February Outreach 2016

The First Presbyterian Church of Naples February 2016 IN THIS ISSUE From Rev. Goodrich 2 Music 3 Finance 4 Stewardship 5 Presbyterian Women 6 Missions 6 Congregational Care 8 Calendar 9 Preschool 10 Children and Youth 11 News & Events 12


News and Events for First Presbyterian Church of Naples, FL

Transcript of February Outreach 2016

T h e F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h o f N a p l e s

February 2016


From Rev. Goodrich 2

Music 3

Finance 4

Stewardship 5

Presbyterian Women 6

Missions 6

Congregational Care 8

Calendar 9

Preschool 10

Children and Youth 11

News & Events 12

2 Rev. Craig Goodrich, Senior Pastor/Head of Staff [email protected]

In keeping with the practice of looking back with gratitude and forward with hope, I offer these reflections. I am grateful for all that is happening in and through our congregation. We are in full “Season“ and it’s great to see the excitement that comes along with

it. Worship attendance has increased and activities are starting up again - for instance, the Men’s Club and the Sunday morning Bible study led by Joyce Witt. Our sermon series, “A Season of Courage” is being well received. We continue to make known that we are “In the Heart of Naples, With the Love of God” and I was privileged to write a column in the Naples Daily News, published on Saturday, January 23. In December we received 20 new members and it appears that we will have another great class in January. It is wonderful to see their enthusiasm, and several have already become Sunday morning greeters and ushers. On January 10 we installed newly elected deacons and elders and on January 31 we will have “Deacon Sunday” at which your deacons will be available to meet and greet you in Spencer Hall. Wednesday night classes began Wednesday, January 27 with Joan Gray, former PCUSA moderator kicking off the season with her topic of “How to Sail the Church Instead of Rowing It.” Classes continue February 3 when I will teach about Barnabas, one of Paul’s missionary companions and “the son of encouragement.” On the Facilities front, we have beautiful new carpet throughout the Sanctuary and Spencer Hall. Many thanks to Joan Gust and the Facilities Committee and to Sandy Poore, our amazing Facilities Director. Our Mission Committee hosted a wonderful Mission Fair on January 24 at which all the agencies we support were present and opportunities were offered to sign up for hands on work.

Looking ahead, in February, the Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday with a service at noon. I hope you will plan to attend. We will begin our first confirmation class in several years, thanks to the leadership of Shana Dublan. We have started our Generosity Campaign chaired by Duncan Connell with a great committee. Our theme is “Courageous Generosity.” I hope you are reading the booklet which we distributed after worship entitled “generosity” as you consider your financial commitment to the mission and ministry of our church in 2016. Pledge cards will be mailed February 3 and in the pews the following Sunday. Commitment Sunday will be celebrated February 14 at which time we will dedicate our pledges. It is the hope of all that we will be moving towards financial health this year with increased giving. Also on Sunday, February 14 at 4 p.m. there will be a service in the Sanctuary as I become installed as your pastor. I am excited to have members of the Presbytery here for this special occasion, as well as my longtime colleague and friend, Dr. George Wirth with whom I served for close to 20 years at the First Presbyterian Church of Atlanta. George will be preaching the sermon and my brothers, George Goodrich and Tom Goodrich, both Presbyterian ministers, will take part. We will celebrate after with a reception in Spencer Hall. Throughout it all, God’s grace is present, from the baptisms of infants to memorial services for cherished members. Some friends move away. Others arrive again for the Season or maybe for the first time. In the midst of it all, it is good to remember what a precious gift life is and to affirm that “in life and in death we belong to God.” Finally, I give thanks that we are here for this time and that in Jesus Christ we all belong to one another as well. Gratefully and faithfully,

3 Dr. Brice Gerlach, Director of Music Ministries, [email protected] Music

Brian Jones, organ Brice Adami, piano Sunday, February 21, 2016

4:00 p.m.

