:ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill...

. , ;,3i . :ffS,-5ssE!^M's '!’ Ua£oTnnn, W<nM-:Mwi^ .•:»«au,T.,.- » w ifc s . -■'■»>••. I ... . • 01 w ay vnitM FM#». ' SI -. ;-EQIWliAVip,.0rQ...Juno47—Ailrlnii S .H «rrl?..rcw rt^ lo ho nrrojiloct nml “ po*lUvoiy *ldaijtmoa In WlnnlixjR. t» T wMled ;lQ PoriUnil for llio murdorj ot tour women. WINNIPEO, Mnn.. Juno 17—VlrsH .WJlMn, nllna . Knrld Nolnon, wns ” ^ cbftrgod wtih Iho murder of ii Win- ' nipes woman ami n hcIiooI Klri'ln i> o> Ai lice court hpro to<lny. ' Ho wn* not nuked Her picnti lo jhc “ chnrsos and pie cniio wnn cbntlnucU ^,i untn next YhurBdny. Wlloon. capturc<I ycnlordnv at KlU «o fanor In a niaohunt In whlcb moro w: tbea n tbouaanri m on- ond ooircml , ' Amortcan ileleetlven ,nartlolpatcd.-. li chttrsed wtlh itnurderinir Mrs. Kmlly 8*^ P^tteraoD,'94,'and 14-yi»r-oId •Loltt .“’ Coweiu' .• • ; .“V ' Autiibritlei ^^today. continued \ to *, . oheck“ o M « J d e § > mom; | edvBtiitok.-vfiep^IqR'ttHit.WllMii'i'ta IJ fflj' f .UBli^ -Slaia m ar boV«lo#ro<J M a; J «B uli‘of HliTrle'.nrrTal, police-hero I declnrod today.'- The crjnjte orfiy. ^ which commenced In San Trnncliico , -two year# nil®, followed n. troll through lovernl «totoB cxlemllnic da b tar eaat aa Chlcaso. * In a. toleflt'am late >o#tortlny to tho iwllce cblof of.PortlBnil, Ore.. PhllHii Stark, nctlnK chint conntnhlc. miid. "Murderer ^rronlnd. Idonlirii'd. Thnnkn for cordial co-opornilon. UtirrlH with- , out n douht." " * In the meanllmft flnsor prlntn found t • In connection wltli tho niurdom <if Bovoml women In the Uifltcd StntoK " are belnx ruthed |o WInnlpcfC for ‘5 compnrlsoa with thono of tho nrroHi- fr< , If :wBiUd Pr»M . ■ ■. •‘ ‘I PARKEarON., W>-o„ Juno ' 17.— lot Croxed by. dontwUc troubl?ii. J. W. Jordan, 41.'on‘oil driller, ahot nnd oil killed, hla wlte. Ugln. hfter ho had ih< « b o t d M t h Joha T. Nowhyi 44. a eo- bank director, and. Ed ‘Laahor, 25. j Jordaa** atm-la-law. here today. bui Mra. Jordan died of'wounds two ott hour* after the aboMlnit in a bos- Uy pltAl.- jonlan..who pleaded witb of* rot ftcera to kill hln). wan taken, to Iti i Doudlaa, and <^ll«^ ’ • 1 A ndy F lieii M ake ^ !"1 Secret H aw aii T rip f . »y V tiuir Tztak ^ CKICAJQO; June 17—The CblcaKo Herald and Kxomlner today oaya that Ueutenanta U tter .SMttanif. Army ape«d filer., and A. T. lUjcenbernr are en r«ote to the, F«cinc coaat. where they will .mallu aa Immediate * flISht to (be Hawaiian UUada. The „ « niKht. a e ^ t M ta th*.atory. U b«. ^ IDR keptHeiW (o arder that- the ' .army niers wilt be able to Uke off on »u / the Psdfle hop before navy flter« bare aa opportunity to make a alral- d« •ler trtp. . ' The men are tnrellnir In a trf^e \ ffiotored^Fokker-airplane, the atory ^ * 'k r V|d»e«'9Mee ^ W ill B ^ b i l t t e S S S a a U y fiomou ' eonetfUo. to \Ba «p*nt%r roan of the'OaUlB(«UilAthen|B-b(Mii F pita) alibt1lT Mior*^MBa-to<Ur-<o^aft Xm opentloo tor. I»n ttaBos. ' r«li D<SSoa to opmt*.ari)owM a con* ata -caltotkn of pSyiktew thla monlag nil w baa'D w fuM d laac|anak«r% cowli* ecti (ten cT«v «*»* a^ «8 teaarftef op- wit •ratkm wM.tfetaed-MceaaarT. ace Best HS31 [ill (er^^uspi Perish I ~ ' S r tr&iud Trtii I POUT llUtl(JN, Mich.. June 17- « Exploalon of a cUlckcn brooder liinipjc onrly lodny I»>hlnmod fnr die (Iro I: which burned to death Mm. Slophc'n t Mollnake. 34. and her throe'eUIIdfon. f Stephen. ll;. Mar>'.7. nnd Marsarot. 3.. i! O REG O N A RM Y 11 IN B A T T L E W ITH H O PPER H bR D E S 'l — s .By ValttA Vreia I KLA.MATH FALLS. Ore.. Ju n e *17— I An ''unnod" force of ?00 tnou todhy I bCRan a w«r of oxiermlnutlon uRalast * A hordo cl Kraaahoppcra Inynded vuh uahle crola ficldanonr hero In unprocT . cdonieil numtioriL ' < The-Insects, inllllona of :lieni. prc: " aent a aerlou# threat to tho Tulo Inko wheat srowlnR tofflon. . .:Armor with poison and InairumontH for biirain* but, Rrosahoppor nest*, or- . gonlted’aquada of farmora hopo to ’ bring,,tl^.pe&ts''uadbc control wfthin s a>few>days.' • - . .. .. 'i,-. e flr|rn > M llP t liiilfi • nnirw '* U V U lB ll/U k I i.1 II I £ - • • C President' Opens Office# Then Goes in Purtuit 0 . of Finny Tribe. . ,, U) V W h JL .MAJ/LO.V, " (m ill'd PrPM Slaff <'i>rrr«p.iudciil) g .llAPID t:iTY. 8. D., June 17—PrcH- Idont CoolldKO wnnt to work lodny lu n achool* room wjlh hlucklKnirdn oil' •. the wnlU. '"OrderlnR tho White Houiie motor enr early, tho chief executive rode down } from the hlllii to tho now two-»tory hUh BcLool hulldloB whor® hU offlcec have heen net up and propnred to handle tho himlncin of tho nmion. The dim 0)illlncn of ernyon mnpa J iitill clunc to Iho wnllB' nu ho ant . down at a mnhosnny desk nnd opened [* I hla own mtill. Ii wan far rcmovcil I from tho mUnd room In ihe White HouBO hut-M r. CoollifKO nccoptwJ It aa ^ If he hnr been worklnR there oil of ■■ ***81* windowB ln n row. dno on n aide, M looked oul over the rnlllne hllln. It B. wna a plain riwm Imre of pictures nnd olher ndommenta-. There Vn."f only the larse table and>ftW>Ot a iinlf doS CD. chair* la ifee rooni. After.he had ntlfnded lo all of Iho bUHlnein that demniidod hla ImtiiMlInle nttentlon. iHe proaldeni. accompanied U»- Mr'».cCoollrtse. rot out once ajcrUn for the jam e lodse In ihe .hll.ln tlu« ly In tho auDimer While llouao. pi • Me.apent a hnlf hour or ao flnhlnjr „ In Bquaw creek later In ihe morn- ci i n r . i cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 '■ ce s r vait*« m a a ^ LOS ANGELES. Calif.. June 17 — Beporu that Uta Orey. Chnplln and ^ Charlie Cbaplia were again atumpl- *' Ing lo. effect a aettlement of their marital troublea out of court, wero ^ denied loday by:counael for the com* edlan and hla girl wife. DeUy by Mr*. Chaplin la flUax aa - ankwer to Chaplln’a croaa-complalnt ^ gare rlae to raporta that ji compro- mla* waa t>atag - atum pted ba~a <1.* ^ OOOjNKl'baalB. hut la view of the (act >« that other tt< ^ of tbe a*ttj«m*nt to jrast uBiaeBtlonad. tbo report waa at g ir n little c»*d«Befc ^ f Aa both Ura. Cbapltd aad he'r'hda* haad hare decUred that they wUI ' aerer give up allher'orthe ^ablAla children. thU point la looked npoft aa aa obetacle agaiMt aetUaaesl oot If court. PnaNO.^n'S^-Marahil'iiaa* TaaOia. -war lord ot ICiaiMBrU. .and y T«Ur flC tba M tag a m atace . laat aioBBMr. today accept*)' tM -dvll aad ; nlllfarr dictatorahlp of north “ChOa. •CtMUva-taiaorraw onaraoqiL.ChaBS (. •nn Uktf-tiw tIU* CMwralUtlaK n * oceeptaae*-waa-offletaOly ansovscftt. Hp Progn iim MW )ectChai , 3 Tots h in Fire ; TJm? thoilier ’eslenittr {wti - ed tho brooder nivL placed It In th. ipjchlldron'n bodroonr. Wheh nhov nn' -0 her hunhanu dlBcovorod.iho finmen It- i'n rnn ouialde foe. help hut abe dtmhci n. hock Into the flitmlng Inferno to hoi 3., denth. • ................... ........ ........... I ill !issitoi h .- ■.................... Confeuion Fpund on Anti ^ ' Red Agent Previous to Execution. ' . ' - ' »y.-daltaa »M«a' 0 ' MOSCOW.^Jtine '17—TTio . Rniialnr n Soviet BQVomment tcklay mpdo public what waa Boppoaed'to he aa'^otnelal cohfeaalo^' ot.Qoor^tEtVengren uy. ■: :i3^thal.an Btteoi^Wa ^ea mad8> ^I^XM^oafcMlon.-^n« nr^ 1 rmented-KlvenRren oa itavJnr .miIi I Uiat'-'ho.' nttemptoir to obtain rnnlV J aupport for a plot which Included tb< I ainnaalnatlon of Oeorgoli Tcbltcliorln Bortet (grtlgn inlnlator. which TeliJt- cherln wna tn Frnnce. - . The confOH/iinn did ,not nnv how. OTOI'. Ihnt I-'brd or hl» retireaontntivo ovor hoiird imylhlnR about lhe plnn. A lensthy ret>ort, m'nde luiblle to- dny tnvolv<!(l n SwIra fnnpliit dnncrlhoil nt •'Cher.'* who wnn'nlleRcd In hn.vi "ontnniecf/ tho Vorovaky m'unlcr. ■ In Swltzorliipd.” Thin mnn wna doncrll.od na the ,,, nRent who ntlompted lo npprouch " Kord. . . S ' „ ■ “Through tht Crnnrt Duke Cyril.*' . tho alleRcd confosnlon oUld, **li wni Intended tff gel money from Amor- [ lc«." . . , Therf wna no Indlcntlon In the fore- golnn: cable from MoBcbw' ihat .the . agoht or neeata who wore nlleRtM] tn , have BOURht Fonl'a aupiwrt ngnlnat , Ihe^SoTlota had even rcachwl tho , outer ring of tbo Pord oripinlxnUon In , their Wtor|» to ob^aifu»^da<^- liiiii,® :* ; sjiitfffiis < . ' 1 I ' ar TOu« ' LOS ANQELES. June IT^Paul Kel- L ly,jcra«n-iux,onIlcJcllLtei>tlfy.f9.Ltho proaecnUpn a t'th e trli^ of hla.- na* Bcrtod . aweethrarf. Dorothy Mackaye, ' charged with attempting to conceal clrenmataaMa aurronnding the' death ot Jser tUitwnd. Ray Raymond, tbe atata aanouneed today. '.The-young actor. conv(cte<I ot man* altughUr In connoctloa .with Ray- nond'a death. will be taken from hU I cell If^ tbe conaty Jail where he walW action oa'a niotton tor appeal of hla (^al to Ace (he emotlooaJ ctage «(ar, centra] ri^ re ’la the aotc^oa bare itefdrama. \ : MUa Mackaye iB accua«d'of conanir* I nc irlUt bee avowed loyer and a Hul- ' ywood .obyalcUn, Dr. WalUr SullU ' ran. io '■corar up** tbe bare knuckle , batU«. which tb* atate ooa^eada caui- ; ed BajrmoinT'a death. niiUlBERLtX AT ' H^AXBCRS , HXMBURG.' Cenaaay, June’ aar«ae«.D. Chamberlin asd CharUa A. ^V iae. with tbair -wirea^^-artrvad bartloday at U:1S p. ku, and.^ara to'tiy to 'Magilebars oa the Elba a^t^^tnD» to B«rlla.-r f I LOOK o trri^oT i J ’Look out! You may be tl ' dent! . You're earctdir Yoi-^c * ttn« jroirwalk on Ue ndevall - 'd a a^ of .being-atniek by |i vc ^ it auy hit - thlok you are perfectly aaf^- tellf but yon can be prot«ol«. th^.No - iUM« eoojpaay l^'-Tlie T w iaF i :nyiS^PAU.sr6fAii(i^ ji rg^iVil — .4 Real 1 «ed Mid - ' rd'» ' tbo r'.'|H yggH B nw- " 'i D |^ B ^ H [H B iB |« 9 ^ b ‘;TK ^ R B H K ^ H b HBK^- hod tha the ' , >»?*; tn ' nat I T~**rV . i3^teM aM 15i*IO i ' •*TJh> m e rt InmaTlDoaH wricom e Xr Jtimthiy, lo fh n rt^ Llndbirgh wnV ilrs ' caufnn of luncr Bnmdnny ni« Ihr yiui , V tbe llmon»lo<> lx>h|nil the n»at. >(>li< S Srte? S^l^wcJ'xl^Yo^k^rhlVt^^^ 1 V iTra'ii»raIlted by Icjcphoto. _______ % ;g^t Vo i^agProH ; o’aockM hU . --------------- i'l" To MiJce It Coavenlent As Poi ar. Their Fdeads lo*Gel 1 , scription in on Bi^ ,ir. 'O ffice W ill K « ol- ' . *■'------ III* The mo« Important period of nil In I Tho Tlmea’ Die Free Gift I51rtrlhuHon i oom*» Jo a falorul, final clo»o Mon- day aighC. Sfxt to Monday./(Ml/, to- day and tomorrow are the moat Im- ' portant'days of thla circulation nnlnj ' .— canpatgn and Klft dlatrtbnUoa. All the biR Kifta. laclutftue the hic I •d baautlful. luxurloQa?JBD*.or car* and , n tha puraea.of Rold. cotn, are to b« , b« awardad oa accredited rolaa earned ' f by p^lcIjM ta.' And;-the btxgeat 'u d M A Y BE TH E^N EX - f I I . . •... y 1 3 tbe next! victim'ot an auto acci- ' tl •but, is the o^ur feliowt Every • vtW de of » B i <-irjSy, [; it the bori>—U liea.j^X jI^a nay i «—Boi are yoult; .eah. • [J Bt«d'with-aa Accidwt'.&»aratiM.': « North ArteriMin -Accident I n s u r - ' r T h e TinQ jiiNK 17. m:*? oyisj Uh T w o I Tribute For a R H H IH H Xrw York eTcr Rnvo nuy tnnn"—Ihnl* ilrHcrilH'd Iiy IhoMc V ho'>iBw ,1U Ilfn- jciuntc fly»2 rndo op t « n-fi-lte • Ihc cllj* Vnli' h(»«T A o llrk e r t a]H> and lorn paix-i ilr l»nk nil If -tlicrft K4: h a hliHdlsiir 4h pnrade was.lu pnigretH. l’hul» ri>]> DitePeriod tnptly atlO ilonday E ve Possible for All Candidates and it Eveiy-Available Sub- tir^^wte^eriod This Keep Ope^vLate. ,- »• In bent opportunlly for jiortfflne voici nn rnd* Mondaj-. i n- Vina] Hour* Imtxirlant. Thrae flnni'bouni ahould apo'partlel* ‘ ^ panta bustling a* they never have ! beforci I'rerr one of you ahould real- ly. tze the %Tilue of ihrae estraonllnary ] g l.^ Prlxca ralue<I at Ihoiuanda of ' [1^ doifara are at ataka. ' ' ll la enUrely .poaalble -far a v par* j tW paat to abwluti'ly • •am eawiRh t votaa up to.JO o'eUKkpioaday night' to '-cinch" Ihelr cholc*. of th«Mjttftn. 11 u poaalhie to earn aaV5i5moSIel valued up 16 11745. How* Simply.by ■taking full adraaUge ot the preaeat bli v»te ^fter. BIc S«W riptl«ia Hetp Haat. StihRrtpclosa make'We*.- Totea - «tfD-Sitta..BU»aat vote* ar»-Mnsed m.tBrB>taa-ina4e Up to >T od^ Alght at to. n U Ibe.blgcaat aohKttaUMw tbat cm at moot rotea. :A)r mbacHp^ . Uoaa credit TDtea.iMtUteloaaw tana ^ they ar< the more valdhbla tber hr*. Tba race. la taot and ctasa. f l^ y . Muntfay aad Moe4ar :— ^^^tK aa^ fg e nes 12:30 f VIES BOME Murders Real Hero - I liaIN llli* 4hi> .mrln/iNili'i* nclrnm i’ n> Ik u tfllmpM- Ilf ii—u Iniik Inlo ihi- rilj’n offlplnl Krwilmr. Lliidlienrli K lii alH'r. Ihmnii frnm MlndunH Jn th<- tnw- iiiioliirm. It l*Hik's.*M)0 pcilirp. ill m aintain ci.jijrlKhl, IW7, Iiy SKA Smlce, Inc. 11111 .ONOER G B iD J Police Are on . Watch Fol- - lowing New- I^dnapins . Plot Tip.. 'a r VaitM pt*m liw i:iii.y iuixs,.f'*iif, Jnne 17— " I'lclrialr. Ihc ofonio nr .Mnry Plckonl nnd f>onsln>> t-'ntrbnnkx, was under a heavy gunnl today wlit> the dlaoovery ,(, Rf:wha! M hullcrti! Jo Jijivc been''* plot |o •kldnnp the actrcaa 'for ran- ™ «ta. ■- . . . '* Armed with cawcdoff ihotguaa. a rj pollco KuanI kept an all night vigil of at the home of the two buaoua aUra as U)« rmnli of Information aoppUed to thfi police by' H. U Brady. tOllBw* ^•,lni? Mljia Plckfard'a flrrt atreet “loca- th.tion" In five ycora. . f“ | Clilef,.ot :Policft.,IUJUc,ot-.BfW l7 1£-,HII1* M ld-Bradr-^itim-l^t aeated In hia 'antomoblle lo a dowv* town aectiDn>f Loa Aageloa watcblag Ikllaa PfcWord fU m lu aceoM ter tar currttQt .opua,. a'M W iO a tiniava . aad taa'ceat a to tiiiE ^ V - » Aeeordlag to l d « « S i» > o U *• U m aay: ' ' . K a> - .IM £- •v^*T‘',Jin*n..waK.a» tk90ai^^tht •l heelt.^Keii<5'#»».' v . i to 1 p. M. Ik Today's News Today V “SEAOX^E’* ea Tba TIb M ^ If last »t th« eioi* ct » • ^ «aitara lUoaard Um* boat. D*n* <iar—8'oath Zdaho’a raow m Ht win atwa Mrvie* tbreaia ' IDJI Ualtsd T n ia SAT report. I’IflCi:: K1VI5 CUNTS 3 FIELD ^B I&RECEPTiON - ISG IVENHERO - UPON ARR IVAL Thousands Cheer As Flier Dashes Out of East and Comes to Stop. i.,iM iiKK'i'.sr. i.iiins ki. yi MI:J-I», . s^'. .MU IS, Ml., June 17. -'(liiU i.i I'r.'ssl-riinrlrs A. Lliid- . ImtkIi lirioiL'lil lil!< niiiniijilnni- “ Kplrit . •! in' .St._l,iiiil«" Ll n-si, (III IhlM, ita • bi.jui- yji'lil, ul 3;38 u'rlw k IWa nfl- Afli-r clri-lliii; K>. L<iulx to'irivp hla litJi'ni-'imvii » Kllni|i«e <if his famouH |ilnn<> III fllshl, lilndhrrgh uoned ll III ilic crijund fur nn easy lauding; .............. t <-hi'i-r.wi-iit up from tlionanndn irrmitid Ihe liitidlntc niiiicc. ^ a h y of lij»J in'*'!! IhiTi* •alure rarJy ini>rnliiu. ns lli>* plnnii sklppi'd aerosa llli- ficlil nnd riinii* tn n kI«P in front ' Ilf Ihf tMilliiii; rroniL llv Ki;X.V«Tll (;. CKAnTOHI)' (I'liiliU l'n-s» Shiff Cnrreapnudenl)' .ST. I.OIILS, 4»iun 37.—St- Lonta |irrr';icd li.'iflf todny for. tho anticipat- ed r(‘'iirn ut 4 p..in, of Colonel Chnriea A. I.liidhcrc. world -fnmouB oviator. wim flow- nwny u few weoka ago plain ' . •'Sllin" Llii.lhurs. nir mall'PlloL . Trtcccd to wnit quietly; while, PaViii. ' ,l.ondoa,.-WnahlnBlqn nnij Ne.w York J choeri'd tho hero It clAlma tor-ltf o ^ ,. ■| the city hnn itrown'lmpotlenl.for>> chan« to.ncclnlm LindberRh’ana'Bow'' annila nt LombeK.8t. Louls flving field . . where a handfui.of frlcAda .s a U i^ ' anrly ono morning. broakfifiRteJ'^itta IJndhcrch on hot dog Bandwlcboa and l>ui him BiKl-apocd o n , t h e . voyaeo which nimosc occrnlght ma»Jo him a world flKiifP. ^ «Ili Klj Over 41l>'.' ; Tho Krciitcr Pnrt ot SL. Loula" pop- ul!illr>ii will vli-w tho VStlini Ofi St. ' lx>uiu" iHjfon! II. laada^ trom .vnntago. p<dnt» In Iho downtown'aoctlSn^ ■The |i|.iiie will fly low and .In clnjlca over thii city liffori' ntl;rhtlnff. More- il|iiu n ncoro of nrmy phtnea ; tn>ni Dnyton. Ohio, will cflcort Und* Ik' tkIi on ihp flnnl strolch of hla Jotir-. ncy from New York. They will turn . back nflcr rpnchlnp St. Loula. however (Continued on page 31 O'AOiiilF" 10 FAtCHIp ayVaiUdViMa - COHIMHU8. 0.. June 17.r-lloy .aad Rny D'Aulmmont left hero tn^ar f»r . Jnckaon county. Oregon.'where tbey will go on trial on four ehargea ot murder* aa a result of dynamlUaK a Inc. wall car In n daring train' .yobberjr'' __ attempt.. _ • . . D Tho-notarioua twlna were In etiitody^ of Sheriff Halph Jennlnga and,, bla son. n deputy; and t«ro poaM^ la« Bpcctora a* they aUrted^/forNtto . long weatward trip.* / ^ "Queaa I'll go home now and~c*i.. D spme good Oregon cherrleB."'»Rar D'Autremont remarked aa be.aad-Ua ' brother bad heeo nteaanrad aod phe- ' lographed here. . “T«'o yeara more and-wa-«iwl< . have beei^ aate.” Ray added ngrat- fnlly. . • V , Thfl two men war® arreatad IT ' 91* daya ago la- Steubenville aft«e/a- .' aeurch ot. nearly fonr yM n by llid- eral omcera'aad^Hea; - H enry H e a ^ r- A m encanvA vl^tB ^ >rd sV .-M f*' »y't»ai»*a-»gaaa'.'. ?.*? . PHItiADBI^HIA. >JWia , * Tbomaa P. Heary ^ loday waa re-«letierf:*»ml6l6E5KS ^ 'the'

Transcript of :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill...

Page 1: :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill oyisjnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · i n r . i — cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 ' ce sr vait*« m aa ^ LOS

. , ;,3i

. :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘' ! ’ U a £ o T n n n , W < nM -:M w i^



w if c s .-■' ■»>••. ■ I ... .• • 01

way vnitM FM#». ' SI- . ;-E Q IW liA V ip ,.0 rQ ...Juno47—Ailrlnii S

.H « r r l ? . . r c w r t ^ lo ho nrrojiloct nml “ po*lUvoiy *ldaijtm oa In WlnnlixjR. t» T w M le d ;lQ P o riU n il for llio m urdorj ot to u r women.

W IN N IPEO, Mnn.. Juno 17—VlrsH .W JlM n, nllna . K nrld Nolnon, wns ”

^ cbftrgod w tih Iho m u rd er o f ii W in-' n ip e s w om an ami n hcIiooI K lri'ln i>o> Ai

lice c o u rt hpro to<lny. l«• ' Ho wn* n o t nuked Her picnti lo jh c “

c h n rso s and p ie cniio wnn cbntlnucU ,i u n tn n e x t YhurBdny.

W lloon. capturc<I ycnlordnv a t KlU «o fanor In a n iaohun t In w hlcb moro w: tb e a n tbouaanri m o n - ond ooircml , ' A m ortcan ileleetlven ,nartlolpatcd.-. l i ch ttrsed w tlh itnu rderin ir M rs. K mlly 8* P ^ tte rao D ,'9 4 , 'a n d 14-yi»r-oId •L oltt .“’ Cow eiu' .• • ; .“V' A u tiib ritle i ^^today. continued \ to

*, . oheck“ o M « J d e § > mom; |edvB tiitok .-v fiep^IqR 'ttH it.W llM ii'i 'ta IJ

— fflj' f .U B li^ - S l a i a m a r boV«lo#ro<J M a; J « B u l i ‘o f H liT rle '.n rrT al, p o lic e -h e ro I declnrod today .'- T h e crjnjte orfiy. ^ w hich com m enced In San T rnncliico

, - tw o year# nil®, followed n . tro ll th ro u g h lovern l «totoB cxlemllnic da b ta r e aa t aa C hlcaso. *

I n a. toleflt'am la te >o#tortlny to tho iw llce cblof o f.PortlB nil, Ore.. PhllHii S tark , nctlnK ch in t conntnhlc. miid. "M u rd e rer ^rronlnd. Idonlirii'd. Thnnkn for cord ia l co-opornilon. UtirrlH w ith- , o u t n douht." " *

In th e meanllmft f ln so r p rln tn found t • In connection w ltli tho n iurdom <if

Bovoml women In th e Uifltcd StntoK " a re be lnx ru th ed |o WInnlpcfC for ‘5 c o m pnrlsoa w ith thono of tho nrroHi-

■ fr<

, If:wBiUd Pr»M . ■ ■. •‘‘I

P A R K E arO N ., W>-o„ Juno ' 17.— lot ■ Croxed by . dontw U c troubl?ii. J . W.

Jo rd an , 4 1 . 'o n ‘o il d rille r, aho t nnd o il k i l le d , hla w lte. U g ln . h f te r ho had ih< « b o t d M t h Jo h a T. Nowhyi 44. a eo- b ank d irec to r, a n d . Ed ‘L aahor, 25. j Jordaa** a tm -la-law . here today. bui

M ra. Jo rd an died o f 'w o u n d s tw o ott hour* a fte r th e aboMlnit in a bos- Uy pltAl.- jo n la n ..w h o pleaded w itb of* rot ftcera to k ill hln). wan ta k en , to Iti i D oudlaa, and <^ll«^ ’ • 1

A n d y F l i e i i M a k e !"1 S e c r e t H a w a i i T r i p f

. » y V t i u i r Tztak ^CKICAJQO; Ju n e 17—T he CblcaKo

H erald and K xom lner today oaya th a t U eu ten a n ta U t t e r .SM ttanif. A rm y ape«d f ile r., and A. T. lU jc e n b e rn r ’ a re en r« o te t o the , F « c in c coaat. w h ere th e y w ill .m allu aa Im m ediate *

• f lISh t to (be H aw aiian U U ada. T he „ « niK ht. a e ^ t M t a th * .a to ry . U b« . ^ IDR k e p tH e iW (o a rd e r th a t- th e

' .a rm y n ie r s w ilt be ab le to U k e off on » u / th e P s d f le hop before navy flter«

b a re a a o ppo rtun ity to m ake a alral- d « • le r tr tp . • .' T h e m en a re tn r e l ln i r In a t r f ^ e \ ff io to red^F okker-a irp lane , th e a to ry ^

* 'k r V |d»e«'9M ee ^

W ill B ^ b i l t t e S S S a a U y fiom ou 'eonetfU o . to \Ba « p * n t% rr o a n o f the 'O aU lB («U ilA then|B -b(M ii F p ita ) alibt1lT M ior*^M Ba-to<U r-<o^aft Xm o p e n t lo o tor. I » n ttaB os. ' r«li

D < SSoa to o p m t* .a r i)o w M a con* a ta -c a lto tk n of p S y ik te w th la m o n la g n i l

• w b a a 'D w fu M d laac |anak« r% cowli* ecti ( ten c T «v « * » * a ^ « 8 t e a a rft e f o p - w it • r a tk m w M .tfe tae d -M c ea aa rT . ace

B est HS31

[ i l l(er^^uspi

PerishI ~ ' S r tr&iud T r t i i I

POUT llUtl(JN, Mich.. June 1 7 - « Exploalon of a cUlckcn brooder liinipjc onrly lodny I»>hlnmod fn r d ie (Iro I: which burned to death Mm. Slophc'n t Mollnake. 34. and her throe'eU IIdfon. f Stephen. l l ; . Mar>'.7. nnd M arsaro t. 3.. i!

O R E G O N A R M Y 1 1


H O P P E R H b R D E S ' l

— s .B y ValttA V reia IKLA.MATH FALLS. Ore.. J u n e *17— I

An ''unnod" force of ?00 tnou todhy IbCRan a w «r of oxierm lnutlon uR alast * A hordo c l Kraaahoppcra Inynded vuhuahle c ro la ficldanon r hero In unprocT .cdonieil numtioriL ' <

T he-Insects, inllllona of :lieni. p r c : " aen t a aerlou# th rea t to tho T ulo Inko w heat srow lnR tofflon. ..:Armor with poison and InairumontH

for biirain* but, Rrosahoppor nest*, or- .gonlted’aquada of farmora hopo to ’bring,,tl^.pe&ts''uadbc control wfthin sa>few>days.' • - . .. . . 'i,-. e

f l r | r n > M l l P tliiilfi • n n i r w '*U V U l B l l / U k I i . 1 I I I £

- • • C

P re s id e n t ' O pens Office# Then Goes in P u rtu it 0

. of Finny T ribe. . ,,U) V W h JL .MAJ/LO.V, "

(m ill 'd PrPM Slaff <'i>rrr«p.iudciil) g .llA P ID t:iT Y . 8. D., Ju n e 17— PrcH-

Idont CoolldKO wnnt to w ork lodny lu n achool* room wjlh hlucklKnirdn oil' •. the wnlU.

'"OrderlnR tho White Houiie m otor enr early , tho chief executive rode down } from the hlllii to tho now tw o-»tory hU h BcLool hulldloB whor® hU offlcec have heen net up and propnred to handle tho himlncin of tho nm ion.

T he dim 0)illlncn of ernyon mnpa J iitill c lunc to Iho wnllB' nu ho ant . down a t a m nhosnny desk nnd opened [*

I hla own mtill. Ii wan far rcmovcil I from tho mUnd room In ihe W hite HouBO hut-M r. CoollifKO nccoptwJ It aa ^ If he hnr been worklnR there o il of ■■

***81* windowB ln n row. dno on n aide, M looked ou l over the rn lllne hllln. I t B.wna a p lain riwm Im re of p ic tu res nndo lh e r ndommenta-. T here Vn."f only th e la rs e tab le and>ftW>Ot a iinlf doS CD. chair* la ifee rooni.

A fter.h e had ntlfnded lo a ll of Iho bUHlnein th a t demniidod hla ImtiiMlInle ntten tlon . iHe proaldeni. accompanied U»- Mr'».cCoollrtse. ro t o u t once ajcrUn fo r th e ja m e lodse In ih e .hll.ln tlu« ly In tho auDimer While llouao. pi• M e.apent a hnlf hour o r ao flnhlnjr „ In Bquaw c re ek la te r In ihe m orn- c i i n r . i — cli


'■ ces r va it*« m a a ^

LOS ANGELES. Calif.. Ju n e 17 — B e p o ru th a t U ta Orey. Chnplln and ^ C harlie Cbaplia w ere again a tu m p l- *' Ing lo . effec t a aettlem en t of the ir m a rita l troublea ou t o f court, wero ^ denied loday by:counael fo r th e com* ed lan and hla girl w ife.

D eUy by Mr*. Chaplin la flU ax a a - ankw er to Chaplln’a croaa-com plalnt ^ g a re rlae to raporta th a t ji com pro- mla* w aa t>atag - a tu m p te d b a ~ a <1.* ^ OOOjNKl'baalB. h u t la view o f th e (ac t >« th a t o th e r t t < ^ o f tb e a*ttj«m *nt to j r a s t uBiaeBtlonad. tb o rep o rt waa a t g i r n little c»*d«Befc f

Aa both U ra. C bapltd aad he'r'hda* haad h a re decU red th a t th e y wUI ' a e re r give up a l lh e r 'o r th e ^ a b lA la ch ild ren . thU poin t la looked npoft aa a a obetacle a g a iM t a e tU a a e s l o o t I f ’ court.

P n a N O . ^ n 'S ^ - M a r a h i l ' i i a a * T aa O ia . -war lo rd o t ICiaiM BrU. .a n d y T«Ur flC tb a M t a g a m a tace . la a t aioBBMr. today a cc ep t* ) ' tM - d v ll a ad ; n l l l f a r r dic tato rah lp o f no rth “ChO a. •CtM U va-taiaorraw o n a ra o q iL .C h a B S (. • n n U ktf-tiw tIU * C M w ralU tlaK n * ■ oceeptaae*-waa-offletaOly a n so v scftt.

