February Harvester 2015

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Transcript of February Harvester 2015

  • 8/21/2019 February Harvester 2015


    Monthly Newsletter of Faith Bible Church

    Monthly Newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church

    Orchard HarvesteOrchard HarvesteFebruary 2015February 2015


    Ash Wednesday ............ 1

    Bible Basics .................. 4

    Bible Recipients ............ 7

    Bunco Night ................. 5

    Celebration Plans .......... 3

    Confirmation Retreat ..... 4

    Closer to Love .............. 1Current Events ............. 5

    Fishers of Men .............. 4

    Flying Pancakes ............ 4

    Fun in the Sun Day ....... 4

    Funtastiks .................... 5

    Gleaners ...................... 6

    Kitchen Shower ............. 6

    LAF ............................. 5

    Lenten Study ................ 1

    Mark Your Calendar ....... 8

    Missions Update ............ 6

    MOPS .......................... 8Music Ministry ............... 5

    Prayer Concerns............ 7

    Rev. Carols article........ 3

    Spotlight ...................... 2

    Thank You .................... 6

    Womens Retreat.......... 5

    CLOSERTOLOVEby Rev. Suzanne Goodwin

    In the midst of the dark and cold of winter, the idea of lovethe kind that warmsyour heart and reminds you why life is goodcan be as refreshing as a springbreeze. Love is goodand our souls crave it as much as our bodies crave the sunshine!So where can we get a little more of it?

    February offers two seasonal opportunities to bask in the warmth of love. Think

    Valentines Day is just for lovers? Nope! St. Valentines Day actually dates back to the5thcentury and recognizes the sacrificial love of the martyrs. Its a love that we canhonor every day with small but significant sacrifices of our ownHere, you go first!or Let me help you with that!Expressions of sacrificial love tend to reflect back onthose who freely give it. Give the love and feel the love!

    Here among your Orchard family love can be found in our preparations for Lent. Howis Lent a season of love? There is no greater love that has been given to humankindthan the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And Lent is the seasonwhen we open our hearts to receiving that gift in full measure. Need a little more love?I urge you to open your heart, your life, and your schedule for taking a little time tospend with Jesusthrough prayer, scripture, or even our Lenten book study whichleads us to Easter with a reflection on the I am sayings of Jesus.

    May this season of love fill you and feed you, and may the love of Jesus Christ shine

    on and in you, and brighten your darkest winter day!

    PreparingPreparingLent at OrchardLent at Orchard

    Ephesians 5:1-2


    February 18 @ 7:30 pm

    This years church-wide Lenten study is Rob Fuquays The God WeCan Know: Exploring the I Am Statements of Jesus. Consider

    joining one of the various study groups now being formed as wediscuss the I Am statements of Jesus, see the places He walked inthe Holy Land, and listen in worship to the impact these statements

    have in our growth as His disciples. Class offerings and sign-upsheets will be available beginning Sunday, February 8. Studies begin

    the week of February 22.



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    Each month we highlight a group, a friend, or member of Orchard to see how they are finding ways to shine

    Gods light out in the world! Contact Deanna Kohl if you have a suggestion for a future Spotlight candidate!


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    One of the great strengths of Orchard is thelegacy to be found in long-time membersand friends who have worshiped and servedover the years. They serve as living strands ofcontinuity connectingus to the foundationsof our roots and thepossibilities of ourfuture.

    Meet Mildred Rice, age102 and making plansfor her future! Ifyoure relatively new

    to Orchard, you maynot have met Mildred,who moved to Floridaseveral years ago tobe near her daughter,Carla. Mildred was afounding member ofAldersgate UMC inRedford. Shortly afterthe death of herhusband, she movedfrom Redford Twp. toFarmington Hills andbegan attending

    Orchard in 1979. Mildred loved our churchcommunity from the start!

