February RSL Monthly Newsletter

1 Angeles City Sub Branch Philippines www.rslangelescity.com Lest We Forget’ Clubhouse: Ponderosa Hotel President Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer Editor James Curtis-Smith Rob Cairns Vivian Hart Dallas Drake Bob Young Larry Smith Email address’: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] NEWSLETTER # 47** February 2011 PRESIDENTS REPORT - February 2011 February……Phew…………….The members of the Sub Branch are taking a well earned rest after very busy couple of months. Planning for the Australia Day Fiesta conducted by the Sub Branch around Australia Day on January 26 th in each year, starts mid-year preceding the Fiesta with the formation of the committee, development of the program and attracting sponsors particularly for the Fiesta shirt and our Giant Raffle. October sees the shirt being produced and for sale, and November/December the printing and planned distribution of the raffle tickets. Reservations are made for the Beauty Pageant, logistics and planning for the Street Party, production of flyers and posters advertising the activities. Mixed up in this is the celebration of Christmas with our families, and the appearance of war with the fireworks for New Year. Then we were into it !! Sales and distribution of tickets for the raffle and the Beauty Pageant, enrolling of contestants for the pageant, taking and selling reservations for the stalls at the Street Party, the bands for each function, sound gear and stage across Fields Avenue…….and then its on.


February RSL Monthly Newsletter

Transcript of February RSL Monthly Newsletter

Page 1: February RSL Monthly Newsletter


Angeles City Sub Branch



‘Lest We Forget’

Clubhouse: Ponderosa Hotel


Vice Presidents




James Curtis-Smith Rob Cairns Vivian Hart Dallas Drake Bob Young Larry Smith

Email address’:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

NEWSLETTER # 47** February 2011


February……Phew…………….The members of the Sub Branch are taking a well

earned rest after very busy couple of months.

Planning for the Australia Day Fiesta conducted by the Sub Branch around Australia

Day on January 26th

in each year, starts mid-year preceding the Fiesta with the

formation of the committee, development of the program and attracting sponsors

particularly for the Fiesta shirt and our Giant Raffle. October sees the shirt being

produced and for sale, and November/December the printing and planned distribution

of the raffle tickets. Reservations are made for the Beauty Pageant, logistics and

planning for the Street Party, production of flyers and posters advertising the activities. Mixed up in this is the

celebration of Christmas with our families, and the appearance of war with the fireworks for New Year.

Then we were into it !! Sales and distribution of tickets for the raffle and the Beauty Pageant, enrolling of

contestants for the pageant, taking and selling reservations for the stalls at the Street Party, the bands for each

function, sound gear and stage across Fields Avenue…….and then its on.

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On Tuesday afternoon, 25th

January, Australia was again successful against the rest of the world in the pool

competition at Miss Magic Bar. Our perpetual shield trophy has gone missing and if anyone is aware where it

might be please let us know.

← The Beauty Pageant on the next evening

was I believe a resounding success. We had a

sellout of tickets, a successful auction,

beautiful contestants and perhaps the only

downside was that we failed in our planning

to convince the Rib Eye Reception room of

the capacity of Australians to drink beer at

celebrations of this kind. Again we ran out of

beer !! Won‟t happen again and already have

a suggestion for a committee member to be

responsible for beverages ordering, icing

down to cold and service. A good

suggestion. The food was of high quality and

well served to each table. Personally, I was

thrilled to be with my daughters Anne and

Jasmine, both of whom have celebrity status

in the entertainment industry here in the

Philippines and my eldest son and his fiancée

who were visiting the Philippines for the first time. A big thanks to Barry Bracewell for his liaison with Rib

Eye, to Ross Bothwell and Shainee for their smooth organization of ticket sales, Lee Townsend for decoration

of the reception centre, Bob Young for the organization of trophies, sashes and flowers, the auction and other,

and to all our members who in one way or another supported and assisted those individuals.

