Federgon - Partner for foreign investors



Federgon - Partner for foreign investors

Transcript of Federgon - Partner for foreign investors

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Recruitment, Search & Selection agenciesare the ideal recruitment partners for foreign companies in their search for talent on the local market


#1 What does Recruitment, Search and Selection (RSS) stand for? 4

#2 Seven good reasons to use the services of an RSS specialist 5

#3 Working with an RSS partner: a cost or an investment? 8

#4 Certified Membership provides solid guarantees 9

#5 A Federgon member: your ideal partner 9

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Belgium is known for its highly-trained workforce. However, although our country’s labour productivity lies far above the European average, the global ‘war for talent’ is affecting us as well. To succeed in attracting the right talent, you need to be familiar with the local market, legislation and customs. And hiring the wrong employee can be a costly affair, not only in terms of money, but in terms of time as well.

Is your organisation expanding and are you looking for the right employees?

How will you go about hiring highly-trained and qualified staff? Which channels are used in Belgium to attract talent? How can you develop a competitive salary package? Which testing methods are used? Which HR policy is most suited to the Belgian market?

Are you currently in the start-up phase?

Do you have questions regarding the national and regional employment markets? Or are you interested in finding out more about the local employment legislation?

Specialised Recruitment, Search & Selection agencies have the necessary experience to answer all of your questions and guide you through the recruitment and selection process from start to finish.

Don’t miss your start in Belgium. Choose the right business partners, partners you can trust and who are able to offer sound guarantees. Specialised Recruitment, Search & Selection agencies are standing by to help you on your way!

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#1 What does Recruitment, Search and Selection (RSS) stand for?The right person in the right place. That’s what the employment market is all about. Is your search for the ideal CXO, operator or Senior Process Engineer not yielding any results? Or are you desperately looking for the perfect talent to reinforce your sales team? Armed with your briefing, the Recruitment, Search & Selection agencies (RSS) will stop at nothing to find the perfect match.

When it comes to recruiting, searching and selecting candidates, you can count on us to provide you with a complete service package. But we’ll go even further! Once the talent is hired, we can help you evaluate and develop it, in order to guarantee an optimal ROI.

Advertising / E-recruitment / Campus Recruitment / Employer Branding / Networking / Executive Search / Direct Search / Database Search / Personality Research / Screenings / Interviews / Assessment / Assessment Centres / Development Centres / Testing Development / Competence Management / Testing / HR Consultancy

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#2 Seven good reasons to use the services of an RSS specialist

Working with a professional RSS partner offers you a number of guarantees:


Recruitment & Selection agencies work with a team of carefully-selected people who have the necessary academic training and/or professional background. This is required by Belgian law. The manager or Project Leader will fulfil at least one of the following criteria:

P A professional experience of at least 5 years in HR or in a related sector;

P A higher education degree (2 cycles) and a minimum of 5 years professional experience in the sector.

The person who performs the selection and reports to the Project Leader will fulfil at least one of the following criteria:

P A professional experience in HR or management of at least 3 years;

P A higher education degree (minimum 1 cycle).

Your recruitment partner knows the Belgian and local employment market through and through.


P Together, you and your Recruitment and Selection partner will analyse the needs of your organisation Next, the RSS agency will determine the most effective way to go about completing the task.

P Your Recruitment and Selection partner will represent you as a customer to candidates in a professional manner, and will provide truthful information regarding your organisation and the job. Candidates will be kept informed at every step during the selection procedure.

P Your Recruitment and Selection partner will provide expert advice regarding legal issues and will act in a respectful, impartial and non-discriminative manner. This also applies to the evaluation of candidates who are proposed by you as the customer.

Your recruitment partner is fully aware of the national and local employment legislation.

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When used, diagnosis instruments have a scientific basis. You will be able to request further information regarding the research instruments at any point during the process. When psycho-diagnostic instruments are used, they will always be used by, or under the supervision of a psychologist.

