divine Volition watches the relentless action of My Divine Fiat being operated by the Divine inside her. The power of Its command generates such strong action within the creature that it captivates everyone with its sweet enchantment. Everyone dances around her in a circle under the celestial spheres, all the Angels and Saints, the Sacrosanct Trinity, along with everything else in Creation. They all want to be in the audience, enjoying the beautiful scenery and the sweet sensation of the creature acting together with the Divine Fiat.”

“In the next scene, she goes into the bank of Supreme Being and assumes the role of her Creator for the unending act still in progress. It’s a beautiful performance, accompanied by the sweetest music, as she masterfully enacts the rare events that only her Creator could author. The most enchanting thing about the performance is how someone that little can be so fearless in acting out such daring scenes that no one else could do unless they were really courageous. She dominates the stage as she asks her Creator to hand over the Kingdom of His Will on earth, and then helps herself to all the Happiness and Joy We have on deposit in the Divine Bank. Then she started giving it all away. The audience was as captivated as I was; you could see the pleasure on everyone’s face.”

“When she realizes that the more she gives the more there is in the account, she doesn’t quit. She just keeps going on and on as they all wait for her to finish. The suspense builds as they rush forward and surround her at stage center. They don’t want to miss a thing because they’ve

never seen anything like it. It is is a great consolation to see such a little human continually acting in the Unity of Supreme Fiat, especially since only God can behave that way. Watching a creature do the same thing is simply astounding, and all of Heaven and earth were astonished.”

“My little daughter, if you only knew what it means to continually act in My Will means. Such an act is incomprehensible to the created mind. A creature may bi-locate Our Act on a continuing basis, however. When she enters into Our Act, she assumes Our rare Beauty and raises Our insurmountable Love for all to see. She wields Our Power, so she can do anything. She grows into Our Immensity and embraces everything. She wants to show them to everybody and say to them, “Look, this is how our Creator acts. We let her do this because We enjoy watching such a little creature trying to give Us Our Own paradise and presenting Us with Our very Divine Being as a gift for Us to be shared with her.”

“Someone who lives in Our Fiat can do anything and then give it all to Us, anything whatsoever! Moreover, since this happy creature is living on earth, by virtue of having a free will, she has an all-conquering power that not even the Blessed Saints in Heaven possess. She has every right to use it to lay hands on whatever she wants and multiply it for the good of all. Our Will keeps her within Itself as the conqueror of Our Divine Being.”

May 9, 1929

How it was necessary that Jesus centralize in Luisa the human sanctity in order to consummate it and give rise to the sanctity of living in the Divine Will. How voluntary

suffering is something great before God.

I reread the first volume of my manuscript where Our Lord said He wanted me to battle against the infernal enemy as part of my difficult trial. I thought, “It seems like a contradiction. Jesus has often told me that someone who lives in His Divine Will is never disturbed by temptations because the enemy doesn’t have the power to enter Divine Fiat. It would burn him more than the very fires of hell, so he’ll run away from the soul who lives in It just to avoid worse torment.”

As I was thinking, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “You are wrong about that, My daughter, there’s no contradiction. I called you specifically to live in My Divine Will, so I could instruct you to teach others about the sanctity of living in It. To bring about Its reign on earth, I had to focus all human sanctity within you so it could be lived. That’s the only way to promote the true sanctity of the living in My Divine Volition.”

“Human sanctity is to be the throne and footstool for the sanctity of My Divine Will. That’s why I called you, right from the start, to be the ritual victim and suffer for so long. First, I asked if you would accept, and when you did, I made you suffer. I wanted your suffering to be voluntary, not forced, because I was going to make your will die, and as it about to flicker out, I will use it to ignite a great fire in the Sun of My Fiat.”

“Voluntary suffering is something great in the eyes of Our Supreme Majesty. With the death of your will, drowned in pain, My Will could have dominion over you, and prepare you to receive Its revelations concerning the greater good. My suffering was voluntary; nothing could ever be imposed on Me, yet it brought about the greater good of Redemption. So, everything you suffered at that time was necessary to prepare the way for human sanctity. That’s why I hardly told you anything about the sanctity of living in My Divine Will, I had to finish one to start the other.”

“I saw that you wouldn’t deny Me anything, even if it cost you your life, and since you would never refuse what I wanted, you would lose your human will in a continual act of dying to self. Then My Will open Its path and reclaimed Its life within you. As It continued to reacquire Its life, It kept revealing Itself by telling you Its long sorrowful story about how It yearns to come into Its reign in the midst of creatures. My word is life, and as I continued speaking to you about My Fiat as a doting father, I kept developing Its life within you. In fact, you could never have understood anything about My Will, unless It had Its life within you. After all, nobody truly has an interest in understanding or defending anything unless it has something to do with their own life; everything else is secondary. For the most part, creatures only care about themselves. The only reason I can trust you with the full truth about It is that My Fiat is your life. Furthermore, I know that such knowledge can take root in many other creatures so It can become their lives as well. The truth is that I can only trust My Fiat with self-referential knowledge about Itself, and It lives within you, so from there, It can go on to replicate Itself in other creatures.”

“I did the same thing to you as I did with Myself. When I came upon earth, I was observant and followed every aspect of the law, I performed all the prescribed ancient sacrifices with perfection, more so than anyone had done before. I started by fulfilling all the prophesies and finished by consummating the law within Me, so I could abolish it before I established the new law of grace in its stead. Now a new sanctity shall arise upon the earth. I have done the same with you. I have concentrated all the pain and sacrifice of the present day battles over sanctity in you to finish them once and for all. Only then can I start over again with the new sanctity that come from living in My Will. At long last there shall be Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven. “

“Now, show Me the contradiction you were talking about. When the soul enters into My Will to live forever within It, the enemy can’t even get close because his sight is dazzled by the light of My Fiat. That keeps him from seeing what the happy creature does within Divine Light. Light’s glare shields it from all things as it intangibly dominates them. It neither offends nor is offended. If anyone so much as tries to touch it, much less hold it in his hands, it escapes in a

flash as playfully enchants him with sprays of light. Though nothing can touch it, light lavishes its loving embrace on everyone and everything.”

“That is My Divine Will. It envelopes the soul within Its imperial light that blinds all evil with Its glare. The soul lives from this light where everything come to be absorbed by it and be transformed into sanctity and everlasting peace. Every evil loses its bearing and gets lost. Temptation, passion, chaos and sin stumble so badly that they break their legs, losing the ability to walk. Now pay attention, so you may always live in My Fiat.”

May 12, 1929

How one who lives in the Divine Fiat is the narrator of the Divine works. The Ascension. The reason why Jesus did not leave the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth.

I was still abandoned with Divine Fiat, as usual, following Its action throughout Creation. When I assume Its action as my own, I perform acts of light and power in all their immensity.

While I was doing all this, my always lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, someone who lives in My Divine Will and follows Its action becomes narrator of all Our works. When you move around inside the sun, replicating, in conjunction with My Will, what I did as I created the sun, you are actually telling Us the story of its light. When the Supreme Being hears you recount the entire story about what’s inside the sun and how much good it does, It feels the full glory of Its light returning. As the light shines over and into the sky and everything beneath, It hears your echo near and far, above and below the high heavens. You whisper the story of light into Our ear, praising Us so much that a glorious sun rises before Us.”

“We are delighted to have made such a life-giving sphere for the whole word. It’s impossible not to love someone who lives in Our Divine Fiat. She gathers all Our Happiness, together with all of Our Attributes, and spreads them throughout all Creation. She glorifies Us on behalf of everyone by narrating a story about the immensity of the heavens. Then, as she tells Us the story of the sea, she murmurs a chant together with the waters, ‘The Love and glory of everything in the sea is for my Creator.’ You glorify Us on behalf of the whole world when you tell Us a story of the earth’s bouquet as all the plants and flowers send up their fragrance. You tell Us lots of stories about the wind and the air with the birds that sing in it as they fly over flocks of bleating lambs.”

“There’s no end to the stories she tells Us about all the things We have done in Creation. It’s her way of showing her Us the love and the glory We merit for having creating It. It is so sweet and pleasant to hear you narrating Our works; It doubles Our Love and Glory. She tells Us the

story about living in Our Will, revealing the secret love within all created things that she has learned while abiding there.”

He stopped talking for a few moments, however, He just couldn’t contain the love of His Divine Heart, so He kept going.

He said, “My beloved daughter, you are My Hope for the Kingdom of My Divine Will on earth. There is no doubt about this hope; it is certain, since its Kingdom is already present in you. The way you do things, the rights you have been given, the stories you tell, they are all apartments where My Divine Fiat lives, all built upon the foundations of Its knowledge. That gives Me hope that Its Kingdom will be formed and spread out upon earth.”

After that, I thought about Our Lord’s gloriously triumphant ascension into Heaven. His Humanity, bearing the marks of Adam’s degeneracy, was no longer humiliated by the grip of pain and suffering. Instead, He bore the sign of Adam returned to his lost innocence, immortal, clothed with light, with all his rights and privileges reinstated.

As I was contemplating this mystery, my most sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, My Humanity relived the evils of decayed humanity within Itself and without, as far as dying for them. That’s what gave It the power to rise from It inevitable death. Nevertheless, I could not yet bequeath the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth, not without the glory of the innocent Adams immortal humanity. I want him to beg for the great Gift of My Fiat and then take possession of It. However, My Humanity first had to rehabilitate degenerate humanity by giving it all the remedies it needs to rise again. So I died and then rose again, with all the qualities of Adam innocent, which I gave to man to make up for what he lost. I wanted to ascend into Heaven with My Humanity beautiful and clothed with light, just as it made by Our creative hands. Then I could say to the Celestial Father, ‘Father, look at Me and how My Humanity has been recreated. The Kingdom of Our Will is safely inside It. As the Head of all, the One who prays to You has the right to ask for anything while giving what I have.’”

“My daughter, an innocent humanity has all the same qualities it had when first coming out of Our creative hands. That’s what they need to successfully plead for the Kingdom of Our Will’s return into the midst of creatures. My first task was to ransom what had been lost. That was accomplished by My Death when I ascended into Heaven to reclaim it. My second task was to plead for and then grant the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth. My Humanity has been praying for It for about two thousand years.”

“Our Divine Majesty, with the love of Creation that We had when creating man, overflowed from Itself once more, with greater intensity. Charmed by the beauty of My Humanity, It poured Itself out again in rapture. It opened the Heavens and made light rain down in torrents of knowledge about My Fiat. It showers down upon souls to revive and heal the human will by transforming it so that My Will can take root in their hearts and lay the foundation for Its Kingdom upon earth. For My Kingdom to come on earth, I had to make It known first and

reveal Its desire to come reign among creatures. As an elder brother of the human family, I am making arrangements for this great purchase from the Divinity in Heaven. So I had to ascend into Heaven with My Humanity glorified before I could repurchase the Kingdom of My Fiat for My brothers and children.”

May 16, 1929

How the knowledges about the Divine Will are the army; the acts done in It, the weapons; Its light, the royal palace; the Ministry, the Sacrosanct Trinity. Divine ardor for

establishing Its Kingdom. Divine need; Its silence; the sorrow of Its secrets.

Even though I was abandoned in Divine Fiat as usual, I missed my sweet Jesus. My poor soul moaned under the infinite weight of such sorrow that all created things say, “Where is your Jesus, the One that sustains everything and who loves you so much? You touch His Beauty that He has strewn all over Creation, and you see His Immensity beyond your reach. You only see His footprints that He left on everything He created as He passed by them. He’s not here? Run then, search for Him, and we will go with you, moaning along with you, to help you find the One you want so much.”

When people talk to me about Jesus, they sound as if they’re sorry for me, like they can hear the echo in my poor heart of a tortured sorrow that I myself can’t quite express. They seem to get the impression that I’ve had enough of this.

Meanwhile, my lovable Jesus surprised me by throwing His arms around my neck.

He said, “My daughter, what’s wrong? What’s wrong? Calm down, relax. What’s going on? You don’t really want to leave the army of My Divine Will, do you? It is a truly formidable array, a large and highly disciplined force. It is lined up in formation within your soul, and it will not be easy to desert. This army is composed of all the revelations about My Divine Will. It has built Its royal palace within you, and it would be beneath Its dignity not to have Its own army. We have requisitioned these battalions from Our Divine womb to serve as an honor guard that stands at attention in vigilant defensive posture. It’s quite obvious to all who Our Fiat is, It is their Divine King. Everyone can see that It is well prepared to swoop down with Its whole celestial army into the midst of the nations to confront the human will. Yet they have no lethal weapons, because there are no death-dealing weapons in Heaven. Nonetheless, they are well armed with weapons of light, to combat with overwhelming force for a crusade to establish the life of My Will within creatures.”

“Actions executed within My Divine Will are the standard issue weapons used by this army. My Love is the light of My Fiat and It is so beautiful. The battle plans are drawn. The King dominating My Will, aided by the Ministry of Sacrosanct Trinity, is in command of Its army of

knowledge, using a new secret weapon, your own actions accomplished within It. In brief, consider the experiential advantage you have with any one particular aspect of Its knowledge. When you use Its power within My Fiat, you become a weapon in the hands of that revelation, which is then requisitioned under another creature’s operational control.”

“But that’s not all. Each revelation has its own class of weapon to compliment the others. Every time I reveal additional knowledge about My Divine Will, you are issued a new type of weapon as a force multiplier in Its arsenal. There are weapons of light that illumine, warm and sprout the seed of My Fiat. Other weapons are used by the conquering power to implement the policies of Its regime. Beauty is another offensive weapon that conquers by force of rapture. Battle plans are comprised of the wisdom to prepare and order an assault. Love is a weapon that burns with consuming power to transform the battle field. Strength provides the shock and awe of an overwhelming kinetic weapon that provides kill power for the ensuing resurrection in My Divine Volition.”

