ffUTI c. G ficETiEThe re is no au the nt ic record ao;; h> who fir~t m·,dc pulque or ncutli. )la ny...

Tf-lERI\ ffUTI c. G ficETiE Original DepartmPnt . 207 - -- ---------- -- - -- .. - --- --~ - -------------- nearly four scort, is yet a rugge d speomc n of his ract-. Y.'ithout decl ar ing faith in the rcma rk:,hlc cflicary or linum 1 t itht r in th is C-4SC or those g i\·cn by Dr . Bla cker by , I pre sent the a bo,·c fo r wha t it is wonh. t Wriuen tor The T hcr, , pculic G:t.u:1c.l Pu lquc. By E . E . R1op~I. M C,\ •• Ot:~ro:t. Mo.h. P ULQUE is the nati o n al dr in k of the ~lexicans. It is pro duced by the fcrmC'n1a1 ion of the juice ex pressed Crom the c~n• ral p 1 ,rtiu n o f the Magu c)~ or Ag.me Amcri C'ana, n :u . ord. llrom. cliace~ . sex. spa. I lcxanilri .:t; '.\lono~rnia. T his plan t has been consi de red diuretic and ;,n1i~yphil:1ic. The re is no au the nt ic record ao;; h> who fir~t m·,dc pu lque or n cu t li. )la ny a rc t he t raditi o ns c x1ant am on g the M txic~ns con c erning- i1s first manufar. tu rer . It se e m s . h o wc,·cr, to he t he more (!l.'ncr.:.tl belief that it wa s X ochitl, c.fau~h tt r of a no hlt:·m:u\ ca lled P d.pant ezin, who lin• d in the time or T rq>an - caJu in, eighth ki n,:: or th e T o ltec~. frnm t irnr im- me morial pu lque ha.s he-en c<m .. i:lncd to cnnt ;1in m ed ici nal virtu es in a \•er ~· hi~h dt.· ..,:r1 --c as ,,·1.:II :t.:-: all the o ther pro docti of the ~l .1-::: ue,·. and at one time th: Maiu-:y wa s e ,•en :-aid to hold a ~p1ri·ual life and was h~IJ in rcverenct:. To c.i .ty Pnlciuc is estee mc:d by th e ign or uH cla"sc, ac. ha\'ln~ a varitty o f cu'ra 1ive powers, an I pln·sirian:; u-.t" it fo r ils a lcoho:ic and 11utri1ive properties. It is hd d as a stimulan t, t onic nntl anti:,.p~1!-mr,Jic. Tl ll"y rcco mm en ct it to th e i!l!inn, we ak, a n:cmic an <l nur'°ing m nt h er s. fls Comf tJsiti ,,n . It is o bt a i ned hy frrmentin~ t he juice expr e~si:d from th e central pnrtiun of thl! ma gucy plant. Aft e r expre~~in (! 1hc juice hc twt:en ro llers , or a'i wns for merl y done by m eans of ~uc- tion, it is carried tn t he \"ati for f~rmcn1a 1ioo. T hese \'.1ts c11n,;ist of raw O\'. hi1!e-. loose ly sus- pendC'd in a strong woo 1lcn rr.1mc. w ith the h:1ir on the out side. Th c-sc hit.le. m :tde vt"s:sels cnn1:1in the cryplf#coc rus o r fer m e nt. wh kh is a n·s iduu m or the form C' r fcrme rua1ion ~. Af:er a. fC-\\" hqurs fermentati o n is fully es1a b lishcrl arn1 the pulquc is drawn off. a h \·ays lea \·in ~ a rrs i tuurn in the \·ec;. c;;e} fo r t he n ex t fermen ia tin n. T he li•1uu.l o htaincJ from the m ,\!?UC>' pla,n hj,S a dcnsi1y \";1ryinJ.: fro m 1. 0:?9 to t.O -' :! a nd contains in 100 pa rt~ 9 553 of sul{ar, 0 .5_.o of g:um and !toluhl c a lbumen, o. ;16 sa lt s, an<l Sq 1Sr of wat e r h nlJing in ~olu1io n resinous ma.He r, fats, a llmminoids. st..tr ch . dcxtdn c an d glu ros e . Ac co rd ing to Dnn Jose R:uno ,;;, its sa!t -. cont:tin potash. s od a. a nd Jimc in mod crnt c prnp 1rtinn , , m agnesia and a lumin a as well as 1hc ch lo ride~ . ca r bonates. !-ulph:1.tes. pho~phates an d sili ·a1c,, h e nce the g re at \'a luc in w hic h it 111111- t h;H"c bl"cn hdJ in former t i me s an d in wh ic h it o ught to be h1..~1J at the pr esent d ay . From the compo .. ition o f lhc ju irc of the ma~uc:v one may h ,we an idea or the thl.'r aptmic cllc c;s ~f the pu lque, a llow ir.~. fo r the cha n~c- ,, h:t:"h 10,:'"c constitu t nls may un clcrg-o lhrou~ h ft:r mc ntation. Pu lqu e, h .ts n o ddinite pro:-,·}rtio11 of a:Cohol, (1ir o ne m ay r ead ily sec Crv~ the way it is m:1111,fa ,-. tured tha t it cann o t h:wc any drli11ite ~tand:iril. It howc\.