Transcript of FEBRUARY - MOGNW





1994 MOGNW CALENDAR Feb 14 Mon Don't forget sour favorite Valentine! V

Feb 1 Tues MOGNW Southern Centre social meeting Heinz Stromquist (206)573-6592 7:00 PM at the Multnomah Road House 3017 SW Multnomah Blvd

Feb 17 Thurs MOGNW Midlands Centre social meeting Bob Nelson (206)387-3241 7:00 PM at the Yankee Diner (new place) 5300 - 24th NW (on the ship canal in Ballard)

Feb 26 Sat MOGNW Northern Centre Fish '11 'chips Run Mike Powlev (604)738-8685 see Northern Nonsense" in this newsletter

MarS Sat 1st quarterly business meeting in Olympia. WA Mike Amos (206)881-2054 10:30 AM at Cammarano's warehouse

Mar 31 Thurs DUES ARE DUE! DO IT! Bitsy Miles (503)292-1225 Apr 30-May I Sat-Sun Spring Toura/Iv. See details this newsletter Bob Nelson (206)387-3241 May 21-22 Sat-Sun Vancouver. BC All British Field Meet 4 June 4 Sat 2nd quarterly business meeting June 24-26 Fr-Sun Kelowna British Car Club Rally in the 'alley Frank Kaufman (604)862-2354

Kelowna. BC (Okanogan Valley) July 2-3 Sat-Sun S.I.R. Vintage Races, Kent, WA 4 July 9 Sat Arlington, WA Fly-in Lee Harmon (206)387-1501 July 9-10 Sat-Sun P.I.R. Vintage Races, Portland, OR 3 July 23-24 Sat-Sun Bellevue. WA All British Field Meet 4 Aug 13 Sat MOGNW Morgan picnic and car show Mike Amos (206)881-2054 Sept 3-4 Sat-Sun Portland, OR All British Field Meet and 4

3rd quarterly business meeting Sept 15-18 Thurs-Sun Banff-Jasper. BC Rally (and Tour) Lloyd Reddington (403)483-6170 Sept 24 Sat Whistler, BC Tour Ric MacDonald (604)938-8086 Dec 3 Sat Annual Holiday Banquet, Vancouver, BC 4

ED. NOTES: item 1 - I owe a lot of thanks to Mogazine contributors this past year, so here's to you Dices, and to you Powley, and to Miltner. Stromquist, Nelson, Morrisons, McClinton, Hauges, Dietz, Gilbert, Theroux, Dwight Smith, that Cuthbert character of the Back Bay Twillies. Glover. Campbell, Stegen, etc. item 2 - Say, if you buy or order something from one of our advertisers, tell 'em you saw their ad in the Mogazine. That's one way of thanking them for advertising. item 3- Gary Bell is our new Regalia Chairman. All right! I hope to get both Gary's and Mike's input for a Regalia Order Form to be published in the Mogazine soon. Look for it. item 4- And, what's this English car club Midlands group doing meeting at the Yankee Diner? Trying to find parking better than the Saloon, rotating the monthly venue geographically for us westsiders. item 5 - Can anyone better Bob and Loretta's "distance persistence" from Stanwood to the Seattle area for monthly meetings? item 6 - Look at all the activities planned up in Canada for our club this year. Wow! At least 5 events plus the monthly "nonsense", item 7- There are at least half a dozen events with blank lines next to them. Some require a lot of work; others only a phone call or two. Please call Mike and volunteer. Every little bit helps. item 8 - has anybody figured out yet why I put numbers under all the Holiday Banquet pictures in the December issue? item 9 - you know, it's not enough to just pay your dues, but even on renewals we need an updated membership form for the roster. How else can we track all those Morgans being made "new" again? Amos and Hauge are 2 that come to mind. Look for them this Spring

NW MOGAZINE is the monthly newsletter of MORGAN OWNER'S GROUP NORTHWEST, a non-profit organization serving the interests of Morgan automobile owners in the Northwestern United States and Western Canada. Permission is hereby given to reproduce any portion of this newsletter, but not for sale or profit. with credit acknowledging NW MOGAZINE, rnontWvear of issue and the author, source or photographer, if stated.