“In summary, each manifestation of My knowledge is a Divine soldier that reveals itself to your soul and hands over a tactical weapon from its own strategic armory. Note the dedication and discipline they bring to their ranks. They handle their weapons with all the proficiency needed to marshal and prepare populations for the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. This army and their weapons possess the miraculous power of the infinite that gives them unlimited range. Wherever there is the least amount of light in creatures, weapons blaze against the darkness of human will, forcing it to retreat in ignominy before the living glare of My Fiat. Wherever there is a kernel of strength or power, these little Divine soldiers quickly advance, wielding invincible weapons, in a vigorous assault against the strong points of human power. At battle’s end, the power and strength of My Divine Will rises again victorious. The army in this fight has a weapon to counteract every human action, ensuring the defeat of every worldly initiative by an act of My Divine Will.”

“So, My daughter, it’s very important that you remain in My Divine Will and act within It to develop weapons powerful enough for the grand army of Its knowledge. The armed forces can’t wait to get their hands on weapons developed from your actions so they can more effectively wage war on the pitiful kingdom of human will. When they destroy it, Our Kingdom of light shall be erected upon its ruins, a realm of sanctity and of happiness! I am within you, entrenched in My Love of My Divine Will. In the general headquarters of My great army, I am in continuous council with the Ministry of Divine Persons, going over Our battle plans before dispatching them. We are the executive Being of operations; wherever Our station, We are in command, constantly issuing orders. That’s why it’s imperative that you remain at your post within Our Fiat. You will be permanently attached to Our chain of command without leave, awaiting orders and logistics. At Our signal, We will take to the field and operate with impunity within you. Divine Operations has one clear objective: constant maneuvering with untiring vigilance.”

He was quiet after that, and began speaking to me in a tender voice.

He said, “My daughter, if you only knew the ardor of My Love. I long to establish the Kingdom of My Divine Will upon earth; that was the sole purpose for man’s creation. In fact, everything the Divine Persons have done, from the time the world was created, and what We will continue to do, has one goal. Our Principle is unwavering, and It won’t stop until We reach Our goal. Man will reclaim his inheritance, the Kingdom of Our Fiat, and his rejection of It shall be forgotten.”

“In truth, the only reason I came from Heaven to earth for My Incarnation, was to establish the Kingdom of My Divine Will. My Immaculate Mother was the caretaker of Its Kingdom, and it was to Her that I took My first steps. My first dwelling was in Her pure womb, where My Fiat had absolute dominion. The integrity of Its Kingdom was beautiful. My dear Celestial Mother safely held this Kingdom of My Will where I began My Life and developed It with tearful penance and pain. I was Jesus, the One to be shunned, neglected and reviled. Yet I still wanted to come, because I could see through the centuries how My coming upon earth would initiate the Kingdom of My Divine Will. But first I had to redeem them before I could fulfill My Original Purpose.”

“From the time of My descent from Heaven, I searched for the children of My Kingdom to embrace them. I had hoped they would search for, love and acknowledge Me, that they wouldn’t want to live without Me. I placed a marker by doing what I did and suffering for it. Then I said, ‘Here is where I shall wait to embrace the children of My Will. We shall be united with one love and live by the same Will.’ Out of love for creatures, the pain I suffered at their hands turned into joy, all the tears I shed for them became My refreshment. After so many steps going about My work on their behalf, My Heart was drowned in love.”

“Can you live ever without Me, My daughter? When the world reads these Papers, they will be astounded to hear about such a long chain of graces coming from Me. They will be amazed that I have come to see you almost every day, for such a long time. I haven’t done that with anyone else. They will come to know about My long conversations with you and all knowledge I have taught you about how to serve the Kingdom of My Divine Will. It was absolutely necessary that I recapitulate every theme I discussed with you in a variety of ways. I wanted to give you the same grace and instruction I would have given to Adam if he had remained innocent and not rejected the precious inheritance of My Fiat. But sadly, he reduced Me to silence by his interruption, and after six thousand years of silence, it was extremely urgent that I start talking with the creature again.”

“It was really painful keeping so many secrets in My Heart that I wanted to share with her alone, confidentially. They were not for anyone else. It cost Me a lot to keep silent for so long. My Heart beat deliriously from chronic suffocation. With doleful repetition, It would lament, ‘Woe is Me! I created man to have someone to talk with. I even gave him My Divine Will so he could understand Me, and he rejected It. That has made Me a cold and distant God.’ Such sweet sorrow! I raved until I fainted from My suffocated love.”

“It got so bad that I couldn’t take it anymore, and I snapped. It had been so long since I last talked with anyone, so when I was ready to break my silence, I started with you. Now I can speak passionately whenever I want, for as long as I like. It’s something I really needed to do. When I pour My heart out to you, I feel like I’m I just starting out with Creation. That’s why I’m making you write these Manuscripts about My true motive for starting Creation. It’s My Will, and I want people to understand how infinitely valuable It is. It’s about how creatures can live in My Kingdom, happy and holy under My rule. When people read these Papers, they will be astounded. They will come to understand the urgent need for My Fiat to live among them.”

“The Divinity has an overwhelming urge to complete the work of Creation. It will be finished when Our Divine Will begins Its sovereign reign in the midst of creatures. One creature has made an unprecedented sacrifice by dedicating her entire life in countless hours of work. Imagine if how she would feel if, having left out one crucial point, even if all it involved was a single shade of one color, and because of it, her work was forever left incomplete. Her glorious work is truly beautiful, precious and of inestimable value. It could bring her fame and fortune. There’s only one thing that could deny her total happiness, that is, if she left out an important concept that made too incomplete to be published. Her work would seem like a burden to her, beautiful yet still incomplete. How sad, instead of glory, she feels humiliated. She would make any sacrifice to complete it, even at the cost of her life.”

“Here’s Our predicament. Our work in Creation has everything to make It complete except one glaring omission. Even though It has the heavens with suns and every other sort of work just as magnificent, that one missing part disfigures what is otherwise so beautiful, because it’s the most important. The most beautiful shade of vivid color in all Creation is starkly absent. Everything has life through My Fiat, except the human family. It lives outside of My Kingdom in total dejection. It’s so sad that there’s plenty of room for everyone in My Volition, yet they continue live in exile. The missing piece disfigures It and We would do anything to see It whole once again, We would make any sacrifice, My daughter. In fact, I have already laid down My Life in Redemption to replace the missing piece in Our creative work.”

“As they come to know what the Will of God means, Its big advantages become obvious. Right now, the only thing that interests Us is to secure the rights of Our Divine Fiat to sovereign rule. We want to live in Our Will so We can share Our happiness with everyone. If they understood this, it wouldn’t be the least bit surprising to read these manuscripts about the great things I’ve told you and what I have done with your soul.”

It could be said, ‘For a Will so holy, that has done everything, it is only right and just that the trustee of Its Kingdom should display so much grace from all these sublime teachings. She makes us yearn for It with loving comprehension.’ So pay attention, because the Divine Will’s very rights are at stake, and It want to finish the work of Creation.”

May 21, 1929

The Divine Will: light; love: heat. Divine nourishment and outpouring.

I keep going back into the Divine Volition, my precious inheritance, where I always go around gleaning from It. My Jesus, because He is so very good to me, doesn’t neglect teaching His daughter the most beautiful lessons about each of those ears of grain I continue gathering. As I went here and there within It, I sang the same verse over everything I encountered.

“I love You, may my love be the sweet chain that binds the Eternal Fiat, I will pull It as hard as I can, to make It come rule on earth.”

My adored Jesus was lecturing me as I wandered about.

He said, “My daughter, My Divine Will is light, love is My Heat. Light and heat are inseparable from each other, and both are parts of the same life. My Will and My Love are naturally fused together. A will without love is crippled; a love that has no will is lifeless. My Will is always the first to act, however. Its light makes the heat rise and performs the first act that calls the life of love into Its light, where they merge together as one. No one can separate heat from light, and the brighter the light, the higher the heat. A little light barely generate any heat, whereas a bright one produces a lot and can be used for all sorts of things.”

“The sun is so powerful that it can embrace the whole world with great effects, as if it were the king of the earth. Its heat and light caress everyone and embrace everything, doing good to all, without ever asking something in return. First of all, it doesn’t need anything, and then, it doesn’t want everyone to feel like beggars, because they could never repay the sun for all the good things it does for everything on earth. That’s why you sense two infinite powers, My Divine Will and My Love, fused into one, inside of you. It is the light of My Volition that impels you to cast your ‘I love You’ upon all created things. It unleashes your words from Its womb of light just to see the all of Creation bejeweled by Its ‘I love you’ together with yours.”

“Furthermore, life requires nourishment. My Divine Will is life, My Love is food. Every time you offer an ‘I love You’, you give a nourishing sip of life to My Fiat within you, and whenever you act within My Will, Its life grows within you. It is a delight for the life of My Will to grow so well in the creature where It finds so much Divine Love. That’s where My Fiat finds Its food, and My Love finds Its life.”

Afterwards, I continued thinking about the adorable Fiat, until my sweet Jesus continued speaking.

He said, “My daughter, Our Love is so great for the one who lives in My Divine Will that her Creator continually pours It out over her. The very littleness of the creature sends Our Fiat into raptures. We always want to give It to her, endlessly, without limits. Our Divinity pours out so

much into her that there can never be the least bit of empty space there. No matter which way she leans, what We pour out of Ourselves is more than enough to support her. Nothing can make her bend because the flood of sustenance coming out of Us holds her up and carries her triumphantly in its arms.”

“We pour out Love, light, grace, sanctity, power and everything else she could possibly need. Not only that, these attributes of Ours actually compete among themselves for the privilege of carrying this little creature in their arms. They vie with one another for the chance to hold her, taking turns so they can boast, ‘We have all carried her.’ When love takes its turn, it joyfully fills her with so much love that the tiny little creature drowns in it, and only then does it let light take a turn holding her in its arms. They work as a team so they can imitate everything that her Creator has done with this tiny creature. Light loves to drown her in radiance before she is submerged in grace and pulled into the current flowing out from power. They know all the while that such antics captivate her Creator.”

“This little creature lives under the unbroken torrent that is pouring out of God. It floods her being until she drowns, and then the deluge surges in until she simply can’t hold anymore and it pours out of her in bursts, for everyone to see. That is how knowledge of My Divine Will comes pouring out of you as you write.”

May 25, 1929

Power of one who lives in the Divine Fiat. Virtue of the acts done in It. How all generations hung upon the acts done by Adam.

As I continued to abandon myself in Fiat as usual, I left my body, and was even more surprise to see the infernal enemy next to me. He was about to jump on me when I felt a surge of strength that impelled me to leap upon my adversary, smashing him to pieces shattering in all directions. That was worrisome and made me ponder.

I thought, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the enemy. He usually runs away whenever he sees me. I wonder what he’s up to.”

Then my lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the soul in possession of My Divine Fiat has enough power to shatter diabolical power. There’s nothing to fear, you can even touch him with your hand if you want. Merely looking down upon him was all it took; he was crushed, terrified by the power of someone in possession My Will. His diabolical strength was scattered like dust in the wind. So, just keep living in My Fiat and don’t worry about him.”

“Indeed, each and every prayerful act or movement of someone who lives in It has enclosed within itself an irresistible strength of imponderable weight. The infinite extends everywhere and contains the power that produces everything good. It embraces eternity, envelops even God Himself. Any action performed in My Will is a never ending act that has full authority to control Heaven and earth. Our Fiat, infinitely powerful, encloses Our Divinity within the creature’s action where Its veils of light reveal what is most beautiful, My Love for Our Divine Being, and It is such a delight.”

Then Jesus disappeared, and I sank into the abyss of Supreme Fiat’s light.

Later on, I continued acting in Divine Fiat until I arrived in Eden.

I thought, “Our primal father, Adam, performed his first actions enveloped by Divine Fiat here in Eden. All Creation, including man, started with an act of Divine Will that was operational within all created things. Divine Will extended Its full sanctity, power, beauty and light into each thing, where It became both performer and spectator as It encapsulated everything in one single act of Its Divine Will. Creation was so beautiful when It first began with one single operational Will, and all subsequent actions resulted from It.”

As I was meditating on this, my lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the fate of all generations hung upon the first actions Adam performed in the fullness of My Divine Will. They were so alive that all subsequent action grew out of them and passed that life on to every action creatures have done since. Regardless of whether creatures live through My Will or their own, ultimately, all action comes alive through Mine alone. It gives each one of them life, however, human will chokes them off until they can only proceed in agony. Everything Adam did within My Will served as living templates for all future acts of creatures.”

“An act done in My Divine Will is indestructible, with its own sovereignty, power, beauty and life that no one could ever take away. There is nothing that does not depend upon the first act. All created things hang suspended from the first Act performed by the One who created them. I want My Will to be known, I would love that so much. I yearn for the day that It reigns in the midst of creatures. Its rights, just and holy, so long denied, must be restored. All Creation shall return into Our Divine Will, as It was in the beginning.”

May 28, 1929

Every time Jesus has spoken about His Will the Heavens have lowered themselves. The feast of all Heaven. The Divine Will, crown of Creation and Redemption. Sorrow of Jesus

because the Divine Fiat is not known.

