February 2013

East Sussex Carers’ Forum Let’s Talk Benefits 5 th February 2013


Over 120 people attended the East Sussex Carers Forum on 5th February in St Leonards; in view of changes to the welfare system from April 2013 the theme of the Forum was ‘Let’s Talk Benefits’. As well as speakers from national and local Government there were a variety of information stands from local organisations.

Transcript of February 2013

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East Sussex Carers’ Forum

Let’s Talk Benefits

5th February 2013

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Topic Let’s Talk Benefits

Venue Sussex Exchange, St Leonards

Chair of Carers Forum Roger Strange-Burlong

Speakers and Panel Members

Jaki Hall - Benefits Liaison Officer, Wealden District Council

Oliver Mawdsley - Outreach Manager at the Carer’s Allowance Unit,

Department for Work & Pensions in Preston

Barry Atkins - Head of Service, Strategic Commissioning (Older People and Carers),

Adult Social Care, East Sussex County Council

Tamsin Peart - Strategic Commissioning Manager (Carers), Adult Social Care,

East Sussex County Council


Page 3 Introduction

Page 5 Local Benefits

Page 7 Update on Adult Social Care Funding

Page 8 Carer’s Allowance and Qualifying Benefits

Page 10 Question and Answer Session to the Panel

Page 12 Useful Contacts

Page 14 Next Steps

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who helped at the Forum – our colleagues at Alzheimer’s

Society, Association of Carers, Hastings 'Your Way', In-Touch Mosaic, Improving

Carers Experience Project, STEPS, our staff who helped organise the day, and of

course everyone who came along and took part.

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Introduction to the report

Because of the numerous benefit changes that are being implemented in the next

few months the topic of the first forum of 2013 was ‘Let’s Talk Benefits’.

Unfortunately decisions are still being made about the changes and therefore this

report has been written with the most up to date information available. At the end of

the report contact details have been listed of organisations and partners who may be

able to give you up to date and individual information.

Carers appreciated the clarity and understanding from the speakers - many would

have preferred more time to chat and discuss but with such a wide topic it was

difficult to discuss everything or individual circumstances. Carers had an opportunity

on the day to discuss individual circumstances with the speakers - their contact

details are also included at the end of this report.

At the forum a number of major concerns were highlighted by carers and these are

summarised below.

Carers feel there is a lack of information available about forthcoming changes and

also a lack of easily understandable information about benefits in general. Carers


“the right information from the right people”

“clear, concise and correct information”

Some carers were accompanied by the person they care for and they also

expressed concern if care is cut. One young lady commented “If some of my care is

taken away I would feel like my life wouldn’t be worth living – I love my Day Centre”

Respite care is seen by most carers as being a life line – enabling them to continue

to care. A number of comments echoed the feelings of all the carers present:

“How can I rest assured knowing my ill mother is alone thanks to Government cuts?”

“I need a break for a couple of times a year and don’t feel that is too much to ask”

“I don’t know how I would cope without the respite I currently have”

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“I feel like I’m hanging on a piece of elastic that’s about to snap!

One group of carers explained what respite means to them:

“Affects carer and cared for” “Freedom”

“We can’t cope without it” “Decent night’s sleep”

“Break” “Ability to carry on”

“Recharge my batteries” “Calm”

“Sharing responsibility”

Many carers stated that they are willing to take care of their loved one but sometimes

need help. If this help were not available or stopped, they felt they may no longer

be able to cope and the situation would become critical. A common concern was

that this could result in a larger care package being needed by they person they care

for, or indeed them needing to go into full time care. Carers highlighted that this

would cost more than the help being requested now.

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Local Benefits

(Jaki Hall, Benefits Liaison Officer, Wealden District Council)

Jaki gave an overview of current entitlements and took questions. She informed

those present that the leaflets for Housing & Council Tax Benefits have not yet been

written as changes are still being made, and local council benefits offices will be able

to provide up to date and personal advice – contact details are on page 10 of this


Housing Benefit

Housing benefit helps with rent and is means tested. It has a capital limit of £16,000

unless you are over 60 and receive Guaranteed Pension Credit. Jaki explained that

housing benefit in East Sussex is calculated by looking at how much a household

needs to live on compared to the income of that household. This means that working

and non-working people can get housing benefit.