Friday night saw the Bell Ring at the Golden Nile. . Thanks to Richard Agnew who again took over from the

Committee to organize the event. Numbers were a little disappointing and I take responsibility for perhaps not

getting enough information out prior to the evening, of the format and what to expect. The dancing and floor

show put on by Daddy‟s Girls was outstanding, and the dinner served and supplied by Yats Restaurant was

delicious and adequate. Local drinks included in the price between 6pm and 8pm and discounted prices

thereafter, meant that we all got a very reasonable evening, food, booze and entertainment, for the equivalent of

less than AUD$25 per head.(I am advised that currently one stubby of beer in a Darwin pub costs AUD$4.50

and $5.50 at Holiday Inn!!)

Sunday rolled around and Viv Hart and Rob

Cairns handling logistics and set up, were in

Fields Avenue at daylight to supervise

erection of marquees and the stage. Curry

Cook Off contestants and other stall holders

began to arrive and set up, the band arrived

and so the day got under way. A great day,

and the RSL stall, sold 22 dozen pies and 20

cases of SMB and SML beer, which sold out

just on the finish of the day. Thanks again

to the many guys who helped and

participated, and Lee Townsend and Ross

Bothwell on the beer, Barry Whelan on the

pies, Dallas Drake on the RSL merchandise,

Col Whelan and Joy on the raffle ticket sales

and the draw, and overall Rob Cairns, Viv

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Hart, Ron Parrott and Bob Young.

Final figures on funds raised from the events and raffle for our Charity Account have not yet been finalized, but

should exceed ₱350,000.00

As usual we all were “stuffed” after the events, but we couldn‟t rest yet.

← The following Saturday was the

monthly Children‟s Medical

Mission. We were grateful for the

attendance of 28 visiting nurses

from Deakin University with

Professor David Arthur (Graduate

Nursing AUF) and the mixing of

those nurses with the nurses from

Holy Angel University and Angeles

University Foundation Medical

Center in manning the 17

consultation tables at the mission.

The mission was held at Anunas

Barangay and 967 children were

examined and had prescribed free

medicines supplied from the RSL

dispensary in the four hours from

8am to 12 noon. It was a great to

see the nurses sharing their training

and assistance to each other and a

great day of international cooperation. My thanks to the recorders of the registrations and dispensing, who were

a mix of wives, girlfriends, some nurses and other Filipinos who attended and of course, to the members of the

Sub Branch who attend so regularly.

We can rest now and in fact have lost so many of the Committee and the Sub Branch who have taken leave and

visiting Australia for various reasons. We postponed the AGM to the March meeting as a consequence (now on

March 15th

) and nominations are called for all office bearers. Before that we will have our March medical

mission on the 5th

March and details will be posted on the web page.

That it for now, after a very busy time.



***** ***** ***** ***** *****


We welcome the following new members: Ronald Wieland (A/C) * Kevin Fogarty (MNL) *

Anthony Scroop (QLD) * George Arnold (A/C) * Danny Hartwig (QLD) * Peter Busteed (A/C) *

Ronald Baikie (A/C) * Trevor Cumes (A/C) * John Walls (SA) * Greg Chapman (A/C) * Colin

Rizzo (NSW) * David Bennett (A/C) * Paul Brown (A/C) * Roy Warner (A/C) * Neil McAuliffe

(A/C) * Greg Wilson (A/C) *

Another Life Subscriber is welcomed: Bryan Boon (A/C) *

Location codes: A/C * MNL * = Philippines * QLD * SA * NSW * = Australia *

The wonderful volunteer‟s, including the nurses

from Deakin University Australia, who assisted to

make the Medical Mission a huge success.

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MORE ADMIN.....From Secretary Dallas Drake

1. BLOOD REGISTER. The custodian of our blood register, Lindsay Drury is going away for a

short period of time, so Rob Cairns will be administering it in Lindsay‟s absence. Rob can be

contacted on: 09994136121

2. New Member cards at Ponderosa Reception. Please note there are now TOO MANY for Dallas

to carry around as we have now over 500 members.

All cards including the Temporary Card will be held at PONDEROSA Reception except Tuesdays

when Dallas will have them inside the Club Room.

3. AGM is moved to March 15th (beware the ides of March) All Positions will be declared vacant

and nominations in writing should be given to the Secretary Prior to the AGM who will check the

Financial Status. Nominees, mover and seconder must be Financial Members. (See bottom of last

page for tear off nomination form).