Hp Progn

i i mM W)ectChai, 3 Tots h in Fire

; TJm? thoilier ’eslenittr {wti- ed tho brooder nivL placed It In th. ip jch lld ron 'n bodroonr. W heh nhov nn' -0 her hunhanu dlBcovorod.iho finmen It- i'n rnn ou ia lde foe. help hu t abe dtmhci n. hock Into th e flitm lng Inferno to hoi 3., denth. • ................... ........ ...........

■ I i l l!issitoih .- ■ ■ ■ ■ ....................

C o n feu io n Fpund on A nti ^ ' R ed A gen t P revious to

Execution.' . ' - '

» y .-d a lta a »M«a'0 ' MOSCOW .^Jtine '17—TTio . Rniialnr n Soviet BQVomment tcklay mpdo public

w hat w aa B oppoaed'to he a a '^ o tn e la l coh feaa lo^ ' o t.Q o o r^ tE tV e n g re n uy.

■: :i3 ^ th a l.a n B t te o i^ W a ^ e a m a d 8 >

^ I^X M ^oafcM lon .- n« nr^1 rm en ted -K lvenR ren oa itavJnr .miIi I Uiat'-'ho.' n ttem ptoir to ob ta in rnnlV J a uppo rt fo r a p lo t w hich Included tb< I ainnaalnatlon of Oeorgoli T cbltcliorln • Bortet (grtlgn inlnlator. w hich TeliJt-

cherln wna tn F rnnce.- . The confOH/iinn did ,not nnv how.

OTOI'. Ih n t I-'brd o r hl» retireaontntivo ovor hoiird imylhlnR about lhe plnn.

A le n s th y ret>ort, m'nde luiblle to- dny tnvolv<!(l n SwIra fnnpliit dnncrlhoil n t •'Cher.'* w ho w nn'nlleR cd In hn.vi "ontnniecf/ th o V orovaky m 'unlcr. ■ In Swltzorliipd.”

■ Thin mnn wna doncrll.od na the ,,, nRent w ho ntlom pted lo npprouch " K ord. . . S '„ ■ “Through th t Crnnrt Duke Cyril.*' . tho alleRcd confosnlon oUld, **li wni

Intended tff gel money from Amor- [ lc«." • . . ,

’ T h e r f wna no Indlcntlon In the fore- golnn: cab le from MoBcbw' ih a t .the

. agoht o r neea ta w ho w ore nlleRtM] tn, have BOURht Fon l 'a aupiw rt ngnlnat, Ihe^SoTlota had even rcachw l tho, o u te r r in g of tbo Pord oripinlxnUon In, th e ir W to r |» to ob^aifu»^da<^- •

liiiii,® :*; sjiitfffiis< . ' 1

I ' a r T O u «' LOS ANQELES. Ju n e I T ^ P a u l K el- L ly ,jcra«n-iux ,onIlcJc llL tei> tlfy .f9 .L tho

proaecnU pn a t ' t h e t r l i^ o f hla.- na* Bcrtod . aw eethrarf. D orothy Mackaye,

' charged w ith a ttem p ting to conceal c lrenm ataaM a au rronnd ing th e ' death o t Jser tU itw nd . R ay Raymond, tbe a ta ta aanouneed today.'.T he-young ac to r. conv(cte<I o t man*

a ltu g h U r In connoctloa .w ith Ray- n o n d 'a d e ath . w ill b e ta k en from hU

I cell If^ tb e co n aty Jail w here he walW a ction o a 'a niotton to r appeal o f hla ( ^ a l to A ce (he em otlooaJ ctage «(ar, cen tra] r i ^ r e ’la th e a o t c ^ o a ba rei te fd ra m a . \ :

MUa M ackaye iB accua«d 'of conanir*I n c irlU t bee avowed loye r and a Hul- ' ywood .obyalcU n, D r. W alU r SullU ' r a n . i o '■ corar up** tb e b a re knuckle , batU«. w hich tb * a ta te ooa^eada c au i- ; ed BajrmoinT'a death.

n iiU lB E R L tX A T ' H^AXBCRS , HXMBURG.' C e n aa ay , June ’

a a r « a e « .D . C ham berlin a s d CharUa A. ^V iae . with tbair -wirea^^-artrvad b a rtlo d ay a t U :1S p. ku, a n d .^ a r a t o ' t i y to 'M ag ileb a rs o a th e E lba a^t^^ tnD » to B « r lla .- r • f

I L O O K o t r r i ^ o T i J’L o o k o u t ! Y o u m a y b e tl

' d e n t ! .Y o u 'r e e a r c t d i r Y o i - ^ c

* t t n « j r o i r w a lk o n U e n d e v a l l- ' d a a ^ o f .b e in g -a tn ie k b y |i vc

^ i t a u y h i t- t h l o k y o u a r e p e r f e c t ly a a f ^ -

• t e l l f b u t y o n c a n b e p ro t«o l« .t h ^ .N o

- iUM« e o o jp a a y l^ '- T lie T w i a F i

: n y i S ^ P A U . s r 6 f A i i ( i ^ j i

r g ^ iV i l— .4 Real 1


Mid - 'rd'» 'tbo

r ' . ' | H y g g H B

nw- "

'i D | ^ B ^ H [ H B i B | « 9 ^ b ‘;T K^ R B H K ^ H b H B K ^ -



the ' , >»?*; tn '

n a t I T ~ * * r V. i 3 ^ t e M a M 1 5 i * I O i

' • •*TJh> mert InmaTlDoaH wricome Xr Jtimthiy, lo fh n r t^ Llndbirgh wnV ilrs

' caufnn of luncr Bnmdnny ni« Ihr yiui , V tbe llmon»lo<> lx>h|nil the n»at. >(>li<

S S r te ? S ^ l^ w cJ 'x l^Y o ^ k ^rh lV t^ ^^ 1V iTra'ii»raIlted by Icjcphoto._______

% ;g^t Vo i^agP roH ; o’aockMhU . ---------------i'l" T o M iJ c e I t C o a v e n l e n t A s P o i ar. T h e i r F d e a d s l o * G e l 1

, s c r i p t i o n i n o n B i ^ ,ir. 'O f f i c e W i l l K «ol- ' ■ . *■'------III* The m o « Im portan t period o f n il In I

T ho Tlm ea’ Die F ree G ift I51rtrlhuHon i oom*» Jo a falorul, f ina l clo»o Mon­d a y aighC. Sfxt to M onday ./(M l/, to­d a y and tom orrow a re th e m oat Im-

' p o r ta n t 'd a y s of th la c ircu la tio n nnlnj '.— c an p a tg n and Klft dlatrtbnU oa. ■

All th e biR Kifta. laclu tftue th e h i c I• d baau tlfu l. luxurloQa?JBD*.or car* and ,n th a p u ra e a .o f Rold. cotn, a re to b« ,b« aw ardad o a accred ited ro la a earn ed '

f by p ^ l c I jM t a . ' A nd;-the btxgeat ' u d

M A Y B E T H E ^ N E X - f I I. . • . . . ■ y 1

3 tb e next! v ic tim 'o t a n a u to acci- 't l

•b u t, is th e o ^ u r fe lio w t E v e ry •

v tW d e o f » B i < - i r j S y , [;i t th e bori>—U l i e a . j ^ X j I ^ a n a y i «—B oi a re y o u lt; .eah . • [JB t« d 'w ith -a a A c c id w t'.& » a ra tiM .': « N o rth A rteriM in -Accident I n s u r - '

r T h e T in Q

j i i N K 17. m:*?oyisjUh T w o ITribute For a R


X rw Y ork eTcr Rnvo nuy tnnn"—Ihnl* ilrHcrilH'd Iiy IhoMc V ho '> iB w ,1U I lfn -

jciuntc fly»2 rndo op t « n -fi- lte • Ihc cllj* Vnli' h(»«T A o llrk e r t a]H> and lo rn paix-i i l r l»nk nil If -tlicrft K4:h a hliHdlsiir 4h pn rade w as .lu pn ig re tH . l ’hul» ri>]>

Dite Periodt n p t l y a t l O i l o n d a y E v ePossible fo r A ll C andidates and i t E veiy -A vailab le Sub- t ir^^ w te^e rio d This Keep Ope^vLate. ,- »•In bent opportun lly for jio r tf f ln e voici nn rnd* Mondaj-. in- Vina] H our* Im txirlant.

T h rae flnn i'bouni ahould apo'partlel* ‘ ^ pan ta bustling a* they never have !

beforci I 'r e r r one of you ahould rea l­ly. tze th e %Tilue o f ih rae e strao n lln a ry ]

g l . ^ Prlxca ralue<I a t Iho iuanda of ' [1 do ifara a re a t ataka. '

' l l la enUrely .poaalble -far a v par* j tW p a a t to a b w lu ti 'ly • • a m eawiRh t votaa up to .JO o 'e U K kp ioaday n ig h t ' to '-cinch" Ihelr cholc*. of th « M jttf tn . 11 u poaalhie to e a rn a a V 5 i5 m o S Ie l va lued up 16 11745. How* Sim ply .by

■taking fu ll a d ra aU g e o t th e p reaeat b l i v» te ^ fter.

B Ic S « W r ip t l« ia H etp H aat.S tihR rtpclosa m a k e 'W e * .- Totea

- « tfD -S itta ..B U » a a t vote* a r» -M n se d m .tB rB >taa-ina4e Up to > T o d ^ A lght

• a t to . n U Ib e .b lg c aa t aohK ttaU M w t b a t c m a t moot ro tea . :A )r mbacH p^

. U oaa c re d it T D tea .iM tU te lo a aw t a n a ^ th e y a r < th e m ore valdhbla t b e r hr*.

T b a r a c e . la ta o t a n d c tasa . f l ^ y . M u n tfa y a ad M oe4ar :— ^ ^ ^ t K a a ^ f g e

nes 12:30 f


BOMEM u r d e r sReal Hero

- I

liaIN llli* 4hi> .mrln/iNili'i* nc lrnm i’ n> Ik u tfllmpM- Ilf ii—u Iniik Inlo ihi- r ilj’n offlplnl Krwilmr. Lliidlienrli K lii alH'r. Ih m n ii frnm MlndunH Jn th<- tnw - iiiioliirm . It l*Hik's.*M)0 pcilirp. ill m aintain ci.jijrlK hl, IW7, Iiy SKA S m lc e , Inc.11111 .ONOER G B iDJ Police A re on . W atch Fol-

- lowing New- I^ d n a p in s . P lo t Tip..' a r V aitM pt*m

l i w i : i i i . y i u i x s , . f '* i i f , Jn n e 17— " I 'lc lrialr. Ihc ofonio nr .Mnry Plckonl

nnd f>onsln>> t-'ntrbnnkx, w as u n d e r a heavy gunn l today wlit> th e dlaoovery

,(, R f:w ha! M hullcrti! Jo Jijivc b e e n ''*■ p lot | o •kldnnp th e ac trcaa 'f o r ran - ™ « t a . ■- . . . ■'* A rm ed w ith caw cdoff ih o tg u a a . a r j pollco KuanI kep t a n a ll n igh t vigil of a t th e home o f th e tw o buaoua a U ra

as U)« rm n li o f Inform ation aoppUed to thfi police by' H . U B rady . tOllBw*

^•,lni? Mljia P lck fard 'a f l r r t a tre e t “loca- th . t i o n " In five ycora. .f“ | C lile f,.o t :P o lic ft .,IU JU c ,o t- .B fW l7 1£-,HII1* M l d - B r a d r - ^ i t i m - l ^ t

aeated In hia 'antom oblle lo a dowv* tow n aectiD n>f Loa A ageloa w atcb lag Ikllaa PfcW ord f U m lu aceoM te r t a r currttQ t .opua,. a 'M W iO a t i n i a v a

. a ad t a a 'c e a t a t o t i i i E ^ V - » A eeord lag to l d « « S i » > o U

*• U m a a y : ' ' . K a> -

. I M

£- •v^*T‘ ',J in * n ..w a K .a » t k 9 0 a i ^ ^ t h t•l heelt.^Keii<5'#»».' v . i

to 1 p. M.Ik

Today's N e w s TodayV “S E A O X ^E ’* e a Tba TIb M^ If la s t » t th« eioi* c t » •^ «aitara lU oaard Um* boat.■ D*n* <iar—8'oath Zdaho’a raowm H t w in a tw a Mrvie* tb re a ia' IDJI U altsd T n ia SA T report.

I’IflCi:: K1VI5 CUNTS 3



Thousands C heer A s F lier Dashes O ut o f East and

Comes to Stop.

i.,iM iiK K 'i'.s r. i . i i i n s k i. y i> «MI:J-I», .s '. .MU IS, M l., Ju n e 17. - '( l i iU i .i I 'r . 's s l - r i i n r l r s A. Lliid-

. ImtkIi lirioiL'lil lil!< niiiniijilnni- “ K plrit . •! in' .St._l,iiiil«" Ll n -si, (III IhlM, ita

• bi.jui- yji'lil, u l 3;38 u 'r lw k IWa n f l-

Afli-r clri-lliii; K>. L<iulx to 'ir ivp hla litJi'ni-'imvii » Kllni|i«e <if h is famouH |ilnn<> III f llsh l, lilndh rrgh uoned ll III ilic crijund fur nn easy lauding;

.............. t <-hi'i-r.wi-iit up from tlionanndnirrmitid Ihe liitidlntc niiiicc. ^ a h y of

lij»J in'*'!! IhiTi* •a lu re rarJy ini>rnliiu. ns lli>* plnnii sklppi'd aerosa llli- ficlil nnd riinii* tn n kI«P in f ro n t ' Ilf Ih f tMilliiii; rron iL

llv Ki;X.V«Tll ( ;. CKAnTOHI)' (I'liiliU l'n -s» Shiff C nrreapnudenl)'.ST. I.OIILS, 4»iun 37.—St- Lonta

|irrr';icd li.'iflf todny for. tho an tic ip a t­ed r(‘'i irn u t 4 p..in, o f Colonel Chnriea A. I.liidhcrc. w orld -fnmouB oviator. wim flow- nwny u few weoka ago p la in '

. • 'S llin" Llii.lhurs. n i r m a ll'P lloL. Trtcccd to wnit qu ie tly ; while, PaViii. '

,l.ondoa,.-W nahlnB lqn nnij Ne.w Y ork J choeri'd tho he ro It clAlma to r - ltf o ^ , .

■| th e c ity hnn itro w n 'lm p o tle n l.fo r> > c h a n « to .ncclnlm L indberR h’a n a 'B o w ''

annila n t L om beK .8t. L ouls flv ing field . . w here a h an d fu i.o f frlcAda . s a U i ^ ' anrly ono m orning. broakfifiR teJ'^itta IJndhcrch on ho t dog Bandwlcboa and

■ l>ui him BiKl-apocd o n , t h e . voyaeo which nimosc occrn lgh t ma»Jo him a world flKiifP. ^

« I l i Klj O ver 41l>'.' ;Tho Krciitcr Pnrt o t SL. Loula" pop-

ul!illr>ii will vli-w tho V Stlini Ofi S t.' lx>uiu" iHjfon! II. laada^ trom .vnn tago .

p<dnt» In Iho dow ntow n'aoctlSn^ ■ The |i|.iiie will fly low and .In c ln jlca ove r thii c ity liffori' ntl;rhtlnff.

More- il|iiu n ncoro of nrm y phtnea ; tn>ni Dnyton. Ohio, w ill cflcort Und* Ik' tkIi on ihp flnnl s tro lch of hla Jotir-. ncy from New York. T hey w ill tu rn

. back n flcr rpnchlnp S t. Loula. how ever (Continued on page 31

O'AOiiilF" 10 FAtCHIp

a y V a iU d V iM a •- COHIMHU8. 0.. Ju n e 17.r-lloy .a ad Rny D 'A ulm m ont le ft he ro tn ^ a r f» r . Jnckaon county. O re g o n .'w h e re tb e y will go on tr ia l on fou r ehargea o t murder* aa a re su l t o f dynamlU aK a

Inc. w all c a r In n d a rin g tra in ' .yobberjr'' __ attem pt.. _ • . .

DT ho-notarioua tw lna w ere In e tiitody^ of S heriff H alph Jen n ln g a an d ,, b la son. n deputy; and t«ro poaM ^ la « ’ Bpcctora a* they a U r te d ^ /f o r N t to . long w eatw ard trip.* / ^

"Queaa I 'l l go hom e now a n d ~ c* i ..

D spme good O regon c herrleB ." '»R ar D 'A utrem ont rem arked aa b e .a a d -U a ' b ro th er b a d heeo n teaanrad aod p h e - ' lographed here . .

“T «'o yeara m ore a n d - w a - « iw l< . have beei^ aate.” R ay a dded n g r a t - fnlly . . • • V ■

, Thfl tw o m en war® a rrea ta d I T ' 91* daya ago la- S teubenville a f t« e /a - .'

a eu rch o t . n e a rly fo n r y M n b y llid - e ra l o m c e r a 'a a d ^ H e a ; -

H e n r y H e a ^ ■

r - A m e n c a n v A v l ^ t B ^>rd • s V . - Mf * ' »y 't» a i» * a -» g aa a '. '.?.*? . P H ItiA D B I^H IA . >JW ia , * Tbom aa P . H ea ry^ lod a y w aa r e - « le t ie r f :* » m l6 l6 E 5 K S

^ 't h e '

Page 2: :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill oyisjnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · i n r . i — cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 ' ce sr vait*« m aa ^ LOS

kim b erl j People !J|" Compliment Pastbri;j;

iT to e .R e v . X M lloU Slli.iii lle rM n-dcllR liK ul niirprlnL< im rly nt

V iils 'h o m e .o o JE en th iivbiiuo cnm W ill- ^ nesiUiy.flvonInK w hen oiin livm lred U

- pM ple . m ost o f thorn from Klmlx-rly. nrrir«<l .to coo^rn tu ln tc him . It lii-lnc

- . lita -W rtbdoy ADDJvormiry. Commiinlt)', nlnxlOK oDd gnmeii w ero tho nm uru- /

m u t s o f. tho .evening. D ainty rer- Kji fre.abmoitU w ero se rved a t » Into hour.’ chi ReV. 8U m p I* pnsto r nf llm K linhcrly mi

' C tiH iU dh church . Jiii, - ; • • • • • ' III)

Kotaiy.'-Dinner P arty ' "■ ‘Booth Residence _

; .id r , nnd-STti; C. E . IWoth w uro h(.J*lK < (0 m em bei'ii 'o t ithe T w in F a lU Rotnry

> ’ c ltib 'b n d ' th o tr w ives ill d inne r Wi-il-n«aW*y « rcn 1 n « ''a t tb e ir Blue U k M — JUWJffrflW lw me;: 'D iaaer wait n frv n ) an (tie lnw n. -A b rlo f biinlncKM xonnlon f. WM held nncPft speclnl projrrnm un-

• (ertlilhed th e kuosUi «lurinK the evo-• n l n r . ’. ' • ,2.

& eakfast.H onoring Jrr Southern Visitors

In eooipllniotii to Mias M nrlnn'Johii*- (ton 'and MIni D orolhy l'nriion« of VVVm

V lr tio a . w ho n f t vIsltlOR In 'hlM cliy. Mlak Vonn Gmo— cn lerlo lnod w llh .1 ■.

: p r r t t t ly a p ^ ln i o d . l e n , o’clock l>r««lc -!■ , h e r H«Mno o n .- SI*U> nvCjjue

' no rth .T b u rsd n y -tn b rn ln K . Mlim Huxf „ D uU e.-of EUKono. ■ Ore.. fnrm nrly of T w ia F ^ lK .w n n u lso nn ou t nf town

■ kusBt. 'O the r Buools w ere luemborH of - D n ltt O u n m n so ro rity . T h e bretiUfuni

■ ta b le w aa cen te red w ith nn OfaiilAlle;• bHakol o f peonies. ' ■ U,

'r iJn tertains a t Bridge :/ fo r.E ritre Nous Club

. H . i’lie lp " 'en to rtn liied t h e 1'C‘

. H n tiy Nous club Thurm ln- nfiornoonn lii'e r,«partm oiilH In tho C(donlitl. Mn>. i

« ' : ^ b e r t H elfrec lil w on tlio IiIkIi n rorc MrT,' • prl«e and to M rs. P . U. Mottll won: I 'n

. th e .Jo w sco re uw nrd . Mm. Meiciroy of r»i Bul)l.w aB n JPIOKJ. of lh<- rltd j. , T lir aparlmTOt'W BN m om nU nicllve with

o f pooDlon. A dvilcloiin liinrli- I' : . .'eoo-.wjia acrvw l by th o Imstumi follow- dii;■i;.? J"'*!?? . / ■ ;;i

B aptist Circle "HasMeeting

' j^ T h B ' MlBBion d r c lo of iliti.pV ttreh niet-ThiirHdny uflcrtiouu In tlir

> .<;tU(r^'«bUD|calnw for Ihe roKiilm 1• .'Vpionllily buaincsn jueellnK. Mrn. R . n wU

y . 'd ’jntii 'iiiB n -in it I ' I!’ -Il l M.iiii--. .M > m > & :8A L t:--M en 'n und iKiyH* 'a ll Hy. ' s o iw '.le a lh o r OuUAk 8Jkic«. >t|.r.l« ' i.l... r' _ .p rfte d , 11.96. D nrben Shoo (N).~iidv hni

u i ^ b dm n n ina n y j

■ ' T 3 E C A U S E

l l Gasoline . completely it i

' ninning at a: annoying vibi nounced whe nary gasolines

. eliminated.■ >■ ■ ■ ConoCoEthyl Gi

• • se tte r o f the "spi: - I t was developed

ciplea a fter year research in the autom otive labo: I f you w ant mot to the last degrei Conoco E thyl.

' '• G et i t a t the Coi


/L 0 ^ i

■1fe )c iE r•MiiKdcr nrcolcliHl civ«r llio »cjii*lon n>\il m uch liiiiK^ i i t u , huiiliw-KH wan connlil. ~ ■Tcd. A«-ttr;ri'loiii' «f TTic l>unlnrn» »e»- ( Klim Slrn. 'I'licUar, .MrH. niiltlimon nud . .Mlixt OI>)Ii» nerved <liiliiU' refrcHh- *' aiiiiitH,

Guild ConsidersJu ly Fourth Plans

------- iA eiilloil IjUKlneHii inuclInK nf tlic

Kl>lnco|ml Oiilld wax held ' In Uie |, church tuiidy T h u rsd ay nClernnoii. H ie j; uullil tiioi (0 dlxcuHH thu Fourlli nt ‘

lJu ly im K oim t^nd 10 ilctcrm lno w hal , i liclr iiiirilcliiallon Khould be. Mm. W.W. O wln. iircnldi-iit..waii in the cluilr. „

* * * ’ f. ________ ' ~ I

C a n Y o u A n s w e r A l l

o f T h e s e Q u e s t i o n s ? t

' M ovjK N . ;;1. W hnt fam ous iiioilon iilclnro com- -

meilliiii once liorfnrm ed In an | ICnKllnh dunce hull? (

2. ^Vlifit mnllOH arfren ji l;ire la ted to Mao .Murray hy m ar- rlanH? • I

W hal faniuux liuinorUt*iicU>r In „ rrd i rn fn c :«J «Iit' Kerot-it tlilx (, year? • i

'I. W ho Ih niai'rled lo (ill Ji)He])h , Scbeiiek. (Ii) Ja ek Doiu|iHey, <C) Sam uel Ooldwyn, (d( Klnu Vidor. (0) Ilichard A rlcn? ,

•Tl. AVhnl niollon p ic tu re aclrosi* bnit I10UI1 te rm ed "Ihe Dhho of ih e ^

fi. Wli'iii iH a '•pilll ;plcliire? '7. W liat tw o aclr< 'H w V |irodm otliu lr

ow n 'ldc liircfl? '!8. Nnnio u t loaHtt ih roo iilhlulea who "

have ap iifiarc< l~im )lctur«» du r- * • liiR Iho lant tw o years . ‘

U. W hat nctrc)«rt l» Hnld lo rccelvc ' th e larRCHt num ber of fan (ei- Nin»3» ;

HI, W ho wnn Ihc flrtil w ell know n ' f lin t cum udlnn? {'

rriiD iinnVerii lo IhiiKo iiiM''<tlunti aii> '' p ear i-lnowhore In th in ciUllonl. j

ll,>yni»nd naldw ln. miu, of .Mr. and ,MrH. Kriink na ldw ln i n ludent at^ (he ^ ITnlvnriOty of Idaho, linH iirrlv id Tw in i'sillK. lu H|)cml th e HUiainer.' f

- M ^ i T i T • r,I ..W , J . McCoy. fr..m fhl« the I 8U1

diiy of Jn n e m n reximnAlhlo fori a ll | "blllB” - c o n tra c tcd hy J'ano M cCoy.-- t adv. E

.NO’l’K 'kI will nol h e rcH|)ont<lbln for nny

debt o r ilelils K lnrrncn Itllny may con> in i t l o r hu« eonlraciod ,—adv.

VKRNON I.. RI1.15V. !

rOMATOKS—I’la n l 'em Into a m lj w in w ith llio ;*Idnb« T w lu” liOXWiTi n oz -tiT te.'^^o '^vceH B 'S tim 'In -'h irtttlK lly . I'-Hery. eaiillflow ur. rubbaci!. p iin .j hli-H. UNtem, ole. C ity T ow er (Iro rii. 1 liiiuiiert, Tw ill l''alli*:=~iulv.


l lM ■ ■

i e e d I

>E Conoco E thyl ’ !le fires evenly-^nd |t insures smooth :any speed. The :

ibrations so pro- |hen using ordi- ;,es are practically R

Gasoline is^the pace- aspecial” m otor fuels. |ted on scientific prin - g^ r s o f pains-taking 8he world’s greatest 3lx>ratories. tt lotoring satisfaction. . , g;ree, y o u ’ll insist on « s

'onocosign . js

rE N T A L o u , C O M PA N Y . igRrfiiurt nnd Mdt^jrttri )3

■ iitw, Uuk; WtihlBStsa utd V rv n iaa ig


y .N ewb

✓ .

C O M MI'll.BIt, KlMliKKI.Y, KJtKN, A:

d 1W »KH S0N, I

; SUSBli® P J m GIVEtf MINISmil

s . - . . .B lljuttob to Th* T in ts

KIMDl^RLY. Jiinn 17—A larco nuiii I*' ber o f frlem ls o f th e Rev. im d'M r^

SIIni|i nf the (;hrb<llnn church m otor 'I oil to T w in I'^IlH WodnoRdny ovonlni '* to honor Ihe n e v ; S lln ip on b k hlrth ' • diiy annlvorsnry . T he iw rty w as 1 ''' HurnrlHo n n d ,th e y cn rrlcd w ith then

Icc cream nnd cako to «(/tl to lbc-fe« lIvlileK of tho ovcnlnc,

Mrn, F rank sto lm n lih iiniertalno ' thu Kim borly U rldso club Tlinrnda Iifternoon. Poiir'^iiljleii of brIdRO w er

■” a t p lay durlnR 11 0 aftornoon. Th f ili’ntn besliIoH tile roButiir brfdcc clu

"* m em hers w ore .MoHdamcH Charlo Kliihor. ClmrloB T ca le r. Hoy ScoP

, ^:vo^«lLi^llKflr. Paul Scolt. \V. M. Al " nold. no lje rt CoJi(i*r o f Tw in rflll.-

and .MI«b H ahn of I.oh AnKelen. M r •, IC K; Pow erH -received h lsb "c»>i' " award Anti 'M rn. G lonn W hiincy

ond h lch uw nrd for th e cjiib un<l .Mr; Uoy S cott tdiiyod hiKli for the i;uqhi>

“ Al the clOKo of Iho nflernoon iho bo* to»» nsslHlud by .Mrn. J. T rank H en r

^ and .Mrn, A. J . W ilson serveit » dalpl two coiirno lunch,

I-nal Simdiiy hflnif the b irthday aii Dpvi'rwiry o t Mrji. JJ/flo Olnn n num hur (if h e r fricndii planned and huu

Ir ccHHfiilly cnrrlcd o u t u iniritrlKe fo hor. A fter (hn church "crvloes Sun day mornlnR the p n r iy RnUiored’ will

r . woll filled baskols nnd m otored l< Iho c o un try home o f thn honorct w here » ihillclouH and bonntUnl din

( . nor- wHH on}oyvil. Tliiiim coijiprJuJnj (lie MurprlflC parly w oro Mr. nnd Mrn

„ ( 'a rt JoneH and fam ily, .Mr. and .Mrn Friink Sw earlneen . Mr. and Mm. A

, 1', C ray . a lL o f K im berly : Mr. am MrK, S b o l to / of -n ie r , Mine W llm; I lN fe re o n ^ n f H le r, .Mr. O e l l Fed :

„i '>r Tw In^ 'a llK -nnd .Mnrle and Tbnmaia i m i . y

A rth u r laowderit o f .Mcmeow wn« 1 KUenl Of F red hnd Allyii I’uwvrx 01

II 11 •

t o :d< H .

I The riqvelization ■ o h a s s w e p t t h e c

I YEARS and whicl- I STRONG sta rts TO I TIMES. ■■

I This paper has abso I ering this territor:

PA PER will can-y

iijlay which still int( a f te r six yeafs' succi in the

I T w i r \o td e r

1 U N I T YAMSTIJHDA.ll. MAJtOA, B U liU llO J-I.IS l’i


[7 Tuem lay cvcninjr. Mr. Sotidora re- I ' eolved h ls m aste r's dCRreo from (he I U nlvcnilty o f Idaho a t tho recen t com-

uioncoineiit and wll] be locntod In • I l V w ln Kails. Me w ill'linve-.tfinrR u of I I I aKrIculiunU oxi>ortmenUl n lo tlo a 'lo - * • * enlcd near Tw in I-'nll# nnU Kimborly,

- ’ Mrs. C harles TeateV and dnuglrter. l.ol», wero Buosts tho f irs t o f tho ivcck of Mr. nnd .^frA. Cbnji. Crovc» of,

um- llhnKen, .Mrn. Fred Underwood, Who hns been vis­itor- n in e linuie folki) for- th e pnsl week, u ln p iw lll re iu n i (o Snip U k e Sum lny. Ho r th - 'w l l l make the tr ip by-nn lo . ...I u ' Floyd W llnon,' who' h»H cpm'plclcd hem 'hlM Jun io r year n l th e 'O n iyc rA lty of •fc«-, fitaho. a rrived hom e'Saliirrfny.

I Mr. and Mrs. H. E .;Pow flrs ro tu rnM I S a turday from n 10 dnyH' lrl)i to Mon-' cow nnd o the r Idnho anil W nshlnglon

Inodj ,,olntn. W hile In Momcow Uioy a l "d ay ,, on,Ip,J iinRoaol, !Vl‘ho 4 .l"h l on Iho vcro M nnutaln" thnt w as Klvon Snturdny T he evpnlnir. Ju n e 1. T his pnitcant Is iin- cl«b iier Iho aiiBplces o f th e nssoclafed irler* Hiiidents o f the U niversity of Idaho.' eofl. iinil _|H w ritten by T nllw t JenningH of Al'* Ibn iinlverrilty- faculty.

nll.<. • The iiaKeanf wns ra rr/e d ou t nn M '''- 'b e au ilfu l M cl.ean A thletic flolil nnd «•»>''*■ w as well n ttended, the Ifi.oOU Buariiu-

leo ncc^niinry in mako th is an event Mr;‘. o f overy four yoara beluK Jmich ninio]

Ihan flllc<l. . Ibo-i- Mr. nnd .Mrn. Po.wers nisn roninlnrd: i^nry Moscow lo he prescu l n l commonce- lo '.v .m ent. cxnrrlscs o f .Ihe un iversity and

•o th e r evonis of comuioncohiflnt week. a u ‘ i H. 1:. Powers, accom panied by. his

lUni. son Allyn. left W ednesday morninfC ou sue- n 10 days' tr ip t(i,.8iiluum CUy and.

fo rio lb o r nortborn polntji. 'H iey expect to, 4uu. itp some tro u t flshlnK nnd a lso loi w llh 'A p lo rf! the C ra ters of tho Moon on;

lo 'Ih o l r re tu rn tr ip . irce,>. Mrs. H enry T u rn e r n n d , dnUKhter, dill- Mins .Marlon, h av e re tu rn e d from Ku.; ■iHR/tfwie, Ore., w llh M I* VIvlnn. w ho haii Mrn. Iieitn atum dlni; co llece lu l/uauno the M rB.'t'a»t year. W hile In ICuireno they vis-, , A ,!licil A rthu r F ay 's fam ily, who .woro a n d ja l otio lim e rcnidonts o f Kliiihcrly. I Ima .MIsn Adclaldo Fay Invited In n ' V H r'iium ber of her Indy friends .In honor mail o f MIbb M arian. A fter'p layhiK fllnchi

<lH»««y rofrejihm onts w ero nurvetJ, 0 />K a Ihe ]date w as n scnied card s the

ou friends found th e nuu o u n ccm en l. o fj

M f K■orget ** 4

^ Jof the play whichcountry fo r SIX i H

ch is still GOING ' H'O M O RR O W ln the ' H

■ ' ■ ■ ■ IIsolute contract cov- I HDry. 'N O OTH ER H•y the story o t the I Hiterests the c o u n try " I I:cess. Read, it daily I H

N F A L ], : i T W j

• Your 7


N E W S :!ISTKH, l!A STl,K l'O H l> ,.M l-lt’rA |I ( jn , ' ttV.KK, HA(?HHMAX _______ ^

rOIILD BnTEN i I BY STRAY DOCter. - .thok of SpM lst Slip«tct> to Tit* Timas

‘ IIU llU Ju tie 17.—Mildred pninpbroy. v |s- tbo fo iir.yoar-old dauK lxer of Mr. aiflT >ok. .Mrs. 'J . 0 . iMuiphrcy.. w as bltton nn lie th e chcek by a doi: T uesday niornlnic

Tho doR wiis a s tra y one, |K>salhlx 'led belnufflJiR tn (ourliXR, th a t Uio ojtlt.

of 'd m n had Ifoon feedliiK and hofrlend* lin e . WblJn ithv Ih nol Ki'rloimiy hjiM.

n e d ;ih o lov/or teeth of the do jrJiroko lo t-1 throuKh the flesh of hor rlRhi cheek Ion I nnd tho upim r loe th left lone scrntches

III F rien d s have recolve^l nnnounce- Iho lm cn ls o f Ihc Kraduailim of Dorothea dnyiM orrlw oather. diiUKhter of Mr. ami nn -lM rs. R. .SV. M otH w ealber from Cor- ifnd-valHs hfRli sefiool. Tlio .M orr/Kcntherj iho.'illVL'd in Melon valley Iiufor'e movinR > o f ; lo OroRon, '

.Mctvln Seboolor drove In yesterdny o n lfm ti i Qii/ncy, (rnlir,, wJib n cijiiwIm'JJv*

nnd InK. a t HoRorman. Thoy' will uo back an-1 Sunday. M elvin's m other cxpccts .10 'cnc .v la ll he re In tho fa ll .' nro KniployoH of iho N ational laundry

Icnjoyed a pleitlc supper and swim i|i n r-d j]tnnhury 's T hnrsdny nvenliii:. About ic e -!2Ii ivero lirenenl.nndj • Mm. CeorRe S iudehaker i>nlerialii»d -‘ok. jn t a ono. n 'c loelt luncheon Tuesday. IdSjlionorlnK MIsn Oollle Slwvenn who-In

' ou lenvlnif lliihl. Thoort preiient w ere lia r - 'Old,fil f lnrlley. K athleen Hydo, Norlno t 10, n a rlle y and n iilllo Slevonn.

lo |- The "nfio" club met W ednesday eve- on ju inR for a picnic supper at the home

I of ,Mr. and .Mrit John J’encc, t f f , Mrs. Itolllc firannon and Mm. Uv- I'^u. c re tl Iln ll eiilo rta lned w llh four tnblus h a iiio f. brIdRC a l ibc hniiie of .Mrs. nm n* Ihc^.non T u esd ay . ovunlnR. D lnnor waa ‘iB*, served a l 7 o 'clock w lih a indloii form-. ® ro.lnR th e reiK erplece for naeh tab le.