Brian Jones is the Emeritus Director of Music and Organist at Trinity Church, Copley Square in Boston. He is in great demand as a clinician and recitalist around the country. Bruce Adami is Director of Music and Organist at Christ Church, Exeter, NH. He holds a bachelor’s degree in music from Oberlin and has done post-graduate work at Westminster Choir College. They are known for their great mastery in setting the mood of each piece and for drawing the audience into the drama. They display consummate skill in the interplay between the organ and piano and seem to have an almost telepathic musical empathy as they play together. The two will perform works for organ four hands and four feet, works for piano and organ, and works for solo organ. The duo have been featured in joint concerts during the past five years from New Hampshire to Florida. You won’t want to miss this special concert!

Doors open at 3 p.m. There is no charge for the concert. A free will offering will be taken.

Reception to follow in Spencer Hall.

4 Finance Richard Green, Finance Committee Chair, [email protected]

Endowment Committee

What can I give? Examples are cash gifts, marketable securities, real estate, life insurance policies, and retirement plans. If you give appreciated assets, such as real estate or securities, neither the church nor the donor pays any taxes and the asset is eliminated from the estate. The donor and the church win! If you are interested in learning more about how you can help FPC contact Fred Garner at [email protected] or 239.434.2438 or Linda Gadkowski at [email protected] or 508.292.5500.

Remember please, these thoughts are general in nature and are not meant to be specific as to your personal situation or to take the place of your professional advisors.

Did you know you can make your gifts online? Visit our website www.fpcnaples.org and look for the “GIVE online” link at the bottom of the home page. Here you will be able to establish a secure online account which will allow you to set up a recurring gift or a one-time gift. Recurring gifts are a great way to pay your pledge and not have to worry about writing a check on Sunday morning. Don’t worry; you can make changes to your recurring gift at any time you wish. If you have already set up an account from a previous year, you will need to reestablish your online giving for this year. The Church also allows you to make donations to some of our special funds such as the Deacons Benevolence Fund, Feed the 5,000, Birthday Mission Fund, Season of Music and the Preschool Angel Fund. You can use any major credit card/debit card or checking/savings account. If you use a savings or checking account number, the Church will not incur any fees. The Church has computers available for you to use. If you have any questions or need assistance in setting up a gift, please contact Sharman Pfaus, at 239.262.1311 ext. 236 or [email protected].

5 Finance


Duncan Connell, Stewardship Committee Chair, [email protected] Stewardship

What a wonderful time to be at First Presbyterian Church of Naples. Our church is moving in marvelous directions and is truly going through a renewal. Fact – we possess courage and are generous. The truth is, we’re all more courageous and generous than we might realize. We’ve planted churches, helped form Habitat for Humanity, and “sewn” for miles (the list is virtually endless)! Our Courageous Generosity campaign is underway and will conclude with Commitment Sunday, Valentine’s Day. This seems entirely appropriate – our logo is the heart! We all have such warm and welcoming hearts, let’s put them to use!

Commitment cards for your annual pledge will be mailed the first week of February. If you do not receive one in the mail, please feel free to use the one below. Cards can also be found in the church pews, Spencer Hall and online.

6 Presbyterian Women Joan Gust, PW Moderator, [email protected]

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN’S GATHERING The February Gathering will be held on Wednesday, February 3 at noon in Spencer Hall. The Program will be given by local author, Helene Gaillet de Neergaard. Her focus will

be on her book, I Was a War Child, World War II Memoir of a little French Catholic Girl. Menu: Seafood puffed pastry (chicken will be available), salad, turtle brownie dessert. Reservations can be made Sunday, January 31.

LOOKING FORWARD March Gathering will be held on Wednesday, March 3 at noon in Spencer Hall. Local artist, Muffy Clark Gill, will exhibit and demonstrate her unique process of batik painting on silk. Menu: broiled salmon, tomato pie, birthday cakes. Sunday, March 13 will celebrate the gifts of women with Presbyterian Women’s Sunday.

Missions Betty Mangos, Mission Committee Chair, [email protected]

Circle Date & Time Place Hostesses or Leaders


Faith/Joy Tuesday, February 16 9:30 a.m.

Church Parlor Barbara Korntheuer Shirley Hagerson

239.591.0260 239.596.3125

Love & Friendship Wednesday, February 17 9:30 p.m.