Your recruitment partner guarantees a high-quality service.


P Your Recruitment and Selection agency is not allowed to approach candidates who were hired through them, with job offers for other companies.

P Your Recruitment and Selection agency will not approach any of its client’s employees for a position elsewhere, unless the employee specifically requests it. This rule applies for a period and a geographical area to be agreed upon by both parties.

Your recruitment partner will find you the right local talent.


P Your Recruitment and Selection partner’s employees will respect the confidentiality of anything they may learn during the course of the project that is of a confidential nature.

P Your Recruitment and Selection agency will make sure that everyone observes the utmost discretion when dealing with candidates and interested parties. Providing personal data outside the scope of the project is prohibited. Agencies are required to comply with the laws on protection of personal data and privacy.

P Your Recruitment and Selection partner will proceed with discretion and caution when approaching candidates while they are exercising their professional activity.

Your recruitment partner offers guarantees.

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P Your Recruitment and Selection agency is committed to completing the recruitment task within a reasonable timeframe.

P The customer and agency will agree on a specific timetable for each phase in the selection process and this timing will be specified in the agreement of cooperation.

Your recruitment partner saves you time and money.


P Agreements between the customer and the Recruitment and Selection agency will always be recorded in writing.

P The project confirmation will include a description of the nature of the task, the procedure that is to be followed, the fees involved, any expenses, the payment method, the timeframe, and the name of the consultant who will be managing the project.

P The compensation needs to be agreed upon and confirmed by both parties in writing.

P The customer accepts that the Recruitment and Selection agency cannot make a result commitment, but will make a resource commitment, using all means at their disposal to make the project a success.

Your recruitment partner will inform you in advance on what you can expect and at which cost. This way, you will avoid any unexpected additional charges.

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#3 Working with an RSS partner: a cost or an investment?When hiring new employees, finding the right match is crucial. The structural scarcity on the employment market is one reason that talent -the right talent- will make the difference for a company. It is this talent that will have a measurable impact on your organisation’s results. For the selection and recruitment of talent, you cannot afford to rely on chance. The negative impact of a wrong hire on your company’s results is proof that you need a specialised partner for your RSS process: a partner who not only knows the Belgian employment market inside-out, but who is also aware of the local legislation, and who can provide insights into regional customs.

Recruitment and selection is often perceived as a “cost”, and speed and efficiency are often the priority. However, we now understand that these are no longer the right criteria by which to judge the success of the recruitment and selection process. A study performed by Federgon, the Federation of HR service providers, in cooperation with the Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School, demonstrates that the cost of your recruitment and selection process should be assessed like any other investment your organisation makes.

Consider the total cost of employees over the period that they are active in your company, and you will discover that the cost of R&S is only a fraction of your ‘Total Cost of Employership’. This means that retention becomes an important parameter as well. An optimal match between your organisation and the candidate will turn out to be the investment with the highest Return on Investment.

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#4 Certified Membership provides solid guarantees

Together, we’re raising the bar …

The Federgon Certified Membership offers clear quality guarantees to companies as well as candidates, and provides guidance in the search for a professional RSS partner.

What is Certified Membership?

Federgon’s Certified Membership is an additional quality certification, on top of the regional and federal legislation and the Federgon quality charter. Membership is optional.


As soon as the recognition procedure for the Recruitment, Search and Selection sector was abandoned, there was a strong demand for self-regulation from within the sector. On the other hand, maintaining a high service standard needed to remain a priority.

To find out more about Certified Membership, please visit our website: www.federgon.be

#5 A Federgon member: your ideal partnerP What is Federgon?

Federgon is the federation for HR service providers. We represent companies who are active in the field of employment services and HR in the broadest sense of the term.

The Recruitment, Search and Selection agencies that are Federgon members provide a sound service and correct guarantees. For a complete list of our members and for more information about the sector, please visit www.federgon.be/rss