FERNHILL SCHOOL Headteacher Information Booklet September 2021 www.fernhill.hants.sch.uk



Headteacher Information Booklet September 2021



Dear Prospective Candidate,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your interest in the role of Headteacher at Fernhill School. It is

not always an easy decision to embark on an important career move. I hope the information booklet

will assist you in making that decision.

This information booklet aims at providing you with a clear profile of Fernhill School. It also sets out

the strong upward trajectory the School is firmly on, as identified by recent Ofsted monitoring visits.

The jobholder will need to continue to build on the excellent across-the-board improvements made

by the current Headteacher over the last three years. Fernhill School has a confirmed integral part to

play in the vital provision of secondary education in the north-east Hampshire area and the

Headteacher of Fernhill has a crucial role as education leader within that locality.

Fernhill traditionally enjoys warm and loyal support from the local community, as evidenced by the

annual increase in Year 7 numbers and by positive support from parental surveys and comments.

Fernhill has several feeder schools including Fernhill Junior School on the adjacent site. The

Headteacher must have a collaborative approach with other schools and colleges in the area to

ensure resources are channelled efficiently and ideas shared for the benefit of all. Many students go

on to further their studies at the local Farnborough Sixth Form College or Farnborough College of


The jobholder will need to have a strong and positive impact on the students and the teaching and

administrative teams. The Headteacher will need to motivate and lead the teaching staff to deliver

the broad curriculum offered to students with the full range of abilities, talents and challenges. A

particular emphasis will be expected in the areas of improving the prospects for disadvantaged and

students with special needs.

A strong and effective working relationship with the Governing Body is a pre-requisite. The

governors have a wide range of skills to offer challenge, support and encouragement. The current

Headteacher has worked very effectively with the governing body to ensure astute financial

management is applied at all times.

The jobholder will need to continue to develop wide-ranging cultural capital opportunities for

students including a range of extra-curricular activities. The School has a strong tradition in this area

which is being brought back to speed following the restrictions on some activities during recent lock-

downs due to the pandemic. For example, for a number of years many students benefited from

taking part in high quality annual drama productions which added great value to their experience at



The importance of personal development is a fundamental principal at Fernhill. Whether a

Governor, a member of teaching or support staff, pupil or parent, the school aims to provide

opportunities to develop skills and learning through CPD, courses, the curriculum or extra-curricular


By inviting applications, we are looking for a candidate who has the ability and can commit to

continuing to strengthen and develop the school on its upward path. The successful candidate will

build on the considerable improvements achieved over the last 3 years and be able to continue to

make a significant difference. Are you looking to sign up to a potentially very rewarding and

memorable journey with us?

If you would like to arrange a visit to our school, please contact the Headteacher’s PA, Mrs. Cindy Reynolds on 01276 702540 or by email to [email protected]. Detailed information about the school can be found on the school website -


Yours sincerely,

Nigel Hill

Chair of Governors




Letter from Chair 2

Contents 4

About Fernhill - 5

i. School Ethos, Vision & Strategy

ii. Site

iii. Community/Parents

iv. Students

v. Curriculum

vi. Careers

vii. Extra-curricular activities

viii. Quotes from Ofsted Report

ix. School Organisation

x. The Governing Body

xi. Budget

xii. Local schools and colleges

Job description 13

Person Specification 15

Application Procedure 17

Education in Hampshire 18



For candidates the following information might prove helpful. Further detail is available on

the Fernhill School website –



We wish to see young people in the Fernhill community gain knowledge,

confidence and lifetime skills and reach their full potential in an inspiring and caring

environment in order to enter the next phase of their lives as positive contributors to

society and as responsible and self-confident citizens.

The School’s Ethos -

• drives our Vision for the School,

• provides the rationale for our Strategy

to achieve the required Outcomes.

Leadership of the school, teaching and learning and care for students are based around the principles of Value and Values, Choices and Choice.


We aim to ensure that every young person learns to appreciate the VALUE which education can bring, both to their enjoyment of learning, understanding of the world around them and to their future employment prospects.


Decisions around what we teach and how we manage the behaviour and expectations of our young people are ALWAYS based around the following School VALUES:

• Respect • Teamwork • Hard Work and Resilience • Friendship and Kindness • Ambition • Community • Equality • Honesty

Our Values were chosen and voted upon by students and staff - they are at the core of Fernhill School's 'DNA'.