4. ANNUAL DUES Still P700.00 peso in Philippines and now due. Australian members A$20.00 to


LIFE Subscription rates in peso will increase after Feb 15th by 10%

5. We now have our NEW site running quite well. Check out this informative site by visiting our

web page and clicking the link on the TOP Right.

This site is available for you to COMMENT on any posted item should you wish to do so.

Site informs us of any DVA updates as well as ANY news items of general interest.

Some call it Blogging or a Blog site but in reality it is similar to a chat site or Media release post.

6. NEEDED. Reg Tulip is coming from Sydney to conduct Training & Information Program (TIP)

training from 20th

to 23rd

April at the RSL Club Room. We need volunteers willing to donate

some of their time to attend this training with the view of becoming a Pensions Officer for our Sub

Branch. We need Pensions Officers to assist veterans in submitting disability claims to Dept of

Veterans Affairs (DVA). Pensions Officer activity also qualifies our Sub Branch to receive grants

from DVA to assist us with the administration of our pensions office.

Please give this some thought. We do need Pensions Officers. Many of our previous trained

officers have returned to Australia. The training is not difficult and there is no pass mark needed.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****


One of our members took the time to send some feedback concerning the January issue of our

newsletter, in particular the article about drinking cold water or hot beverage after eating a meal.

In previous articles of a medical nature we have advised members to check them out before

proceeding with the articled advice. We all know that all sorts of articles correct or otherwise can

appear on the internet. The article in January issue was sent to me via email.

Our member did a check out of the article with some research websites. The research engines disputed

some aspects of the article, but I became concerned when he quoted SNOPES.COM. I had previously

checked on Snopes and here is an excerpt on what I found at Wikipedia: quote: It is run by a husband

and wife team - that's right, no big office of investigators and researchers, no team of lawyers. It's just a

mom-and-pop operation that began as a hobby. David and Barbara Mikkelson in the San Fernando Valley

of California started the website about 13 years ago and they have no formal background or experience

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5 in investigative research. After a few years it gained popularity believing it to be unbiased and neutral,

but over the past couple of years people started asking questions who was behind it and did they have a

selfish motivation? The reason for the questions - or skepticisms - is a result of snopes.com claiming to

have the bottom line facts to certain questions or issue when in fact they have been proven wrong. Also,

there were criticisms the Mikkelsons were not really investigating and getting to the 'true' bottom of various issues. Unquote.

I thank our member for his feedback which reminded me to remind our readers to check out any

advice shown in the newsletter, especially medical, before taking up that advice.

Having said that and remembering what the article was about, I recall many years ago when I was a

kid, I stupidly poured hot cooking fats down the kitchen sink which had cold water in the drain

piping. Disaster. Now think of that sink drain as the drain to your stomach, the fat is already in there

and down comes the cold water. Just a thought. Ed

We do appreciate feedback regarding our newsletter, or any matter really. For the newsletter,

email to editor Larry at : [email protected] and info copy to our secretary as well.

***** ***** *****






5TH #3503 TOM UTTS










15TH #0403 CHESTER

16TH #3882 JIM ALLEN



***** ***** ***** ***** *****


The Queensland Government is offering TPI Veteran‟s residing in Queensland a Travel Pass to cover train,

bus and ferry travel.

The Queensland Government Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI) Veteran Travel Pass entitles

eligible TPI ex-service men and women to unlimited free travel on TransLink and regional qconnect urban

public transport services. (qconnect is not misspelt) Ed

The TPI Veteran Travel Pass is a photographic plastic credit-card size pass that will have the eligible TPI

veteran„s name, DVA file number and expiry date printed on the pass. The TPI Veteran Travel Pass is only

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available to Queensland residents who hold a Commonwealth Department of Veterans' Affairs Repatriation

Health Card — for All Conditions (Gold), that is embossed Totally and Permanently Incapacitated (TPI).

The TPI Veteran Travel Pass does not include any other arrangements that might be in place in individual states

or territories.

To apply for the TPI Veteran Travel Pass, complete a TPI Veteran

Travel Pass Information and Application form from website:

http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Travel-and-transport/Public-transport/Public-transport-concessions/TPI-Veteran-Travel-Pass.aspx and post to: TPI Veteran Travel Pass, ABNote, Reply Paid 1139, Eagle

Farm, QLD, 4009

Remember it is applicable only to Queensland based/addressed TPI’s

with a DVA number starting with ‘Q’ on their Gold Card.