    She became an active and involved member inthe life and ministries of Orchard, serving as amember and leader in the United MethodistWomens Rachel Circle, which used to volunteerat a local nursing home. She collected BillKnapps receipts from all her friends and used

    them to purchase 8-foot tables for FellowshipHall. Mildred was also active in Missions andenjoyed serving food at the Baldwin Center inPontiac, as well working with Gleaners Food

    Bank, which she stillsupports today!

    Mildred has greatmemoriesand stilltalks abouthertravels to Israel,Egypt, and Rome withher Orchard friendsand Rev. Bob Brown.Her friends rememberher as classy and

    always well-dressedand wearing heels.

    In 2012, Mildred cameback to visit Orchardand see the newMemorial Gardenwhen she was here forthe occasion of her100thbirthday. Whileher attire may not bequite like her friends

    remember, shes still classy and well dressed!

    Riding a motorcycle in heels is a lot morechallenging than in a pair of nice sneakers!

    Mildred is anticipating returning to Michigansometime in the next year where shell

    eventually move into assisted living. Sheslooking forward to being near her fivegrandchildren and nine great grandchildren.

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    Being snowed in is kind of funbut it doesnt help us get theHarvester done! Please forgiveour tardiness! I promise that inthe future we will do better! Sometimes circumstancesbeyond our control make itdifficult to meet a deadline. This

    is especially true this winterwhen staff members are sick and this mean old SeniorPastor makes them go home. And then there is theweather. A newsletter like ours takes a lot of time,talent, and effort to produce.

    A legendary snow always makes me smile, even if wehave to cancel our annual Super Bowl party! I love howthe snow unexpectedly alters our schedules, if only fora day. My neighborhood is alive, not only withshoveling, but kids and sleds, animals, and even peopleof every age on snowshoes. I think in retirement I willhave to get myself a pair of snowshoes!

    On my dining room table is a gift I received from ourjunior high youth group, A Valentine Day Count. It isa large board composed of felt hearts for every day,filled with candy and a scripture verse to help countdown the days to Valentines Day. It was delivered tomy house by Gregory Kosiba and Lizzie Coleman, andtheir chauffeur, Brenda Schultz. Gregory explained theydelivered them to our shut-ins and then quicklyexclaimed, Rev. Carol, youre not a shut-in, but wewanted to include you, too! What a nice surprise to be

    remembered and affirmed. I am sure they touched allof our shut-ins hearts.

    February is all about love touching hearts and a bit ofsnow! God calls us to love one another and Februaryprovides an opportunity to express that love in avariety of ways. To whom will you send a Valentine, oremember with a note, a phone call, or some kind of

    surprise? How will you share Gods love and your ownwith those around you?

    One way was suggested to me by Jorge and DonnaPacheco, who are celebrating their 57thweddinganniversary. They asked if they could renew theirwedding vows in the worship service on February 15. thought perhaps there might be others who would liketo renew their vows as well. At a special moment in thservice, I will invite couples to stand and affirm thevows they shared on their wedding day. In addition, wwould love to share your wedding photos. Please sendthem to us by email ([email protected]) orbring them to the church office. If you are a widow or

    widower, we would love to have your photos as well.Maybe DyAnn St. Clair could even find us somewedding cake for coffee hour!

    Love takes shape in our lives in so many differentways. God loves you! May that love be translated in ayou say and do across these February days. Remembewhat Paul said, These three things remains: faith,

    hope, and love. And the greatest of these is love.

    In Christs love,


    Many have asked about plans to honor and celebrate the wonderful years of ministrywith Rev. Carol as she prepares to retire. Be assured that plans are being made!Two dates you may want to pencil in on your calendar are Sunday, June 14 likely to beRev. Carols last Sunday of preaching when Staff Parish will host an All-ChurchCelebration with a program and reception to follow; and Friday, May 29 which will be anadults-only dinner at Glen Oaks Country Club. Particular times and details will beforthcoming as plans are developed.

    Stay tuned for more details and start collecting your favorite Rev. Carol stories!