Church Parlor Bonita Krauss Nina Howard

239.435.0462 239.248.3647

Sunshine Wednesday, February 17 12 p.m.

Youth Room Jeneanne Somers Janet Root

239.494.1623 239.963.9838

Peace with Honor Wednesday, February 17 1 p.m.

Church Parlor Katie Geshay Dorothy Gomori

239.592.5358 239.596.8829

Feed the 5,000

Grace Place is a faith based community center which teaches literacy, language, and life skills to children at risk. This month we gather food for that agency.

Ushers will have a Publix bag with a list of desired food

items available as you leave the Sanctuary on the first Sunday of the month. Please bring your food to the 6th Street church entrance before service on the second Sunday.

If you prefer, checks may be made payable to "First Presbyterian Church" with the memo marked "Feed the 5,000" and placed in the collection plate.

Most needed items are:

dried rice dried beans cans of chicken, tuna or meat canned fruit canned vegetables powdered milk dry children's cereal peanut butter jam or jelly



Missions Betty Mangos, Mission Committee Chair, [email protected]

There are wonderful people in this church who serve on your Missions Committee:

Karen Ryan Richard & Norma Dallasandro Roger Kempers Sherry Hoffman Carol Graham

Ted Rojahn Jeanne Perkins Bill & Susan Stafford Shirley Hagerson Sue Vernia Roger Neuman

Betty Plum Keith Gahagan

You know them. They are all active members of this church in many areas. And here is their job as your Missions Committee: planning, contacting, arranging, organizing, creating, advocating, caring, suggesting, proposing, and encouraging-- but they are not the only people in the church who should be doing mission work. So they will be very proactive in a very important aspect of our membership’s obligation: they will be asking you to participate. Congregation Participation!

“I used to think that being a believer was enough, but now I know Jesus wants us to participate, no matter what condition we’re in.” - Bob Goff author of “Love Does.”

Some of us heard Bob Goff in person when he spoke at Moorings Presbyterian Church last October. “Love Does”! There is a sense of action to it. Bob Goff himself is a “say yes” kind of guy. The Missions Committee of FPCN needs our congregation to be “say yes” people.

We held a Mission Fair on Sunday, January 24. There were sign-up sheets for the agencies we support. The committee made it easy for you. If you missed it, here is the upcoming calendar:

Tuesday, February 9: Habitat for Humanity. We can take as many as want to come. If we have more than the bus can hold, we will take cars to the site. There is a job for everyone, even if it is just being the “waterboy” or “supervisor”. Sign up in Spencer Hall or call Jeanne Perkins at 239.348.5500. Friday, February 19: Mision Peniel workday. We need 14 volunteers who can sort clothing, dish beans and rice in cups, package food and greet tired farmworkers with a smile on their face. The bus will leave our parking lot at 1 p.m. If you have never been, you really should see this wonderful work happening by Pastor Miguel in Immokalee.

Saturday, February 27: Grace Place Family Literacy Day. We will not only read to children, but also to adults who are learning English. There will be crafts and learning opportunities with families seeing God at work and encouraging them.

Weekend PowerPack Program: We need volunteers to deliver food packs on Friday mornings to Big Cypress Elementary School. Can you sign up for a Friday or two in February? Can you watch over the Care Bear for a month? couple of weeks? Find him at his permanent table in Spencer Hall and put your name in one or more of the volunteer slots for this wonderful program. It’s easy. All the directions and instructions are there. And one of these terrific mission committee members I mentioned is more than glad to help you get started.

These are ways we show the face of God to others outside our four walls. I hope you will feel called to be a part of it.

Betty Mangos, Missions Committee Chair

Weekend PowerPack Program Our youth will package the food packs on Thursdays. They will be left at the reception desk to be picked up by a volunteer on Friday and taken to Big Cypress Elementary School.

8 Congregational Care Shirley Hagerson, [email protected]


When I ask you to listen to me and you start giving advice you have not done what I asked.

When I ask you to listen to me and you begin to tell me why I shouldn’t feel that way, you are trampling my feelings.