I IIIrIi, score pri*OH w ete won bv Mnu

nor Ihu onRnKemeiit o f .Mliui Adelaide Fny n c h lio .Mr. G ordon 'Typim nf I/tnK D eadi, 0/> Cnll/ornl.i. *1r. IJyin-Ji Is a youiis the p reacher. He In’n 'iitiitleui In Ihn Kii-

o fjf-ene iHhle unlv\>nilty. ■

:r o v. b i c ' s I

T ilt: A l'TH O It


L S I ) Ag L L S E L L ,imes Ea


9.___________ ■ : / '

a u i i i i i i i i ? I B u ra f tW ii i

By U a l t«■ JACKSONVILLE, Oro.. Ju n e 17—

iJ? . Hhy d 'A ntrem oul w aa ,defin itely link- i l l .nd-,'xltli tho pu rchase of tho "m urdnr

KUn" found nonr tho scene of tho Sin. Ulyou tnnne l tra in dynnm illn*. In Ihe m u rd er tr ia l of h ls younRcr bro­th e r. H ush , horo today.

•oy. Dr. 13. 0 . H olnrlch. crlm lnoloRlst of iiifir B ofkeley, Cnllf., took Uie s tan d na tho nn (•((Ite wna ncnrlnB lh\> close o t its

in«: .i. I I -----—-li'X rJ. H . Vnn R iper nnd carl .Moss n n d h'*’ low by Mr. und Mra. Ud Russel.

A son w as born June 16 to Mr, nml bke M rs.-PIIIm nn Mlniclo.I,,If Tho ba n d ' concert Ihls wbok hn» i ' h boon poaipnnni from Frldny cvenlnR , c . u n til 3 o 'clock Stindoy nftom non. h« , Thoro a re SO m em bers In tb e band nod „„ll th e co nce rt Insi week waa enJovc<l by ;„ r . m any, , ' *e r j John Joyce, non o f .Mr. nud M n . Pnt init Jo y c ^ . re tu rn e d from W lillm nn col-

leKO n l W alla W nlla "nicsday mornlntf. dny h is iiin tber inoollnR him a t B liss. John jjv . m a d e 'n .f in e record tn scholnstlc nnJ :icl{ n th le tle c irc le s durlnR l i i a . freahm nn

10 yen r nnd b ro n eh t home w ith him 12- Inch lovlnR cup which w as prcsonto-l

dry to him fo r fils haWnjr sh o n n tlw /rroflt- ji( ‘c s l liuprovem ont In physical education

out durlnR th e yonr.“ llc la llv e s o f P, C. M oredlth arrived

ii'‘d ‘I'uesdny oventnR (n mako nn extend- lay. ed visit. M r.-and .Mrs. H arry MereOlHi • in. n tld dnuRhtor, .Mary,, nnd Mr. Meru- la r. d ith 'n m other nnd sis to r. M iss Oc-ll Ino M eredith; eivmo front Des .Moines. Mrs.

.Moredlth and Miss Hell a re en rniitc ve- to Loq. Anb’oIoB. hnvluR visited In Des iiue .Molncs.

j .Mr. and Mrs, Olen F r ltc h e r and Uv- dnuRlitor. O lonorn. of Tw in Ftillsr'and lies M rs. I lny ' lian bu ry of Uuhl m niorcdl tc nn- HoIbc T uesday on n business and van plonsurc trip .I'm- -M r nnd .Mrs. 0 . J . OlnsROw left ble. TuoHdiiy by w ay or Porttnn il for l.os In u AnKelen whoro MK GInsRow will tnke — a n inn tli's cou rse In 'v u lcn n lilu K al

th e Ooodyear t i r e factory. • ich .’ TV. und Mi-H. Tlieortorn Snyder and IIIS <hroe rJilW ron Jcfi fo r JJulto; Mniii., It) iCu- v is it re la tives. T hey expect to bu Kone

,n wcnk. .

ilT ' S A T l ▼ is th e I

I r i s h P


^ J U S T 2^until the .readers sta rt ,reading this

^ ■ ANNE NICHOLS I niost GRII^PINGI PATHOS and II ' and a lesson foi I LUTE BEST seriI ROW in the


2 / / v - ^ r ct ' .

jn n d IdeniUfJoil-'MSiavlDS boon p u fr V : • chnscd froin n d -A lb an y .'O ro ., h n n l.> i k i 'w A r o store, w a tb o u g h t by Roy d 'A u lf ;

IN l^*AcrordlnK t b ^ r . H einrich , tlld tmnw / .i l l ' h a n d IhnraiK nujl ■■WlHl4ni n U o U ’ oV

'th o am ui - corU tlcnte- w ro te "n n y jd ’A utromoDt'’ fn .endo rslng pay cUccka ; na wol) n» o tber^papora . • - ^

I 2 r I.-OR SA |.F .^S .< n o r u ; .» » w o m b n ; ' aprlUR and jium mor Pum iw an d -T lo

■^l" Oxfords, vnluea^fro tn 15,00 to H.OO, ‘*,n for I3.8C and 4 . r t : ' D arbor Shoe Co'.-:;., b ro l «‘lv. ' ; . >•

,t of N B L L tE f lU W fiR . 'WnverJy H otel; tho 12G Third nvenuQ south. - MAuCbi^-i- Ita LINO 60c.. I.>)r' Phono ‘

12C2J.-ndT, Y

£ Daijy Storesnon.nod SSI iidioiihuni* H tn r l N orlh' *^»n jo u r i tn y .'^iume 'froBl tow n’* ,

Phone 178

n nJ • J I. '. ,y

itlon '., 'i,f ’' . " ' . i ' ■U ur WOO w odh;.jif m ieb lii«nr ■n'd

Ivcd e(|ulpmi>nl, (o rvm ak ln ff and han r ■ ™[',; d in it BO IM IIIA S BOTTElimLK loru-! is’’here nnd Inslallcil. ;

Mwl Ij rrm Jr <« sp rre . yoB ,HJ<h:Qiitc, frcsli! butienn ilk ! picrydn}'. ' ' 1DeB I •

It All run call d rink ...-....................Be" J i 111 iiim rt t o l l l r . , , , - , , ................— 50

1.11 Ufl In [m»"b JOK'*.’................ ........... -20cnndJ . . •

l e f l J ' . ■ £ •1.0s JI We ilellrer'Nnll o n r pn 'iJucU be* '

tnke fiveeii 10 A . nm lH l \ J t . •« a ll

' a n d ' ■ , . . • •

'■oilei J7« ’ ' I

® I© d ay! I

t e ”

H H C R J R S 'rs of TH E'TIM ES ‘can' his w o n d ^ u l story , by ;; ' LS, TH E GREATEST, :^G story o f tile year.

A u MOR, Tol.erance,, for all in this ABSO- | erial s t r i n g TOM OR- '

',\r ■

I D ^ I A

V . iV iF T ^ tP ^ j JUNE .17.1927/':

Page 3: :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill oyisjnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · i n r . i — cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 ' ce sr vait*« m aa ^ LOS

. . -I.' ' 'I'' yv ■■ ‘''''- ' ' ••■•: ■'' N atnoi o r {cuQrnntorir''{)(: tbo chnu-

tnuQUa courno wJjJcb op«Jw her® Ju ly •3. w ore nmilfl public ilnst-ovAnlnR on receip t ,o r Ihc offIclBJ.,.IUt t)y> mnll from tbo liomffiunrtcrA nf.Uio CIliHon' W hite compAny. *Q>o ci}urBO-lblB ynnr In varJail.- ,

Tho lU t of.guarnntO M follow*; M r» .,,W .T . M oore..,W .-f- D unn, It.

C. •Wark, .MrB. U n * :S |. iJohoBon, Mn«.

A. V anG n^loQ , M rs. D ora Nelson. J.. , E . DeW llt,' M rs. Bmmn. C . 'Cloiitfhok.

w r* .T ; o ;R n in it^ F n r r w w tB . nml Sons com pany, J . C. SutiKor, J . A. ‘ Vandonbnrk. U H .'S c rrln o , O. H . Per-

M rji.:w . B . Nixon. 0 - K. ;McC:inln.}{. M. N unoniakcr, Dr-'ifSnxnn CrniiH'

P. W. Neale, Mr®. A lbe rt P u tilo r . M n , « Qcorjco J . Wflttf. lurjO fR C tnnm H . tr . 1 Cok'rIdb. a . T . nont. 0 . D. Scjtf, .Mfb.

, H. B. F o s ter. Tlmmfuj_Cnvftnilor. Mr<. K othorlno P rovost, A: Tc. Ilonilorxon, ' C. A. NorUi. .Mrs. A<la WiilhlnKtuu PowMl. ,B. E . O rnW ree, 0 . S. Mn*- !

•Cflfl* H .^C f'jS irfon, nv 11.M ussor; W arberR. T runsfo r cOnumny.

^ Crdxlor ^TrHHsfol- fcbitttJttUy.V'K.Twnr.l ^ . Cocpoi>. ‘Abor(lo*nf:a«01'compnnr. A. '

M .^loBtt,«u'W i.|l^;eonjt«rt/;«8cy.I>urkor compnny, a r l l l c a fe ..0 ..C . H nll, Kvio M. W aite, e ig c tr ie 'IW k d ry ; J . I l/ 'U m - bjnjRh/RoKflmon liot<U Ijy Mr*. Kvofm-.

liSVriJluini. 'P . W 3IcKol.orlii, c . E.'Pottcpy'B .-A. M(Jinv' i»:‘Ai' D iim li. Clly Ph«rm n<'- by H . F. M tzpntrick, Mrs; P rn n k KoUoak. Sun flow er hyn .'. _ / .L lo y d . ' • I ~

'W ilson fuiil Clouplieft. <D. T). Uynu. C Mrs. -D. U A lcxnniIor,'i:.' lJ M nK lulw . > C .U M orris. C 13. jViInnio. A. M. iJ B nrro lt, Mrn. C. !•'. M iller. A. W ilton * Pock, Mrn, Bc.iilii B.awyor JIulono, C. ■

— r T j n t u m r o . 'c r w i i p y . AfAT'riMim, i " - Nollo UreckunrlitKo, Mrtc D n ck o tt Mni.•V. P. K onw ortby, Mr«. W. S. I ln r rl- ■ BOB. C. D. W cnver.'M rir. M. nucbnntm . , Mrs, J . M. W rluht. n i. J . J, W ilcox. • Rev. H . 0 . llum nliroy . Mrs E P Ij j ii* -

* lionbcltn, M erltn*U utloy, Duuln Jnno

- ■ Ml■. nn

• iCGMIKG > V E N tS f.'„M IScaV.vOlDb, Ofdpr ? |

iPh.or,ch Hi,- p r

K O l'A L JfH W linO H R , , ^;ffh« Royal Neighbor* w B h m e c t. In J

reffulnr'HOBsiOD •Frlttoy. Ju n e 17.Mn I. [ ‘I O: 0 . F . lia ll. A » vuOilniri;Jelfthbor.(a re w elcome., ' - |P]

s'ro Kiiciitn u t tho b o n ijM f I >»-■<' «o»< Vi F . S, Q tppcll. Ht; ^

- I K K T linX VMr. nml M n . W l l l l a m ^ V o o r o io h

to<luy for Spoknrie. WnHh., w hom thpy nro cniployoU by tho Spokciimnn-Tti!-

^vlew*. follow lnir a v is it to frlcndu bore.

■■■ V hSIT ISn 1‘A .llESTSMIsb V n tflc la W vnn. o f 1.0H An«olPH. „ |]

an d 'M lsn U ic llo W ynn of Pnrtliim l. j„urTlrod yoslonlny fnr ii vldlt w ith g,t lUelf p a ren ts . Mr. nutl .Mrs. • I'nlrlelcW ynn. " - ____________ ■ },li;

(;uANTi-:i> i n v o i i r i :M rs. •Rtclln a ro n i.w iiB K tnn(rit n off

. (Ificruo of jllvorCo from Fron O rcn / BtrIn-.tho OlHtrlc't court hero .ThurKdny. HliMr*. G reh* yfa« nwar»te«l tlip custody wllo f 'f o u r m inor, cb ild rcn uml th e .tlllo thrto 'com iDunlty p roperty . • .S’o

M OO.HE-riCXK; wll Memhvrs 'o f tlib M fcatf'\o<1ko • of

n ub l, G offilln& '^orom ilifcd f w l n ^ l l n w ill hold u f lc n lc M th o - I 'l lo r f a i r ‘ Kroiiniis Sunday.____________ _ • *

. A .5 » ia U Z .o * l t . ' ifii*- I f l th e d a y t .of Q u ^ ’ E lltabe lh , IlU r k B callo t,,# . hfairUsinlUi. mndo » w lock c o n iu tin ^ of I t iiA eB Of lirts^ . ^

^ '■ Iso msde'a sold chuln-wlth 48 >]i&lii. and wtaiiftliriad’flBlihcd It be coi

iiiuchwl' It to tho loeV -and key. pot boitile ctialo round a, (les;iaDd tbat olmble nmt o ^ easily dretr'the lot" P".:

> it'AoIcM f* iVatibharixafien Sea• CilU enahlp t»as o ften -bew coiifiMTfd 5*i

, / 90 la r f* bodies o f people 'by th e ah- ^ b m tto B . o f te rrito ry o s a r c tu k .o ^

f ^ o D o r c o o q w lt. nnd It tra 's lnT litJ' w a y th a t Che Inhab itan ts Of t^ u ls la n a . ),q,^ n o r id a . T exaa. Alaska nnd HnwnIJ bo- _’ v i j i e d t i w i» _ o f ttia^ n l t e d S la te s . —^

n U - I s ' k / f o t r B ^ ~naturalltatloi> .ti7 i.. ^Bcbrporatlbtj.' ' . . . ■ . '

' D notm dtaVocationa ; : i t U a ebam cterisflc o t m odera Rt»> ' Ida th a t e re iT m tn a a abd c lrl aeema l« devote b e rae lf .to some rocotJoo or btlier: aftd m ay * e n cn lU t aa a aol--

I f it ia K r v s . s c A rd lo c to r a u ia . iM lo e r . -wom an ^ u ra a lU t. w ho bas B ade repesited vlslta W Russia.

a s well a s o the r ne thoda.1 ba7* .jia d .sU c tit.f sec « * a . b o t 'o o .

'' JM tn u n eq t baa beeo made, whleb wUl ' ^ a c t preacflca. o f ' bidden mooey or

• th e r m etal to aaall qnanUtlea.

Boston and Salem . K o re a b e r 7 ^ l« 7 t

1 . ■ ., ■ ‘"'»-

1 , "

^ •^»Sy|hr£^N YvVVvSEfflS

P iew rriittw iw etiiic , • Bta.t

S f « 5 E l i Y |i BYRD’S e i g h t ;

; : ■ ■ ______ ' I

8 r Z7 tM Tetrt ,.'NBW YORK. JuMi. IT -T w o itlotmK |

In m lil-Atlim tlc today itimlt! It v lrttn ilj ly cor*.:iln tlu it tlm llyrcl non-rttiii Mlslit from Now V ork to l-;uro|)6 cn'ulil i, nn t Btiirt Ixifore Siitidiiv b r MnnOny. t . T lte ''■‘”■11 liutwt'itn Now jFoundlnnd nnd Irolniid nnd wpiithn'- ; ohncryern iirixllctvd iboy w ould no t t d o o r up ' fo r a t leunl 4K hoiirs. , t ' O otnnm nder Itlchurd E . B yrit wnu proDnred (o n ta rt In h lk ltri-m otor Vokr ko tsm onop lono nn noon nn wcutlior to n n d fan s iiomi(t(c<(. • - ^ to p o rtH ih n t be jilnnned :i re tu rn i flg:ht frorii Rnrln to Now Y ork ' o r , AQnio otIinr.uQW iivliitlon f«^ni m n tln iio tp!i«lrcuInto tixliiv but liy n l hlmniilf , iiniil Iio Iind no doflnlte iitntiH hevomi

* RECEPTION' • • . «

Conilniiea'PM iin J*nr« i ^nml Innd iii S eou flotd. liulhivllio. lii '. g lUMirmy nvlntlnn imnt.

f lm t o p iio rlun lt- fnr a ll Kl. I.ouln tn see and .neclu lm l.lndl)cri:li will coini! tom orrow m ornlni; wlion Im ill to punido downtow n iitrontH. fiicort- r ci( hy c ity offlcliiin. lullitiiry orKxnl- (, intlonH nnd pcrjionn conncclod wllh bill lrnn»-Atlnnt1o fllKlil. ' “

Tom orrow wtll im n full lio llrhv In tiio c lly . Tlioiiimndii rolDinu-d from orricnH nnd fnctorJoH -w^HI Knn (In' BtrcctB to wolcoimi l.lndlii^rsb Jioijji,'. H is noxt appnnrnnco lifte r flT>’‘pflrt(do will bo n t S|»on«mnn’K piirk wlinr.: . thn St. l.fliils CnrdlnnlH will m i'ii tho .Sow Y o rk .G ln n ts . n d r r fovQuil fliiK* rnlslnfr cernmonU-R In w hich tbo .(Jlcr w ill p a rtlc lpa to . . • "

. “ K irK H lIliK I.S ,•NEW YOHK. Juno 17^(U.loncl .

Clinrlon A. I.IndbcfKb. londnl wllli world hono'rn. Kturtol lit-ick todny fo the fV'osC fi;oni whfcti litr c.-itiic. <^niA«( IUnknown, o month'aKo. ' •

LtndherKh. flying Iho Rnlrlt o.' 8l. t/>uls. tho o lho r hiUf of tbn tha tm ade iho flrn t non .ston fligh t front Now Y ork to Pnrls. took off from Mlt- c lic l 'f te ld . I..onR Islnnd. a l K :l7 .n . m. fo r S i. l.ouis .

T l\pro nnd a ll iilons tho ronto. Ms co iin tryn ien- w aited to diinllcntc ih» honnrn Uint no fnr only Now -York nnd W ^BhlnBton iiave boon nlile . to

•l*ru« fo th o trndJiJon }ie h:io built np fo r h im solf. U ndltcrch couldn't leave w U boui klck lnc up b is lionls a bit fo r Ih e Itcneflt of th e crow d nf 3,M(r w blch bad cn tbercd to w.iteh

*'*“ ■ ’ 0«*ls r r is i^Tho S p iri t o f Bt. LouIh w as in Its

h n n e a r a n d tho crowd w alled fo r ll

M o m ’ h P o p - r - -

r Z ^ /O H .YT h an k s sow w tH \ Bcrr

,F o R T t t e n ^ w e « s , i r»e. M OS.TYTB y V V O O l

L i / .

-I ' ' I I M I H K


, ,^ : f - ; m o

A S S A D A S I S H l I S W A K U m ' a BUI

^ ^ ^ 5 = A C . r r f 2 0 0 I N . A ( 1-T S A U JM P IM I K -

- f lA E R 's A W O S lS R 'ff I S O M E V I H O W A S P E N N E D U P I N 'S


to li« w bcolrd nut. I^lm m otor bu iK'on runnlUK for m-vi'nil iiiliiulon. Im no Olio tboiii:hi tbe- (lio r wns rrad

rio s tn « .Hut l.lm lliornh crnwiod Into Iho rnl;

>n, IlHlviiod'a m om uiit.li> .tliu..ni;rCuc linui nf thi! motfir. and "opeui'd* lie « |i wMo."

Tbo plane sh o t ou t Into tiio riol< liixfud a hunJroiT feet ami roso ji(uir|i ly Into tho n ir. In Illtio m ore tha

Ir il miniiio m oro It wnn ou t of nlKbt.A t onu .o f t i io 'lu n l functlonu iii

d i^indvd hy him lu s t kIkIiC 'l.Indbori: f- rorolvod llm Ilnyiriond Ortoli; pdzo c »• « M 0 fnr helnK Ibo J lr s l to fly fioi i*" Now York tri l?lirhi. . Ortidjr iinndo >t thi! f tlo r' an oncnivod chock for tii

ir ' C h a n g e d D a ^ $ B e g i n n i n gAttraaouiera tanaerlj beeaa tliv Om

n n t noon, bu t recently It. w es 'dec ldc t r advisable fo r Uiu snke uf uhlformU] ^ to, use Oio snnio dny in astronotnlca ' work as 1s used In civil life am] com y menerug w ith 1U1!3- all tb e natlonn

* i« t^ n u c s beuaiTMlio day ot'.p>ldulcll<

M a n y o f U » H a v e I t .• \ WIIIlo— "Pa, w hnt Is w orldly wl» . dom i". I'n—“ W orldly wlitdoiUjjuy son

(s a pc rfec t knotrM K o o f (ho fnfllnci . o f • ou r oelfibbors.”—Uuifton Trun- •. acrlp t. - ■ •

i! ■ T h e C o t d e n R u l eI! Everybody U In fuvur of the sviden* rule— for the guldunco of tbo qthor• fellow.

” Appliqued Roses

: >I 7i)<>.beii;e lace d ress Is a fosh ion t »;i A su * e « llo n f o r - *I ch>ifiniB« V a t to accom pany P. »k

la * th ls beige b o r ie h s 'p - w !il: app liques o f beU a la rir, In

* ic a ; . m a tiU . on tii« b ritu c u J I . .. - ■ e r a w a . ' . , '

H ,v « « iB .w e io o M £ “ ^ /^ T sesr& ie f tv i sc rr r o u K e t b H A v e . u p s e r s A- rw e 'V A S c — 'rw i8 c W - > ' fo y R M in f* R * rt) tO ft£ ,YOU KAO A n e ifm u ir^ Y TMff LOIS S B ^ K O O W N / \ ; t j |T T L ^

■ T W T N ''F A L T ig .n A n iY T r ^ [ E 3

/^ H O H W d - N O .R U F F S T u F ^ , • ------I f t i e T W A S OUT, KIV4 R e o M o& e SA9S1EW,

' I 'lO R M i M - V ■-


i B i S r w "■^ueL ■ f^o^Miim-d ........ I'nK" 1

promo opportun ity ami advnnlnKoii r>f iniii cnmiialKn,'

• rjmiJjilJiHJ Solca rjjm i)nl«n Hoiid- I, «|iinrli;ni u t tho Dally Tlmo* , ofllro , w ill l>o open inhl^tit nnd tom orm w

nlKlit until 6 o'clock, uml MomUijVilBlit un lll 10 o 'c lock. Pii'rilcliiiints nnd Hioir

.. frlendn mny tu rn In miliscrlntlon* iniii person tin to 10 o'clnck Mnndnv n lcht. llli" 'i''"-’ *'■« f*'''*' poriod <'ii;iH ul' 10 p. ni.

>y)ndny nml niiliscrlnilomi . riinll*‘d m nny jiontofflco nnyulioro, b rn rln j: a poKtnmrk nf no t ..hifur. tlinn 10 p. hi. M ondny ^vlU be R e i v e d nnd ' crodltoir

g on Jhe 'h le .vo l^ .'^clioduio porloiil. ovim^ (lar though tbey stf»y,'nni riifteli the Dnlly ijcO Tlmo* C*m pniiw n<V|iiirlniont before

T u esd ay '6 r evftgllntc^r. ■'I..-I Y eston lu i' niKitlipr ox tniordl-

nnry dnvT n T l io ^ i l l y Tlme)i’ rnm . puljsn. TiiouKb no t iiiilte np lo Wod- nnpdav. vet ’i;hur(idiiv wnn .one of tlio

cHt;- lilxn>yt.(lilys H 8\fi^P nrtlc inan tM wnrn netlve- in mnlrf(</f<Jfrn-/<y« hndvfrlenilti, mudo' n KOodly niim 'ior (ft ^ '‘“ m rniii

. n t thn 'offloo. crudltlnj; tbn w to n lo irlB. th e ir favoritoii. ionl ' '' KoJil ,'Viirliors A «unloil. n « T his M n cnmjwJsn w horo IJjn ronl •un- 'v orkcrn w ill ho awnrdod—Mm "J>o(il

m nn" wins. rcRiirOlena of who bo or idin m ay ho.

D on't ovorlook u Klnr1>> Kiihserliiiloi^ nnvwlioro. Ono cood siih srrlp tlon mdy

l . n dolorm lno who will ho nhoiid a* lh-’ l.«p '•"'1 Porlod.-fiot tbnl

"neeond giiffiicrlpllomi"—frlendii wlio] have Kiven you o r somonno cdiio tliolrl

— • Biihscrlptlomi bofnre will o ften clvo. you ano lhn r HUlmcrlnllon In o rdo r t'll

■ holp >on hooNl your voto iitnndlMC. j ' ' Wflrk dono hy rand ldn tes In tlio o n r- ,

ly dnyH, of tho o.nmpalKU necm todny tn ho lionrlnK fn ilt. No", slnon early In tho cnmpniRn hnvo ho tnnn - *iil>-i

■ H crlptlons lioon ropclved n t tho offlco, fro m ' Biilnicrlhcni tlicmKclvnn. Thin ' w onlil Indlcnto tlm t prom ises nrn ho-' init mado Rfjod. I t Ib n iosi desirahlo. bnw ever. Ihnt cnnilldntes co llec t tholr ow rt'p rom isos — then Ihoy aro spro thuv hnvo tho siiliHcrlntlonM. ' ‘ ■

Make T he»r l.a s t I>ovh t'oun l.' C andidates »viH do well not to ''k li!"

thcnisolVes ihoso la«t few dnyn of tlio liifX ost vote rwrioil. If yoU ovor oxpect to d '' n n y ih ln t bic-for j-oumolf ln thU m c o . 't l ie llnio in n t hnnd In do. I t .

. Thlfl woek. which endn tom orrow , is tlie naeblK mile t>o"t la tbo cam paign, i

: ■ T boso cnndldales w ho.m ako tho urnde. on b V li 'th is wook will pile up a roali leniL w blch slow er ones-w ill hnvo to , Btretoh tlioinsolveK lo moot. Nnxi wcok is d no lhe r week—by n o 'm e a n * (bin,

■ ■ ' j - j — ------------ ■ ;' ^ O n g in f / a ^ io T race jAtTtboritles' differ Id r ts a rd to the ’

'2 orislD ot; the nume “horse" la tltndes. | aomo'. cTalmlof th a t U w as deHved from , tbo fs'ct th a t vessela w ith c«r* 1

In o f borscs were o ften ao 'delayed•J otr 6«cot>ht o t the 'calms th a t tlie oni- ■' 'm ali 'p e rls ^e d trom lack o f w ater.

' ^ a N e rv e_________^ , , - — ■R V T H ^a '):/ y e s ,L 'v e s e e f j^ e v € i i> * c ,.; iwe?- \ s a w e c h s c s m .mv ij-AND - I 'nM6**C8Wc«eReAK;>;wr« ^ M O O T '.X AR&tEfSfflOlflWNeSA.*!;. i « r i /V /^ o T T O B e 'T U F tc o w i 'n i . W i N a : / 1 x M A D A e tv s /M O f K e

\ V i ^ r o o f ^ s t c K -' ' X J U r r U K CV O U — y T

> ' I'r '"'.' ..l i ’uwL?

5 __________________________

D e A u t r e m o n t

T w i n s C a u g h t . ■*

I’oHl:il Innpooiiini. a fio r :i t<mi'-v<-ar iiiint; linvi' ra p n iiH l iho famous ix'

I A u ln ...... .. twlMM. Hoy la lxivr) unHHuy. Ill .SloulM-iivlllo, (). A lliird lir.'- tlio r. IIiikIi. war. omiKlii in 'ioral

. n m itliti linn In iho whi-nho wan norvlnt; In llio nrmy. Tli<- lir ^ Iben i n ro OhnrKod w lih lioldliic ut< a

— tra in noar..Sh*kly'>ii. Oro,. nml Irfllliij; ." ' a iiiitjl clorU nnd Ihroo li'ainiiu>ii. Hiii:li

ia now on 't r ia l. ^ .

N o U n i f o r m L e n g i f tTho IfnKtli o f n loucuo. vurlon In dlf-

•'■-'■ fol'C iifeouhtrlog. Tin- Itoniun lonsuo ‘ wns U 7(J modern EnKllnh mliod, while

d . tho lonCTc brouKlit to !'ii(.'Iaml hy tUi! Iiro •''"'■'muis 'wuK oiimil to " fl iiaidorti KfiC- row I'"'* miles. T iio niDtrlo li-'niiue Ih fuiir l|.|,( klliitiiolc-rs. A t firoHoiit tba.Ji!nune i|oir js n iinntloiit m rnsure o<|uiil to thu I tw eiitlotli pn rt of u fiosree—tlm t Is. Rid- throe KeoKDipblcnl mlli% or a.OST slut-

*” • UIO mites.m ____ ;___________ ____

ni. , A n c f o f i t , M o d e r n W r a t t l i n ^ Itoir . . u^ '^plip 1,'^ naiuft ' O:aoco-ltotnaa

,'w'rv‘stllnc lionni ilt tlp rosembhinco S> 'th e »fy(e o f w resd liis tn fOffue nraoni;

. tho uiicleni G reeks und llouians.rdl- . — --------------------y " ) B o n d o f A f f c e t i o n

Slit— "I'n trle la and I a re u reat inrii fr|Mt|rt»--at ^loiMi, tvv liotli ^.dlnlllie tha' nmi •wmoVcoido."—l.i>iid»ii IIiiiimrlHt. ’ ' •nill _ ■______ . ' " .

L e t t e r o f T w o E v iUCom protnito may *be cowardly, but

•onl Jt'a ho lle r iJjao iJrivI«jr bo jidw j nnd lodt \vrecl;lnB yournolf^ nculnst a stone

" r wall.—System Mncnxlno.

i”<? ____' 'iho W E B t fY F O R L E S S — W E S]

‘"Fl S ' U SE

i - ' “ ■ ’. O N P

I - ’ ■ ' ■ n es AND'HAVE

i r o . M ^ ^ --------‘ I ^ Mon’n immnior w oli'ht. rlhl

III” ' ' thoHc como in oUhri- nbiV't o rtlio I .nro JiiHl liio. ihlnR .eel for ;ho .ho t dnsii....... ..........hU « .IL, to W? Imvo Just tbo ib ln l; fn r tlis W .tlo u . n su it omio th n t will

»le! knocks; wooilen fm nio. fibrenail a c o rn e rs : Ju st tb e ilcketiO| O • f o r . ih n csm per..... ............. .......

“e k , M • - ' _______ 1-.. - ■- - - - ^hln,

“* ^ BUY F O E L p s i ~ w F * 8i

e T o n i c — . ..