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    Tuesday, February 17

    5:307:30 pm

    Join us in celebrating Shrove Tuesday,February 17 (the night before AshWednesday). Invite your friends and familyto join you for all-you-can-catchpancakesand sausage! Tickets are $7 ($3childrenunder 5; ages 2 and underfree!). Ticketswill be available in the Narthex after worshipservices. All proceeds will go to support the

    Youth Mission Trip to Tahlequah, Oklahoma.


    Each year our confirmands take two weekends toaway and study all things Methodist in preparatiofor declaring their faith and becoming members othe church. February 6-8 will find our 13confirmands, along with Rev. Suzanne and leadersequestered at the Judd CollinsCenter in beautiful Onsted, MI.Please pray for our confirmandsas they take this important

    journey of faith and


    FISHERSOFMEN2000 years ago Jesus called ordinary people to tellothers about His saving grace. This is still our missiontoday and it what our children are learning in WOWand Power Hour. We are to follow Jesus out into theworld and leave His footprints for those who followbehind us.

    And Jesus said to them,Follow Me, and I will make

    you become fishers of men.Mark 1:17

    Wear your bathing suit underyour church clothes and bring your beachtowel to church for WOW and Power hourfor some fantastic summer fun! Thenreturn to church at 2:30 for family games,ice cream before we head over to theCostick Center on 11 Mile Road to swimfrom 4-5. $8.00 family fee for all this fun!RSVP to Ms. Meghann [email protected] we can getan accurate count for games, ice cream,and swimming!

    Family Fun in the Sun

    Sunday, February 8 FOR3RD-6THGRADERS!Starting February 22 at 10 am

    Our Bible exploration class, Bible Basics, wbe starting on February 22 at 10 am. If yo3rd-6thgrade child has not yet received a Bfrom Orchard, please let Rev. Suzanne kno

    We are a grace-based church and we appreciate the grace you continue to show us

    as we work to provide the best experiences for our children and youth. We love the time we spend with them!

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    MUSICMINISTRYHere at Orchard we believe that musictunes our hearts to receive the wonders ofGod's grace and love, as well as being agift from God. Our gifts come in differentshapes and sizes, but we all have one! Ifyou play an instrument, sing like a star, or

    just like to sing with the radio, there is aplace for you here!

    Chancel Choirmeets on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm. Wealways welcome new singers. Its great fun with variety ofmusical styles and great people!

    Sonlight Choir for children up through grade 6. Theymeet at 11:45 during the second worship service and singonce a month in worship.

    Faith Players is our youth choir for those grades 7-12.They do everything from Christian rock to musical theater,also incorporating their instrumental talents. Rehearsalsare at 5 pm on Sundays, and will resume March 1.

    Chancel Ringers, our handbell group, will hold rehearsaon Thursday, February 5 at 7:30 pm. We have a fewringing positions to fill. We have a new night (Thursdays@ 7:30), with new and exciting music, styles, andstructure!

    Contact Jamie Reed [email protected] for information onhow you can use your gifts in music!

    WOMENSRETREATMarch 68 in Chelsea, MI

    All women are invited to attend thisyears annual retreat in Chelsea,Michigan from March 6-8. We willlearn and grow during this specialtime of being together as women ofGod as we discover whats instore for us because Godloves us! Registration forms,complete with all the details,are available at the

    Connection Point.

    FUNTASTIKSFriday, February 13 at 11:30 pm

    Our Funtastiks will celebrate Valentine's Day with gamesand a soup lunch on Friday, February 13 at 11:30 am.Bring your favorite game along with your favoritesandwich; we'll also provide dessert and coffee. Look formore information on two special upcoming events onMarch 27 and May 5!

    LAF (Life After Fifty)LAF is in the planning stage for thenext set of events, after recentlysharing a great evening of potluckdinner, fellowship, and a couple ofDonna's famous games. Watchbulletins and the website for our

    upcoming schedule. Contact Donna Young at(248) 489-0881 [email protected] you havan idea for an activity or wish to be put on the email list.

