Female Student Confronts Male Student for His Dreadlocks

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Female Student Confronts MaleStudent for His Dreadlocks

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PlayNicholas SilveraWATCH University to Investigate After Student Confrontation Over Dreadlocks

A video showing a black female student recently confronting a whitemale student at San Francisco State University about his dreadlockshas prompted an investigation by the school.

In the video, which has garnered attention on social media since itwas posted on Monday, the male student, later identified as CoryGoldstein, asks the female student: “You’re saying that I can’t have ahairstyle because of your culture? Why?”

“Because it’s my culture,” the female student, identified as BonitaTindle, responded. Another student, who was not identified, isstanding near the two of them during the conversation.

The university confirmed the names of the two students to ABCNews.


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Goldstein then argues that dreadlocks are also in Egyptian culture,asking Tindle, “Are you Egyptian? Nah, man, you’re not.”

Tindle then asks Goldstein if he’s Egyptian and he tells her that he’snot. As Goldstein grabs her arm to move her out of his way, Tindleasks if he knows where Egypt is and starts to push him and blockhim from going up the staircase.

When Goldstein asks her to stop touching him, Tindle mimics hisvoice and grabs his arm when he walks up a couple of steps. Shetugs him down the stairs saying, “come back, come back.”

When he comes down the stairs she tells him, “You put your handson me, you’re going to learn,” to which he starts to walk away andsays, "I don't need your disrespect."

Tindle then turns her attention to the person filming the incident andasks, “Why are you filming this?”

The person responds, “For everyone’s safety,” and Tindle puts herhand in front of the camera.

Goldstein told ABC's San Francisco station KGO-TV that he had nointention of changing his hairstyle, but would have a respectfulconversation with anyone about his choice.

"It's something I've had since I was 17 years old and somethingthat's part of who I am. I believe they are powerful and helpedamplify myself and helped me connect to this world," he said.

Goldstein filed a formal campus police report but did not file criminalcharges, according to a San Francisco State University statement on


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Tuesday. The statement also clarified that the two students were notemployees, even though the description of the video on YouTubestated that Tindle was a campus employee.

Tindle did not immediately respond to requests by ABC News forcomment.

“San Francisco State University promotes the rights of the campuscommunity to engage in free speech, but does not condonebehavior that impedes the safety or well-being of others. We aretaking the matter seriously and will promptly and thoroughlyinvestigate this incident through applicable University channels,including our campus student conduct procedures," the universitysaid.



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PlayNam Y. Huh/AP PhotoWATCH Presidential Race Focuses on Wisconsin

Donald Trump's position on abortion has been a key area ofcriticism from his competitors since the start of the presidential raceand now it's back in the limelight.

The real estate mogul-turned-politician has flip-flopped on the issueover the years. On Wednesday alone, Trump had three differentstances on abortion, twice clarifying comments he made earlier inthe day that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban onthe procedure, should be punished.

Here's a brief history of Trump's evolving stance on the controversialprocedure:

April 1989: Hosts a Pro-Choice Fundraiser

According to The New York Times, Trump was a co-host of afundraiser at the Plaza Hotel, which he owned, for an abortion rightsleader in 1989 but failed to attend. Organizers of the event told thepaper that Trump and his relatives had received death threats overthe dinner and that was the reason they decided to skip it.

October 24, 1999: Pro-Choice But "Hates It"

During an interview with Tim Russert on "Meet the Press," Trumpshared his thoughts on a number of social issues, includingabortion.

He declared that he was "very pro-choice," but went on to decry theidea of the procedure.


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Meet the PressDonald Trump is interviewed by Tim Russert on "Meet the Press" in 1999.

"I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it standsfor, I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject, but still Ijust believe in choice," he said in the televised interview.

This clip has been recirculated frequently during this electionseason and was central to Sen. Ted Cruz's critique of Trump's "NewYork values", since Trump repeatedly said in the 1999 interview thathis social stances were shaped by his upbringing in New York.

"It may be a little bit of a New York background," Trump explained inthe interview.

May 3, 2011: Made the Switch

When Trump was toying with the idea of running for president in


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2011, he told The Times that he was pro-life.

“There are certain things that I don't think can ever be negotiated.Let me put it this way: I am pro life, and pro-life people will find outthat I will be very loyal to them, just as I am loyal to other people. Iwould be appointing judges that feel the way I feel,” he told thepaper in May 2011.