·er contain s a ,•ery sm.t ll pr o portion of h.i:,il oil, and carbonic acicl in l:trge qu3nti tic'-. Co nside r• int; th tt its manuracturc is not ba se d upon any ~1:111 •1:lrd of purit \' o r even with ordinary ca r e, it'- d cns ity ca nnot be g iv t•o w i1h aor ce rtninty, t hough it varies from o '}H3 to r ozoo ( L.- E .. quel a de mcd - i.:i11 ·1). T o .day it 1:,; attra ctii1A" the attent ion of the m :d 1c3 I fra tc:rn ity b::ca~ <tC or the e,·il crrcctc, upon the li\'cr cau sr d Ur its e-::reo;;:o-i\'e us e amo ng t he lowe r cl 1s,cs, nnt, ho ve, ·c r . in the ligh l t'.'f pu lqu e as a compound. bu t bec,,u!'e of 1hc e,·il d kct s or the ,1koh•1l which il Ct)nta111s. It is th e rcf,>re pro. po~t.·•J lo a<lo pl sn mc 01her form ni rranufac1urc th a t a much lower pcrccruar:::e n £ alcohol mny t n1c r into i1s c,, mpn,ition. a -:conlin;:.r to a fi" cd standar d, an d thus a\·uiU the e \' 1ls or a.lcoho!ism. l \\"ri!t1:n Cur 1hc ThcraP'!mic Gaz elle.) A C::>se of lrilis Syp 1 1ilitic,:i, Syphililica , T reated w i.h A, narga. P.soriosis Casc ara By Geo. Rculin,:. M. 0 .. Ball•more, Md. \\ T ! TI !OC T profc,s ing m r enti re con fiJc nce in the ' .1h:1\·c ,cme t!y . ina,muc h a.s my c-xrc rien ct \\ ii h the ~:u11e h.1s he.en o nly confine d '"0 far 10 a Vl'r) ' few C':'l!'CS, 1 fr-el thal the resuits obt .tincd by its U"' ~ h,u·c hcc n of so en cou ra~ ing a. cha racter, as to war ran t. ir n ot t o demand hu thl' r trials. T he fir~t ca"-e in wh ic h I ex clu · ively emp loyed c:1sc.1ra amar~a was one offerin_!:: the a bo \·t d i:1.g_ n o..:i~: )lr. ~. P., a:t. 4 1, co n :...uhed me at the ~1.,ry land E ye anti E. .u lnfirmar~ ·. r cprc~cntin g all the charactcri·tic s ymptoms o f iri ti~ syphilit ica o( the r1~ht eye and p!'ori ,, .. is numu 1 aris o,·c:r a lmost the \•:hole su r fa t·e or h,s body. T her e were be-sides m,tny adhe .. i••ns bt' B\'<'Cn iris anti lens rap,ul e, a d1!-1inct conr!~ )()ma on the outr r margin Of the pu ;- HI. il5 hr o:td lia!-c C' Xl<· nd ing: otlmo st 10 the m id- <l•e o( the iri 1ic nn.i.: d.n1I its apex n early touc. ·h ing the clt'SCt:"mctic mcm Lran e . T he p ri mary ~yphihtic affe c t ion cblt·d a bo ut six m rw th s back. E, ·idence of the p,imar)· sore be ing s till p re sent in a per· ror,Hc<l fr:cnum an<l a lnnbitudinal cic atrix a lo ng the (11~-:o. n~ , ,·icular is pt''lis. H 1,·i ni{ thro..i~h l>r. Froeh linJ!, of t h is ci1y. been fnq.H .·nt ly ur~u.1 to em ploy the flu id extra c t o( c.,,c.Lra amarg'; ,, w ith wh ich remc.:d~ · he as sured me h e: h~itl a c hic\'c.'t.l \·cry excellf' nt rc .. uhs in the treat- ment o f sc(onda r~ ~yphilis in Mex ico , I fo r the first t ime rm ployt'd the rc mcd }' in the a bo\ ·e case. in~tcad or u!:- in ~ G r:rf~ ·s m ixtu re or iod ide of m e r - cun; aml io<li<l t: of p ,,t a!-sicrn, as I d id in\·ari:thl v in {11r~1er cas:~s. .-\he r in ~tillin ~ a 4 gra in ~0Ju.1ion of su lph. a1rn pi :1: ia t he e ye c n·ry hour d urin g twc ln: hour~. I o rdc r c<l the t!uid cxtroicl n{ CJSCJra am .l rga 10 l>e ci, ·c n in doo,;cs o f 40 dr ops 1hrcc 1iine s :t cl:ty. The use of lhe atr opi a was gr.1du - a 1lr d c r re ~1S('{t in its fre q uen cy am l the fluid extr. "\ct cnminut•d reg-ubrly. After three days 1hc iritic pai n h acJ beco m e con - ~idcrably lc>sc::, the cxanthcm a ~ho \\'Cd a t endenc y to ,t1~cnl1,r..tti-,11 . :.n~ t !l1; aqueous humor had began gr a,lu:dly to dc-ar up. On the fth h day the pr,inu :d arlhc~ions \\'(' r e ,,II broken up, the bro ade r o 1\cs wer e dccidc ,l!y rctrac:lc d an d 1hc co ndylo m.t iridis Rrcw pale r and tl.1t1cr . Th is imp rovement stt:ad1l y co n1ioue\ l ,;o th a t af t er sh weeks the