When I ask you to listen to me and you feel you have to do something to solve my problem you have failed me, strange as that may seem.

Listen! All I asked was that you listen, not talk or do—just hear me. And I can do for myself; I’m not helpless. Maybe discouraged and faltering, but not helpless.

When you do something for me that I can and need to do for myself, you contribute to my fear and weakness.

But when you accept as a simple fact that I do feel what I feel, no matter how irrational, then I can quit trying to convince you and can get about the business of understanding what’s behind this irrational feeling. And when that’s clear, the answers are obvious and I don’t need advice.

Perhaps that’s why prayers for some people because God is mute, and he doesn't give advice or try to fix things. He just listens and lets you work it out for yourself.

So, please listen and just hear me. And if you want to talk, wait a minute for your turn, and I’ll listen to you.

A Stephen Minister will listen to you, pray with you, and offer you comfort.


Sandy Poore, Director of Facilities, [email protected] Calendar 9



2 Preschool 100 days 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 11 a.m. Alzheimer’s Support Group

3 11 a.m. PW Coordinating Team 12 p.m. PW Gathering 6 p.m. Wednesday Night Class 7 p.m. Choir 7 p.m. Cumberland rehearsal

4 9:30 a.m. Stephen Ministry 10 a.m. PW Bible Facilitators 12 p.m. Huddle 2 p.m. HS Youth 4 p.m. MS Youth 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

5 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 11 a.m. Congregational Dinner meeting 5:30 p.m. Parent’s Night Out/First Friday

6 Communion prep

7 8:30 & 10 a.m. Communion Worship 9 a.m. Adult Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 11 a.m. Children’s Choir 12 p.m. Cumberland Church

8 10 a.m. Men’s Club

9 7 a.m. Habitat/ for Humanity 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

8 a.m. Facilities Committee 9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 1 p.m. Worship & Music Committee 2:30 p.m. Mission Committee

10 ASH WEDNESDAY 9 a.m. CE Committee 12 p.m. Ash Wednesday Ser-vice 7 p.m. Choir 7 p.m. Cumberland rehearsal

11 10 a.m. Sew & Sews 12 p.m. Huddle 2 p.m. HS Youth 4 p.m. MS Youth 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

12 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking 1 p.m. Preschool Happy Feet


14 Commitment Sunday 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Adult Bible Study 11 a.m. Children’s Choir 12 p.m. Cumberland Church 4 p.m. Rev. Goodrich Installation

15 Presidents Day OUTREACH DEADLINE Preschool closed

16 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 9:30 a.m. Faith/Joy Circle 3 p.m. Finance Mtg. 5:30 p.m. Deacon’s

17 9:30 Love & Friendship Circle 12 p.m. Sunshine Circle 12 p.m. Lenten Organ Concert 1 p.m. Peace w/Honor Circle 6 p.m. Wednesday Night Class 7 p.m. Choir 7 p.m. Cumberland rehearsal

18 12 p.m. Huddle 2 p.m. HS Youth 4 p.m. MS Youth 6 p.m. Confirmation Class 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

19 9 a.m. Mision Peniel work day 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking

20 5:30 p.m. Preschool 50 year celebration/ movie night

21 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Adult Bible Study 10:45 a.m. Seekers & Joiners Class 11 a.m. Children’s Choir 12 p.m. Cumberland Church 4 p.m. Concert

22 10 a.m. Men’s Club

23 7 a.m. Breakfast Bible Study (separate location)

9 a.m. Prayer Shawl 4 p.m. Session

24 12 p.m. Lenten Organ Concert 6 p.m. Wednesday Night Class 7 p.m. Choir 7 p.m. Cumberland rehearsal


10 a.m. Sew & Sews 12 p.m. Huddle 2 p.m. HS Youth 4 p.m. MS Youth 6p.m. Confirmation Class 7 p.m. Cumberland Church

26 9:30 a.m. Cookie Baking


28 8:30 & 10 a.m. Worship New member acceptance 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10 a.m. Adult Bible Study 11 a.m. Children’s Choir 12 p.m. Cumberland Church 3 p.m. Youth Event

29 This calendar does not necessarily include all events that are scheduled at the church. For additional information, call 239.262.1311 or visit the website www.fpcnaples.org. Contact Director of Facilities, Sandy Poore at 239.262.1311 ext. 228 or [email protected] to reserve a room for your meeting. Please do not assume that if a room is vacant that it is available for use. This will alleviate any awkward situations from occurring.