PRESIDENT Mike Amos 8056- 161st Ave. N.E., Redmond, WA 98052 (206) 881.2054 SECRETARY Gil Stegan 17257 N.E. 116th, Redmond, WA 98052 (206) 883-6722 TREASURER Bitsv Miles 6135 S.W. An'owwood Ln., Portland, OR 97223 (503) 292.1225 EDITOR Craig Runions 17759 - 13th Ave. N.W.. Seattle, WA 98177 (206) 542-7137 REGALIA Gary Bell 1805 - 5th Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109 (206) 284-0123 HISTORIAN Bob Nelson P.O. Box 353, Stanwood, WA 98292 (206) 387.3241 NORTHERN REP Mike Powlev 4149 Pine Crescent, Vancouver. BC V6J 4K8 (604) 738-8685 MIDLANDS REP Bob Nelson P.O. Box 353, Stanwood, WA 98292 (206) 387.3241 SOUTHERN REP Heinz Stromquist 8005 N.W. 17th Ave., Vancouver, WA 98665 (206) 573-6582

Business meetings are held quarterly as published in the calendar. Social meetings are held monthly (times and locations stated above in the calendar): Northern Centre as stated, Midlands Centre on the third Thursday. and Southern Centre on the third Tuesday. Dues are as stated on the Membership Form published frequently in this nesletter.

NW MOGAZINE advertising rates for camera-ready ad copy (U.S. dollars payable in advance): Business card size S 5.00 per issue or 3 for S 12.50 or 12 for $ 50.00 Quarter page $10.00 per issue or 3 for $ 25.00 or 12 for $100.00 Half page S20.00 per issue or 3 for S 50.00 or 12 for $200.00 Full page S40.00 per issue or 3 for S100.00 or 12 for $400.00



SEZ All things change with time and I read with a sense of nostalgia of the geographic center of

our club moving northward. I remember as if it were yesterday when Bob Hauge ventured north and met us for a get together at Jim Dietzs home to discuss changes to MOGNW. Those changes came to pass and were for the best and lo and behold instead of upstart northerners we are now midlanders' and there are more upstart northerners--As Craig says Jolly Good..

Perhaps someday we will be large enough to put on an all Morgan gathering in the summer like the California clubs and the Wash. D.C. group. It would be something to have a nice summer week-end gathering of say 50 Morgans and their owners for a car show, rally, banquet. etc......

The planning meeting was the 8th of January and we have a good list of activities and events to start the year. Remember our club represents a broad geographic area and all activities don't have to be planned for the entire region-it would be nice to have a few more one day events in the three areas primarily for their region but certainly everyone would be welcome. The main goal is to get everyone out and enjoy their Morgans, their friends, and just have a good time.

I talked to Lee Harman a couple of weeks ago and he thinks the Arlington Fly-In will be a great event this year. Its the 25th anniversary celebration and has been moved from a Friday to a Saturday. Hopefully this will allow more Morgans to be in attendance. Also the Model A Ford group will be there-this should be a treat-many of us probably had one at one time or another. I paid $45.00 for a 1931 coupe in 1960. This should be a good event-Be there. A moving event is also being planning-stay tuned for details.

Bob Nelson's spring tour will be here before we know it-as usually he promises dry skies.

Mike Amos

TREASURER'S REPORT: Ill beginning balance 1981 plus dues 290 less Jan Mogazine 117 - less Banquet expense 58 - less regalia 23 - less bank charge 9 - 1/31 ending balance 2064

11'1O94 ,1

To those who attended the January Southern Social and want to know where you too can get a tie, scarf, or cap in the Morgan Tartan (or other items of interest pertaining to the British Isle) call or write to:

The Scottish Lion Import Shop P.O. Box 1700 North Conway, NIl-I 03860 (603) 356-5517

[Thanks to Mike Miles]





Ron Theroux, holding forth on TV about "older' MORGANS has over 1,000 of special limited edition of this tape available to members at a modest fee.