“What’s the maximum housing benefit?”

Local Housing Allowance (for those renting in the private sector) is based on

postcode and household size. For example, 1 couple are only allowed a 1 bedroom

property to be entitled to local housing benefits. Children aged under 10 are

expected to share as are children under 16 of the same gender.

From April 2013, this will be extended to those renting in the social sector. People

will lose 14% of their housing benefit if they have an ‘extra’ bedroom..

“What will happen to those who have housing benefit cut?”

Every Local Authority has access to Discretionary Housing Benefit – the budget for

this will be made bigger to account for those who have Housing Benefit cut.

“Will Discretionary Housing Benefit be phased out?”

The need for this benefit is not yet known so it is hard to determine whether it is likely

to be phased out. Local Authorities will be looking sympathetically at requests if there

is a need but this will be subject to their budget.

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“What about people who are disabled and need an overnight carer?”

Since last April, a disabled person who has an overnight carer can be considered for

2 bedroom housing allowance.

“What about people who can’t share because of ill health?”

They will have to apply for Discretionary Housing Payment. A recent appeal by a

family with two disabled children was able to uphold that the family should have 3


Universal credit and benefit cap

Universal credit will be trialled in the north of the UK then will come in later this year

– it has currently been postponed (it was originally due to be introduced this April). It

is an amalgamation of 6 existing benefits: Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance,

Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Child Tax

Credits, Working Tax Credits, and Housing Benefit. There will be a period of time

when the new and old systems exist together.

Council Tax Benefit

From April, the Council Tax Reduction Scheme will take over from Council Tax

Benefit across East Sussex. This scheme is no longer named nationally – Local

Authorities will name it – the 5 Local Authorities in East Sussex have agreed to call it

the same. If you earn more than the minimum amount you need to live on then you

lose 20p per pound for every extra bit of money you have.

“Is Council Tax Benefit only going to be a maximum payment of £20 per


The maximum amount payable will not be capped but there is going to be a

minimum of £5 – so if the benefit is calculated to be less than £5, a person will

receive nothing.

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Update on Adult Social Care Funding

(Barry Atkins, Head of Strategic Commissioning, Older People and Carers, East

Sussex County Council)

Barry updated those present on funding in Adult Social Care (ASC), and answered

carers’ questions. There will be reductions of £60 million across all budgets and East

Sussex County Council departments over the next 3 years. Of this, £34 million will

be in ASC – Barry stated that this will have a big impact, and gave an overview of

the expected changes to services.

There will be significant changes made to community-based services, which ASC

are hoping to mitigate. Savings will be used to help with these changes. Adult Social

Care hope to save around £7 million in the first and third year and £15 million in the

second year and are seeking to make planned cuts as quickly as possible and on


“How will this affect carers?”

The carer-specific budget and carers’ services will not be affected. Barry

acknowledged however that carers will be affected by those they care for receiving

reduced services. Carers expressed their concern that care packages would not

remain as they are.

“I have 3 hours respite a week and have been told that this will be cut immediately”

Barry said this was unlikely to be related to any cuts as they have not yet begun. This will happen from April 2013. . A member of the forum highlighted the importance of carers and the huge amount of money that they save for the government. Carers expressed a lack of faith in the benefits system, which they felt was already failing. In addition, carers felt that these cuts would disadvantage carers. Barry concluded by explaining that East Sussex County Council is in a challenging position of trying to balance the budget.

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Carer's Allowance & Qualifying Benefits

(Oliver Mawdsley, Outreach Manager at the Carer’s Allowance Unit, Department for

Work & Pensions)

Oliver explained that there are 6 million carers in the UK but only 1 million are

claiming Carers Allowance. His job is to raise awareness about Carer’s Allowance.

Carers are entitled to claim Carers Allowance from the age of 16, it is not means

tested and pays £58.45 per week.