Our core purpose: To provide the best possible school experiences which will give our

young people the best possible life chances. In achieving this we want all students:

• to be happy and resilient young people who value their education and rarely miss a

day of school;

• to achieve the best possible outcomes regardless of ability

• to be inspired by their experiences and motivated to work hard;

• to aspire to have the very best of careers;

• to know what they are good at and learn how to improve their skills;

• to feel a strong sense of pride and respect for their school community;

• to value and appreciate the differences and cultures of others and enjoy the richness

of life.

For everyone to succeed in Fernhill’s learning community we are relentlessly focused on

these non-negotiable expectations:

• high quality teaching is the ultimate key to ensuring all students achieve the best

possible outcomes;

• disadvantage will not be a barrier to a student’s success;

• all lessons should make maximum use of lesson time, be challenging and engaging

for all students;

• teachers ensure students display excellent attitudes to learning. Without exception,

everyone will challenge off-task behaviour and passive learning;

• all members of staff are responsible for improving their practice, being reflective and

proactive in their professional development;

• students are entitled to high quality feedback from their teacher to help them


• meaningful assessment is key to addressing underachievement and informing

targeted interventions;

• working in partnership with parents is fundamental in ensuring students are




The School is located north of the expanding town of Farnborough near the M3 and has a

good sized footprint with room for student roll growth. The site has an on-site playing field

and large modern sports hall which is available after the school day for letting out to

external sports clubs and groups to provide a community facility and to generate income.

Fernhill Junior School is adjacent.


The School is situated in a mixed residential area and tends to draw the majority of its

students from the immediate catchment area. There are business/ commercial areas off the

main arteries that serve the area.

Over recent years the School has been successful in engaging parents more fully in their

children’s progress. The parents are generally extremely loyal to the School often choosing

Fernhill consistently for all their children to attend. Parent surveys and feedback indicate

that parents value the open and honest atmosphere adopted by all the staff.

Representatives from local businesses and the community support the school by providing

job/college interview practice for students.


Students’ feedback indicate that they enjoy their experience at Fernhill with the open and

friendly atmosphere often commented on as very positive for them. The students are from a

wide range of backgrounds across the social spectrum.

Here are examples of students’ comments from a recent student survey conducted in the

summer term: -

‘Teachers help me in every lesson, they do their best and I am very happy with the support’

‘School encourages me to have respect for everyone and that we should be treated equally’

‘The subjects are interesting and I love learning’

‘Teachers are kind and care about the safety of us’

Fernhill students adapted well to the different ways of learning according to the Ofsted

special review on Remote Learning dated February 2021 supported by strong staff

encouragement. Indicative of this were the below comments by Ofsted: -

‘In nearly all subjects, pupils working from home and on the school site are following what

teachers planned for them pre-pandemic. With indomitable determination, teachers have

worked creatively to find solutions to the challenges of remote education’

‘Leaders and teachers have been quick to respond to pupils’ levels of engagement.’


‘The school’s approach to remote education has helped many pupils with SEND to thrive.

They feel confident about asking for help from the online ‘chat’ area and can get

personalised attention. One teacher commented that they could virtually ‘speak in the ear’

of a pupil, while they are working, resulting in better concentration and progress.’

The percentage of disadvantaged students on roll is currently 23% which is slightly above average for this type of school. Students requiring special needs account for about 24% of the population, again about average in number for this type of school. The percentage of students identified as not having English as their first language is 13%.


The School is just introducing a more focussed pastoral system for 2021-22 which is

designed to bring the appropriate level of support and help to students at the right time in

their development. Each year group has a non-teaching guidance manager who is supported

on a daily basis by a member of the SLT. Teaching staff who were previously Heads of Year

have been redeployed to tackle three of the School’s key priorities more effectively –

attendance, transition from primary school and progression to further education and

employment. This innovative approach should provide more relevant help for students as

soon as they need it.


A broad range of subjects is provided to all students to cater for both the academic and

more vocational oriented students. The Governing Body is very keen to continue to extend

and develop the curriculum to provide students with an experience as enriching as possible.

The National Curriculum provides the framework for the essential subjects studied including

the core subjects of English, maths and sciences.

At Key Stage 3 the focus is also on giving students as broad a knowledge of other subjects as possible. Parents and students are heavily involved in choosing the right options for students entering Key Stage 4 with an emphasis on stimulating the students’ interest and on maximising GCSE results for each individual. The broad subjects currently offered are Art & Photography, Computing, English, Geography, History, Maths, Modern Foreign Languages,


Performing Arts, Physical Education, PHSE, RS, Science , Resistant Materials, Vehicle Technology and Health and Social Care.