My poor little mind keeps crossing the endless Sea of Divine Fiat. Its waves of light flow with celestial secrets murmured in Its Divine language. It reveals Itself to my tiny soul in arcane words. My sweet Jesus often comes out from within those waves of light, running to embrace me. When He speaks about His Most Holy Volition, He holds his hand on His Heart to keep It from bursting with the great fervent Love He has for It.

I was still thinking about it when my beloved Jesus spoke me.

He said, “Daughter of My Will, if you only knew how much I love to talk to you about My Divine Fiat. Every time I tell you about It, the Heavens bow down with profound veneration and listen in reverence. Even now they are paying homage to what I am about to say. The Celestial Fatherland overflows as they all come lower and listen raptly to what I say. Whenever I speak, they witness Divine Lives being created with renewed joy and fresh beauty.”

“Whenever I reveal something new about My Divine Fiat, everyone in Heaven feels Its power. They jostle each other to get closer and listen, hoping to benefit from the effect of any new knowledge. Every time I speak to you about My Most Holy Will, everyone in Heaven celebrates with a feast and they are all twice as happy when they hear Me. Only Heaven can hold as much blessed joy as there is just one revelation about My Fiat. It is only right and just, that when I speak to you about It, the Heavens should come lower so My Divine Will may receive their reverent acts of homage.”

“My desire to make It known and loved is so strong that I would even be incarnated again if that would help My Will rule the world. But that won’t be necessary since, once incarnated, I am forever in the act of taking on flesh to become man without being limited in time. It was only for the dignity of My Fiat that I chose you and purified you of any seed of corruption. I cloistered Myself within your soul both naturally and spiritually so I can use you as a veil to cover Myself, just as My Divinity was hidden beneath My Humanity. I confined you to your bed for so many years to set you apart from everything, so I could have you at My disposal. I make you drink in sublime lessons about My Eternal Fiat, sip by sip, to be inebriated with Its living knowledge.”

“Its long story, however, and takes a long time to tell it well enough for you to fully comprehend. I have done more with it than Creation and Redemption put together, because My Will contains them both as subsets. It is their origin, their ends and means, the crown of Creation and Redemption. None of Our works shall be completely enthroned until My Will becomes the renowned sovereign of the world. That’s why I focus on It so much. As it is now, even though these magnificent works of Ours were made with so much love, they have become a deeply humiliating nightmare, inspiring an unimaginably anguished moaning. The essential substance of the life they hide is all but unknown, so I remain in agony. The veils covering Creation and Redemption are known, however, the life they hide is of no concern to anyone, so how can they ever give the good life they conceal? Our works long for My Divine Will to be

known; they demand their rights; they clamor for justice. It is the only, glorious, everlasting crown that can fulfill Our mission.”

“I am here hidden within you, with the same sorrow in My Heart I had during My last years when My Humanity lived down here on earth, and I, Word of the Father, was hidden within It. After so much public speaking, with so many examples, including the ultimate sacrifice, I looked back on the peoples of the world and especially those around Me. It was like I had never come upon earth at all. The fruit of My coming into the world was so scarce that it didn’t do any good to anyone. My Heart was tortured by the thought that the treasure I wanted to give them had been rejected. Then My sorrow only increased when My Humanity had finished doing what had to be done for their salvation and I was about to depart for Heaven. The desire to do good is so painful when, even at the cost of one’s life, no one cares one way or the other.”

“Now that I am here within you, I look at all the sacrifice, yours and Mine, the arduous schedule with so many lessons given, and I wonder if it is enough. My Divine Will must become known before Its Kingdom can be established. I won’t ever stop talking about It because Its story is never-ending. My Fiat shall be spoken of forever in Heaven. I look at the people around you who are acquainted with My Will, yet don’t really care much about publicizing It, no matter how much good It might do. Your very humanity serves as the pulpit where I give My lessons. You undoubtedly feel Me sensibly moving within you as I speak about My suffering. You can’t deny that I am really inside you, forming My Kingdom by announcing It.”

“I know that your humanity won’t remain on earth for that much longer. Whenever I think about that My Heart is gripped in sorrow because the wonderful things My Divine Will wants to do is hardly known yet. They’re still buried in ignorance. Even though they want to give life, light and happiness, these Manuscripts, that I made you write with such tender love, languish imprisoned between you and Me. Dearest daughter, Show compassion for My sorrow, adore My reasons for keeping you on earth a while longer. I know that this is very hard for you, and you have my sympathy. Let us be compassionate with each other as we do what we have to do so that My Divine Will shall become known.”

They I resumed acting as usual in the Divine Volition until my sweet Jesus started talking again.

He said, “My daughter, My Fiat has Its Primal Act in Our Divinity, the Primary action of Creation and Redemption within all things. It is only right and just that It should surround and dominate everything as a fly-wheel that makes everything revolve around Its spinning central axis. That’s how someone who adopts My Will as their own life takes part in everything. As the center wheel moves, all things turn themselves over to the soul. She doesn’t even have to ask, as they travel around My Will, they all join up with her. The crucial thing is to take My Divine Will. When she has done this, she has done everything, and from then on, it is all hers.”

“It’s like an engine; when the central fly-wheel moves, the other wheels rotate as well. Unless the primary wheel moves, nothing else will, otherwise, no power train design will make the others turn. When the first moves, the others seem to rotate on their own as they can drive the vehicle forward. So all attention is on the fly-wheel design; everything follows from there. The same is true of My Will. Once someone has It, there’s no need for anything else.”

May 31, 1929

How true love needs an outpouring. Creation was an outpouring of love, as well as Redemption and the Divine Fiat. What a Divine outpouring means.

While I was writing, I began to wonder about something.

I thought, “Writing can be such a big sacrifice, especially with so much time consumed in late-night vigils. Jesus is my only witness. Out of compassion, He shows His encouragement by giving me words I can understand when He dictates. Sometimes, however, I wonder if it makes any real difference whether He helps me or not. Either way, I have to struggle so hard to write down what Jesus makes me understand only as a manner of intuition. So what’s the use of all the sacrifice I have to bear? I wonder if anybody will actually take the trouble to read them, that is, if they are ever finally published. I doubt it. They’ll be nothing to show for all this sacrifice except a stack of paper. Yet there are so many beneficial truths about how Divine Will might come into the midst of creatures? Anyway, I only wrote all this stuff because I was afraid of disappointing Jesus. I would obey Him no matter what. His every wish is my command.”

So, despite my rambling thoughts, I continued to write. Then, after I finished, I began to pray until my sweet Jesus came out from inside me and gave me a hug.

He said, “My daughter, true love needs to pour itself out. My Heart found Itself amid the flames of zealotry and I couldn’t hold It back any longer. My Will simply had to pour out more knowledge about Its immense value and how badly It wants to establish the Kingdom of My Divine Will on earth. I want to surprise all human generations in a way they would never expect.”

“My stifled love was moaning and raving as it was devoured by the unquenchable flames of My desire to make the world know that It wanted to give them this priceless treasure. Nothing is worth more than the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat. I awarded this great prize at the beginning of Creation, because It would have been incomplete without It. Our Divinity would never start working on something so good without finishing It. Nevertheless, it was rejected by man, and We felt so sorry that the living substance of what was best and most essential about Creation

had been thrown back at Us with contempt. He prevented the completion of Our work, and never gave a thought about accepting, sometime in the future, what he had rejected in the past.”

“Yet We thought about this, Our martyrdom for love, even if he would not. It lasted, in secret, for about six thousand years, Our flames increasing all the while, devouring Us until We couldn’t hold them back any longer. So I came to you, revealing a secret that would gush out in love. I said, ‘I want to give you what man has rejected, because I want My Will to reign upon earth.’ But first I had to explain It to you, and there was just so much knowledge for Me to reveal about It.”

“The sacrifice you have made by writing all these years has been crucial. Yet even they turned out to be a complete waste of time, My Love still needed them as an outlet. When I was relieved of the flames that devoured Me, the back-draft was overwhelming. Every facet I revealed about My Divine Fiat was another outburst of repressed love that I poured out on you as a new creation. It was a rebinding of Divine Will to the human that would reset everything the way it was when We created it. Life’s essence came from Me, indispensible in the formation of My Divine Will’s Kingdom on earth. Creation is the Divine overflow of love that pours out everything that is good: heavens, stars and the seas of a flowery earth. Heaven and earth are astounded at how man could be composed with such artistic craftsmanship.”

“This outpouring would have continued as planned, with ever more beautiful things to come. Sadly, however, man rejected Our Divine Will and closed this outlet by obstructing Our work. There has been no channel for anything to pour out of Us over a period of four thousand years or so. Our Love needed such an outlet to relieve the pressure, and It had every right to one. It simply had to release Its vital flames, and they did eventually burst out like a volcano when It created the Most Holy Virgin, who would allow the Incarnation of the Word to proceed. This time there was an outpouring of wonder and creatures were given every sort of useful advantage.”

“Unfortunately, Our second outpouring was halved, and Our Love had little choice but to wait another two thousand years before It burst out again in a torrent. All the wonders and innermost secrets of Our Divinity were released in a cornucopia of everything needed for Our Divine Will’s sovereign reign in the midst of creatures. The important thing to know is that the Divine has to pour everything out. Pouring out Our Creation was a magnanimous gesture that is not only immensely helpful, it is self-perpetuating life. Generations of humans were rescued when Redemption came pouring out of Us with life-saving grace. Now, revelations about how My Divine Fiat wants to establish Its Kingdom come gushing out in torrents. All the truth you have written about It shall live forever among creatures. So let Me do the pouring, and I will make sure that everything I’ve taught you is put to good use.”

June 4, 1929

As the soul keeps doing the Divine Will, so does It expand in the soul, and the Divine Life grows within her; and the soul grows within the womb of her Celestial Father. How one who lives in It makes the roll call of all Creation. How, if one goes out of the Divine Will,

he goes out while his acts remain.

My abandonment within Fiat continues. I have such a deep-seated need to live in It that doing so seems like the most natural thing I could ever do, in fact, my very nature feels as if it were being transformed into the Will of God. My very being is dissolved in It. I no longer feel a connection with created things. Everywhere I turn, I hear Fiat telling me, “I am your life, keep running inside Me, in My Sea of light. Live out My actions within My sanctity, share My happiness and rejoice in all the good things I have for you.”

Then, while I was still crossing the Sea of Divine Fiat, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, as the soul continues operating, surrounded My Divine Volition, It keeps expanding inside within the creature. Every time the creature acts in It, Divine Life grows and develops deeper within her in a way that everyone can admire.”

“Moreover, as Divine Life grows in the creature, she carries out more actions within My Divine Fiat. This is how the creature grows and develops inside the womb of her Celestial Father. The Supreme Being opens His womb, enfolds this happy creature within it and raises her up to Divinity where the Trinity feeds her with Their own hands. They clothe her in royal garments and adorn her with such rare beauty that everyone in Heaven is in rapture. They are all amazed to see their Creator raising a creature within His womb. They talk among themselves and say, ‘There must be great things going on between them, because He loves her so much. He keeps her in such close paternal custody there within His womb.’ They wonder what will become of her and can’t wait to see how she will be when fully grown.”

“The wonder of living of My Will is unique because it gives someone who lives in It the power to go anywhere and everywhere. God loves her so much that He even wants to raise her within His Divine womb. In fact, the power transmitted by an action performed in My Divine Will is so great that it allows her to circulate everywhere at once. She goes out into the heavens and announces a roll-call of the stars. She walks into the sun and declares a roll-call for all the light. She flies into the air for an assessment of the wind and the birds soaring upon it. She plunges into the sea, calling water and fish to assemble and identify themselves. Once she has them all in order, her act begins with the words, ‘Bow down, let us adore our Creator and pay Him homage. The Fiat that created us is the source of my action, serving only to recreate adoration, glory and love for our Creator.’ She extends out into the acts of the Virgin, as she does with those of all created things. She works within My own actions on earth, the acts of her Creator and all the Saints in Heaven. She calls the roll for all of them, first to last, to renew the life flowing within the adoration, glory and love for the One who created her.”

“Wherever My Divine Will may be, the acts of this creature extend into It. The power of a creature operating in My Divine Fiat extends even as far as hell, where It renews their despair for having rejected Divine Will. It is right and just that they be tortured by Its very presence, crushed under the weight of justice. Everyone in Heaven rejoices anew with glorious love for the creature’s action performed within My Volition, whereas, the more the creature operates in It, the more they burn in hell. Nothing escapes My Divine Fiat, nor does anything escape someone who operates in It. She calls the roll ever time she replicates Our action, just to be sure she doesn’t miss anyone. They must all help restore the adoration, glory and love lost to thrice-holy God. Then Divine Will shall make room for her, so she can her live as the beloved within Itself and further expand throughout Its endless expanse.”

When He stopped, I continued making my rounds in the Divine Fiat, gathering up everything created, including all the acts of creatures, so I could form one single act within Its Unity.

Then my lovable Jesus started talking again.

He said, “My daughter, only My Divine Will can act out all that happens in one single gesture. Having done everything, Its Unity embraces it all by bringing Its works to life. Although It performed only one act, that singular event became the fountainhead of all subsequent actions spreading throughout Creation. They precipitate as real world phenomena for the good of all creatures. All occurrences emanate from within the Unity of a single act of Divine Fiat, just one. Not a single side-event can spin off from It or in any way become detached, because they come from the Unity of one single act.”