Those receiving a state pension receive a higher amount than this so this is called

an overlapping benefit. ‘Overlapping Benefit Rule’: you can’t normally get Carer’s

Allowance and the State Pension paid together (i.e. two income-replacement

benefits) but you may be able to claim the extra amount in Pension Credit.

Pension Credit is a means tested benefit but the threshold is much higher than many

people think.

Guaranteed pension credit – feeds into Carer’s Allowance and can get £33 extra.

Can make a telephone call to a freephone number 0800 88 22 00 and it is a simple


If your state pension is less than £58.45 per week you are entitled to receive Carer’s


This provides a gateway to other possibilities – e.g. Pension Credit and Pension

Credit Premium.

To claim Carer’s Allowance:

You must be looking after someone for at least 35 hours per week.

The cared-for must be getting Disability Living Allowance or Attendance Allowance.

“What is the difference between Attendance Allowance and Carer’s Allowance?”

Carer’s Allowance is paid to the carer and Attendance Allowance is a qualifying

benefit paid to the cared-for.

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Disability Living Allowance (DLA) will be changing - it will be Personal Independence

Payment (PIP) for new claims. The change will affect 16-64 year-olds. Re-

assessments start from October for people who already receive DLA.

“Will the lifetime award with DLA change to PIP?”


Face-to-face assessments will be carried out for people with disabilities – they can

be accompanied by anyone (e.g. friends, family etc). The person will be asked what

they can and cannot do over 12 actions. If a person scores 12 or more they will be

entitled to the enhanced rate, which is equivalent to the high rate DLA.

“Will people with mental health issues be assessed by an appropriate


Mental health issues and learning disabilities have been taken into account – people

will be treated fairly. Mental health organisations have helped to come up with the

criteria – it will be a fair assessment. Atos Healthcare have been employed to carry

out the assessments.

“What does Atos stand for?”

Atos is the name of the organisation.

“I’ve heard Atos have a bad reputation for being paid for results”

The Department for Work and Pensions were asked this and said that Atos were not

results driven.

“What if people cannot get to the interview?”

The assessors will make arrangements to come and see you.

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Question & Answer Session to Panel

During a brief table discussion carers identified key questions to put to the panel.

Questions are recorded in bold and the answer in italics

Question about cuts to respite services - what is available and is there

flexibility in this?

Answer from Barry Atkins: Rolling respite – this is when you can book in advance

over the course of a year. ASC are increasingly encouraging carers to do this and

they are also happy to look flexibility when respite is being considered.

It is important that the local authority target cuts rather than hit the most

needy. Respite for carers is vital.

Answer from Barry Atkins: Unfortunately carers cannot be completely protected from

the impact of the budget reductions but ASC is doing as much as possible to ensure

carers are supported and will continue to do so.

Is it going to get any better?

Answer from Roger Strange-Burlong: Roger reminded the Forum that he is a carer,

and as well as Chair of the Forum, he is a carer representative on several Boards.

He has therefore been aware of these changes early. He stated that the original

cuts were going to be worse than they are now, but feedback from service users and

carers had helped lessen them. He envisages the next few years as being tough but

eventually it will get better. Realistically, he felt that it would not going to get better in

the short-term.

Will people be able to use PIPs for the motability scheme?

Answer from Oliver Mawdsley: Those entitled to enhanced rate of PIP will have

access to the motability scheme. Those who move from the enhanced to the lower

rate will lose out on access to a motor vehicle. Disability Motoring UK website

(www.disabledmotoring.org) and the government website (www.gov.uk) have lots of


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If carers’ services will be protected, does this mean that the amount available

for Carers’ Personal Budget will remain in place?

Answer from Tamsin Peart: Yes – we really want to protect Carers Personal Budget.

This budget is not means tested so carers have lots of flexibility with how to spend it.

This is a ring-fenced budget but not a fixed amount – the budget could be negotiated

based on the needs of the carer.

With service users’ packages of care being cut, how is this shortfall expected

to be made up? Will it come out of service users’ or carers’ benefits?