August 6, 2015: Pro-Life

When he finally decided to take the plunge and run for thepresidency this upcoming term, Trump explained that he had had achange of heart, coming out strongly as pro-life and giving a specificexplanation.

During the first debate, Trump was asked about his comments from1999 and said that "since then, I’ve very much evolved."

"What happened is friends of mine, years ago, were going to have achild, and it was going to be aborted. And it wasn’t aborted. And thatchild today is a total superstar, a great, great child. And I saw that.And I saw other instances," Trump said at the debate.

"I am very, very proud to say that I am pro-life," he added.

Trump has repeated this personal story and reiterated his pro-lifestance many times over the course of his campaign.

March 30, 2016: Talk of Punishing Women and Possible Ban

In the span of roughly three hours on Wednesday, Trump had threedifferent stances on abortion.


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During a taping of an MSNBC town hall in Wisconsin, Trump waspressed repeatedly by host Chris Matthews if he thinks there shouldbe "some form of punishment" if abortion were banned and Trumpfinally said: "For the woman? ... Yeah."

He went on to say that the punishment in question would "have to bedetermined."

After a clip of that interview was released, Trump's campaign firstreleased the following statement from Trump: "This issue is unclearand should be put back into the states for determination. LikeRonald Reagan, I am pro-life with exceptions, which I have outlinednumerous times."

His campaign later released another statement, effectively retractingthe most controversial portion of the comments he had made duringthe MSNBC taping.

The second statement reads: "If Congress were to pass legislationmaking abortion illegal and the federal courts upheld this legislation,or any state were permitted to ban abortion under state and federallaw, the doctor or any other person performing this illegal act upon awoman would be held legally responsible, not the woman. Thewoman is a victim in this case as is the life in her womb. My positionhas not changed -- like Ronald Reagan, I am pro-life withexceptions," Trump said in his subsequent statement.


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PlayNancy Stone/Chicago Tribune/AP PhotoWATCH Chicago Cop Charged With Teen’s Murder Hired as Custodian by Police


The Chicago police officer charged with the murder of a high schoolstudent has a new job with a Chicago police union, much to theoutrage of many in the community.

Officer Jason Van Dyke was charged in November with the first-degree murder of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald, who was shot 16times, according to an autopsy. Van Dyke is currently awaiting trial,according to the Chicago Police Department. He has pleaded notguilty.

Police dash cam footage showing the Oct. 20, 2014, fatal exchangebetween the police officer and McDonald, caused national protestsafter it was released by the police department this past November.The video showed that McDonald was armed with a knife but wasnot moving toward the responding officers when he was shot.


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Van Dyke has been suspended without pay, a Chicago PoliceDepartment spokesperson told ABC News today.

The Fraternal Order of Police, a police union in Chicago, hired VanDyke after he was suspended from the police force, the ChicagoSun-Times reported Wednesday. The police union referred allquestions to union president Dean Angelo Sr., who has notimmediately responded to requests from ABC News for comment.

But Angelo told the Sun-Times that Van Dyke has been hired by theunion for custodial work and makes $12 an hour.

“He might be on the roof, he might be in the office, he does anythingwe need,” Angelo told the Sun-Times, also noting that it is notunprecedented. “We’ve probably had 100 people in no-pay statuswho we got jobs or hired at the hall. This is nothing new."

But some community leaders expressed outrage at the move.

"Not only is it insulting and outrageous, but it is a slap in the face. Itis the reason we have this continued breakdown between lawenforcement and community," the Rev. Michael L. Pfleger, a pastorat St. Sabina church and a community activist who has met with thefamily of Laquan McDonald, told ABC News today.

"This is much bigger than Laquan McDonald. This is an insult to thecity of Chicago. It is an insult to him and his family, and it is aninsult, I think, to police officers."

Frank Giancamilli of the Chicago Police Department told ABC Newstoday that the "decision to hire Mr. Van Dyke was completelyindependent of the Chicago Police Department."


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A representative for Van Dyke’s attorney, Daniel Herbert, did notimmediately respond to a request for comment.

The case has been a political crisis for Chicago Mayor RahmEmanuel, who fired the former superintendent of police and hiredEddie Johnson as interim superintendent on Monday. The mayor'soffice declined to comment today on the issue of Van Dyke's hiringby the union.

Pfleger said this issue brings police and community relations, "backto square one."

Two protests are planned at FOP headquarters today, one at noonand one at 6:30 p.m., according to ABC's Chicago station WLS.