“The sun is like that. Its light comes out as a single unit continually flying off towards the earth, yet when it touches down there are countless tangible effects with endless repercussions. Such light initiates constantly changing actions that you may experience in a variety of colorful flowers or a profusion of sweetly flavored fruit of every kind. The list goes on indefinitely without the sun ever truly losing anything in the least. With total conservation of energy, an endless procession of concrete actions is manifested on earth to be further proliferated. The sun jealously preserves them within one solitary, radiant action. All of these things are inherent within the fulsome strength of this singular act of light. As a symbol of My Divine Will, the sun holds innumerable effects that it gives to the world as concrete actions. However many events come out of one primordial action, it has never lost any of them as it continues onward with complete integrity of purpose. Considering the sun We created doing all this, imagine how much more My Divine Will can do.”

“My daughter, man left My Unity when he started doing his own will. That’s when his actions lost their strength of unity and lapsed into chaos, going hither and yon at cross purposes. These human acts, being deprived of all unity, effectively have neither fountain nor source of light. They are symbolized by species of pale plants and flowers that grow without sunlight. You can find them scattered here and there, limp, ashen blooms that don’t last long. By following his own will, man forfeits My Unity, the fountain of life and source of fulsome light. Someone who lives in My Divine Volition keeps gathering everything scattered around by creatures, and

merges them into one single action. The one who does My Divine Fiat and lives in It has every right to do this, and such actions become her own, with all the advantages that entails. Using Its power to bi-locate, she calls every action, gathers them up and unites them all together. Then, once she has arranged them in order within My Fiat, they are presented to Me and I give them to her as a gift.”

I continued acting in Supreme Volition after that, and my mind was crowded with a thousand images of Its wonders, too many for me to write down.

However, here’s what Jesus told me.

He said, “My daughter, whatever is done in My Divine Will dissolved into It. Heat and light always go together so that when one stops, so does the other. This is analogous to the acts of creatures when they are performed from within My Volition; they become an inseparable part of It. Furthermore, they never cease, because It shines on them eternally with Its immense light.”

“That’s why, even though Adam went out of My Will from the moment he sinned, his actions still continue on within It. He thought he could disavow his own actions; however, they were done in My Will, so they shall persist there forever, because they had already begun to live as heat and light within It. Whatever enters My Will loses its own life in It as they merge, once in, it has no right to leave. My Will says, ‘These acts have been done in My house, within My Light. I have every right to them, they are Mine. No power in heaven or on earth can undo an action performed by a creature in My Will. There is no way out, nor is there any to think of such an act as something apart from It.’ This is why the acts of Adam performed within It before he sinned are still present there as that same primal act initiating Creation and every act of all generations of humankind.”

“Suppose you did go out of My Will; you are free to leave, however, your actions are not. They have no right to leave, nor would that even be possible. As long as you remain in My Will, your actions are both yours and Mine, but if you leave, you forfeit your rights to anything. They were done within the Kingdom of My Divine Will, not in the human will, so I have every right to them. It is obviously you who did them, but that doesn’t matter in the least. Everything you do in My Fiat becomes one with the same primal act that will bring other creatures to live in Its Kingdom. It is part of a living plan to rule those who will live in the Kingdom of My Fiat. This is why I encourage you so much to make your rounds in It. I either watch over you or follow you as you go, and sometimes we even do it together. I am there to help because you are the role model who sets the pattern for those who shall come to live in the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat.”

June 9, 1929

Inseparability of one who lives in the Divine Will; example of the breath. Example of the sun; how it lords over everything and goes in search of everything; such is the Divine Will.

Contest between the two suns.

My abandonment in Divine Fiat continues and my poor little mind is totally lost in the glare of Its light. All I can do is think about one truth or another concerning Divine Will, and the more I meditate on It, the more beautiful and majestic It appears to me. Its love is indescribably tender, beyond that of any mother. It opens Its womb, giving birth to light, and wraps Its little daughter in it.

This was my state of mind when my sweet Jesus spoke to me.

He said, “My daughter, each breath gives life to the one that follows. Just as you are about to exhale, before letting it out, another breath is summoned. Breath has its own life and can give it to creatures by virtue of its own continuity. They are so closely related that they are a unit. The heart and its pulse bear the same relationship. Each heartbeat brings the next to life, and a continuous series of them means that a creature is alive. Without pulse and respiration, she dies.”

“The same analogy holds for the soul who does My Divine Will and lives in It. She is more closely identified with It than breathing is to a beating heart. Actions performed in My Divine Fiat are like a creature’s breathing with her heart beating inside God; she becomes Divine breath through the pulse of My Fiat. It is a mutual exchange of life that exists as a single life-force. Such acts made in Our Divine Will are indistinguishable from Ourselves. Breathing out Our work brings Us contentment and knowing that the work coming out of Us is Our own gives us great satisfaction. So We let her live in Our house so she can be close enough for Us to breathe with her breath, since it is Our own.”

Then I continued acting in the adorable Fiat until my always lovable Jesus started to talk again.

He said, “My daughter, from its sphere on high, the sun extends its great wheel of light to embrace the earth so it may receive the benefits of its living light and germinate. It gives its light, the kiss of life, to every plant, flower and tree, embossing each one of them with living fragrance, color or sweetness. It wants to give its hugs and kisses full of life to everything without exception, denying none of them, no matter what they may be, even the tiniest blade of grass.”

“In fact, this light searches out everything to acknowledge their existence. She acts like a queen who pours herself out to provide the nourishment that every plant needs to live, and such light knows that she would have no right to be queen unless she were willing to give her life for the good of all. Then, as its great wheel of light envelops everything, it laps up their life along with the many splendored color and beauty that grows out from the light of the sun. Nor does it neglect the sea, rivers and mountains. It paints them in shimmering hues standing before a horizon of silver and gold.”

“The sun lords over everything with its light without intimidating threats or coercion of any kind. It brings vivify life, offering itself as an adornment gracing all things. Its silence says to all, ‘My love for you is as vast as my great wheel of light, with a lively, ample affection for the earth, and that will never change. From my sphere on high, I endure, embracing the world with life-giving love.”

“The earth lives within its great wheel of light. Mouths wide open, everything created drinks up this vivifying light of the sun. May it never happen that the sun abandons the earth, or the world refuses the life-giving beneficence of sunlight. Dark days and endless night would leave a pallid earth devoid of color, squalid misery covering what was once so sweet, now abandoned, a dismal, terrifying wasteland.”

“For creatures, My Divine Will is so much more than a sun. From Its great wheel of endless light, It goes out searching for every creature, seeking recognition for Itself. It wants to instill the sweet beauty of Its own life within each creature, amid sanctity and infinite light. It wants to eliminate ugly bitterness from their miserable existence. With the kiss of life, It will breath over them, transforming them into what is beautiful, good and holy. The sun created by My Fiat does so many wondrous things for the world. With incomparable majesty it covers the earth with a mantle of beautiful light, and with each caress, it gives its life to every plant. Yet, to My Fiat’s great sorrow, every attempt to transfer Its Divine Life and treasure to souls has been futile because they have been resolute in their refusal, for they thirst not for the light of My Volition. Imagine the earth like that, rejecting the light of the sun, preferring the darkest night and life of squalid debility. Such souls are a terrifying sight. My Divine Will is pregnant with a multitude of Divine Lives waiting to be given with beauty and abundance, if they only had the grace to accept. It wants to pour out Itself and enclose the creatures within Its womb of light. It would make them all great paragons of sanctity, each their own distinct splendor, bringing substance to Its heaven on earth. Yet tragically, human will is firmly in opposition, bringing intense pain to My Fiat, like a mother in labor waiting interminable for her child’s entry into the light.”

“That’s why My Divine Will wants to make Itself known, My daughter, It yearns for Its Kingdom’s formation. The children who belong to It would gladly live in and of Its light. They will offer their lips to receive Its kisses, ready to embrace It with fond affection while anticipating Its Divine Life being formed within them. They will cheer when they realize what My Volition knows how to do and applaud as they watch in awe the marvelous things It does. Everything will be transformed, and there will be Heaven on earth. The sun hanging under

heavens’ azure vault will hold hands with the Sun of My Eternal Volition. They will have a contest where they compete to determine the greatest wonder-worker. The main events are ‘sun for the earth’ and ‘My Will for souls’. So let the games begin. My Will is the leading contender of course, since It know how to conjure the most phenomenal beauty ever seen, the miraculous transformation of the entire planet so that it becomes all of Heaven. It is an enchanting performance that enthralls the spectators. The crowd goes wild at the finish.”

June 14, 1929

Accounts with Jesus. The soul, bank of the Divine Will. Unforgettable memories. Eden.

I went all around within Supreme Fiat until I arrived at Eden and my poor little mind went into overdrive.

I thought, “Adorable Majesty, I come before You to pay interest on what You gave me, though I have so little compared to the principal, that is, a heaven. Please accept my ‘I love You,’ ‘I adore You,’ ‘I glorify You,’ ‘I thank You,’ ‘I bless You,’ as partial payment for the sun, sea, air, a flowery earth, and everything else you have created for me. You once told me that You wanted to go over the accounts with me on a daily basis, and receive a token interest payment according to our agreement. In exchange, I get to keep all of Creation safe inside the little savings bank of my soul. It was so kind of You to give It to me as little daughter of Your Will.”

Then something occurred to me.

I thought to myself, “There’s no way you could ever pay enough interest on something so valuable. After all, stock phrases like ‘I love You,’ ‘I adore You,’ ‘I thank You?’ can’t be worth that much. Words are cheap.”

As I went back and forth about this, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “That was the agreement we made, My daughter, that I would deposit all Creation in the savings bank of your soul, and you would only have to pay the interest on It. Your words are legal currency, so you may reimburse Me with your ‘I love You,’ ‘I adore You ’and ‘I thank You.’ I could see that you were intimidated by so much principal, and thought that if were too worried about it then you might not want to make such a big commitment. So, to encourage you, I said, ‘Small interest payments at regular intervals will be good enough, as long as we can go over the accounting every day here in Eden. That way there won’t be any disagreements or misunderstanding. I we do it that way, then you needn’t worry about having such a large capital investment in your bank.’”

“Perhaps you don’t know the true value of an ‘I love You’ said in My Divine Will. The sun, sea, wind and the heavens are filled by My will because Its life extends everywhere. So whenever you say your ‘I love You,’ ‘I adore You’ or any other loving refrains, My Fiat extends it far into the heavens until your ‘I love You’ fills them to overflowing. When your ‘I adore You’ extends into the sun, it overflows, pouring out stronger and brighter than sunlight, while travelling much farther. When you say, ‘I glorify You’, the sound rides in the wind, wandering through the air all over the earth, moaning as it flies. The wind blows, whether a gentle breeze, or a mighty gale, singing, ‘I glorify You.’ When your ‘I thank You’ reaches into the sea, every drop of water says ‘I thank You’, and fish convey the same by the way they dart about. As I look at the sun, sea, wind and starry heavens filled with your ‘I love You,’ and so much reverential adoration, I say, ‘I’m glad that I deposited everything in the bank, which is the little daughter of My Will, since she pays Me the interest I wanted.’”

“Moreover, since she lives in It, these payments are equivalent to the Divine, because My Fiat extends her modest actions into events more extensive than all of Creation. When I watch you coming into Eden to remit your token interest payment, I can see My Divine Will twice, once within you, and the other in Me, even though It is unitary. It’s like being paid interest by My own Will, and I am completely satisfied with that. It makes Me happy to see that My Fiat has given a creature the power to double Itself for her Creator’s gratification.”

“My daughter, there are so many unforgettable things here in Eden. This is where Our Fiat created man and showered him in love. It poured Itself all over him in torrents. We can still hear that sweet murmur, like water flowing, when We poured Ourselves over him. Here is where the life of Our Fiat in the creature began, and We still savor sweet precious memories of the actions the first man performed in It. Those actions still exist and are going on now within Our Volition. They are a guarantee that man will be reborn so he can have the Kingdom of Our Fiat once again.”

“Sorrowful memories of the fall of man remain in Eden since he made his exit from Our Kingdom. We can still hear his steps as walked out of Our Divine Fiat. Eden had been given to him so that he would live in It, yet We were forced to put him out. It was so sad seeing Our most precious work living without his Kingdom, wandering in sorrow. The pledge of the actions he performed in Our Will are still in effect, and that is Our only consolation. They are what guarantee the rights of humanity to reenter the place they had left behind.”

“I wait for you here in Eden to receive your small interest payment so what We did in the Creation may be renewed. I’m waiting to be compensated for a love so great that it is beyond the creatures understanding. This repayment of love is the perfect pretext for giving them the Kingdom of Our Divine Will. I want this Eden to be dear to you as well. Then you will pray and urge Us that Creation be renewed as It was in the beginning, so Our living Fiat may return into the midst of the human family.”

June 19, 1929

The Divine Will and the operating life of It in the creature.Difference between one who lives in the Fiat and one who does not.

My pitiful mind was wandering in the Divine Fiat, in rapture from Its enchanting light.

I thought, “What is this Divine Will in my poor soul?”

Then my beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, what fortune yours is to live under the sweet enchantment of My Divine Volition. When It takes possession of a creature, Its life develops within her as reigning sovereign and starts to function there just like It does in Itself. As Queen, It imposes Itself with Its light on everything within such a little creature. Its sweet enchantment for the human will grows within her, and by doing so, there is ever more freedom to develop Its life.”

“The Divine Life of My Fiat is a infinite series of uninterrupted acts. You yourself can sense such never-ending action within, a constantly burning love in everlasting light. That’s not true, however, unless one lives in My Volition. Otherwise, their fragmented actions interrupt the Divine Life that would reside within them. They continually waver back and forth, never sure about what to do. They have been disinvested of this enchanting light that would nourish them with the sweetness of My Volition. Thoughtless in the arena of life, it would never occur to them to act in any other way than as humans habitually behave. Rarely do they catch a glimpse of this everlasting light that needs no external power source.”