A little tale for CANADIANS paying their MOG NW dues for 1994. DON'T WRITE A CHEQUE WITH THE DESIGNATION IN "US" FUNDS - in nearly all cases you will pay a minimum of $5.00 to have it cleared and also get a poor exchange rate to boot - Plus the Club will have to likely pay a a clearing fee as well - best for those of you who pay a monthly fee for a personal checking account is to get a US money order form usually at no charge (just the exchange rate) - mail this for best results at least cost and call me in the morning if you are not feeling better!


Pam Baker calls and is now MOUSQUETARIE, MME BONACIEUX, after all she did the Mogs Across America and has a certain affinity for Anchorage, Alaska Pam tells me she is interested in meeting the MOUSQUTAIRES up there BUT would really like some other company (car and driver silly) - what a challenge that would be. Watch this column for further news.


Present were Jonathan Russell and the Powleys - this was an Idahoovian orientation session/video-anthropology seminar on the habits and customs of that race of Americans known to all as the Idahoovian tribe. Thanks to Anthropologist Bob Nelson for capturing all their rituals very nicely on video, so much so that Jonathan is now anxious to be included in the next safari the Club takes to these strange and exotic lands and natives.


Larry Sharp called and was really sorry we didn't let him know about the Boxing Day run - I assured him he was not accorded the same status that Jonathan was with respect to his being not being invited. Larry now addicted to the idea of "runs" is keen to know about all the events we might be able to plan - GREAT!


Frank Kaufman, member from Kelowna, called seeking ever the great wisdom of the Northern Potentate, often praised as the man who knows everything! - true to form your potentate was able to provide Mog Member Frank with such a minuscule detail of the history of distribution of Morgans in Canada that Frank said he was only 11 years old when the particular bit of reference material was brand-new - how's that!!!! - other members from any area of our vast kingdom are welcome to try to stump the POTENTATE OF THE NORTH WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING - I think I'll ask President Amos to change my club letterhead and parking space title to read thus.


The following is list of possible venues the NORTHERN SET could enjoy visiting - the concept would be to have a NORTHERN MEMBER ORGANIZE ONE EACH.

THEME would be - DISCOVER THE GREATEST LITTLE FISH & CHIP JOINTS IN THE LOWER MAINLAND, the organizational meeting would be at the Jolly Coachman Pub in Maple Ridge - the Wellingtons, Jewetts, and others really enjoy this place for English fare - we will do this on Saturday February 26th - meeting at the pub after a run up to PITT LAKE to see the SWAN-E-SET golf/resort spread - you won't believe it. For those on the west side of the Pitt River Bridge we will meet in the South West Corner EATONS of the Loughheed Mall - at 11:30AM others can do this too or just meet us at the pub by 1:00PM; here we will divide up the following suggested Fish & Chip destinations and set dates for the "MEETINGS".

- Horseshoe Bay - the Lower Levels and to either TROLLS of the TROLLER PUB. - Crescent Beach - many little fish & chip stops - suggest RAF'S HIDEAWAY. - White Rock - the COTTAGE LUNCH - Ladner - the one on the Dock and/or the Fiddler on the Green Pub. - Fort Langley - the tiniest fish & chip place in the valley! + ANTIQUES - could even do the Park Royal Hotel Pub it is really nice after a run coming east on the Lower Levels (rumored site of the NORTH'S XMAS BASH)

le tien dans, du Poisson frit avec des frites! - Mosqueton of the NORTH.



Midland Natters? I'm not sure of this new title for us, as our Canadian friends inherit our title. Maybe we should require them to have a monthly meeting and buy a round of drinks for us at our monthly meets for 1 year. Maybe we could be called Near North? Then maybe Midlands is good, the Heartland of Morgan. Midlands---I can see valleys & meadows & sheep & country lanes.