New VA facility on Roxas Blvd Pasay City Metro Manila

The facility is located near to “US Embassy Residences” with an entrance along Roxas Blvd service road, just north of the US Embassy Seafront Compound vehicle gate.

This is a non-smoking facility, and no food services are provided within the facility, however, there are several eateries nearby.

Parking is along the Roxas Blvd service road, similar to the current situation at the (soon to be old) VA

Outpatient Clinic. There are new business hours and phone numbers for this facility, so please note the changes… more

information to follow…

The Regional Office (VBA) will begin operations at this site on 24 January 2011.

The Out-Patient Clinic (VHA) will begin operations one week later, on 31 January 2011. Business Hours: 0730-1630 (M-F) Appointment Hours: 0800-1530 (M-F)

Call Center Hours: 0800-1600 (M-F) Regional Office Out-Patient Clinic

Trunk Line: (632) 550-3888 Trunk Line: (632) 318-8387 Toll-Free No: 1-800-1888-5252 Toll-Free No: 1-800-1888-8782

Fax No: (632) 550-3945 Fax No: (632) 310-5957 Audio Care: (632) 556-8387

Pharmacy: (632) 318-8311

Page 7: February RSL Monthly Newsletter


Digger awarded top

military honour

SAS Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith is

Australia’s 98th Victoria Cross holder

after the bronze cross with crimson

ribbon was pinned to his chest by

Governor General Quentin Bryce in

Perth today. (22 January 2011)

Ben and wife with twin daughters


During a formal investiture ceremony at

the picturesque beachside headquarters

of the SAS at Campbell Barracks,

Swanbourne, Corporal Roberts-Smith

became only the second Australian

soldier to wear the Victoria Cross of Australia after Corporal Mark Donaldson who received the honour in


Before 1991 it was an Imperial Honour that was won by 96 Australians from the Boer War to Vietnam.

He is only the second Western Australian born holder of the VC after Private Tom Starcevich who received his

honour for attacking Japanese machine gun posts Borneo during WW2.

The 32-year-old Perth born father of twin daughters was given the award for his conspicuous gallantry during a

The 203cm tall man mountain, known to his mates as “RS‟‟ or “Arse‟‟, single-handedly neutralised several

enemy machine gun positions during the battle that left more than 60 enemy dead.

His Queensland-born wife Emma, their five-month-old twins witnessed the ceremony that also recognised the

gallantry of several other soldiers from the elite Special Air Service Regiment.

Also attending were father Len, who is a retired Major-General and former Judge Advocate General of Defence

and WA Supreme Court judge and younger brother Sam, a baritone with the Australian Opera, along with

political and military leaders who all jetted in from eastern states and dozens of his SAS comrades.

Corporal Roberts-Smith's VC was awarded a Medal for Gallantry for another battle in the Chora Valley in 2006

and his VC makes him the most decorated Australian soldier in decades.

He graduated from the exclusive Perth boys school Hale where he played First XV rugby and top-level


Regarded by his comrades as a true warrior, Corporal Roberts-Smith is an “assaulter‟‟ in his Troop which

means he is a leading gun fighter and one of the men trained to take the fight up to the enemy.

He is also a trained sniper and according to his mates it was only a matter of time before he performed such an

act of gallantry in the face of the enemy.

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“He is the most dedicated soldier I have ever met,‟‟ said one SAS comrade who asked not to be named.

Corporal Roberts-Smith joined the SAS in 2002 from the army‟s 3rd Battalion Royal Australian Regiment.