“A creature who could withstand the heat of the sun day after day without a break would be symbolic of someone who lives in My Divine Will. Such a person would feel light raining steadily down upon herself with a generosity of sweet, fragrant nourishment. She feels the sun’s very life being formed within herself in every shade of colorful light.”

“Someone who does not live in My Will, however, regardless of good or evil, is signified by creatures living in the dull glow of a dim world, lacking any such sweet enchantment as light. They have nothing in common with the one who is within and so lost in the glare of Its light that she can’t see anything else. As if perpetual twilight weren’t bad enough, oftentimes what light there might be goes out all together, and even when lit there is nothing like the natural power to continually nourish everything. Bereft of sustenance, her light goes out and she dies. That is the light these creatures generate for themselves, monochrome, bland with a scent of sterility, leaving her numb, devoid of living light. There’s a huge difference between someone who lives in My Divine Will and those that don’t.”

May everything be for God’s greater glory and the good of my poor soul.

June 27, 1929

Present for Saint AloysiusHow it was necessary that Jesus intertwine Luisa in the manifestations on the Divine Will

Transmission of human and DivineDivine rights that the creature acquires

I received Holy Communion as my offering to Saint Aloysius as a present to celebrate his feast day. To glorify such a holy man, that he may continue from grace to grace, I give him everything that Our Lord had prepared in His Divine Will with His mind, all He has said and done while walking the earth.

While I was doing so, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, you could not have given a more beautiful gift to My dear Saint Aloysius on his feast day. While you were offering Communion and glorifying him with all the Acts I had arranged in My Divine Will, another sun was formed for each action I performed within It while on earth. All these suns filled Saint Aloysius with so much accidental glory from the earth that he couldn’t hold anymore. Acts performed in My Divine Will are the only offerings that have the power of turning into suns, because they hold the fullness of light. So it’s no great wonder that It would also convert into suns any human action done within It.”

There was something I didn’t quite understand about all this.

I thought, “This is way beyond me. Everything my blessed Jesus has told me so far about His Divine Will puts my own pitiful being me somewhere in the middle of It. Otherwise, He rarely says anything specifically about His Supreme Fiat.”

I was still thinking about it when my sweet Jesus came out from inside me.

He said, “My daughter, I had to interweave your soul with the knowledge I have revealed about My Divine Fiat because each revelation concerns the bonds I formed between you and My Divine Will. It was property that I bequeathed to you as a gift, and since I have endowed you with them, the human family has been committed to the reacquisition of Its Kingdom.”

“Had I not interlaced you with them, I would have merely presented the news about them rather than having given these revelations as gifts and binding you to the truth. So I waited for you to act before revealing anything about My Divine Will. I needed you to offer some small pain or discomfort as proof of your commitment, or even one little ‘I love you’ that I could use as an excuse for telling you about them. I wanted something of yours before giving what’s Mine, the

great Gift of My Divine Volition. All of Our external works are transmissions between humankind and the Divine.”

“Creation Itself involves continuous transmission. Our Fiat created the heavens and studded them with stars, but first It had to interlace matter with life before do so. Creating the sun required that heat and light be brought to life as the material basis of its formation. It sculpted a stature made of clay before breathing life into it as a man. I infused a human soul in him, and then superimposed the life of My Love over it. Finally, My Divine Will transfused into his so Its Kingdom would be established in the creature. Everything We create and send forth transmits what is both human and Divine. There are no exceptions. Creation, the Immaculate Queen and the Humanity of the Word are the most beautiful work We have done, the reason being that the human and the Divine are so tightly bound together in them. The heavens, brimming with God, praise My Glory. They hold forth Our Wisdom and Power as My Glory. Spheres sing of the One who bore Me, the Immaculate Queen. Stellar lights worship My Humanity, the Incarnate Word.”

“After My first transmission in Eden was rejected, I wanted more than ever that My Divine Will should be known, and I had to form a second transmission so the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat would enter the field once again. To do that, I had to be so tightly interwoven with another creature that We would be One in the light of Its knowledge about the very life of My Eternal Volition. That’s why I had to closely enmesh you in It through this duplex transmission with My Will. Unless tightly woven, you would be numb to Its life, bereft of Its everlasting light. Nor would you feel compelled to love It, much less yearn for Its revelation. That’s why I arranged for this mutual giving of self between us. It is the very reciprocity of giving that forms the knowledge I wanted you to have. Once this dual transmission of My Divine Will with yours was accomplished, you were driven to conquer a world filled with the good things I had incorporated within you.”

Then I abandoned myself to Divine Fiat where my attempt to cover it all as fast as I could remains as futile as ever. No matter how far I go, there always that much distance left to travel within Its Sea of light. I still haven’t caught sight of where Its endless boundaries might end. As much as I hurry, my journey will never end. I will always have something to do in my endless pilgrimage within the Sea of Eternal Volition.

Then, my sweet Jesus spoke again.

He said, “My daughter, the Sea of My Will is truly great. It has no beginning, no end, and something as little as a creature can neither cross It, nor encompass Its entire expanse. Yet someone who lives in marches on, away from the middle of the Sea, even though she has no chance of leaving Its fluid heart. She will never catch sight of land, much less walk on Its shoreline. Indeed, left or right, forward or back, her view can be nothing but the Sea of Divine Will, where for each act she then completes another is promptly recirculated from the Divine. In fact, since her act has been done within and together with My Divine Volition in Divine

Justice, It transfers all rights to Divine Light on behalf of the soul, along with that of Its Sanctity, Beauty, Goodness and Love.”

“She has every right to live in the Sea of My Will, not as a stranger, but as Its owner. Having conquered My Divine Will, the currency of her action is exchanged for Divine privilege. If you only knew how much happiness and delight We enjoy at the sight of such a little creature living in the Sea of Our Volition as if It were her own. She is no poor servant; rather, behold a Queen, immensely wealthy in her own right from the proceeds of Our conquest, legitimately claimed by victory over Our Fiat. That’s how someone who lives in Our Divine Volition can rightfully assume the dominion of light, sanctity and beauty, making hers as attractive as she wants to be. With love as the substance of her actions, all goodness is at her disposal. My Divine Will is completely hers as the foundation of life by the Divine right We have bequeathed her. So pay attention; multiply your actions in Our adorable Fiat!”

July 8, 1929

Flowers that the Divine Will makes bloom.Continuous singing and murmuring of love; delirious love and dolorous love.

One who does the Divine Will forms the Sea of refreshment for the Divine Love.

I feel so small when I am lost at sea and drowned in the sorrow of missing my beloved Jesus.

I am tormented by a deep longing for disintegration, so I could escape this prison and fly off to my Celestial Fatherland. I wanted to go around everywhere within His Most Holy Will, hoping to move Heaven and earth with my tearful sighs until everyone cried out on behalf of this poor exile that I might be repatriated. I was pouring out my bitterness when my lovable Jesus came out from inside me and gave me a kiss. He held me in His arms, trying to calm me down with soothing words.

He said, “Don’t worry, My daughter, I’m here inside you. I’ve just been clearing the field so My Divine Will can do Its work. That’s where It keeps Its Primal Act. I can see you watching as It works Its craft, but you never seem to notice that I’m always there as well, working right alongside My Divine Will, doing whatever It does.”

“My Divine Will wants to do Its work within you, body and soul. However, It must have complete freedom of action and total control to do that. It lavishes your suffering with kisses full of heat and light. Its steady light awakens a seed to be germinated by Its heat until the kernel unfolds, hungry for nourishment, flourishing into flowers of animated light that bloom with a lush bouquet of colors. Earthly flowers, however, tend to wither because they haven’t the light of My Fiat. That’s what gives them everlasting life and nourishes their fluorescent

bloom, each one with their own incomparably great beauty. They will be the most striking ornaments to adorn the human world.”

As soon as He stopped talking, I was immersed in the Sea of Divine Volition, but not for long, because my sweet Jesus then resumed His discourse.

He said, “My daughter, listen to the Sea of Our Divinity’s ceaseless murmuring. ‘Love for the creature!’ The ardor of Our Love is so great that It overflows in constant murmuring, generating colossal waves of love intent on drowning Heaven and every living thing on earth. Yet they somehow escape Our Love’s inundation. Our desire to see creatures overflowing with Our Love is so utterly frustrated that It makes Us delirious. In the grip of such restless fever, We try to ignore their human ingratitude as Our murmuring grows louder. ‘Love is the answer! Even though they deny Our Love, rebuff Our affection and refuse to love Us in return, We still love them and always will.’”

“Our rejected Love has become a dolorous obsession! But now, someone has finally come who gives Us cool refreshment to calm Our feverish love. The soul who lives in Our Divine Will is the only one who can soothe Our frustrated Love and makes It smile. Our Will forms Its Sea within this creature. Our Sea and hers plunge into each other, their tides mutually flowing in and out. The murmuring of this creature sounds so sweet within Our own. Listen to her constant refrain. ‘My love is for my Creator! My love goes out to my Eternal Life, the One who loves me so much!’”

“The one who lives in Our Divine Fiat is Our refreshment for the Love that devours Us, the sweet sea that cools the fire of Our dolorous Love. It is the wonder of Our Divine Volition that makes use of Its power to form Its Sea within the creature. We hold a contest with her, a competition that makes her continually murmur about love. It raises her so high that when she plunges into Our Sea, We drown in a tsunami. Overwhelmed by Our devouring Love and unable to contain It, We overflow, surging into the Sea that Our Fiat has formed in the creature who lives in It. She gives Us much needed respite from Our deliriums of love and sooths Us with her refreshing love. It’s impossible not to love the one who lives in Our Will.”

July 14, 1929

How the Divine Will wants absolute freedom in order to form Its life.Different ways of acting of Our Lord.

I abandon myself the Supreme Fiat so much there’s scarcely a minute to spare for anything else. It is strong, and so domineering that It wants everything for Itself, yet there is something very sweet about It. Divine Volition has such an attraction that the soul is quite willing to allow

herself to be shackled by Its sweet chains without the least resistance. It can do whatever It wants with her, inside or out.

That’s what I was thinking when my lovable Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, you shouldn’t be surprised if My Divine Will doesn’t leave you free for anything other than Itself. It does so much more than accomplishing particular kinds of work and performing simple actions. It is about forming life, and for that It must act continually. If this constant action should ever stop, life would not truly exist because it would have no way of growing, in fact, no life could ever form without It in the first place. That’s why My Divine Will wants to form Its Divine Life within you; however, It requires complete freedom of action. Its naturally pours this incessant action over the creature with a tender mother’s care, and on wings of light, It reaches into every fiber of the heart without missing a beat, to keep it warm. It fills each breath, every thought, all her words and everything she does, wherever she walks. It engraves Its life with a kiss of light inside each of the creature’s actions, and as It destroys the human’s worldly life, It replaces that existence with It own Divine Life within her.”

“Nothing but shady action comes out of the human will, and My Will doesn’t want anything to do with it. It stands at attention, ready to form Its living light someone who has freely given It total freedom to reign as her sovereign. It is all eyes; nothing escapes Its admiring gaze. To see Its life formed in the creature, It becomes the pulse within the creature’s every heartbeat with indescribable love. It is the breath she inhales, the action behind all of her work, every step she takes as she walks. It even extends into the most trifling things the creature does, running to put the power of Its Fiat into the vital act It creates within them.”

“So pay attention as you receive Its ceaseless acts, because this is about life, which has to continually breath. It needs a steady heartbeat, and daily bread for nourishment. Labor is done and then set aside, it doesn’t have to always be at hand to become work. But life cannot be put aside, when it ceases to act, it dies. A continuous act of My Will is necessity to live, and It gives this life so you may grow and develop with the Fullness of Its Divinity.”

I felt depressed after that, just thinking about my pitiful existence, especially how it’s been going lately. I’ve had to go through so many changes; even Our Lord doesn’t seem quite the same anymore.

As I thought about this, among other things I needn’t mention, my sweet Jesus appeared inside me.

He said, “My exuberant Love was meant to lead you wherever My Divine Will wanted, and I had to have several ways of acting in subsequent stages of your life. At first, My Love and the gentle way I worked with you was sweet and gentle, yet so jealous that I wanted to do everything by Myself within your soul. I didn’t want anyone else to assist, or even know, what I was doing and saying to you.”

“My jealousy was so great that I made it impossible for you explain yourself to anyone, not even your Confessor. I wanted to be alone and free to do My work without anyone meddling in it. I didn’t want someone else there to scrutinize what I was doing. I cared so much about you during this first stage of your life that My Love used every kind of Divine weapon. I really needed to be with you one on one. Waging a war on you of sorts, I assailed you in every conceivable way so you couldn’t resist. My Love wanted things this way because It knew that what It wanted to do with you would require every strategic art to accomplish Its goal by renovating Creation, no less, restoring all rights to My Divine Will as reigning sovereign. A new era shall arise in the midst of the human family.”

“Later, after I sure sure about you and My work was secured, I changed My method of acting. Then I made you break your silence. The depth of My instructions was such and the ardor of My speech so great that you were the ex-cathedra of My Divine Will, the private secretary of Its most intimate secrets. At last, when you could no longer contain them all within yourself, I commanded you to reveal them to My minister. My actions were absolutely necessary, otherwise, My Divine Will might never have become known to humanity at large.”