OK, on to reality. We made the Jan. meeting, not in a Morgan, as our 58 is not licensed or insured, and the wipers on the one in front of the driver quit on the 62, and as it has been very foggy, I didn't want to chance a drive home without wipers. We were sorry though that we didn't drive it as we left home early that AM for Anacortes & Whidbey Island to work Out the Spring Tour. It was a beautiful sunny day.

The Lucky 7 Pub, our meeting place was ready for us. But parking is getting very hard. We drove around the loop twice to find a spot in the rear. As Loretta & I were walking to the Pub we saw Terry drive in, in his 4PL, top down, and a car just pulling out. Terry lucked out. Inside our tables were waiting for us. We were a little early, but soon our area was full of our members--- 22 by my count. I'm going to start writing down names, because now I'm not sure of who all was there. Other Morgans there were Dice's, Ron Blair with a friend and Bill Beavers. Bill was top down. Dick has just had new lifters installed in their +8, but was still getting some tapping noise when cold.

Ron reminded us of the Arlington Fly In and that we will have some time on the air strip in our Morgans for an accellerated run. The fly in is a barn storming show, just great, and Lee makes sure there is plenty of pop, beer, and food.

The Reddington's in Edmonton, B.C. are going to do a tour in the Jasper area September 15th. Neat area to drive around.

Loretta and I happened upon a restaurant West of Freemont on the canal called the Yankee Diner. They have a room overlooking the canal that we can use, but we have to have 20 or more people, so please all come to the Yankee Diner just off Market N.W. at the end of 24th for our February meeting. It looks great and the prices compare to the Lucky 7, and parking is excellent. Maybe we can rotate East to West. Remember Yankee Diner for Feb. Meeting, we need 20 or more. See ya all there!

Bob & Loretta Midlanders???

Dear Craig,

This time I think I got it in on time but perhaps too long - but we are trying hard to get it right for the MOGAZINE

I have again, reproduced it in a sampling of sizes - hope that helps.

Hope to see you at the Laconner number this April 30th/May 1st weekend.

,a r, Mike Powley, January 25th, 1994.



The southern group started out l'-)44 ith some cll engineered excitement. Heinz and Wanda Stromquist. ho

represent our contingent in \IOG matters. hosted a onderful social event for JanUary Their house as the scene

of the action and all concerned had a terrific ecning. It reall \as quite nice as 'e hadnt met in somcones home

in a long, long time

The Stroniquists originally billed the eening as a potluck mth the host providing the main course and the attendees

bringing the salads and deserts. Hopefully, the surprise was complete hen the were presented ith a specially

decorated cake. cards. balloons. candy. champagne and loads of congratulations from all of us in CELEBRATING


Heinz accepted responsibilit

for the culinary delight that 'as

contained in the large steamini

caldron. Co ered and perched

prominently upon the stove, it

as simmering at a temperature

ust low enough to maintain

molecular integrity. Heinz

called it ' -chili". The guests

called it 'great' and the old

family recipe disappeared like


Salads with character. tempting

deserts. wild stories from the

past. and bold forecasts for the

future where shared b Doug

and Lilo Barofsk. Rodger and

Linda Huntle, Mike and Bitsv

Miles. Malcolm and Dee

Buff-um. Dwight and Meredith

Smith. Bob and Janis Hauge.

and those indefatigable

travelers from the north - Dick

and Nancy Dice.

Observing the fact that MOG

South left the Stromquist's

beautiful home reasonably

intact, possibly others in the

area might be encouraged to

host one of our monthly

rendezvous! Thank You. Hats

off, and Salute! - to Heinz and

Wanda in honor of their

anniversary and for a terrific


from Bob & Janis Hauge

photos by the Dices.