' Y " / '- . '« c s w e : :v c '. « u o rit'B A L t . i . w r c e n u t c « iM tw o - r

/ l iS T 'M . <AJ Tfie AS'I C lilM A V « f « Ai&O.fieNKWt

. . \ CM W ITH A M e c v o v ? f tn V jCr C CO fit y o o e > m v D trW K ^ O O flOO

A tO N Q —


AIR LEVIATHAN■ . By trnitcd P n c s

I.ON’DON- Slalixtloiil .Ii-iiIIk o: tlii■ rooH triirilon or i|io now lovluilian <n I till- a ir now iiniloi-^-iinNirnoi|on hy th>

• D rlllsh Kovornmoni bav r hi'oii rovonl od i>y (,'oinmnnd.-r r . I), Uiirn<i>'. do. hii-nor o f Iho hiiKo dirlftlhio, ^

Tlm now a lnd jlp will havo for IiMi imHHoiiKi'iii. iind fly a ’ S'* nifti i an. hour. It will jii.> onpaldi' i>r riyln. from Umtliin lo Cunadu In IS Imii^'* 10 .‘?nuib Afrlod Or Indlii In f/iiir dnyw

y u r A iii'triiihi In hovoii dayn. 'I'li>' i;r»::' wolnht of tho a ln.lifp in j;roaior tha ' th n l (if III" v<'ur«'l In wliloh ridiimhii. ri'oaAod th r iioonii and . iliiu'ovci'o Amorloii.

If till- rlvolK i;rdn;: In 'o Iho oonMnio lion or tho illrk ililo woro laid ■■nd.iiii'

loud they would nmko a Iliii- (d rh i-l' . novon' iiilloH Imn;. It oiintalnH olovci

mlloK of liihliiK. Iwo iiill<’!i of ln»iilati'> oloctrlo''o!ihlo, and fmii* and ii l i ^ Horoii of DiiN'i’ oiivciiiiir.

It III apiiroxliiiiitoly 7!in frot Ion; k and i:io n-ot In dhtm olor al li» tlilol.rM I pnrt. Till' IlftliiK iK'Wor will ln^liydi'i I i;un, and Ibo n io t lv powor will h<f mipidlod liy ...... ......... parity »i

rnol o il and |>nrtly on liydro;;>-n :’a:i crailiiallv w ithdniw ii fioiii tlio on;ol- npo o t Iho (llrlxlhU- In pionm iloii '< lh< llKlil-olUK or th<‘ Inail ilm- to Ili<

I roii‘iuni|>il'>n <it Iho lloimd rm-l. ' '

<ar C h a m b e r l i n - L e v i n e

G r e e t W i v e s o n S h i p111,.- , iTal , n y Vnittil rr#"*jiTO '0)»K.MK.N'. .)ti«o J7 I'larojioo Ii lirjK Cham licrlln ^ d <'liar|i-ii A. I.i’vlii'- iiu' V :i IhOIr wlvoH ?iii tin- ilool: nr tin- -S'eirll lint: i lrn iio n i.hiyd llm-i- ll-'iliii iO>mll; llldi a flo r I II. 111. indiiv. ■<

Only a o.nmlo' ' „r d-okhanilti won ahnul a t tli>' lliim aiiil th*'); la rtrilll; liirnoil uwiiy. nllowlni: iIm' tllo n i.ii I'.root th .'lr wlv.'i, prlviil-ly.

dlf- Tho fllorii. hy tlp lo rliii; ri.niii tlii'l Kuo rnldiin on, tho I'lonm or llioriu'ii. un bile o lho r iitcaliior o r Hio Norlli Corimii III,. I.loyd l.lno, olinu-d nowB|ia|)or oor

;,i^. lonDOJiilonJii and pliotoKnijihrrH wbi* aliio hnd eiililnn idHiurd Iho llromoi “ iind hail, ho|iodi to ho pronoal fnr th'

i.'un lon . Tho moan or ih o llortin'. liorn iiad awukono<l tin- (Horn.

.Is. Onco off Iho Ilromon wlilioiil he ilut- liiij doloefPW Tliamhorlln and l.ovlii'

n m to tlio bond o t iholr plor whor thoy idopped Into an nutomnhllo nn' worf! drlvon a round th r iHiit to th

y |il.T w horo tllo Uorlln waK ho.biK doel: naa '''*•

s> T h e Y o u th fu l M ind0"t! C o lfa i Qonwell w rites : "Ou Sundaj

afternoou In n dlsruM lon by onr fam lly o f Isaac nnd h is sons, our llitli duuBhter contributed the rem ark tlia;

, , Ksnu sw apped b is tilrth rllth t 'fo r I dl#b of,, .po iu slc T he Oullook.

^ B ut T im e t H ave ChangedI kin romemlK.T iflien th e jjuy wht

eut butvlod on t for purklnB uvertlmt wus Ihe itenu who tvns uicupylnc siiac< on tfie oltl tiiilrdijtli sofn In Cbe pur/or

one —c inv lnun tl ‘lCnc|ulrer.


3 E ' Y O U R A C C U M U L /

s 'A v I n g sP U R C H A S E S M A D E A '

E W Y O R K S t eE A R E A L C E L E B R A T K

rlldiiiil union s u it s ; __^I o r loni; «l<-ovca nnd

f i f f A Sw iss .-ind.................... . . . .O O C „„ilnni__'..........r th a t laim inor vncn- •vlll 'ntand llio hard . '

........." - i r 'rortm ent of sul

..........................i O \ ^ nnd .hoy. a re In

¥ 1 ^ 1' x j E S T ^ t ^ ^ F f ^ Q H m d

’ 8 J 2 ,L ..F P B .L B W . W E . BUY^JTOI

B A L »T »A r<r V > v ZR JO R k. r T 7 T 5 = 7 T V ^

A S V U » M -A » 0 N I i l ^ .R w ts t J M tte m « e e *M/-iM/'111 \ . -x a ra teK » o w M — , J I a n j r v j . - > # ^ T * w e c c y \ I > & f i e O f 111 ■

P Br— j; , - J

• ' j I / ,

^ _______________-P X flB TTTHKB,.'*/

C t r f l e e n M o o r e S u e d :

o n M i l l i o n C o n t r a c t

E s y U atu d P rtsa 'N EW 'YOHK. June 17.—M rsl "Sa*

tioniil P ictures. Inc.. lodny took, cotirt IjkT action In an u tto n irl com]>«l Cot* . l l v loitn .Mooro. motion p ic tu re s ta r, to * * » nrhltriiloa Jl.OdO.OOO c on lrnc t which

It Wllli alloKoil- idio In 'iry lnK f o ' hl'riiU. , I . 1

Tho company. In ii pelllien filed■ tlio liy .'N iitbah Hnrknn. ullorpey, nskodn «rf yii|,|.pmo Court JurfKO Oeo?*o .M ul-'' th " Ian to tnlio tho nocoHsary steps to . vonl- foro" ilin a rh lirn tion . T he nppllca*, do- (.ion wan tiikon u n der ndvlsoniont.’

F-'IrM NatUinul oliarKod Miss Mooro >01n't «•;«>■ nudor ro n trac t lo m ake 12, iiRi'H: |i|,.|uroii nnd tiiol sfie Had ihado lyln.: onl>-»^.von. '.Sim has lefl Cnltfur-i;

nia irtui como ti> N’ow York, nnd, noWJ Ill a!»mt to mill for 'P u ropn " fo r an

;rn;;-< ..^i„,„|,.il visit." Ibo com plidnt,'■ha'i ,Uari;.'d. ......................iil.ii.t ___ _________________

O n e 's " S c c a n d W I n i ’- :in io . W lial Is terined"sei!ond.w lnd'‘ o<m:ies . l-'iii- whon the l>o<|y and niUHCIes o f Ilia

hndy ^ei aocusioinod to llio.work. For liiHtnnco. If a nmn Is runnluft. nt (Irst

h 'lir ''*■ '■ ^ntlKUi'd nnd tjien h« hecotues ^ ai'ouHtnmed to ibe.oxeK -lse and It U

nut snoh n stra in n fle r th e muscles •I,,..,I I Iind body nre cnuglit In llie rhythm.'•'Uo-i -------------- ^ ^ •y „ „ | O dd T h e o r y ^ f M oon!’a;r. I rjiiK the imxili Wiry tuTtlfi Icy ball

i 'o l - ,u f snow and loo. w llh n auiujl irocky ,<i '<'iciii'<.-, Ih iho darliiB iheur}' ua v au c sd '- ‘ *.*'*■ I hy ll l.onduu profo.iMui-.


■ IIl>'l ; - — • t ' V'" 'P raise Lydia EJ

< 1 Vegetab le Compoundm ilv i Mrs. Annie KwlnsW of'C2C U t AtV „ li, nno. Mllwnultee. W Is., w rites th a t s6»

' ' ' iiH te a n e s o w e a k in d tho lr ■ I run-dow n th a t lb *

.III. was n o t able, to d O 'h e r bous4work. Sbs a a w tb o n a iD a l^ d lE

J ^ • . • W . t ’ v a W n k h iin ’aVe*®- , . l ^ ■ tabfo Compouoa ,la

. ^ tbo paper aad -aa l4' to h e r nttabftflff.;-,*‘I-i

r l ln .1 txy th a t medl-. . i f ' I t8l>aovino ,i,o (oqk'horo hntttns and Is feel-'' nml lu* mucii bettor, : . *i ., Iho Mrs. M attie Adaraa. w ho U T « -(tt: loci;- DownlnR Stroot, BrewtODKAla.. w rite*

OB follows: “A trlodit-refeotiiBMBdMl ’ L ydia B. Plalcfaam 'a ' VeRetAbUlsCet» pound a n d since tak lnc '-lC .l.{««l Uka'.

ndny a d ltfen u itw o th an ." fam* \v tib b e r ch ild ren c row n up. tlta stifle- Hills dle-nged w oman flads t i n e to^dd- tbe ttiat twines sho never bad tlm e 'to .d b b efera*

or a — fcad th o new books, i w t i i a ' f c e # ' “ I plays, enjoy h e r E m nd-cm idm u. Utc«i>

^ • nn acUve. parb> ia-c)iurch-«ndM «tM p^. a rfa ln . F a r from belDc p u s h o d - ^ i .

, j i>y. tbo youager se t. abe flnda-arich life of he r own. T b a t }s. ir 'lM K

wlio hcalUi Is good.- , , ,tlmo T housands o f w omen p o s t fifty ; b a r. uace ’I'oy oivo th s ir v iso r and^ health td -

^ P inkhavi's V ocetablo Com*' pound, nnd a re recomraeadlDC i t t»

thc lr friends and nelE htw r^

r o R L E S B — W E a E U . - > 6 B M BM I;

L A T E D '■ ■■■''•'V-

s /I:.' ::A T T H E 5

O R E 3n O N J U L Y 4 t h ^

- G E T U N D m ' ' ' . 1 goool simwH. Wfr have PBaamaa.iS^ • ) t

........ 95c ,„w., S U I T S - . - - V ; S

ir the h m r tb of Ju ly ce leb ra tion .: -,-I iiall cost . too .. have a idea a a * ,i,

su its n t ;h la p r l^ - ’ 'A f 'A '. Q S i . 1 fcl e In ;b e la te ■morfeli‘V * * « * ^ ' ' , I" g

i m i i irftt> r.*aa m


v f e t L - s f f e w i f t W f c v ^m t . i s E t ^ p e M i N / ' ,, I f - t : C X ^ , M , j y , ' !

V u t o

Page 4: :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill oyisjnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · i n r . i — cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 ' ce sr vait*« m aa ^ LOS

V', :• . •

' • ■■ '- ' ' ' f t - : '*■■•'• • •■ IN D E PiajO B O T( ' 'JBis(9»«<l'uvucond'' class' m a tte r April

; uggp-W ct. & PM sK!h l . 1870. /_ _ •

J;; ■ cce p i^S u n U .

, -.V''. v '; ''" : ; ; -•■•■• '- SU BSClilPTlO lmonth;jlt.60; three ni'onHn. <I.8C;

'! i ' - ■? ' ' PhoPo 38- AH tlepwtn'w»>« can

. r . ; . - ; . w a s t h i s j

; . •■ itA. f i i h e r in In d iann yestcrtlny on'nwnt b / a i»^gc Ut drcti'n {•ourt oj! i^unlerinsT; hw! tw o cliilHreu O ory, In tl., co ttage.

,Tiio c liild rcn , n g irt oigh t yi>ar viotlm a of tiic ir fntlior'H jeiiloiisy^

■KqA; dtirinf? the triiil th a t tiu liiiit'. , ‘-b riiJo re” to W IJ ' the 'u liittJre jj jj) ii

bin. . ..V I T tic num ber br l'uhoh of so-cnl

ofci only n (t.ciiire trf Avrealt vciiBeiic :Vi' . d o r,H s grow ing n t m rntoT in ihg ra ti

Iftc t' o f the m a tte r protiality iti tiin t — > ob U in rev«'KO fo r liirf \nfCH linvin , . I* 'iT lie*m urd9rK «*orL> most liru tat.

' - t l i^ T a t t le r ' w rf tp p c d fb w e l» K ntiirn t ’ , a b o i | t tl ic , c J iiW rc ii 'k fat-cH am} who,

" , il« in f iu c iic o tic re m o v e d itie b a n d f ^ o i , tlin HtnTiiber 'a n d b e g g e d th e

l o t i i s ploaH,' It^c to w e l a g a o r id .'i ic g iv c iM n o re nneH ttii- tie ..

'■ .Ttieii ttic fa ttie r ctiolced (tic tot> i ’o i^ttuH lie Ik g iven -n Hcntetu

, , r* ‘Ih ‘ ah o tlie r 20 yenr« lie w ilt likoty j '; : w t i .s t i r ttie tieartH of the “ pardci

inny;vi)e commiile.d nnd>tJiiiB wilt end - coid {blooded'

. y i ie 'm i i s t eome m id itt eoiiiing b e;,fo rced i o dcdt ,b»rHlily w ith^llie! yaoni, scveriit no ted m ental cxperlx

. nnd ;ttie -electrie ctiiiir, p roperty a] c ttw l o r m iicli o f ttiiK Htteged nisanil

• H're rof»wi»g l« inT iwDun. tlfc ' Hliyerii a r e ‘iiiwino. 7ii - ' vrtft t lin t th e person niiglil pHo

‘ {li th e m eant me (wo chititri'ij P^ave and ttio mn» le ro r petH tifo %ri a few ye a n , ' .,

W nii,jH«tiec do\^e In thin eaHO?


.‘ "W tti: P re s id e n t Cotoidge e n jo ^ l/V i n U a r o f ^ u t h D ak o tn .'t t ic potitical

west.>i}8s s ra rfcd fo fjoiJ.'5^' ' p a r tic n ta r tim e, ttic nnti

y e n c rd a y th e y launched a eampiilgi ,v -^liDW^on, o f ItlinoiR. fo r the repubtien

I ^ a o t c J . litm d, chairm an o f the a* ■■■ l i w r i a s tlie p rinc ipa l addretui, Ir repc ‘I; • ( ^ J d ^ rcgn fd in tr th e /n rm re lie f ;

i f f iS td S ec reU ry of A g rien tlu re J a 'farirfer. P a rtio u tn rty d id ho aHsail l a tW rd te rm . ■

' A m ong o ttier thingti, Lund ctin^;„iey in N icaragnn nnd CVjitrat A m cr

‘p r e t t y p e n n y " in [osts o f Inu te an / I n the mcantimi*, Pre.sidcnt Cool

t n u t in th e RtreaniR n e a r hiH mimmc ',k[ot8 -.and in, no doub t. Kiiriting brna<il>

tiv itfea o f h is opijoncnts. Anjong otti lyB 'm ind aro th« la rg e tax rodnetio n o n a o f congress w itli the pi-nbabil i?pcciul session in Outober,

T he po tilii'a l Kitnntion ttuM yea r i n t ^ o n e o f the most ‘eom plicntod 1

■"CMUJtry. T tierc w ilt In* a InrKc fac a.baolute ly opposi* a tliird term for

RnTlMH w tiile Ihe o ilie r grnii]t will lead th e 'p n rty flirniigJi (he program p e d .o u t.

T tie dem o< rra tR ,' n o d o n b t , w ill bns u r c o f c o n g rp M t o » iv r a id lo ih e fi a i i io n to n i h i n l te rm M r. OooUiIki

' H am f n s tl ie p r e s i d e n t 'h opjidJfc j s re p o rJ w t t J j j i i ' t J i e a N t i- t li ird I

0 f J 8 p r e s id e n t in l pnKHibilitioN in the ip { (- th c tin t , i t is b e l ie v e d , w ill

■ o f I d a h o . T tie p c e H id e n t’.s o itp o t ie i its i! ^ t t i f a v o r a m o n p a m a jn r i ly ( i f th e i ^ O l ig h to rrp iilN c th e d e in o c ra t i 'c a t

T f te c o u r i t r j ' in r e m ly f«ir th i ' f i r rw p n a o u b te d ly w il t liKti-n to ii i; a n d ea^

'---- eaiididatcH. Il is rc p o rtrd Ihat the ;/ fo riw badb^n lively f ig h ts i«i the ei

: j r t l is w ilt b(» .one of th e ninin i?iKi:i‘s \ - ib tcp il to im p la n t JUiy p arlio idn r Uioi

' izcna tb e tim e seemH about ripe for


B «)l««inc th a t a ccn e ra l xHncuKilon o t Iho a d rsc ta se * . f iilu rc ilcvrtnp- . II m « a t pU ns. condltlona r f la tln u to Mm be a ltb . p m « p c rl tr and o th e r coo<l i pol&ts about m ti llie m Iilalio w ill p ro -; Ho) m ote a ( e f ilo c of frtrnd iih lp a tu l'S ;i) i a ) ' th is p a r t or th^ slaU ^ Tli T linviijninr ts M srtlo c « da lly colum n. “ W h y I jjr tiil I J IW .^o o th e rti Idaho ." |1>.m

ESrtryone; u o de r th e p la n Is clL- M CibU to- w ri te ab o u t thin R ub> c t.iP . I T h» on ly ru le s w in b«* th a t lctt<>r<i‘P ea sbOQld be o r n o t m ore than 300 <ta}' w ords, fre e .fro m tts rsh o r o th e r; 'R

' • b ) t e t t o a s b l e .U a n a £ r and th a t t b r j in c w ri te r s ic n eH ber b i t tn ll n am f or,B<Ti la ltU Is lo tb e te tte r . Whtn lliej M w r i t e r w sn ts only h ls o r h e r Inlil.ilir: Twl «*ee. tb e d e s ire w ill b« com pllr^ w iiii I her U la d les led la th<> le tte r tm t t h r y j n B B «t e lcn tb e ir .fiill n a m r and ml- m a ; d re M u n d e r .th e In itia ls. .Th^iie w ilt ,F n u be k e p t f e r tb e e d ito r 's fJJe. |

Replies w ay 6e as< lp h» a n y w ri te r , •• to Ibe so tre s l lo n s o r p roposal* eon-r Tl

ta tee d In a p re r lo u s lr publUhtnl le t. w ill te r . , dar.• W rite w hy you Itke so u th e rn (datto tun-

D A IL Y jT lM E SNT N E W sr-A I'E n ................ ' "

[>rll 11. I'JlS. n t T w in Pnlls poatotflce

ndny a t 2CS '.Main Avenue ISsst, Tt*ln

~10N ~~ ilA T k '8 '~ '~ 7 L8C; sl:c niom liii. >3.2g; ono year. J

m be reached by tbla (Itimbcn |

i JU S T ICE? jl

la y WUH K onte iiced to l i f e i in p r i s - | t r t j if lr j- h o }k»I be en f o u n d g n il» y | l ij^ K tru n g liiiK th e m to d e a th i n u '^

^ . (1 L*ar o ld . Hint a b o y , s ix , w e r e th e r ty o f t l i i ' i r .m o t h e r i l n d r h e tcHti- ■' id ' « v is io n , in w h ic h h e r e c e iv e d ^ ) )in e f f o r l to Have I h c i r m o th e r s

llc a lle d iiiK an ily , w h ic h , in r e a l i t y ® •ncc n p o n Hbmc o jie l l i ro n g l i-m iir - •a te . I n th e eaHc in ip ie s tio n tlie H it th in fa th e r ,J ;i^ lio v c ir h e w o u ld “ k'ing lefI h im .- • ' _ y it. ^V econ liiig .tp th e n e w s stn ricH , i,- r a te d w ith im . an eH th e tic t ig h t ly bo it h e rh o i ig h l Jjiey n e r e u n d e r " iiidage.x. T h c n l th e b o y a ro,ii8cd q lie p a r e n t ' to s p a re Iiis tifeT I ti/ <1 ig a in wn.s p la c e d im ilc r liiK .n o s e . . T h e l i l l l e g i r t d id n o t uw iilten . otK to ile a t ll . . . o'[•ne'e o f . l i f c ' i n Ih e p e n i le n l ia r y . ly d e v e lo p so m e “ illiieH.s” w h ic h rd o n p le iide rH ’ a n d - h i s K enlenco tl •nd till" “ jtiN tii-e ’^ ^ o r 't h e s e c ru e l,

n g w lie ii j u r i e s a n d ^ n ilg e s w ill ^h e se “ in h a n c ” . personH . O f laU ; s . r i s h a v e d o c liir e d Ihat- th e ro p ea pplie< l, iw onld be a n c ff c c l iv e *{|

n i ly . u til i ty o f th e p e n d in g b r a in io in iiu iriU tr {’iihi's tinh'HH tl fo y » rc

I n o i l i e r WfTrils, th e y iio to n g o r "Jw o sib ly b e in sa n e u n d e r . c e r tJ iin ~

h a v e ,1,'o iie t o ' a n tin t i in e ly %rilli pr0K|n-ctH o f f r e e d d i u - a r i e r

!? • . . V ~

^ R M IN ^ U P ^ ,■

o ^ g a v a e iit io n in th e B la e lt >r 111 R y ^ o t in th e e a a t n n d m id d le ^

n t i - t b i n t te rm e m n rc acii%^t n n d |o i1gn i n ' I o w a b a c k in g P r n n tc 0 .ie n n n o m in a tio n f o r p ro H id en t. ”Iho Io w a L o w d e n c o m m itte e , de - me p o r te d to h a v e s c o re d P rc H id e in t ■f p r o g ra m n n d to linve- e lm rac^J a r d i i i e a i i . n ‘‘ t r u s to r ” t o th e .«>1 Ih e p r e s i d e n t 'k a sp lra 't io n s f o r v»

ia :;ged th n | th e p re .n id e iii’H pot- vi ic r i c a is ' e o s t in g th is c o u n t r y a >li a n d friendH liPp. • J'

lo o tidge is p u r s u in g tlie le a p in g m c r W hitt* H o u se in SoTith D a- i«hi <lly w h e n h e r e n d s a b o u t t h e a c - | , :) tlie r th o ii |;h lH l i e .h a d s to r e d in t io n s d u riii^ r t l i c ta s l th r e e kos-I -u b iU tie s o f a n n lh e r s la sh n t th e ]

|ol’a r g iv j 's p r o in is e <if d e v e lo p in g i>aI IniiK les in th o h is to ry o f llie f a c t io n o f r e p u b lic a n s w h o w ill ’ i r M r. C o o lid g e u n d e r iiii.%'' con- vlII d e c la re t h a l n o n e o th e r c an !•' 1111 w h ic h th e Ji'adcrw I iav c m iip- ,

iRl>nsc th e i r |> la tfn rm on th e fa il - --'i

f a r m e rs , b r i n i f o u t m u c h o p p o . d u e a n d a s s a i l h is fo re ig n p o i. Ic ip o n e n ts in h is ow n parl.< '. iri] tenw eiN Jwive su h m itic i) ii ti«f th e r e p u b lic a n i>arty a n d , h e ad - M‘» r till* n a m e n f S i'u i i lo r H o ra b . %-c s d e c la re th e se '' IS [iien w ill m eet •'< le r e p u b li e a i is a n d w ill b e s ln m g a l ta e h . / ',o

-ew o rk s a n d th is y e a r llie v o |e i> v.- e a g e r ly tn th e a r jr im ie u ts o f a ll le p re s e n t l in e u p in b n th p a r l i e s "

e o n v e n lto n s . P n l r in lis tn n l tb e l :e s th is y e a r a n d if th e le a d e rs h o n g h ls in th e n tti rd sT if t h e c it- jJ! o r n e l io n in t h a t d iro c t io n .— — ------------------ --------------------- At


lpMUL.SIvp*tca to Tb* Tlin**. 1I01.1.ISTJ:u . Jim ^ 17.—Mr. .-in.!>lrn. J . II. Trornclly. Jr .. Mr«. F. I’. ;i.-»tr*.-Mr" U. n . MorrlioiiNc n il ol loUI.Mcr. nml Mrn. A. (J. Howell of , >;i)mnn ilatn le ft ' h rre i“nrly T u rn l.iv ^ tiom lnE tnr nol«c » l i( r r ilipy w in n»- m il Gr.mcl C liap lrr. Oj-itPr o t tli--- -V.Mir.m Sfnr.

M r anil >tra. R. W. Mort .iml Mr*. S H ahn ntl«-n<lr<l the tunrrn i to r Mrs. .

)cal of R osrnm n In Twin f 'a llo Mnn- lay nfl'Tnoon.'R u tli nnU TriV>llitl) .i r r oprnO-

nc one w^<*k w llli i tirlr iiimt. Mrv l<‘rtbn S u lh .in r In Jerom e. ' '

Ml»* Alvina G crtla r ha« cnne tn fw ln F a lli fo r a few <l.iy» to 'vl^ll — le r luint. Mn*. Oun .XlnorVr I

IT inrlotie *nd Mary T roenilly a r r 1 ilaytnc a t th e home of ih c lr sr.indpa r- •nt». w b llf Ih e lr 'p a rrn tji nre m Ilolse. 1

■''FOOnMAl.f: —• T he ladl<*« of. ihe rtiT lsflan rtiurcli *111- holil a ro o V tl foor s a t i i> i4 iJ lay. J u n r m a i th e S un rt.in l Fiinrfi- i u re irtore. t/J* M .iln av « iiif iw uih .-- p.'*

1 ^5 '

:e . f t a ' J g r H


1 "■ .MKTHOIU.ST. K l'IS l’Ol'AI. |> J l j o Rev. H .'O . num phrey , iiimtor

~ \ a. m., Sunday scliool, 1-X 1.. Ash jto a , supo rln tcnden t; 11 a . in., iirnacli imK by tlie paator. Serm on on 'T in OrlKlnal Markli of a Clirlritlan." An

^ 'I tlioa i. " U l All fho People Sny Amen.' y|H<'>'«tT. o s i in o r y . "The V i'/ftlm y U v e SonK.'* Novorn. • Rccentlon -ci

m em bers.. 7 p. ill.. Epw ortli I/Ciirik (levoilonnl bervlco led Iiy Mliis H ar

e r ic l 'n irockm orton . 8 p. lu.. noni: j . iier'-lce. led by .MrA. K S. Bell. Aa-

theiii. "Rod Ih- Oiir R efuse." MIIch ” Aj)hw. Duot. “ In tbe G arden." by tin r AHtiHcn CarlKOn itlld Case, 8crinon li)

llie pu irt« r,,"C hrl«fs Conflict w ith llu .. aednccrH on tho D octrine of th e Hen. ' u rrec llon ." *•- _ _0 CilUI.STIAN .SriKX/'Ka —F irs t Church of Clirlsl SeleniiKt IGfl

• Ninth avenue cnnt. " i s the Unlverin., H tclijdlnx Kvi>lvfiJ by Alonilc

If I 'o rce !" Ih tlic subject of tho Icuson c nerm on.' Ooldcn tex t. lalah -ICi.22, _ " l/io k U nlo .Mo, and Be Vo Soved. All , th e IJnds o f th e IM rtli: fo r 1 Am* God. and T liero Is Nona Blan.”V day nervlcoH a ro he)d a t 11 a. ni. Sun- f. (lay school fo r pupils under 20 yeiirs

i>r ajfo 'I s hold i t 10 n. ni. Tho We<l-■ neiiday ovcnlna iiinellns will be a l 8

o’clock., a ' rcadluK room a'. iruVj .Main avenue n o rt. Ift open dally fmi'i

■ Itn o to -1:30 p. m. A ll a rc welcome ' to a tten d on r Aervlccn and lo viuli - the roft<linK j'rfoni.

. M K T IIO lH .H l^klM llK Itl.V “ •1 Tlio Rev. a in r le 's D. rin ic h o r. pn«- ' lor. Sunday school n t 10 o ’clock. 11.

S. T nylor. H uiiorlnlendent I'r lm nn- r depu rtm ca t a l 10 o'clock. T ills ifo-■ iia rtm en t tneots In thn linsrmjmJ ut

!,ho church. - Miss aillnR Is supvrln-I loadenl. Oriided lemmnH a re lined In . Dvery c lass . T he Sunday school , ahoslra will play .— MomlnK .worshAa.


Ky H B iniA HOYT.

<l!iilled Pn>H» Fashion K dltnr) ' NEW Y on ic— Prin ted chlffon 'froclts

irnforalily w llh iimnll geom eirlcnl or •toral doBlKOB, w ill ploy aa Importflnt >nrt In t*o euniiner w ardrobe. Colors iiost opparon t th is year n re hlues, :olden brow ns nnd hennas, funblan <nd orchids. T he printed chiffon •rook Is p rim arily an afiernoon model. invInK lonB sleovcs. nnd bolni? simply nndo cx cep t fo r fro tu sVIrt • fullncme >r side drape ry .

For c loth frocks naUhofld* nro the -cry new est irlmm lnR, rcplaclaR In « vay, beaded o r nllk om>iroldery. Somo •f tlio luuiortcd tw o-piece models have, ho e n tire bojllcir portions sluddcdj vllh e ith er s ilv e r o r Kilt nnllhendrf.; >liiced In -f lo ra l o r ecom clrical * de> Ipiil. F e ll ha ts , w tlli-b rim s ou tllhv

.ll III nrtl»iea<}« ar ivllh rrow ns em- ;>oIllnhed u'ltii na ilheads nrc to lie| iihonn la te r on. j

* Thn la rc e h liick 'hn t of linlr o r straw may be trlm m ud so ns ftK betlor ha r- .

I-innUe w iih th e various rn lors of one’s , rocks by iisInK »evr>rul narrow rib - ' K>ns o ( vjirJojw eniOni slilrred and Joined toKotlil';; • to form the crown band. One larije hlnck ha ir flhnpc ises purp le, rcino. c reen iind yellow Ibbon o f na rrow w ld tirjoltii'il loKclIi-, -r. T ills m akes n bnml sufficiently vide, «o th a t it may be lined half on lie crow n and half on tlie brim . i

P rin ted bfithlnc su its o r cre lonne or Ijrht cballis a re shown I'T ilie sm art- -.It n t i b avenue shonn, They nrc mndo -t d ress fnslilon beliiR l>eltr<l n t a low valslllne. I t Is thouslit Hint ' mo.M vomoa will p re fe r lliesc prlnled suitii ir p la in ta t/e ln s above one-piece -ypcn* ____

W nlRtllnesaro Just a b it bic lie r th is venr tbuii they were Iiihl. A few of he 1‘n ris lan denlsniT s are altem plinK o lirlHK Ihe poiuure of tlie w aistline

•inck (o norm al, but. w ilb the exrop- Ion of youthfu l period frocks, tlie low vnlhi-ri-m alns, W here it was plno-rl ow on the h ips last «ra»on. tl i e ’ i>eft B nnw iilncfil a t the top of Ibe b lp r

IJoib sm all nnd la rs e bn ts nre beinc ;ho^en for Ihe sum m er. A c re a l deni IriM-nds upon th e w enrer. T all._sien- J e r piT sons o r m atrons w ltb sta le ly iro i« r t io n s -c a n w ear ihe larKC lint. A borcas sm n ll and s(»»t ihmild adhere lo sm a lle r shapes. .

A n s w e r i

1. C harles rb a p lln , ___:2. I’oln NeRrl. I .1. W ill R ocers. ' t . (.1. Xormn Tnlm ndce. |I<> I> lel1e '

Taylor. (c> Frances ' Uciw.-ird.j <d> K leanor lUKinlm.in. <e> 1 Jolivna Knlpion. I

iJIli-in n isb . I(I. A p lm lo sra p h 'tak e n from a flliii|

for u se tn advorll.«lns new»p.\-^ l>er». anil lobby dli>plnyi>. t

: . Mnry I’lckforcl nnd Xllofla Swnn-

R- G>-ne T unne" llalM’ Uuth. Jark}. . Dempsey. Refl . G ranee . am|

Charles Faildoek. * )fl. ro lle i-n .MoOre. 1

JO. JnJin Bunny. *


Mr V a lu 4 PTMe __ I^IJ.St-: 17. 1?*17.

T K i j la n D um a In secret Aitkkm.i p .iW s*re»o lu tloo for li^ie<H ale of-!

V ' ■

T W I N F A L ^ S d a i l y T I M E ^


At 11 o 'c lock. Serm on subject, ‘T tit dor. y<i>"<’ of I jntliuslnsm o r tbo S e c ro t 'o l Vsli- K njoyn .icn i^ i W orjt." SpccIM.mtviic. [ich- K pw orlh jyaKue a t . 7.. o ’c lo c k ,. 4oplc, Tim “ CollJi-;!, *\Vhv, Whe>e. H o*?" Cln'r- y\(,. i*ncn Case will lifkvo cliarao O f.tho do- c n " N'olliins iind w llh load In tho d iscus- tiaij lions, The orchcstrn will piny. Evo- . of ulnit service a i .8 o'c lock. ‘ .,Sornibi)

■Biio ^uUjoct. ''.M oder;rl’n tcliw ork.“ a-soiFk ]iir- s'orvlcc will precedo tlio serm on. I2p- onK '' 'o r ih leuKUO In itltu tn Ju ly li to 12. A i|. a l the in stliu io sroundH north of Ket- lc». clium. lleservn tlpnsj may bo 'm nde ti,o « llh Ocnn .MIll|nn-or H arvoy Wobd.