Our careers programme begins in Year 7. Students are encouraged to develop an

understanding of themselves, their strengths and skills and to think about their future

career choices. Throughout the year teaching time is allocated to every year group to enable

students to further explore careers and identify the skills and qualifications they will need.

A range of events and opportunities are organised throughout the school year, for example

visits to local universities and businesses, STEM days, workshops and mock interviews.

Parent and student feedback about careers events is actively sought. Following events

surveys are undertaken and the results are used to inform the School’s plans.

Opportunities for students to gain valuable work experience are provided during the

summer term.


The School is particularly keen to develop extra-curricular activities that add value to the

students’ time at Fernhill. They include clubs, field trips, residential visits, local industry

based competitions and drama workshops. Working closely with other local schools and

Farnborough 6th Form College offers students opportunities to excel; this has included

Model United Nations and Academic competitions throughout the year. Examples of

recent clubs and organised activities include:

o Creative Arts Art, Dance, Drama and Music.

o Sport Athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, dance, football, gymnastics, netball,

rounders, rugby, tennis and trampolining.

o New gym/workout studio available to students and staff

o Technology ICT, Design Technology and Science.

o General Homework support, tutor group challenges, charity events, Library Club.



‘Leaders and those responsible for governance are taking effective action in order for the

school to become a good school.’

‘You and your leadership team have resolutely kept the momentum of school improvement

going throughout the challenges of the pandemic.’

‘All leaders are determined to do the right things for pupils, especially nurturing pupils’

welfare, providing a rich curriculum and assuring memorable extra-curricular experiences.’

‘The whole school team is working with energy and a cheerful outlook.’

‘Senior leaders have wisely concentrated on building up the skills, knowledge and

accountability of your middle leaders.’

‘Subject and pastoral leaders have made a vital contribution to curriculum improvements

and pupils’ well-being over the last 12 months.’

‘They relish the opportunity to develop a more demanding curriculum for all pupils,

particularly in key stage 3.’

‘Parents and pupils very much appreciated the efforts the school made to keep pupils on

track with their learning when they had to learn at home.’

‘It is heartening to see pupils with SEND being tested by searching questions and answering


Areas for improvement –

‘The school should take further action to:

◼ ensure that all subject areas provide the same consistently rich curriculum coverage as

the best in the school

◼ deepen governors’ knowledge of the curriculum in order to enable precise and effective

challenge to senior leaders and all subject areas.’

SCHOOL ORGANISATION Fernhill is a maintained secondary school with a growing roll number of currently 635. The governing body is pleased that the school is increasingly the school of choice locally. The last two Year 7 intakes have increased substantially in recognition of the strengthening of school performance and the improving reputation within the community led by the popular current headteacher.


The Governing Board is always open to exploring opportunities to improve young persons’ education outcomes and experience in north-east Hampshire. This could include future links with other schools and/or different educational structures. Staffing structure The current substantive Head is currently supported by 3 Assistant Headteachers who together form the Senior Leadership Team. The Governing Body regularly reviews the structure to ensure that it remains appropriate according to the present need and future development of the School. There are 14 middle leaders with leadership and management responsibilities. The School has 36 class based teachers, of which 33 are full time and 3 part-time and 10 teaching assistants. There is an administration and support team of 22 with caretaking duties. Total staff

number 74.

The School operates a full-time embedded Flexible Learning Centre. This provision is flexible

in nature and allows students who are, for whatever reason, having difficulty accessing

school full-time to benefit from individualised support inside and outside of school as well as

from accessing a full range of curriculum subjects. The inclusion team is an integral part of

our ethos. A full-time Family Support worker provides support for students in tandem with

the pastoral support team.


Fernhill’s governing body provide support and challenge to ensure that the school continues to achieve the very best school life and outcomes for every student. Link governors are allocated to members of the Senior Leadership Team or to subject leaders in order to understand and improve support for individual subject areas. Governors are then able to pool their knowledge at regular full governing body and/or sub-committee meetings. Our Governing Body constitution comprises the Headteacher, 2 Parent Governors, 1 Local Authority Governor, 1 Staff Governor and 7 Co-opted Governors who are selected for their range of skills and expertise. In addition to the statutory Committees (Pay Review Committee and Headteacher’s Performance Review Panel) and the Full Governing Body (which generally meets twice each term), the Governing Body operates with three sub-committees to enable them to carry out their role effectively – Finance & Resources, Curriculum and Standards, and Pastoral. There are also ad hoc sub-committee groups which meet to address particular issues when required. Some Governors have specific additional designations (e.g. Safeguarding governor; Health &

Safety Governor) to provide oversight of key issues on behalf of the Governing Body.