10 Preschool Ashley Houk, Preschool Director, [email protected]

Caring for the children of the Naples community for 50 years


Family, children and youth Events

Children and Youth Shana Dublan, Director of Children and Family Ministries

[email protected]


This month our children discover Jesus' present-day

power through activities that let them see, hear,

smell, taste, and touch his resurrection. They'll

journey through captivating stations that drive

home one irresistible truth: Jesus is alive today!

Event time: 5:30—8:30 p.m. Cost is $20 per family.

Registration forms are available online, in the

Christian Education, Preschool or church offices.

Registration deadline is Friday, February 26.

If you are interested in any of these events, either as a volunteer or participant, please contact Shana Dublan, Director of Children and Family Ministries, at [email protected] or 239.262.1311 ext. 229.

March 13 we leave after the 8:30 a.m. service and head to SeaWorld AND Busch Gardens for an event to remember. We arrive at SeaWorld at 1:30 p.m. and enjoy our EAT FREE ALL DAY tickets until 7 p.m. From there we go to the Fairfield Inn (6 minutes away) rest, relax SLEEP and get ready for another day of fun. Monday morning we leave the hotel by 9 a.m. and arrive at Busch Gardens around 10:30 a.m. We will have a fully packed day with rides and all the food we can eat (yes we have another eat free all day ticket) then make our way back home. All of this awesomeness is only $200. Again that includes – Ticket to Sea World, All you can eat at Sea World Ticket to Busch Gardens All you can eat at Busch Gardens ¼ room placement at the Fairfield Inn REGISTRATION OPEN NOW!! MUST BE



LIMITED. Mini Montreat Join Shana on Sunday, February 28 for a free event at Covenant Presbyterian Church for a Montreat type event. Enjoy dinner, music, energizers and a keynote speaker. You need to register for this FREE event with the Christian Education office. We plan to return to the church by 8:30 p.m.

Confirmation Class Beginning Thursday, February 18, for all students in grades 8 and above. This 8-week class, from 6-7 p.m., is designed for students to become confirmed but also to be informative about our Presbyterian faith. Register through the CE office. If registered for class, books may be picked up beginning February 4.

12 News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

A CELTIC EVENING March 5, 2016

5:30 p.m.

A time to celebrate the Irish in all of us!

An authentic Irish dinner with corned

beef and cabbage and some really good sides catered by Wynn's Catering.

A Sing-A-Long of a few Irish songs.

A dance troop of Celtic dancers from Celtic Spirit of Marco Island Dance School.

And an opportunity to just have a great time and a few laughs with your fellow members of First Presbyterian.

Tickets are $20.00 per person and will be available in Spencer Hall and the church office beginning in February.

Please make checks payable to First Presbyterian Church and mark in the memo "Celtic Dinner".

Again, we will be limited to the number of tickets based on Spencer Hall seating, so get your tickets early.

Save the date for

Vacation Bible School

July 11-15

HUDDLE A men’s lunchtime

Bible Study

Each Thursday the men’s HUDDLE group meets in Spencer Hall at noon for lunch and Bible Study. Bring your own lunch and Bible.

Men’s Breakfast Bible Study

Tuesday mornings, 7 a.m. at Skillet’s (4170 Tamiami Trail N. behind Wendy’s).