“Now, My daughter, in this last stage of your life, you understand My actions in yet another way. So don’t worry. Let Me take care of the rest; I know how to give My work the final coat before polishing. Have Courage, then. You have the power of Divine Will; there’s nothing to fear. Just keep moving forward in My Will.”

July 18, 1929

Work of Jesus for the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

During my latest nightmarish deprivation of my lovable Jesus, I became resigned to it. It hadn’t yet occurred to me that He might reveal Himself to my poor little soul, at least for a brief visit to give me a sip of His life so I wouldn’t completely succumb to my depression. All of a sudden, He moved inside me. He looked busy and intensely focused on His work. He raised His eyes toward me, full of compassion for my troubles, and as they met mine, they seemed to sparkle with light.

He said, “My daughter, I am continually working on your soul, and it’s almost ready. I was just making sure that I haven’t missed anything. My work must be solid, so I’m giving it Divine Stability and Immutability. I wait with undeterred patience for My work to become widely distributed so that everyone will know about My great Love. I want them to understand the great sacrifices you and I have made so they can all benefit from such great goodness, it they want it.”

“My work concerns the renewal of everything in Creation and is central to all Our works because it means establishing My Divine Will in the midst of creatures where It shall labor among them as their reigning sovereign. Whoever comes to know My work will become My Kingdom. I will have another Kingdom every time someone understands what I have said and done in a soul as little yours. Then they will all merge together to form one single Kingdom. My apparent silence is a sign that I am intensely focused and working hard on what I am doing within you. A new work is undertaken every time I speak to you. Whenever I call on you to work with Me, I reveal more knowledge about what We are doing, and that adorns the Kingdom of My Divine Will with magnificent new shades of beauty for the enjoyment of those creatures who shall have It as their own. When you don’t hear from Me, that means that I am checking My work to see if I have to rearrange anything to bring It into greater harmony. So, My silence shouldn’t trouble you. It only means that I’m busy advancing the Kingdom of My Divine Will.”

July 24, 1929

How the Divine Will holds the primary act over all created things.It is like the head over the members.

I was thinking about Supreme Fiat, deliberating about how and why It does certain things.

I thought, “Divine Volition wants to form Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures, and I have to wonder how It dealt with them before the coming of Our Lord upon earth, and how did that change when He came. What happened later on?”

Then my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My Will, in all Its immensity, has always been present among creatures, My daughter. Due to Its eternal nature, there was no point in time when It is not present, because creatures could never have done without It. There would have been no life or any way of providing for their existence. Without My Divine Will, all things would dissolve into nothingness. Moreover, the Primal Act of all created things is My Divine Fiat. It would be like a part of the body saying to the head, ‘I can live without you.’ That would be foolish and beyond the realm of possibility. However, being there among them is one thing, reigning as their sovereign is another. First of all, creatures must acknowledge It, then they have to grow in love until they begin to long for Its statutes and depend on It like parts of the body rely upon the head; anything else would not be sovereign rule.”

“My Divine Will was present among creatures in all Its immensity before My coming upon earth, yet the relationship had been weak. It was like being ruled from a foreign land with sparse lines of communication, that is, until they received a brief notice announcing My

immanent coming upon earth. It grieved being there among them unacknowledged and willfully estranged as if It were far off in another country. When I was born, My Humanity acknowledged Divine Will as Its own life and beloved sovereign, thus allowing the Monarch to draw closer to creatures for their subjection. From then on, It was no longer a foreigner; It lived among them on their home turf.”

“However, they still did not acknowledge It, much less allow It to reign in dominion over them, so My Divine Volition had yet to form Its Kingdom. My coming upon earth drew the two wills, human and Divine, closer to each other and put them on intimate terms by spreading the news so It could become known. I did that by teaching them the ‘Our Father,’ so they might say, ‘Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.’ Unless My Will lives on earth as It does in Heaven, It has no Kingdom in the midst of creatures. When the time of Its Kingdom has finally come, It will be present not only in their midst, but within each one of them as their eternal life. Before that can happen, however, It must be acknowledged as the head and primal life of each creature. Until this head is recognized, none of Its sanctity, strength or beauty can flow through to the members. With the nobility of Its Divine blood flowing in their veins, the life of Heaven will not appear in creatures. That’s why I would love so much for My Divine Will to become known. Such knowledge would arouse the love and deep longing that can persuade It to come reign as sovereign among creatures.”

July 27, 1929

How the Kingdom of the Divine Will and that of Redemption have always proceeded together. How Jesus formed the materials and the buildings, and nothing else is needed

but the peoples.

I was making my rounds throughout Creation, following every act of Divine Will done within It. When I arrived at where Supreme Being created the Virgin, I meditated on the great miracle that gave rise to Redemption. That’s when my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, Redemption and the Kingdom of My Divine Will have always proceeded in tandem. Redemption needed a creature that would live in and of Divine Will, as Adam lived in Eden, still innocent before his fall. She would live with the wisdom and justice befitting Our dignity according the well-ordered principles Our Wisdom established before the creation of man. Without a creature to hold My Divine Fiat’s Kingdom, Redemption would have only been a dream devoid of reality.”

“Unless It had total dominion in the Virgin, Divine Will and the human would have been left scowling at each other. At such a distance from humanity, Redemption would have been impossible. However, the Virgin Queen bent Her human will under the Divine and allowed It total freedom of action to rule over Her. As a result, the two wills were reconciled, merging as

one. Human volition was subsumed under the ongoing action of Divine Volition by allowing It to act without any opposition whatsoever. Once again, Its Kingdom had vigorous life with full dominion.”

“The Kingdom of My Fiat started first, and then continued in tandem with Redemption, with each supporting the other. The kingdom of sin brought misery to the human family when the first man and woman withdrew from My Divine Will. Then a woman eventually took My Fiat as her reigning sovereign, and It made her the Queen of Heaven and earth. Redemption began through her union with the Eternal Word made Man within the Kingdom of My Divine Will. Everything I did with Her Highness, the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, was to establish the foundation on which to build Its Kingdom.”

“The consonants and vowels of My Gospel were the heralds that alerted the people with clarion calls to await the revelations that would be crucial in bringing an even higher good than Redemption. My pain, Death and Resurrection leading to Redemption were to prepare creatures for the Kingdom of My Divine Will. These sublime lessons caught everyone’s attention and made them vigilant in their expectation of further instructions of highest import. Now, after so many centuries of preparation, I have revealed a wealth of information to you concerning My Divine Will, above all, about how deeply It yearns to reign as sovereign among creatures. It longs to restore their lost rights to Its Kingdom and lavish upon them all the wealth and happiness It holds for them.”

“The building materials are ready and construction has begun. As revelations about My Will illuminate Its Kingdom with a light brighter than any sun, vast structures shall be raised with the materials I have been preparing. All We need now are the people who shall inhabit this Kingdom of My Fiat, and they will assemble, ready to enter, as these revelations about It are published.”

“When those two creatures made their descent from Divine Will, they gave freedom of action to human will and ruin for generations of humankind. Now two other creatures, the Queen of Heaven who lives in My Divine Fiat by grace, and My Humanity who lives in It by nature, bring salvation by restoring the creature’s citizenship in the Kingdom of My Divine Will. There’s no doubt that Redemption had arrived, nor is there any uncertainty concerning the rise of My Divine Fiat’s Kingdom; it’s just a matter of time.”

I had my doubts when I heard this, and I voiced my concerns about It.

I said, “My Love, I don’t understand how this Kingdom of Your Will can ever be. Nothing ever seems to change. The world can’t stop this dizzy race to evil for a moment.”

He continued, saying, “You have no idea. I’ll do whatever I have to do; nothing can get in the way. I shall establish the living Kingdom of My Divine Will among creatures. There’s no room for doubt; everything’s already been decided.”

July 30, 1929

Difference between one who operates in a saintly way in the human order, and one who operates in the Divine Will. How, without It, one has the strength of a child. How all evil

is of the human will.

My poor mind keeps going all around throughout the Supreme Fiat, with one surprise after another. This Will is so holy and full of wonder. My meager intellect gets lost within the immensity of Its vast Sea and is incapable of describing what I see there; I just don’t have the words for it. It’s like I ate some food without knowing what is was or that I saw something beautiful and had no idea what to call it. Without Divine Volition’s miraculous ability to make me talk about what It reveals to me, I couldn’t say anything about It; most of these things would have been left there, submerged in Its own Sea.

I was still dissolved in Divine Fiat when I felt my always lovable Jesus inside me.

He said, “My daughter, there’s a big difference between those who are virtuous or saintly in the human world and those that live virtuously in the Order of My Divine Will. When someone practices the virtues in the world, each of their qualities appears separately as patience, obedience or charity. They are so distinctly different from the others that there’s no way to fuse them together into one single action that comprises the Divine in their embrace of all that is infinite and eternal.”

“For those who operate in My Divine Will, however, Its light has the power to unify everything by connecting them. Once they are fused together, whatever actions they perform will be done within the source of that light as one single act with innumerable outcomes, all of them embracing their own Creator with the infinity of Its light. The sun is symbolic of this process because it is unitary and has a light source that never goes out. It embraces the earth with innumerable advantages, coloring everything with endless tints and shades by connecting its living light to all and sundry. Its ability to meld things together is inherent in its power to coalesce whatever should be amalgamated for the common good and made available to anyone who wants it.”

“Someone who operates in the human order, in contrast, is symbolized by the dim lights of a low world, and there are many of them. However, they haven’t the power to dispel the darkness of night or brighten the day as at noon, much less embrace the entire planet with a full spectrum of light. These personal lights are particular to circumstances at any given time and place. If people only knew the secret power of operating in My Divine Volition, they would complete with each other to keep anything coming out of Its pure light from escaping them.”

I continued following Divine Will until my sweet Jesus resumed his lesson.

He said, “My daughter, the creature operating without My Will is like a child who isn’t strong enough to work long hours or carry anything heavy to support his meager existence. If anyone tried to force him into hard work by carrying a heavy load, the unfortunate child wouldn’t have the strength to do it, no matter how hard he might try. His pitiful attempts to lift and labor would only make him burst into tears, since there’s nothing he could do about it. Then you might give the poor kid some candy to make him be happy again.”

“Whoever takes possession of My Divine Will, though, has a grown man’s strength, or better yet, Divine Strength. If you asked him to carry something heavy, it wouldn’t be a problem. He’d pick it up as if it were nothing, whereas it would crush that poor little child. An adult might be glad to have the work just so he can make enough money to support himself. However, you shouldn’t try to give him candy for his wages because that would only make him so mad that he might say, ‘Give me what my work is worth, because I have to make a living from it.’

“Someone in possession of My Divine Will is strong enough to do anything, so everything looks easy for her. She is so powerful that even suffering seems like way to gain an advantage with additional strength. So many people are unable to bear any adversity at all, so they appear as weak, helpless children. Evil grows out of a void where the power of My Divine Will should be. So pay attention, My daughter, and never go outside of My Divine Will.”

Then I went back into the Divine Fiat and continued acting there until I got to the point where the Sovereign Queen of Heaven was called out to live in the light of day.

I thought, “When creating the Most Holy Virgin, God enriched Her beautiful soul with honor and privilege, transforming Her very nature to make it as pure and holy as can be.”

Then my beloved Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, Her nature had everything it needed, so It didn’t have to add anything. Human nature hadn’t sinned, so that wasn’t the problem; the dilemma was human will. Human nature was right where it was supposed to be, exactly as Our artistic hands had intended, just like all the other creatures, so We used it to create the Virgin. It was man’s will that was infected, that was the problem. This rebellious will dwelt in human nature like a contagious organism, causing all kinds of problems. Divine Will cures the human by reestablishing its natural balance, however, it can only regain its well-being through a healthy regulation that only the Divine can control. That treats the symptoms of the disease until they go away and human nature reverts to a healthy condition, as beautiful as it was when Our skillful hands delivered it.”

“We were able to operate on the Queen of Heaven’s human will only because She whole-heartedly agreed to the regime We had determined was best for Her. With Her full cooperation, Our Will was able to operate on Her with amazing grace by the power of My Divine Volition.

As a result, She lost none of Her sanctity and remained free of all the painful symptoms that other creatures suffer from being infected by evil. Once the root cause is removed, all indications of disease go away. When My Divine Will enters the someone and takes control, It administers the treatment that inoculates the creature against all evil, leaving her healthy in body and soul.”

August 3, 1929

When God decides to do works that must serve for all, in His ardor of love He puts everyone aside.

How the Supreme Being possesses the inexhaustible vein.

My insignificant existence was abandoned in the center of Divine Fiat, lost in Its immensity as usual. The very strength of Its creative power totally envelops me, bringing such rapture that I am helpless to resist It, which is fine by me. I choose to be weak in the face of Divine Volition just so I can feel Its power overwhelming me, such an insignificant creature. I could feel the presence of my sweet Jesus as I sank further into It, and then I saw Him.

He said, “My daughter, Our Divinity first decides which soul to choose and then We labor universally within her because We know that she can be trusted to take care of this work for the good of all. The ardor of Our Love is so great that we ignore everybody and everything else, as if she were the only one who existed. We wrap Our entire Divine Being around her and give her everything We have until she sinks and drowns in the sea of Our abundance.”

“We want to give that much because the ardor of Our Love won’t let Us stop until Our work is accomplished. Only then can everyone and everything take advantage of all the universally good things Our work contains. It’s not that We don’t see what the other creatures do, because nothing can evade the Immensity of Our Omniscience; We are aware of everything. However, since We are the sure source of all life and universal assistance, We can act as if nothing else existed.”