We salute you CPL Ben Roberts-Smith VC, MG NB. CPL Roberts-Smith is now Australia’s most highly decorated serving soldier, having been awarded the Medal for Gallantry in a previous engagement in Afghanistan in 2006. ***** ***** ***** *****

AND HERE IS ANOTHER STORY ABOUT BEN Corporal Ben Roberts-Smith, centre, with two other VC recipients, Corporal Mark Donaldson, left, and Keith Payne. Picture: Chris Moore SAS corporal Ben Roberts-Smith has tattooed across his chest the simple message: "I will not fail my brothers." Early on June 11 last year, in

the rugged north of Afghanistan's Kandahar Province, the special forces soldier lived up to his own promise. In an early morning raid on a Taliban stronghold, Corporal Roberts-Smith and two other special forces soldiers were lying in a horribly exposed position just 20m in front of an insurgent machine-gun post. From the sparse cover of a small pile of rubble, Corporal Roberts-Smith saw gunfire tearing up the ground around his friends and realised they'd soon be killed. He leapt to his feet and charged the machine-gun, killing the gunners at point-black range. Yesterday, he was awarded the highest award for valour, the Victoria Cross of Australia. The medal was presented in front of Corporal Roberts-Smith's family and previous VC winners Mark Donaldson and Keith Payne. Corporal Roberts-Smith's father, West Australian Corruption and Crime Commission chief Len Roberts-Smith, told The Australian last night he was not surprised by his son's courage. He said his son lived by the message he wore on his chest. "To have a son that you know did that is just extraordinary. We are incredibly proud of him," said Mr Roberts-Smith, himself a former army major-general. "As a parent, of course I worry enormously. We know the circumstances he goes into and we know our son, so we know he's going to be at the forefront. But we're very proud of him." Corporal Roberts-Smith comes from a high-achieving family. His brother Sam, 24, is an opera singer critically acclaimed for his role in Carmen, which is playing in Sydney at the moment Yesterday, Corporal Roberts-Smith, the second member of Australia Special Air Service regiment to win the VC in Afghanistan, spoke of the fear felt by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan and said they all showed great courage under fire. "I saw a lot of brave men do a lot of brave things that day," the 32-year-old SAS soldier said yesterday after being honoured for his extreme gallantry.

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Governor-General Quentin Bryce said she felt honoured just pinning the medal on his chest. "In these times of hardship for so many Australians, you bring our hearts to soar," she said. "Corporal, you are not invincible, you are human, extraordinarily and exceptionally so." Julia Gillard said Corporal Roberts-Smith was reluctant to be at the centre of "so much fuss" but he was a true hero. She said the Victoria Cross was "an honour so high that even the chief of the Defence Force salutes those that hold it". Defence Force chief Angus Houston, himself a decorated pilot, followed convention and, despite his vastly superior rank, saluted the corporal. Air Chief Marshal Houston said Corporal Roberts-Smith had brought great credit to himself, the Australian Army, the Special Air Service Regiment and the Australian Defence Force. "Today, we in the military feel great admiration and respect for the extreme valour shown by Corporal Roberts-Smith and we are honoured to call him one of our own," Air Chief Marshal Houston said. The SAS soldiers were pinned down in a battle with the Taliban in Afghanistan's Shah Wali Kot region when Corporal Roberts-Smith made his life-saving dash through a storm of gunfire. "Every single bloke in that troop was at some stage fighting for their lives, every person there showed gallantry," Corporal Roberts-Smith said. "The decisions that I saw made were heroic, just watching some of my mates who were wounded by frag just keep firing, just ignoring the fact that they were drawing fire to themselves." Corporal Roberts-Smith said he was aware of bullets flying around him as he tackled the machine-gun posts, and anyone who said they didn't feel fear was "either crazy or not telling the truth". But he said his actions were instinctive. "I saw my mates getting ripped up so I just decided to move forward. I wasn't going to just sit there and do nothing. I thought I'd have a crack, I was not going to let my mates down," he said. The father of twin five-month-old girls said Australia was achieving results in Afghanistan. "I believe that we are making a difference in stemming the flow of terrorism into Australia, and I want my children to be able to live as everyone does now without the fear of getting on to a bus and having it blow up," he said Our two latest Victoria Cross awardees are now unique within the Australian Defence Force as officers of all ranks now salute them first as does every other serving member. In the March edition of this newsletter I will include the citation for CPL Roberts-Smith VC MG award of the Victoria Cross.