The Men’s Club 10 a.m. coffee & fellowship

10:30 a.m. program

(ladies are welcome)

News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

Monday, February 22 Jay Bowen

The Intersection of Politics and Economics, Top-Down Investment Themes

for 2016 and Beyond. Mr. Bowen joined Bowen, Hanes & Company, Inc. in 1986. As the firm’s Chief Investment Officer and economic strategist, he is responsible for the formulation and implementation of the firm’s economic and investment strategies. Mr. Bowen holds a B.A. degree in English from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, which he received in 1984. He attended graduate school at The London School of Economics, London, England, where he completed his thesis on the international economy in 1989. Mr. Bowen is a member of The National Economists Club and the National Association for Business Economics, and is a Trustee for the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE). He has provided commentary on economic and financial issues for CNBC, the Fox News network, and the Fox Business network. He and Bowen, Hanes have been profiled in Forbes, Barron’s, Fortune, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times.

Monday, February 8 Ted Soliday

Executive Director City of Naples Airport Authority

Naples Municipal Airport

Ted Soliday’s background in aviation spans nearly

50 years with experience as a pilot, air traffic controller, educator, planner and manager.

The Southeast Chapter of the American Association of Airport Executives honored Ted as 2015 Aviation Professional of the Year. The Florida Department of Transportation Aviation Office named him Florida Aviation Professional of the Year in 2002 and 2014 in recognition of his lifelong interest in aviation, youth and education. The Florida Airports Council presented him with the 2011 Eagle Award, and the Washington Airport Management Association awarded Ted an honorary life membership.

He has spent nearly 50 years as an adult leader in scouting and is a Silver Beaver Award recipient. Ted now is a district representative to the Southwest Florida Council and Eagle Scout Board of Review member.

Ted was a captain, pilot and air traffic controller in the U.S. Marine Corps and is a disabled veteran from the Vietnam conflict. He was decorated nine times for his combat service.

14 News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected]

In Memoriam

Don Edgar September 2, 2015

Martin Blied December 22, 2015

Marilyn Rustman January 9, 2016

Kathy Chlumsky January 20, 2016

Thank You Don and I feel truly blessed to have the love and support

of our FPC family. The visits from our new minister,

Craig, our deacon, Dorie, with the beautiful prayer shawl

in tow, our many cards, delivering dinners and well

wishes have been gratefully appreciated. Thank you


Love and Peace,

Juanita and Don Bunker

To all my church friends,

I want to thank every one for all your prayers and cards.

Also to the PW for the beautiful prayer shawl. It is so

nice to be remembered. I am finally home and happy to

be ready for my life at FPC.

Bless everyone,

Nina Howard

Thank you to all who donated to our January Blood

Drive. We collected 30 pints! It’s a wonderful way to

start the new year.

Pat & Bob Collins, Blood Drive Coordinators

Thank you so much for your generous support this

holiday season!

The Shelter for Abused Women and Children

You’re cordially

invited to the installation of

Rev. Craig Goodrich

as Senior Pastor of

First Presbyterian Church of Naples

Sunday, February 14, 2016

4 p.m.

Assisting in the ceremony will be

Dr. George Wirth Rev. George Goodrich Rev. Tom Goodrich

Reception will follow in Spencer Hall

Lenten Organ Concerts Wednesdays, February 17,

February 24, March 2, March 9, March 16 and March 23, 2016 12:00 - 12:30 p.m.

The spectacular Ruffatti pipe organ is featured in six Lenten organ recitals offered by our Director of Music, Brice Gerlach. In these informal concerts Brice takes the time to explain some of the mechanical workings of the organ and offers some musical insights about the pieces on the program. Each concert opens with a piece that highlights the magnificent horizontal trumpets protruding from the front of the organ case. A work by J. S. Bach is always featured and arrangements of Lenten hymn tunes are presented, allowing for some of the diverse solo stops and softer sounds of the organ to be heard. The concerts will end with a rousing

toccata, allowing the audience to hear the full power of the organ. After the recital, the audience is invited up to the console, to ask questions and to see the beautiful woodwork and craftsmanship of the Ruffatti. Tours of the pipe chambers are also offered each week. Come hear beautiful organ music during Lent. Don't miss these special opportunities for personal reflection, meditation, and celebration of this holy season.

News and Events Kathleen Law, Coordinator of Communications, [email protected] 15

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First Presbyterian Church of Naples 250 Sixth Street South Naples, FL 34102 www.fpcnaples.org 239.262.1311

Service to be held Wednesday, February 10

12 p.m.