The School currently has a deficit budget and this is being rapidly addressed by steady

increases in people numbers and in collaboration with the Local Authority who are pleased

to confirm the School is now able to operate with in-year balanced budgets.


There are a number of feeder schools with which Fernhill works closely, aiming for strong

transition in learning and a smooth entry to secondary school.

In north-east Hampshire there are several Secondary Schools serving the Farnborough

community with which links have been encouraged in the past, and ongoing co-operation

would be supported by the Governing Body.

A number of students go on to further study at the local Farnborough Sixth Form College or

Farnborough College of Technology. The links with both these colleges are well-established.


Summary Job Description With Key Tasks

Job title: Headteacher

The Contract of Employment between the Governing Body and the Headteacher will be the current Contract of Employment for a Headteacher. The job description can be amended at any time, following consultation between the Headteacher and the Governing Body and will be reviewed annually.

Salary scale: Fernhill School is a Group 5 school. Governors have set the Indicative Salary Range at £76,141 to £88,188 (LDR 49 – LDR 61).

General job expectations and accountabilities: The Headteacher is an employee of the Governing Body and is required to carry out his/her professional duties in accordance with the terms and conditions of the current School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Document and relevant employment legislation.

Responsible to: The Governing Body of Fernhill School

Key responsibilities:

Safeguarding: Responsible for ensuring that all school and county child protection policies are adhered to and concerns are raised in accordance with these policies.

Financial Management: Advising the Governing Body on the school’s annual budget and the budget revision as appropriate, as well as being responsible for the day-to-day running of the budget. Exercise strategic, curriculum-led financial planning to ensure the equitable deployment of budgets and resources in the best interests of pupils’ achievements and the school’s sustainability.

National Standards of Excellence for Headteachers (2015): Adherence to The National Standards is to be used to shape the Headteacher’s own practice and professional development within and beyond the school and inform appraisal. These are set out in four domains and within each domain there are six key characteristics expected of the nation’s Headteachers. These domains are:

• Qualities and knowledge

• Pupils and staff

• Systems and process

• The self-improving school system


Within this framework the Governing body expects the Headteacher to:

• Be a lead professional and significant role model within the community

• Embody values and ambitions that drive the achievements of the school

• Be accountable for the education of current and future generations of children

• Exhibit leadership that has a decisive impact on the quality of teaching and pupils’


• Lead by example the professional conduct and practice of teachers in a way that

minimises unnecessary teacher workload and leaves room for high quality

continuous professional development for staff.

• Ensure the complete engagement and motivation of the teaching staff to raising

standards across the board.

• Ensure a climate for the consistently good behaviour of pupils linked with high

levels of pupil attendance.

• Set standards and expectations for high academic standards within and beyond

the school, recognising differences and respecting cultural diversity within

contemporary Britain.

• Provide the framework for students to maximise their potential whatever their

particular disadvantages.

Key focus areas: There are a number of key areas which the governing body will require the new head teacher to specifically focus on in the first year in post, namely:

• Ensure that there is consistently good teaching and learning in all curriculum areas so that

progress continues to accelerate for all pupil groups

• Embed and further develop the pastoral systems to ensure all pupils are engaged in their

learning, and are well supported in their personal development and self-management

• Further strengthen the curriculum breadth on offer to ensure pupils have a rich provision.

Links to application process: The application statement should refer to the candidate’s consideration of these key focus

areas and their relevant experiences, achievements and skill against elements of the person



Person Specification

The application statement should refer to the candidate’s consideration of these relevant experiences, achievements, and skills and in relation to the five key focus areas described in the job description Core professional experiences, qualifications

Shortlisting evidence sought in application (A), reference (R) or interview (I)

Qualified Teacher Status (Essential) A

Degree or equivalent (Essential) A

NPQH or evidence of regular, recent and appropriate leadership and management training for the role of headteacher (Desirable)

A, R, I

Knowledge and experience

Recent successful experience within secondary school as headteacher / deputy / assistant (Essential)

A, R, I

Clear understanding of what it takes to be a securely good school and experience of developing long term strategic plans to deliver this vision

A, I

Ability to raise teaching standards and ensure practice is consistent across the school

A, I

Evidence of our having a recent positive impact on the performance of a school

A, R, I

Good understanding of the curriculum in a secondary school with positive recent input into key curriculum reviews/decisions.