I hy ■ — —llio , h 'D IJlftm .V CI1KI.ST(AN*

r J, KllloU Sllm p. pastor. A splondld i^i> w as enjoyed Inst Sunday. Wo aro tflnd 10 socu^ur n ttendanco ' liotdlnK up. Wo .nlwaSy enjoy, vlsllInK friends.

IGO Vome and brniK '.ns many of ‘ Jo u r ' rin., Crlendn -with you a s possihlo. Wo nilc bave c lassos fo r a ll axes, and fsood son l«»ehcrs over a ll theso einssos. Tho 1.22. Blhle school will ihoul a l 10 o'clock. All Ooiumuninn ai 11 o'c lock. O brlsllim Am K n'leavor af. ,r..o'olocJ<. I.ct Us .mnko lilt- ou r Chriiillan Hndcutvor tnoetlns tb e ' un- best yet, ” • ‘ 'a rs -e<l- !• ST. 1;T»>VA11I>:S fA T H O IlIC * 8 Tho Rev. Uvnil .SI Kayzor.i p a sto r. |

Mii'isea Sundays, 7»hnd D o 'clock n. ni. "in .Mans weok days 7 n. m. No ovonlnn ' aie aervlec iluriiu; sinDnu-r m onths. ,

ASl'NSION KPISCOl'A I, ’Tho Rev. W. H . W ard In clmrBO.

; ne .:n J« r church school cJnssos hnvo n»- i^(.n dlncantlnuod iinill Soplcm hor 1. II- fl:flO a. m.. M o r n l^ prayor and w r - {

ify inou; • Prncesiildnai; • "The Son of ‘ Ciitlwr: "VonUe," R obinson: "T o :

«t Detm'i," Ijiw es : "Bonedlctuc,’' B udk: ' in- la-rmon iDiiin. ’*0 F o r a Closer W nlh In with God." Dykes; oCfcrtory, Soleolod,

"/'• a n ilrec ess lo n u l. “S o ld le r irb f C h ris t,'’ ______ .......... ... . .

r ' , F lIW T P R m Y T K llIA N ' • Tlin Rev. A. 0 . .‘'P ea rso n . ' pasto r. '

;!;ir) a. ni., S und n / 'sc lio o l. No one . ;ver K radualen 'fron t nny Biblo school. We welcome both odulis and ch lld run . I

__ 11:00 a. m„ .Momlnir w orship. M iss t

Iks ' 'I mm■11#

•■■"'For110 ^v e , , . ,cd {|‘;1 W hat \j;puld be the j;j taking Jw ay your ei '” ! com fortably 'taken

i r - ! Y o u , a l o n e , a r e r e s i

°C\ w t h o n e o f t h e s e D lnd

w .Don’t let this oppor ')■: application now.DU

" ~ ' ORDdo ’ «

TW IN FA LLS DAILY lit. Tw in Falls, Id ah o

P lease en te r m y su Daily Tim es fo r a i?ci

‘ 1 herew ith rem ittance irHK below, 1nep. rl-’Ji I'J.A CK ' : I ,

’’t fH K tJK .MAKKiin. -J tw­in I 'ltU P E R r

"1 SPACE • In- > ----- -

N 0T K .-.V lI.8ubscr)£llnns Areeij One nionlb __________—......I. •

T hree liiohlhs — 1

_ i ^ 3 1 6 ' Al'P I,!■ I hereby apply to Ibe No

p.my. 200 a . La Halle S t.. (-'I _ J . A pprerlntlon A cclJenl Policy I

- I P u ll Nam e? — .....................

' O cc u p ^o n T ......... ...... — ....

-tl. Adtlri-jis ------------- -, | I S tre f t

j l lrn e flria ry 's Nam e? .......... .im! (Pe rson you «

R e la tio n sh ip ? ________ ______

n - | s i i a a lu r r o f A pplicant------ !—

-It 1 \ AKonl.....^------

-----------1 In ease you wlAh to havi' In *onie caailW ale iV T h* T

/ t> ex iru ehai*se by w rliln a ihe

N m e of C.indiifu

j T w i n

A , I - . • •

rtio M arcaro t .O w ens will slni; Roma's ■ol ••Oratefiii O I» rd Am I." Tbo an- sic. them is- “Joru salem tbo G olden.''-by pic, M endelssohn. T h e serm oti subject Ix n'r- "T urned Buck." ' 11:15 a. in., Tlio Jun- do- io r.C . E. society w ill nfcot td lh us- Dunn. 7:0(tn^i m., Intonuedloto nnd vo- Senior C. K rT O ^W y; wlU hold thoir 101) rcsnectlvn 4»w o tln» . -8:00 p. m., Bvct

nidff w orsh ip ... Tlfc phstp r will speak 2p- on Iho sub jec t. "A\) expensive Refus- 12. a l." The an lheiii Is "Now Iho Dav ct* rs ,O vet','t.by Speaks. -T o u ris ts and ide tm vnlln i; people a re cordially InvKon

to w orship w ith us, ’ * •

' - C m U ST lA X ' I ■bl All rei^itlur serv ices w ill IM hold ns »r,o tiBual a t th e C hrlsilan church. Tho ■>K pastor,, tho u sh obilsed to ho out oi o s. (own du rln ir tho week, will ' return •‘•r from M aalc H oi Sprlnus Snturdny nnd >vo w ill conduct a ll services for Ihe day. lOd ^ ' ______________ ....... -

M l'S T PAY IlII.LS PORTLAND, Ore.—AlthouRh Port-,

land flreiuen nro no t pa id a hldL4U n e.l lie ovon th a t Income is r e m o v c / l f tlie?T

nro dcllDquoQt in ttaylMK tholr hills. { ^ T h r e o firom oni includlnR ono w ith .

'•>.'16 years of service, wero suspended from the tho doparlm ont hero reeently

' w hen a board of firo chiefs decided ' thoy had failed l o pay ihc Ir Jusi-dehu.

J u s t how paym ent will Jio Tmntle ^ now, w ith tho firomon’ throw n o ia of ^ w ork, w ns no l oxi>lalnod by tl\n chlefiu

TKIICkMKN, AITKXTIOX ’. ' r in n l o rtnu ilsa tlon moetlnK. to vote , • upon nrtlc lo# of Incorporation and b y - ,.

law s, w ill btt held Friday ovenlnff,' p . Ju n o l t 8h. rit Citizens Club Room, a t

8:00 o'c lock. l i W. K. SANOICR,

C hairnm n OrKanlzutlon Cnmmilleo, I": ' ' - - u d v .

’ FIR K CHACKKRS . --------.r i r e .c ra ck e rs uveninRs nl c ity llm-

,f, its on Uluo L akes Blvd.—adv.

Jl. F « R SA Ll>^W nm en’B pure silk • n . iioslery, now HrIiI shades, sjiecinl gs p rice, &8c. B a rb e r Shoe Co.—adv.

r« Y o u r C hhe future of your family ij ' earning ^ower? ' .Would tl in care of’ and provided f<

e s p o n f l i b l e f o r y . b u r f a m i l y ’

. D a i l y T i m e s ’ p o l i c i e s .

)oi*tunity to provide for the

XDER FO RM1 „ ......1 9 2


subscrip tion to the T \\in Fall's l?cricd o f one year. I enclose * in. accordance w ith rates giver

D R enew al Subscription.

New Swbscription.

Are P s ja b le in A dranee—.CO 8 lJ m onths ............................ 3.2!

.. 'l .6S One y e a r ..................................C.Oi

.'PMCATIOX FORM Oltt.?-N orth A m erican Accident Insurance Com

. (••hlcnRO. in . . fo r the IIU.OOO AnnlveMnrj Icy for $3.00 a year.

.......... ...................... ........- ......... AReT..-..-’.--------

....T o w n " '" '" .................. ' s u i e

u w ish to receive In suranro ll ----------------- -

havo th e vo tes on your siilrscrlpllon rIv- » T im es' caropsU n, you may do so wf the candidate’s nam e on tb«' fine below:

diifnte)_._.....} .__ ________ ________________ _

i F M

= = = = = ''■■!ST;'r,’==y===:a=!i=;

J^ [ ■ • ••(lUAllrUATK l.V COIiOKADO *W *

(trnditallon of .lCvArett Jn iu n n d .F m n - c l s .C . 'J a i n p t Tw in F nlla;-fort/io rly i

> f ..M u rtao g lii • a n d s o n s ; o f Mr. .flhflJ >^lr^ D. F . ' Ja in , o f '8 a n D^cso.- f e i f l Ihh to iloB o 'qf I-'iiKlnoerlns.’I ln iv u w l^

-of'.Colom do, n t 'B oulder. Ttio,Corifl||f has accppVKl u .p o sU Iw w ith tKo iioh*'iCommonwoaUh ’U tllltlos ’ cuai*

ipany of ChlciiRO, iwhilo Iho -la tto r will h-b ' ko w ith .th o D aly coinpony o f.D cn v erJ

iH iBaking Bbwi

3 - ■ 'Ip. ^ or Best Re

inci“ ' - - . D O U S L C

' Rrst ih th e Pougiir

Foi* o v e r 2MliHong o f P o u n dSeA Jsc d '

mml i l d r e n t 'S S

, Xv

if something serious shot they become public vfar'di for? ■

ty ’a w elfa r^p ro tec t diem

:hcm slip through your liar

IWmOSQ ' -i en ■

You N eed Killed to (

s This InsurX ^ for ilie T

$10 to $2— . r ^ o r 15 c o n g e <

Z ^ f o r a n y m j i i r i

^ i n a n y m a n rRiven

i n e a c h p o l i c

D a i l y ^

■"n- ICin Knplia m ■ honorary ' frnterplM ?*,/ >>'I>’|nn<t -Prattois -m o n ib e ro t th e >ln*: • f lh W r ie p e n d e ^ M ;^ ^ Boulder, ■

Ig l te n d ln i i '- 'C o U R v a i^ ^ ctfMcgo' A t,'-■ '

i t l ih F H K T iifcnTT^PiioNK w a DR. ' w rJ rO S T K K . H O l^ S » M '8 A a d r . -

wder isM th e ;

lesultkllse J

1 A C ^ tQ I « : 'i i r T h e n i n t t H i s ' P v e n


eii'*By Oi!yr.*Gpvernrnen<f

i l B j i

i o u l d * h a p p e h . t o y o u , ,

r ' d s , o r w d i i l d . t h e y b e

m a n d y o u r p r o p e r l y .

l a i i d s ^ ^ ^ ^ n ' d i n - y o u r

I/ V W I n s u r a n c e

i O O f e ‘ ::

d M H

C oM elt loiii ;?p n c e ^ - , . , ; j

Policy Pays)20 a W e e k - ^ecu H v i .’ e ^ k s ■ tries sii'^t^iied in e r /Specified ■ icy. ■

r i i & e s

Page 5: :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill oyisjnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · i n r . i — cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 ' ce sr vait*« m aa ^ LOS


f # 5*_■■ ■ 4 ■

'■'. ‘ §:!:-, M a' > is » 'l

- Uvo. p a r U c I p a i i tS ^ l b« >di: ■ ' . Tlio. Dome*. ojr:U)t»0 eate:

No. 1, to se tbo r w llh .a ll Totei , uay noon. a ro T u fo llow *.

/ Babbol, R o y ___z L L l - -■' . • ,B o j . s te f tc a _

Brow n. MIb» H o lo n _____________ . g d j r o » ., M j ^

CroM, M rt. L . 'c . H um pLr»r..M ra.

Mlnnorl)-, M rs. Ed ii._ i:..,M oine ,.J. T . ______ ..■PInkley. Cawon ______P orter, Dalo ___Schaefcr ,J . h 5, _____ -Stum p, Mw. o’. - ....... .....W arborg Mra.^^W

■ Y oungs,., ____

Distri..U ibU lW ct N p Js!w m 'ln c lu d n b u i- o r 'c n g tlo fo rd 'o rv n rh a tn o 'DUUl j i r Ca»TlBforiJ po»t tw o. o t tUq pritB c ars and :aotJvQ ‘particJpnatiV be •

Tho nam es of Umno ODtor N ^ , lo iw lhcr.w U li n irv o tc n

: .UayTiooD, a re aaT followa. .

• Banbury.' Mr«. Bay, Dubl ......: D onar. 'M iss- Ei*Ie. vlU F. D..

CJawsoD. W rs, WlnaJe, IL T. Lo*an. M rs. E . D.. ICtutlefor M eUrM laa Dordtby.->RFD. B ol

------- - M lllor. Mis# E?Jna;vlL.F. D i i' Sandgron. Miin Nfinitf. Bubl

- Todd. Ml«8 BcbsIo, RPO. C ast. . ■ W ard. Miss-DbrlB, R PD . Bubl

D istil. ■ BWtrta N d. l i 'w h l lo a n

• In .ib f t t p a rt o f ,f to te r iK o n . , T ifae i, wbloU la rsnot include:

tr lc t No. S . , A t l & r oneABd , .-a* m any casB-’ d w a r® a< 'U i

d ta trtbuted In D is tr ic t No. a T be nam es of .tbose on.toi

.t r lc t No. 3. toRother w ith n il • yeito rdoy jioon . K r ^ s W ftxsi

1 Bockloy. M ra .W o lte R i i . V'.-'l . ' Coinor, M lis iJ lad y s E dna, U

- Cotton, V Irtli. H anaon E ldred , M rs. Holoil T aljer. *n.

* E a rd jn . Mrs. H . '& ',tB u r le y JH opklM . MIsb SbJrley. R. F . 1 K la a a r ^ J .. R .;F 5 .D ..,T w ia K rueger, Mrs. P ra n k , B . P . 1 Ix w in h l. MJia.BoMJo, Rogerao

- MoKray. Ml*s 'V oroniea. Pilei Morion, M rs. N olllo M . H aie l Owens.. MIbs. Lena;r F llo r

I Roberta. M iss' Both. Illu rtnugSlober^ Danlei: P llo r ................Snow. Mrtfl P . W.. R. P . D.. TwI T u rner, MIbs M arian, Klmbocl W o o f .P ra n k C.; Rpn^rson —

M ti •

H -r.- r w i t i i ^ i

■ i.


F w Syou u

r i l # No. 1 ^ttcitide on ly tbo io partfclpantii residing :T w ln Pallfl. At le as t ooo. and possibly 1 -aa m any m b aw ards as tbefb uro ao- TdlBtrlbutod In D istric t.N o . 1. v Dtered, up lo tbe p ro jen l IJme.Ja D J j I r J ^ )t08 e a s t fo r publication up u n til yestnr-

------- ..............;..;!-.-Joo,«o... -----— ......................... .............„_...«7,900 '------------------------J............. ................ .....«7.9rtO

---------................... ..........6,000....................................... ..............- ....._...11G,900— — ...... - ........................................_'(£H).3 0_•----------------------------- -----------:...i07.400

.................. ..................< 11,200--------- Ji............................. ..................... 6,000-----_____________________- ............... 6,000------- ...................... .................................. 6.100— ..... ........... - ............... ;....408.3U0

........ ..........................<02.600............. ............................ 412.000

____f . . . ____________ ______________2H..71K)

rict No. 2 ‘lude on ly tbbno participants ronldlng IQ bo rcoelvo tho lr moll. tlirouRh e llbur ' OBtofflcoB^ A t .leant one and pOBslbly* d aa m any casU awnrda a s iboro aro le - (J la t^ u te d In D istric t No. 2. to rcd . np to (bo present tlmo Itl D istric t ten .coat ( o r ‘{tubllcntlon up until yoslur-

............... .................... ............v—...400,70tl).. Dubl .. .............................................443.200J’V 'D i.'^B ubl _ iC ..........................„,.)06,408i f O f r t ' _________ ____ ___4«,SOOBubl J l . . . - ' .......... ............................... 437.200i ' a o b l . - --------------------------- ............ 48,300ibl ................................. ..........;.447,GOO.astlp fo rd________________________ 6.009u h l ___ _________________ c.noo

■ibt ;N o_3elDde DBly tliotil p a rtlc lp a sta ro tld in s o r r ' l i n k e d b y .T b o Tw in F alla ;D ally ided lit e ith er D istric t Ne. L e r DIb. tad posaUily tw o o f th e prize c a rs and 'Ui'crcT-'Ste ;nctlT« ■'particlpanta w ill bo

>.torcd. up to tho presen t time', in Dla> a ll Yotaa qnat (or publication up u n t i l .

■ ■ , . . . , f .- 'D :;T w in F ^ i _ 5 . ;2 ™ Z ..j4 iX 6 < )6 1, U onaen — ........................... .430.200

____________________ ___- .........,10.200•n . p . D.. Tw in F alla .............,.,...426,300f ________ _— ....................... 407,300?•. D., J e r o m e ___ .............________ 6,000in P a U a ------ ............................... ......402.600^ D.. T w in P a llB ...... .....................423.600r o o n .............................. .................... 6,000H er ........................................ „r.......431.COO.xelton - ...............- ..... - ...................... B.OOO;___ __ ___ • .................................... 32,700lugU___ ;;................r..432,60t)___ _____________________________ ' 6 ^ ,rw In PallB ------------- ------- - 69.300«c ly ..... _ 4J8.600___' ____ _ . 26.000

I f Y o u W o u ld P ^ c i p a t e ■ Y o u C a n

* T o partlH patft In th is 'b i^ fr«« offei ii>ims ( b a t a ll w tirk en w ill U c o ap e n sa t L .S tfr^ In k w llh b b a ils i>( 10 p e r n n i nmmlsaleB en i(il (he bRRlnras tn rae d la b e J lm e a wlli tr iie m nch n o r* TaioabI< lf(a to (bo«e who «I« fceMer U u o WMBfl > M r s » eoBBiUsIoB. I I J s ft f a ir aai t i ^ r » -bDslBHii o lf r r and thoM irK h i D dneaa fis lo n w ill aee la I t (k e ir e p j^ r iaw>-.*l k lU e tim e. J u t m all la th e > » «

a t th e bottom o( tk la page

S ^ S ^ S S S S S !''' — ■ (~ » . T » | M . Bl% U«e»

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M Votes :-----------:-------- n j

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L D i i i iwould win you

bppdIng V ,• . * *blyao- ■ . , , .

nr- •

'£■ C900 ■ 1

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I Campaij a ' tions ma)on

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V o te s C

Jl ' ■ ,B> ____ _id • ■bo - 6 months"i". ly e a r ._ ..............

, J . . 2 ‘yeara06-1 f « * ' . T -7 B V ? !- ./00 ■ 3 y e a rs __00 ,

4, years

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F I R S T W E E i T c O

20l|lXH)ExtKo a l t r T la w .- aatfU M t j * e u d U a to to U aabaertpU oaa. a d O r a ^ . t a «bH» e f t h a l r • a t ry . T T " ( ■

K i S « / « f SBbaerlber;----- ---------------- 1 -

r ta n a o t t t b a ^ r ------ --

N a m «l « M ^ r . _ l _ < ------------OaadidaU'a Kama ----------------

OB« T ln tV eiefc OBopoB caa be ^

5 ro [a * 6 B ? 4 i5 « ^ tb e Mla tba <*ap«l«a.' ■


• ■ ' ' . T T O P A L L S D A T l i Y I

a¥ SSt ' "■ur chqice make

6 r£unity Goi'■ ■■ ' •

jong Sounign offjice will be lailed ;and postmai o r first period vot ign office before 1

an win your ch

4 0 W i s t hHerfe Figure It

\ Given DUnng. F irst P eriod Enc

Ns — ..... i9,.. 1.......... ........... ...-40,............................ .................................. ............ '9 0, mn .n-

____ ........................................... ....................m ,.... ................ 1.......270

.... ............ .............. ...................................540,

’s not when you v JU turn them in. e desired, must b ght, June 20, o r ir


■f-— :0 UBPN Good!ra V o t^ §

: 3 S Bu m . m M n W U. ISSiSSirlac tbe .Tlrat -Waak

• , • C a » d ^ - a ^ l• : V- ABoaak'«M

7- - - ■ • -riJSsri^ Twta FtaUa :

— . ■ .— • r -«ertpOoa TOOn TOtod b 7 .«Mih OM* { t » A c a d tk«nMerlttWB. ot tM r j w or loatiBaaOMau’* lU M « • » • , to tte • o n l

( 'T T tM E S - ___________ _____________

p i ~ Ae these last two

«ng! W ill

nds at l oJ open until 1 0 o ’( arked. up to 10 I Dtes, even though Tuesday, o r ever

hoke of the 4

le tim e toIt O ut for Yours*

L n d in g 'J u n 'e 2 0 V o te s '

N e w 'R e n e w a l

1 9 , 0 0 0 ■ 4 , 0 0 0 6 m o n

4 0 , o b o 1 0 , 0 0 0 1 y e a r

'9 0 ^ 0 0 0 ' ^ 0 , 0 0 0 g y e a r

,6 5 ,o 'b S ^ ! 7 5 , 0 0 0 ■ 3 y e a r

! 7 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 . 4 y e a r

; 4 0 ,0 0 0 3 6 0 , 0 0 0 . 6 y e a r

N O T Kwrite subscriptioj ■ Subscriptions^ v be in oui* office in the mail by. thi

» H U S T L

[ for 10,000 Extra Vo‘tJBST SUBSCBm iOS CODFOX-----

apaaled, by tbo .aomUiaUoa blank aad Bcrtptioa.*tMa coupoa will aU rt yoo Ii Ute oacnlfleeat Twta FWla DaUy Tlmea mmd total o t BMT* tbaa M.000 votaa. a v b» oaed a a l^ ^ w M d^la Txlid oalT

.B n b a a lb e r _____ .r,,,,-,,!......

i*B^NaB* - • — - -■ --- ■■ ' —B oetoM I ' ~_ _ _ _ _ _ — 1eeopoa irin oooat 10.MS «stra tre* ’volM to tb * jO a a p a In M aaacvr. a t tba .o tO c* o OS DaUy .T lB a * . to « i^ o r :« r U b tb o tlr« t T o a. oWatd,^ t t n o T ^ a o o onpaa led b tk « 'sAbacHpUoa « n u t b a fo r a ve rto d <

M tw .i .T b i xe.OM.tlM m tM w ra .m ASDl iinnbtt; g tv i i^ o e tb o m f ia M p tk tt ; « a . p<

» i i£ - ^ s £ s a

V F T E R l3 days count

I it Be Gone

P . M . Mo)’clock M onday li P. M., 'M onday, h theyYnay not re: in later.

\ big cars by IW

) win, noFs e l f . C o m p a r e T tes G i v e n D u r i n g F o u r t h P e r i o d , .

o n th s ....................... :............ .>ar .................. .......... ...........-.....»ars .... ....... ............—.........jars ---------...............................jars ...............................................jars ...:.:...... ................ ............ .-.....

C E !□ns thiat counts, I w here F irst Peril e by 1 0 o!clock, hat time.^

LE - W «

........... ■ -'T^ I F R E E V a

« Goodier ?£SL.o ly w baa — i h a rab ? e a a t PB

' “ T M lia. M r . 'o r U ra . —

, T b U 'c o o p o a . N B M a d d re n o t tb a .Cs&dMati

------------- >-7 «T*d tP 't b a C a m p a lsB 'u a vb«B D ally ‘n a M a . . v m ; < » n t« e t T ho M t COM aayth iac^ tp «ail r « t s o b . t o eaa d tdb ta . a a d y o n 'a a by tb a w « a f t b m . O at d « t o a a 0)1 eooaL*- - -

' p ^ B W J a a a 'X f, ittW ..

a M iM i

■- ' " ~ ' ■ •.rAQE FrVB

TODAYle for You?

ondayliight.. Subscrip- y, June'"20, will •each The.Tim es

Monday night

rla te rrhese}d,. J u l y p t h l o J u l y 1 6 th

o rRenew al ,

.................;........................... : 1 , 0 0 0

........... , .... ...... ................. 3 ,0 0 0

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.....■ ■■.:■ 3 0 , 0 0 0 '

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------------ ---------------

' ' ' ■ ' ’ f but when 'riod Votes t, M onday ^

" ' ■ , ..........■. iV.

IN!- ' I

F or75;lii® |rpRCB-VOTES te.^tbo< «ro«K.v!all

BilTLT.> CLIPSSDMaU tU U d :1b,. a ad :'a « IMSB D a p a i te w e f ^ t t o . J W e ' i Ma r t .» a ? S v ^ M r ^ y O T i a f t < a f i B S M Bo oft'.tbw ar'ooaiM A flD C ftM « ' ar« ;M t^ r« « fM * r

Page 6: :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill oyisjnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · i n r . i — cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 ' ce sr vait*« m aa ^ LOS

' .......... ...

W ^ m s i

- t o A l m i K E sQ afd in e r, P lay ing G am e o f Hi

'■ H its, Includ ing DoubI r ' P ep a n d Fie

BpMlU S lipatoh to Tb* T lm *iIDAHO PAl.U*?. Jiirto 17—TIio Twit* i

Fo llii DmlRiT'yoKtoriliiy riiUli!il huliliKl : tUo Rtomly, hciiily imOiliiK o f tlii'lr Mtar Ijoxmim, Cnnflolil. nnil wltvn ttiif i (Itifil Iinil KDttlcd o ii tlin (Iclit )i«r«. th '' T w ill r'utlii nquiiil hnit ilofciitnl tho :

, Id ah o 'ii)li> SpudH. fl 10 3.Cnnfiolil h iirltiJ n rrn i Kaiix-.

1DR o u t olght .iiiun and n-cclvcil kIH- ' rlJKctl «nj)|K jrt’from IiIh m ati n In llu- fk lil.

‘ Tho Briilnit .cliaaoil four, cofiiiliTx ove r th n p la tte r In tlii' uimnliiK In'iiliiK

' uD<l iiiMoU iino thor In tho iiovcnlh nn .ubatl,,coDAliit<inl.. hlltlnK. Cnrtllncr, playlnfC 'thn ffaiiio o f liU lire, h'll (ho vliillorii' a ttu ch ; K ottluK 'th rfi- l.liiulcs «Tut o f flvn tim e* «il hnt, litclmUui: n

' double , Alloway nn<( M ul nlno Hma(o«• tho p ill fo r t w U«BO eoiintiTX. H oaa.

ApporHOnimd K moovlch cacli oh tiiliinl , 't w o hltn.

.CaDrioIil’ii i)|tclilnR wnn tlio m a t fi-ii' u iro o f tho imniP. In mtdUlon to wlilf-flD lf*olj!ht-SpmI».-4jo.li«-ltl l l......— lo -rJsh t lill" imil, w ltlt thn oxcoiitlon nf : tJio f if th . w hen ,tfi«y Hcorfit tw o riinii nml th o c islitli w hen Ihoy pu t a n - ; otI?<?r ftvpr JJjo iih le . Iijiil tJwri) wt-ll . In ^ ipck .-.Tho box, Bcoro o f ycHionliiy'ii

. fo llow s: > I - I C ; . •, • - l ‘w iN FAI.1,S ‘

AH It n I’o A i: , i io a c . t f ................... r- 1 :: >' <> f> ;ApporsoD, rf ............- fl 2 2 I. 0 II

. O ard loo r. l b ..............6 0 :J o o 'H o rto n . 21. ....... ........ C l I 5 :i o

. UoUbo. c f .................... •« n 1 I 0 0AJloway. na ............ . 4 1 1 1 2 0;K rnw v lc li. 3b ........ < « 2 0 2 O;u a l , c ...... - ............... 3 .0 1 s 0 0CanH eld. p ......... — '■< » 0 () C »

Tolalfl .... ............. 3S r> 13 27 13 'I ■lU A ilO PALUS

AB K n p o A !■: tH u tto n , 2b ................ < 2 2 8 1 ItC olllna. n * .................. 4 0 1 1 3 1Bunco, I f ....................a 0 1 ) I) ^ tColemnti, r f ........ . i " J H ,T hom paon. c ............ ! 2 « ‘T adovlcb. cf .............. 3 «. 1 < 0 - 0SJlvo. c-3b ................ * « ' 1 2 ” « ,

• , CAllBShun, lb ............ ^ * 1 S i V .' L o tt D* .................... 3 0 0 0 0 0 . '

N ew blll, p ........... ... 0 0 0 0 . 0 0•N elaon ....................... 1 0 “ J ! _!! '

TotnlB ..................34 3 8 37 8 2 f.•H alted fo r U rtt In cIcliHi. s tru c k I

o u t. ,Scoro by Innlneii: *

• T w in PaUa .................... ••OO 000 1 00 -SId ah o m JIa ................... 000 020 1 0 0 -3

f iu m ia a ry :. T»»o httito lilts. A llowny. > U ftL .Q a rd n e r ; aacrlfleo liUa, u n rko . l

^ H b rto n . O ard lnor. U n i;-d o u b le pluy.H a t to n to ColllDB to 'C nllttithnn: a l rw k *o til . by U t t 0, by Nowblll 0 ; liy Can- f(ald 8* boKo on hntlM. o i l LoU 1. o il C nhflold 6: b lla , Off l ^ t t . 12 In H la- n ln sn . off N ow blll. I In 1 InnliiK. CanfloJil 8 In a Inn lnp i. h ll l>y j)|lrti« 'l

. ba ll. C anfield > s _ l .o t t : w ild jilioli. • •C anflPlil: tlm o o f ^ m c . l-M r. nm i.lr-x. Q fnab lca nml .McQuillan.

■ PO€ATF,I,LO 0* OfinKN ip M U l »l*p*tch to T h l T ln x t

>OODKN, Ju n n 17—Tho Ok»Icii Guu- •nero b lanked tlio PocaK llo Bnnnorl;;. h a ro TMitcrdny. fi lo 0. T oom ry, l.iirl-

- InB for tb.« G iinnrr«, liolil, I’ixu ii'llo to tiirco hllH. Tlut Hiinimary.^^,

• I>0CMC1I0 ............ 0"0 0(10 f)itO-0 :i aO silen ............. 0"" 2«3

^ 'D a tl* * r l r i r I 'u lluhan am i O ('■•uni l l : T oom cy nud U im banll.

i . o t a x i s T s y - r LAKK I t•pM Ud SU patch to Tb» TUn«l

I.OOAN. Ju n o 17—T ill ',S a lt. l--ili<- • IJ«-» nnd ihp l.oKan C o llca lans pliij'*Ml a BCfl-aaw Kamo here ypfllrrdny. llio flnn l scoru bclnK »3 to i i . U)iiaii


A t C incinna ti: . 'DroolUyn , ..................................... '

___C Inc lnnu il- ....... '. . > ^ D o n k an.l llarKn-aM -H;: iHin.itm-,

N ehf and H a rg rnM-a.

*'A t C hlcaK O -i:ii-l h'.li, UP lit la i lc lp h la ...................... .....................

M'l’l^ 'IriV und J. WIIhhii; U lak.’, lliHl- lin rt. J o n o i nn.l J la ^ n . li,

At I’lUnhiirKli: ” '•• iiom on .......................... - ........... i !; *

P lttH burcIi .. . . - • ’M rQiiIiian. Ci-iic* U'li. MoKii.a'*-ano

IloK un: AldrlilKP. -MorrlMjii. I c u iJ iti . and Sm ltti. Htx-nrcr.

O tltern no t nf^ediHpd.

AM KItir i N r.KAtil i: -

Al H osion— n m t cam r;Cl<-vpl.ind ..................................... V , ' 'D ostaa ...................................... a*. •' J .

H ud lln and U S « 'u t11: .M-ir-F a y d tn and H artley . Mi>oro.

S«>«)n.t r a m p -» :n .l a ll . ,H.C lpvHand .............................

•UoMoQ ............ ’ "-. M lllor. S liautP ainl KuffliK

fin e a n d H offraun. H arll-y .

At P h l la d d rh la : • If.r h ic a r o - ............... ............1

. H is iM H p n u - - ‘. • Barnat.M -. l l l a n k f ii . l . lr and -M.-< ur-

a y . S ch a lk : W allH-ri: aft-l iv rk ln s .

At W ajblnctoTI—Khd Tih. KD rtro l l . . . ’ •WaBlrtni^toTi ^

CdIIIbs an<l Ba»il»*r; IJ».Tjbi-«- an.lniw"!.. ^

A t Now Y ork : K ill , i:.S t . Lonl* ....................................... ; ‘ -N^w Y ork .. ......

S lpw art. .SKtori. and - <i .N.m. S c b a n c ; S h p c k rr and C o llin '. C rat.-

Rally BeM N HO ID SFO EIT iS OUT EIGHT MENHi* Life, Sm ites Ball fo r T hree ible; Locals Show Real 'ie ld Cleanly. ^

lu'orod nlnn ninn In ili>> rliHt IniiliiK It* an.l . ;alt l.nln- .■iinilnn.-l lo hniniiii-i-Kl ax/ay nntll th'- - lin.l lU.I II i|p. 'I'l....Ir l,oKaii put r.viT two ini.r-r In tlic Irt i?lKl»Ih to win. Th.- miminary:I'* ll. M. K.10 Sail i.iiUc ..... 'm l 11.1 .''in -.i! i : i

l.oi:iin .. ... - !i'M lilll 12“- Kl Ki ^t- IJali.irh-t.: Walp. Walli-rK and llow- I- iil-il; Wlni.'in. lliinH.-n iiit.l \v.>urli:rm.


r LAUNCH WORKI' toy UBlt»a Pr«»»

__I,OS ANCn-n.I'^S, fallf.. Jm if 17—. jm-it"'l)i'ini)»i’y.fiirin<T u'iirl.1'!i h.-av.v-

W' lnlit rhanililon, l.ifi Imr.- todny f.ir ‘ .S'i'w York Ul ont.-r (Inal tri.InliiK• fnr ,, a Imitio v.'ith Jack Shiirlii-y. i.'iitatl\i-- " Jy lillli^d for July 21.

Aci-onmanyljiK liompiu'y wan lii'i " ^wlfo. KiiU'll.!, Taylor, iiml r.'Jorry tin?