This Little Class "E" Giant Killer Is Guaranteed To Bring Home The Hardware — And It's Fun To Drive

by RICHARD KNELL /44' t 19!7% 2 Jy - C(4

With Production car racing being dominated by Chev-rolet Corvettes, AC Bristols and Mercedes Benz 300 SL's any other make receiving more than a mention is rare in-deed. However in the past months, a Morgan, No. 145 has been the topic of discussion with the racing fraternity. This car, in the very capable hands of Mr. Lew Spencer has proceeded to whip cars of all three above mentioned marques with apparent ease. At the recent Laguna Seca Races the car exhibited it's prowess by finishing third overall in the over 1600cc production car race and in the process, soundly trouncing 33 cars, in many instances giving away as much as 2 1/2 litres.

Fortunately, Mr. Rene Pellndini, of Worldwide Imports. was very happy to loan us the car for a day to enable us to do our test. We also appropriated Lew Spencer to drive the car for us, feeling that his knowledge of the car would lead to better performance figures that would be more in keeping with the character of the car. The Mog was picked up late one evening and with the exception of a change of plugs and a muffler, which were necessary to make the car drivable in town, it was in complete racing trim.

Early the next morning, after meeting Lew, we left for the test strip, the location of which shall remain nameless. Open cars are normally tested with top and side curtains in place, however the Morgan was without both, having only a small windscreen in front of the driver. The addi-tion of the top and side curtains would undoubtedly add two or three miles per hour to the top speed, but our big problem was where to put the observer. In order to give

--. the car every fair advantage, our hero-type observer tried to slouch beneath the level of the cowl to cut as much wind resistance as possible. Unfortunately he weighs 200 pounds and wasn't able to make it. The mechanic who came along to supervise the final preparations for the test, Claude Ban, fortunately for the purposes of the test weighs 137 pounds and was able to fit perfectly.

The car is raced with a straight pipe sans muffler but the pipe was mislaid just before the test, consequently we made our first runs with the legal street system in place

)121 sielJ4' '>t8oi#



ENGINE: DIMENSIONS: Cylinders. 4; bore,

83 mm; stroke, 92 mm; cubic capacity. 1991

cc; valves, overhead; compression ratio, 8.5:1.

PERFORMANCE: Max. b.h.p., 100 at 5000

r.p.m. CHASSIS: Brakes, Girling hydraulic;

suspension, front, independent (vertical coil);

rear, semi-elliptic; shock absorbers (front)

telescopic hydraulic; rear, hydraulic lever

type. DIMENSIONS: Wheelbase, 8'0"; track,

front and rear. 3'11 " ; overall length. 12'0";

overall width, 4'4"; ground clearance. 7";

turning circle, 34. PERFORMANCE DATA: Top

Speed, with muffler. 99.6; without muffler,

102.0. 0-30 mph., 3.6 sec. 0-60 m.p.h.,

9.0 sec.; 'I, mile standing start. 17.7 sec.

,COVER PHOTO & STORY: California Sports Car Club Sports Car Journal, 6/57.

(with thanks to Ken McClinton)

and got an average of 99.6 MPH, we then removed the exhaust pipe from the muffler back and got a respectable average of 102.3 MPH which is about right with a car of this body type which features virtually no streamlining. As a matter of interest, this same car was timed at speeds of 103-105 MPH at the Riverside course, the straight of which is slightly downhill.

The accelleration times begin to show partial reason for the success of the car. Times of 0-30 in 3.6 secs. and 0-60 in 9.0 sees, are extremely fast for a car of only two litres capacity. Undoubtedly a car such as the AC Bristol will record much better figures with the same size engine, but it must be remembered that there is a price difference of almost 2 to 1 involved. The accelleration figures were ob-tained with virtually no effort involved, the clutch is smooth and not prone to slip and the gearbox is com-pletely foolproof in its operation, the speed of shifting limited only by the drivers ability, which in the case of Mr. Spencer is considerable.

The above mentioned figures are indeed respectable but definitely not of Earth-shaking caliber. Then what is the reason for the car's success? In a great part it is due to the driver but the reason paramount in importance is the fantastic handling of the car. This undoubtedly is one of the finest handing production cars available to the public today, bar none.