    CURRENTEVENTSINTHECAFMonday, February 9 at 10:30 am

    Join us for a cup of coffee and some Christian dialog on the events of the day thatchallenge our faith. This once-a-month class led by Dave Albery meets thismonth on February 9 at 10:30 am in the Caf. Bring your Bible and any newsitems youd like to share.

    FAMILYBUNCONIGHTFebruary 27 at 7 pm

    Mark your calendars for this evening of family fun and laughter brought to you byCongregational Life. Theres no cost, but please bring a dessert or snack to share.There will be prizes! Watch for more information in our weekly bulletins!

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    GLEANERSFOODBANKSaturday, February 28 @ 12:15 pm

    S ave the afternoon of Saturday, February 28,for a hands-on mission project as ourMissions Team travels to Gleaner's Food Bank topack food for the hungry. We will plan to departfrom church at 12:15 pm. Sign-up beginsFebruary 8. For more information, contact CathyAlbery at (248) 681-0822.

    MISSIONSUPDATEFROMOURSUPER SUNDAYOFMISSIONSunday, February 1, was a Super Day at Orchard!

    Souper Bowl of Caring

    Our youth groups participated with over2,017 youth groups in the nationwideSouper Bowl of Caring campaign,which this year distributed 100% of theproceeds of $3,453,991 to local charities

    to fight hunger. Fusionour senior high groupsoldenough sub sandwiches to raise $586 toward makingand distributing 400 lunches to the hungry this comingsummer through the N.O.A.H. Project in Detroit. Inaddition, JAMour junior high groupwill be sending$147 each to two local charities: Hospitality House andGleaners Food Bank. Thank you on behalf of the youthat Orchard, and the hungry in our area.

    Dresses for Africa

    Around 25 peoplesewers andnon-sewersparticipated andmade over 30 dresses at our firstever Dresses for Africa missionproject. Simple dresses were

    made out of pillow cases andother fabric, and will bedistributed through theorphanages, churches and schoolsin Africa to plant in the hearts oflittle girls the message that theyare worthy!Many thanks to theorganizersJeannine Hales,Janice Mitchell, Carole Parker, andBrenda Schultzfor the hours ofwork beforehand to make thisevent happen!

    Madison Hales and Sara

    Rinker with the dresses

    they made.

    As we cleaned and reorganized the MAC Kitchen,we noticed that many items needed for a successfuchurch kitchen were either mismatched or missing!Mark the date of Sunday, March 15 at 10 am, inyour calendars and look for more details on howyou can help restock the MAC kitchen. We will beregistered at several area stores, for all budgets, tohelp shower the kitchen with new items!

    Our Childrens Santa Shop in December was an amazing success! The children were full ofpure joy while shopping for their loved ones (and a little bit for themselves!). From themoney raised, a $200 donation was sent to the Baldwin Center along with the many mittens,hats, and scarves from the Mitten Tree. What a wonderful blessing you all are!

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    Connor John Phillip Maguire, bornJanuary 18, 2015 to Shannon and IanMaguire. Connors grandparents areDonna and John Young, and Lecia andPaul LaFortune. Great-grandparents ar

    Dorothy and Ronald Folkes, Marjorie anAlexander Young, Linda and PhilFeamster, Marilyn LaFortune, and Evelyand Bill Maguire.


    Former Orchard member,Dora Schiller (Jan. 8, 2015)

    Ian Maguires grandfather,Phil Feamster (Jan. 13, 2015)

    Jim Trawick (Jan. 21, 2015)Vivian Henderhans uncle,

    Arthur Gustina (Jan. 27, 2015)


    Kristen Ahern and friend, MichaelKaren Arseneaus friend,

    Marie SymanowNick Bonskys Uncle FrankEleanor BullochFrances Childress cousin,

    Berta Beglund and family,and her cousin,Connie

    an and Art ChristyMary Clarks brother, Jon FranzenCarolyn Coleennie Cross friend

    Rev. Marshall DunlapFamily of Karen FitzgeraldBarb Galletts mother, Lori Tolle,

    and her brother, Greg TolleMelissa Halls friend, LorettaTracey Hammarens brother,