Record of leading whole school improvement strategies in raising standards in teaching and learning for all students including disadvantaged and SEN

A, I

Understanding and practice of effective financial and resource management

A, I

Good understanding of employment legislation and record of effective performance management of staff

A, I

Record of developing strong collaborative relationships with parents and the community

A, I

Experience of working collaboratively and purposefully with the school governing body

A, I

A proven track record of the effective implementation of a range of behaviour management strategies

A, I

Record of developing and empowering highly effective middle management teams

A, I


Record of using data and external guidance (eg Ofsted) in the development and delivery of effective school improvement strategy

A, I

Commitment to safeguarding and promoting physical and emotional health and wellbeing of young people

A, I

Personal qualities

Excellent written and verbal communication skills A, I

Ability to inspire, challenge, motivate and empower teams and individuals to achieve high goals

A, I

Be a positive role model at all times and a highly effective ambassador for the school

A, I

Demonstrate a capacity to be a strong presence in all areas of the school

A, I

Demonstrate personal enthusiasm and commitment to leadership aimed at making a positive difference to children and young people

A, I

Build and maintain quality relationships through interpersonal skills and communication

A, I

Demonstrate personal and professional integrity and vision A, R, I

Inspire trust and confidence through the school community A, I

Think analytically and creatively and demonstrate initiative in solving problems

A, I

Ability to recognise high standards of performance and address underperformance

A, I

Demonstrate resilience and optimism A, I

Ability to listen I

Ability to promote school within the wider community A, I

Positive recommendations from all referees including current employer



Application Procedure Candidates should complete the application form. The application needs to be returned electronically to [email protected] by noon on Thursday 30 September. When submitting your application, please use the following format as the email subject heading: School Name – Position – Your Name. Applications are acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt. If you do not receive an acknowledgement within this time, please contact the recruitment team immediately at [email protected]. The emailed applications are managed by:

Education Recruitment Education Personnel services

3rd Floor Hampshire House

84-98 Southampton Road Eastleigh SO50 5PA

Telephone 02380 383537/508

Equality Monitoring All applications are required to complete an Equality Monitoring form. The form is used by Hampshire County Council and is not seen by anyone involved in the selection process.

Safer Recruitment Fernhill School are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We will ensure that all our recruitment and selection practices reflect this commitment. All successful candidates will be subject to Disclosure & Barring checks along with other relevant employment checks.


Education in Hampshire

Choosing to teach in Hampshire may be the best move you can make. As one of the largest authorities in the country, we can offer an unrivalled diversity in teaching opportunities; from the challenges of the urban and city school through to the rural primary which will provide a vibrant environment for development and promotion. Hampshire schools are encouraged to operate and develop in a way which serves their local community, reflecting the cultural diversity the county has to offer. We feel this is best achieved through local management, with the Local Authority providing a supporting role wherever needed. The county of Hampshire has over 170,000 school-age children in approximately 438 primary, 71 secondary and 26 special schools and other provisions. Whilst the majority are community schools, the LA has forged strong partnerships with Diocesan Bodies, and seeks to maintain the provision of places in Church schools. The county has 26 special schools, with an additional 42 units in mainstream schools, providing education and support for children with moderate, severe or complex learning difficulties, physical and sensory disabilities, and emotional and behavioural issues. Hampshire’s ‘Early Admission’ policy allows children to start school at the beginning of the school year in which they are five years old. At the other end of the age range, Hampshire was one of the first authorities in the country to establish a joint agreement on the 14-19 education of all students with the Local Skills Council. With the County Office in Winchester, Hampshire Authority has an established network of advisors which provides a responsive and flexible service to the schools in their respective areas. There is also a strong ethos for collaboration and liaison, with regular meetings of Headteachers in phase, cluster and area groupings, aimed at maintaining a policy of communication and cooperation with the LA and between schools. In Hampshire, we pride ourselves on providing first-class learning opportunities for our teachers both internally and with outside course providers. For new Headteachers, in partnership with governors, the LA operates a structured induction development programme which also helps develop close working relationships with other Headteachers and LA colleagues. Hampshire’s most recent Annual Performance Assessment confirmed that we are an Authority that provides excellent education and has an excellent capacity for further improvement. We are continually looking for innovative ways of improving standards in our schools, which can only be achieved through a commitment to our staff. To find out more about Hampshire and what it has to offer, visit our website at www.hants.gov.uk. Hampshire has a lot to offer. We hope you will join us.