***** ***** ******

Vietnam vets want Agent Orange history rewritten

BY DAVID ELLERY 10 Jan, 2011 01:00 AM

Vietnam veterans have renewed calls to have the official war history rewritten after revelations the Fraser government was aware of Agent Orange-related health risks as early as 1978. Repeatedly blasted by critics as ''flawed and insulting'', the passages in the Official History of the Vietnam War relating to Agent Orange still quote the findings of the discredited Royal Commission held in the 1980s. The history also accuses the diggers who fought for compensation as pursuing an agenda of private greed.

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10 Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia ACT president Pete Ryan said the royal commission ''exonerated'' Agent Orange and the chemical companies, a finding that had found its way into the official account despite subsequent scientific studies linking exposure to the chemicals to cancers, birth defects and other conditions. Mr Ryan said it was ''hardly surprising'' the Fraser government kept suspected links between Agent Orange and health problems under wraps for as long as possible. It was not until the issue broke in the media that a study was announced. Mr Ryan said the government had millions of reasons to keep the risks quiet. ''The government of the day refused to countenance that the chemicals used were harmful as not only would the quantum of compensation claims [have] been a drain on the budget, it would have left the Australian and US governments open to accusations of chemical warfare,'' he said.

Those claims would have had local and international repercussions. Mr Ryan, whose association was formed in response to the Agent Orange issue at the end of the 1970s, said problems arose with veterans and their families soon after the war. ''The anecdotal evidence was present in the married quarters of many army bases,'' he said. ''[There was] an abnormally high number of birth defects in the children of Vietnam veterans as well as the high incidence of unusual cancers and other illnesses in the veterans themselves.'' Mr Ryan said that in the early 1980s, the veterans association had to go it alone against the government to prompt action. That finally resulted in the royal commission that proved such a disappointment and whose findings were later overturned by scientific

studies overseas. ''[The findings] nonetheless were written into the Official History of the Vietnam War,'' he said. ''This is seen by many Vietnam veterans as a gross distortion of the facts. Calls for a correction in the official account have so far fallen on deaf ears.'' Editorial comment. New Zealand (NZ) infantry troops served with and under command of Australian Battalions in Vietnam. They went where Australians went, lived in the same lines and were known as the ANZAC Battalions. 161 New Zealand Artillery Battery also served in Nui Dat, the forward Australian Base in Phuoc Tuy. On 14th December 2004, the then NZ Minister for Defence George Hawkins apologised to NZ Vietnam Veterans for knowingly exposing them to Agent Orange and other toxic defoliants. Here is what was reported in the New Zealand Herald newspaper on 15th December 2004: The Government yesterday apologised to Vietnam War veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange or other toxic defoliants. Veterans Affairs Minister George Hawkins made the apology in the Government's response to the health select committee's Agent Orange inquiry. The committee called only for acceptance that exposure occurred, not an apology. He said new information presented to the inquiry showed the extent of contamination by a range of chemicals of the part of Vietnam in which the majority of New Zealand armed forces served. The research showed there were 356 probable occurrences where New Zealand troops moved through areas that had been sprayed.

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Page 11: February RSL Monthly Newsletter

11 "In light of the information ... the Government offers a formal apology to Vietnam veterans for the failure of Governments in the past to recognise that the veterans were exposed to a toxic environment ... " The response was tabled in Parliament. Mr Hawkins' spokesman said sending personal apology letters to affected veterans had not been considered, "but that's not to say it won't be". No extra payments to veterans were being considered in addition to the present system of pensions and medical benefits, he said. "It's quite a benevolent system." The apology comes in spite of Labour committee members previously resisting a New Zealand First bid for the committee's report to urge the Government to apologise and compensate veterans.

The Government's response met praise from a veterans' group. The Ex-Vietnam Services Association's president, Rod Baldwin, said many veterans and their families had suffered physical and mental illnesses, plus the indignity and humiliation of the repeated denials of exposure to Agent Orange. "The Government's positive response to the committee's recommendations gives us confidence that there is a will to see justice finally done and that adequate resources will be provided by the Government to ensure the recommendations are properly implemented." But National Party health spokeswoman Judith Collins said the "pathetic" response lacked substance because it did not alter the limited range of health problems suffered by veterans' children for which the Government would pay the full treatment costs. Some faced considerable outlay for conditions not covered. "We need to have acceptance that those lists should not be exclusive and discrete." The Government says it provides fully funded care for a range of conditions, including spina bifida and acute myeloid leukaemia, and that the list is not conclusive. It will monitor international research and entitlements given by other Governments to Vietnam veterans' children. At the time, I responded and sent an email to our then Minister for Defence and Prime Minister asking when the Australian Government was going to acknowledge that Australian Troops were exposed to these defoliants. There was no response from either politician. And until today there has been no such acknowledgement. Ed