Cri'Olt" l.uviidlii. Illn traliici'.Th«' |inrly will innko lirlcf ulopii ii)

n .Vow Orlounii anil WaHtiliiKton, atli'i- „ wliliih .\lr». Oimilim-y will vIkII r.-la- „ tlv.'B In WllniliiKlon. Del.

:;j J P A C I F I C C O A S T


l-'.illowini; an- j'osi.-i-.lay'ii. r.-iuilli' In I-: tlu‘ 1'acin.r (roniit li-anno,(I It. 11. C.1 Porilnnd .............................. I !' ''u .Sat-rami-nlii............................. ii 2 211 - Vovkun and W.-iul.-ll; Kri.tliii: and0 S.?V4Ti-ld.0 .t • iLii.i^:.0 llollvwooil ............. ............... 2 r. 'I0 .MltlHloiiii ............................... 0 f> 20 aiioltoiiliiiPk an.l I). ...\hindiy: I.u-0 iloltdi. K<'kci'l <1n<l Wlilln.-y.'

2 San f-*rancino(i .......................... 7 12 11 i.'jit Anji.'fi-H....................... ..... f; It:

.MItcli.'ll. Miiy and Mcl'r.-a. U.'ko; l*lfr<-y. Hinllli and Haiiuuli. .San.lliiTK.

fl . --------3 II. U.K.->. Simttl.. ....................... - ....... I n I)1. 0^klItnd .. ...V .'. .......... fl 7 2

I'dwardii and Hrliinldl: I'oopiT and k llool.

■' . Best Sprinter

I . . . . ' : , .-hail'-y Iioi.ih. th.- ..i-t-

.r.ir.!r:''-M/ral'it.in.i.i i.tai-' u.i.1 Jlic I >lj i,;:-n lu win Jw,. .-v-.iiM In llic , 1,1., I C, 1.:m m..inh, .-.1 n-

i A ] V c H O O

^ h m d O ai f ..... W a te r ^*heriom

i-ee '

L ^ _ i

I »( Ili-rn'ii (IcorKo K ojar, tin- Hirlioolt tK'i' Mwlin niiirv.-l of Ni-w Vork, who Ida- niaklHK a - . ‘idrltod lilil for iiiiHoi

ii]irlnt liiiiiiDN In Ihc w ater K'lJ ilioul.l ho ci.nllntir- t.) Iinpi.jv.!. idioi

___ niali.- Jolinny W!-li;niull.'r a uond nollir. un it" III the licxl O lyiuiilr nm "

- B IG F O U RO F , B A S E B A L L

! II By TJBltca Pr«Mmn Hormdiy. wIili liin lli l i Imnii'r a

ih ro .' alacl.'n . lia.I a , p.-iT.-.-i day liat. . ^

i*; Kiiili hit hl:i 22ikI ............ n r 'ih o s<n Kon ami a i;hii:lo In r.iiir ilim-ii a t l>

llidh ('(.Idl anil Siioak.-r w rni h loiui 111 four aili'nipi...

All M I’f . I1 llorniii.y . . ■ ... Ki7' 71 ,::7(;r, Cohti .. . . v.ti 7'I

;t>: itiiili .......................... riK UK .;n::• rc. :^ |H ak .-r ......................I!i2 (il .:il7

. I-:.-. __________ •• • ■ ,

"i at ihe—T H E A T E R S

ID.VIIONot iJiioi-. CliarU a l{a>- jilny.-.l

■■Tl... / : i r l 1 I.OV..I1-' Ium In- hml liarl lliai approa.di.-.l In .Iraiiiall.- k .-.■rlly thill of T .-rry 0'.V--lM In -"I

l!rl«a.K-.'‘ till' .\lc-irci-({ol.|»-j , ,Mayr-r iim.hi.-imi. whli-h la i»»v a t I

J<).'lJl» Mll'.'lllT.•■Til.- I'lri- l l r i« d . ' '' .« a . i i.ri[dti<-.-d.

Iliint SirnnilM'i;: ami <l)r>'i-i.'.l 1>r%V Ham .'<;ii'U for M-li-M »>flh lli." aid III.- In i.rn a tl.i iia l n r . i r r of Klio I i;li..-.'i-.., lu.Mli.il or ilur 1.1-.Il:i w in h.' liiriM'd .u . 'i l.> llii-i i.ri;;' l/a1i.m fc.r Ihl- i-arryhii: on „r Id. fm vv. Ill lull ....... \lan:i.-.-r Jm-v.lll i:lvKa lii-i.cilia;;......' lihi iia-.-Ii

III. Ih.-* Im al flu- il.-|i;ir1iii.-nt ri-l lu .vl.

May M,-Av..} lia-i Ihi- f.-ntlalu>--1i- opii.i«Jli; Uay. and lli.- I'a^.i ln<-lml llolnion I l .T l'.'ll. T.mi O’llri.-n. 1 >:.'iil.- I|.-r„.<.|..|','\Varii>-r I‘. Kli-liiani l!i-rt \V<„.rlrntf, VUla (l;;.l.'n . U .-'W J.nnlniTii, Dan .\la»on. Jam.-,. Hr;' tiiiry. Jr ., K rulil fm im -lly , -l.i>.i- Cr and lr . i i r_ I i . . t |i r .

“ t n h u e n e e o f t h t L i v e rMoylip It'i. III.' IKvr tlial axks ii« n,x

. nml th -n . "W hafi. itio n>.-V '- 'rok-.; Hladf.

O L D A ljS I A

T W IN F A IL S , D A n .Y T IM E S .

infiel^jah. Yale^Wa^hii f] JoirfYekr’

iiv i iH X im i . . F A iiii tx l^ 'J I'rcH.i Hhft I'lirrrxtmiih-iit;• Ni:\V VO/JIC. Jufic 17—AnioMK I

■j; flopii of tho KroiU. w-hlcli linvo fur lahoil miiiiy onrly luirprluivi of ' t

p>>:t ^oiniK'ont.loor Hoanon, llio iwo im: i? ;:: pronoiincni^luwnfatlii liappcncir j ! | |s i ih,. v m .t:

l-'or flvo yoani-nim-K IC.I I.ondor cnr frmn \Vat.liinicton lo ink.' Yak- lo'

its:: Ink' ont*of tlio liiind>i of thi- old lira h : : i mill n m It u , h lr v W n llUliin. Y i ih h

S a l m o K t Invlncllilo. Untilwoi-kh a w Loa.ler'M ’vnrHliy cro<

Iiadirt lost u ruco.’ni.- «nmo i-oniltlon prrvniu.l onl

t::! ; woKl onaat, wlioru .WuflilnKion rul {I::: durluK (ho unmi ii.-rlo«l as a rowli

InrttltuHoii wlilf.-’a 'iiynl«‘ni nnd I iiianiuMvor iliat conldn'l lio lioaton.'

WaHhliii;ton und Valo wore admltl to he llio' rnlorirof thn wator hnt t <-imtiTn an.l woMcrn clianipionn nov

S*;; milt ail Ynlo profor;. n four nillit ra will; Harvard to iho IntorcolloKia cjKim(;J«HKJil|> rcKuilu .-i! WnjiJii/wtc

Whilo ll mUht havo hoon arRiii thal Ynlo wan not l-.-tior In I'lSI llu

‘ Waidilnsion. Ynlo cnl tlio nuitlKnmr< io‘ wear llio Anmrlcan nhlold in •

I’arlii Olympic , racoa an.l won ,i:m rhampl.iniihln rrom'xoiiio nf tlio lio ?,T crown fn llie worW. n .11 wan nioroMhnn u Hhnck llu

whun a Princeton rruw thal wai* hnr ly ri'carded nn mnoh Jiflor loalni; .

wtlhoy MnH;iacliuiioltn Toi;h Ruvo t.ho ,mi«li III In Yah) 'varaliy ii bo;illnK on tliu 1‘rlnc Honal ion lH'nio walorn. ' • . ' isnj;ic. It Wiin Ju»l n« nnicb ‘a Hururlne ihoiild <'>'>‘1 when Oallf.iniia i;»vo Wan I run- lUKion i\ rino llflilmr in tim , rmi

ehanipJ.insliip rnoo. * It niay nnt lur boon ll aitrprlflo in I'aiirornlii liul tl

- oaiit'waii hoUlniT on Wnahlnnton ftlnIlly I..... it wna II Wnaillntlli

^ Viiio rowlni: mon oxplaliio.l iholr u:■:;oi l>y I'rlni-Iitoii a;i holm; Hie nmii lof n loni: .ilntnni-.- irow In a nlm

<---------race on dead m tiT lull llarvar.l nu -------1 are running uroiin.i iiiiiolly Kfahldii

a ll tho iimmiy offi-rcd Ihat Y nlo .w l r aiid win tho' nnnm ir ra.-.; fh(« yo.ir. , y lit .Moiii'y ill nlno oKorc.l Ihat Wanhliu

ton will -hent In iliit i’oUKhkoitpul . 'van d ly raeo h u t a liunch pri:v;ili>i.lhi t |.tii, llu-rom illii,o t llm liil.ircDlioKlaio trail 1 I,If. and (l.dii (-hanirlonidiltK' w ill be n

pu a led ,'Ih n I "tbo '.'hnnudpn w ill. I iK-nton bill Ihiil Mii-.cliamiiUmnhli* wi

I. IIU roinain ( in 'th o I ’lCcUlo coniit throUK '(; 11 tt v ic tory by California.

1' Corni-lj, Syr«cl)Hi.', c.'oJuhjW/j. pem


^ n y irBlt«d Pr«iaOAK.MO.ST I'lUI.STliy ('[.Ull. Mill

TOS. I’a.. Jun.- J7.-T«n»my Armoii 1;«11 Kiciitihli-horn .Marjland profoi

,1 In riiomil, lioc;nn.' opon unlf ohainpiii ,il ,i .if Iho t'nii.-d Staton Ki.lay. wli'-n |:

„i„. diifoiil'-d Harry Cfiopor of l,os Al -'rii'' «'■'*•■' "»• P'"y‘df for tho 31i

|»-yiv alinmil oliiimplniwlilp.;it llic A ti-markiiM ' -,flnlidi. witm-iisod 1.

a ::alli'fy of 10.0110, «avo Armol .,:;t l,y il>" vlclmy,- \v I T '" ' r.ii.f.Mii pull on tho flflonnt

"f sla il.d •|-..nmi> ou Idii irlumph., I.-,,. A lirlllhiiii iiTOv.-ry on ihi- hI> • . t.M-nlli lie jialn.'.l iw.v nmi

. Mrr.k, :. .m Id. ri%'al. i.avo.l ih.- w,i„'Vh-Jm -i; -----------------------------L-. liii i . Sawm ills a nd Squirrelsr^l.-fj • Kj,j,..,>(rl[ir<I craiifid *<in(rrrl a

rock Miuirrol Ih a rvsldoiil of llio cpei ■•-1i-ad fiirt-Hlii (it iiii. weHlem inounluli

raiiu-.->i. "ayH Naluro SIiiKar-hm. nnd 1 ■m>nd' “HracU-cl niso m tho slfo* of old daw 'Will "‘HI" '""1 idmiid.uiod mlliinc onmpu, I Hrad- rana.-H fn.m i|ullv imidvriite eli-vallon Ci .mI j In Un-con-lo an nltltmk* of ll.ax) fiK*

[in hunio Ilf III.- i..iutiicrn niuunialmi.

C aute a nd E ffectTh.- pr.-ii.'h.T wlio Kai« u f<.-«v pcvvi

of Kixid I.Mil.1111.* jouns wmm-n wll • draw jminK In.-ii to church evldeiitlj

liiiH ohxTkTd Ilia oporntlon of i-nuw ^ — uud .-IT.'i.-l.— Vrnionlu (i>rv.) Kiicl'u.'

_ _ l M em orial to GeniusTw.. cf III.- mo« beiiutlful »tnlne«l

f j L Kliiif. wliuiiiw-i In the famoii* •'l.ltllt f j ) Clmr.-h An.mid the Corner" nre d o ^ f j caU-d to J..K.-,ili Jeffon.i>u nnd Ilk-hard

” I / P r t f i t li> O f t B w ' B p e r i e n c e s

IN otir many year’s specializa­tion In (he treatment of Piles

and other Rectal and Colon aOmcntt. wa t i r e coQcetrd a vatt aatoont of .<»♦« of

f i d i

iiigtprt Crews r’s Gfeat Fldp

iiylvanin nml C.iHfornia; nrfl .mmrki ili-M/) lilt llie lliu in m r / i t- r ctnimtr-iitKlWJa ; lli» InRion nnd thu Nnvy a ro oxpuct

furii- ilicro Avitliln a tow .lays aii well ' tho the Wliicoiijiin freiihmiin cruw. nioiit 'T licre iHn't~mucli hoimllnK nbonl I

ciinncoH of nn.'inBtorn crew (aldnK t 'ViirHlty cluiiiiplonNhlp nw ay frooi .t

■cnnio far went imt bocniiKe oJ Itii g r t ia l / i low - or.i tho Nuw. in iiLdd ii|. an a hiroo 1

i:rad-t[llit> principal roiiHon Ihn t .N'evy x'ro ll? iHuJliirt- ;»1jih iipu-erftil iiixl fiill o t rbwJj;ll r,l. -1-----------------------------

: : :P R 0 B |R S C L ^RlNG^OFFieiAl

inltle.1 lit till'novcr Bjr tfBlt*fl Pr*i». race S l’itINOFH-;i-l), 111.. Jnno 17—'f oKiat.^ llUnoin Athloilc commlimlon tmlny w iw ton. f.*i))onui-d of any Hiai'^oa of t.ni rRiieil tljd ilnc Im proper boxluK o r wroHlliI ibnn conlOMlB iiy a com m ldeo friim .tlio anieni llnoiti loi;l»liiinre____r Miu. -I'l,,. commilloo Ium Inward ovi.lor

for if^^orill day« Inclmlli.j; lOHiIm.i -• or prnnilnont w rn .i ior.i an.l boxi

pronioieiii. •h a rd ' . Nuinuroui* wro.'itlnni aiW—m*MaKi

111 wresilIorK nppoarcd iiefori' lh<> co iil^iitv ’ iilx'don ami -rhari;od llm t "rram i' I ln ,.; w rontlinir nintelio» liml lii-.-n hel.l-

llio Hlalc a ........old of an alli-Klu.. Ill ■'“' ‘■''"lllUK Iruiit." I t wail imliu.^d f ^ L ii, liowevor. iliu t a ll o f tboiu. «-onloi

, wore hol.i Iwforo croation of tho id I,.Ite

II th e .'I 'bo Illinoiii Aililollir eonimlKKlon liOlmrno of nii wroiilIl(u:_ an.l boxi

niilou bontii !n iho iilalo.

S ; i T H I S D A Y

I N F I S T I A N AI will

.M'.xi; J7- m il. '.hiiiK- - » :n . vs. «-'<)riiiKs.,i,pulo (lly O O C K .ItlJD ).i.lhnl T w only-tbreo j ’oarii ni;o In.i; iraok I-'riinklo Nidi of San i-'runolnco, worli

|.p. lianiainwolKhl obam plon, .iicKoiiMful I dufonde.i liiir liiin in a n-Uirn mat, ) wiii t'*" l>re.lecciu<or. H arry l-Vrbi•oUKb “ f f’blcaKii, liy kivncliinu llm In tie r o

in Ibreo fiuii and Turlonii roun.la F’em i- Cblea»:o. . ,------- -- Il wail In llm y.-nr p rio r *o ll1 bout th a t Neil had nnnoxod llio til k ■ from rori.'!!!, nnd Hie la tte r hii.l n lri J cd valian tly lo Knin an opporliih lly

recaln bin Inxl InurolH, A n.ono rn io I H T ) crowd Kri eto.1 ilio flKhtorii whim Hi I l K cnti-fcd lint viuK. aa ChieiiRo wnii 1

' hini'ii- low n ' iif tho ' fo rm t'r ditim iifr

No B lue H ibiscusm il .- In mnny of tiio pInk'lilhlNciiH tlie ri :iiour. (a crimson white the various hIiuU rofo»- n n ,* fnd i'd .'n t Union. Mil., the ni.‘r»i npion jii,,). „ahti In an alimislMkdiUii flowi •n Iio jayH Naluro .Miicuiliie. O ften llieri-.

more n.* 1<-kh of Ibo puf«! hi-nrlot c.jk and Ibon ili.-ro Ih tbo d l1 iitl..n -ll

,,, ,,y ..-nrlol pink. T Ik to a v ; a ll m lx lur inoiir of crlmnon and orarlo l cmililiiod

vorliiUH furniH wltb n tinuo i>( yollo I“'n t li nr oriini;i‘. No 1 i ln o \ ^ lii-on f.imid,

Joe-K ^ S a y s :Mhicry m ay likv com pany J


rl o r J ■

i“ W hero (ho B1(f P ic la rc* X

feet -- ----- ' ---------

I t’s Here J


t iu r^

i I b 'U YI;es / ■f ■ - — 2 i \ Jc»


I CarlLD.““ Phone 403

' .1

id a lm i^PIRATE HUS "

2 PMLEADINW an er I . H ero of D ay; Cu

T ak e T w elfth ul iiK S tra ig h tIK th e ____

?* *!!,'.'! •Till fo r Ycnlorday'H lic ro .'I’au i W nner, yoi 1-row* I’lttBburKli .onUloldor, w ho hll “n i

Ifith conacciiilvo Knmn na tlio P lrr dA oatcil nohton 0-K. ThrouRli.tlio i

R . lo ry tlib ri,}'ntoH ninnnroil tu mulni n Klim ninruln ovor the aocom f pi. ChlciiKO Cubi). 1,00 Mondiiwii bold IJniven to nix Kcntlerod blln.

1 1 n 'H ie ChlciiKo Ciiitii net un n now 1 r l ' V wlnnliiK 'THi-eak- rororrt— b y - tnk U L l tJ th e ir tw olfth MtralKbl victory, llilii <

from I'hlhulolphia, 7-2. Cahhy Hi nu ll Kol u hoiile run to iielp In vlctof}-. T ho provloun wlnnlnK n in

- T h l - wna hold by Hio I 'lraloit w ho won lyw iin mralKlil Kaineii. ■ aane - Tlie .I 'lnc lnnnll Iteda hnd llltlo i

m llin;; (icu ity In dofcaliuK Ilrooklyn 1i bo H- I.ngue kep i the Hobln h lta weli"KC • ” te red .I.loni'ii TJie New York O lanla Htoppe.l li: Imonv '*1* K"""’ •*>■loxini; I*'" St. I.ouIh Cnr.llnala 10 to li. I t \

I f hlK iliiy f a r U<iK<'rH Horn/fJ/y. v mifora i*nfely four tlniOK In fo n r tlinoB

.-om "■*"* ^ho to rrimi'd lUunaKcr'ii l l t b homo run

I'j'I, ’*! Homo rimn l.y llu lh nnd l.l m il n'"n*'">^ 22 fo r tbo H abo.'nnd niim

15 for Columbia l,on, nml tho'prnnoi , . n . of (.olnnei Clinrleii l.lniibortfh u l 11 iiiii- II,u K-1 vloli

of til.- Ynukecii oW-r tbo St. 1,0 m null ijrow nii.n Knln dny nvnnt. iDXiuR ijiii iii,rr<!tt nn.l IlllI Hunnnflold

bomo r'lma lo fon tu rr ibo -l-O biniik: or tbo V liiladelnbin A tlJe licn bv i

-------- ClilMP.0 Willie Koxl I leW o Nuiii. ,.iiilre.l from Clovoiand. vIHV ip wnl roiile wail In a Sox un lf» rm \illh iiv im did no t May. ' .

W llh Irn PIiiKiilond >'nck In llm »■ up tbo llonion Itcd Sox -brnred ii Won a MliiKKinK nia'.efi from -U ia-C lc ■Innd ih r lln n n 'll lo 10. n.iK r.load i Ihroo IdlK and arorvd tw o num . '

Inii.-iy. 1.11 s io n n r wan toneiied for oi orl.U i f „ „ r hilH nil thn D olroll TIgflrn all " ' " ‘‘y prd down llio W aahlnBtnn Sennln '“ 'X ' ' C-1. Tim TlKeriK maiiHod him in i


, x r v m u e r r ^ ' ■1.0S ANai-:i,i-)s. jumo 17 — A .n

nirlv - pnttHenKor a ir linos tb rou iI ,,. on l thl) c oun try la forenocn herO'

im H'" of pi.ins now, und<:r cc, Mldenilion fnr tho form ntlon ot-.f m l 10 *10,000.000 U a Anxelon to Sun Frf .i.fn.i claco pasiinnBor a ir, survlco. ' ’*

Tiio n rrivn i More Ju ly 12 of a; l l i r motor, a ll-m etal 12 p.iai'i-nRor pin from the l-Vrd p la n t in D olroll. u

,« «.U m ark tbo innuenra tlan of liio,m-rvi wblcb will u ltim ately ho oxtoniied oi to tbo "St. i/iu in to I)onv.-r" line, m l.l I..' iinilor conHhi.Tatlon hy Coloi i:harlcn I.lndborKh.

ero. iB ____________________ccilor,

Ihe A tta in in g P « a c e:Um-B • K otldnc cnn b rins you pcac« b I'd in youi^idf. NoihinK cnn b rine you neo I'llow b u t tlw trium ph of p rlnd iJek .—Kmc :iid. Jfon .

ly Jm l <-omp:my ni-v.-r llk.-ii niliiory. iCb.

3 l £ rh llilren ( u a d r r ......... Iflo1 .ti ln iu ............................

, r i n y - 2. j . - ; : : i , la m lI l ! lS

— u' i i l i

' / ■ M A Y M c A V O Y


£ ■ .. "THE B ia StJRPRISE’’

an Andy Gump Cometly <•


" I N G !A T O E S


(eLcinglnc.V hone‘584

.FR Ip.A Y ,. 17.! 1.92^

a ^ t e p 5 i o ^ i S 3■ r f - — -----------

■ ; I f i f t A N i P i N G S

r-r- ; . UTAIMUAJIO r.KAOl i:»•' " \v. ’ L. ■ Pel

iduiio F:4iir.v.-.......>c «Salt Uiki. r ify - .. ., ., . 18 I'l . .02

1NGs= = = 2 ? ii' I■ T»l;i FiiIN .....rt IH ^

C u b s XATUJXAI, a:A(Jl-K- w . U . PCI

• Plll«biir«h....i.............. 35. TC ,i;a•' • cbicnRo ......... 3i irt ,f.-i

St. ............................. 3(1 21 ,f,H. Now York .. ..’.......-..... . 27 2(! .50

, yo.uni: Brooklyn .................... 2B. 2.1 . .«■Hi bis BoHton ........... ..........IH 28 .40Plrnles phlludeljihln ........ , l!i :U - ,38.lio.vic- Cinclnnntl ...................l2i| 35 .30ylninld . , . . — —| N

oiS'S . , l.Vew York ...„............. 3A 17 '.OS

nv 1!)27 ciiIcaKO ...... .............. 31 \ '23 .R'j^tnltins piilladulpbiii ............... 2n \2r> .53bill ono wnnbinnion ................. 2R 125 .50 Hurt- Dclroll ....;...................■25 .-iHIn Ihu at. l,oulH ..................... 21 IK ■ AC.alrL-nh ciovolnn.l •.................... 21 / l l .-IS

Won 11 Uomon .... ........... M / 3 7 .27

P A fJH c r/M .sr i,K,»j;rK _i i - l " : . ' ■' W. U. .Tci'' Onkland ............... f.n • 31 .ci, „ ... Sacrnmonli. ................ -I-I 25 ;ri5

I. M. tf Sealtio .................. -10 37 .51t, San' FranrlKPo ........ -10 3!). JAIt wan i.„riliind .....- ...........3D 3*1. ,211

• *‘■"7 .Mifliifonn ...-................... nil 41ine» a t AnKoltii ................ 25 43 .44rm rS f ..................

ncifrll:. . , •■ .

■ f i g h t r e s u l t s

■ - L A S T N I G H T .i,ojji« L— ----------------------------------------—

By Oaltaa ProBi‘” ‘1 Nl iw YORK—Joo 1,1’ouard. 13fiV link iiK bVoiiier of Uenny Uonuril)}» nc- »»ly AlKor. 137. flftiwnlver i,,.o'iximiikle. 17i1. Ahiirdeo'n, .Wnali tnmiKli ,iof.mlo.rHarold Mayii, WiVi. Hnyonn.. , l l n o - ‘ J.. > ™ ' « » ' • . .I nml — ----- 1-:— ^ —JUlcvu-

. . p i i e D a y O n l y , : ■

^ , M a t i n e e a n d N i ^ h tA'.nei- . , ■/;. .V .... ' .

F ! r S u n d a y , J i m ' e I ' S

ItlilM A N ’S; | ; £ i U e a i S t o c k C o m p a n y

'’■“'i'-' P i - ^ e n t i n g T h i i t B i g

L a u g h i f i g S h o w

i = ‘llM L C R flO K S ’— A 1 0 0 P e r C e n t

C o m e d y

T H E P L A Y ,— h fn ncK ...T Ii*-H r(.np (« Ilii“Tumi.le Inn,**, n nnlel IIHU* spot for

, -Ij-flto lalnnli'-t from' llm udna; wher*mnny. IhlncM huppen In n very HliuTi

'<• time. . ; .

! l T H E i P L A Y E R SHurt .......................... . Kniit. Baylej

, •• H o'fr .....................- ........ Won Kariirl.Mnrllmor M'rlclil.........Alan I’attcnorJohn Smilb............... ..... F. 1*. iUIItoat

f Slla« Hnrlon.,,............ ...Harry 8olin'(Jmniiy Hrewn.......... Uertnulp Ewins

■ MI»k VaaMijkiv. rL -......-Kaby KraiAwie* ....________ Cor* (Johni

r ' S n a p p y V a u d e v i l l e

F e a t u r e * ■


P R I C E S - M a H r i i i e , 1 0

a n d 3 S c j N i g h t : B a l - c b n y ; ' ^ ; l l o w e r ' f l o o r , 5 0 c . M a t i n e e P r o m ^ y

• a t . 2 : ^ ; ; N i g h t s h d i r

J . ' p r o m p t l y . a t 8 : 1 5 . s

Page 7: :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill oyisjnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · i n r . i — cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 ' ce sr vait*« m aa ^ LOS

pnO M E ' V38 limeB n s i n e i s D i r e c t o r y

. U X S O E L L A N Z O U S . ,

,W o ■ell ’om ; RBNT 'om ; F IX 'e n A ll mnlcoA. D ea le rs io n o r A L . CORONA ■

.' IDAHO a T i T n w R n x i i n x .•• LOMl o tttce ; -218 M alo Atc. No.

UWDEaW 001> T Y P E W H lT R n s -C ir m e boat, w rite o r pbonb ro r rcpnirf

.r to tf tis , o r purcnaue pricon an< “ tM m s. In m o d la io aefvlco. II. .i<

PerklOB, locnt reprooeDtntlve. Pliona n . ________________ . .

MILL -WORK — CABINET. W 0 I» done to o rd ar. A ald 'a n d vrlniJnv c lass . M odern Planloff ntlll,. It- Tbiril avenuo So. Pbono 003.

'0 . ' w .- 'O R R H is n a icco N D h a n i s to re .' ’6 tro u t fllfH. sr. 'c e iru : 21 Iro in n iM . JJ.OO. KOud sriiAo. 25:Main Avo. South. _________■

MODBRN WOODMEN O P AM ERIC/ m eet n l 1. 0 . 0 . F . H all every 2niand 4 th WcdncBdny.. , __________

T H E PRU ST-O-LITB BATTERY SR ». » Tlce S tation now a t 121 3 rd Ave. WT J . A. Mentcli nnil S o tiH. .

^ P L ’D M B IN G A N D . H E A T IN Gn u M E T C u M i u t m ^ T l H W o ^

New location . 138 Third A%o. }■: Phone 283.________ _________

T B A N 8 F E B .c r t o « 2 j r ‘m A N 5 ? 2 K ^

Phone 848. StornBe a n d 'c ra tin g . •

McNICHOLS TRA N SFER .& STOlt. a s a Co. G arbage bau lod dnllyPhono 200.___________ ■■ . ________

W AllBEBQ TRA N SFER & STORAOI Co.. Storaire and specia l carlom Blilpinentfl to C alltornln. Phono 14S.>

S H O E R E P A IB IM O .• R O Y A r ^ l M R E P A n U N c C 3 ^ ^

crs . P rop . 130 2oJ St. IX_________

IDAlICr SH O E REPAIRIN Q . JOI: W ngnor. Prop.' 218 Mnln N orth.

TW IN F A IX S SHOE> R R PA IR rN O - 132 SliflHhone .w est. Phono 39K Sorvlco and qua lity Kunrnntnoil.

; • O H IE O P R A O T O B .-.ufc,'-8. c . vv Y A rr. c a in o i ’HACivii

nnd .e lec tric tborupy. O ver Wool. w orth :storo. Phono 467. *

, A T T O R N E Y S .- •tT S T H A L L i 0 v E J r 3 r d » ^ ~ B 0 0 «

s, Btoro. Phono. 07; R cb: H 6 8 .. ,

Jsm (« IL D othw ell—W . O rr Chapman aO T H W E L L & CHAPMAN .

W oods .O lds, lloom a 6. .0, 7^8 ._!)..lp

o rfb 'E L e s- t sw E B i- e y .» neyii. 'I d a h o , po w er building.

W. 1- DUNN—1*AW O FFICES. RMS 3 nml 4. 8m lth»Rlco butldtng.,

O P T IO IA N S ./ ■ 2 r iT a F E c ? A L if f i^ D R ^

nolU#; 20a Main. N oxt door lo Ooldea R ule. i; '

P I A K O T P N I N Q . •

' • V PlA r/O tU N K R . ’’ ' • • ;iA N O T U N R R -S .,0 . IIU L U IS Y RS

In T w in F n lls w tt>i-C lando Urown MubIc com pany. Phone OOP o r 834W,

M 0 N E 3 T T O L O A K . ‘m m u y ^ t o T ^

city p roperly . C om pany-nnd private money;- c . ' EX' P o t to r , ; r e a l • cBtate,T w in C^Hs._________ »: ; '_________

FARM LO A N S-G . JO , OR SO YKAR loans a t IntereBt, No commln* ilo n . C. D. T hom as A Co...3^S Sho-■hone w . ________ r

LOANS—FARM AND c Tt y ’ l OANS. T w ln 'F B lls T ltlo and A b s tra c t Co.

r O E ^ A L E t -A U T O M O B IL E Si a r m K - r o R r r * c o ^ ^

condition. $160; cficnp a l the pricc. U M. Sm ith . F i le r . . ,

' TOR flA 'J iJ -P O R D T R t;C K ' 2< MOD- cl. Phone gS0J2.

- .H E L P ____ :W A N fK K w tA N C lT :M A N A G t:^ l, ONR

Mho in fnn>lllsr w ith niothoils or HcltlnR < U w t to wc.nrer. O ur line cookIbIb CT^InB erle. h o s irn ', nport

■ Bwcatcm nnd Bhlrt*. .O pportim U y tor advancem ent. - A pplican t mu*l Slvfl quaim cniionB ami experience. W rite 0 . M ebr. T lie T im es.

' ” “ 5 5 b O K L L A » E O U 8- - * ' - T i i i g t j y s a r s F P s w i ^ ^ —

FOR q u i c k SALKr V l£ A S e ANDfurnlsb lflC S -atrram lB S.lM U se. Good DCl ln w m s . w m se e e jtJ to n a ll cnr

. IB po rt p g y n d n L M ou n d « ,« fa lty Co.

ST E B IL IZ B .YOUR C IS T H W AND pu rity y o n r d^lnk lB J^.•w w ^'» lt^ l B. K. vDarcow Bros. S « a d > M Supply Co.. T w la F alls , f d s h ^

n tP R O V E O T S T B CAK AVnflN O S. 4 « 0 po r |» l r ,v . I i n d >^Wutomobl»o C o a p a y .

W IL L CA51B X O R' OR T O fo R CH IL- d rea : H3S M»l# a r BOue n o rth .- •

. . : T P y n s p F T g A iN S

: : ' ^t 4 - F « r B n rts» a a d "

I>ocaU>Uo U- — **

• 'S » - y b r B o U ; ..........I S j^ P b p ^

es Want Ads

I W E L J.-IT LOOK*» >____ i r VvlfLL NILNJtR C

Q A CK T o C I V lL i : 'om. I w a C O U l

’ E V aM FIM O O U RV.^ EU EPH /V txlT’,

5-an<l • ^ ■ g i M l,.iC .i / I J g g jg f e ?lonc . J

) itK I /V \- ■ 'VND

an yv .-252 '

''2nd '----------------- ;------------------

*'»■ " — ............ ....

— a u d PO nLIEY0 i.'o it SAI.I.:—;^ccR i:D iTi.:u o*. a . c

W liltv l.o;r)i£)r« jjhIIoIji » w*'cJ{j» nl n ' . hiilc;lii-<l Ht Caltlwcll liiKrhCry. fiS ' oiicli. HitO 0 . A. C.. W bltf L<*lior

----- . liviiH, 2n0 tw o yciifN nlil, fiOc; oiicli21)0 ycurllnKH. 7!ic ciich. J. D. Qtirir ry. K lmherly, >4 inilu went mirtn'i-’

i L » 'A »y c h ic k s r o i t im m e d i a t iOltl ilollvt-ry. IU‘dn. Bnrrcil Koclcii, \Vli»t Uly. Rotk» and Wyaridoitn. ICc ciifl

W lilto I.CRlu)rnii. 12c eiicli'. Junn J----- ffl o iir Iiifl JJJivi! y o u r HurkCI' (\rcrc'ilUuil. Ai)pllcittl<iHH iinixt l> oad in iiutoro Junu JU. nitypH ni*Qrii<l


FOR sAi.t>—itHODi.: l a i ^ N n Ri:i baity cUleJin J32 j « r JmniJrcd. Lo* liomN $10 jior luinllri'ii. i j in t hnic

___ Ju n e Sllu J.OOO I^Kliorn chlckw iIOE' 1<1 oil iihitroii, ' KlfiKiiPt'H Uun!

i(y Ilntchorv.- Pboue S4:D3.