“That’s how We behaved during Creation. Having stretched out the heavens and situating the earth and sun, everything was in perfect harmony, stunning in its magnificence. Then We created man and wrapped Ourselves around him. The ardor of Our Love was so great that it overflowed with a surge, sending up a curtain which surrounded Us until everything seemed to disappear. We could still see everything; however, Our focus was only on man. We poured everything into him. The magnificent beauty of Our work was resplendent during Creation, and We fused it all into the heart of his being. What’s more important though, is that We installed Our Life within him. Our restless Loved overflowed with an unrelenting urge to present Itself as a gift because It perceived all generations of humankind coming out from him.”

“We acted through the Queen of Heaven, exclusively. Nothing else was important, not even all the evil residing in the rest of humanity. We poured Ourselves into her until She was full of grace because She was to be the universal Mother, the font of Redemption for all.”

“We are doing the same with you, ignoring everything else for the sake of Our Divine Will’s Kingdom. If We only looked at all the evil that these ungrateful creatures commit, the Kingdom of Our Will would linger in Heaven forever and We wouldn’t have the slightest inclination to reveal anything at all about Our Supreme Fiat. Accordingly, Our Love drapes Its veil over all the creatures’ evil ways so We won’t notice them. Then We can begin overflow with surge of inspiration that makes Us talk about Our decision to give the Kingdom of Our Fiat to creatures as the ultimate Gift.”

“When Our Love is dead set on something, It might not act rationally, however, it’s not that unreasonable to expect that It would rather overcome through love. It has decided to give Itself at any cost, so out of desperation, It pretends not to see or hear anything else. It doesn’t hold back, not at all. It pours Itself out entirely over the creature chosen for this great collective advantage because It is impelled to rain down for the good of all human generations. We are driven to provide so generously simply because the ardor of Our Love just can’t restrain Itself; It won’t hold back for anything. It’s desire is to give everything It has as long as the Kingdom of Divine Will may reign upon earth.”

My mind contemplated all the marvelous things to be found in Divine Will until my sweet Jesus continued.

He said, “My daughter, given that Our Supreme Being is an inexhaustible vein, We will never finish giving what We have, because as much as We give, We always have more to offer. The moment We bestow some benefit, another arises and immediately heads out to present itself to creatures.”

“Nonetheless, as inexhaustible as We are, We never give Our treasure, Our Grace to anyone who is not prepared for It, in fact, We wouldn’t even tell them about what is to Us Our truth, especially if they aren’t paying attention anyhow. Whenever We see Our teachings written within someone, We are sure to see them enriched by Our gifts. If We can’t see Our truth, it’s because the creature has yet to hear Our voice, so Our gifts remain within Us. Sometimes, if they hear anything at all, it is like a voice call from afar that they can’t quite make out, so they don’t understand exactly what We are trying to tell her. Either way, Our inexhaustible vein remains untapped until these creature are prepared for it.”

“Only Our Divine Will can truly prepare the soul. It empties her of everything and then rearranges everything until she is prepared enough to be worthy of Us. Once that’s done, Our inexhaustible vein never ceases giving her gifts, simply because she was then prepared to hear Its sublime lessons. If you continually allow yourself to be dominated by My Divine Fiat, Our

inexhaustible vein will never stop pouring itself out over you. It will be Our pleasure to make unheard of new graces, gifts and lessons arise from Our Divine Being.”

August 7, 1929

The principal means to have the Divine Will reign: knowledge.

Difference between one who lives in the Divine Will and one who lives in the human will.

As I continued acting within Divine Volition, I began to wonder what was in store for us. I thought, “How can the Divine Will enter into Its sovereign reign? What will be the means, and to what end? How much grace and aid will be needed before creatures are prepared to subjects under Its dominion?”

Then my always beloved Jesus moved inside me, full of gentle goodness.

He said, “My daughter, the principal means I will use to make My Divine Fiat come reign upon earth are these revelations about It. This knowledge will open the way and prepare the earth to become Its Kingdom. They will develop the cities and function like a telephone system, postal service, internet and heralds with trumpets to announce important news about My Divine Will from person to person, city to city, nation to nation. This knowledge about It will cast into hearts the hope and desire to receive such great goodness.”

“There’s no escaping the fact that no matter how good something may be, if nobody knows about it, no one will want it, much less receive what is on offer. If they could somehow have something without knowing about it, they may as well not have it all. The foundations of hope and certainty concerning the Kingdom of My Divine Will rest on knowledge about It. That’s why I have revealed so many facts as evidence. They will be nourishment and wealth, new suns under suddenly revealed heavens given as patrimony to the people who shall live in the Kingdom of My Volition.”

“When knowledge about My Fiat gets around, preparing those who are fortunate enough to learn about It, My very Humanity will be at the disposal of every creature with a superabundant outpouring of My Goodness and Love. It is more generous that any father could be. It will give them enough strength and grace to submit themselves to My Divine Will. My Humanity will be like a Heart pulsating amidst the children of My Kingdom. It shall heal them for the honor and dignity of My Fiat, and Its grace will defend them from all the evils produced by human will. My Love’s ardent desire to reign as sovereign is so strong that I shall overwhelm even the most rebellious human wills with Its kindness.”

I was surprised to hear that and must have seemed incredulous, because Jesus began to insist.

He said, “You seem doubtful, My daughter. I’m the Master and I can do whatever I want. I can give Myself to anyone I chose, however I please. My Humanity is the elder Brother and It holds the Kingdom of My Divine Will. As firstborn Brother, I have every right to transfer possession of It to My siblings. I am at their disposal and eager to give them this great treasure.”

“I am the Head of the entire human family whose power surges through My Mystical Body into Its members. I shall send down My Divine Will to them and they shall be invigorated by the sheer vitality of Its action. You are witness to My Humanity dwelling continually within you, providing the grace and strength that inspires one to live exclusively within My Will. You shall be so happy when your human will is blotted out by a deep peaceful feeling. In fact, your human pride would gladly give its own life for the privilege of residing under My Divine Will’s imperial rule. All I need is for them to understand what I have revealed about My Fiat; the rest will take care of itself.”

Then I abandoned myself in Divine Fiat where the action is non-stop. There’s always something to do there, yet I never seem to get tired of It. It fortifies me and I rejoice in this long happy journey. I was still thinking about it when my Highest Good, Jesus, started talking again.

He said, “My daughter, those who live in My Divine Volition have eternity at their disposal and are forever walking around in It, gathering things up with every step. To stop would be costly. Each step forgone is a lost opportunity that calls a halt to the Divine procession with its consequent disruption of happiness. My Fiat is an act of ever fresh happiness, grace with an indescribable beauty beyond human reach. Step by step, the soul gathers as she walks, and is left empty-handed whenever she stops. Unless she follows the path of My Divine Volition, there is no way for her to know the happiness and beauty issued My Will with each stride.”

“It’s impossible to overstate how different someone who lives in My Divine Will can be from a creature who lives in the human will. The one who lives in the human will is constantly stopping, only to find her path cut short, and when she tries to take another step, there’s no place to set her foot. Leaving this path for another trail, she gathers only disillusion as she strides, to her great annoyance. Eventually, growing weaker with every step, she can no longer resist being dragged into sin. As small as the circle of human will may be, it is full of misery. It ends abruptly at a cliff dropping off into a pool of bitterness. Yet, they love to live within its circle! It’s either madness or some sort of deplorable foolishness!”

August 12, 1929

Magnificence of the Creation. The black speck of the human will.

I was making my rounds throughout Divine Volition when my sweet Jesus pulled me out of my body and made me watch as everything in Creation was leaving His creative hands bearing its Maker’s insignia. Each of them had the enchanting beauty of perfection. All of them were animated by a vivid light that was either God-given as a natural attribute or donated by someone who had it in their possession. The enchantment of this beautiful light was everywhere except for one small black speck. It looked so ugly standing out there among so many beautiful works of art fluorescing with majestic luminosity. This ink stain aroused both compassion and terror, since God had created it with natural beauty and it ended up as a repulsive smudge. It’s especially tragic considering how it was once one of the most beautiful works of art ever created by the Supreme Being.

I was still looking at that horrid black splotch when my always lovable Jesus spoke to me.

He said, “My daughter, everything We did in Creation is, and always be, in the act of being done, as if We were still doing It. Our Creative Strength is such that when It makes something, It doesn’t just walk away from Its masterpiece. It leaves a living, breathing part of Itself behind forever to act as an undying heartbeat, pulsing with splendor within this work that once done, continues as an ongoing procession of works forever.”

“This is analogous to human nature in that, once it has been formed, it begins breathing in tandem with a beating heart, and must continue doing so for the rest of its life; when that stops, it dies. We are inseparable from Our work simply because We like doing it so much. Constant labor is Our delight. Once We make something, We are committed to keeping its majestic beauty by constantly refreshing it so that it holds onto the same vigorous life it had when first created. Look at how beautiful they are. They narrate the story of Our Divine Being to Our everlasting Glory.”

“A black speck of human will stands out amid all the glory of Our works. Endowing man with free will was a sign of Our greater love, however, he abused the privilege by preferring to live and breathe by human will rather than Ours. Since then, his beauty fades with every heartbeat, rotting until his soul has turned completely black and eventually losing the Divine Life of his human nature.”

“Only by acting through Our Divine Will can the thick darkening of human pride be reversed. There’s no other way to recover the untarnished beauty of its creation. These actions shine a light that dispels darkness. They heat the soul in a mold, disinfecting it until the root cause of the disease has been be eliminated and the scar is fully healed. These actions performed in My Will take the rebound of all human acts done with the human will and set everything straight. That’s the only way its fresh beauty can be restored as it was when first created.”

“To prepare an antidote for the poisonous evil done by human will, the creature has to perform many actions in Our Divine Volition. Then all Our works of Creation will be beautiful again. The black spot will grow luminous and shine among the magnificent works We have created. Our Divine Will shall take dominion of everything and will reign sovereign on earth as It is in

Heaven. So be careful how you operate in My Divine Will. You need an imperious Divine Action to confront every human misdeed and knock them all over. Then, once the evil done by the human will has been cleansed, its polish will shine.”

August 25, 1929

How Jesus created the seed of the Divine Fiat in forming the ‘Our Father’The virtue that the light possesses

I was thinking about Divine Fiat and how Its Kingdom could ever possibly come upon the earth. It seemed impossible to me, first of all because there’s no one working to make It known. They talk about their plans for It, but all they end up with are words and nothing’s ever done. It’s still so far away. How many generations must pass before they have the good of knowing about these revelations describing Divine Will and Its Kingdom? The earth is completely unprepared for something so good as the Kingdom of the Divine Will dominating the earth. It would take a miracle for them to know about It, perhaps several.

As I was thinking about this, among other things, my sweet Jesus moved inside me.

He said, “My daughter, the purpose of My coming upon the earth and everything I did in Redemption, including My own Death and Resurrection, was solely to prepare for the Kingdom of My Divine Will. When I recited the ‘Our Father,’ I planted the seed that would germinate the Kingdom of My Divine Fiat in the midst of creatures.”

“When I speak, I create marvelous works out of nothing, each one greater and more beautiful than the others. When I pray, My words have an imperious power to create whatever I want. I created the seed that would grow into the Kingdom of My Will through prayer by delivering the ‘Our Father.’ I taught this supplication to the Apostles so the Church might nourish and water this seed by reciting it. That’s how I prepared them to model their lives so they could follow the lead of My Divine Fiat.”

“That seed grew out of all the knowledge I revealed about It, and you have multiplied it into an inexhaustible bushel of grain that is always available to whoever wants to live the life of Divine Will. Everything is there, My daughter, all the action necessary and sufficient for growth. I created this seed because otherwise there’s no hope of ever having a plant, and they’re guaranteed to grow, because once you have them, all it takes is hard work and a strong desire for the fruit of your labor. When you have a seed in your possession, you also own the life-force of the plant germinating from it.”

“You must water the seed by saying an ‘Our Father’, because that’s the best way to promote its growth. Then My revelations shall make it proliferate. All that’s needed now are courageous

people who can volunteer as those publicists who are willing to make any sacrifice by fearlessly evangelizing everyone with this sure knowledge. This task has already been substantially accomplished for the greater part; there are only minor details yet to be completed. I shall find a way to accomplish the mission; your Jesus knows what to do. Someone shall appear who can make My Divine Will known to the nations.”

“For your own part, just do whatever you can, but don’t get in the way; I’ll take care of the rest. The only reason you have any doubts about My Fiat’s Kingdom being known so It can establish a living presence on earth is that you don’t know how I shall overcome adversity and arrange for the right circumstances to come about.”

So I abandoned myself entirely in Divine Volition so I could follow Its action. Then Jesus continued speaking.

He said, “My daughter, someone who goes into the Unity of My Will, enters a light that has the power to come down and drape itself over whatever It illuminates within. Then it rises up on high to flood the heavens with radiance.”

“Likewise, someone who enters the unifying light of My Fiat comes down to act on behalf of all generations, by filling everyone with that same light for the common good of all. Then she ascends to Heaven and completely fills It as well, so that all may be glorified. Within My Divine Will, the soul acquires the right to offer the light of Eternal Fiat so everyone may receive the gift of her actions multiplied so many times that anyone who so desires can have It as their own.”

September 4, 1929

Why does the sun form the day? Because it is an act of Divine Will.

My days have become bitter since my highest and only Good, Jesus has been neglecting me. My daily bread consists of sorrow intensified as I go without the One who has formed my entire life down here. Though I used to breathe Jesus as He would pulse within my heart and flow in my veins, it is now only a painful memory. He nourished my work every step of the way, yet for the time being, I feed only on lament. Jesus was everything to me, but it’s all over now. Oh, God, it hurts! I breathe this sorrow that beats so intensely within my heart. He was my whole life; even more. The only way I have the strength to bear such anguish is to abandon myself in Fiat.