The Morgan can be thrown around corners with virtual abandon, with only a slight correction of the wheel neces-sary to bring the rear end into place. In these days of four wheel independent suspensions, de Dion rear ends etc. it is very interesting that the Morgan suspension is virtually unchanged from what it was over 40 years ago (coil springs and sliding stub axles in front; semi-elliptics in rear.). In addition to offering excellent handling qualities, this suspensic vi also offers a very firm ride. The ride may be termed by some as a "Kidney buster" but we rather enjoyed the precise feel it offered. It gives a feeling of "Oneness" with the car, something not often fell in the cars of today with their soft boulevard rides.

The engine is identical to that found in the Triumph and has a reputation for reliability. The engine in the test car has been gone through completely, with every part matched and balanced to perfection. The tachometer is red-lined at 5000 RPM however for the purposes of the Lest. shifts were made using 6000 RPM as a limit and in competition 5800 revs are used with safety. As a matter of safety the bearings are checked after every race and so far a set has lasted from two to three races.

The gearbox is made by Moss and is almost identical with the gearbox furnished to Jaguar and appears to be quite sturdy and able to cope with any situation.

Getting in and out is not the easiest thing in the world but the technique is easily mastered. Once inside the seat-ing position is very comfortable for people of any size; it has to be. for nothing is adjustable. The instrumentation is complete and directly in front of the driver, where it should be. The interior of the car presented the only vices with the car we could find. First, the wheel is entirely too close to the driver for ease of handling as far as elbow room is concerned, although this is up to the individual likes of the driver. Second, there is a definite shortage of room at shoulder level and it would definitely get cozy with the top and curtains in place.

The test staff was unanimous in its appreciation of the body style, which is indeed pleasing. The optional wire-wheels certainly do much for the appearance of the car and being triple laced competition wheels are fine for rac-ing.

In summation, here is a car with a low price that offers sparkling performance, fantastic handling, fine brakes and an opportunity to go trophy hunting with the big boys, often times successfully. At no extra cost an excellent looking car is thrown in with the distinction of driving "The last of the true sports cars" (WCSCJ 6-'57).



Islands Inn. 3401 Commercial Ave. Anacortes, WA 206-293-4644

We have 10 rooms at $64.00 each with a fireplace, 2 rooms at $54.00 standard. This is all I could get unless they get some cancellations. As always, please reserve early so we know if we need more. These rooms offer a reasonable view. Also, a new motel across the street has rooms at $52.00?, neat & fresh---The Marina Inn 206-293-1100

Dinner is set at a waterfront restaurant in Anacortes and Sunday breakfast at the La Petite Restaurant at the Islands Inn.

Our tour will cover view points around Anacortes and onto Whidbey as far as Coupeville. Bring camera & binoculars, and enjoy our non-timed Tourally.

We will meet Saturday AM at the Nelsons Corner (sorry, not related) Restaurant (time to be set) for breakfast. Nelsons is the corner of Anacortes Hwy and the exit to Whidbey Island & Deception Pass.

Please call motel of choice early and let Loretta or I know. More details next month.

Bob & Loretta Spring Time Sun Tourally

P. S. We had a bed & breakfast reserved, but they decided to require 2 nights & raised the price to $110.00 per night. And one of our goals for the Spring Tour is to keep it reasonably priced.


The automotive world is excited about Morgan's announced dual airbags. 2 such articles follow:


Morgan is developing twin airbags for its Plus 8 and 4/4 models, enabling the company to continue offering the ancient sports car via an independent U.S. distributor. Morgan will be the first independent British sports car maker to offer such a feature. Cars so-equipped will be available starting next year. Other features on the new Morgan include upgraded seatbelts, a collapsible steering column and knee bolsters. Auto Week, 12/13/93


A twin-airbag passive restraint system for Morgan Cars is being developed by MIRA's Crash Protection Centre experts. It means the classic British sports car will offer owners the ultimate in occupant protection. Yet the careful design of the installation will in no way detract from the traditional wood-and-leather hallmarks of Morgan styling.