Answer from Barry Atkins: If service users’ care packages are cut they will have a

smaller budget. Spending money to help people to become as independent as

possible will help to drive down the cost of the package. The overall impact is that

everyone will be reviewed and services will be kept available to those in critical and

substantial need. Financial assessment – the team’s role is to maximise the income

of the household.

Impact on the voluntary sector – what sort of funding will there be for

voluntary sector to support people through changes?

Answer from Barry Atkins: Lower level services will be developed to mitigate the

impact of making cuts– these will be commissioned largely through the voluntary


We have heard and understand that some benefits vary on a local level. But is

there a national help point specifically for carers, who understand who and

what carers are, that can offer help to support carers to make a claim for

benefits that are available as a national standard. A ‘one stop shop’ would

save carers frustration and valuable time.

Answer from Oliver Mawdsley: Benefit enquiry line 0800 882 200– is a freephone

national helpline for Carer’s Allowance, Attendance Allowance and Disability Living


It was agreed by members of the forum that the Citizens Advice Bureau are

also very helpful.

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Why does East Sussex carry out a financial assessment as the first stage of

any case when help is requested - even before a person is assessed as

needing help?

Answer from Barry Atkins: This should not be done – if that is your experience then I

would like to hear feedback on this.

Useful Contacts

Local Council Benefit Departments

Eastbourne Borough Council Website: http://www.eastbourne.gov.uk/ Housing Benefits Team Eastbourne Borough Council 1 Grove Road Eastbourne BN21 4TW Telephone: 0845 300 6715 Email: [email protected] Hastings Borough Council Website: http://www.hastings.gov.uk/ Hastings Town Hall Queens Road Hastings East Sussex TN34 1QR Telephone: 01424 451066 Email: [email protected] Lewes District Council Website: http://www.lewes.gov.uk/ 4 Fisher Street Lewes East Sussex BN7 2DQ Telephone: 01273 471600 Email: [email protected] Rother District Council Website: http://www.rother.gov.uk/ Benefits Department Rother District Council PO Box 60 Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 3ZF Telephone: 01424 787740 Email: [email protected]

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Wealden District Council Website: http://www.wealden.gov.uk/ The Benefits Service Council Offices Vicarage Lane Hailsham BN27 2AX Telephone: 01323 443500 Email: [email protected]


The Supporting People Team at East Sussex County Council has a comprehensive resource on their website: http://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/community/benefits/default.htm


Social Care Direct (Adult Services) St. Mary's House 52 St. Leonard's Road Eastbourne East Sussex BN21 3UU Website: http://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/socialcare/aboutus/contact.htm

Telephone 0345 60 80 191 (Lines are open Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm, and Fridays 8.30am to 4.30pm)

Out of hours 01323 636399 emergency duty team 7 days a week, including bank holidays, through the night from 5pm to 8.30am.


As there are many Citizens Advice Bureau Offices across East Sussex details of

Citizens Advice East Sussex is given here. Established in 2005, Citizens Advice

East Sussex (CAES) is a consortium of five Citizens Advice Bureaux, and an

independent charity, providing free, confidential, independent and impartial advice

services across the areas of Hastings, Eastbourne, Wealden, Lewes/Seaford and

Rother. Contact details:

Website: http://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/caes

Telephone: 01825 891094 E-mail [email protected]


Disabled Motoring UK Website: http://www.disabledmotoring.org/ National Headquarters Ashwellthorpe NORWICH NR16 1EX Telephone: 01508 489449 Email: [email protected]

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Carers’ Allowance Unit Website: https://www.gov.uk/carers-allowance/overview Palatine House Lancaster Road Preston Lancashire PR1 1HB Telephone: 0845 608 4321 (Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 5pm, Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm) Email: [email protected]

Next Steps

This report of the forum will be circulated to all those who attended the forum, all

decision making bodies and available to all organisations supporting carers.

Following the forum the current edition of Careline has been dedicated to articles on

Benefits and the Care for the Carers Website will be updated with the latest

information as it becomes available.