My suffering continued until my sweet Jesus came out from inside me and held me in His arms.

He said, “Courage My daughter, don’t lose heart. The sun is able to form the day only because it is an act of My Divine Will. As the earth rotates, the side that moves away from the sun is left in the dark and forms the night when this poor earth becomes gloomy under a mantle of sadness. The reality of nighttime is stark since it lost this beneficent sphere of the light that was created by an act of My Divine Will and is maintained by that same ongoing impulse.”

“That’s how things are for the soul as long as she goes around through this same unbroken act of My Will. It is always broad daylight and neither the darkness of night nor sorrow can exist for her. The continuous act of My Fiat gives her a cause for celebration with a smile brighter than the sun. If she wanders about within her human will, however, she becomes darker than the blackest night on earth. When self-will lords over the soul, it casts such doubt that she is overwhelmed with sadness. That is the true dark night of the soul for this poor creature.”

“Words cannot express the great blessings of such bright sunlight shining down on a creature through an act of My Divine Will. In one uninterrupted act, It provides all good things that bring joy to everyone in time and eternity. So pay attention. Gather yourself completely within a single act of My Divine Will and never leave It, if you want to live happily by having in your power the living light of a day where the sun never sets. An act of My Divine Will is everything for the creature. It goes on forever without changing. With more tenderness than any mother, It holds close to It bosom whoever abandons herself within Its endless act of light. It raises such a creature as Its own offspring, It nourishes her with a light that ennobles and makes holy, while It gives her shelter within Its very light.”

September 8, 1929

The birth of the Virgin was the rebirth of all humanity.

My poor mind went with the currents in the immense Sea of Divine Fiat, where everything is going on as if there were no past or future. Every event that ever took place, or would happen someday in times to come, was occurring live at that very moment. Whatever my little soul wants to find among the works of its Creator within the Divine Will seems to unfold as if the action were just starting.

I thought about the birth of my dear Celestial Mother and how right and just it would be for a mere creature like me to render Her due homage. So I called on all Creation to join with me in singing the praises of the Sovereign Queen, and that’s when my sweet Jesus appeared.

He said, “My daughter, I too want to thank the Father for the glorious birth of Her Highness, My Mom. I will sing Her praises together with you and all Creation. This blessed nativity implies the rebirth of the whole human family. All of Creation was reborn the moment the Queen of Heaven was delivered and they expressed this joy in their newfound Queen with glad

exaltations. Up till then, a hush reigned over a people, who felt so deprived without their Queen, and they were only waiting for that happy day to break their silence. They sang, ‘Let us pay homage with glory, honor and love to the One who comes into our midst as Queen! We shall no longer be defenseless, without anyone to guide us. Now, our long delayed celebration begins, because She, our everlasting glory, has finally arrived.’”

“This Celestial Baby Girl kept Our Divine Will intact within Her soul by never following Her own. Our Creator has restored to Her all the privileges rescinded from Adam when he lost his innocence and She now reigns sovereign over all Creation. All Creation, having glimpsed the seeds of every human generation there within this Holy Virgin’s little Heart, has been reborn in Her. It is through Her that humanity has regained their lost rights, and to us, Her birth was a most glorious and beautiful occasion. From the very moment of Her birth, she enfolded all generations within Her little Mother’s Heart. She sheltered them beneath the warmth of Her wings and nourished these orphaned creatures with this blood dripping from Her maternal Heart.”

“Our Celestial Mother loves creatures so tenderly because they are all reborn in Her. She has compassion for Her children, and they feel safe living within such a maternal Heart. Our Divine Will can do anything wherever It lives and reigns. It wraps Itself around all creatures and every created thing so She may provide for them from Its bounty. They nestle under a blue mantle, hidden beneath the maternal wings of their Celestial Mother where they find their own little place to take cover within Her maternal Heart.”

“My daughter, someone who lives in My Divine Will is not only born anew, she doubles the number of those reborn among every human generation. When My Supreme Will lives inside a heart and sets the fulsomeness of Its everlasting light in it, all creatures and every created thing are gathered around It for their renewal. It does everything left undone over so many centuries and delivers all the good things that It hadn’t been able to give them by means of other creatures. This creature is the dawn of a new day, the daybreak that beckons the sun and gladdens everything on earth, warming them all with a light that flies on wings. It nourishes everything in an embrace as tender than any mother’s. With a kiss of light, it gives exquisite shades of color to flowers and delicious sweetness to fruit as it brings their plants to maturity. If My Divine Will reigned sovereign among creatures, It would perform so many wondrous miracles on their behalf.”

“So pay attention. Everything you do in My Divine Fiat is reborn with the light of Divine order, re-sanctified in love renewed with fresh beauty. With each act of My Will, human pride undergoes death as it becomes oblivious to all evil so that it may live again in all goodness.”

September 15, 1929

How the sun returns every day to visit the earth; symbol of the Sun of the Divine Will. The germ of the Divine Will in the act of the creature.

I was replicating my actions in Divine Volition, as I emulated the work It was doing, and I began to question the relevance of what I was trying to accomplish.

I thought, “Why must I always repeat the same actions over and over again? What glory can that possibly give to my Creator?”

Then my sweet Jesus came out from inside me and tried to bolster my spirits with a big hug.

He said, “My daughter, by duplicating your actions in the Divine Fiat, you break Its isolation by bringing another accomplice to every action My Divine Will might do. It would not feel so all alone if It had someone to sympathize with Its pain and revel in Its joy. It wants to unburden Itself by sharing Its secrets with someone It can trust. Furthermore, such an action continuously repeated reveals Divine Virtue, which has the power to generate good things that do not yet exist. Then It reproduces them and distributes that newfound wealth to everyone. Only by continually acting can life be formed and given to someone.”

“The sun is a symbol of My Divine Will, because it would never abandon the creature and it never tires of acting through its continuous stream of light. It visits the earth everyday and you can count on its returning with more gifts for all of its children. Its eye of light tries to keep track of these good things once it has given them, and as often as not, It can’t find them. It looks in vain for the flower that it had colored with such beautiful tints, the same one it had perfumed merely by touching it with its hands of light. After pouring itself into so much ripening fruit, it sweetened them as it brought them to maturity with its heat, and now they were nowhere to be found.”

“Seeing that the inventory just doesn’t add up, you can imagine how the sun must feel, after pouring itself out like that for the benefit of others. It acted in such a maternal way, breathing its heat and light on them so as to form all manner of plant life with so many beautiful flowers and delicious fruit by breathing its heat and light on them. Then, after all that hard work, man snatched them from the earth and used them to support his own lifestyle.”

“If the sun were able to reason and feel sorrow, it would burst into tears of light and burning fire. It cries over all the beautiful things it had made as it looks everywhere without finding any of them. Yet despite its sorrow, the sun has no regrets and would never change the way it distributes its wealth all over the earth; it just keeps on giving, trying its best to replace what man has taken from it. The wrong done to it is not the point. To be constantly generous while acting through its light is the sun’s natural way of behaving, and so it continues to provide from its abundance.”

“My Divine Will, however, pours Itself out over each creature more than the sun could ever do. It gives them life and won’t ever let them down. It inflates creatures with the all-powerful breath of Its love-light until they are full and begin to rise. Whereas, the sun allows the night to take its place, My Divine Will would never leave Its own beloved infants on their own. It designed them, brought them to life with Its breath, and raised them on kisses of burning light. My Divine Will never leaves the creature for an instant. It pours Itself over them in a continuous, never-ending stream, bestowing upon them Its various shades of beauty with an undying love that is infinitely sweet. My Divine Will would do anything for them; It wants to give them absolutely everything.”

“Yet, to this day, It is neither loved nor even acknowledged. It lavishes priceless treasure on them and they just waste it. Such sweet sorrow! It blindly pours out Its very being on each creature. Yet, when It opens Its eyes, lo and behold, there’s nothing there. It wades through Its own melancholy, persistent in Its generous act of pouring Its everlasting light upon them. That’s why someone who lives in My Fiat must continually act and replicate those same actions without stopping. It must persevere, if for no other reason than to keep It company and soothe Its intense sorrow.”

So I continued crossing the endless Sea of Divine Fiat, and as I dispense my modest actions in the Eternal Volition, something began germinating within my soul. It was the potent seed of many-hued light that had emanated from Divine Will to animate my being. Then my sweet Jesus appeared. He was breathing on each of those seeds, and one by one, they grew to the dimensions of Divine Immensity. I watched in fascination as the kindness of my Highest Good, Jesus, took those seeds in His holy hands and breathed His love into each one before planting them evenly throughout my soul. He gave me a loving look and spoke to me.

He said, “My daughter, wherever the creative force of My Divine Will may be, My Divine breath has the power to expand the creature’s acts immensely. As the creature operates in My Fiat, the creative force enters her action and immerses it in the fount of Divine Immensity. Then the creature’s tiny act spurts up into multiple fountains of love, light, beauty, goodness and sanctity. The more she acts, the more Divine fountains she can open, each one shooting up so high that they gush throughout the immensity of her Creator.”

“It’s like yeast, which has the power to ferment flour so you can make bread. The dough will rise as long as you put in a little yeast to start the process of fermentation, and then you knead it before baking. Using the same flour without adding yeast, the dough will never rise and all you will have is unleavened bread to eat. My Divine Will has the power to raise a human act higher with Divine Fermentation that yeast could ever raise dough, because the human act becomes Divine Act. When the seed of My Divine Will grows inside the creature’s endeavor, I delight in breathing on her action until it rises immensely. In fact, We call that expansion ‘Our Act’, that is, ‘Our Will operating in the creature.’”

September 20, 1929

How Jesus alone has sufficient words in order to speak about the Divine Will.How the creature can say: ‘I possess everything.’

How the Divine Will forms Its Paradise wherever It reigns.

My poor little mind keeps wandering freely within the immense Sea of Divine Volition. It can just barely hold onto a few little drops of insight and even less of the endless beauty to found there. I love your adorable Will, yet It is beyond my reach. It’s impossible to describe You, who are the All, nor could any human live long enough to recite your never-ending saga. Not even the Angels and Saints could adequately express what You are, much less an ignorant nonentity like me. Your Will is so holy and all I can do is babble. My mind rambled around the Divine Fiat until my lovable Jesus appeared.

He said, “My daughter, your Jesus is the only one who can speak coherently about My Eternal Volition, because, by Divine Nature, I am that Will. My only limitation is your ability to comprehend what I say, and since your capacity is too small to embrace everything about It, I have to be satisfied with giving you a few drops of It here and there. You can’t wrap your head around the immensity of this uncreated Sea because that is not the nature of created intelligence. I translate these little drops into words adapted to your tiny capacity so you might comprehend at least something about My Fiat. Being indescribable and beyond measure, it’s sufficient to say that My Divine Will is everything; moreover, It encloses all this within Itself. If even one iota of all that exists in Heaven or on earth were left out, It would not be the All.”

“The creature must empty herself of everything before she can enter My Fiat. She must revert to what she was when the Creator called her into existence out of nothing. The very beauty that the creative power of My Divine Will instilled in her consists of this sheer nothingness that allows her to be filled exclusively with the life of her Creator. At this point, however, if the soul allows My Fiat to reinvest Its creative power in her, Its heat and light Its will empty her so she can become as beautiful as she was when first summoned out of nothingness. After that, the creature gains admission to live and breathe in the All of My Will where she will be sanctified amidst all Its love and beauty. When the All of My Divine Fiat keeps her within Its Sea, the All shall be at her disposal. Nothing will be given to her in half measures, because One who is the All gives Himself entirely, rather than bit by bit. Only from within My Will can the creature ever say, ‘I have everything, even the All is mine.’”

“Those who do not live in My Divine Will, however, are not under the imperial rule of the Creative Power, so there’s no way for them to have the fullness of Divine Life. Their souls are not filled to the brim with the love, light and sanctity that would otherwise overflow so much that they would form an endless sea around her. They have no sense that everything belongs to them, except perhaps a few little Divine Particles, at most, or maybe just an impression of grace, love and sanctity, but certainly not everything. Only someone who lives in My Fiat is fortunate enough to be preserved in the miracle of her creation. She alone has every right to possess the abundance wealth of her Creator and abide in it.”

Then I continued acting in Divine Will until my lovable Jesus started talking again.

He said, “My daughter, someone who lives in My Fiat has the great advantage of having a Divine Will on earth that can bring her enduring peace and unwavering self-control. My Fiat shall raise the creature up in a Divine way so that every time she acts, It will give her a sip of Our Divine Being until every one of Our attributes are concentrated within her. In fact, My Volition will delight in enclosing My Divine Will within, this creature so It may bring her the happiness that is the joy of the Blessed. Those who live in It shall want for nothing. Having lived in Our Fiat, when this triumphant creature enters Our Celestial Fatherland, she will bring along her paradise of fully Divine happiness and joy. She can expect to find even more surprising beatitudes when she gets there, because My Will is an inexhaustible cornucopia that always has something new to give. Nonetheless, the creature will find all the happiness and joy that My Will had already enclosed within her when she was still on earth.”

“So, expand your boundaries by rising ever higher within It. The more Divine Will you receive on earth, the more Our Life grows inside you and supplements the happiness and joy you take into your soul. The more you bring, the more you will be given in Heaven, Our Celestial Fatherland.”

May everything be for God’s glory and the fulfillment of His Most Holy Will.