Usually a project of this nature would run for two to three years. MIRA's CPC teams have exactly six months in which to take the project from concept through computer modelling through to the successful completion of the development phase. M[RA now has to complete the validation phase of the project enabling Morgan to launch its airbag models in any world market including the USA where seat-belt wearing is not mandatory in all states. To meet US regulations, the Morgan airbags are frill-size and designed to provide the highest level of protection with or without seat belts.

Key to the success of the record-quick programme has been an integrated approach to solving the problems of enhanced occupant protection. Extensive use of computer modelling has meant that design solutions have been rapidly identified and developed with the obvious benefits of reduced time and costs. Advanced modelling techniques included modelling of occupant kinematics using MADYMO-3D and finite-element analysis to optimise the design of structural components such as knee bolsters. MIRAS's own BELTFIT computer program was used to improve seat belt comfort. unknown British source

For Sale

1969 +8 Original front seats with new seat covers in black leather. $750.00 1969 +8 RF steel fender in usable condition. $250.00 Call (518) 789-3877 Morgan Spares Ltd.


1964 4/4 ALL NEW MECHANICS, NEW CHASSIS, BODY AND INTERIOR. 1600 OT WITH 40DCOE WEBERS $23,000.00 (518) 789-3877



Banff-jasper Rally

September 15-18, 1994

Mark your calendar and plan now to visit the Canadian Rockies this fall.

The tour starts in Banff, a picturesque town in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. Here you will find an array of fine shops, several art galleries and many wonderful restaurants. On Friday, September 16, 1994, we plan to visit Canmore and Lake Louise. Be sure to bring your camera, the scenery is spectacular. The next day we will depart Banff for Jasper. On the way we will take in the Columbia Ice Fields and will venture out onto the glacier. In Jasper, there will be opportunities to hike, golf, canoe and horseback ride. A wind up BBQ is planned for the final evening.

Interested Morganeers should contact Lloyd or Treacy Reddington at 483-6170, or write to 8711 - 136 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5R 0B8.


Hopeful in Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA

January 11, 1994

Dear Editor,

It has taken me some time to pluck up the courage and respond to the recent want advertisement in Mogazine from Bob Adair. As I am shy to write directly, perhaps you could convey my expression of interest through the Mogazine.

Bob's requirements were fairly specific and although I may not fully meet these. I feel confident that I have a lot to offer a man of two Morgans.

I have: 1992, wide body 4/4 with 1600 cc CVI{ engine with fuel injection, wire wheels, 2 place, and indigo blue body with grey interior. The car has only 11,003 km's. There are many other extras.

If Bob is interested and in order to preserve my anonymity, perhaps he could reply through the Mogazine. I can always send him a photograph of the Morgan at a later date.

Yours hopefully and expectantly,

Baby blue and waiting in Vancouver

(ed. note: "Baby Blue" was kind enough to solicit my cooperation beforehand with a documented fax so as not to be anonymous in the Editor's eyes. Just what is it that those Idahoovians have to offer, anyway? That Northerner is probably well advised to proceed with caution! I'll keep you informed and hopefully the correspondence doesn't become too voluminous.)

BRITISH WIRE WHEEL () 1650 Mansfield Street

Santa Cruz, CA 95062 '\4 / (408) 479.4495 - information, orders

3. (800) WIRE-WHEEL - to request free catalogs

NEW WIRE WHEELS MINI-LITE REPRODUCTION . 15x5 Custom offsets, rim sizes. tubeless TIRES & TUBES

Vintage racing applications Avon Dunlop Michelin Conversions to wire wrieels BF Goodrich • etc.

WIRE WHEEL RESTORATION, Whitewalls & Redwallsadded


We maintain the largm most comprehensive inventory of the above products in the US.

We offer knowledgeable service and the finest merchandise at the lowest price.



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Craig Runions, Editor 17759 - 13th Ave NW Seattle, WA 98177 USA

. ..'.

IM rrII L.i

- 1994 events calendar

- "Northern Nonsense"

- Heinz & Wanda party

- Spring Tour details

- "bagged" Morgans?

- Vancouver hopeful!

- advertising

- and lots more