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The Angeles City Sub-Branch of the R&SLA, the Committee and the Editor take no responsibilities for any errors, omissions

or inaccuracies contained in this newsletter. Nor do they accept any liability for loss or damage suffered directly or indirectly

for use of information contained in this newsletter. Nor do they warrant that articles or opinions published in this newsletter

are necessarily the opinions held by the Sub-branch, the Committee or the Editor

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Minister for Veterans' Affairs Mailing List Thursday, 10 February 2011 VA007


TO FRANCE FOR ANZAC DAY The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Warren Snowdon, today said Australians travelling to Villers-Bretonneux, France, for 2011 Anzac Day commemorations can now register online to stay up-to-date with important information. Mr Snowdon said registration for Villers-Bretonneux Anzac Day commemorations had been introduced in

response to growing interest. “Villers-Bretonneux is an important commemorative site with special significance for Australians. The re-taking of the village of Villers-Bretonneux on the night of 24-25 April 1918 was a significant military achievement for Australia that helped stop the German’s spring offensive. “The site of the Dawn Service, the Australian National Memorial, honours the 295,000 Australians who fought on the Western Front during the First World War and the 46,000 who were killed there. “In 2009 about 3,000 people attended the Villers-Bretonneux commemorations, in 2010 this

increased to 3,500, with 4,000 expected in 2011 – so we’re finding ways to support those Australians attending. “For many Australians, attending Anzac Day commemorations at a historic site is the trip of a lifetime but it is important they come prepared. Following the success of the registration service piloted for Gallipoli in 2010, we’ve extended this service for those travelling to Villers-Bretonneux in 2011. “The online registration services provide travellers with helpful information on what to bring and what to expect over the commemorative period. The updates are communicated via text message and/or email, and may include changes to traffic arrangements, site opening times, weather conditions or in the event of an emergency.” In Villers-Bretonneux, last minute changes to services may occur in the event of bad weather; while at Gallipoli, visitors arrive onsite from 6pm on 24 April and are exposed to the elements for up to 24-hours so tips on what to bring are essential. “The Gallipoli update service proved invaluable in 2010 when a volcanic eruption saw travel plans interrupted for many people trying to get to overseas Anzac Day commemorations,” Mr Snowdon said. Registration is not mandatory, nor a ticketing system for the commemorations – but a way for Australian travellers to stay informed of important updates. The services are optional and people can still attend Anzac Day commemorations in Villers-Bretonneux and Gallipoli if they have not registered. Mr Snowdon encouraged Australians planning to travel to Villers-Bretonneux or Gallipoli for Anzac Day in 2011 to register their interest to ensure they make the most of their experience.

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13 To register for Villers-Bretonneux updates visit www.franceregistration.com. To register for Gallipoli updates visit www.gallipoliregistration.com. For more information about Anzac Day commemorations in France or Gallipoli visit www.dva.gov.au/anzac.

STATE WAR MEMORIAL PERTH (a continuing series)

The State War Memorial Precinct is located on Mount Eliza overlooking Perth Water. It comprises the

Cenotaph, Court of Contemplation, Flame of

Remembrance and Pool of Reflection.

The State War Memorial Precinct is visited by

more than 40,000 people each Anzac Day. A

dawn service is held at 5:30am on 25 April

each year.

The Cenotaph was unveiled in the year of the

Centenary of Western Australia - on 24

November 1929 by the Governor Sir William

Campion, and had as the honorary architect

General Sir J. Talbot Hobbs. The court of

contemplation is at the western side of the

precinct and was unveiled on 6 November

1955 by Sir Charles Gairdner. The flame of

remembrance and pool of reflection was

inaugurated by Queen Elizabeth II on the 1st of

April 2000.