Transcript of ffUTI c. G ficETiEThe re is no au the nt ic record ao;; h> who fir~t m·,dc pulque or ncutli. )la ny...

Page 1: ffUTI c. G ficETiEThe re is no au the nt ic record ao;; h> who fir~t m·,dc pulque or ncutli. )la ny arc the traditi ons cx1ant amon g the Mtxic~ns con cerning- i1s first manufar.

Tf-lERI\ ffUTI c. G ficETiE Original DepartmPnt . 207

- -- ---------- -- - -- .. - --- --~ - --------------nearly four scort, is yet a rugge d speomc n of his ract-.

Y.'ithout decl ar ing faith in the rcma rk:,hlc cflicary or linum 1 t itht r in th is C-4SC o r those g i\·cn by Dr . Bla cker by , I pre sent the abo,·c fo r wha t it is wonh.

tWriuen tor The T hcr, ,pculic G:t.u:1c.l

Pu lquc.

By E. E. R1op~I. M C,\ •• Ot:~ro:t . Mo.h.

PULQUE is the nati onal dr ink of the ~lexicans. It is pro duced b y the fcrmC'n1a1 ion of the

juice ex pressed Crom the c~n• ral p 1,rtiu n o f the Magu c)~ or Ag.m e Amcri C'ana, n:u . ord. llrom. cliace~ . sex. spa. I lcxanilri .:t; '.\lono~rnia. T his plan t has been consi de red diuretic and ;,n1i~yphil:1ic. The re is no au the nt ic record ao;; h> who fir~t m·,dc pu lque or ncu tli. )la ny a rc t he t raditi o ns c x1ant

am on g the M txic~ns con cerning- i1s first manufar. tu rer . It se ems . ho wc,·cr, to he t he more (!l.'ncr.:.tl belief that it wa s X ochitl, c.fau~h tt r of a no hlt:·m:u\ ca lled P d.pantezin, who lin• d in the time or T rq>an ­caJu in, eighth ki n,:: or th e T o ltec~. frnm t irnr im­me morial pu lque ha.s he-en c<m .. i:lncd to cnnt ;1in m ed ici nal virtu es in a \•er~· hi~h dt.· ..,:r1--c as ,,·1.:II :t.:-: all the o ther pro docti of th e ~l .1-:::ue ,·. a nd a t one time th: Maiu-:y wa s e ,•en :-aid to hold a ~p1ri·ual life and was h~IJ in rcverenct:. T o c.i.ty Pnlciuc is estee mc:d by th e ign or uH cla"sc, ac. ha\'ln~ a varitty o f cu'ra 1ive powers, an I pln·sirian:; u-.t" it fo r ils a lcoho:ic and 11utri1ive properties. It is hd d as a stimulan t , tonic nn tl ant i:,.p~1!-mr,Jic. Tl ll"y rcco mm en ct it to th e i!l!inn, we ak, a n:cmic an <l nur'°ing m nt her s.