H T F o ’r r ~ s r f . B — r.w 7»or{N n m39)(, chlckn, >11.01) por hundred. RIs

Rpri'H ^ n i l l y Hiitcli'iry. Plion— G 4 2 J 2 .^ ____________.^ R H O D jfiia iftN D r i : d a n d i .r c

/lorn h.ihy rhfckn n t rcducoti prfcci Dol* RIggerfB Qiinllty Hatchcry.

— WANT STOCK TO-PASTURE, 'HVinitlcH north o f WuHhliiclou ncliut nnd Vl caM. Plioiio KIG.

1*011 SALt.>-THREB WOillC liO liSt.: und one Mnilno Iwot cultlvntur. lv. /

" I^irnhill. Klmlmriy._______________

J i ' I'XJR 8Al.l>^SU1.:n-ANL> , PONY !)Ti. yenni ntil. »’ul( liroKu fur c h H ilm

Phono Filer.

FOR 8ALU-3CI) T il l tll i ; MONTIIf old l.pghorn iililtulH. T iinrrcd s trn lr

— Plioiio T. M. Mlllpr. i.'ll<!r.

___ WANT13D ~ TlOCS. AND s n ij i-n 'liV- T w in l-^llB Ju n k Hour.e. Phone 7!)i:

WANTED TO B tr t '- A I .I . KIN D S OJ— cnttlB. Phooo C02J4. J. A. I ly n n .

___ WANTF.D V- POULTRY O F AL1. kli.d». J . A. F lynn. Phono C0234,

? in WANTi:i) — 0 0 0 1 ) DAlllV COWH IW. KprltmiTB. C. It. Flowcrdew.

“ W A N T E D -J’O lii.TRY. II. tX iTltN ___ te r . I'liiinc 1I03W.

n te F O B BEITT.niA I.TO J10T I.:L OVWt - ItIAt.TC

__ thpnlrc. tho nicest munlf hotel liA ll Twill FnllB. H ot and cold w a te ra m ,1s- bnlli.- A ttrac tive rafcH'to permnnpn!1.0 . fiiii'MB. T ransien t trndo nollcUrd

Phono 1100. Maude .Mne G nut H unt

Nsi FOR RK.NT s — HOUSKKEEPINC;o. npartniontn, completely fumUlioC— 'lot Hslit liouBokoeplng. T w o nnr! SS th roe rooitu. clone in, nnd Idw rateii

by we^k o r m onth. Tlio Oxford. 42J

TOR R1C.M* r o i t” .Si:,\.SON A c’ I N j j r n t iiinloy H ot SiirliiB*. Icrnm rein .

onabic. AOdrrBH FrnncoK Hiinn<>n __ Ik>li.p, Idaho, R. F. D.. euro U Me.

t o r R1C.ST-LARGR KURN lSH Rr or 1st floor aparim cnt. «l*o 2nd floor

Ino iipiirtm ent w ith s ieep las porch Oft Phonn 357J._______________________

iVi TOR RENT~G ROOM HOUSE, fifil ce. 3rd north . .Modem .exct-pt heal.

I22.S0 per m onlh. Inquire 470 Elm— s t r e e t ,_______________

^ TOR RHNT—.PURMSHKD HOUSL'. i rooms. 2 Bniall, .tIceplnR po rch " lo rr

^D room IS. Inqu ire n t 470 E lm »trcoi. wd — — —Mxr FOR RE.NT—TWO LIGHT HOUSi:- a . keeping roomm over City C arr. In-— qufw QpBtatrs. H, O. Johnw>n. __^

a T H RBB ROOMTORNISHKO APART- [lly m e a t lo r WBl B unsslow A part­

m ents.. Secood avenue ea«t.

j& a v n s is u E D r o o m s t o r l i g h t llio ' bousekeeplnr. Modem- 132.S Cih nvo-

nno east. Phone 744W.

! t l W R RENT—FUftNISHED SM ALl1 bou»e. p a rtly m o d e m ..l206 8lb ave _ • W t . PftOBO IS^P. *

FO R RENT—VACUUM CI-EANCTS: w ith a ttaehm en ts. KASY WASHINGM A a ilN E Cp.________ •

w F D B R K N T -4 Rdb& (8 - 0 R U O R T - 1. ' housekeeplBc. P bose 307J. 403 Sad ; KVeBUt'DOrth. . . . »1.. rOR> RENT~*r(7RNTSaED 'nODBB-

ke«p<a< rooak Modena. 601 K sisI,- MTS. N. ____________ .• .

r ro T tm S H Q } A PA STH SN T 8 FO R I . . w nL OM is y>iooy 9W. '

• rO R REN T — f u r n a c e ; h e At c ti: t i t i e n . a lso t o t f t . P t o e lO tt.

A r O R R E N T -4 ROOU HOUSE. CLOSEJ TBOBtf Clty Parte O ro e err . -

vrmKTsnTTTi a n d irN Ptm N ISR E D

Your Neighb

A S 1 . b w - b T t h i n k -I I T T l l:i C I T ---------\ w r . IIA V 6J.JTL IZ A H O N - S E E N A M VD UL& O M E IM OME


i f t ■ I

' ■„ . o .w

KY. ' . FO R KENT.^ ^ ____________ ^ o n l l n u e ^ '

* III') KOn HJ.;NT—FRO.ST JIOO.M Wl r>r>ir hnlh. CnC^ciI. nVL-nuo i:nist.

Imrn __________________________________Nicli; p o i i Hk n T -IIO U S E K E E P /N O h I 'l'ir- ^51 J in in avenue w .flt’r y . _________________________________

HOARD AND ROOM—444 4TH A A r h ' iiortli. Plmiio lOlS.

cufli, hW l R M N T -U in i ROOM, CLOSE riiunu 435J.

n u r l i __________________________________F O B S A L E — M I8 0 E L L A N E O

IriUlf py-jj j . ^ , J,. _ nEASONAI _ _ lormii, Hlcnu) ouglncH, va rious nl RI-:D Rfnlu tlirunlKtn, h rnn n u d cli l^CK' I>i)III>m: uinchlm«ry, u ll In Koixi m lcir P'<l>', AIko lots hr m m ln i and <H io l>'a eriulimicnt. Inko ' »nJunl- tn idp . Mneliluory locnii'tl n t I

and Rurluy. Idnho. .liMr lnformn------- nildrciui Mrn. G rrlrudo llwni, Mo!AUY Jan. Idnha.Ri;*- , I , 11 . I.----- I . . . -----lioiic TOMATOES—P lan t Vui liilr nn<l

w ith tlin "Idulio T w in" hoiiPB. .! ■■ fiiic. ‘I'wo wi'i'kK gnln In iniiliii

liEG- (^olory. rnilllflotvor. (mldmKo. | rfCeB. ufOH. HBflTK, I'iC. . Cltj- ToWf.T Gr(____ wIinuKi'M. Twin I'Vlln.

n v o " HERBS TOR SALE DY H. J . HAU :liuol i:ood for n il xlninach, kidney, hr

and Ilvor trouhleii and a ll rhcui: -r— lu nud Mood trouMi-. Sold n t Sf ib h s p „ rk G rocery aiul Flvo P o ln l St

Sim a Shop.POTATOES i'OU H A L E -aiT 8 A(

y C. Nn, : ,,i ,2 ; 17 m.ckn .So. 1 » t »: .Tho ia ttu r monUy linker «l*o, <

____ Alvlii nu rlxm r wtirohoiiHO- _ ,

^ ' |S ' FOR HAi.E--liO I.D lN Q PIN T IH rn lu . ry hcillorkii. nlHo cra toa. lun iilre____ clfit^ F ru it & ‘Proiluco C(/. 4tli J:jj..|,. ..South. Pliono CCS,_7n5. CI7I. ouT i P U IC IC S ^ ’ JU N G ^ n io , f7,: e r^ ica tem nnd furnacottdlBpIayri

13G 2nd Htrcot ca«t. UrUou M> ^ . WorkB._________________________

HAV TOR .<»,\l.l*~Ar T H E MA: ___ A l.i r i : PARK. U'l.OO In Ilolil)WH. »f2.5H .lellvcrod. iNion.- Klti.

____I'OR 8 A L i : - i :L r : r r R ic -w a s u ilUN* muchluo In good condition chc

Phono 3S<J.

■ S T R A \v i j i : u i i i r ! ^ v 'o i r .p i c K .Knllbu. O i'orcc ^I. Suiitli nn:

LTO Phono 5S7J3. - - -

nil,'! TOR ^ I , R —SECOND h AND ELI n rn t Irlc wn.nblng luachlne. 1G5 ToUrd Avo. raa l. •_________________■

KOR s a l e — KIMHALI. PlAIINC J .1ovrer Foto Shop. Phono IGBW.

‘n ^ t-'OK SALiC-IOOO ll.s. "^.MC.NTA "ten. W hile >ecd l>cnn». Phoue GlfiRt.

*2* FU i:sH HOME ,aiadt.:c a k i .:s' e v e_ dny ot Alvprd nnd W ott>.

BIN J.-OJI SA1.B—ORDER YOUR STRA i"^n '’crrtP* »ow. Phono 363J2.Mc^ I-'OR SA L E -B E R R Y CRATt:8 A


IRD TOR 8A LE-<;L0V K R HAVt-PH O loor :c iJ "irch. —- — ■


l f \ .F O B B A L E — B E i a E S T A T lt o iT ~ s a u ? 3 " ^ X c r ! « j o i m

Twin Falls. $22C. good house, bn .— 'd e ep 'w e ll . $2,000 wlU bnndle tl f;, 4 Miisl be Bold s t once. 40 act torx $135. goo<l bouiu) am i good Inipro root. mpnts. Close lo Fllor, $2,000.dot f s r M urray. Filer.

In- FOR 9AI.I-V-BV OWNER, WHO loorisir lo fo u a iry , jrood inodi

— home, fine location; Priew l rh R T . for quick sale. T « n n s -P b o n o :a6

FOR SAI X— HOUSE AT i— 3rd avenue north . Modern otC' >HT jieaL Choop lor cojih. ]o i]n ire >"e- Elm s treet. ,------ TOR ^ L E CHEAP FO R ^C A SH ;''^Ll. .25 Jl, lo ts E a»t Law n. IM en " ave. iQ apples. M sk^ o tfer. 470 V.___ s t r m . •

T W o“ sM A lJ. HOUSES A T 4th A! INO Cih aveone w est cheap for casb.^

qn ire 470 E lm streeL

s S r a M A u ' H P J * W A B T B )w A jm :o — A i f e i T i o u i ’ ^ r e i

~ eaced. em cieo t sa les U d les » w an t opportnn lty s a d k fn iu re . G<

<sin ^ rsesU ooa. boons aod pleasi ■rnomoM eoBdltloos. A ppi^ lil i

) r 1• B U T T A g tp H B W A ^ n a s p ,

n m W AN TED -PASO f WDBK. GOOD 1 r l f i o t . B s y B ak»r, B d « a Ida

— V '-^ ,K U j.H n f wuecfp.

— - W ANTl'n>~i#ARRIED MAN FOR A lE D k raand farm wTtHc. W rite C. e

b^s Find^ • BRINGING

LL O rsT W E I f O O t-J 'T PRUACM «FlE.*rHE ONITY ^ TR:< t o T H IN K iME*;) t h a t e v & R , o f s o m e w a "(EW TURE.D I M T O O O T O F H E R E ! rHi?> O E S o u A T a v— . .—. C O U N T R Y ', ^

I WANTED. MISOELLANEOUS______ If o KD'S n e w IN D rxT R v" W llW ITH m;ilto m any jioopio woalltiy. .F r

in tnn iiatlou on bow you cnn obtu______ thu full fnctn. w blfli will give y<

KMS " " oppo rtuu lty to pn irii lu -yoiirov c lly l>y thtM ilartin i: of Ford 'n h<

______ InilUKlry. .Send two o u it nt.mip ui. .y , . ev\t cn»Tl<»ix- lo Von

I AVI'.. vnn'fiW'^coiiouilc Service, I^ fn y et niiig.,- D ctioii..

SE IN. — <!UI;iTr |'e :? ANYO,'linvluK Boiir-’xliorrlft* for nalo tl

. Kcimon cnil ; ;5 2 /a . .

jrtVTf* CXSH PA ID FOR A).I, KINDS C poultry . I CS 4th nVo. W. Phooo Si

clov-.,r t-^vIN F A L l i J U N K 'l l ^ S E - M i : >0(1 IC- a;g_ rubber, lildra. p»iih nnd fiira. nil t'X- ■ I■ Koino l e g a l a d v e b t i s e m b n t s»ii!i'im! - ^ o ' i i i ’i; n F u pT » m '('a t i6 T 'MiTlil. Doiinriiui-ni or tli<. iniorlo r.

II. S. I^md O rflco.nl. llluckfoot. Idol______ Miiy 21. l!)37.kI w m Niilleo 1* h'-rtJiy glvcti thn t Ik rt : B. .Do/;, Noel o t t ’rnlgm ont. l<l;ihr>., who, i iliirlly . Dec. 22, lUSfl. uiiido Hoini.ulctHl cnti . pan- Soilnl No. 038C23 tor‘ 'l .o t •«, Sr; G ri'cn- H w JK; U if J. 'S r r . Ht; .StV

NW% S E ‘,i, Section ro. Tow-niOilp------ — Soulli, Rnngc 18 Eatil, IldlNo MnriillnAUCII, hnn tiled noHcii n t lutirnilon lo nia , bowel Ihreo yoa r Proof, to eMalillnh claim c u inat- thfl innd nlK)vo d«icrlhi.il, hoforc Ro

South inter o f U, S . Uind-.Ofdfio. n l Blac Store, fuot. Idnhu. on the .3(fth day o t J u t

______ 1027.Cliilinant nam<rs fl*LWiuieKncii: H ugh E. R..0.1 m 4-V K. RH!d. W

* iw m ' 'o M . « p b f * -rw'■ m u . Irlnl.0.

___ Slock>rali>ing honu'Blnnd en try . A" m ;n - Decem ber 'i'J. 191C (33 .Slnts,. 8fi2.)1 .^1 . ;. P . 0 . JOHNSTON.I. AVO. ■

___ , iiAXfj, TUI.: k q u a t i o n ino il.,- A BUper.-Nowionlan e quation to

lyrd dollna law s oC m otion la on .theMetal ve rge o f be ing w orked o u t, sayn

A Bclentlnt. D u t 'n a 'h a v o ’ a fool-' I";;;, in g th n t It w o n 't bo « b it o f he lp; y ‘ to th o lady wlio s ir tp . hor s e a rs .* ' ' . . . J ig g le an a tom he ro , th o law___— - a to tos. a n d ovcry o th o r a to m .Jn3ULS-G th o nnU erso Bomeh6V Jigg les inchcnp. responso . In o lho r w ords, tho

B lack B ottom , done wrUi BuDlcloni — — B tam plng on tho seeond Ooor. will

r.mr ehase t h j s leep pnrilclos c lea r off niiich. tjj8 Aral floor end m oy ro su lt In........... sb o c k B u n 'tb o 's J a J r s . , , . s tu br i I-X!. “ *’** Warji fool# it . oceofd-T euth in s to th is equalloa . Yes. a n d no

do u b t h e a rs ab o u t it; a s woll.

'lANO. N ever cross a hridge p a r tn e r l\V. be fo ro o il (ho biu iit in a trum ciits— » r . ,o n ,= v ,d _ f„ m ._.5 U,.

I Now th a t L indl)ergh’s across V ERY ' fo*'"' o f free

, c n lcrlo liim cn t Jpfi J* our m u rd e r --------trio!*,RAW- . . .

A m erica in a c oun try w here ’ e i th e r tho S ta te D epartm ent, th e

S eno le . tho w eo th e ro r Iho m a rk e t___ 1 oro u tu a lly w rong, b u t tho peoploHONE olw ayn rlgh t.^

■ T ho chances aR.^ilnat fo u r per-::8W ., fee t slm ultaucoup bridge bond*r = — * r « r.ooo.ooo.ot>e,oop.ooo.ooo,.

oofl to 1. T h a i s w hy pe rfec tINING b rid g e handa aro good sto rlr .ibnrn. o»'«»'y day in «he w oek.-

( thl». . • • •acro5. A m erica i i sa te , t b o ' na v y 'sprovo- m im ic w ar o n . tho coa»t p roved ,down. Now wo can s tep o u t and bu ;' :tler. . i i r a w h a t.

.^ifirA opponent o f vacc Ine 'oR er*ri-h^ to lo i a n y in sd d e s b its h im . Na-r

5 3 If h o ^ j o « . . . ,^ 'icow T lglT C i«T rN B A SerT !<:t. inc.)

ra^47n B akiitg Powditr 'Coniftot i t in F or a short Urns a h * a d 1S80. a<

; eordln* lo H a r t > n " L * tv « la « A««ftla. a lo tn w |u a s« ] ln b a k ta c t> o w d e ra B a i a d d l o ^ l m i . bn t <ta » h a s bM> en tirely abandoned. Today tb e cal

— “ rtnod.’ w ater*fre« -B a terla l. •od ln t AND sjoBUnnn stilpbate. I t . th a only alnwl

nnm et>mpot»d o*edti>b ik tnspow «)ci

5P; , D€tJt f 4 ^ B a ^ p € o p l »PE R i- T b a rp o ck a t t e k . " k a k a lttae f n w

w ho 6f tf lk cord asspw deli; trxof tf t« B«ek■ Good h a a b M B ia w tc d la B a H a a d f o r t h o a

w ish to .r«ad o r kiOt v t l b m beld“ ^ to* « • book- . .

i T ^ G ria l T rv th S p n m d b tgD IB> n t s bIdaho . sH f tB ta tl»«.aslada a i« b e u ta o t s< _____ a » a y AOMitta' a t b l U ta

!S’i5;M3«*SiSSjTSS5,'tt A L L jb ls B to d a s « MOt and bo t l» hia baal- carel*««,»M i»— I


tfitable__3VhyTO u p " F A T H E R - ;

iC m "^1 j WWAT'<i> 1(1 »T '^ O U C 5 B A B l M K I T H A T ■> ,,/ A U lO N AM' I'

OUS! ■■■ .—

X D A I L Yflbtulu . . .e you

■ = WHEAT PRICESVOIKI.nyette -------------- •

ny iTQUtd Pr* • '■7 — J'lllf 'A G O . -luilr IT-^AfU-r oiiciil YO.N’l.; (jriii unti'n ilv iiu riiiis iiirnli-n\ioly ili0 thin |„K ciirly trndo. h Ih 'iu fiiii liilo_____ . henvy p rn tll-lnk in t: ami hmki- nhiir|iB OI- hlukinK |.iiuKid<uiilil}' undID KKO yn''l«nlny'» r ’ lsi-. Thon- wn» n ft-------rnlly Into In thu hmi.Icui, fnit liu ' to-M irr “’“ H w nik . CiimIi cirmiitui «uh nlow. 'Hr«. f’orii wjm [Inn « t rlh- /*yiri,m iil r - J —- up o v J r ’ tw o ci'lilii In .wluirv- o n l n s fgiiinilHiilnn hny''''H-l«ui^-Jit li«';;ivlly

thir rnlny »vi'iilln>r tm .r th '' Ik'H. T fiixh iiiiiikcl^ wnn ntcnily 1« om.. <'i

Idaho Oulu wr-i-r li m ilii rfniK i- .Mlfy II k r i l l ' '•'''•■•‘‘d "U h uth iT Ki'iiliiii lu n ' 1i , Q„ .jiud fi.iituriilei'H n inrkct. Thu i!a en try " '“ •‘•“ ■t wns luudinnRinl.SMVi l’ni»l«l(iu» wiT<‘ (lull nnd luclliii'il

.SW-i.lilrt'lG Fulurori rnnued nn fuilowK! r |,||„n Ol’EN HI-GH LOW ri.OSniak-v’ " ’HEA1W

all,, I n 'J u ly ....... Hfi»i M7*‘ii H P /, HI• RpB-i*^"!*'........... M l HG ■ H l '^ H :fllnck- c o n s —Ju n e J n 'y ....... 1"- J"^-'Si 0!'’ i IM

,S<'1' | ........... i07>/i mil 'lo r - u i«:: 1 OATS—. W ll- -''lly ....... -ii'.v. -IS?; .iti" rw in Scpl............. 4HTi-----l»» '.'.47-'>J"4>

Ac:i . c in i '.U .O f'.VSilClliCAtU). Jililo I7--W henl. No.

. linnl. $l.r.2W; No. 2 hnrrl. f l.E H i. r.oru—.S'o. " yoHnw. $ l.n jf r i,O t: r

.. 3 yellow. $I.OiK/.l,(i|>(,: "Nd. I yi'lln l!ir.i;<i:ii;p; .s u n yriu iw . ;lii«i'iir,'5

n to r, y.iHuw. KR>4«J!l2>4r: No.. th o iiTlxcil, $1.02: No. I mlxir.1. yfir: .No. Bays inlxrtl, Klifiliuc'; No, fi iiiU nl. SS reoJ- )«.S4 t.; S o . 2 nbU... So.liolp , I whit.-, 11.11114:, No' A whltcv !ini-: .*> lars. »-lilt<.. !it;p: No, r, whltp. SKOKSia law '.r-nmiilc. 73«»87(r. . i . J n I Oiii«.-Nn, 2 wliiiv, >1 in ifw h lic . IH'ii.''iiir: Ni>. t while, 1114 tho ^7■'ic: Kumiilf.

le n t Iliirh-v—!iOtf(!i|c. w ill T lium hy-$i.7r.«tr,.7r,.■ off Clover—J 2IMIIH, 3,-. t InSlob < MV»..STO« K)fd - I’I l l ( \ \ ( ;o . Jn u c 1 7 -C a lllii - It i no ri.||itti n.nno; fed Htcern nml yi'iirllii

............. u ucv tn : (ihp-Hloek wi-nU Intviiiic low er; hiillrt nhnrlnR. decUr

;ner 'v nod to eholce v c a lrm niDiilly >.|ein ruts “ I Sli.'.!70(i liI.Si): common nnd uieillu

lilniln iinevrnly. low er; mont yrnrllu nnd IlKlit frd Moors. I!i,7f.<i 11,50; 1

■OSS r<lrli:tl)- choirn hIndM h ere ; fow Inu rroa 'v ek 'h t lielil nt $13. H enrand fj. fiilrly coml nl w eek’H nilvoiici" i

nletrn . bulk very drntsKy nl drcllno « nil Krndrn of nh^ jitock nnd bulla. •

ore Slieoik—RerriirtM 5.001); fairly nctlv th * seupra lly nK^aily w lih T hur»day'

jliiilk grndo \intlvpn. $lG6f ir,.r.O; - fr ,o1b ••"’"I *o p a f k w . $l.’i.rC: odd lof me

I lum klnjlH down tn $H.r>0 und bclov ;<-ull» ijioBity $10.r,0( i i i : few «troi

, .p - welRhtK. $II.G0: KOO<1 to CbDlce d o l , nl.lp tvelKht ewen. 'S.r.oifp c,-j5 : lirt " ' • 6.C0 : few heavy c«v». $ U /4 J 0 : few

,**! • S nog^—RW elpta 25,00<i': nm rkcl fnl :ly acilvo : Khlpplna <t<.-mnnd hnm ie i'n e rn lly ntcndy to 10c h lchcr; mw iluui Weight bu lchcm nhow lnc moNtai

•y's Jvflnce; pachinj: »o>rfl s im n ^ lo Jl e d . hlKhrr. Top. $O.IG: hu lk b e tter grai■ a l.'i't to :oo avcragvn. *8.90ff3.IG: 2;

In 2-'>0 in u n d hu ichem . $8.80rr<i,0! 2C0 to 3110 iw iind bu tchcrs. $8.65fiS

e ra fi.'.; mont pncklng aown, $7,8r></fl.2i a -r Im-sI nfaughler pfg*. $S.25ft8.5«; bul


4-HirA45« rn O IU C E . . nncrA O O . Ju n e 17.—B utter, n",***• ccljrta. 17.480 psckagea; cream et ). ae< 3 )U 0 3 3 V l> taB d B rd it 40; flreta 3<l mts.” 3 7 ^ ; aocoodB U 0 3 G : ex traa 4 0 ^ . a a a a Bgg«. receip ts. 21.970 caaes; ordlc been ■ n ' 2»0 2 1 : e x tra f lta ta 23U ; Hrat

22 0 2 4 : aeconds IB; ex tra* S I K . ' <.%e«se: T w < a . .« K « 2 3 : ? o jm

i J ! 7 A m ertesns S IH .IX«>lry. r ^ o lp t s to u t c a rs ; fowl

IS; sp rin g s 34 ; .docks » 0 2 S ; grea 12: a p rlo s s n o U ; U rk ey a 20; n o m e ra l i : h ro lle ra 2« ; black cblckea IS ; laichoras IS ; leg b o m b ro ile rs 2e s 2 .

P o la tq w : a rr iv a ls , new j j ; M 1«; ob' t ra c k , new 7$: oM M ; t

W d - trao sU l.OOJ; O klabocna a ad A rkai u s aacked ffilss ''.T rfcih ip lw 4*

. O&-00: W lscoeata aacked n n a whltaa 4.2>0«.fi».

Sw aK pota toaa l ^ t . 00.

i t so K A jf ju a c n r l i t b s t m e *t t M KANSAS CITY . J s a a I T - U o f ^ R c■-0B c e lp u 30.00#; w a rk a t ataady . 10 CM<il o t b U b er ; a lU b t l lg h u do ll. to » » .« < «fa u k IM to ,200 poOBdars: SSO to 31

, jw ohda. $« .3S»9: 900 to .S S4K M a<l

RfKS ._______________ ■

r Not You? C

' \ | ( L O O K '4' I M ‘ ' M n .n u . '‘bO O T O ' ‘U * E L E ‘bS)'. « L iO N l

5 7

. . . ...........


11; i:;>i to loi) i>cit<uiii>, K.?ti; i„ ,„ |„n tn l:»l l..miii|H. JK.r.il'-.ili,” -.; li:u.l,H

,l„, .,aoMX. $.,rii'V K.lii, l„ „! C n llle - Iticeli.I.., l-Jmi; .nUi.n nrtily; >‘t<'‘»ly: /■'"'"I .u-.irlljii;under yenrllit;: M ...|.. mul lie!n f„ ir $:'■;'I'Min: he'-f !.•'■«». ?r..7r.ni_7,r.<‘ toiio nml enltei- enivi..low veiilurn. JS 'iil :;; henvy .< i.lv. -, K.rin,,i r,,,, S.:5.order. •'^heeii — , lti-eel|iis, :,ii'i’>; _ui;iv(i (Iv oil '■li'ndv ll) w enk; liiiiili''. T.o to 7-'|. lin T h e ! ' - ' - ; " 'I ' f"> l i '" ''”'- i" ’" ‘ '. ' ,.,,ii[ ' laiiiliK,'$1 l.'iU'" 11.7fi: ljulU l ufl liiiil


(HIAIJA l.I 'IIS T O I'KS l t l i 'n i OMAHA. Nell,, .tiitie 17

CMlle ltevell.I» rjiMi; mnvli.-l i.leni iieiMo l‘i «i^nk; ycnrtluKS, . JK.r.ii"i In.T " " ' Hleern. »;i,25Ai i:!.!'.'.; e i,» ,. iiinl l.i lfri

JI.2IHf nitiekert* nnd feeifem,I nvi.- '’I l<‘: nilveN, $<i,r>'l'ii l:i; bullx IK

tililKM. $•!. I'l'ir K.MI.H .|t i Hokh—Ri‘cel|ilh II.I')"; liinrket nteni M-Mt I" »o Ific hlKher: Imlk of wilei', $K,r.u

K.vn; top, jy..no ' Sheep- ReeeliiiM. Oimo, miirkeiI ,,r i ' low er: te<l yenrllnKH. $ll.5()'iM 3; fee

'* <T Inuilm. $H « ii:i; rm Inuihx. $12.75I.V75: ewes. Jl.-fi.r.-l,

■'^K ’ ..■• ■ . -DKXVLIt LIVKSTOI'K

1)I.:NVE». June 17.—C nllle: It S'o. I <.,'|ilin inuO; mnrkel Hleady to xlroii. Vj. litef >teern SK,r.'Kii:i; cown nuil lie '4; No. f'lH $7^1 ll . l i i ; eiilvcii jr.< iill: fe<.ile 1‘llnw. ;iiii| Moeker» $7,r>u'«( l)iill» $5 ir.',5e: 7. : 5,

2 n o n s : Heei.liitu H"); luiirket »len .No, . i,i[, »li; Ixilk $K.7r,<li!l; |dcn KX{|, Kliee|i: l|>rcl|>t>< tK'Ui; iniirk

.Vo. .7 .11,•illly, jr,r hlsh i'r; »|»rl«K J•: .S'o. ?- I5.i;0; eweii t|<r.fi,25,vS 'jc; ---------

r(M lTI,.\M » L IV m iK .'K .; No. I-OUTI.AM), Ore.. Ju n e IT- Cniile ll '.4 ‘*'’ Hecell'lH U ll; tone of iiiarkel ntr.;i.l'

f.leei>. Koitd erode.. ?;‘,«it<i!l.7: iiirdlum. *K.::r>'’' i !>: comuion, 17<(X,J1 rauni.r« and . .cutler;*. $fif< 7; helfci i;iHiil, S7.7.'>tiK,7.'i; n i.dliiui nnd eon iiiou. $fl'>/7,75; lieef eoxvn. b6oiI. *7- •:)'7.73; iiil'dJum nnd ciinimnn,. l-'i,.',(ii

. It,.. 7.2.’>: ciinnerH and ru ttr r .i . jniin.r,!rllliKf enlveri. meillUUI cIioIm ' 1!iO H>». dowIn 2> li'ft poundn. tn 2f.u pound

.|'lini- Hoin< — U erelpln 0 : uiiirket I'low 'lend\ 'Medium, good chidee h;o.20o iHUuid .iiiulu zwi-sr.i' Wli..rlluc" 2.’iO“iM)undn up. IK.fiiHi imekln0 - no <miKith. he;ivy. Jfi.25«i7 .75 ' «lauRliti lo«<l* llM V. f»edern nnd ^Inclranee 'tm, $'j,.'.o«t lO.IS,

fi;j Sheep - - IteeHplK l.r,7u: niiirli' nc nil '!>>-idy; Inililni. Xt llix. down, iiirillii: I s .- - , eliolre. llO.SiHi li.r.'i; iiilin nn c llv f ciimmon?*, a ll weli;litn. *fi«i li',5i‘ : 'vi tl lay-*-' I'rs. ^7<i'J: e u es. cninniou to cinilc -• fow ‘ I*. 5.50,

c"ow'' ■ VIMIK PROHIM'i:tron« 'ilcnii- N E " ' YORK, June 17—H i.iir du I,rnl nnd xtendy. Pork e.tiu-l I meni., p ]

firm er: luhMlewelcht $13t3.3(I; RUKiir inw unneKliif: tijio

fnlr- tP"t. delivered duty |Mld, $1.52; n inmil lined qu ie t; grnnulnii'd. $6.0rt<iC.2C niwl- ‘■otfeo Rio 7» on opot. l l ? i« ;H 7-S Ntad- SantoR 4t«. lC *i< il7 : (allow, ntcndy

ICc •'Peclai to ex tra , 7 '.4^<7 A-8: liny dul - rad i' No- L $L M ; No. 3. I l .o s r , 1.10; clovei . 210 $l.00«1.20.9,05: -------------------------------

E p i J t m c ’. B i , T e l l biilk. Ao estim a te o f Ihe de a ta s caused b

Ihe tn n n e u a epidemic, 1919 and 101S--------i a s s msUa b j LauuiuAln iu - th e <l>

xeilevles RosptU ax. September 30 an O ctober 2, .1610. ' n « u y s th a t for th .(o'aJ o f i l n tontlu. allotrlQ i for MOtlt.

m orta lities to C eoiral Asia an ' the F a r Bast, tha w orld mortajli,

conld easily have exeeadad 23. 0 0 ^

'o * u PetrlBcauoo o f w ood .la tb a n n ln«a« of w at« r carry lo s to aoUHoB cartali

c baa lea ts , *apeclally ,«m ea o r q a a ro dtens The wood b e c u m a a t m t a d w ith th•s 20 w ater aad each p a r t ld a e t wb*d I

. replacM t a to m fo r a to ia . by tb a alUea. t r a apeak o f ^ t m t o n l a s - td a ta * 4 *“ bademlBf p a t r f M . T b a »o ad da* 4 4 5 oo t n m to " atoo% b « t Is np la < *

Boad b y - i t o e f c - ^ •

£ i K i b t : 'v -ura d o w ;> R M < i n a U t i « f # i 6 ^ b««



Call .38 m— B y M c M a n u s

y ^ 'a n '"h E 's ', 1 , l-'.V''.v,7I P U L u o r - '

f e y .