Underneath the Cenotaph is the roll of honour with the names of all servicemen and women from Western

Australia to die in the Boer War, World War I, World War II, Korean War or Vietnam.

Distributed throughout the park are more specific memorials to various battles, military units, prisoners of war

and other groups.

What’s on in March Charity Raffles Now at PHILLIES SPORTS & GRILL at 6.00 pm Saturdays

AND Friday 6.00pm.Weekly Draw at Emotions Nite Club

Events Schedule March 2011

Tuesday March 1st * 1.30 pm Committee Meeting Ponderosa * 4.00 pm Social Tuesday * Just My Luck

Tuesday March 8th. * 1.30 pm Ponderosa * 3.00 pm Silly Hat * Big Hits * Thigh High.

Tuesday March 15th

* 2.00 pm AGM * 4.00 pm Social Tuesday * Tropix

Tuesday March 22nd

* 1.30 pm Ponderosa * 3.00 pm Garfield’s * Drill Shack * Bare Assets

Tuesday March 29th

* 1.30 pm Ponderosa * 3.00 pm Cherry's * Stampede

Page 14: February RSL Monthly Newsletter


WANT A GOOD DEAL HOLIDAY ON THE BEACH RAMA International Beach Resort at Botolan, Zambales has some pretty good promo’s going at the moment in celebration of their 21st anniversary of operation. This resort is Australian owned and operated and Roger Bound, the manager is also an RSL member. Roger is offering VIP air-conditioned rooms for only ₱999.00 per night Sundays through to Thursdays (public holidays excepted). He is also offering up to 35% discount for those booking 30 days in advance. So if you haven’t been up the coast from Subic, give RAMA a try. Roger will ensure you will come back in the future. See the logo below. It has both email address and website.


TIME FOR A BIT OF AMUSEMENT Dear Tide: I am writing to tell you what an excellent product I think you have. I've used it all of my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring lout of a husband started to belittle me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a real pain in the arse. One thing led to another and somehow I ended up with his blood on my new white

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blouse! I grabbed my bottle of Tide with bleach alternative, and to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out! In fact, the stains came out so well that the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative. Then my attorney called and said that I was no longer considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband. What a relief! Going through menopause is bad enough without being a murder suspect! I thank you, once again, for having a great product. Well, gotta go. I have to write to the Hefty Bag people.


1. For more pictures of the Australia Day Fiesta and Barangay Medical Mission, go to our website:

www.rslangelescity.com and look under Image Gallery.

2. To keep up to date with what is happening on a daily basis, go to our website and look at the top right

side for our Blog. In fact register and our blog master will send them to you as things occur.

3. If you are a DVA customer, keep abreast of all the latest by going to: www.dva.gov.au

4. If you are a Centrelink customer go to: www.centrelink.gov.au

5. We all have RSL membership cards. Have a look at it on the bottom right hand side and you will see

the words The Ambassador Card. That card entitles you to various discounts (in Australia of course). Go

to: http://www.ambassadorcard.com.au to see what is currently available.

6. ANZAC Day is approaching on April 25th

. More details will be in March and April newsletters.

7. Membership fees are now overdue if you have not yet paid. Like any organization that has membership,

services cannot be provided to those who do not contribute. So don‟t get culled from our Sub Branch by

not paying your annual fees.

8. NEXT MEDICAL MISSION March 5th at Barangay Sta Trinidad Basket Ball Court.

Next Turn Right after Pampang Markets, then Turn Right again at Corner of Central Gas Station.

And here are some of

our lovely Australian

nurses having a break

from their duties at the

AUF in Angeles and

RSL medical mission,

checking out what‟s

going on at our

Australia Day Fiesta,

ably accompanied by

our non camera shy

secretary, Dallas.

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“The price of liberty is eternal vigilance”

……………………Tear off here……………………



Person Nominated…………………………

Nominator (print)……………………………

Nominator (signature)……………

Seconder (print)………………………………

Seconder (signature)………………

I hereby accept my nomination for the position indicated




Here they are making one of our member‟s day better Sitting left to right, Pres Jim‟s partner Moon,

daughter Anne Curtis and son Jamie enjoy the

Miss Australia Day Philippines beauty pageant