fls Comf tJsiti ,,n . It is obt a ined hy frrmentin~ the juice expr e~si:d from th e central p nr tiun of thl! ma gucy plant. Aft e r expre~~in (! 1hc juice hc twt:en ro llers , or a'i wns for merl y done by m eans of ~uc­tio n, it is carried tn the \"ati fo r f~rmcn1a 1ioo. T hese \' .1ts c11n,; ist of raw O\'. h i1!e-. loose ly sus­pendC'd in a strong woo 1lcn rr .1mc. w ith the h:1ir on the out s ide . Th c-sc h it.le . m :tde vt"s:sels cnn1:1in the cryplf#coc rus o r fer ment. wh kh is a n·s iduu m or the form C'r fcrme rua1ion ~. Af:er a. fC-\\" hqurs fermentati o n is fully es1a b lishcrl arn1 the pulquc is drawn off. ah \·ays lea \·in ~ a rrs i tuurn in the \·ec;.c;;e} fo r the nex t fermen ia tin n. T he li•1uu.l o htaincJ from the m ,\!?UC>' pla,n h j,S a dcnsi1y \";1r yinJ.: fro m

1. 0:?9 to t.O -' :! a nd contains in 100 pa rt~ 9 553 of sul{ar, 0 .5_.o of g:um and !toluhl c a lbumen, o. ;16 sa lt s, an<l Sq 1Sr of wat e r hnlJing in ~olu1io n resinous ma.Her, fats, a llmminoids. st..trch . dcxtdn c an d glu ros e .

Acco rd ing to Dnn Jose R:uno ,;;, its sa!t -. cont:tin potash. sod a. a nd Jimc in mod crnt c prnp 1rtinn , , magnesia and a lumin a as well a s 1hc ch lo ride~ . ca rbonates. !-ulph:1.tes. pho~phates an d sili ·a1c,, h ence the g reat \'a luc in w hic h it 111111-t h;H"c bl"cn hdJ in former t ime s an d in wh ich it ought to be h1..~1J at the pr esent day .

From the compo .. ition o f lhc ju irc of the ma~uc:v one may h,we an idea or the thl.'r aptmic cllc c;s ~f the pu lque, a llow ir.~. for the cha n~c- ,, h: t:"h 10,:'"c constitu t nls may un clcrg-o lhrou~ h ft:rmc ntation. Pu lqu e, h .ts n o ddinite pro:-,·}rtio11 of a:Cohol, (1ir

one m ay read ily sec Crv~ the way it is m:1111,fa,-. tured tha t it cann o t h:wc any drli11ite ~tand:iril. It howc\.·er contain s a ,•ery sm.t ll pr o portion of h.i:,il

oil, and carbonic acicl in l:trge qu3nti t ic'-. Co nside r• int; th t t its manuracturc is no t ba sed upon any ~1:111•1:lrd of purit \' o r even w ith ordinary ca re, it'­d cns ity ca nnot be g ivt•o w i1h aor ce rtninty, though it varies from o '}H3 to r ozoo ( L.- E .. quel a de mcd ­i.:i11·1). T o .day it 1:,; attra ctii1A" the attent ion of the m :d 1c3 I fra tc:rn ity b::ca~ <tC or the e,·il crrcctc, upon the li\'cr cau sr d Ur its e-::reo;;:o-i\'e us e amo ng t he lowe r cl 1s,cs, nnt, ho ve, ·c r . in the ligh l t'.'f pu lqu e as a compound. bu t bec,,u!'e of 1hc e,·il d kct s o r the ,1koh•1l which il Ct)n ta111s. It is th e rcf,>re p ro. po~t.·•J lo a<lopl sn mc 01her fo rm ni rranufac1urc th a t a much lower pcrccruar:::e n£ alcohol mny t n1c r into i1s c,,mpn,ition. a -:conlin;:.r to a fi" cd standar d, an d thus a\·uiU the e \' 1ls or a.lcoho!ism.

l \\"ri!t1:n Cur 1hc ThcraP'!mic Gaz elle.)