^ P O R T S v '


I ';;ni>: -'•ii'K-.. I . u r v j .v i j n i i i . 'K s .I '“ '‘f - . WhviH. .Vo. : ur I.el1i.r ..................$1.22

• S i:« A Il •S iicar, lir-et ...................................._',„$7.62

,.‘?iiK;.r, c;ill<.. . $, ; • l-U01)UCB

........ ............. ........................ ■37&'lun;'l/" ,'’; 'H u t te r ............- .......... ......................-4 0 c

' ......‘ V uI V k iix m A N «'V tV nLti"'ll.'ltVJl.lKllI III!*.................l ie

Menily -'’•nl'OIn:,',; I.ox ............................ .......... ..............-60

ilfrr.i, SprlnKi'ii*. c i.lo m l .........................;....llc‘ni f r Iti'illriM. i^-sii'irii. JU !u 2

i.nd i:rollerH..<-olnreil. H .i lo 2 lha. ..:.l(oHiirliig l.«-«linriiii .............................. ...... !>0

„l,.;,dv Turki.yH. Nn. 1 .................................... _20clK,r.iK.i 'I'urkeyK. .Vi. 2 .,................................ 15c

Tiirkeyn. old lonui ..... ........ ............. -15oI 'ieoHir ........... ................ ..............lac• ....... DiiekH ' .......................... - ................... -..lOci::,7r.r,-. M V K STO tjR - .-

IIokh[ heuvy 1 ........-™Ci4«'7?40.Stirera - ---- ------------------------------«07 oHeitors' ............. ...... ................6VS<W«o

Ue-ICOWB ________________— .... ......4©50iron;;: MuUoa ______ - toI helf- 1,-iiidi ...................... .......... ! . . J . . ._ . . .^ l l0e..ileri. . SK LM H U P R H 'tS‘ *•’'<' Colory ________ J___ :____ _______ 17b

U -ltuco ...................... ...... .— ... 2 to r 2ficTiirnlp.i. now --------- _ 1 „ ---------- ,_ l i c

. . S irloin s te a k ---------1 , t i cuiirkel ‘ ' *K<i

” ■ 'vZZ .“i. r - —r ~ ' 'i— iS• Croam c h e e s e ___________________ 310

l l ; i m ................... ........ ........JQaiille Uacon. sliced _____. t , , , 40*li.;i<i>" ;>opppra. lb. .18a‘ ■■'’r.: I jin ib c h o p a _________________

•i«dlBh«-a. hunrhelfiT.i. ; . . . . -------- . i

H7.J'> P ro fit in G o o d S ero ie*-1,.''.(i‘f I t Is ftin-nya th r employee »rlirt worka iri,r,n; iils^m pln .ror m th e r than fo r hlm- do«-n, berom ea In Ihe end th e e » -’dow- l’' ‘*y"'' hlumerf. Service pays In actual niiid« ‘lollarn and centa. I t Is Ihp m ost p ro^ ;«/ Id., iiablo n-Drii in th s Isnguasa ss srall aa i-klnK, 'h e t r e a tc i t .—E dw ard Bok,■Kilter . ; ■r lncK- O r te ttt t T r tttliiirli.'! The .Or»*gon ira ll. wlill-li.’ tn nhnat. riiliiiu '.'.rnn ndli>* Inuc/ from Indeiieniletica.

Iiiid ,\io„ tn Oregon c iiy nnd Fori VnnrOtt- 'veth- vpr. on tho Ovtutidda rlv>r. has lu ; ni IC. |ir«ctli-nlly covered by th s t

of the Union I'ncilU rall.rond frota lha Iiolnl o f Ita (Oregon tfn llj . to u » ln g ' H*ar river. - • .

dull , ---■ — ' -

lover. O ra to rtcally . sp a a U a c . U a d f O b e r th 's hoiaaeonlB C ta I lka lrV t« .^

' b a th a oeeasloQ to r m or* tk a a e » * . ' aadnraB ca f llsb t. .' . . O o a ^ . U * . ' reasons C M rla y u a d a abeh. a bUr-

ed by b i t w itb a r t r r e a * is th iu -ft* d M s 't . -' 101P. do a a y h ig h f ly ia s la P a ila . . .

. <1, . H a 'a a e b a s a p l o a ta l h * « t r . b « t k »0 an< ^ I'**!* too t on .tk« C t«aB «.>r th» . ■ ' th a fly*» b a a r » . 'rssa?*-*’ •1 an«i • . .V -- . ' . .is lliy Mayb* 8 aer»ury.-U «aio«*«*«M r=^

rta la h* 'a 100 t a k T ^ B I l M L S a S lu tB . aoee 14k * » l e t e t ^ i i m m & j a b th a t* ,« o to t e r t h a t

• eooM t n H S H i i B; « ta «


Page 8: :ffS,-5ssE!^M's ‘ m [ill oyisjnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_TF81/... · i n r . i — cli ikyCHAEEY :i COMUE SCRAP 1 ' ce sr vait*« m aa ^ LOS

i . • r a o E E i Q i r r .


m iD E'lUiliW rjr T liro r r In ContK-rHnn » i |l i : I)r« th 'o f I’r n o n Fimnil lu - Itm k

C rc fk 'lH H eld l ’i><<-i>alii«-:.4'hcinln.{ K cport I'nnnlKhi-d,

O tdcorn nro ncoklnf; loUiiy In Iciiriii from P o rllond noincihlntr- or Joim PnulBon, owInK to n lo lto r n<I<lrrr<;:i':i to a person of Hint .name. In rnrtliin .l, th n t w as (ournl In n emit l>clU-v(’<l tn bolotiR to ttio mnn whoiio (joily tr.iK found WodnoflUay In ItocU crcVii. H om er Snxoo, ctiomlKt, imlil (hlii »n- v rnoon th a t no rcnuUn had >)ccn dI)> in ln e d no fn r from ic iIh o f pa ri« or t b e ' body ' an ^ . th a t no tlilne fliinl.

. ^ o u ld be avaJInble ‘iror n few d; vh. ‘.The su ic ide theorjr-'firowH otklnt: hi elrcum»Uincoii uncovered nnd tn ' itm . fn c t th n t J . A . Younrr saw n iKTKnii ■ nsw crlnit th e iloncrlptlon of tbo dmil w *n TiieadR)' atiornooa Rolnc th o sp o t w here tho cone nnd bnt n e io 'dbicovored T h u rsd ay nfttirnoon.. S eareh InstU utcd n t 2 o 'c lock p. ni,

S 'estonlny, foIlowJnjr iiio clone o t tin- 90Bt m o rtfm ^ c ir to tlie dlncovory nf n IBOBt and b a t n e a r ibo’ Rock creek wn- 1 e r;cdR e . w hich Inid Ibu fniindndoii t o r fu rtbo r, defUiUo Inquiry Into iiio K ontU y o f the. m nn w hose botly wni. found W odnetidoy nflem oon In tlio ' creole ha lf a m ile below w here ttm c o a l nod b n t w ero found. I t l» I.e. lieved (h a t tlio co at botonRod to Uu< dood m an, aa i t wna of th e nnmi) mu- l e r l a t AB-tbe trouvors found on tlio body. A note on tb o back of a loli.-r — tn tb e pockot load* to th e Jmllef llial tb e m an m ay havo com m lllod nulclilo. ,

S ho rtljt a f te r tbo clono of ib e i>o,k ‘='"‘ m ortem th e ofrieern w<-nl to thn iilnm „ tbo body bad been found nnd senj-clivil , carefuTly alongr tb e ereek li.inU until th e y arrlTetJ a t th o *jK)t w here th r I"*" c o a t a ad h a t w ere dliicovcro<;. A Wnl- , th am w atcb a tlll n in n ln c wu.i In nno pocket: tb e fob bad a 12 gold cnin 'y" » s an om om enL A box of ntyiff nn.l

■ • le tte r w ere a lio in tb» bockflt-T lif r iad in s of th e w otcb dlRponon flnatly V o f tb e th e o ry iJiBt th o m nn »-rn U IIM I;, “

■ f o r th e pu rpoM of robb ln r blm. ofrii-- « r» 'bo lleve . T b e BunVof-*<.30 In hi|:vb f 'w&s^fouDd in th e trouheni on Die “ b©dy,.J)Ut alnco th e re w ere evldencw " " " t h u ; ^--w alcli h a d been w orn .In the tr o u M n 'p o c k e t , i^ .'w ai iu rm U ed thiii

' M iM (n(t7.jillS t> t.havo s tru c k tho mon «Bd’iin a t;b ^ :! th c w a tc h ..w lib o u t w ait- p j

T li« o u r E M I r t M iim j-Me w orkd f« r m uch n u m than ,ir i.i

" n r r « m n n r j i 'ITIUi w ork tn ru rd to p b y thenT he m e w tbonuW of i»iiy cnv,'Bcem* ■ to tftrlkc blm diTldvJIy ^aiil

fonnj*• Ills :

■ • F resh F ruit* ).7"' a n d V egetable* T-nli,

W bat you don 't bnvo In you r ow n I nrdcT)* In- thn wny nf fn ilm «i>cl 'VcKetAblcB wo li.ivo In o u r n tnr-. K nowinB tb n l ^vrrJ(.n.• inj.iyn theao foodii. c-ujM'Clally a l.l l i is tlm n ij-

.Of th e y rn r. w« cndrnviir to k rc ji ; ‘ ' a frfliih 8Ul>ply In Uic nlor(; a t '• i l t lm c i

C aa T o n r SlrunlnTrli-« N on ,

C rysta l W hite Ronp— Q * ? / *te n for .................................V 0 \ y I 'l.lr

C om tV)Mnto' l»<“nilp- i^ .o. m an. 4 cnn« for.......Soup. C am pb i'lls— 9 Q o

th ree c n n . fo r...................... ,i„.lloney . 10 lb.

fo r ........................................... m ilrItoyal F rn li G c lm in r -

Six to r ....................... ......;iso.

.....33c '■"]P rem ium SoiU Crackcr* O O o . T w o-pounil t-ox ............ A 5 F C

U « tc h « !i- IQ PSix boxen f o r ...........

T o ile t T ap e r — S g tU r s a ro lls .......................... -

n illE lf .K JM IT S tUlKlnii. Seed1r»»— Q Q i «

p o u r pounds for O J F l /

'T h re e pound* f o r ------ . 2 9 C

T w o pound* to r ............2 9 C iW hite n in»— 9 Q | * ^

T hree fwunds to r ......... jA pp le 'fr- I

T w o pouails fo r ............■D«tea— ■ " I

T w o poonds fo r-------------V S x ^ . C ^ y - J f f A I

p e r p o u n d ------------------

D .C .C a s h G r o c e r yF n t D*Ut»>7 T w lr f E ach Pay i

1* « . p. m . ] O a w rtm r '^-Q o M 2 itr— P n C 9

PHOXK £13 ^

J ^ e r o :

I'h iirlcs I.tiull>iTuh, yuiithriil I fnr .im rr lf ii 'i n -u -n 'u r r f« r II- m S u ld lrr nl Arlliiulon th i' dii) iirti<r ........ .. t i j r r lll-nl lirfuO- th r loMlIi.

Unf-H"'’ "<-'nr'-li tho potUi-l:! for i!n- |cliannc. • __ . r

.Mil) lli< fQ c liI f . . I .The IcttiT wail w rl lln i In N(*rw.'j;i.in

ind waH !icMroHm-il fii JoJin ('aiil'*nn I’ortlim d. Iiy 01<- IKtk-. of tli'uil. (irr.On the li!»'k Wcri' iicvi-ral liii'r>ti(.rr'iii K'nirnrr.H lu S»-<-iII.h|i, w hich wcrr- niiiiilaK’il hy ];. i.in<l. 'I 'l ir ;n li UilllRO wim Him ])(' li;irl (ivu .-lc l i ;roat rloal In-i.iM rrli of ivoil;. Tin vorilh. "forKlvc 111!'" itni! "Sii a ll ili ls ,'rlniicil lh(; iio'.i). 'I'lir li l l r r waiiicroly a '» t« iry o l M a\c|:i o f a woiU-iirn , Id

T he d irt on iho Iialil( of the cri>i'K tin k-nn lilKtiir’JOd a» If llu; luan lui<l aiid inintn tho w ater nfKrr ri'iiiDVlUK liln lial cmind eo'U. , . ' • va

---------------- --------------- :lu


BOYViolATORSf______ UK

rulU lllnm Cnn-) 'iV||> Jif D rive |„ C,,!!. ''i"

fiirnin n l lh Sfuli-ii Auli>: T lirc. Y ouiia-l.-r. Ailnilt Tnliliiif r i- rr S lon r Cnr. I<'l

fV(ii((y r . f t f'r;U .T i- .iiin iII la«l n li:ht from •' -r.m r-n io i.rlu:;-l« Willi him W iiii a ' ' , , l,;, u jiti ' ‘I" iTc-ully <';icati''il : '" i •' c j.n.I.aK Durt rnoiu. w lir ii :i- ii:ut v ii; thIiKallim f'lr- :i1Im;i'i1 iiil’ii!<':>/-:il|i> ''1‘ nd who tin i1;iy Ir. ■ *"llh 'h av ln t: i'-mI.m 'I r <-;ir I'/.w.-A \.- " =

I’llllani l ‘<i;,fT [r.mi l ‘i /pn-;; ai;' rivinK It til I 'a lt'iiriiln , i:,i, 'IJto cniMorly IlicVc lie- ;iilnill1.-.I r , 'a ic tl iiri'onlliiK to Oi«' orUii-n., lai " a IIVI' IiIh liaiiii- ;i;i Willliiiii W anl. M< ‘ hi :iill Kiilay. IIK' priit^ali' JuiIm<' miIiI ■lat II boy friiiii HurU'ly. « h c k .h . is naai.- an C rlt;;.., iln.v.- wllti ]ilu riiiu Tu'In Kallii in I tiiin aiul i h ' i ( ■/I h h l i . T h l - i D ^ t u i - l l h n i o r Die »,->■ „III Iir ■Irirrniln.'il ililr> a ri.i iin o n I.; ^'y riilMti- .Imlxi' C. .\. H;ill<‘) . . Juilci- lla irry dll', nirirnliif: I 'm iin t’

•ci l..'.inar'l I-III.1, I I. 1.1 111.- . l a l r i>i iii-lrlal :..'liiMi1 .>n ;.i|ri>l-.r Ion iln i '- lnr .ik r hi', ........... anil Moi.- 'll,. I-i ..(on.- <-.ii' l:.M ;,l.^,ii<|c.|i|„j I t l r r a li.v v l.lr^ Arit,i„- ............ II

H M t < A « O U M Ilt W oiil ttan r-i-i-U.'il ttm ii »n an il. '

i-.uran<i- a i: .n ry iat.1 r\.-nliiK , l.> ", l .l.'f It. K. l.li;litnn, n .a t til.' «-hr>^'- T c a r 1i.-1il l.y Hi.' i<>IU.' for ti..';.M w n l;. lia.l Ix .' n«!i>I.'U ll.in i t'" ', r« n lr .- il .,r ll.iirli- T n "k. Ml.-I. inltli ua-> laK 'n Int.. iiniiixly w lr n 1.' c ar « a s li.'l.i Iml .|l>api«.ar.'.l. ilti ■a^lim hit. ' 1|(>' an.l Ii'T fm - \.';|1 -111 Ul rh ii.l . I>rr.'. It is nal.l tiu.l tl.u ,lai> tlio iioy U thr- :i.'i.--.nn o t Sniltli. a^r hn m a rr ii.l iii.itti.'i' .--Ix nionUiH lu'.-KO. uf

Red Cross Worker ]

T he w re c k t je of Iho n » ry seap lane li Cros* rp b sh illta ilu n w o rk e r, w s i k lllr

3 Pays Homage to .

f ^

III Mill o f lilt, nnlloii, inilil h is o n n li • M«r*l}«ij» • wJm-m In- l/iltl H Mr('Prti'r, Ik- Innilt'd In ... .................... ^i.■llll('l.uih^ ' ■


Ti»- OrcKiin Shorl t:inr In ready in | try Ibc r ia r l i (;(niiity IHKim'iiv (llnirU'l I tioiiil can.', imw iM'iulhiK on finiit ln-ar-| inc In till- fi-diTal cnuri, IuvoIvIuki cnn»tltntlfmHllly <>f Hi« Jaw ta-oUltiK in vallOiito hiKliwiiv l.nnilii whcncvtT tiic- tufum laut Ih prciiar.nl. nud Atlorm-y llicilr of Siiol(un<‘. ai*i.np!ntc of U. \V. K'/iUT(J;ihJ. 'CJdrk coiiitig. han miC- ficluniiy ' rccDvcrcd ■ from Tllncmi, II waH,i.tat.-d to.lay by H. H, Tbinniinoii. a tto rnoy for tin- O resnn Siinrt l.lm-. wblcb firoUKht thu o riclnnl action.

Tl»> railroad coiniinny hn» not n ;. tnckcd tlfi- conHlltiitioualily of th e vai- IdtilInK iicto, .Mr. Thoinn:tnn nnlii. l.nl thl- Ihhu.i wai. ralKcd Iiy iho aniiwor tif tilt- <1(-f.-ndiint. Aft.-r Un- inl.-rto.-- u lo ry . iii’rr<-n which wnn liani-.l on a rullnic which liciil llu- isjiuancc' of Imndit iiniliT tin: oiii law nnconi*liiu- 'i iinal. till- rai«- waH .l.'iaycil nnlll Iho •‘u liikidnt: tirl;i Wurr ikikkci] and Hi" l.'fi'Uilani, llu- ( 'la ri: county <iliiirl'-i, Hu-n ralKi'il the [loini in llu answ i'f by •MWrlliJK lhal Ihir )a«« hy Umlaiil li';;li.1nliir<-. <:uri-<i tin- def'-cH n|»m which (hu court baM.'.l Uh nillMi; 'l ia t Hi.- ol.i ni.'aHni- wa-i nol con«ll-l •uHoual. Thi!. 1.r.)ii;;i;l H..- r|u--»tloal i.|nar.'ly lu fort- Hie n in r l, .MlliotiKh li.'K' <"n h .'in xoiiii' tiilU or in i.tllif- n:: i.itit In Hn- Mali- courts to l.'..t 111.'• IV. thl vl;:-,-. nol l..'cn .loii-j.

•I'.',.' xall.lli'y nr Ihc JI .lT,ii,i).i.l |,i;;:i- vaj I'.ir,,!:. or Hn- Tsvln K.HIi. Iih:h nay •!i-ii'!. t now Irt Hi.i tianil* ot ]iu;'- I'haM'i'.'. I.. ni«ol\.'il.

■ -'KA.N^iAN IS l \ J ( '» f : i>

Carl HnilHi o t Hatnlltou. Kax.. w;i*J f..oH>- (miin-.l «Ji.'li he m v. M iiii'k: jy a cai .IrU . n i>j' an miltnovvn tin.nl laM cv.’tiliii: at lialiMCU hnillli. » l lh l !CaI|ili tilff.'ny. alM> <.t MainlUon, w"r.-l pu a tr ip lo Ihc io.i>l. Tii.'y --. .y : thnl Ih.' ott..T a:ito «an ro inlny Into Ih.' laalli r.....l, Ir.un Hi.' roail iiorlli. in.l lhal lli.'y lu in .i l out Io av .il.l' I .iillii-i.m. Tliclv c a r ^tnn•l, a .cu l-1

SiiiiHi *Jtini|).'.1 out an.l Hiv ollu:r car till titin hut .11.1 not rtii|i. Th>-lr nnt.i i<ii> clciiioll>.h.'<l. Sinllli u a s lironKlil to T « lu K.iIIk t.jr n il.U ra l 'a lt. 'n t lo n l.y oHi. r autol.'tr-.

> » :i ;i .i;(T j s c h a ij (;k i» j

Mrn. Kan^a^< l:I I<• Ainiin.us. by l i . r , .lt..ru ">.«. W.ilfc A: .N.!i1-idu. ha^ fli.'il ■ •lilt for (livincc from John -Am-; moup. wlii^ui ri.c iiiarrl.-.l IT y.iari.l a^o lu N i'c linorc. .V, C. She rh a i 'i r ^ j ni'.';1c.-l and cn icliy anil Ofk:' ru:>to.ly| of live fhllrircii. 1

r Killed in^rash

le In w blcb E a rl K ilp a tr ic k . 'R e d ( ( llled n e ar fU toa Ito n ce . La., is |

T W F A L L S r > A n .Y T n r E s '

) a Hero ,

wf' J j m

I Irlhnli* lo th r srthbnl tb d t ntnndH n'rttli on Iln- lam b (if Iho Vniinturn

:ll('r.<i stood n t iiroHonl nm in nn tlie

r^ A Y t THE FALLS jI';, lAverlnR of I ^ h AnRoles. fo r­

merly of thin d ty . iipcnt Tburm lny In

Y’l'wln KmHh on hUfinciiH.

I'MwIn Sii-Hnn, i-nn of C. C. Rlrirlna. hi vh.lHiiK boru, u l]h frlondii p rior to l.'avlHK for Culvhr Cliy. C-nllf. lo njiond

itlii- nuiuincr w ith hix ]i»rcntii.

Irl'l Iloln inn Grnv'/ ^on of Mn>. Klh.il ir-jO n iy . iirlnclpnl of tho Ulckol iichuol. I Uitiiiiii' le tu m c il fr.om iho U n iv e rs i ty 'n f t to Idaho, w here Im him enniplcleil bln v be- rim t ycnr's colleKC work. h

w . Mins •Jtilln IliintpP. dium htor o t .Mr. v T. I i . llunti-r, forjii/'- '" of

II Twin l-'iills, won.tlin-M imcow. I.lahn, C>11. h lsb Kcbnol ticboliii'xhlii cup. nccord- ^ll.. III? lo w ord recel>'c<l huri;. C

• ,-r-——— IIMrs. J . a ,T u c k e r , who undorw enl V

..j. a m ajor npnrntlon sonic lim e nRO, w«« li illschnrRod (rom iho hoKpltnl todny. t

M(«ti Cafherlno fiii'os In oxjw cfnl n „ iK-ru thin wcnk in \diill. I

of ' ■ ' IIii. MIhh Mary K; IkickenooRor hnn ro- liu n litncl h er [lonlilon Wllh tho KmilhnrT , „ Idaho WholcMalo Rrocery nn.i k-ft lo-

r<) n vli.lt in Callforniii. liv */> — . {

Ml:is Uvii W are, form erly n Tw in a •I, I''all!( tcachcr. cmiik? in from Spokane iij. loilay io'%IMl Mm. (■- T. IJunix- a t ”II j Kirili iivenui- ca^tl-


UP IN COURT■'•■lliiik'i- O^crriih-'t M.illon hf Ilrui-sllr '' I In Slrlki- I’lirl of licfense in I.lhmry

I'jjj I 'lise; Klual Ih-nrlliK Kridii).

-Iti.li;.- Unsli A. linker Ibl'i laornini; ’iM'iitil aiviiineiiM on inn-ion>i Hn Hie II- I'la rv cai;e .n irru li- .l iho motion of

'• I- A, llrin ^ili'-l(» »trlli.- out the »i-e- ..ail .l.'ti-ni.c or Ihe rlly , el nl, an.l

d - '- r j .m - .J )Jjc jd-.How o f S rn a lw .M, J,I'- Swei'b'V iillow ln^.lhi' lib ra ry l.oard to

I-' iiia'le u iiaftif to Ibe cnse. K, V,I" 1-iri.nn. iittnriic) 'fo r the plaliitltf. wan I't Klv.'ii Ih o da>:i lo .f lli i un .insw cr lo ’•' .(111- l i l .ra r- .h n a ril’s eontenilfln. T he

'ear.- will ronie np for filial h r.irlnc iii.'xt Krlilnv nmmlnK.I JinlKc lU ker then hoard tw o divorce I.'au4'r. Jn wtil.-li thoro w ere defaiiKn.

r r rialntlffH in 'M .th.coson w ere reprc- ,i|,M 'ntc.| liy 0 . <■- ftn ll. Jcnnetie Shciir-

,lnK wax ;;rantc'l n d ivorce from I'Crr.„ . jcM StirarlnK and cnsto.ly of two

IclilM ren. with J30 n m onth nllniony; .y'M ilclre.l Severe wn* Riven dl\orc»-

I from Newell S.-vero Iknil ciistoily of _ .e h l l . l , I.ii;t ev .'n lnc JudRe linker

ji'.rani.'d a .llvnrce H> Mrs. lYe.l O ren /. |rei.f ,'« .'u te .l t.y JndRP C. A. Ihilley.

I'IC K K TT S PR O finESSIV ES I’le k e ll’n r ro fres lT e - clnns of the

Mi-tbodist rh u rcb *111 hold a picnic al the Imme nf-M r. and Mrs. C. W. Uice immedlftiely a f te r cburcb Sun- ■lay m orn lns, Ju o e 19, Plrvase h r in s fun.iw irh'-n iind onrercd dish for yonr fnmlly, nlno 70 u r ow n dlsbe.v

Co'njf Journey Dr. Panl W. M errill, a stronoaier a t

. the ilou fit Wilson laberatory . Pasa- drnn. coinputed ib a t an exiuvss tra in would take ’JOO years to reacb tAe tu n [

. frotn ou r earth.

W om an B a m e u Pioneer'Lady \Volvertoo .Waa th* flrst wom­

an to t-'nc’snd to occupy a posltloa lo b ir baslarioi. when ta ISSS sh« be- M » e th e direcior of a n-eJI-knowo banking cumpsoy In l^n d o a.

' $25.00 BEWAED, fo r a n y n a e ' Ik a t n a p ro te tk a i

rC P K K 'K r iS t d N B ISG * an* M*( ' tb e be«t ta pair (a an y Mofoc.


r ■ - :___

~ i S i M B O Y ”F M S ib E f f lATSA^NDAW

Nnn o f {ieoritt> T lilutten. o f Twin Pnlin H e rr ou vI hII, Inx 'nn ily Killi-d M’b<-i

• H e D rop? JOll Km.t (« Kocks Ht-low

S helby T lilo ltrn . 2-1. o r 'K opklnH .Mlun., uon o f GcorKC T hictton. o f thl< c ity , .w nn IniiUintly k l l l e d - n t 'a i K o’clock Tii'urailuy nftornoon, when ht

' |Iofil bln hnlniice w hile looklnR o v o i tho .<^nImon riv e r canyon w all, nn'd-foll 100 foot to n loilRo liclow. Coinpnnloni w llh th o uh l n t ropcit unrl llic nnnht- nnco of otberH ;ncnr tho dnni. b roucbt tbo body tn th(> lop of thn cnnynn cd.’:c n'nd It wnj* lirouclit lo Ihn n ine nn- U ortukliii; par.tnrn boro Iiiki n lsh t.

T h o 'b o d y w ill bo sen t to U opklns, - w hore h lH -m o the rnnd sln tor llvo.'nnd

w bnro ho wnii fnroiiinn of tho Hop- Kins M otor company. H is brotbor. C hnrles. w<II hccotnpmiy tho Imdy nnd n tie n d tho funernl aorvlecn there.

YounK T h lo tten a rrived hero Tnos- dny w ith Cbnrlen W rlsht, n f H opkins, nnd T hurndny nfternnnn left w ith W rlch t. bin brn tho r. nnd Jot* Scnlii for the Salm on dniii, >2!J inlleH noiuh of Tw in' FallB, niH non -rcslden ' flshlnK llcchHo wan dftlcd Jo ho«ln -toilny. }Jhj

- fa llie r wan to s o ou t nnd Jnln tho p n rty thin innrnlniv. The young m an wmi fu ll of ontliitnln/im nnd enerRy nml w en t lo Hio oiIro ;of th e cnnynn nl nnco on n rrivn i lo lfiok over, lllii coiii- punlonn nnw blm loiio bln linlnnce nnd fall, h u t woro no t n«<ir enouRh to Krah him before bo d rn jp c d 100 fou* to denth. T ho bo jy fin.ff ptnnncd (n hnvo Iho oxpnrlonco of^cn tiD lnc on t heforo Ibe flnhlns s tn rted .

. . . .W llllan T hle iton of, ihlti c ity is r.n — uncle o f tbo dcnd ho ;^

r m k a h l I ce■ SBIIPiaSK ODD i: mlOWMlEETlNG,:l Thn Rehiiknhs iiu rp r llc d the Odd >1. FollowK hist ovenlnR n t thu close of tif the 1. 0 . O. R nenslon w hen they "in* In vadod" tbo hull and pu t < n » proiinini

lionorinK tho A m orlcan IMaR. nofrenh- . inentK w ere nerved n f t c r ’tho proRrnm. r, w hich wail Riven ns fo llow s: rjf I le n d ln ^ "O nr r in tf ," lloap ,Mc- n, D onnl'l: Rronp of voc n l' iiiiiuhora Iiy J . Miss L u d w ls : ' ‘.My FIria:." O eo rtln

O'Vell. A w oll p ro iM rcd 'paper, ••Trib­u te to tho Flnjr.“ w ns re a d by Dr.

l l l-'mnni CroHsliynd. A h iunoro iis read* i« InR w ns Rlyon. by M Irlnni D allnntync.

tn s tru m e n tn l mitnlc. by ijirs . W llllnm F e lhush w ns chjoyed, Hit* concludiuR

!il n im ihor wnn n rendJnff '.'frn .Ivon P rice, nn.l tho a|tdli-i.'»;c rIoHcd hyi idnnInK S tn r SpiiuRlod Dntmcr.

’f P r i d e R u t n s A HAll o the r piisslons do occnslonni

goiMl. hu t w hen p ride pu ts 4 i its word n ove ry th ln s kock w rons.— lli ik in ,


r 221 ‘‘On

i(. . ■ ■

: Phone 178e ■c


\ SH E R B E T S R E A D ’S

e \ \ W W \ . W W ^ ' v X ^c \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N s ^ \

:L O T S O F

y o t

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H t M M W d HI C D N m BOAi_ i| J .n r« r D oleim iion <Joes lo Trn ln l /i ,.n W i'lrom o Nntioniil Hund «if W \ (

^Y.^ P n itfn im T h is KTeulng.

FnJlifro to m nko connections n t noo Ihl*’ dolnyed tho n rrlva l o f I. I. Donl

hund'coriH ul of tbo- Wooilmnn of Hi , ‘i,„ W orld from D enver n n d 'h e will com ‘ In n f '3 :2 $ »hls n ftornoon. A InrK

duloRntlon lion<ied by Mnyor if lcbnr iftnn B ohlor m e t tbo noon Irn in nnd tli

scou t tro o p , u nder tho Icnderiiblp < " ijr A rth u r I ln ll. iisn lstnn t iicoutmnste! ,u . . pnrndrd ni> to tlio Piillm nn nnd sioo

n l iitten tlon .T he c ity looks Kny wUb decorntio

Inu of fliicK. T hin oveninR tbo proi;rni nn.i w ill hoH ln-nt.C -o-clook-w iib n-lm skf ton- I'lcnlc. . T horo w ill ho n big pnrnd

I iitnrtini; n t G o'clock! w llh tho c ity linn nnd’ lond/nc. A fte r tftls, Inrttntory' core

m onies w ill bo idoBcd w lth< Connii Honk In cbnrRe. Tbo Inilintlon will b in tho p n rk , b u t sco tits w ill pntrol t keep non-m onibers from 'R ottlnR non

f . . enouRti fn hour Che o ra l w ork. Affe Inltlntlon tn ikn will -bo mmlo by Mi Bonk nnd Dr. W, F . I>ansor. wli!

til ,, .Mnyor U oblcr prcHldlnR. Tlio lodRo of Bnbl. M urtauRh. Je rom o . H iipen OnodliiR. A lbion nitd U urloy will nt

' “ ‘I Tho n ffn ir w ill c loso w ith n linnci >111------------------------ --------------------------1

ivo ,,nro ) . ,

Reall y Mode

ff hav t; re n io v e d al

e y e -g la s s f i t Y

r t c s t y o u r eyes.

U O PT O M E T niST ^1.11 ‘Wain ,**0. E

» Phono SIM , ' U / Vdelof

I '. F O R :i bM yc# sl.yi

I B ee Supplie* a rM O O N ^S PA

^ P horI . -

l Y S T <21 S H O S H O N E S T . N O R n Y our W ay H onie From




Take it on the

r m T a / t - e JmHIfi "F F R U IT S A N D N U T a ^ >U N E E D N O T H IN G ON

^Tes! Wc te DeKver.ii

■■ r ' • - - n f r p A x ^ J U N i r i T . 1927

t n In Ibo rftrtob;iiftll for Woodmen faip- i V llieB/’and^frloiida. , ■ ;

W P f t o r i o f W ; . i o m " ■III T b ew ' nro ' tiio’ slciM o t tt', w lae .nuw i 'to reprovo 'nobody , t o prielB8:nobojJy.

M to blam e ooUoily/ no r oven to n j« a k of bimaoif o r h l l own unirlta.r* W c ta tu h

I," W e c e rta in ly ;;^ ! ! .- , " ■ •H a d a g b o d 'tim e - D A N C E Ia s t .E R m 4 .Y

Dcmi" A t H I S L O P 'S O r e h a r d,f the .• • •••; ' ■'■■■'InrKo A ib t o f US f ro m d'the C o u n ty O f f ic ia ls o ; t :,ip of D o N v n o r u p . •IUItP(-.

Com'G o u t, F R ID A Y ' ■ ntion a n d -crnm ' ' • '

»rndo S e e w h o ’s m a k in glinnd . . ■

J n a ^ ‘T h e g o o d t im e s 'g ro w .

nUr Y o u ’ll h a v e a .g o o d t i m e

with .KiROH H O W ^E m a k e s th e 1 nt- m u sic .nnco

lern Methods |[ 'a l l .q u e s t i o n o.f p ro p e r

Y o u r n e r v e s re s t, w h i le f f i f

s . ; '‘U )


S A L E S a CRATESa n d Screen D o o rs '

?A IN T S T O R E lohe 5

O R E S)R T H >m T ow n”


•T IE S ^r C R E A M A


te W eekEtid Trip

l A R E i N l T ?N IT -•

Pkck and in a hurrj^^