    Chris Griffin, and her mother,Jean Griffin

    Harmons grandsons friends, thefamily of Lucas Vansprange

    Sheri Hicks father and mother,Ron and Jayne Harworth,and godmother, Carolyn Reid

    Hubbs friend, Shane DwyerRev. Carol JohnsPeggy Knuttilas friends,

    Donnie Rushford;Bonnie,Valerie, Renee and PatrickDoud; her daughter, Taylor;and her parents, Pauline andPaul Knuttila

    Anthony KosibaBarbara Lees daughter, KristenJim Lowes friend, DarleneManiers friend, Sawyer and his

    familyLaurel Marks friend,

    Elizabeth DiamondBarbara OrchardLinda Paulsons daughter,

    Colleen HawkBeverly RaglandBrad Snider and familyDyAnn St. Clairs father,

    Maury SchlasnerMasha SohnCharley StoneHeather StrangDot TenglerJerry TruittBarb Ulmans son, Colin

    Van Harens son, ToddEileen Victory-BoehleKaren and Paul Wagners niece,

    Erin Dillon; neighbor, Art Vuolo;and friend, Curtis Hay

    Betsy WatsonCathy Weeks



    In the life of Orchard, we believe in the power of prayer.Join us in intercession, thanksgiving, celebration, and remembrance.

    E ach year we present our 3rd graders (and any new 4thor 5thgraders) with their very ow

    Bible. These Orchard children received their Bibles on Sunday, January 25, 2015:

    Julia BussoneRJ Hicks

    KaiYah KingAmalia RosenblumJoshua Rosenblum

    Grace SalleyColeton Spencer (February 1)

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    Orchard United Methodist Church30450 Farmington RoadFarmington Hills MI 48334-1939


    The Orchard Harvesteris the newsletter of Orchard United Methodist Church.The March 2015 Harvester deadline is February 16, 2015.

    E-mail articles may be directed to Deanna Kohl, [email protected]

    Pastors: Rev. Carol J. Johns and Rev. Suzanne K. GoodwinWorship Services at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Christian Education at 10:00 a.m.

    Phone 248 626-3620 Fax 248 626-6836 Web Site www.orchardumc.org

    Non-Profit OrUS Postage


    Farmington, MPERMIT No. 2

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    T he second semester of MOPS is justgetting underway! We would like tothank all of the loving Orchard MOPPETSladies for your wonderful care of our sweet

    little ones while we moms take time tosupport each other and grow closer to God.Words cannot express our gratitude. MOPSmeets on the first and third Thursdays ofeach month at 9:30 am through the firstweek in June. Room is available for newmembers who are interested in joining.

    Please contact Tess Janoch at (248) 835-6270 orMissy Katcher at (734) 776-1511 for moreinformation.

    Mark Your CalendarsIts never too early to think ahead!

    March 6-8 Womens Retreat

    Sunday, March 8 Daylight Saving Time beginsScout Sunday

    Sunday, March 15 One Great Hour of SharingThursday, March 19 Taiz ServiceSunday, March 22 Soup/Salad LuncheonFriday, March 27 Funtastiks Lunch & SpeakerSunday, March 29 Palm SundayThursday, April 2 Maundy Thursday Service

    @ 7:30 pmFriday, April 3 Good Friday Community

    Service @ 12:15 pm (here)Sunday, April 5 Easter SundaySunday, April 19 Rockin the Resurrection

    Worship ServicesSaturday, April 25 Rebuilding TogetherSaturday, May 2 Community Outreach AuctionSunday, May 3 Graduation Sunday

    & Crop WalkSunday, May 31 ConfirmationJune 20-28 Fusion Mission TripJuly 13-17 Vacation Bible School