A C::>se of lrilis Syp 11ilitic,:i, Syphililica , T reated w i.h A, narga.

P.soriosis Casc a r a

By Geo. Rculin,:. M. 0 .. Ball•more, Md.

\\T !TI !OC T profc,s ing m r enti re con fiJc nce in the ' .1h:1\·c ,cme t!y . ina,muc h a.s my c-xrc rien ct \\ iih

the ~:u11e h.1s he.en o nly confine d '"0 far 10 a Vl'r) ' few C':'l!'CS, 1 fr-el thal the resuits obt .tincd by it s U"'~ h,u·c hcc n of so en cou ra~ ing a. cha racter, as to war ran t . ir not to demand hu thl' r trials.

T he fir~t ca"-e in wh ich I ex clu · ively emp loyed c:1sc.1ra amar~a was one offerin_!:: the a bo \·t d i:1.g_ no..:i~: )lr. ~ . P . , a:t. 4 1, con :...uhed me a t the ~1.,ry land E ye anti E . .u lnfirmar~ ·. rcprc~cntin g all the charactcri·tic symptoms o f iri ti~ syphilit ica o (

the r 1~ht eye and p!'ori ,, .. is numu 1aris o,·c:r a lmost the \•:hole su rfa t·e or h ,s body. T her e were be-s ides m,tny adhe .. i••ns bt' B\'<'Cn iris anti lens rap,ul e , a d1!-1inct conr!~ )()ma on the outr r margin Of the pu ;-HI. il5 hr o:td lia!-c C'Xl<·nd ing: otlmo st 10 the m id­<l•e o( the iri 1ic nn.i.: d.n1I its apex nearly touc.·h ing the clt'SCt:"mctic mcm Lran e . T he p rimary ~yphihtic affe c t ion cblt·d a bo ut six m rw th s back. E, ·idence of the p,imar)· sore be ing s till p re sent in a pe r· ror,Hc<l fr:cnum an<l a lnnbitudinal cic atrix a long the (11~-:o. n~, ,·icular is pt''lis.

H 1,·i ni{ thro..i~h l>r. Froeh linJ!, of th is ci1y. been fnq.H .·nt ly ur~u.1 to em ploy the flu id extra c t o(

c.,,c.Lra amarg'; ,, w ith wh ich remc.:d~· he as sured me he: h~itl achic\'c.'t.l \·cry excellf' nt rc .. uhs in the treat­ment o f sc(onda r~ ~yphilis in Mex ico , I fo r the first t ime rm ployt'd the rc mcd }' in the a bo\ ·e case. in~tcad or u!:-in ~ G r:rf~ ·s m ixtu re or iod ide of m er­cun; aml io<li<lt: of p ,,t a!-sicrn, as I d id in\·ari:thl v in {11r~1er cas:~s . .-\h e r in ~ti llin ~ a 4 gra in ~0Ju.1ion of su lph. a1rn pi:1: ia t he e ye c n·ry hour d urin g twc ln: hour~. I o rdc rc<l the t!uid cxtroicl n{ CJSCJra am .l rga 10 l>e ci, ·cn in doo,;cs o f 40 dr ops 1hrcc 1iine s :t cl:ty. The use of lhe atr opi a was gr.1du ­a 1lr dc r re ~1S('{t in its fre quen cy am l the fluid extr. "\ct cnminut•d reg-ubrly.

After three days 1hc ir itic pai n h acJ beco m e con ­~idcrably lc>sc::, the cxanthcm a ~ho \\'Cd a tendenc y to ,t 1~cnl1,r..tti-,11. :.n~ t !l1; aqueous humor had began gr a,lu:dly to dc-ar up. On the fth h day t he pr,inu :d arlhc~ions \\'(' re ,,II broken up, the bro ade r o 1\cs wer e dccidc ,l!y rctrac:lc d an d 1hc co ndylo m.t iridis Rrcw pale r and tl.1t1cr . Th is imp rove ment stt:ad1l y co n1ioue\ l ,;o th a t af ter sh weeks the